Hello Kimberley,my name is Vladimir. I hope you do not loose your enthusiasm and wishing you all the best in a foreign country. I am rather enjoying your videos,in some manner,you remind my girlfriend who is originally from Thailand. The first habit you could regain by installing a small shower from a sink next to a WC,the advantage is,you can also adjust a temperature. I can send you a link or you may "Google" it out yourself. Some of the past questions you had,could be answered by reading some brief history of the country. I hope it helps and good luck there.
I think it is more reasonable to have a separate toilet. One member of the family can have a bath or have a shower while an other can use the toilet. When you have a bathtub or a shower in the same room with the toilet, it is "a bit" disgusting to do so.
Being originally from Brazil and now living in the Netherlands I can totally relate to you. Almost all the points are the same, except for the fact that in Brazil we do have washing machines at home and the bidet is not so common anymore. But the other points, like using the umbrella and taking many showers are the same. I love your positive vibe! 🤗
The Slovaks also don’t waste a lot of time on their smartphones. They prefer having a conversation and living in the moment. Children play outside like normal children. I have been living in Kosice for a year and a half and I still find that amazing. Great videos. Very informative. Keep it up.
Hi Kim, Umbrella is only for rainy days, however it could be used in summer as a protection against sun but it needs to be a lighter color. As for socks, we use it only when weather is cold, during summer we don't need them even inside of the house. I like how you are adjusting to living in SK and if you learn how to eat with knife and fork it will be bonus to you bc in Europe is is a standard. Not in US, knife is only used for cutting and fork only for eating. If you use both they look at you strangely. Your hair really looks healthy so keep doing what you do now. Best to you!
I prefer to walk barefoot at home, but these months I'm terribly cold on my feet, so for about half a year I'm at home without socks and half a year with them, it depends a lot what season is
3 года назад+12
we use umbrella when raining in Slovakia, but in Bratislava its useless because most of the time its too windy and it cant stand against that wind... so people stop using them...
Hi Kim, if you are used to using a bidet, I don't think it's a problem to have it installed in your new house in Slovakia. It is relatively cheep and You can find a lot of offers on the internet. It is true that it is not very common in Slovakia or the Czech Republic in contrast to countries such as Italy, France or Spain. I like your videos and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Use spoon on the rice and also on the meat if it is possible. Or slice the meat with the knife (and fork) on small pieces and then just use only the spoon. Easy peasy.
Well to ur cold drink thing, im drinking cold everything, exception from that rule is cocoa i like it hot or cold, doesnt really matter and tea, hot cold, same to me, but beer, water, pepsi or anything refreshing, only stone cold :). Cant stand if it feels a bit warmer then it should, dont know the temperature so precise but, im used to put my pepsi or beer, first in the freezer to cool it of. Then its really nice refreshing and not only in summer.The drawback of this is well if u forget about it, for some reason, well it turns rock solid. So ull need to wait a quite long time to get it unfrozen, but id still go for that, freezer, to get it cold quickly and then drink it. Even if im really thirsty, ill wait taht extra 30min to get it cold as i like it.
When you only eat with a fork, you can squeeze the last seeds into the gaps. They will be stuck there and you can easily lift them :) 2. We dont using umbrella because when u took it outside, it "never" start raining xD
Finally somebody who also finds our weather very cold (for living here), often even also during summer and who also can´t drink cold water (me too - otherwise I would get bronchitis or pneumonia). I am native Slovak and I will never get used to this cold climate. In my opinion there are on average only few warm days a year in northern SK and few warm weeks in the south. I can´t understand how so many people can live here happily. I just suffer and hope that some day I´ll get somewhere to the tropics.
@@stanostano7674 Well, we are obviously living on different planets. Sorry, but most of our summer is anything but hot. Actually the last 3 summers were really pretty cold (many times I needed a jacket in Martin even in July) except for couple of days - and even on the "hot" days it´s hot mostly only from 11 to 16, i.e. 5 hours a day. The summers in 90ies were much nicer. Not speaking about this year´s May - as cold as I have never experienced before. Only the winters are getting warmer - which is bad - but summers are getting colder imo (this June was an exception). And overall it´s crazy windy in the last years, so it makes the actual temperature even lower.
Ja som pre zmenu mala najvacsi problem v Azii s WC a jeho kyblikovou metodou. Nikde toaletny papier. :D:D:D Doteraz je to moja nocna mora. Zaujimave, vidiet to z tej druhej strany :-) A ano, street food a tiez aj cerstve ovocie/zelenina - mi najviac chyba na Slovensku.
No. Ja som bola niekoľko krát v Nízkych a Vysokých Tatrách, bolo to tam krásne. English: No. I have been in Nízke and Vysoké Tatry several times, it was beautiful there.
