When you have a solid chance of loading your last save game because of Cait Sith's ultimate, you know he's not a bench warmer. He's the bloody mascot for the benchers.
Cait Sith actually has a place in Challenge runs focused on Magic, or Enemy Skills. But if I wanted to play a gambling sim I'd look for Konami instead of SquEnix.
Bruh Zeke is literally the best party member, he’s got the best bitball, ether canon, and axe arts not to mention when you unlock eye of shining justice Pandoria becomes super good.
@@landerdepoorter2824 Even without it he still has the best arts with enough weapons to be useful for the player. He's pretty much the only reason Axe's are viable at all.
@@solemnsovereign758 I think you are right (apart from temporary followers for quests), but still, they charge in front of your bow/attack spell/sword swing often enough that you have a high chance of killing them.
No one in their right mind would say Hope was useless. As a character he was annoying, but he was the most powerful magic user and best healer alongside having the better party buffs than others for most of the game.
says hope, in a game where he's one of the best party members, and when there's snow who's not even a good blocker, even though that's his only speciality
Yeah I wouldn' tsay Hope is useles a sI use him for his healing abilities as they come in reall yhand yin FF13 especiall yearly on when partnered with Lightning given she's a more confrontational character
This is very true, but the second time around when I played FFX and knew what I was doing, he became one of my absolute best characters. The first teleport sphere I got I used it in him and followed Aurons grid. From there teleport to either Lulu or Yuna, and by end game he pretty much is better than everybody. High attack and high magic by the time I got to calm lands.
Seriously, everything in the promotional material leading up FFX's release leads you to believe that Kumari is gonna be the "badass" of the game. Then he just winds up sucking ass
I find the list fine. But, I will say this. When playing FFX, if Kimarhi is weak in your game, you are not playing him right. He was one of the strongest in my game, and I got all the celestial weapons and broke the damage limit. He was VERY useful throughout the entire game after his weakness at first.
He's great because you get to actually decide what you want him to be. This video implies that he's a jack of all trades, master of none, when in reality the way the sphere grid ACTUALLY works he will excel at whatever tas job you want him to do.
Only ever use Tidus, Wakka and Rikku. I completely finished the sphere grid for all 3, then went around again and filled in all the empty nodes, then went around again to replace weak nodes for better ones so all stats bar luck was 255, it's not worth doing for all characters but with these 3 they can battle in any scenario, long range, underwater etc. So for end game super bosses, kimarhi can't even help with some of the monster arena fights. Basically, early game he's not strong enough, late game he's over shadowed and mid game he's not worth investing because it takes time from the others. Eventually everyone does 99,999 damage so really it just comes down to how much time you're willing to spend. TL,DR Use Tidus, Wakka and Rikku, it's faster and you never have to change your party
Best use of him is to unlock a sphere near the ultima spell very early on and focus on Rikkus grind for use HP ups and speed spheres. After that move onto ether Tidus or Wakkas grids for large amount of strength and accuracy spheres and useful ability’s they have you can ether grab through the grids or grab with friend or ability sphere. Then bring him down thru Yuna’s grid when you start to get close to getting the level4 key spheres so you can grab many many magic damage spheres and her spells and use black magic spheres to grab the Ga level and other late strong magic from Lulu and eventually use a return sphere to unlock an grab ultima and use any teleporting to grab ultima with Yuna and Lulu. At that point Kimahri will have High HP be very fast. Strong enough to take hits and will be a much stronger black mage than the actual black mage. If anyone sitting on the bench it’s Auron or Lulu both of their grids have them be way too slow and will fall behind of damage quite fast as the game progresses.
He is forever behind every other character because even if you want to make him a mage, he'll get to Fire, Thunder spells when Lulu is on Fira, Thundara. Kimahri is not used by anyone unless they want to make the game harder.
Hope is actually EXTREMELY useful as he’s the best defensive synergist in the game. Found myself not being able to beat certain bosses without him casting shell and protect on my other party members
Lightning with all speed increasers, Fang with all phys increasers, and Hope with all magic increasers is the only party I'll use once I have the option. ravager/commando/ravager for stagger increase commando/commando,/ravager for staggered damage ravager/sabateur/synergist for a healthy party buffing medic/sabateur/synergist for a harmed party buffing commando/sentinel/medic for general defense and healing while maintaining stagger bar medic/sentinel/medic for emergency defense and healing meanwhile, Vanille was only useful for casting Death on a couple enemies, Sazh was only useful for jumbo cactaur, and Snow is pointless. I DO prefer all their personalities to Hope, though, and really wish that any of those 3 had swapped stats with Hope so I could have had them in my party.
This. All my insanity playthroughs were with him, Ashley's just useless there, especially considering how AI is hardcoded to target Shepard most of the time. All she can do is just stand there, fruitlessly trying to get enemy attention. And if that's not enough, in ME3, EAWare broke her Marksman ability with a title update that came together with Leviathan DLC and they never fixed it. Playing on PC with a mod is the only way to make that ability work.
Sure but he is so boring plus by that point you yourself are so overpowered and me1 is easy even on insanity so I’d rather go with characters I like like garrus, Rex, liara, tali
Sorry but Ashley was the most worthless member I had in ME3. I really regretted sacrificing Kaidan for her. And also what about Jacob in ME2? has anyone really ever used him outside his loyalty mission?
Kaidan was op in ME3 when you played as a biotic (which I did). He did die a lot in the first one until you lvled up his barrier then he was a god XD but honestly Garrus died more times then Kaidan and Liara combined and he is a freaking turian lol
@@Silenthitman44 Same here, the only reason chose to sacrifice Ashley was because it looked like I was accidently going down her romance route (I was choosing no one for ME1 and Tali for the rest.)
Kaidan is way more useful than Ashley. Especially if your Shepard has no tech abilities. Having biotics and tech skills are bloody useful in the first game and in third game he's awesome. Ashley has no special techniques that make her stand out on missions.
My only actually gripe with Lydia is, whenever she gets kidnapped by the vampires for one of the radiant quests, I can't finish the quest and I lose her completely no matter what I try, other than that she's in a three way tie for my favourite follower
Everyone stands in doors, she's just first. Her 2/3s of a baked potato in stealth points just don't mesh with stealth archers and people refuse to change
Agreed. As irritating as he is, so are all the others except maybe fang. All the characters are pretty much, annoying or dull. Without a doubt the worst set of characters from any FF game. Hope by the later stages has the highest magic stat and is therefore naturally your best ravager and medic. If you're gonna bench anyone surely it has to be Sazh. He's the weakest commando, 2nd weakest ravager and his synergist role can be done by Hope so he is actually useless
@@IRISHMAN481 It's a very specific use but Sazh's blitz as a commando is unique in that it can do heavy damage with multiple hits to one target (although it can hit multiple targets) rather than a single hit to multiple targets. So he does have his uses. It's been ages since I played but I do remember him having some uses as a synergist that gave him an edge over Hope (they actually make a good combo, along with Fang, but you do limit yourself to one medic).
Totally. A bit of a glass cannon until about chapter 7 and then gets damn good. Final Fantasy X, I found Rikku less useful than Khimari. Complete benchwarmer for me. Absolutely right about Kaidan Alenko, Cooke and Mack, and Preston Garvey.
Because its the best party for almost everything in that game. Best Mage, Best Fighter and Best All-Around. Out of spite for the "best", I tried using Snow, Sazh and Vanille instead for the late game... and it does NOT go well.
This channel is so predictable. They hate on final fantasy xiii because everyone says that's what you're supposed to do and can't think for themselves.
Um… Kaiden has 5-6 powers he can use, covering both Engineer and Biotic abilities. On higher difficulties the player usually needs to direct power use to take down tougher enemies-guns alone won’t do it-and Kaidan becomes an invaluable choice as squadmate. Then in ME3 he comes back as basically a biotic tank 😸
@@ethanreynolds8532 Somebody who'd rather play this game, than, say, Ride to Hell: Retribution or the like. I'd play FFXIII and its sequels A MILLION TIMES over garbage like that.
absolutely Hope excellent caster Snow was a useless waste of space that arguably was the reason the whole mess got started anyway! My party was usually Lightning or Fang, and then two of either Vanille, Hope, or Sazh. Usually hope was always in due to his casting and vanille or sazh depending on whether I needed buffs or debuffs for a fight.
Hope is...really, really annoying, at least to start with...and granted in the early stages of the game he's only useful as a healer, but because of his magical skills and actually mellowing out a bit later, he worked well for me in the endgame, and I like him more than Snow, ugh, fucking annoying, but Snow is a great tank and that's the ONLY reason he got to stay in my group.
Lydia disappeared once and never reappeared again. She was replaced later with Serana and Aela as my team and she was pretty much forgotten like "Lydia who? Oh right that housecarl who went to get me cigarettes and never came back." Lol
I can’t believe you put Zeke as the worst party member in XC2. Zeke has one of the best arts in the game if you give him a bitball blade, nukes enemies with the Eye of Shining Justice, has fast animations and great driver combo potential, and can use most blade types effectively. This isn’t a really fair assessment cause the problems you’re describing are actually because of his blade Pandoria (she’s not great, but she’s still useful), in which case you could have just switched out blades. Some even consider Zeke to be the best driver in the game.
