Gloria Purvis - HHS Mandate is Anti-Woman: Catholics Need to Speak Up

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • On February 27, 2012, the Catholic Information Center and the women's web-magazine Altcatholicah cosponsored the panel discussion, "Women Challenging the HHS Mandate." Here, panelist Gloria Purvis discusses how the HHS Mandate is anti-Woman and how Catholics need to get speak up on the issue.
    Watch the full panel event here:
    • Women Challenging the ...
    Visit for more information.

Комментарии • 399

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 11 лет назад +3

    It's interesting: in the 60's we got the pill and in the 70's we legalized abortion. Bishop Fulton Sheen said when we stop being creative, we become destructive. Look at all the destruction and desolation around us. Our country is a home to a great many broken homes and shattered hearts. Even affluent communities are not immune anymore from drug abuse and gun violence.
    It's a very scary world, and it all starts with how we value a single human life.

  • @tarafulis
    @tarafulis 10 лет назад +4

    God bless you lady, you speak so clearly and openly, I so appreciate what you do!

  • @JimSean123
    @JimSean123 4 года назад

    Thank God there are still people like you in this country.

  • @CorinneRR
    @CorinneRR 9 лет назад

    Brilliant, devout, Pro-Life Catholic Gloria Purvis, "fights the good fight"! Praying for the conversion of hearts and the end of persecution (HHS Mandate-abortion). This beautiful woman courageously leads us in the truth of God. Gloria Purvis unites Faithful Catholics battling for souls and protecting souls against the adversary, "pro-death culture", and the incorrectly Catholics. God bless!

  • @JonahSB
    @JonahSB 11 лет назад +1

    Very articulate and well said. God Bless you, Gloria!

  • @writereducator
    @writereducator 12 лет назад

    Wonderful testimony, Gloria. You have a gift of speaking the truth in love.

  • @rajeshalajangi
    @rajeshalajangi 12 лет назад

    The human body is most beautiful when we speak the language of Love through our bodies and abide by the "truth". Absolutely agree with the fact that we should stand up and speak against all false teachings.

  • @AudioGirlProductions
    @AudioGirlProductions 12 лет назад

    Brilliantly stated. You are speaking for many, many women (and men) I know - from all walks of faith.
    God bless you and keep you strong.

  • @tigerlily222
    @tigerlily222 10 лет назад

    The TRUTH is beautiful, the TRUTH is liberating, the TRUTH is inspiring! But often not POPULAR. How eloquently put by a beautiful, thoughtful, obedient woman of GOD.

  • @Francisfaustina
    @Francisfaustina 12 лет назад

    WOW!!! Thank God for GLORIA!!! She is so RIGHT ON and so well spoken!

  • @LetreJete
    @LetreJete 12 лет назад

    Gloria: nicely thought out and nicely said. Many more than you realize are with you.

  • @sulu80
    @sulu80 12 лет назад

    What an eloquent and courageous woman you are! I would love to see you debate Sandra Fluke. I'm betting that she wouldn't be able to do anything but stutter. God Bless you, and may the Holy Spirit continue His work in you, that you may be able to touch many more hearts!

  • @NeedlessRufus
    @NeedlessRufus 12 лет назад

    BRAVO Gloria!
    You are living proof of what women do for the Church, as they have done since Her Founder established Her!

  • @Joemantler
    @Joemantler 12 лет назад

    God bless this woman, and God bless the CIC for posting the video!

  • @longboatfla
    @longboatfla 12 лет назад

    Gloria Purvis, excellent presentation. You are amazing.

  • @bluevlilac09
    @bluevlilac09 12 лет назад

    Pregnancy and motherhood should not be considered disadvantages. These are not curses.
    Fertility is not the problem--the problem lies in the systems that do not accommodate for women and those who care for children.
    Thank you for this video!