Ja by som sa s tebou chcel porozprávať , pracoval som v Káhire , Aténach , Moskve , mám mnoho zvláštnych skúsenosti z týchto rozdielnych kultúr , že niekedy som ostal doslova v šoku v niektorých situáciách , niečo ako ty na Slovensku , myslím že to zvládaš super, myslím že to chce vážne odvahu , v určitom rozsahu ťa úplne chápem . Každopádne držím palce Kim , aby si sa cítila na Slovensku či najlepšie. Čau.🖖
Milá Kim, všetko to čo spomínaš nie je ani nām až také cudzie . Keď je horúce leto , sprchujeme sa tiež často, ale kto by sa 2-3 krát sprchoval v januári. Do vody v rieke lezú v zime iba otužilci, napríklad môj sused, alebo moja známa pani, čo vlastní butik, má blízko 60 rokov a nikdy by som to o nej nepovedala, že si cez obednú prestávku sadne do auta, odvezie sa na Zelenú vodu a rýchlo si zapláva a potom ide zasa predávať do butiku. Tie oddelené WC od kúpeľne, je hlavne v činžiakoch, niekde bez umývadla rúk, inde s umývadlom. V rodinných domoch býva často WC prepojené s kúpeľňou. Ale WC misy aj s vmontovanou sprchou na umytie už predávajú aj u nás , dá sa kúpiť a inštalatér namontuje a budeš mať na WC svoj komfort. Zimu delím na dvojvrstvovú , trojvrstvovú a štvorvrsvovú. Podľa toho, koľko vrstiev odevov si obliekam. Podprsenka + tričko = leto, podprsenka+ tielko+ blúzka+ sveter (ľahký kabát) = jeseň, atď... Pribudne ...+ vetrovka , kožuch... Je to zábavné, ale na Sibíri to majú ťažšie. A slnečníky ! Teraz už nie sú také módne. Opálená pokoźka u mestských žien nie je taký hendykep ako na prelome 19-20 storočia. Vtedy ženy chceli mať neopálenú bielu pokožku tváre aj rúk, a tak boli v móde čipkované rukavičky a slnečníky. U vás na Filipínach je slnko horúce a preto tú ochranu potrebujete. A okrem toho aj prší častejšie. Je pekné od teba, že sa s nami takto delíš o svoje pocity a skúsenosti.💝
If you see a local using an umbrella when it's sunny, it's probably me ✌😂 Done that occasionally before living in Japan but after living in Japan, I can't imagine not doing it. Especially after I got myself really fancy one with 98% UV protection:,) Also, living without a fancy Japanese toilet? unimaginable. But as for the rice, I'm pretty sure I eat it a lot less now because I got really sick of it in Japan, hah.
Hi Kimberly. You mention a lot of stuff in this video. I moved to different country and continent Canada and USA, humid in NYC during the summer is the worst, beside that weather here is like in Slovakia. Bidet used to be posh in old times in Slovakia but common in Western Europe. Dano can look now either in Slovakia or Austria and when you redoing house right now you can have big bathroom with everything. Old horse had terrible concept of bathrooms it's changing now. Fork knifes well I can't learn eat with chop sticks 😁. But in Brazil they eating even pizza with utensils, and they looking down on you when you using hand😁. Hair, you can do little research for hair is good extract from birch and lot of other stuff made from herbs, Slovakia it's famous for homeopathic, rinsing hair with beer is good also😁. Street food is not coming in Europe at least not as in USA, Philippines or other countries, tradition in Slovakia and Western Europe was you went for lunch to restaurant or home, it's changing now unfortunately. Safety is important everywhere, I used to travel a lot and depend on country, safe and be carful. In NYC you have to be careful in subway, in Brazil never wear gold stuff and expensive things you become target, not in Ipanema or Leblon these are push parts but in general. During carnival especially careful and your phone , wallet always safe. Backpack in subway always in front of you so when on back you don't see you having visitor in it. Drinking cold I'm used to it, funny was when I come home for visit I always asked for ice, even restarts. Polar bears are not as common but when you taking sauna you cool in snow especially when is in nature. Sock wearing at home always at least in my case, sickness always coming from feet, so keeping them warm is a must in cold weather. Beef soup you can use meat and beef bones they will have marro w in them. Well you are potato Queen😁 so rice is second, potatoes, pasta, couscous is first but that's only little change, I like sweet potatoes don't know if you can get them in Slovakia. I guess got most of it if anything I missed let me know. Have great weekend hopefully got warmer in Bratislava and you can enjoy spring.
I found some sweet potatoes being sold in a special shop here in Bratislava. Im actually going to try to grow them this year! Cross-finger, hoping it will grow 😉
@@ChasingKimberly I wish you good luck with hope they will grow good. I hope you prepared garden well for all fruits and vegetables. Garden need a lot of attention so you going to have busy summer ahead of you🤞♥️🤞
Nice video, Kim. Ad socks - as You know, we take off our shoes inside. For me it is better to wear thick socks instead slippers. Due to our climate our floors are colder at home in the older houses. I cannot sleep without socks, even in the summer, because on the morning I will deal with plugged nose... Using a silver service (dinner set) - for poultry is not necessary. In restaurants if the "drumstick" has tin foil or paper strip around the bone, You can eat barehand. Even not, I do as well anyway. The same about a sausage, wiener, liver/blood sausage. (maybe I am a hillbilly, but schnitzel between bread slices...) I don't like cold drinks, carbonated even more. I must have it at the room temperature avoiding throat inflammation. Wet hairs / wet body. Please, just never leave for the windy or cold weather wet. Our climate is tricky, my Granny used to say: "The Sun is biting today." - means, despite the Sun and nice looking temperatures, You can get cold very easily. Nice to see I am not the only one enjoying the life in Slovakia (my "Motherland" - "Matička").
