@@naomixner_ God bless you! I never assume so I ask, are you saved? Have you been born again by grace through faith in Jesus Christ? ❤️ 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Bible 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
I pray that you yourself are saved. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Bible 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Jack Hyles was a monster. The fruit of his ministry is rife with child molestation fornication and hypocrisy. I mean for God’s sake think about it. David Hyles, AV Ballenger Mark Folger Joe Combs and Jack Schaap just to name a few of the child molesters and fornicators that were spawned by Jack Hyles and his ilk. Whom Jack Hyles defended with the exception of Combs. If you don’t want to believe Vik Nicick and Volge Glover would you believe his daughter Lynda? She is on record telling the truth about her father. There is no fruit from his ministry other than destroyed lives and pain. There is no lordship in the Jack Hyles/IFB brand of salvation. You will know them by their fruit
Always have love bro. Hyles, and alway will. He us as relevant today as he was then. Let's get vack to the old KJV and preach it with power snd conviction that is is the only God ordained Bible in the English language FROM COVER TO COVER.
Hyles, a typical narcissist who wanted to control all. He owned the town where he lived and he was protected because of his money. Famous Christian men can hide, for a time, their sins. Hyles was an atypical narcissist who wanted to control all. Pastors, still today, want a following with no questioning as we read of in 3rd John. Vic Nischik testified: “These were passionate love notes from Jack Hyles to Jennie, all signed ‘Your aching guy, Jack!’ They expressed undying love, telling Jennie that she was the only woman he loved. … There were references to secret meetings with him in different places” (Nischik, The Wizard of God: My Life With Jack Hyles, pp. 57, 58). Jack Hyles mistress, Jennie Nischik, sat on his right in his videotaped sermons, and his wife on his left. You can watch this on RUclips. "I'm Jennie Nischik's daughter. The earliest memory of my mother's affair with Jack Hyles that I can remember dates back to the 1960's. Maybe you could start your investigation there. Both Terry Duff and Eddie Lapina can help you fill in the details. Terry was a deacon in the late 1980's when the deacon board rejected my family's appeal to them to -- finally -- deal with Jack Hyles and his decades-long affair with my mother. This, of course, was well after his son, Dave, had wreaked havoc on the youth department, (he had numerous affairs and two of his raped victims came forward.) and had moved on to terrorize more than one church in Texas (with his sexual deviances). Eddie Lapina was witness to all of that. But, of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.” Jack Hyles former daughter-in-law, Paula Hyles Polonco, who was married to Dave Hyles: "Do I have any reason to believe that the Hyles don’t love each other? Yes, they haven’t slept together in probably 25 years, they don’t share the same bedroom, they don’t speak. ... He’s never said that he loved Mrs. Hyles. He’s never spoken of her in endearing terms.” Paula divorced Dave because of his continuous adultery, he followed in his dad’s footsteps and his dad did not care. Jack Hyles wife and children were too fearful to expose Jack Hyles at the time because he was so powerful. He acted hateful to his wife and abused her and got the children to hate her too. He kept her and the children bound in fear. Knowing they would lose everything they had, they remained silent at the time. His daughter said she feared for her life too. Jack told them they could not destroy his ministry if they spoke. Their home was always full of fright because of their father. Jack Hyles is recorded, stating how much he loves his loyal followers as he knows they would drink poison if he asked them. And his faithful ones admitted they would if he asked them. "Hyles had deacons come forward during Pastor Schools and would order them to sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, repeatedly, to demonstrate his unquestioning power over them." Do a search to listen to the truth spoken by his daughter, Linda Murphrey, her married name. Hyles arranged for Jennie Nischik to work as a secretary in an adjoining office in the late 1960s, and she would not allow her husband to touch her by 1971. Her office had a door opening to Hyles’ office, but there was a drape in front of it so that no one coming into her office could see it. Their offices each had a door opening to the hallway as well as the private door connecting the two rooms. Hyles lied about the existence of the door, saying, “There IS no door,” which was technically true at the time, since it had been removed after the matter became public! With America’s supposed Bible-believing preachers lying like this by abusing the tenses of verbs, it is no wonder that the president of the country testified under oath some that “it depends on what the definition of IS is.” Hyles had other women too. Various other people testified of the existence of the door, including Dave Hyles’ wife and a preacher who was long associated with Hyles but left in 1988 because he could no longer tolerate the deception and who wrote to Robert Sumner about the matter in 1989. This preacher, who had held Hyles up as his hero for 20 years and loved the man deeply and prayed for him passionately, approached him in fear and trembling about the matter of the door. The preacher quoted 1 Thessalonians 5:22, “Abstain from all appearance of evil,” but Hyles brazenly replied, “My people need to trust me.” In 1971, Hyles, without his wife, took Jennie and three other women to Hawaii and stayed in the same hotel, being the only male in the group. In a scene right out of some cheap romance novel, Hyles arranged for Vic Nischik to sleep in the basement of his own house and to pay rent to Jennie. Later Hyles paid to have a room built for Vic over the garage, where he lived without being allowed any conjugal relationship with his wife. When Nischik confronted Hyles in 1985 and demanded that he leave his wife alone, she filed for divorce at Hyles’ insistence. Hyles made the arrangements for and settled the terms of the divorce, and Hyles even paid for it! After the divorce, Jennie moved into a brand new $150,000 condominium at Hyles’ generous behest. Nischik twice tried to present the matter before the deacons of First Baptist, but he was shut down. When he tried to read a three-page letter, Hyles cried out, “You are trying to destroy fundamentalism!” and the deacons chimed in by shouting the poor man down. Nischik’s letter, which he later publicized, said in part, “MY HOME WAS TAMPERED WITH AND MY MARRIAGE DELIBERATELY WRECKED BY JACK HYLES. HE