Honestly, as far as Final Fantasy characters go; if this were my list, I would easily replace Kihmari and Hope with Cait Sith and Quina in a heartbeat.
Actually, Quina can be very useful... But cait sith fumbles in the limit breaks, and FF7 system is based on customization, which makes cait sith useless in its only exclusive trait
Quina, and Freya are OP! Quina's Frog Drop or Freya's Dragon Crest does a FIXED 9999 damage, even when Mini and / or Stat Dropped. Quina a bit better since it has more versatility, and Frog Drop costs less MP when it has more MP than Freya.
still going through the video, but i'm starting to see a worrying trend with whatculture and their general stance on kaiden. it might be my bias talking, but kinda sounds like the lot of you are unironically pulling that bit from 'community' where you can excuse space racism, but draw the line at first-gen biotics with bland character. i personally found kaiden interesting, but maybe that's because i'm also bland of character.
I'm sorry, Zeke? ZEKE? Once you unlock his "eye of shining justice" mechanic, he literally becomes one of the best characters in the game for his massive DPS boost.
I half expected to see Vaan on this List, because I saw him in the intro, but I'm glad you took the High Road and are not a blind Vaan hater like so many others out there!! Thank you for that. Vaan just happens to be my favorite FF Character of all time. Sure, he has the best overall Stats in the Game, but that's not why. It's because I relate to him so much more than any of the other FF Characters. No, he's not the, "Chosen One." He's not the strongest in the land. He has no importance. He's just a nobody. An Orphan, a Street Rat, a Gutter Churl... the most unlikely Person to save Dalmasca. And yet, despite all that, and despite the horrible tragedies in his life, (Parents dying from the Plague and his Brother going off to fight in the War and eventually dying,) he actually grows as a Person more than any of the other Characters in the Game... maybe more than ANY other FF Character in the entire Series!! And that why I love the Character so much... he's kinda like me, lol. :)
Yeah that was a nice surprise. Maybe I should ask Jules to make a list of hybrid characters that were useful, like the knight in shining force, that can use magic.
a VERY old game, Breath of Fire (the first one) comes to mind. the worst character is Mogu. the mole-person. his ONLY combat skill is an improved way to FLEE. there are 2 or 3 places where you need his out-of-combat ability to DIG in order to advance the story, but that's ALL he's good for.
Was hoping to see Faize from Star Ocean 4. That guy is a melee build his weapons give more ATK than INT but all his skills use INT to determine damage... I've never understood his kit at all he's just awful and in order to keep him you have to get rid of basically the best party member in the game, Arumat.
Khimari's place on the sphere grid is his most under appreciated quality. He's got a tiny circle of basic general buffs at the dead center of the sphere grid. The upside is that circle is connected to all the other characters' sphere grid regions by locks that Khimari will be positioned to open up the second they start dropping in the mid game. That's his strength. Khimari, like all other blue mages, has to go around the game world collecting the best abilities your party will have access to before he comes online. Similarly, he's also the literal gatekeeper to your party's ability to multiclass. While the rest of the party will be racing to the far corners of the shpere grid, Khimari will be positioned exactly where you need him to unlock the entire grid. About the time he has access to a decent set of blue magic the game starts rewarding you with the items to unlock the sphere grid and lets you pick which other character's region of the sphere grid Khimari will multiclass into. And who will get to backtrack into Khimari's region and pick up Ultima before moving into a third character's region.
The issue with Khimari's Blue Magic is... it's his Overdrive aka Limit Break. You need to fill the bar EVERY TIME you wanna use one of his unique abilities, unlike other Blue Mages in the franchise where they can use them at any moment once they learned them. This alone reduces Khimari's usefulness dramatically, not to mention everyone else will end up outshining him in every aspect due to him having no specific route in the Sphere Grid. Other than the very few moments where you are FORCED to use him in order to progress, he's a borderline waste of anyone's time and investment... except for those no-life achievement whores who need to 100% the game lol .
I always thought of Kimahri, not as a jack-of-all-trades character, but as a "this is what I need two of" character. A lot of his weapons come with piercing, for example, for which I was VERY grateful when I had to face the Spherimorph. But don't worry, I'm not going to get into a passionate defense of Kimahri beyond that point. Just going to follow it up with three more that I thought would be mentioned: #1: Sten (Dragon Age: Origins) Sten's biggest problem, plain and simple: They forgot to give him a class specialization. And no, that doesn't mean you get to pick two for him like you do for your Warden player. He only gets the one. Which, as soon as you get the other two-handed fighting warrior (Oghren), renders him obsolete. And the fact that he has all the personality of a wet paper towel and a perverted moral code that somehow is ALWAYS contradictory to your own doesn't encourage you to tough it out with him either. #2: Cloud (Final Fantasy Tactics) You have to do a lot -- and I mean a LOT -- to unlock Cloud in Final Fantasy Tactics. By the time you can get him, you're pretty much already at the endgame. Your reward? A fighter who can only use his special moves with a sword you probably wrote off as useless by this point, and who STARTS AT LEVEL 1!!! #3: Turnip (Chrono Cross) How does one character stand out as the most useless of them all in a game with FIFTY possible party members? By having a convoluted recruitment requirement that includes multiple key items, multiple steps in both versions of the world, and the assistance of Poshul, another option party member who you can acquire early but then lose during the midpoint. And yes, you guessed it, it's only during the midpoint that you can reach Turnip's location, meaning you won't be able to REALLY recruit Turnip until you're approaching endgame again. I mention Turnip and Poshul because I would like to offer for your consideration the exact opposite of this list: Optional party members who could have been great but never got the chance to really shine due to an overabundance of other characters. And if you do make such a list, it should include Poshul. Poshul is unique among the fifty characters in that she is the only one who can be recruited BEFORE the dimension skip. And her presence during this event completely alters the tone of the event. When Serge goes alone, it's unsettling. You are forced to question whether the life before was real and/or whether or not Serge is alive or dead. But having Poshul in your party provides a stabilizing influence; she confirms to Serge that he's not crazy and chastises NPCs for saying that Serge is dead. Instead of feeling lost and alone like a ghost, Poshul reassures Serge that it is indeed the entire world around him that's changed. But with forty-nine more possible playable characters to encounter, they don't have enough room for her to do anything else during the game. And I was always disappointed by that.
Kaiden gets so much hate from this channel and I don’t know why. I greatly preferred him to Ashley. They literally have to justify her being a racist to argue against him. Tell me that isn’t messed up.
I mean you're not going to be a bundle of fun with the headaches Kaidan has to put with. Kaidan has some interesting things to say. While Ashley does start to realise aliens aren't bad and begins to see she's wrong. So teaching Ashley to accept aliens is also rewarding. But there's flaws to both.
Mack in Lost Odyssey is pretty strong offensively with a decent build. Granted he is outshone by basically all the immortals, but certainly not useless
Meh all the mortals in Lost Odyssey were useless compared to the Immortals. Their sole purpose in life was to be skill books for their lords and masters. ....You know it's kinda messed up when you think about it.
@@shis1988 Several good reasons, namely, because they're only 'immortal' in battle if you have still-conscious party members, there's five party slots and only four immortals on your team, and, much like Tolten, once you buff them up, they become incredibly useful. Cooke can learn every powerful White Magic Spell there is and her Prayer ability speeds up casting time immensely, making her a necessity for later battles that require precise applications of magic for your survival, and Mack can become one of your speediest heavy hitters in the game because they have high turn speed being the very energetic children that they are. As for annoying voices, please. I grew up with Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Invader Zim, and Ahhh! Real Monsters!. I've endured Navi and Claptrap and Ashley frickin Graham. I've heard worse 🤷
My favorite JRPG is Legend of Dragoon and while i love every character and every part of that game, Haschel was useless in battle. No matter how high level he was, he hardly ever got triple digit damage.
Not to go too old-school...but in Baldur's Gate I, the worst companion by FAR was Khalid. At every battle, he would randomly become afraid and flee screaming "better part of valor...better part of valor!!!" The problem was, his partner Jaheira was pretty useful, but if you tried to remove Khalid, she would leave with him. So, what I discovered was that *just* north of the Friendly Arms Inn, where you acquire these companions...is a farm overrun by ankhegs. Which are capable of one-shotting a character into chunky bits of oblivion. So, I'd just strip away Khalid's armor and send him off through that farm, while the rest of the party waited at a safe distance. It still brings a smile to my face thinking of his final words "if none are better"...as he made his way to be slaughtered by a 10 foot tall preying mantis. Once he was dead, Jaheira would mourn (briefly) but would then be in your party solely.
I still remember the day like it was yesterday. Me and Lydia had atleast 50 hours accumulated fighting side by side together(that equals decades in video game time). We were out outnumbered and fighting for our lives in a crypt and she took a knee. In an almost Shakespearean twist it was me who dealt the accidental fatal blow on her. That was the day the boy in me died... Basically this was my long winded way of telling Jules to put some respect on her name. I mean she carried your stuff. That alone deserves allegiance.
His best use is playing a bunch of blitzball and getting a level 4 key sphere because he starts two spots away from Ultima on the standard sphere grid.
@@jakescott4028 If used properly, Mighty Guard and White Wind alone could carry through most boss fights. also, if playing on the P.C re-release/remaster, any character can go down any sphere grid, so he can hit as hard as anyone AND have access to Mighty Guard and White wind (can't remember if you could on the original p.s version but I don't think so).