@@ChasingKimberly You got me. My Granny, who used to say is Hungarian and the sentence is: "Ma a nap harapós kedvében van." But in the Slovak language we have "zubaté slniečko" - "the little Sun with teeth" that means the same, however it is bright outside, seems to be a sunny weather, but cold wind or cold in the shadow. So, I think the sentence "Dnes máme zubaté slniečko." is quite at the point.
spending time in extreme hot or cold environment is per recent studies healthy more due to forming of "heat shock proteins".. short extreme cold, heat or physical performance stress helps the immunity to stay in shape and damaged proteins(hence body) to fix itself - that's the result of HSP creation..
Phillipinos are different to any other asian countries. Big influence of american culture, spanish partly too... In Slovakia are living vietnams people, koreans people, chinese people... But they are no able communicate in english... Most of them. But all phillipinos do. And when I listen conversation in your philipino language, I can hear many english words in your own language... ???
English is in very integrated in our education. We start very young learning and speaking english. We watch a lot of movies and shows in English so we pick it up at early age that is why we are able to speak it. 😉
😄😄😄😄😄 ... áno .... so true video again 😅.... Bulalo yeah , best is at Bulalooon at Siargao 😉 ... but Balut or durian is not for me 😅 ... maybe when i will be drunk 😀
Hey Kim! What a lovely video 😉 Finally someone who's daily routine is/was a bidet. Now there's a very important question I want to ask you: what do you do after using a bidet? Towel? Tissue? Leave it dry out? 🤗 I searched for the answer a lot but seems like there's no universal conclusion to this. Wonder what's the "norm" in Philippines/in your family?
@@joannesgranada689 no kidding! I've tried loads of stuff...but...the balut is one of a few things I'll never put in my mouth! Ain't gonna happen! Even, if I got paid it!! :)
K tym ponozkam vo vnutri domu. Ja by som to videl ze podla toho kto ma aku podlahu. Napriklad ty mas doma plavajucu podlahu a aj ine studene materialy nevytvoria pocit tepla od noch, tak preventivne nosis ponozky. Ja mam napriklad doma vsade koberce a nikdy som ponozky doma nenosil. Ale dost zavisi aj od metabolizmu/krvneho obehu daneho cloveka, proste niekdo bude mat studene nohy aj v horucom lete a niekomu zase bude stale teplo od noch aj ked bude chodit bosi po snehu .:-)
@@igorbukovy4313 co som jej napísala? Iba toľko ze by som poprosila o tie titulky ale Kim ospravedlňujem sa už ich tam nahodila písala to aj do storky. A napísala som iba to ze chcem titulky a to ze moja anj je na bode mrazu akože prepáč ale nenavazam sa do nej a ni nič
@@ChasingKimberly Ahojkiss,😊 už viem o čom bolo toto super videjko,,, keď môžem reagovať na vaše body tak len kladne,,, presťahovať sa do inej krajiny je ťažké pre každého aspoň si to myslím ja,,, hlavne sa prispôsobiť zvykom a kultúre tej danej krajiny,,, ale vy ste to mala určite ťažšie lebo ste sa nepresťahovala len do inej krajiny ale aj na iný kontinent,,, z Asie do Europy,,, takže sa musíte prispôsobovať nie len zvykom danej krajiny ale aj kontinentu,,, To že máte rada ryžu je absolútne v poriadku mi Slováci zase zemiaky,,, určite by mne na Filipínach veľmi chýbali a čo sa týka studenej sprchy ráno tak tu si dávam každý deň,,, je to pravda že to človeka osvieži, keď ráno zaspím a nestíham si ju dať tak sa potom v robote celí deň cítim ozaj ako prispatý,,, čo sa týka chladených nápojov plne s vami súhlasím najme v lete ale chladené PIVO po celí rok,,, pretože teplé pivo sa nedá piť, aspoň mne nechutí, môžem zotpovedne povedať že ma z neho nikdy nebolelo hrdlo či v zime či v lete asi preto že PIVO je božský nápoj 😊🍺😉, Prajem vám pevné nervy a vydržte to tu s nami Slovákmi,,, 👍
Ahoj Kim. Chcel by som sa Ťa opýtať, či je možné, že som Ťa v apríli či máji videl v Trebišove. HI Kim. I want to ask you, if it is possible to see you in town of Trebišov in april or may.
In english version you said it right ! But in slovak version, very bad ! You can write better in english, than in slovak !!! Wow 😲, I'm very impressed !?!? Jerry.🗽
Can you relate on any of my lost habits? Or maybe you are Slovak, which of these you find so weird? :D
Weird is that you wash your hair everyday lol 🤣
Cold drinks are normal here as well, but mostly in summer :) Cold beer, cold kofola, etc.