STOLE MY WIFE, HER LOYALTY AND AFFECTION, and when the divorce hung in balance, unilaterally met with the two attorneys and negotiated the divorce settlement.” After Nischik went public with the dirty business, Hyles tried to blacken the man’s reputation and turn attention away from his own deeds in a self-serving letter he mailed to 60,000 pastors. He claimed that he had long heard reports that Nischik was immoral, but the following important observation must be taken into consideration in this matter: “Throughout all of this, Hyles being privy to most if not all of it by his own testimony, Vic remained a member in good standing of the First Baptist Church, song leader in Dr. Hyles’ own adult Sunday School class, choir member, a key worker in the bus ministry (where the ‘pickings’ would be delightful among love-starved, fatherless, teenage girls), a trustee of Hyles-Anderson College, a financial adviser and assistant who helped him obtain a $1,500,000 loan for the purchase of the Hyles-Anderson campus, as well as a respected deacon in the First Baptist Church! On the basis of Dr. Hyles’ own admissions, I rest my case about the massive cover-up of sin under his leadership. In passing, it is interesting to note that Hyles’ evidence against Vic is loose, unsubstantiated, secondhand, hearsay gossip from unnamed sources” (Robert Sumner, The Jack Hyles Story, chapter 5: “The Hyles Reply”). "we all went to Hyles cult … my parents and 9 of us ... I stood up for myself and most importantly my children and it cost me dearly ... my parents were part of the sex ring and bought Jack hyles ways of control and abuse was so so normal and acceptable ... Therefor we all know what NEVER TO DO for those of us that survived and walked away … thank you and others for standing up and exposing this for all to see for what it really is. A CULTIC REGIME!!!!" "This was only a part of what went on in that church. I grew up in that church, it was scary, my parents were even scared."
Just make me sick of my stomach, to think I praised and idolize this guy , thank God He opened my eyes and showed me how wicked and cultists he was , a manipulator and narcissist who built and empire to himself , now we have a bunch of abusers right and left plagued with heresy and man worshipping. Pharisee that burdened people with things he wouldn't do for himself or his family ( particularly his son David or his son in law ( we know where he is now ) but is just the result of his " doctrine " . He should've stay an evangelist .
Ephesians 4:31,32 KJV - "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."
@@jeremiahlopresti6474 You can forgive someone if they have wronged you,even when they have gone on to heaven because forgiven is within,but you cannot rebuke a man who is not in this world. I am so grateful for GODLY MEN like Dr Hyles!!! 1 Samuel 2:26 KJB "And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men." 1 Corinthians 13:11 KJB "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
@@jeremiahlopresti6474 They idolize hyles and his reprobate fruits, 123 pray after me never saved anyone and they act like they are save by jacky boi, sick how they speak of the man. Just man worshiping idolators you can't tell them nothing, they hate the word of God, they love religion and a free license to sin and tell others to quit it while being a hypocrite in their heart. Look at the next clown that stepped up to the plate, he wound up busted proving their fruits are just lusts of the flesh and love of money. I saw super fast to avoid reprobate hyles with his "saved by not converted" sermon, how foolish. But now that he is in hell I can safely say, the reprobate hyles was a damned fool, praise God for His righteous judgements burning that false prophet edomite! You want another example that moron steven anderSIN prime example of hyles spirit, a hateful foul thing. We don't have to forgive a person that refuse to ask for it and there is nothing to forgive to a false teacher. A BROTHER that sins against us is like me hitting you or you stealing my car, now me teaching you to deny God would be a whole nothing matter, we aint to bless people that come bring us false doctrine we are commanded to not let them in shut the door and all that and be done with them, so for any false teacher, there is none of this playing around like they are a brother and need forgiveness, the wolf must repent to God and be born again. I don't forgive people for trying to drag me to hell with them, I pity them and get mad at them and pray for them to repent but I will not forgive them for trying to deceive me UNTIL they repent, then no problem.
I for one am so thankful for the ministry of Bro Hyles, He taught us how to pray for power, and yield to the Holy Spirit, Bro Hyles taught us to win others to Jesus, He taught us to live for others, and to be faithful to church, He taught us the importance of ones duty and to stand for right. He reminded us to love our family and country. He taught us to just keep on keeping on, and don't worry what people say. I taught us a person is known for who they like and dislike. Bro Hyles taught us that great minds talk about ideas and good minds talk about things and weak minds talk about PEOPLE. so true.Read more Show less
This is why I call your kind idol worshipers, worshiping man in the place of your gawd using Jesus' name in vain. Jack Hyles didn't lay his life down for you, he couldn't save himself, he could never save anyone or anything, he was a very prideful and sinful man, he cannot atone for anyones sins. Only Jesus Christ did that ma'am so Jacky saved ZERO people, NO ONE, only Jesus Christ does and it is by repentance and belief of the truth which causes a person to be born again/converted. Hyles taught a perverts gospel of pray 123 after me so you don't goto hell, what useless trash. It did nothing to bring any work of God out of reprobate anderson or that other jack that took over when Hyles was done with. Hyles is in hell, more people in the media have a better chance than the people hearing either Jacks false gospel that just makes a person a two fold more child of hell their their self and that is why we have so many coming out and telling us about the p3d0 scum of 1st bastard cult in hammond. Nasty men, very vile and gross, I wouldn't trust them not to molest my dog much less anything else, Romans 1 reprobate land. They can't help it though they are blinded from the truth by pride in the damned flag they worship above hyles and anything they call gawd, the us flag they call old glory and swear the pledge to be bound unto thereby putting them under the ownership of the devil. I remind you pride is what brought down that wise fool the devil, sodom was turned over to queerdom due to their pride, hurting kids is in line with being a s0d0mite it's strange flesh too. Shannon you are deceived by a perverts gospel.