Hope? Hope was in my party nearly the entire time. He's physically weak but an excellent mage, healer and support character! Sazh on the other hand? He does nothing that somebody else in the party doesn't do way better.
What??? Kaiden is a good/great squad mate depending on who else you use & what your build is like. Biotics are kinda OP in ME, & Kaiden’s got the 2nd best set among your squad behind Liara. Plus, he has electronic &/or decrypt abilities which will help w/ unlocking crates & doors. He’s got the personality of dry toast, but in combat, he’s one of my favorites quad mates. If you’re talking worst ME squad mate, it’s gotta be Ashley. Not only is she a racist, but she is totally useless in combat, esp. on Insanity mode.
My vote has to go to Nyx from Fire Emblem Fates. Specifically the Revelations path. In the Conquest path, which was released first, she joins your party as an alright black mage in the early game. (Mind you, I mean "alright" while noting that magic characters were severely nerfed in Fates as a whole.) For Revelations, she joins you closer to the midgame... But she has the same stats from her early game Conquest recruitment. This means she deals scratch damage against even the least resistant of enemies while herself being as fragile as dry cornbread. Now, if you're playing Casual mode, where permadeath is disabled, you could grind her up to a usable state if you like her character enough to put up with her poor unit performance. In Classic mode, though? No. She's likely to be washed away by the gray waves and left broken on the shore.
I'm guessing Cait Sith will be in a follow-up vid. A few more I'd put in here: 1) Ruff from Dragon Quest 7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. His abilities that he gains through levelling up just don't work 99% of the time. 2) Boddynock Glinkel from Neverwinter Nights. You're better off building your own Sorcerer hero and going with a different companion. 3) The Dog from Dragon Age: Origins. Sure, he's good early on (even more so in Witch Hunt and with the gifts/pranks DLC) and helps with finding treasure, namely in the Deep Roads, but once you get access to other companions in the main game, this pooch becomes weaksauce compared. 4) #1 Fan from Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. I swear Bethesda just put this guy in the game to annoy you... 5) Torneko Talloon from Dragon Warrior 4 on the NES. Sure, he can do random things like hypnotize opponents, summon an army of merchants to attack enemies, etc, but otherwise, this guy is underpowered. From a melee damage perspective, Alena and Ragnar blow him out of the water. He's more useful for comic relief above all else. 6) Rafa and Malak from Final Fantasy Tactics. Too much of a headache to pull off their key abilities... 'Nuff said. 7) Goof-Off/Jester from Dragon Warrior 3. Similar to Magicarp from Pokemon, until this class becomes a Sage, you're in for some dead weight. 8) Qara from Neverwinter Nights 2. Don't know what Bioware was thinking with this one... 9) Prince Edward Chris Von Muir from Final Fantasy IV (at least in the SNES or PS1 version). Seriously... Worst. Party. Member. Ever.
Clearly these guys never maxed Preston's affinity, not only is he pretty well written with a super depressing backstory but his companion perk is a massive help on higher difficulties like survival.
Kimahri can be difficult to deploy early on, however his best utility is in getting access to Rikkus abilities for the group, long before she rejoins, If you're using the Expert grid, just keep him at the start (get scan & extract ability), once you hit the Mi'ihen Highroad and get a lvl 1 key spehere, you can send him down what becomes Rikku's path, picking up Steal, Use, Mug and giving earlier access than normal to Bribe.
plus, since you're tooling around with 4 immortals most likely, you're gonna use ALL the mortals some of the time, even if it's just to learn their moves. mack was really nice general character - had alright offense and support. though i think most people used sed as their mortal ally once that was over - he's just so damn good. ranged character, learns good defensive passives, also has passives that frees up like 5 slots for your immortals, it's ridiculous how good he is.
Hope is the Black Mage of the party in FFXIII. Like a typical Black Mage he starts out squishy but scales into a complete beast. Late game he outclasses everyone else in raw magic and can completely decimate large groups of enemies with how strong his -ga tier spells are compared to other party members. Yeah, he's annoying in the early story but he's a beast in the gameplay. Honestly, the weakest party member in XIII imo is Sahz outside of a few niche cases of abusing how his Blitz works to multi-hit large enemies. He's got good health, but isn't naturally a Sentinel (and isn't great at it even if you take the time to level it up) and his offensive stats are subpar. The only thing he really brings to the table is early access to Haste. Which makes me sad because character wise I love our resident gunner. Although Snow is also pretty useless once your party is strong enough to not need a Tank.
oh, i've seen her die from other things a few times: -a wizard who used Fireball or other spells that caused area damage (he shoots at you and hits her while she's down and that finishes her) -a dragon's breath attack still, next time i play i'm going to go it alone and use lots of Stealth skills and perks.
Edward in Final Fantasy IV - so much so that you can tell the writers of "The After Years" went out of their way to make him smart and competent in that game like he never was in the first.
He was broken in the GBA and PSP versions at the end game. Cid is the useless one, he's useless in the original and the worst in the GBA and PSP versions when you can swap characters out. Having a huge amount of HP means nothing if you can't take a hit.
I wish I could stop having Ashley from Resident Evil 4 follow me cause she dies from friendly fire constantly along with the constant screaming for Leon to help her.
literally why my brother in law stopped taking ANY allies along in Skyrim...I've literally watched the idiotic AI companions ruin his stealth attempts by either darting into combat on their own or by getting right in his way just as he hits the button to initiate the stealth attack resulting in him killing THEM instead. Soloing though, his stealth was so freaking high that he could 1-shot damn near anything right to their face without losing stealth as long as he was equipped with a dagger.
Khimiari. Such a cool character, who fell so flat. Three strikes: 1) He's the blue mage, but his blue magic is his freaking overdrive. He would have been a FAR more useful character if he could just learn blue magic, and then had a separate overdrive ability. All the great blue magic's he learns are neat... but it makes him 95% a useless character who you just charge his overdrive, then bench him til you need to pull it out as a niche cast in a single battle. 2) He was the 'dragoon' character of the game. He has 'jump'. A lot of people are cult fans for Dragoon. But his jump is just part of his (overdrive only) blue magic. AND, in literally his first battle, in his freaking tutorial battle where you learn how to use him, they give him a second overdrive ability which is stronger than jump. Jump is just a 'strong regular attack'. Seed shot (or whatever it was called) is an even stronger 'regular attack'. So when you meet the character as he fights Tidus to test him and starts using jump, you go "Oh yeah! Dragoon!" And then there is literally ZERO reason for you ever to cast jump on your own for the rest of the game. Besides potentially going "But I want to see him use jump... it's why he's in my party!" 3) Yeah, his jack of all trades thing. In some games a red mage is a fine addition, but in X where each character has very specific strengths to be used to counter various enemies or threats, and where EVERY character can be swapped into your party on the fly, a red mage is useless. A 'character that can cover every base', is useless when you can just call the character you need in to cover that base. Instead he just ends up being 'weaker than every other character at doing their job.' What they should have done with him: 1) Given him actual blue magic as a regular ability. 2) Made his role "The strongest raw damage" character. Like, he does the most damage against enemies that have no special needs in how you should fight them. Lulu targets elemental weaknesses, wakka hits high evade flyiers, Tidus deals with high speed enemies like wolves, Rikku dismantles mech characters, and Auron penetrates high def. If NONE of those various defenses existed, Khimari should have been the raw damage cannon you call out. Instead he was the weakest.
Hope is a magic power house... Macke literally runs up and punches bad guys in the junk which is all the reason I need... and Kimahri becomes pretty much the most powerful dude in the game with Spirit Lance. He does more damage at high health, which is a given once you get break hp limit. Auron is the opposite so slowly gets weaker. His Double AP scoots him across the grid at lightning speed, and his Evade and Counter makes him extremely defensive and offensive. If you power him up and go to Omega Ruins, your first priority is to make him confuse-proof because he will kill your whole party. You cant even count on your other confused guys killing him first because.... evade and counter.
Hope - healer, defensive buffer, some magic damage. Not a useless character, but I will agree he's totally annoying. Cooke and Mack - the biggest problem that Cooke has, is that the next two party members you get are both immortals (so you'll want them around at all times) and both magic-focused. So her "white mage" status is totally redundant. As for Mack, he's split between some physical offense and some actually pretty nice magic. But the problem is that his stats are so average that it's hard to justify him as either. Kimhari - he's designed so that you can make him into a "second" anybody, just without their summons or Overdrives. I usually make him another thief, because I'm a greedy sort.
Oh man I was really hoping to see Xan from Baldur's Gate 1 on here. He's a wizard, which means he automatically gets no health and on top of that he's got one of the worst Con's in the game but for some reason his special item is a melee weapon? You even find him as a prisoner in the bottom of a cave so he doesn't even come with any gear other than that stupid sword. Probably the worst is that he's an Enchanter which means he can't use basic battle spells like magic missile and fireball. As far as personality goes, he's also a major downer, which admittedly I always found funny and would have liked to keep him around just for the stupid comments he made, but why do that when I could have Dynaheir or Edwin who have just as much Int and also actual hit points and damage dealing spells!
Malak in final fantasy tactics :war of the lions Useless magic, useless by stats, useless (even cloud, who begins in level 1 in chapter 4, is more useful)
Man, I bought Skyrim the day it came out, and to this day have never even remotely considered traveling with a follower, let alone a housecarl (save for when the game forces you to).