Hello Kimberley,my name is Vladimir. I hope you do not loose your enthusiasm and wishing you all the best in a foreign country. I am rather enjoying your videos,in some manner,you remind my girlfriend who is originally from Thailand. The first habit you could regain by installing a small shower from a sink next to a WC,the advantage is,you can also adjust a temperature. I can send you a link or you may "Google" it out yourself. Some of the past questions you had,could be answered by reading some brief history of the country. I hope it helps and good luck there.
👍Nice video👍
SigiGeo try Coron and Malcapuya
A little hint: a knife can help you spoon even that little bit of rice if you gather it into your fork it’s just practice :)
I think it is more reasonable to have a separate toilet. One member of the family can have a bath or have a shower while an other can use the toilet. When you have a bathtub or a shower in the same room with the toilet, it is "a bit" disgusting to do so.
I agree, it actually more convenient when they are separated. If you hour house has enough space, why not? 😉
Being originally from Brazil and now living in the Netherlands I can totally relate to you. Almost all the points are the same, except for the fact that in Brazil we do have washing machines at home and the bidet is not so common anymore. But the other points, like using the umbrella and taking many showers are the same. I love your positive vibe! 🤗
Oi tudo bem?
Thank you Marcio! Im glad you like the video 😉
@@vladoyager1908 Comigo vai tudo bem. E contigo? Você fala Português?
@@marciomarques5345 Tudo primo aqui. Estudej portuguese no RJ para 4 messes. Tenho amigos no RJ, SP e em Goiania.
Basicamente sou carioca😁😁😁
Skvelé video. Ďakujem, že si nás zaviedla do svojej krásnej krajiny aj takýmto netypickým spôsobom.
As Slovak I wear socks at home even during summer 😂 my feet just always get too cold
...to nás je viac...😎
The Slovaks also don’t waste a lot of time on their smartphones. They prefer having a conversation and living in the moment. Children play outside like normal children. I have been living in Kosice for a year and a half and I still find that amazing. Great videos. Very informative. Keep it up.
Thank you so much! 💚
My home city :) Yes, kid are playing outside that is true but there is already some kind of shift that we can feel.
Sadly its nothing like it was 20 and more years ago.Back than everyone was in streets without parenting all the time.
Hi Kim,
Umbrella is only for rainy days, however it could be used in summer as a protection against sun but it needs to be a lighter color.
As for socks, we use it only when weather is cold, during summer we don't need them even inside of the house.
I like how you are adjusting to living in SK and if you learn how to eat with knife and fork it will be bonus to you bc in Europe is is a standard. Not in US, knife is only used for cutting and fork only for eating. If you use both they look at you strangely.
Your hair really looks healthy so keep doing what you do now. Best to you!
Thank you Marta! 💚
I prefer to walk barefoot at home, but these months I'm terribly cold on my feet, so for about half a year I'm at home without socks and half a year with them, it depends a lot what season is
we use umbrella when raining in Slovakia, but in Bratislava its useless because most of the time its too windy and it cant stand against that wind... so people stop using them...
Hahaha that is true! I already broke 2 umbrellas because of the wind in Bratislava 😂
@@ChasingKimberly Wind in Slovakia is pretty annoying, in Košice, wind is even worse, people call it VKV( Vyjebaný Košický Vietor) 🤣🤣
@@ChasingKimberly 😅😆😆
Hi Kim, if you are used to using a bidet, I don't think it's a problem to have it installed in your new house in Slovakia. It is relatively cheep and You can find a lot of offers on the internet. It is true that it is not very common in Slovakia or the Czech Republic in contrast to countries such as Italy, France or Spain. I like your videos and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Thank you so much! Yea, that is definitely gonna happen in the house that we bought when we renovate the toilet and bathroom 😉
Use spoon on the rice and also on the meat if it is possible. Or slice the meat with the knife (and fork) on small pieces and then just use only the spoon. Easy peasy.
I move to England and I never actually think about my habits I used to have. Very interesting now Im thinking about it more.
Im sure we all have some! Sometimes we only discover it after moving to another country 😉
@@ChasingKimberly 💖
Well to ur cold drink thing, im drinking cold everything, exception from that rule is cocoa i like it hot or cold, doesnt really matter and tea, hot cold, same to me, but beer, water, pepsi or anything refreshing, only stone cold :). Cant stand if it feels a bit warmer then it should, dont know the temperature so precise but, im used to put my pepsi or beer, first in the freezer to cool it of. Then its really nice refreshing and not only in summer.The drawback of this is well if u forget about it, for some reason, well it turns rock solid. So ull need to wait a quite long time to get it unfrozen, but id still go for that, freezer, to get it cold quickly and then drink it. Even if im really thirsty, ill wait taht extra 30min to get it cold as i like it.
Uhhh 15 tisic subscribes! Ja som sa pripojil, ked si bola na asi 6-tich tisicoch :) gratulujem!
When you only eat with a fork, you can squeeze the last seeds into the gaps. They will be stuck there and you can easily lift them :)
2. We dont using umbrella because when u took it outside, it "never" start raining xD
I need to practice ore on squeezing the last rice on my fork 😂
Bravo like always!,!