When a ministry tries to lead people to our Lord Jesus Christ the devil won't like it and he and his workers will attack that ministry. That is what the devil did to Jack Hyles. If he would have done what they said he did he wouldn't have had the power of God on him and great men of God would not have anything to do with him.
This man and many of his decons reeked havoc on many people. HAC and Hyles' church was a cult. Many went to jail and are rotting in prison for what they did to children. To defend him and his ilk is beyond deplorable. Repent , if you believ in the innocence of these demons.
This happens when commies try to take over a country. They will eventually but only because the entire world has to fall in line with these ignorant beliefs so the antichrist can rise to power and rule the entire world with one world order. They better enjoy it while they can because King Jesus is coming. The King is coming! And he will put the antichrist in the stocks for us to walk by and say..."This is the man that caused all of this? This little, feminine bastard caused all of this?" Me personally, I'm gonna hock a big WV hillbilly chew in his face.
@@EternaLivesMatter Need to be faithful to Jesus Christ, jack hyles couldn't atone for his own sins much less yours, he is in hell, don't go with him. 123 pray after me never saved anyone, damns more people than meth.
@@PatrickBaptist Proverbs 28:20 KJV "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent." HOW I KNOW THAT I AM SAVED! Hebrews 9:12 - Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
@@EternaLivesMatter 2 verses huh? Im surprised you didn't quote John 3:16. Nothing about His name or who you claim saved you, one verse doctrines don't stand since a person has to know who Jesus is to believe on Him. Atleast you did quote one about the blood, most people omit the blood from any Salvation statements so I commend you there sir/ma'am/anonymous dishonest person that needs something to hide behind.... So strange why so called Christians are ashamed and need a mask to hide behind online. Just saying Romans says Christians are not ashamed of the gospel. Dunno what you need to hide from to not be honest about who you even are..... No one in the Bible set that ensample so forgive me that I don't really believe your witness, you aren't honest about who you even are, so many liars can't trust anyone until they earn it so you will have to forgive me you just have a bad witness.
@@PatrickBaptist I find a telling that you deleted the last comment which I responded to with those two verses. Do you not want others to know that you hate Jack Hyles. It is that very reason why you hate me. 1 Corinthians 15 KJV "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep."
No wonder the Devil lies, if they lied and treated the son of God what else is to expect Read very positiv from this true man of God and his faithfull service. and he sounded inocent here. God will reward him .no lier are in heaven!!!
I remember this meeting. It was exciting to be a part of, but man, o man, was I ever mad at the media. Donald Trump, exposed the media as fake many years later! Ha-ha-ha! (Not a fan of Trump, btw) The only thing I didn't like about this, now that I'm watching it all these years later, is that he didn't say every preacher ought to carry a gun into the pulpit! (Luke 22:36) Those were great days! I still love exposing liars; but I love them - Jesus does, too! He died for all of us liars; so why do we attack each other? Man, if you've been saved from going to hell, you shouldn't attack someone else who has been saved. But if you do, expect some fiery indignation!
The last speaker spent a lot of time talking about the professionalism, competence, and safety of the bus drivers at FBCH. I don’t believe that was the issue raised by the victims or the news special that aired. Why did they not deal with the allegations against their church? That being child molestation.
@Not Worthy You don't listen very well. Go back and listen to what Bro. hyles said. He listed several reasons why he called this press conference. The speaker you criticized was fulfilling one of those reasons. Smh, you're just like the fake media!
@@libertypastor1307 It seemed to me that Hyles was attempting to discredit the allegations leveled against him by use of sarcasm & insults instead of facts & actually dealing with the issues. This was all a well crafted and carefully planned publicity stunt to try and save face with the public. It was a poor attempt at damage control with his buddies and fellow pastors mindlessly hollering at anything and everything Jack said like they were at a high school pep rally to add to the facade. That’s not fake news. There was a serious problem in his ministry and that can be plainly seen and examined by what took place in the years following.
@@Notworthy72 It seems to me that people like you underestimate the devil and fail to realize that no good work for God is not going to have evidence of Satan's working through the weakness of the flesh and the mind. The bigger the flock, the more weak and wandering sheep there will be for the devil to prey upon. You don't seem to understand the difference between fighting against false accusations and covering up sin. "He that covered his sins SHALL NOT PROSPER!" This scripture proves you wrong for no one has ever prospered spiritually like Jack Hyles did. Take away his jealous, false accusers, and you have the most incredible legacy for a preacher since the apostle Paul! I wouldn't want to face the Lord after siding with slanderers like you have without getting right with Him first. You should take another look at your position and what it is founded on, and compare it to the principles of justice as laid out in the Word of God. By the way, how are you doing in your service for God? Are you busy winning people to Christ on a regular basis? Do you stand for the purity of the Word of God? Are you keeping yourself unspotted from the world? What are you doing to help the fatherless and widow in their affliction?
@@libertypastor1307 Sir, you are clearly I denial about plain facts and the fruit that has been produced by Jack Hyles, not to mention, borderline, if not outright man worship. And comparing Jack Hyles to the apostle Paul?? You know, I’ve heard many many people make this same comparison and it shouldn’t surprise me when people do, but that is such an outlandish and absurd comparison that it is still shocking to me every time I hear it. And it never fails, that once you point out the truth about someone’s idol, the standard response is not to ponder and consider whether it may be true, or do any investigation. No, the response is to ask how many souls I’ve won to the Lord. I’ve been out “soul winning” with HAC students before and their approach and method was about as shallow as Jack Hyles. I’m doing just fine in my walk with the Lord, and I don’t need to compare myself to Jack Hyles. And I’m certainly not going to align myself with the likes of a demagogue like Hyles.