  • @ruffdave0522
    @ruffdave0522 12 лет назад

    Thanks for being real and speaking the truth! You are a breath of fresh air

  • @chrishobag
    @chrishobag 12 лет назад

    Thank you for your thoughts on this issue. I loved this video. Thank you for your courage to approach this topic. More people and especially women need to talk about this topic and defend the values and teachings of the Catholic Church which are aimed at aiding us live with true freedom in God. We need to stand up for what is right and this may be difficult and we may be persecuted for doing so, but Jesus said that "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first".

  • @jsto3341
    @jsto3341 12 лет назад

    Bravo, Gloria. As a believer in the truth you speak,there is the discernment of spirit a gift of knowledge which transcends and allows clarity to what is truth for the human existence. A society / culture that has no regard for human life in its conception loses the truth for human existence. The Roman empire lost what even truth was or meant, lets all read our history.

  • @marywelBattlebeads
    @marywelBattlebeads 12 лет назад

    Thank you for speaking the truth so well and making it easy to be digested, even by those that would pretend it's not really there! BLessings!

  • @det1exec
    @det1exec 12 лет назад

    I appreciate what you say and pray it will be so....not just the conversion of an individual who can quote his Bible, but the unity of all who profess Christ. Still, my point is that our efforts as lay faithful (I presume you are lay?) may be better spent on our fellow Catholics, in other words, that our primary focus ought to be strengthening the faith, increasing the knowledge, and encouraging virtue and fellowship among those "in the family". This labor will prove more fruitful IMHO.

  • @petinaitaly
    @petinaitaly 12 лет назад

    This message needs to be heard by not only by Catholics but the entire world.

  • @gailwedgeworth
    @gailwedgeworth 12 лет назад

    Thank you and God bless you. I am adopted as many are in my family and thus I am pro-life; I mattered from conception. I am Catholic by choice not by birth. May God bless you for your bravery. Thank you so much.

  • @AargauTAO
    @AargauTAO 12 лет назад

    @LetreJete Thank you for encapsulating your view: fear of progress, progress is a lie.
    Change is scary, no doubt. It's more comforting to think we are perfect as God made us now, instead of the accepting the burden of improving ourselves and our environment.

  • @memlouise
    @memlouise 12 лет назад

    This young woman has a really powerful message completely independent of her religious beliefs. She saying she is Catholic because she did not have to check her fertility at the door ... but lots of women are tired of being told that their fertility is a nuisance that has to be drugged, contained, or surgically corrected with abortion. There must be a better way to live and she's found hers in Catholicism but a lot of women are looking for options to the denigration of their fertility.

  • @det1exec
    @det1exec 12 лет назад

    Thank you, Gloria, both for the clarity of your message and the sensitivity of your presentation.

  • @howellscity
    @howellscity 12 лет назад

    As someone once said: I'm an old man. Met a lot of people in my life and I've forgotten a lot of names. When trying to recall a name/person... NEVER had the problem of wondering if the forgotten name belonged to a man or woman. We are created Male & Female... In God's Image.

  • @vita9n
    @vita9n 12 лет назад

    LetreJete thanks for your comments, and let me remind you that the preservation of Democracy and our sacred way of life is my goal as well. Our paths ideologically may diverge from one another,however through discussion issues on occassion result in resolution. As a former intelligence and military operative you are aware of this.

  • @regiyt1
    @regiyt1 12 лет назад

    Thank you! Gloria, you are a bright, smart, amazing young woman. Good for you for speaking the truth! May God bless you abundantly..

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ----The argument on acess does not in the least depend upon the avalibility of contraceptives. Insted it is something which is being done in the context of implementing the Affordable Care Act.