Thank you 😊
Finally somebody who also finds our weather very cold (for living here), often even also during summer and who also can´t drink cold water (me too - otherwise I would get bronchitis or pneumonia). I am native Slovak and I will never get used to this cold climate. In my opinion there are on average only few warm days a year in northern SK and few warm weeks in the south. I can´t understand how so many people can live here happily. I just suffer and hope that some day I´ll get somewhere to the tropics.
I dont know what you talking about.Weather is getting hotter between May to September,October to Apríl is pretty mild outside higher mountain regions.
@@stanostano7674 Well, we are obviously living on different planets. Sorry, but most of our summer is anything but hot. Actually the last 3 summers were really pretty cold (many times I needed a jacket in Martin even in July) except for couple of days - and even on the "hot" days it´s hot mostly only from 11 to 16, i.e. 5 hours a day. The summers in 90ies were much nicer. Not speaking about this year´s May - as cold as I have never experienced before. Only the winters are getting warmer - which is bad - but summers are getting colder imo (this June was an exception). And overall it´s crazy windy in the last years, so it makes the actual temperature even lower.
Hi Kimberly can you please place Slovak subtitles? My suggestions after reading comments. I love how you respect Slovak culture 😄
This one has Slovak subtitle, but you have to turn it on your youtube settings so it will play 😊
Ja som pre zmenu mala najvacsi problem v Azii s WC a jeho kyblikovou metodou. Nikde toaletny papier. :D:D:D Doteraz je to moja nocna mora. Zaujimave, vidiet to z tej druhej strany :-) A ano, street food a tiez aj cerstve ovocie/zelenina - mi najviac chyba na Slovensku.
You still can install bidet toilet shower its just a little change of water supplies 😉
Already planning it! 😉
❤️ 💖 ❤️
I agree to all what you said 😇
By the way I'm going to Nízke Tatry in August! I'm really excited 😀
Wooow! I am also looking forward to see Tatry this year! :)
@@ChasingKimberly Awesome! I'm excited for that too!
No. Ja som bola niekoľko krát v Nízkych a Vysokých Tatrách, bolo to tam krásne.
English: No. I have been in Nízke and Vysoké Tatry several times, it was beautiful there.
@@LuciaJeSuper_1501 Áno, ja viem
@@LuciaJeSuper_1501 💗
A cold shower in the morning is an awesome habit. It wakes you up and starts your day on. You should start to practice it again :)
its basicly torturing yourself
Maybe during summer here but on winter days? Oh no 😂
0:08 Best part ❤️
I am Czech and I think I eat rice about three times a year. Taking cold showers and drinking ice cold water makes even more hot in a summer.
My grandma is swimming in a lake no matter what weather or what season is it.
Hi Harriet, what happened to Nina from Stupava ??? 🙂 Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Too personal informations I guess
@@kpopaddict3771 👍💚🌹🙂
Ja by som sa s tebou chcel porozprávať , pracoval som v Káhire , Aténach , Moskve , mám mnoho zvláštnych skúsenosti z týchto rozdielnych kultúr , že niekedy som ostal doslova v šoku v niektorých situáciách , niečo ako ty na Slovensku , myslím že to zvládaš super, myslím že to chce vážne odvahu , v určitom rozsahu ťa úplne chápem . Každopádne držím palce Kim , aby si sa cítila na Slovensku či najlepšie. Čau.🖖
Bidet is the best thing ever... you can buy an upgrade for your standard toilet for around 40€ online btw
In Italy is standard in every house
Milá Kim, všetko to čo spomínaš nie je ani nām až také cudzie . Keď je horúce leto , sprchujeme sa tiež často, ale kto by sa 2-3 krát sprchoval v januári. Do vody v rieke lezú v zime iba otužilci, napríklad môj sused, alebo moja známa pani, čo vlastní butik, má blízko 60 rokov a nikdy by som to o nej nepovedala, že si cez obednú prestávku sadne do auta, odvezie sa na Zelenú vodu a rýchlo si zapláva a potom ide zasa predávať do butiku.
Tie oddelené WC od kúpeľne, je hlavne v činžiakoch, niekde bez umývadla rúk, inde s umývadlom. V rodinných domoch býva často WC prepojené s kúpeľňou. Ale WC misy aj s vmontovanou sprchou na umytie už predávajú aj u nás , dá sa kúpiť a inštalatér namontuje a budeš mať na WC svoj komfort. Zimu delím na dvojvrstvovú , trojvrstvovú a štvorvrsvovú. Podľa toho, koľko vrstiev odevov si obliekam. Podprsenka + tričko = leto, podprsenka+ tielko+ blúzka+ sveter (ľahký kabát) = jeseň, atď... Pribudne ...+ vetrovka , kožuch...
Je to zábavné, ale na Sibíri to majú ťažšie. A slnečníky ! Teraz už nie sú také módne. Opálená pokoźka u mestských žien nie je taký hendykep ako na prelome 19-20 storočia.