@@Notworthy72Guys like you are actually man worshippers, you worship your own mind. I've never worshipped Jack Hyles. I worship the God that uses Him so mightily in the preaching and counseling he gave me for the 21 years I was there! God was working. He was just an empty vessel. He honored the Lord and regularly praised God for taking him as a timid, intro edges boy and made man out of him. He was always humbling himself; but no, people like you wouldn't believe your eyes or ears, bit instead imagined that it was all a ploy to get people to think he was humble. I was his personal barber for over 10 years, I got to spend more personal time when ministry was not being conducted or planned than anyone outside his family. And he had to submit to my cutting his hair and moving his head around and once in a while pricking his ears! He never once complained. He never once bossed me. He was for sure the humblest man I ever knew, personally. So it seems to me that the only explanation is that you rejected his preaching. You blamed all the faults that you found in his "fruit" on him, when the truth is, many of his followers were following for the hype and excitement that surrounded him. That is unjust on your part! Furthermore, you have no idea how much I researched the facts in his case. When I left, listened to the Paula Hyles tapes; I listened and watched Linda Murphrey's speech; I downloaded and read transcripts and testimony in the Nischik divorce case, including Vic's own attorney's statement, and xe to the conclusion that Vic was lying and/or blinded by his own failures. As I studies, I WANTED to know if Bro. Hyles had done any wrong. But I did not have a critical spirit like virtually all of his critics have been shown to have, and so I saw through the lies and the misinterpretation of circumstances. Btw, I've had to follow a lady home who has helped me late at night, and I know exactly what it is like to need to flash headlights as a safety precaution, "goodnight" and *thank you". That does not mean I was having an affair. Nor does it mean he was! I could write a book on the egregious, radical accusations and innuendoes thrown at that preacher and the twisting of words and circumstances that was done! I don't know who you are, by your screen name, but there's a good chance I knew you. More importantly, God knows. He knows everything! Jack Hyles is with Him right now, and my guess is you do not have near the joy of the Lord that I do! So go ahead, spread your lies at your own risk. You are violating the principle God gave us when He said, "Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect?" The answer is: No one with any standing! God sets before you blessing and cursing; life or death. You choose!
@@wvcurrahee That's a silly comment! Not even the plains of Kansas are FLAT; they have lumps when you zoom in on the soil! If you're going to argue with a "flat" earthers, you really should consider using cogent arguments and evidence; a little Bible wouldn't hurt either, if used rightly. :)
Ocean View, did I compare u to him? And what makes him an occult? If u wanna know what an occult is, read the book written by the man who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart
Ramón Sosa Moreno I worked in the bus ministry for 28 years and I disagree. If all you care about is numbers and getting praise then its wrong. But if you go out and win people to Christ and love them through the bus ministry then God is pleased with it.
What is "church planting?" Is a Biblical term? Is it a Biblical concept? Did Jesus do it? Did Paul do what you are calling "church planting...? Bus ministry as I was led to do it in Brooklyn when I was 15 and many other years and doing the door to door visitation on many hours on Saturday is something that changes lives. Loving others is what Christ, life and ministry is all about, whatever the tool or means. My thing is simple. Jesus did it this way and so have loving people I know, including my ole time preacher dad. Its this, two words. Cultivate curiosity. This is the way of our Master, the Lord Jesus. In the name of Jesus brother please go door to door hours every Saturday as any bus captain must do. Go open up a new block (in Brooklyn its compact, so one block each week can add an hour and a half to two hours.) I had a 500 block on 61st. One could spend all day on that block. There were a few 500 blocks in Sunset Park. These kids loved me and I taught them to love the Lord Jesus. I could go on all day! Please realize getting out of our comfort zone to meet people and invite them to church, whether they come on our bus or not, and to follow Jesus, to receive Jesus per John 1:12, these are lifes BEST hours and minutes. Please brother, think and put youself in Jesus shoes and the shoes of those who serve God by going door to door and meeeing people, earning their curiosity and (when we are wise) quickly make friends through soul-winning as Solomon terms it in Proverbs. Sir with this Islesia are you bitter in your heart? Do you visit for hours every week new people and spend hours re-inviting your bus kids to come to hear about Jesus and have some free food or other loving gift, given in the name of Jesus? I had about 40 to 60 regulars every week. I think that is church planting. WE SANG, PREACHED, TALKED ON THE BUS and I was always "provoking my kids (and later my parents who also came more and more) to love and good works! I had a teen age bus route to bring our "friends" to church on Sunday nights..... ah well. I hope you are not a hypocrite and censurious in this way to your dear people. A good bus route is - from your perspective - the best kind of church planting.
Instead of gathering people from remote places, it is better to plant churches (even if they are smaller) in those places, unless your dream is not to build the kingdom of God but your own empire.
Thats me in the right bus kid thank you Jesus❤
The issue is not are you caring for children but are you protecting an offender at the expense of the truth.
What a cult!
My dad is a pastor when he meets jack hyles and now he uses many of jack hyles sermons here in our church
Amen!!! To God Be the Glory!
@@naomixner_ 😟
Glory be to God!!! Where is your church?
@@naomixner_ God bless you! I never assume so I ask, are you saved? Have you been born again by grace through faith in Jesus Christ? ❤️
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
King James Bible
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
I pray that you yourself are saved.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
King James Bible
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
Thank. You. For. Caring. I. Am. A. Sunday. School. Teacher. And. Those. Little. 🚌 bus. Kids. Are. Such. A. Blessing. I love. Them. And. Jesus. Loves. Them. So. Much
I was a bus kid on brother Jorgensen’s route and my two sons were bus kids on brother Heaton’s route
Amen , I remembered John Todd made that statement.