I genuinely found Kimahri useful in combat. He was also useful for unlocking blizzaga, wateraga, firaga and thundaga for Lulu earlier by using that sphere that lets a character unlock an ability another character has
What about Sten and/or Oghren from Dragon Age: Origins? They're damage dealers, but everyone else is not only better at it than them, but also more versatile. Mages can heal, rogues can pick locks, etc.
I agree that Sten is flaming trash and easily the worst warrior in DAO, and Oghren isn't really that much better, I will still defend my favourite drunk dwarf to the bitter end Plus Oghren is voiced by Steve Blum, so you can technically go on a killing spree with drunk Wolverine
I cant remember how long I've been watching what culture, but you've legit been my favorite since back when it was always you, Ben, Peter, and Hendry. Through "Puns, I've got them.", "That's my one per list" and now motivational Jules. You've gotten me through alot of bullshit. Stay legendary.
Lol first one and I disagree. Kaiden is not boring he's like a normal dude who's pretty damn centered he knows who he is. He's refreshingly not an edgelord or has some tragic backstory you need to work through. And if we are talking about usefulness I play as a soldier and I have no need for Ashley so taking a Sentinel is better. Not to mention he's a higher rank then her and a biotic to boot. He's also skilled in electronics and tech making him a natural choice for the bomb on Virmire. I always save him because strategically he's a better asset to my mission and I like his character more. I feel like he gets killed alot by Ashley romancers but I find her alot less interesting as an adult (first played mass effect in the 8th grade) My Shep's main party is always Garrus and Wrex but for anything biotic or tech related Kaiden is my go to.
Kimarhi's biggest problem is they tried to make him too useful. Having a 2nd of anyone, would be great! The problem lies in the fact that everyone is too good at their role anyway and therefore we don't need Kimarhi to pick up anyone's slack. You can't swap out KOed allies anyway so its not like you can swap them out for Kimarhi as back up. That would actually probably make him useful
I would have put the dog from Dragon Age Origin I love him cuz he's a dog a very loyal dog but usefulness wise there Better pics Or another useless character Sera from Inquisition
I somewhat agree with the kimahri aspect. But he still happens to be my favorite character. If you use the warp sphere you can put him in a spot where he can get many strength and speed boost. Plus he can hit flyers and armored characters while boasting teammates
If the list was meant to be about combat usefulness then I don't understand putting FF XIII's Hope in here...the absolute best party comp is Fang, Hope, Vanille. Soooo....yeah. He is far from useless. While I like Snow as a character he was by far the most useless in combat in XIII.
I'm kind of surprised that Lord of the Rings: The Third Age didn't have any characters here- Berethor was annoying and nearly useless to me, Morwen was squishier than a fresh marshmallow and Eaoden, while very cool, came super late
Whoa!! I dont normally ever comment on these videos but really?? Hope is like a major player in the end game of FFXIII. I plain and simple would never have beat Long Gui or Shaolong Gui without his powerful buffs and magic stat. The useless member was Sazh or Snow.
@@heinricheverson same bro. I thought he was cool but for the most part he was a one off. Like, who decided he should summon a fire summon not named Ifrit, in a Final Fantasy game?? I believe that's the only game in the series where Ifrit just plain got skipped for nothing.
@@ironbloodalchemist4309 oh yeah.. and you see exactly how much nobody ever mentions that particular Final Fantasy, ever? Vaan was a lame main character, hell only Fran and Balthier was memorable in all the entire party..
Before watching: Where will Cait Sith be?
After Watching: where the hell was Cait Sith?!
hey cait siths limit break is broken. Killed everything in the game for me
His limit was epic that's why he/she/it/toy/cat...... is not listed
When you have a solid chance of loading your last save game because of Cait Sith's ultimate, you know he's not a bench warmer. He's the bloody mascot for the benchers.
Cait Sith actually has a place in Challenge runs focused on Magic, or Enemy Skills. But if I wanted to play a gambling sim I'd look for Konami instead of SquEnix.
I actually enjoyed cait sith. Always had him with me until Vincent came along lol
Bruh Zeke is literally the best party member, he’s got the best bitball, ether canon, and axe arts not to mention when you unlock eye of shining justice Pandoria becomes super good.
To be fair, you have to start ng+ in order to unlock eye of shining justice.
@@landerdepoorter2824 Even without it he still has the best arts with enough weapons to be useful for the player. He's pretty much the only reason Axe's are viable at all.
Let's be real, every follower in Skyrim that isn't immortal is basically useless.
Thanks to the AI doing really stupid things, you could remove "that isn't immortal" from your comment.
@@evilbob840 At least the immortal ones are damage sponges hahaha
I thought people were immortal as followers unless you kill them yourself, am I missing something?
@@solemnsovereign758 I think you are right (apart from temporary followers for quests), but still, they charge in front of your bow/attack spell/sword swing often enough that you have a high chance of killing them.
Are Marcurio and Serana immortal?
No one in their right mind would say Hope was useless. As a character he was annoying, but he was the most powerful magic user and best healer alongside having the better party buffs than others for most of the game.
I would say he's annoying in the beginning but he has great character development, all of the FF13 cast do
F A C T S, he carries you specially in the late game
says hope, in a game where he's one of the best party members, and when there's snow who's not even a good blocker, even though that's his only speciality
Yeah I wouldn' tsay Hope is useles a sI use him for his healing abilities as they come in reall yhand yin FF13 especiall yearly on when partnered with Lightning given she's a more confrontational character
Really? I never used him at all and I had zero troubles with the game.
The problem with Kimahri is he seems like the brute of the party, until Auron comes along and completely pisses all over him 😂
I built Khimari to be a secondary utility character. I had him learn some white magic and the use skill.
@@jach_frosted I honestly think that’s the only way to really use him, as much as I like his character, he is mainly backup
This is very true, but the second time around when I played FFX and knew what I was doing, he became one of my absolute best characters. The first teleport sphere I got I used it in him and followed Aurons grid. From there teleport to either Lulu or Yuna, and by end game he pretty much is better than everybody. High attack and high magic by the time I got to calm lands.
Seriously, everything in the promotional material leading up FFX's release leads you to believe that Kumari is gonna be the "badass" of the game. Then he just winds up sucking ass
His skill than steals Skills os one of the best of the game
I find the list fine. But, I will say this. When playing FFX, if Kimarhi is weak in your game, you are not playing him right. He was one of the strongest in my game, and I got all the celestial weapons and broke the damage limit. He was VERY useful throughout the entire game after his weakness at first.
He's great because you get to actually decide what you want him to be. This video implies that he's a jack of all trades, master of none, when in reality the way the sphere grid ACTUALLY works he will excel at whatever tas job you want him to do.
I usually have him as a tidus/Yuna fighter or a auron/lulu fighter
Only ever use Tidus, Wakka and Rikku. I completely finished the sphere grid for all 3, then went around again and filled in all the empty nodes, then went around again to replace weak nodes for better ones so all stats bar luck was 255, it's not worth doing for all characters but with these 3 they can battle in any scenario, long range, underwater etc. So for end game super bosses, kimarhi can't even help with some of the monster arena fights. Basically, early game he's not strong enough, late game he's over shadowed and mid game he's not worth investing because it takes time from the others. Eventually everyone does 99,999 damage so really it just comes down to how much time you're willing to spend.
TL,DR Use Tidus, Wakka and Rikku, it's faster and you never have to change your party
Best use of him is to unlock a sphere near the ultima spell very early on and focus on Rikkus grind for use HP ups and speed spheres. After that move onto ether Tidus or Wakkas grids for large amount of strength and accuracy spheres and useful ability’s they have you can ether grab through the grids or grab with friend or ability sphere. Then bring him down thru Yuna’s grid when you start to get close to getting the level4 key spheres so you can grab many many magic damage spheres and her spells and use black magic spheres to grab the Ga level and other late strong magic from Lulu and eventually use a return sphere to unlock an grab ultima and use any teleporting to grab ultima with Yuna and Lulu. At that point Kimahri will have High HP be very fast. Strong enough to take hits and will be a much stronger black mage than the actual black mage. If anyone sitting on the bench it’s Auron or Lulu both of their grids have them be way too slow and will fall behind of damage quite fast as the game progresses.
He is forever behind every other character because even if you want to make him a mage, he'll get to Fire, Thunder spells when Lulu is on Fira, Thundara. Kimahri is not used by anyone unless they want to make the game harder.
Carver from Dragon Age 2. He's the main character's Brother and chooses to be an insufferable hemorrhoid for 9/10s of the game.
I was hoping someone else would mention this. Agreed!
I prefer 100% Bethany than Carver... I know it wont let me play as a Mage, but at least is Bethany is not insufferable as Carver
maybe but if you play a snarky Hawk he's fun to kick around.
@@BoondockRoberts yeah, but it's mean to kick dogs
I have one of those things...