  • @Munus43
    @Munus43 12 лет назад

    An eloquent and articulate presentation. The subject of religious freedom can follow many paths. Question: If the government passed a mandate that banned burkas and face coverings, would that fall under an infringement of religious freedom? Woman in the Middle East are forced to cover themselves entirely and many are slaves in their own homes. This may be a hypothetical question now, but perhaps not in the future.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @AargauTAO 3/3 non-natural (type 1 carcinogen, btw) means of allowing us to exercise those impulses without any "consequences". This religious person believes that we are made for more than that. There's so much to be said here, and I so appreciate your comments.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ----With this Health Care Mandate the federal government is stating what must be included in an employe's health care compensation package. It is defining the minimum price of labor. The most similar example I can think of is minnimum wage law. Each regulation helps to set the minnimum cost of labor. In an economic, if not in an accounting, sense each is also a tax. There isn't that much difference between regulations and taxes.

  • @CaptainTortellini
    @CaptainTortellini 12 лет назад

    True freedom as a female is having the option of contraceptives available to us and having the choice as individuals to use them or not use them as we see fit.

  • @gp20910
    @gp20910 12 лет назад

    The issue you have is with your specific employer's insurace policy so you may want to contact your HR dept to complain. The HHS mandate, on the other hand, affects all employers and mandates the coverage of abortion inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraceptives and does NOT mandate the coverage of circumcisions. Do you see the difference?

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba I'm really quite interested in how you come to any conclusions about what YOU believe. Whenever I try and pin it down, your response is akin to, "well that's what
    THEY are saying." The entire justification for the mandate, and as you previously argued, is that there is a need for it, because of a lack of access. So, once again, do you believe there is a lack of access to contraception, and on what grounds do you base that answer. If no, then why is the mandate so necessary?

  • @TheIgnatzz
    @TheIgnatzz 12 лет назад

    Insurance that includes contraception is CHEAPER than insurance without. The employer isn't paying extra funds for ANYTHING.
    Insurance is not a "pay as you go" system.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ----This isn't about the Church providing any health service. This is about the Church funding (however indirectly) such health services.

  • @jmjiloveyou777
    @jmjiloveyou777 12 лет назад

    Gloria in excelsis deo
    Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis
    Thanks Gloria for your brilliant dissertation.

  • @AargauTAO
    @AargauTAO 12 лет назад

    @salunete Yes, it's rude not to reply with a counterargument. Apologies. See above.

  • @nobama411
    @nobama411 12 лет назад

    Thank You Gloria. You are a true champion!!

  • @ihearteggs
    @ihearteggs 12 лет назад

    Laws have been put in place to prevent any 'hostility toward motherhood.' Putting off pregnancy until one is ready is not being hostile towards motherhood. Choosing to never have a child is not hostile towards motherhood either - it's a personal choice.

  • @beefalo37
    @beefalo37 12 лет назад

    Absolutely terrific! You rock! Thank you so much.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ---Paying taxes is an obligation of citizenship. It is not a violation of "Religious Liberty".

  • @sgzartan
    @sgzartan 12 лет назад

    Thanks for posting. I hope those that are nominally Catholic well see this.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba also, what do you mean by "the unbelievable argument make by the Catholic Bishops" Could you be specific?

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @CaptainTortellini you are right, everything in life is a choice. Just curious, how is that choice of whether or not to use contraception different today than it was, say, all the way back in January? Has access to contraception suddenly disappeared in the past two months?
    And the larger question - Should the Catholic Church be allowed it's right of conscience on this topic? A belief it has consistently held for 2000 years? Whether or not you personally agree with it?

  • @stcolreplover
    @stcolreplover 12 лет назад

    Wow, I am so impressed with this woman.

  • @IskalkaQuest2010
    @IskalkaQuest2010 12 лет назад

    Go, Gloria. Excellent!!! Thanks. Praise God!!!

  • @ihearteggs
    @ihearteggs 12 лет назад

    The failure rate of NFP amongst typical users is 25%. The failure rate for the pill is approx. 15% - again amongst typical users. The failure rate for IUDs is 1%. Abortion is less physically risky than carrying a pregnancy to term.