Jack Hyles was a monster. The fruit of his ministry is rife with child molestation fornication and hypocrisy. I mean for God’s sake think about it. David Hyles, AV Ballenger Mark Folger Joe Combs and Jack Schaap just to name a few of the child molesters and fornicators that were spawned by Jack Hyles and his ilk. Whom Jack Hyles defended with the exception of Combs. If you don’t want to believe Vik Nicick and Volge Glover would you believe his daughter Lynda? She is on record telling the truth about her father. There is no fruit from his ministry other than destroyed lives and pain. There is no lordship in the Jack Hyles/IFB brand of salvation. You will know them by their fruit
Why are you copyrighting something that isn’t even yours ? 🤣
Person is a hyles worshiper you can't expect them to consider the context of ANYTHING correctly.
Always have love bro. Hyles, and alway will. He us as relevant today as he was then. Let's get vack to the old KJV and preach it with power snd conviction that is is the only God ordained Bible in the English language FROM COVER TO COVER.
Hyles, a typical narcissist who wanted to control all. He owned the town where he lived and he was protected because of his money. Famous Christian men can hide, for a time, their sins. Hyles was an atypical narcissist who wanted to control all. Pastors, still today, want a following with no questioning as we read of in 3rd John. Vic Nischik testified: “These were passionate love notes from Jack Hyles to Jennie, all signed ‘Your aching guy, Jack!’ They expressed undying love, telling Jennie that she was the only woman he loved. … There were references to secret meetings with him in different places” (Nischik, The Wizard of God: My Life With Jack Hyles, pp. 57, 58).
Jack Hyles mistress, Jennie Nischik, sat on his right in his videotaped sermons, and his wife on his left. You can watch this on RUclips.
"I'm Jennie Nischik's daughter. The earliest memory of my mother's affair with Jack Hyles that I can remember dates back to the 1960's. Maybe you could start your investigation there. Both Terry Duff and Eddie Lapina can help you fill in the details. Terry was a deacon in the late 1980's when the deacon board rejected my family's appeal to them to -- finally -- deal with Jack Hyles and his decades-long affair with my mother. This, of course, was well after his son, Dave, had wreaked havoc on the youth department, (he had numerous affairs and two of his raped victims came forward.) and had moved on to terrorize more than one church in Texas (with his sexual deviances). Eddie Lapina was witness to all of that. But, of course, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.”
Jack Hyles former daughter-in-law, Paula Hyles Polonco, who was married to Dave Hyles: "Do I have any reason to believe that the Hyles don’t love each other? Yes, they haven’t slept together in probably 25 years, they don’t share the same bedroom, they don’t speak. ... He’s never said that he loved Mrs. Hyles. He’s never spoken of her in endearing terms.” Paula divorced Dave because of his continuous adultery, he followed in his dad’s footsteps and his dad did not care.
Jack Hyles wife and children were too fearful to expose Jack Hyles at the time because he was so powerful. He acted hateful to his wife and abused her and got the children to hate her too. He kept her and the children bound in fear. Knowing they would lose everything they had, they remained silent at the time. His daughter said she feared for her life too. Jack told them they could not destroy his ministry if they spoke. Their home was always full of fright because of their father.
Jack Hyles is recorded, stating how much he loves his loyal followers as he knows they would drink poison if he asked them. And his faithful ones admitted they would if he asked them. "Hyles had deacons come forward during Pastor Schools and would order them to sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, repeatedly, to demonstrate his unquestioning power over them."
Do a search to listen to the truth spoken by his daughter, Linda Murphrey, her married name.
Hyles arranged for Jennie Nischik to work as a secretary in an adjoining office in the late 1960s, and she would not allow her husband to touch her by 1971.
Her office had a door opening to Hyles’ office, but there was a drape in front of it so that no one coming into her office could see it. Their offices each had a door opening to the hallway as well as the private door connecting the two rooms.
Hyles lied about the existence of the door, saying, “There IS no door,” which was technically true at the time, since it had been removed after the matter became public! With America’s supposed Bible-believing preachers lying like this by abusing the tenses of verbs, it is no wonder that the president of the country testified under oath some that “it depends on what the definition of IS is.” Hyles had other women too.
Various other people testified of the existence of the door, including Dave Hyles’ wife and a preacher who was long associated with Hyles but left in 1988 because he could no longer tolerate the deception and who wrote to Robert Sumner about the matter in 1989. This preacher, who had held Hyles up as his hero for 20 years and loved the man deeply and prayed for him passionately, approached him in fear and trembling about the matter of the door. The preacher quoted 1 Thessalonians 5:22, “Abstain from all appearance of evil,” but Hyles brazenly replied, “My people need to trust me.”
In 1971, Hyles, without his wife, took Jennie and three other women to Hawaii and stayed in the same hotel, being the only male in the group.
In a scene right out of some cheap romance novel, Hyles arranged for Vic Nischik to sleep in the basement of his own house and to pay rent to Jennie. Later Hyles paid to have a room built for Vic over the garage, where he lived without being allowed any conjugal relationship with his wife.
When Nischik confronted Hyles in 1985 and demanded that he leave his wife alone, she filed for divorce at Hyles’ insistence. Hyles made the arrangements for and settled the terms of the divorce, and Hyles even paid for it! After the divorce, Jennie moved into a brand new $150,000 condominium at Hyles’ generous behest.
Nischik twice tried to present the matter before the deacons of First Baptist, but he was shut down. When he tried to read a three-page letter, Hyles cried out, “You are trying to destroy fundamentalism!” and the deacons chimed in by shouting the poor man down. Nischik’s letter, which he later publicized, said in part,
“MY HOME WAS TAMPERED WITH AND MY MARRIAGE DELIBERATELY WRECKED BY JACK HYLES. HE STOLE MY WIFE, HER LOYALTY AND AFFECTION, and when the divorce hung in balance, unilaterally met with the two attorneys and negotiated the divorce settlement.”