Vtedy ženy chceli mať neopálenú bielu pokožku tváre aj rúk, a tak boli v móde čipkované rukavičky a slnečníky. U vás na Filipínach je slnko horúce a preto tú ochranu potrebujete. A okrem toho aj prší častejšie. Je pekné od teba, že sa s nami takto delíš o svoje pocity a skúsenosti.💝
Ďakujem za koment Ľubomíra 💚
@@ChasingKimberly Nebol príliš dlhý ?
..and I almost forgot to write it down, I had a lot good experiences with people from Philippines :-)
I have a hand fan. Very useful during hot days.
Wow! I used to have them too!
@@ChasingKimberly It is a cheap a relatively eco friendly solution.
If you see a local using an umbrella when it's sunny, it's probably me ✌😂 Done that occasionally before living in Japan but after living in Japan, I can't imagine not doing it. Especially after I got myself really fancy one with 98% UV protection:,) Also, living without a fancy Japanese toilet? unimaginable. But as for the rice, I'm pretty sure I eat it a lot less now because I got really sick of it in Japan, hah.
Oh Japan! Im sure you picked up more habits from there that makes life really easy and convenient! 😂
Hi Kimberly.
You mention a lot of stuff in this video.
I moved to different country and continent Canada and USA, humid in NYC during the summer is the worst, beside that weather here is like in Slovakia.
Bidet used to be posh in old times in Slovakia but common in Western Europe. Dano can look now either in Slovakia or Austria and when you redoing house right now you can have big bathroom with everything.
Old horse had terrible concept of bathrooms it's changing now.
Fork knifes well I can't learn eat with chop sticks 😁. But in Brazil they eating even pizza with utensils, and they looking down on you when you using hand😁.
Hair, you can do little research for hair is good extract from birch and lot of other stuff made from herbs, Slovakia it's famous for homeopathic, rinsing hair with beer is good also😁.
Street food is not coming in Europe at least not as in USA, Philippines or other countries, tradition in Slovakia and Western Europe was you went for lunch to restaurant or home, it's changing now unfortunately.
Safety is important everywhere, I used to travel a lot and depend on country, safe and be carful.
In NYC you have to be careful in subway, in Brazil never wear gold stuff and expensive things you become target, not in Ipanema or Leblon these are push parts but in general. During carnival especially careful and your phone , wallet always safe.
Backpack in subway always in front of you so when on back you don't see you having visitor in it.
Drinking cold I'm used to it, funny was when I come home for visit I always asked for ice, even restarts.
Polar bears are not as common but when you taking sauna you cool in snow especially when is in nature.
Sock wearing at home always at least in my case, sickness always coming from feet, so keeping them warm is a must in cold weather.
Beef soup you can use meat and beef bones they will have marro w in them.
Well you are potato Queen😁 so rice is second, potatoes, pasta, couscous is first but that's only little change, I like sweet potatoes don't know if you can get them in Slovakia.
I guess got most of it if anything I missed let me know.
Have great weekend hopefully got warmer in Bratislava and you can enjoy spring.
I found some sweet potatoes being sold in a special shop here in Bratislava. Im actually going to try to grow them this year! Cross-finger, hoping it will grow 😉
@@ChasingKimberly I wish you good luck with hope they will grow good.
I hope you prepared garden well for all fruits and vegetables.
Garden need a lot of attention so you going to have busy summer ahead of you🤞♥️🤞
Jste velmi příjemný a pozitivní člověk.
Život bez ryže nemá pre mňa význam.. Ja sa snažím ku všetkému jesť ryžu 👌😄 milujem ju 👌😄
Nice video, Kim.
Ad socks - as You know, we take off our shoes inside. For me it is better to wear thick socks instead slippers. Due to our climate our floors are colder at home in the older houses. I cannot sleep without socks, even in the summer, because on the morning I will deal with plugged nose...
Using a silver service (dinner set) - for poultry is not necessary. In restaurants if the "drumstick" has tin foil or paper strip around the bone, You can eat barehand. Even not, I do as well anyway. The same about a sausage, wiener, liver/blood sausage.
(maybe I am a hillbilly, but schnitzel between bread slices...)
I don't like cold drinks, carbonated even more. I must have it at the room temperature avoiding throat inflammation.
Wet hairs / wet body. Please, just never leave for the windy or cold weather wet. Our climate is tricky, my Granny used to say: "The Sun is biting today." - means, despite the Sun and nice looking temperatures, You can get cold very easily.
Nice to see I am not the only one enjoying the life in Slovakia (my "Motherland" - "Matička").
How do you say "The Sun is biting today" in Slovak? I like this saying! Full of wisdom! :)
You got me. My Granny, who used to say is Hungarian and the sentence is: "Ma a nap harapós kedvében van."
But in the Slovak language we have "zubaté slniečko" - "the little Sun with teeth" that means the same, however it is bright outside, seems to be a sunny weather, but cold wind or cold in the shadow.
So, I think the sentence "Dnes máme zubaté slniečko." is quite at the point.