And lemme tell yuh, it's a pain in the ass
Hope is actually EXTREMELY useful as he’s the best defensive synergist in the game. Found myself not being able to beat certain bosses without him casting shell and protect on my other party members
I beat most of the bosses without hope.i used lightning sazh and vanille
Lightning with all speed increasers, Fang with all phys increasers, and Hope with all magic increasers is the only party I'll use once I have the option.
ravager/commando/ravager for stagger increase
commando/commando,/ravager for staggered damage
ravager/sabateur/synergist for a healthy party buffing
medic/sabateur/synergist for a harmed party buffing
commando/sentinel/medic for general defense and healing while maintaining stagger bar
medic/sentinel/medic for emergency defense and healing
meanwhile, Vanille was only useful for casting Death on a couple enemies, Sazh was only useful for jumbo cactaur, and Snow is pointless. I DO prefer all their personalities to Hope, though, and really wish that any of those 3 had swapped stats with Hope so I could have had them in my party.
@@spvp3139 Sazh, he was useless. my final Party was always lightning, hope and penelope
Where is Cait Sith ? he could kill the team instantly with his Abilities
Setzer did that first >.>
Kaiden is a monster late game in ME1. Just lifts up entire rooms of enemies.
He’s useful throughout the entire game, this guy just doesn’t know how to use biotics.
This. All my insanity playthroughs were with him, Ashley's just useless there, especially considering how AI is hardcoded to target Shepard most of the time. All she can do is just stand there, fruitlessly trying to get enemy attention. And if that's not enough, in ME3, EAWare broke her Marksman ability with a title update that came together with Leviathan DLC and they never fixed it. Playing on PC with a mod is the only way to make that ability work.
Sure but he is so boring plus by that point you yourself are so overpowered and me1 is easy even on insanity so I’d rather go with characters I like like garrus, Rex, liara, tali
Ashley better
I’m here to find out how many of these people I’ve actually used
Sorry but Ashley was the most worthless member I had in ME3. I really regretted sacrificing Kaidan for her. And also what about Jacob in ME2? has anyone really ever used him outside his loyalty mission?
Barely, I never really liked either ashley or kaiden
Kaidan was op in ME3 when you played as a biotic (which I did). He did die a lot in the first one until you lvled up his barrier then he was a god XD but honestly Garrus died more times then Kaidan and Liara combined and he is a freaking turian lol
@@Silenthitman44 Same here, the only reason chose to sacrifice Ashley was because it looked like I was accidently going down her romance route (I was choosing no one for ME1 and Tali for the rest.)
Kaidan is way more useful than Ashley. Especially if your Shepard has no tech abilities. Having biotics and tech skills are bloody useful in the first game and in third game he's awesome. Ashley has no special techniques that make her stand out on missions.
Lydia is fine hating on her is just popular.
My only actually gripe with Lydia is, whenever she gets kidnapped by the vampires for one of the radiant quests, I can't finish the quest and I lose her completely no matter what I try, other than that she's in a three way tie for my favourite follower
She didn't have to be so snarky. I just wanted her to hold a few alchemy ingredients...
Everyone stands in doors, she's just first.
Her 2/3s of a baked potato in stealth points just don't mesh with stealth archers and people refuse to change
just like "hating on child characters" apparently.
Oddly, Garvey was as well. They’re both adequate
Hope is annoying sure but he's literally one of the best party members.
I agree. I hated his listening to him bitch and whine for most of the story but I always kept him in my party as my Synergist and Medic
Again very useful party member so I don’t agree with him being on this list
Agreed. As irritating as he is, so are all the others except maybe fang. All the characters are pretty much, annoying or dull. Without a doubt the worst set of characters from any FF game. Hope by the later stages has the highest magic stat and is therefore naturally your best ravager and medic. If you're gonna bench anyone surely it has to be Sazh. He's the weakest commando, 2nd weakest ravager and his synergist role can be done by Hope so he is actually useless
You say hope was annoying, but tell me this.....he lost his FUCKING mother, how ELSE was he supposed to react?
@@IRISHMAN481 It's a very specific use but Sazh's blitz as a commando is unique in that it can do heavy damage with multiple hits to one target (although it can hit multiple targets) rather than a single hit to multiple targets. So he does have his uses.
It's been ages since I played but I do remember him having some uses as a synergist that gave him an edge over Hope (they actually make a good combo, along with Fang, but you do limit yourself to one medic).
Hope? Lolwut? He was one of the best party members. Lightning, Fang, and Hope is probably the best party in the game.
I agree with you
Couldn't agree more
Not for taking down long gui. Need Vanille.
Yeah even in the strategy guide it suggests that you use that exact team hope being the best black mage
Totally. A bit of a glass cannon until about chapter 7 and then gets damn good.
Final Fantasy X, I found Rikku less useful than Khimari. Complete benchwarmer for me.
Absolutely right about Kaidan Alenko, Cooke and Mack, and Preston Garvey.
Hope is literally the best mage in 13...
Has the best healing skills and gives out the best bluffs
I think Jules just hates his character more. Which sure, he does start out whiney but his arc is pretty interesting tbh
I actually like Hope more than Fang and Snow.
I agree he is the best healer and the only that can use haste before the endgame.
I didn't like hope as a character but he was great as a mage and I used him
I’m pretty sure most used hope, fang and lightning
This was legit my party lol and sometimes I tried the all female party but for the most part it was Fang, Lightning and Hope.
Mine was snow hope and lightning. Evrn killed the god dam friking orphan with them. (Lightning main of course)
Hope wasnt bad, just needs time be become bad ass which is the point
Because its the best party for almost everything in that game. Best Mage, Best Fighter and Best All-Around.
Out of spite for the "best", I tried using Snow, Sazh and Vanille instead for the late game... and it does NOT go well.
I tend to go with Lightning, Hope and Vanille xD
Maaaaan, you had me pre-raging with that Miranda footage at the beginning.
I honestly love Hope. He really grows on you, and you can use him in battle pretty effectively if you work with him. Be nice to my boy:(
Yea he was my healer
He's definitely a healer/defensive buffer until nearly the end. By no means useless, even if annoying as all get-out.
People who hate Hope probably didn't even finish the game.
This channel is so predictable. They hate on final fantasy xiii because everyone says that's what you're supposed to do and can't think for themselves.
I don't think the folks at Whatculture understand the concept of their own list.
Annoying does not equal useless.
Um… Kaiden has 5-6 powers he can use, covering both Engineer and Biotic abilities. On higher difficulties the player usually needs to direct power use to take down tougher enemies-guns alone won’t do it-and Kaidan becomes an invaluable choice as squadmate. Then in ME3 he comes back as basically a biotic tank 😸
Guess we know who doesn't know how to play Final Fantasy 13
They bullshit their words in videos without doing any research sometimes.
Who would want to?
@@ethanreynolds8532 Somebody who'd rather play this game, than, say, Ride to Hell: Retribution or the like. I'd play FFXIII and its sequels A MILLION TIMES over garbage like that.
Da fug you talking about-- Hope was my life-saver!! Its Snow who was useless, lol
Hope’s the best magic user in the game too. This was a strange choice
Agree 100% Hope was a great caster. Fang did everything better than Snow.
@@jpeplinski1 that's because Snow was built to be a better brick wall while Fang was also a better attacker than Lightning.
Your right. Snow was useless AF
absolutely Hope excellent caster Snow was a useless waste of space that arguably was the reason the whole mess got started anyway! My party was usually Lightning or Fang, and then two of either Vanille, Hope, or Sazh. Usually hope was always in due to his casting and vanille or sazh depending on whether I needed buffs or debuffs for a fight.
Anyone who says Hope isn't good, for sure NEVER ended the GP Missions before the end game, P E R I O D..
That would mean I have to listen n use him nnnnnn...nah.
Hope is...really, really annoying, at least to start with...and granted in the early stages of the game he's only useful as a healer, but because of his magical skills and actually mellowing out a bit later, he worked well for me in the endgame, and I like him more than Snow, ugh, fucking annoying, but Snow is a great tank and that's the ONLY reason he got to stay in my group.
Zeke is amazing
Best cannon and axe user, and bitballs are also super good on him, even Pandy becomes great in NG+
Lydia disappeared once and never reappeared again. She was replaced later with Serana and Aela as my team and she was pretty much forgotten like "Lydia who? Oh right that housecarl who went to get me cigarettes and never came back." Lol
I can’t believe you put Zeke as the worst party member in XC2. Zeke has one of the best arts in the game if you give him a bitball blade, nukes enemies with the Eye of Shining Justice, has fast animations and great driver combo potential, and can use most blade types effectively. This isn’t a really fair assessment cause the problems you’re describing are actually because of his blade Pandoria (she’s not great, but she’s still useful), in which case you could have just switched out blades. Some even consider Zeke to be the best driver in the game.
Honestly, as far as Final Fantasy characters go; if this were my list, I would easily replace Kihmari and Hope with Cait Sith and Quina in a heartbeat.
Umaro, Edward two more for the same list
Actually, Quina can be very useful... But cait sith fumbles in the limit breaks, and FF7 system is based on customization, which makes cait sith useless in its only exclusive trait
Quina, and Freya are OP! Quina's Frog Drop or Freya's Dragon Crest does a FIXED 9999 damage, even when Mini and / or Stat Dropped.
Quina a bit better since it has more versatility, and Frog Drop costs less MP when it has more MP than Freya.
still going through the video, but i'm starting to see a worrying trend with whatculture and their general stance on kaiden. it might be my bias talking, but kinda sounds like the lot of you are unironically pulling that bit from 'community' where you can excuse space racism, but draw the line at first-gen biotics with bland character.
i personally found kaiden interesting, but maybe that's because i'm also bland of character.