After Nischik went public with the dirty business, Hyles tried to blacken the man’s reputation and turn attention away from his own deeds in a self-serving letter he mailed to 60,000 pastors. He claimed that he had long heard reports that Nischik was immoral, but the following important observation must be taken into consideration in this matter:
“Throughout all of this, Hyles being privy to most if not all of it by his own testimony, Vic remained a member in good standing of the First Baptist Church, song leader in Dr. Hyles’ own adult Sunday School class, choir member, a key worker in the bus ministry (where the ‘pickings’ would be delightful among love-starved, fatherless, teenage girls), a trustee of Hyles-Anderson College, a financial adviser and assistant who helped him obtain a $1,500,000 loan for the purchase of the Hyles-Anderson campus, as well as a respected deacon in the First Baptist Church! On the basis of Dr. Hyles’ own admissions, I rest my case about the massive cover-up of sin under his leadership. In passing, it is interesting to note that Hyles’ evidence against Vic is loose, unsubstantiated, secondhand, hearsay gossip from unnamed sources” (Robert Sumner, The Jack Hyles Story, chapter 5: “The Hyles Reply”).
"we all went to Hyles cult … my parents and 9 of us ... I stood up for myself and most importantly my children and it cost me dearly ... my parents were part of the sex ring and bought Jack hyles ways of control and abuse was so so normal and acceptable ... Therefor we all know what NEVER TO DO for those of us that survived and walked away … thank you and others for standing up and exposing this for all to see for what it really is. A CULTIC REGIME!!!!"
"This was only a part of what went on in that church. I grew up in that church, it was scary, my parents were even scared."
Just make me sick of my stomach, to think I praised and idolize this guy , thank God He opened my eyes and showed me how wicked and cultists he was , a manipulator and narcissist who built and empire to himself , now we have a bunch of abusers right and left plagued with heresy and man worshipping. Pharisee that burdened people with things he wouldn't do for himself or his family ( particularly his son David or his son in law ( we know where he is now ) but is just the result of his " doctrine " . He should've stay an evangelist .
Ephesians 4:31,32 KJV - "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."
@@EternaLivesMatter Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear. 1 TIMOTHY 5:20 KJV
You can forgive someone if they have wronged you,even when they have gone on to heaven because forgiven is within,but you cannot rebuke a man who is not in this world.
I am so grateful for GODLY MEN like Dr Hyles!!!
1 Samuel 2:26 KJB
"And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men."
1 Corinthians 13:11 KJB
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
@@jeremiahlopresti6474 They idolize hyles and his reprobate fruits, 123 pray after me never saved anyone and they act like they are save by jacky boi, sick how they speak of the man. Just man worshiping idolators you can't tell them nothing, they hate the word of God, they love religion and a free license to sin and tell others to quit it while being a hypocrite in their heart. Look at the next clown that stepped up to the plate, he wound up busted proving their fruits are just lusts of the flesh and love of money.
I saw super fast to avoid reprobate hyles with his "saved by not converted" sermon, how foolish. But now that he is in hell I can safely say, the reprobate hyles was a damned fool, praise God for His righteous judgements burning that false prophet edomite! You want another example that moron steven anderSIN prime example of hyles spirit, a hateful foul thing.
We don't have to forgive a person that refuse to ask for it and there is nothing to forgive to a false teacher. A BROTHER that sins against us is like me hitting you or you stealing my car, now me teaching you to deny God would be a whole nothing matter, we aint to bless people that come bring us false doctrine we are commanded to not let them in shut the door and all that and be done with them, so for any false teacher, there is none of this playing around like they are a brother and need forgiveness, the wolf must repent to God and be born again. I don't forgive people for trying to drag me to hell with them, I pity them and get mad at them and pray for them to repent but I will not forgive them for trying to deceive me UNTIL they repent, then no problem.
Bunch of liars and completely ignorant of so many facts.
I for one am so thankful for the ministry of Bro Hyles, He taught us how to pray for power, and yield to the Holy Spirit, Bro Hyles taught us to win others to Jesus, He taught us to live for others, and to be faithful to church, He taught us the importance of ones duty and to stand for right. He reminded us to love our family and country. He taught us to just keep on keeping on, and don't worry what people say. I taught us a person is known for who they like and dislike. Bro Hyles taught us that great minds talk about ideas and good minds talk about things and weak minds talk about PEOPLE. so true.Read more Show less
Michael Reynolds ruclips.net/video/SfstI_SI6XM/видео.html
AMEN!!!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!
Keep on Praying❤
How many souls will be saved because of the media? And how many souls will be saved and in heaven because of JACK HYLES? sll
This is why I call your kind idol worshipers, worshiping man in the place of your gawd using Jesus' name in vain. Jack Hyles didn't lay his life down for you, he couldn't save himself, he could never save anyone or anything, he was a very prideful and sinful man, he cannot atone for anyones sins. Only Jesus Christ did that ma'am so Jacky saved ZERO people, NO ONE, only Jesus Christ does and it is by repentance and belief of the truth which causes a person to be born again/converted. Hyles taught a perverts gospel of pray 123 after me so you don't goto hell, what useless trash. It did nothing to bring any work of God out of reprobate anderson or that other jack that took over when Hyles was done with. Hyles is in hell, more people in the media have a better chance than the people hearing either Jacks false gospel that just makes a person a two fold more child of hell their their self and that is why we have so many coming out and telling us about the p3d0 scum of 1st bastard cult in hammond. Nasty men, very vile and gross, I wouldn't trust them not to molest my dog much less anything else, Romans 1 reprobate land. They can't help it though they are blinded from the truth by pride in the damned flag they worship above hyles and anything they call gawd, the us flag they call old glory and swear the pledge to be bound unto thereby putting them under the ownership of the devil. I remind you pride is what brought down that wise fool the devil, sodom was turned over to queerdom due to their pride, hurting kids is in line with being a s0d0mite it's strange flesh too. Shannon you are deceived by a perverts gospel.