Such a fun video sweety!
thank you ☺️
Alexandra Puskarova Hi Alexandra, and you are, such a sweety too !!! With Love, 💚🌹👍🙂 Jerry.🗽
Taký slovenský "street food" sa dá zažiť na jarmokoch po Slovensku, tie ale boli minulý rok a asi aj tento rok zrušené kvôli korone.
Ja rád jem iba ližicou všetko. a niekedy jest rukami nieje zlé . taku pečenu klobasu , horčicu a chlieb jem rukami
spending time in extreme hot or cold environment is per recent studies healthy more due to forming of "heat shock proteins".. short extreme cold, heat or physical performance stress helps the immunity to stay in shape and damaged proteins(hence body) to fix itself - that's the result of HSP creation..
Super video!! Ještě by mě zajímalo, jestli ti nechybí komáři? 😅 Ztratila jsi nějaký zvyk i v souvislosti s tímto? 😁😅
Aj na Slovensku je tiez strasne vela komarov
@@kpopaddict3771 To ano... Ale třeba v zimním období tu žádní nejsou. Na Filipínách jsou celý rok tropy a před komáry není úniku... 😅😅
Komári sú aj tu len menej 😂
Hello Kimberly, kumusta :) I ate balot in Manila because my boyfriend and his nanay told me it's "must" :) It was good, especially the yolk :)
You really like it?! Wow! Hahaha 😂
This is absolutely true 😂
I love being without socks. And during cold days I prefer soft (fluffy) socks 🙂
I like drink very cold water after eating some food
Bulalo som pochopila, že sa u nás nazýva morková kosť. Po vyvarení kosti na polievku morok vyklepeme z kosti, posolíme a jeme s chlebom.
Bulalo je polievka ... nájdi si recept na youtube :)
I love the video
But that electric socket or how it's called annoy me lil bit 😄 it's so unsemestrical 😥
Hahah don't worry you are not the only one who is annoyed with that! Our old house is full of them! :D
@@ChasingKimberly say no more I'm on my way to fix all of em 😂
Ok you are slowly drifting toward balut & mom in law. 😍🥰 offer still stands 100 usd if she eats ALL of it!
Hahaha I doubt she would! 😂
I know I already spent it, thats mission impossible for you but the thought,,,,, precious.
I'm an electrician, that's why I'm irritated by the crooked power socket on the wall... :-D
haha I know, we are already changing the old wires and sockets of our old house so it will be better soon, hopefully 😂
@@ChasingKimberly So I wish you good luck in the reconstruction ;-)
During the hot sunny days we do not wear socks here in Slovakia too. Otherwise my feet would burn to bone. :D
kim veari good video pekny vikend
Aj tebe ✌🏽
Phillipinos are different to any other asian countries. Big influence of american culture, spanish partly too... In Slovakia are living vietnams people, koreans people, chinese people... But they are no able communicate in english... Most of them. But all phillipinos do. And when I listen conversation in your philipino language, I can hear many english words in your own language... ???
I havent met korean who doesnt speak english yet, but definitely agree with the rest :-)
English is in very integrated in our education. We start very young learning and speaking english. We watch a lot of movies and shows in English so we pick it up at early age that is why we are able to speak it. 😉
Philippines was under US colonization.
Drinking cold beer is far safer for your health than drinking cold water.
Haha is it?! 😂
true... because frogs and fish live and piss in the water
thank you 💚
Hii! How are you, sorry I was busy with school that's why I wasn't commenting.
Totally fine :) I hope you are enjoying school!
@@ChasingKimberly It's kind of hard but I can do it!
Like a idem pozerať
Ti máš rada ryžu a ja musím mať klobásku v jednej ruke a v druhej tiež
Aj medzi nohami ???
😄😄😄😄😄 ... áno .... so true video again 😅.... Bulalo yeah , best is at Bulalooon at Siargao 😉 ... but Balut or durian is not for me 😅 ... maybe when i will be drunk 😀
durian and beer is not good combination, never do that 😂
@@ChasingKimberly 😄😄😄😄
@@ChasingKimberly Hi Kim , we have video at youtube first time too .... :) ... ruclips.net/video/_E0AHub9jcY/видео.html
I agree haha my hair gets better too when i came here 😂
Hey Kim!
What a lovely video 😉
Finally someone who's daily routine is/was a bidet. Now there's a very important question I want to ask you: what do you do after using a bidet? Towel? Tissue? Leave it dry out? 🤗
I searched for the answer a lot but seems like there's no universal conclusion to this. Wonder what's the "norm" in Philippines/in your family?
Leave it dry out! 🤣
@@ChasingKimberly 😇😊
Vodou sa umývam, a pijem pivo🍺
Ahoooooj :) Vieš pekne po slovensky a akom meste žiješ ?
V Bratislave zije
Balut!? Uhhh I don't think I'm truly brave enough to try it!
At first Milans 😅 foreign people not used to like it. 😊
@@joannesgranada689 no kidding! I've tried loads of stuff...but...the balut is one of a few things I'll never put in my mouth! Ain't gonna happen! Even, if I got paid it!! :)
@@milansmilans3594 😆😊
A titulky kde su?