  • @macatcas
    @macatcas 12 лет назад

    The point in contention involving religious freedom is not just about the Catholic Church! All Americans have the right to practice their faith and are protected from forced participation in what their faith identifies as morally objectionable acts. This is clearly set forth in the Constitution. The Catholic Church is speaking out in defense of every American's First Amendment rights, not demanding special favors. Conscience rights are inviolable because they are essential to true liberty.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    -----The Catholic Church should have the same rights (and responsibilites) as everyone else who runs a hospital, a charity, or a non-profit (other than a house of worship). If those other institutions have to provide health care coverage (including contraceptive coverage) to their employees, then the Church should do the same.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba looking forward to your answer.

  • @det1exec
    @det1exec 12 лет назад

    May I suggest that neither I nor you nor anyone on this forum can expect to have just the right thing to say to convince skeptics, unbelievers or heretics (honest or otherwise) of the holiness of the Catholic Church, of the grandeur of Catholic culture and of the veracity of the ancient and orthodox faith. Let us instead thank God for the witness of Gloria Purvis, stand against the depravity of our day and do what we can to help our fellow Catholics follow the strict/narrow/strait way (Mt 7:14).

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    -----You must have missed my use of the word "citizen". Clearly Samuuel Adams and the Boston Tea Party would have apporoved of the HHS mandate; The HHS mandate is an example of taxation WITH Representation.

  • @lilmer8
    @lilmer8 12 лет назад

    Thank you! Love what you said about women priest too. I always point out to the people who complain all that women do within the Church and ask them why they don't think that is important or good enough, and why they think only a calling a man has is worth something.

  • @ihearteggs
    @ihearteggs 12 лет назад

    I learned all of the facts. My parents are both medical doctors, so my public school education was supplemented by my parents' thorough and comprehensive teachings about sex and family planning.
    Considering the fact that teen pregnancy rates increased dramatically after the implementation of abs-only education, it clearly fails in comparison to comprehensive sex ed.

  • @det1exec
    @det1exec 12 лет назад

    Not sure how the discussion morphed into a rehashing of iconoclastic arguments, but I would invite you to consider Ex 25:18, "You shall make two cherubim of gold, make them of hammered work..." The Second Council of Nicaea of 787 preserved for posterity the orthodox faith regarding the veneration of holy images. For a fuller discussion of the iconoclast heresy, especially in its historical context, see "Iconoclasm" at the website NewAdvent.

  • @baseballmomof8
    @baseballmomof8 12 лет назад

    Very awesome video! Thank you Gloria!

  • @TheStanton78
    @TheStanton78 10 лет назад +2

    well said!!

  • @Jzzmus
    @Jzzmus 12 лет назад

    @sgzartan All Christians need to see this.

  • @LastSurvivor0064
    @LastSurvivor0064 12 лет назад

    I want to thank this woman.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ----What burden will the HHS mandate place on the prctice of your faith?
    ----How would that experience (that burden) differ from the experience other citizens who pay taxes will have?

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba what exactly is the judgment? can you show me that? Once again, can you please send me a link, a study showing this crisis of access?
    You say the argument is being made by the federal government. Has the federal government ever argued for a position you disagree with?

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ---We currently implementing the Affordable Health Care bill. That is why contraceptive access is in the news (that plus the unbelievable argument made by the Catholic Bishops). No one is required to use any health care product. One can still decline any or all health care services no matter how expensive or how free they might be.

  • @ihearteggs
    @ihearteggs 12 лет назад

    It's not a put-down or a barb. I'm being completely sincere and effectively ending this conversation because arguing with zealots is like arguing with a wall.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba 1/2 Well, I respectfully disagree with your supposition that no one is saying fertility is bad. When the government says that pregnancy is now classified as a disease to be prevented, then that's a fair implication, don't you think?. When a human life is seen as an inconvenience to be snuffed out depending on the circumstances, when women ingest hormones or mutilate their bodies (men as well) to prevent

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @mrgoodburker Please ask yourself these questions. They are so important.