When a ministry tries to lead people to our Lord Jesus Christ the devil won't like it and he and his workers will attack that ministry. That is what the devil did to Jack Hyles. If he would have done what they said he did he wouldn't have had the power of God on him and great men of God would not have anything to do with him.
This man and many of his decons reeked havoc on many people. HAC and Hyles' church was a cult. Many went to jail and are rotting in prison for what they did to children. To defend him and his ilk is beyond deplorable. Repent , if you believ in the innocence of these demons.
This happens when commies try to take over a country. They will eventually but only because the entire world has to fall in line with these ignorant beliefs so the antichrist can rise to power and rule the entire world with one world order. They better enjoy it while they can because King Jesus is coming. The King is coming! And he will put the antichrist in the stocks for us to walk by and say..."This is the man that caused all of this? This little, feminine bastard caused all of this?" Me personally, I'm gonna hock a big WV hillbilly chew in his face.
@@patriotpastor59 You need to repent of your unjust slander.
My pastor miss and love u as my pastor
God bless you for being faithful to your Pastor!
@@EternaLivesMatter Need to be faithful to Jesus Christ, jack hyles couldn't atone for his own sins much less yours, he is in hell, don't go with him. 123 pray after me never saved anyone, damns more people than meth.
Proverbs 28:20 KJV
"A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent."
Hebrews 9:12 - Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
@@EternaLivesMatter 2 verses huh? Im surprised you didn't quote John 3:16.
Nothing about His name or who you claim saved you, one verse doctrines don't stand since a person has to know who Jesus is to believe on Him. Atleast you did quote one about the blood, most people omit the blood from any Salvation statements so I commend you there sir/ma'am/anonymous dishonest person that needs something to hide behind.... So strange why so called Christians are ashamed and need a mask to hide behind online. Just saying Romans says Christians are not ashamed of the gospel. Dunno what you need to hide from to not be honest about who you even are..... No one in the Bible set that ensample so forgive me that I don't really believe your witness, you aren't honest about who you even are, so many liars can't trust anyone until they earn it so you will have to forgive me you just have a bad witness.
I find a telling that you deleted the last comment which I responded to with those two verses.
Do you not want others to know that you hate Jack Hyles.
It is that very reason why you hate me.
1 Corinthians 15
"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep."
Clapping like he's some kind of rock star.
Better than a rock star
No wonder the Devil lies, if they lied and treated the son of God what else is to expect
Read very positiv from this true man of God and his faithfull service. and he sounded
inocent here. God will reward him .no lier are in heaven!!!
Amen! You have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth...GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!
I remember this meeting. It was exciting to be a part of, but man, o man, was I ever mad at the media. Donald Trump, exposed the media as fake many years later! Ha-ha-ha!
(Not a fan of Trump, btw)
The only thing I didn't like about this, now that I'm watching it all these years later, is that he didn't say every preacher ought to carry a gun into the pulpit!
(Luke 22:36)
Those were great days!
I still love exposing liars; but I love them - Jesus does, too!
He died for all of us liars; so why do we attack each other?
Man, if you've been saved from going to hell, you shouldn't attack someone else who has been saved. But if you do, expect some fiery indignation!
How the devil used people to accuse and cause division in the Church! Let the fundamentalism great again!
The last speaker spent a lot of time talking about the professionalism, competence, and safety of the bus drivers at FBCH.
I don’t believe that was the issue raised by the victims or the news special that aired. Why did they not deal with the allegations against their church? That being child molestation.
@Not Worthy You don't listen very well. Go back and listen to what Bro. hyles said. He listed several reasons why he called this press conference. The speaker you criticized was fulfilling one of those reasons.
Smh, you're just like the fake media!
@@libertypastor1307 It seemed to me that Hyles was attempting to discredit the allegations leveled against him by use of sarcasm & insults instead of facts & actually dealing with the issues. This was all a well crafted and carefully planned publicity stunt to try and save face with the public. It was a poor attempt at damage control with his buddies and fellow pastors mindlessly hollering at anything and everything Jack said like they were at a high school pep rally to add to the facade.
That’s not fake news. There was a serious problem in his ministry and that can be plainly seen and examined by what took place in the years following.
@@Notworthy72 It seems to me that people like you underestimate the devil and fail to realize that no good work for God is not going to have evidence of Satan's working through the weakness of the flesh and the mind.
The bigger the flock, the more weak and wandering sheep there will be for the devil to prey upon.
You don't seem to understand the difference between fighting against false accusations and covering up sin.
"He that covered his sins SHALL NOT PROSPER!"
This scripture proves you wrong for no one has ever prospered spiritually like Jack Hyles did.
Take away his jealous, false accusers, and you have the most incredible legacy for a preacher since the apostle Paul!
I wouldn't want to face the Lord after siding with slanderers like you have without getting right with Him first.
You should take another look at your position and what it is founded on, and compare it to the principles of justice as laid out in the Word of God.
By the way, how are you doing in your service for God?
Are you busy winning people to Christ on a regular basis?
Do you stand for the purity of the Word of God?
Are you keeping yourself unspotted from the world?
What are you doing to help the fatherless and widow in their affliction?