Me1 Kaiden isn't good, but ME3 Kaiden is a beast. Was a better biotic than Liara in my experience.
I'm sorry, Zeke? ZEKE? Once you unlock his "eye of shining justice" mechanic, he literally becomes one of the best characters in the game for his massive DPS boost.
I half expected to see Vaan on this List, because I saw him in the intro, but I'm glad you took the High Road and are not a blind Vaan hater like so many others out there!! Thank you for that. Vaan just happens to be my favorite FF Character of all time. Sure, he has the best overall Stats in the Game, but that's not why. It's because I relate to him so much more than any of the other FF Characters. No, he's not the, "Chosen One." He's not the strongest in the land. He has no importance. He's just a nobody. An Orphan, a Street Rat, a Gutter Churl... the most unlikely Person to save Dalmasca. And yet, despite all that, and despite the horrible tragedies in his life, (Parents dying from the Plague and his Brother going off to fight in the War and eventually dying,) he actually grows as a Person more than any of the other Characters in the Game... maybe more than ANY other FF Character in the entire Series!! And that why I love the Character so much... he's kinda like me, lol. :)
As a Shining Force fan I appreciate the inclusion of Yogurt
So many people missed this game even though it always makes the sega collections and got a GBA port. I honestly think this was my first RPG.
@@freyachobi same, I’ll still play it on occasion
Yeah that was a nice surprise. Maybe I should ask Jules to make a list of hybrid characters that were useful, like the knight in shining force, that can use magic.
But they damn well better keep my Kiwi off any sequel lists.
@@PissedGrunty Kiwi, the Fire Breathing turtle from Shining Force 2? He’s at least usable unlike Yogurt lol
a VERY old game, Breath of Fire (the first one) comes to mind.
the worst character is Mogu. the mole-person.
his ONLY combat skill is an improved way to FLEE.
there are 2 or 3 places where you need his out-of-combat ability to DIG in order to advance the story, but that's ALL he's good for.
Hope was a primary member in my party. His magic was no joke. I guess you guys never bothered giving him a chance..
They never gave the game a chance.
I just unsubscribed because people who can not enjoy well made games like FF13 just because of people’s opinions are not worth the time and attention
@@Tareq-uf4em even if it's their own opinions?
@@heinricheverson maybe because the game was bad...in fact there is no maybe about it, it is a bad game.
@@Tareq-uf4em I hate 13 because of the crafting system. Just try and @ me about it.
Was hoping to see Faize from Star Ocean 4. That guy is a melee build his weapons give more ATK than INT but all his skills use INT to determine damage... I've never understood his kit at all he's just awful and in order to keep him you have to get rid of basically the best party member in the game, Arumat.
Khimari's place on the sphere grid is his most under appreciated quality. He's got a tiny circle of basic general buffs at the dead center of the sphere grid. The upside is that circle is connected to all the other characters' sphere grid regions by locks that Khimari will be positioned to open up the second they start dropping in the mid game.
That's his strength. Khimari, like all other blue mages, has to go around the game world collecting the best abilities your party will have access to before he comes online. Similarly, he's also the literal gatekeeper to your party's ability to multiclass. While the rest of the party will be racing to the far corners of the shpere grid, Khimari will be positioned exactly where you need him to unlock the entire grid. About the time he has access to a decent set of blue magic the game starts rewarding you with the items to unlock the sphere grid and lets you pick which other character's region of the sphere grid Khimari will multiclass into. And who will get to backtrack into Khimari's region and pick up Ultima before moving into a third character's region.
The issue with Khimari's Blue Magic is... it's his Overdrive aka Limit Break.
You need to fill the bar EVERY TIME you wanna use one of his unique abilities, unlike other Blue Mages in the franchise where they can use them at any moment once they learned them.
This alone reduces Khimari's usefulness dramatically, not to mention everyone else will end up outshining him in every aspect due to him having no specific route in the Sphere Grid.
Other than the very few moments where you are FORCED to use him in order to progress, he's a borderline waste of anyone's time and investment... except for those no-life achievement whores who need to 100% the game lol
Hope is so much better than Vanille as your go to mage, at least he doesn't spend the whole battle making sex noises
You leave Vanille’s sex noises alone. That’s what got me through the game.
please Vanilla's Death spell managed to help beat the game quickly.
Lol doesn't Vanille lose the sex noises near the end of the game once she stops her happy go lucky act?
I always thought of Kimahri, not as a jack-of-all-trades character, but as a "this is what I need two of" character. A lot of his weapons come with piercing, for example, for which I was VERY grateful when I had to face the Spherimorph. But don't worry, I'm not going to get into a passionate defense of Kimahri beyond that point. Just going to follow it up with three more that I thought would be mentioned:
#1: Sten (Dragon Age: Origins)
Sten's biggest problem, plain and simple: They forgot to give him a class specialization. And no, that doesn't mean you get to pick two for him like you do for your Warden player. He only gets the one. Which, as soon as you get the other two-handed fighting warrior (Oghren), renders him obsolete. And the fact that he has all the personality of a wet paper towel and a perverted moral code that somehow is ALWAYS contradictory to your own doesn't encourage you to tough it out with him either.
#2: Cloud (Final Fantasy Tactics)
You have to do a lot -- and I mean a LOT -- to unlock Cloud in Final Fantasy Tactics. By the time you can get him, you're pretty much already at the endgame. Your reward? A fighter who can only use his special moves with a sword you probably wrote off as useless by this point, and who STARTS AT LEVEL 1!!!
#3: Turnip (Chrono Cross)
How does one character stand out as the most useless of them all in a game with FIFTY possible party members? By having a convoluted recruitment requirement that includes multiple key items, multiple steps in both versions of the world, and the assistance of Poshul, another option party member who you can acquire early but then lose during the midpoint. And yes, you guessed it, it's only during the midpoint that you can reach Turnip's location, meaning you won't be able to REALLY recruit Turnip until you're approaching endgame again.
I mention Turnip and Poshul because I would like to offer for your consideration the exact opposite of this list: Optional party members who could have been great but never got the chance to really shine due to an overabundance of other characters. And if you do make such a list, it should include Poshul.
Poshul is unique among the fifty characters in that she is the only one who can be recruited BEFORE the dimension skip. And her presence during this event completely alters the tone of the event. When Serge goes alone, it's unsettling. You are forced to question whether the life before was real and/or whether or not Serge is alive or dead. But having Poshul in your party provides a stabilizing influence; she confirms to Serge that he's not crazy and chastises NPCs for saying that Serge is dead. Instead of feeling lost and alone like a ghost, Poshul reassures Serge that it is indeed the entire world around him that's changed.
But with forty-nine more possible playable characters to encounter, they don't have enough room for her to do anything else during the game. And I was always disappointed by that.
How dare you think Lydia is useless! She's been the best arrow quiver since 2011!
Kaiden gets so much hate from this channel and I don’t know why. I greatly preferred him to Ashley. They literally have to justify her being a racist to argue against him. Tell me that isn’t messed up.
Alot of Simps out there for Ashley
Not gonna lie, you could give me a sentient bag of potatoes, and I'd take it over the space racist any day
I mean you're not going to be a bundle of fun with the headaches Kaidan has to put with. Kaidan has some interesting things to say. While Ashley does start to realise aliens aren't bad and begins to see she's wrong. So teaching Ashley to accept aliens is also rewarding. But there's flaws to both.
Kaiden isn't white. He's a mixed race Eastern European and South Asian. None of this makes him less lame, though.
What does his race even got to do with anything?! If he was black would he be more useful? Is WhatCulture racist?
And we can point out that canonically Kaiden is from Canada ..likely a nod to his voice actor's origins.
Still doesn't make him anymore useful.
@@clothar23 Shep is also Canadian. BioWare is based out of Montreal.
I'm starting to question if they played these games. Hope is the exact opposite of useless. Best pure magic user in the game.
The 1st off the bat is wrong- Kaiden may not have been 1st choice for party members, but he was a thousand times more useful than Jacob.
Mack in Lost Odyssey is pretty strong offensively with a decent build. Granted he is outshone by basically all the immortals, but certainly not useless
Meh all the mortals in Lost Odyssey were useless compared to the Immortals. Their sole purpose in life was to be skill books for their lords and masters.
....You know it's kinda messed up when you think about it.
...why would you ever replace the people that *cannot die?*
@@shis1988 Several good reasons, namely, because they're only 'immortal' in battle if you have still-conscious party members, there's five party slots and only four immortals on your team, and, much like Tolten, once you buff them up, they become incredibly useful. Cooke can learn every powerful White Magic Spell there is and her Prayer ability speeds up casting time immensely, making her a necessity for later battles that require precise applications of magic for your survival, and Mack can become one of your speediest heavy hitters in the game because they have high turn speed being the very energetic children that they are.
As for annoying voices, please. I grew up with Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Invader Zim, and Ahhh! Real Monsters!. I've endured Navi and Claptrap and Ashley frickin Graham. I've heard worse 🤷
Hope had the best magic stats in the game and was a better Synergist. Sazh should be on this list instead.