  • @matthew799701
    @matthew799701 12 лет назад

    "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel."

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba Well, the Act was passed in 2010. Where in the prior 18 months leading to it's passage, and the 18 months since was access to contraception discussed? It was simply decided by the Secretary that post facto it is now a preventative health issue. I think coffee is real benefit to people. Studies have shown that it helps all sorts of issues, and everyone drinks it. I think all employers should provide free coffee, as much as people want.

  • @annhaynie
    @annhaynie 12 лет назад

    Thank you!!! You are SO right! For too long our society has told us that women cannot be "equal" unless they shed their uniquely feminine qualities and become more like men...which is, ironically, completely UNfeminist! And I LOVE your comparison of women conceiving to the priests consecrating the Host! Thank you for standing up for women!

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba 2/2 3) has there been an "access" issue in this country? I have never heard a politician talking about "access", certainly not the free delivery of contraception until January of this year. Is this the great health issue of our day? And what happens when someone mandates by fiat a "health issue" you don't agree with? I look forward to your thoughts.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @CaptainTortellini I understand. Then we agree that the mandate is a threat to religious liberty.
    So, as to your first point, we agree also that access to contraception hasn't disappeared, but you add that it is being threatened. In what way do you see it being threatened? Thanks.

  • @ariesxflame
    @ariesxflame 12 лет назад

    amen. it is going to get uncomfortable. but what is life without being tested--without trying things out of your comfort zone. that is the ultimate test of our faith, and as a community of faith (as the body of Christ)

  • @LetreJete
    @LetreJete 12 лет назад

    @Baundy06 Real profound assertion. You certainly put some deep thought into forming this sentence, or half-sentence.

  • @gp20910
    @gp20910 12 лет назад

    I do not think I do but if you can help me understand which part of the Bill of Rights is being violated by the limited coverage of circumcisions that would help. I can point to the violation of religious freedom by the mandate's direct requirement on relgious employers.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba 1/2 Well, I just gave you several examples of negative implications to fertility. You haven't addressed that. Is it true or not that for the first time in our history the government has declared that pregnancy is to be preventative health issue by mandating that every person have access to free contraception, putting it in the same category as a disease? Why should the government be in the business of "regulating pregnancies?"
    BTW, I didn't say the US government,

  • @MrSammyfaith
    @MrSammyfaith 12 лет назад

    God Bless You Yes We Need To Be Strong Against Evil

  • @michelleratliff362
    @michelleratliff362 12 лет назад

    so refreshing to hear the truth!

  • @gp20910
    @gp20910 12 лет назад

    @CaptainTortellini - I guess you need to come back and update your comments given the latest flap about someone belittling a particular woman's choice to stay at home and rear her children. The critic said the stay at home mom "never worked a day in her life". I and a multitude of others see that as hostility toward motherhood!

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you be more specific? Thanks.

  • @gp20910
    @gp20910 12 лет назад

    I think dissenter would be a more accurate description than reformer.
    What is it that you find shameful in Humanae Vitae?
    Please share your analysis of what is wrong with the teaching put forth in the document.

  • @nucleophilic03
    @nucleophilic03 12 лет назад

    Thank you!! Excellent Video!! Keep up the Wonderful work you do!!

  • @howellscity
    @howellscity 12 лет назад

    It couldn't have been stated any better! Excellent.

  • @LetreJete
    @LetreJete 12 лет назад

    @Nonamearisto I would recommend Summa Theologica to you. It's a long study, so if you're in the habit of slogans, you might find it difficult. Saint Thomas does a pretty good job of setting straight all the bad logic here.