Už sú tam 😂✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽
@@ChasingKimberly diki👍
Zvláštne, pre mňa je to bežné a pre iných ľudí nie.
nič sa nevirovna čistej vode zo studničky v lese. ktora je studena aj v lete ked su 30 až 40 stupnove teploty
Čau 😎
K tym ponozkam vo vnutri domu. Ja by som to videl ze podla toho kto ma aku podlahu. Napriklad ty mas doma plavajucu podlahu a aj ine studene materialy nevytvoria pocit tepla od noch, tak preventivne nosis ponozky. Ja mam napriklad doma vsade koberce a nikdy som ponozky doma nenosil. Ale dost zavisi aj od metabolizmu/krvneho obehu daneho cloveka, proste niekdo bude mat studene nohy aj v horucom lete a niekomu zase bude stale teplo od noch aj ked bude chodit bosi po snehu .:-)
Kim ja ta nechcem naštvať ale... Tie titulky 💖💖💖🙄🙄 píšem to pod 3 videjko ale vieš no moja anj je... Na bode mrazu😂💖💗💞💋💝
A ty moja si daj pohov! Čo do nej rýpeš?
@@igorbukovy4313 co som jej napísala? Iba toľko ze by som poprosila o tie titulky ale Kim ospravedlňujem sa už ich tam nahodila písala to aj do storky. A napísala som iba to ze chcem titulky a to ze moja anj je na bode mrazu akože prepáč ale nenavazam sa do nej a ni nič
A tie titulky tam nahodila až teraz takže daj si ty pohov láskavo 🙏😉
@@kristinakapusnakova8486 Hi Kristina, here we are again ! 😃 Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 áno áno 😂😂
Ahojkyy to ako si sa vlastne tak rýchlo naucila po slovensky alebo rozumieť po slovensky??😁😁
2:32 hand in the oven: D
Eating cheese at night, something we europeans do cuz it good
nobody does that
maybe except french lmao
@@swolzer you would be suprised a lot more do that than you think, cheese during night is more tasty
...salty mozzarella balls...
...sheep cheese on bread with eggs and onion... or smoked cheese kourbash...
@@janpf0624 yees
Where are slovak subtitles?😂😂😂
It was late 😂
Ja osobne by som najradsej jedlay rukami ale tu by na mna v restike divne pozerali hahaha
@@ChasingKimberly Kim a so taka divna inac volaj ma binbi ,binbka,sjratene z bibiana mozem ta volat moj priatel?
Ahojkiss,,,moze to bit zaujimave video no ja vam nerozumiem ani slovo,,,😥😥😥👀
Už sú aj titulky 💚💚💚😄
@@ChasingKimberly 👍👍🍺👍👍
@@ChasingKimberly Ahojkiss,😊 už viem o čom bolo toto super videjko,,, keď môžem reagovať na vaše body tak len kladne,,, presťahovať sa do inej krajiny je ťažké pre každého aspoň si to myslím ja,,, hlavne sa prispôsobiť zvykom a kultúre tej danej krajiny,,, ale vy ste to mala určite ťažšie lebo ste sa nepresťahovala len do inej krajiny ale aj na iný kontinent,,,
z Asie do Europy,,, takže sa musíte prispôsobovať nie len zvykom danej krajiny ale aj kontinentu,,, To že máte rada ryžu je absolútne v poriadku mi Slováci zase zemiaky,,, určite by mne na Filipínach veľmi chýbali a čo sa týka studenej sprchy ráno tak tu si dávam každý deň,,, je to pravda že to človeka osvieži, keď ráno zaspím a nestíham si ju dať tak sa potom v robote celí deň cítim ozaj ako prispatý,,, čo sa týka chladených nápojov plne s vami súhlasím najme v lete ale chladené PIVO po celí rok,,, pretože teplé pivo sa nedá piť, aspoň mne nechutí, môžem zotpovedne povedať že ma z neho nikdy nebolelo hrdlo či v zime či v lete asi preto že PIVO je božský nápoj 😊🍺😉, Prajem vám pevné nervy a vydržte to tu s nami Slovákmi,,, 👍
BALUT,,,,,,, ok but u pay for the liquor !
A prečo si sa rozhodla ísť na Slovensko? English:Why you decided to go to Slovakia
Ona to vysvetlila vo videu
Jej manžel je Slovák.
poulicne kuchyne su nieco odkial pochadza prave jedlo
Ahoj Kim. Chcel by som sa Ťa opýtať, či je možné, že som Ťa v apríli či máji videl v Trebišove. HI Kim. I want to ask you, if it is possible to see you in town of Trebišov in april or may.
" ze by som Ta " - " mohol vidiet v Trebisove ? " Jerry.🗽
In english version you said it right ! But in slovak version, very bad ! You can write better in english, than in slovak !!! Wow 😲, I'm very impressed !?!? Jerry.🗽
Jete rovno spinavymi rukami a este na ulici, tak na Filipinach je priemerna dlzka zivota o 10 rokov menej , ako na Slovensku. Ma to logiku.
10 nepodstanych blbosti
#1 suvisi s #4, (ked chces jest rukami) urob to ako v Indonezii, kde si utieraju zadok jednou rukou a jedia druhou