Lydia carried alot of us on our lower levels first playthrough
Lydia got herself blown up on all my playthroughs
I would intentionally aggro giants so they would launch her lmao
Her most useful attribute was being sacrificed to gain ebony chainmail
I loved Lydia but brelynna maryon is superior 🖤🖤
@@ethicaltechnical 😂😂
In ME1, my go-to team was always my Adept-class Shepard, Liara, and Kaiden. We used our biotics to clown every enemy in the game!
Only problem with Hope in my opinion was his hp. A monster even looks at him wrong and he's dead.
This is true especially in early game but by late game his synergist spells and equipment really boost his survivability
I agree Hope is literally the most powerful mage in the game. The useless one was Sazh
His saving grace is his blitz.
Sazh has a bird in his hair. Your argument is invalid.
My favorite JRPG is Legend of Dragoon and while i love every character and every part of that game, Haschel was useless in battle. No matter how high level he was, he hardly ever got triple digit damage.
Not to go too old-school...but in Baldur's Gate I, the worst companion by FAR was Khalid. At every battle, he would randomly become afraid and flee screaming "better part of valor...better part of valor!!!" The problem was, his partner Jaheira was pretty useful, but if you tried to remove Khalid, she would leave with him. So, what I discovered was that *just* north of the Friendly Arms Inn, where you acquire these companions...is a farm overrun by ankhegs. Which are capable of one-shotting a character into chunky bits of oblivion. So, I'd just strip away Khalid's armor and send him off through that farm, while the rest of the party waited at a safe distance. It still brings a smile to my face thinking of his final words "if none are better"...as he made his way to be slaughtered by a 10 foot tall preying mantis. Once he was dead, Jaheira would mourn (briefly) but would then be in your party solely.
I still remember the day like it was yesterday. Me and Lydia had atleast 50 hours accumulated fighting side by side together(that equals decades in video game time). We were out outnumbered and fighting for our lives in a crypt and she took a knee. In an almost Shakespearean twist it was me who dealt the accidental fatal blow on her. That was the day the boy in me died... Basically this was my long winded way of telling Jules to put some respect on her name. I mean she carried your stuff. That alone deserves allegiance.
It is for this very reason why I miss Sheva from Resident Evil 5.
Kimahri is the most under rated party member of all time. Period.
What makes you say that
His best use is playing a bunch of blitzball and getting a level 4 key sphere because he starts two spots away from Ultima on the standard sphere grid.
@@jakescott4028 If used properly, Mighty Guard and White Wind alone could carry through most boss fights. also, if playing on the P.C re-release/remaster, any character can go down any sphere grid, so he can hit as hard as anyone AND have access to Mighty Guard and White wind (can't remember if you could on the original p.s version but I don't think so).
Hope? Hope was in my party nearly the entire time. He's physically weak but an excellent mage, healer and support character! Sazh on the other hand? He does nothing that somebody else in the party doesn't do way better.
What??? Kaiden is a good/great squad mate depending on who else you use & what your build is like. Biotics are kinda OP in ME, & Kaiden’s got the 2nd best set among your squad behind Liara. Plus, he has electronic &/or decrypt abilities which will help w/ unlocking crates & doors. He’s got the personality of dry toast, but in combat, he’s one of my favorites quad mates.
If you’re talking worst ME squad mate, it’s gotta be Ashley. Not only is she a racist, but she is totally useless in combat, esp. on Insanity mode.
My vote has to go to Nyx from Fire Emblem Fates. Specifically the Revelations path. In the Conquest path, which was released first, she joins your party as an alright black mage in the early game. (Mind you, I mean "alright" while noting that magic characters were severely nerfed in Fates as a whole.) For Revelations, she joins you closer to the midgame... But she has the same stats from her early game Conquest recruitment. This means she deals scratch damage against even the least resistant of enemies while herself being as fragile as dry cornbread. Now, if you're playing Casual mode, where permadeath is disabled, you could grind her up to a usable state if you like her character enough to put up with her poor unit performance. In Classic mode, though? No. She's likely to be washed away by the gray waves and left broken on the shore.
I'm guessing Cait Sith will be in a follow-up vid. A few more I'd put in here:
1) Ruff from Dragon Quest 7: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. His abilities that he gains through levelling up just don't work 99% of the time.
2) Boddynock Glinkel from Neverwinter Nights. You're better off building your own Sorcerer hero and going with a different companion.
3) The Dog from Dragon Age: Origins. Sure, he's good early on (even more so in Witch Hunt and with the gifts/pranks DLC) and helps with finding treasure, namely in the Deep Roads, but once you get access to other companions in the main game, this pooch becomes weaksauce compared.
4) #1 Fan from Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. I swear Bethesda just put this guy in the game to annoy you...
5) Torneko Talloon from Dragon Warrior 4 on the NES. Sure, he can do random things like hypnotize opponents, summon an army of merchants to attack enemies, etc, but otherwise, this guy is underpowered. From a melee damage perspective, Alena and Ragnar blow him out of the water. He's more useful for comic relief above all else.
6) Rafa and Malak from Final Fantasy Tactics. Too much of a headache to pull off their key abilities... 'Nuff said.
7) Goof-Off/Jester from Dragon Warrior 3. Similar to Magicarp from Pokemon, until this class becomes a Sage, you're in for some dead weight.
8) Qara from Neverwinter Nights 2. Don't know what Bioware was thinking with this one...
9) Prince Edward Chris Von Muir from Final Fantasy IV (at least in the SNES or PS1 version). Seriously... Worst. Party. Member. Ever.
Clearly these guys never maxed Preston's affinity, not only is he pretty well written with a super depressing backstory but his companion perk is a massive help on higher difficulties like survival.
Agree, I gave him some decent armor and military uniform with ballistic fiber on Survival and he kicked ass.
Kimahri can be difficult to deploy early on, however his best utility is in getting access to Rikkus abilities for the group, long before she rejoins, If you're using the Expert grid, just keep him at the start (get scan & extract ability), once you hit the Mi'ihen Highroad and get a lvl 1 key spehere, you can send him down what becomes Rikku's path, picking up Steal, Use, Mug and giving earlier access than normal to Bribe.
I had never considered that. I'll remember it on my next playthrough.
I actually used Cooke and mack in my party every chance I got.
Dude, same here! Mack has some good abilities especially his 3hit combo.
plus, since you're tooling around with 4 immortals most likely, you're gonna use ALL the mortals some of the time, even if it's just to learn their moves.
mack was really nice general character - had alright offense and support.
though i think most people used sed as their mortal ally once that was over - he's just so damn good. ranged character, learns good defensive passives, also has passives that frees up like 5 slots for your immortals, it's ridiculous how good he is.
Hope is the Black Mage of the party in FFXIII. Like a typical Black Mage he starts out squishy but scales into a complete beast. Late game he outclasses everyone else in raw magic and can completely decimate large groups of enemies with how strong his -ga tier spells are compared to other party members. Yeah, he's annoying in the early story but he's a beast in the gameplay.
Honestly, the weakest party member in XIII imo is Sahz outside of a few niche cases of abusing how his Blitz works to multi-hit large enemies. He's got good health, but isn't naturally a Sentinel (and isn't great at it even if you take the time to level it up) and his offensive stats are subpar. The only thing he really brings to the table is early access to Haste. Which makes me sad because character wise I love our resident gunner. Although Snow is also pretty useless once your party is strong enough to not need a Tank.
RIP Lydia, always dying in my playthroughs... And the only way she can die is by the hands of the player...
oh, i've seen her die from other things a few times:
-a wizard who used Fireball or other spells that caused area damage (he shoots at you and hits her while she's down and that finishes her)
-a dragon's breath attack
still, next time i play i'm going to go it alone and use lots of Stealth skills and perks.
Edward in Final Fantasy IV - so much so that you can tell the writers of "The After Years" went out of their way to make him smart and competent in that game like he never was in the first.
He was broken in the GBA and PSP versions at the end game. Cid is the useless one, he's useless in the original and the worst in the GBA and PSP versions when you can swap characters out. Having a huge amount of HP means nothing if you can't take a hit.
I stopped bringing Lydia because she dies more often from my own attack than enemies'.
Same. Stopped using her when I got reeeal tired of having to lug all of my own gear. Like...c'mon Lydia
I stopped using her with she set off a rock trap and nearly died by stubbing her toe on it. I mean... seriously?
I wish I could stop having Ashley from Resident Evil 4 follow me cause she dies from friendly fire constantly along with the constant screaming for Leon to help her.
literally why my brother in law stopped taking ANY allies along in Skyrim...I've literally watched the idiotic AI companions ruin his stealth attempts by either darting into combat on their own or by getting right in his way just as he hits the button to initiate the stealth attack resulting in him killing THEM instead. Soloing though, his stealth was so freaking high that he could 1-shot damn near anything right to their face without losing stealth as long as he was equipped with a dagger.
Khimiari. Such a cool character, who fell so flat.
Three strikes:
1) He's the blue mage, but his blue magic is his freaking overdrive. He would have been a FAR more useful character if he could just learn blue magic, and then had a separate overdrive ability. All the great blue magic's he learns are neat... but it makes him 95% a useless character who you just charge his overdrive, then bench him til you need to pull it out as a niche cast in a single battle.