  • @sgzartan
    @sgzartan 12 лет назад

    @Jzzmus Agreed. I said in my original post that nominal Catholics should see this as there are too many people out there that are claiming to be Catholic, but don't follow the teaching of Jesus, but of their own desires. With all these recent liberal leaning studies, they say a certain % of Catholics believe such and such about contraception, when in reality they're including nominal/non-practicing Catholics in the same category as practicing Catholics, and that is intentionally misleading.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    ---My point is that overproduction is a burden. Too many people born, not enough being properly raised and educated. Over production of people (as with overproduction of grain) causes suffering.

  • @TommyGuy1988
    @TommyGuy1988 12 лет назад

    *GASP* I use that same type of pen!!
    But seriously, great video. I love womanhood/motherhood and it's perfect complement to manhood/priesthood. We will stand strong, together, and we will triumph. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

  • @LetreJete
    @LetreJete 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba To both the above postings, Ibn Sheba: I allude to a play that was made into a movie. If you don't understand the allusioin take time to watch it--it won many awards. Note well all the arguments made in favor of the king's decree. Don't forget the final epilogue at the end. This story has played out before again and again, so we Catholics know how it ends.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba This is important: is it a "tax" or a "regulation"?

  • @FrancisXDec3
    @FrancisXDec3 12 лет назад

    44 Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you-that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.’ 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, 46and he said to them, ‘Thus it is written, that the Messiah* is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

  • @menevar7529
    @menevar7529 7 лет назад

    I watched this years ago and blew it off NOW I'm like, how prophetic! I couldn't see it before

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba 1) Do you have statistics to show that there is an access problem? Especially for women of color? Because the CDC study says there really isn't. Poor women can get contraception through medicaid. Also, Planned Parenthood clinics are widespread throughout African American neighborhoods. No access problem there. Please address
    2) I understand that it what is said, "the hope is to reduce unwanted pregnancies." studies show quite the opposite.

  • @TheIgnatzz
    @TheIgnatzz 12 лет назад +1

    [The books of the Apocrypha were added by the Catholics to the bible.]
    No, they did not. Christians have been using them since the first century - they were part of the Greek Old Testament, and that was what Christians used; the author of Hebrews refers to them in Hebrews 11:35, and they are referred to as Scripture many times in the first 2 centuries.
    The fact that the Orthodox, Copts and Assyrians use them shows that Catholics didn't add them
    And they were part of EVERY Bible until the

  • @ihearteggs
    @ihearteggs 12 лет назад

    The vast majority of people on Earth do not believe that having sex for fun is abusive.

  • @prolifepromarriage
    @prolifepromarriage 12 лет назад

    There is a strong push towards using contraception and towards sterilization among women. Those who choose to forgo a career over motherhood should not be seen inferior to those who choose a career path.

  • @ihearteggs
    @ihearteggs 12 лет назад

    Gloria, venture over to wikipedia if you're interested in learning more about abortion procedures.
    Pregnancy is more physically risky than abortion. Ask any gynecologist or medical professional.

  • @tomcaroscio
    @tomcaroscio 12 лет назад

    Hi, The issue I'm struggling with is based on person and what is happening in their life at the moment the get pregnant they get to choose. In 10 more years they may feel this new life is precious, but today the don't. I think life is an absolute and not defined by personal circumstances. The right to live should not be a shifting right.

  • @IbnSheba
    @IbnSheba 12 лет назад

    -----I can try. No one is saying that human fertility is bad. But that is very point this speaker wants to and almost needs to be talking about. Most people maintain that human (not just woman's) fertility is positive and desirable. But it needs to be properly regulated. That's what contraceptives are for. They don't negate (or fix) either women or men. Instead, they help regulate the number of children each couple (or each women) produces.

  • @mrgoodburker
    @mrgoodburker 12 лет назад

    @IbnSheba Sorry, maybe I am misunderstanding you. I have never seen a news story on any of the major networks about China's one child policy. But that aside, you don't address how you feel about the policy. You merely referred to it as a sovereign government "regulating overproduction" Is it morally wrong?