2) He was the 'dragoon' character of the game. He has 'jump'. A lot of people are cult fans for Dragoon. But his jump is just part of his (overdrive only) blue magic. AND, in literally his first battle, in his freaking tutorial battle where you learn how to use him, they give him a second overdrive ability which is stronger than jump. Jump is just a 'strong regular attack'. Seed shot (or whatever it was called) is an even stronger 'regular attack'. So when you meet the character as he fights Tidus to test him and starts using jump, you go "Oh yeah! Dragoon!" And then there is literally ZERO reason for you ever to cast jump on your own for the rest of the game. Besides potentially going "But I want to see him use jump... it's why he's in my party!"
3) Yeah, his jack of all trades thing. In some games a red mage is a fine addition, but in X where each character has very specific strengths to be used to counter various enemies or threats, and where EVERY character can be swapped into your party on the fly, a red mage is useless. A 'character that can cover every base', is useless when you can just call the character you need in to cover that base. Instead he just ends up being 'weaker than every other character at doing their job.'
What they should have done with him:
1) Given him actual blue magic as a regular ability.
2) Made his role "The strongest raw damage" character. Like, he does the most damage against enemies that have no special needs in how you should fight them. Lulu targets elemental weaknesses, wakka hits high evade flyiers, Tidus deals with high speed enemies like wolves, Rikku dismantles mech characters, and Auron penetrates high def. If NONE of those various defenses existed, Khimari should have been the raw damage cannon you call out.
Instead he was the weakest.
Hope is a magic power house... Macke literally runs up and punches bad guys in the junk which is all the reason I need... and Kimahri becomes pretty much the most powerful dude in the game with Spirit Lance. He does more damage at high health, which is a given once you get break hp limit. Auron is the opposite so slowly gets weaker. His Double AP scoots him across the grid at lightning speed, and his Evade and Counter makes him extremely defensive and offensive. If you power him up and go to Omega Ruins, your first priority is to make him confuse-proof because he will kill your whole party. You cant even count on your other confused guys killing him first because.... evade and counter.
Hope - healer, defensive buffer, some magic damage. Not a useless character, but I will agree he's totally annoying.
Cooke and Mack - the biggest problem that Cooke has, is that the next two party members you get are both immortals (so you'll want them around at all times) and both magic-focused. So her "white mage" status is totally redundant.
As for Mack, he's split between some physical offense and some actually pretty nice magic. But the problem is that his stats are so average that it's hard to justify him as either.
Kimhari - he's designed so that you can make him into a "second" anybody, just without their summons or Overdrives. I usually make him another thief, because I'm a greedy sort.
While Hope is the strongest mage in the game, his character sucks.
How so dumbass?
That's not the list though? One of the most useful characters doesn't really fit on a list of characters no one used.
Vanille can be just as strong a mage as Hope despite not having the same skill pool has him and she's just as annoying as him throughout the game
agree, but then snow's still worse. especially gameplay wise, which this should be about.
Wow, I did not expect this list to reach all the way back to Jogurt. Props.
Side note: Strong wearing the milk machine. Well modded, indeed.
How dare you insult Zeke von Genbu, The Zekenator, Bringer of Chaos, Osichirus Tantalus himself like that
Yo Zeke was pretty good, I used zeke rex morag for a while before going to tora morag rex
Tora, rex, and dromach and his side kick waiting-to-be-rex's-reject healer.
Oh man I was really hoping to see Xan from Baldur's Gate 1 on here. He's a wizard, which means he automatically gets no health and on top of that he's got one of the worst Con's in the game but for some reason his special item is a melee weapon? You even find him as a prisoner in the bottom of a cave so he doesn't even come with any gear other than that stupid sword. Probably the worst is that he's an Enchanter which means he can't use basic battle spells like magic missile and fireball. As far as personality goes, he's also a major downer, which admittedly I always found funny and would have liked to keep him around just for the stupid comments he made, but why do that when I could have Dynaheir or Edwin who have just as much Int and also actual hit points and damage dealing spells!
Malak in final fantasy tactics :war of the lions
Useless magic, useless by stats, useless
(even cloud, who begins in level 1 in chapter 4, is more useful)
At least his sister, Rafa/Rapha, works well as a Treasure Hunter due to her low starting Bravery.
Man, I bought Skyrim the day it came out, and to this day have never even remotely considered traveling with a follower, let alone a housecarl (save for when the game forces you to).
I genuinely found Kimahri useful in combat. He was also useful for unlocking blizzaga, wateraga, firaga and thundaga for Lulu earlier by using that sphere that lets a character unlock an ability another character has
What about Sten and/or Oghren from Dragon Age: Origins?
They're damage dealers, but everyone else is not only better at it than them, but also more versatile. Mages can heal, rogues can pick locks, etc.
I agree that Sten is flaming trash and easily the worst warrior in DAO, and Oghren isn't really that much better, I will still defend my favourite drunk dwarf to the bitter end
Plus Oghren is voiced by Steve Blum, so you can technically go on a killing spree with drunk Wolverine
Jokes on you, hope lightning and fang were are my dream team.
always my team too
I cant remember how long I've been watching what culture, but you've legit been my favorite since back when it was always you, Ben, Peter, and Hendry. Through "Puns, I've got them.", "That's my one per list" and now motivational Jules. You've gotten me through alot of bullshit. Stay legendary.
Uhh Hope is one of the best party member when used correctly.
Lol first one and I disagree. Kaiden is not boring he's like a normal dude who's pretty damn centered he knows who he is. He's refreshingly not an edgelord or has some tragic backstory you need to work through. And if we are talking about usefulness I play as a soldier and I have no need for Ashley so taking a Sentinel is better. Not to mention he's a higher rank then her and a biotic to boot. He's also skilled in electronics and tech making him a natural choice for the bomb on Virmire. I always save him because strategically he's a better asset to my mission and I like his character more. I feel like he gets killed alot by Ashley romancers but I find her alot less interesting as an adult (first played mass effect in the 8th grade) My Shep's main party is always Garrus and Wrex but for anything biotic or tech related Kaiden is my go to.
As good as his character was we all know nobody used mallow after getting the rest of the characters for super mario rpg
He's just got no niche. Peach curbstomps him in the support department and everyone else has better damage output. He also can't take a hit.
Anything Jules does on WhatCulture = CHEF's KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used Kaiden a lot in my playthroughs...well not as much as I used Garrus and Tali but I definitely more than I used some of the others.
I'm glad everyone already beat me to the "Hope was literally the best mage/healer in the game" punch
Don't bait me in here with my boy's face, Jules
Scott is the least effective member in the team, narrates like he's giving football scores. Makes me want to turn off.
Kimarhi's biggest problem is they tried to make him too useful. Having a 2nd of anyone, would be great! The problem lies in the fact that everyone is too good at their role anyway and therefore we don't need Kimarhi to pick up anyone's slack. You can't swap out KOed allies anyway so its not like you can swap them out for Kimarhi as back up. That would actually probably make him useful
I would have put the dog from Dragon Age Origin I love him cuz he's a dog a very loyal dog but usefulness wise there Better pics Or another useless character Sera from Inquisition
Kaiden is actually kinda OP in ME3. Reave is maybe the strongest biotic ability in the game
*Hope* From FF13 is actually a beast. You lost a *sub* ya'll live though.
This channel is losing the plot, I'm going back to outside extra
There's literally no reason to use Hope over Vanille, Fang or even Snow lol especially end game
I somewhat agree with the kimahri aspect. But he still happens to be my favorite character. If you use the warp sphere you can put him in a spot where he can get many strength and speed boost. Plus he can hit flyers and armored characters while boasting teammates
Before I clicked on this I said to myself “there’s no way this isn’t Jules”
Great to see WC do more with JRPGs recently. Awesome stuff WC!
Sera from dragon age inquisition is insufferable
I like how he anticipated the hate and defense on Kimahri but not the amount of people who actually saw and used the potential for Hope.
My God just said "do away with him" in regard to kaiden 😢 never before has a phrase cut me so deep
If the list was meant to be about combat usefulness then I don't understand putting FF XIII's Hope in here...the absolute best party comp is Fang, Hope, Vanille. Soooo....yeah. He is far from useless. While I like Snow as a character he was by far the most useless in combat in XIII.
I'm kind of surprised that Lord of the Rings: The Third Age didn't have any characters here- Berethor was annoying and nearly useless to me, Morwen was squishier than a fresh marshmallow and Eaoden, while very cool, came super late
Jokes on you, I used Hope in the final battle with Lightning and Fang; they were my OG team.
Same. Hope's medic save my game so many times.
@@demonicknight18 That's one of the reason he was in my group; he was more useful to me than Vanille.
Whoa!! I dont normally ever comment on these videos but really?? Hope is like a major player in the end game of FFXIII. I plain and simple would never have beat Long Gui or Shaolong Gui without his powerful buffs and magic stat. The useless member was Sazh or Snow.
I never used sazh. I love him as a character but he's not my kind of playable character. To much Richard Prior for my liking.
@@heinricheverson same bro. I thought he was cool but for the most part he was a one off. Like, who decided he should summon a fire summon not named Ifrit, in a Final Fantasy game?? I believe that's the only game in the series where Ifrit just plain got skipped for nothing.
@@trevonbrocks8399 12 doesn’t have Ifrit either
@@ironbloodalchemist4309 oh yeah.. and you see exactly how much nobody ever mentions that particular Final Fantasy, ever? Vaan was a lame main character, hell only Fran and Balthier was memorable in all the entire party..
Zeke is the best bitball user in the game