@@libertypastor1307 Sir, you are clearly I denial about plain facts and the fruit that has been produced by Jack Hyles, not to mention, borderline, if not outright man worship.
And comparing Jack Hyles to the apostle Paul?? You know, I’ve heard many many people make this same comparison and it shouldn’t surprise me when people do, but that is such an outlandish and absurd comparison that it is still shocking to me every time I hear it.
And it never fails, that once you point out the truth about someone’s idol, the standard response is not to ponder and consider whether it may be true, or do any investigation. No, the response is to ask how many souls I’ve won to the Lord. I’ve been out “soul winning” with HAC students before and their approach and method was about as shallow as Jack Hyles. I’m doing just fine in my walk with the Lord, and I don’t need to compare myself to Jack Hyles. And I’m certainly not going to align myself with the likes of a demagogue like Hyles.
@@Notworthy72Guys like you are actually man worshippers, you worship your own mind.
I've never worshipped Jack Hyles. I worship the God that uses Him so mightily in the preaching and counseling he gave me for the 21 years I was there! God was working. He was just an empty vessel.
He honored the Lord and regularly praised God for taking him as a timid, intro edges boy and made man out of him. He was always humbling himself; but no, people like you wouldn't believe your eyes or ears, bit instead imagined that it was all a ploy to get people to think he was humble.
I was his personal barber for over 10 years, I got to spend more personal time when ministry was not being conducted or planned than anyone outside his family. And he had to submit to my cutting his hair and moving his head around and once in a while pricking his ears! He never once complained. He never once bossed me. He was for sure the humblest man I ever knew, personally. So it seems to me that the only explanation is that you rejected his preaching. You blamed all the faults that you found in his "fruit" on him, when the truth is, many of his followers were following for the hype and excitement that surrounded him. That is unjust on your part!
Furthermore, you have no idea how much I researched the facts in his case.
When I left, listened to the Paula Hyles tapes; I listened and watched Linda Murphrey's speech; I downloaded and read transcripts and testimony in the Nischik divorce case, including Vic's own attorney's statement, and xe to the conclusion that Vic was lying and/or blinded by his own failures. As I studies, I WANTED to know if Bro. Hyles had done any wrong. But I did not have a critical spirit like virtually all of his critics have been shown to have, and so I saw through the lies and the misinterpretation of circumstances.
Btw, I've had to follow a lady home who has helped me late at night, and I know exactly what it is like to need to flash headlights as a safety precaution, "goodnight" and *thank you". That does not mean I was having an affair. Nor does it mean he was!
I could write a book on the egregious, radical accusations and innuendoes thrown at that preacher and the twisting of words and circumstances that was done!
I don't know who you are, by your screen name, but there's a good chance I knew you. More importantly, God knows. He knows everything! Jack Hyles is with Him right now, and my guess is you do not have near the joy of the Lord that I do!
So go ahead, spread your lies at your own risk. You are violating the principle God gave us when He said, "Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect?"
The answer is: No one with any standing!
God sets before you blessing and cursing; life or death.
You choose!
+Harold Snure Love it, I was saved on the street, That place is real. Thanks for putting this out
@Chris Perkins I live in the Appalachians, I promise the earth isn't flat. Come see for yourself
@@wvcurrahee That's a silly comment! Not even the plains of Kansas are FLAT; they have lumps when you zoom in on the soil!
If you're going to argue with a "flat" earthers, you really should consider using cogent arguments and evidence; a little Bible wouldn't hurt either, if used rightly. :)
This is a cult.
+comfortcare36 how do you know this? What proof do you have. Please share that proof.
+comfortcare36, he said it wasn't, so is u're word stronger than his?
+LTCWM1 It sure is... please don't compare me to a pedophile.Hes own tells the same thing....do your own research?
+Karen Loeffler well for one let's see,how about we start with his own daughter? By the witnesses are overwhelming ..
Ocean View, did I compare u to him? And what makes him an occult? If u wanna know what an occult is, read the book written by the man who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart
Bus ministry is so wrong. Church planting is the way to bring people to Christ, at least that's the biblical way.
Ramón Sosa Moreno I worked in the bus ministry for 28 years and I disagree. If all you care about is numbers and getting praise then its wrong. But if you go out and win people to Christ and love them through the bus ministry then God is pleased with it.
What is "church planting?" Is a Biblical term? Is it a Biblical concept? Did Jesus do it? Did Paul do what you are calling "church planting...? Bus ministry as I was led to do it in Brooklyn when I was 15 and many other years and doing the door to door visitation on many hours on Saturday is something that changes lives. Loving others is what Christ, life and ministry is all about, whatever the tool or means. My thing is simple. Jesus did it this way and so have loving people I know, including my ole time preacher dad. Its this, two words. Cultivate curiosity. This is the way of our Master, the Lord Jesus. In the name of Jesus brother please go door to door hours every Saturday as any bus captain must do. Go open up a new block (in Brooklyn its compact, so one block each week can add an hour and a half to two hours.) I had a 500 block on 61st. One could spend all day on that block. There were a few 500 blocks in Sunset Park. These kids loved me and I taught them to love the Lord Jesus. I could go on all day! Please realize getting out of our comfort zone to meet people and invite them to church, whether they come on our bus or not, and to follow Jesus, to receive Jesus per John 1:12, these are lifes BEST hours and minutes. Please brother, think and put youself in Jesus shoes and the shoes of those who serve God by going door to door and meeeing people, earning their curiosity and (when we are wise) quickly make friends through soul-winning as Solomon terms it in Proverbs. Sir with this Islesia are you bitter in your heart? Do you visit for hours every week new people and spend hours re-inviting your bus kids to come to hear about Jesus and have some free food or other loving gift, given in the name of Jesus? I had about 40 to 60 regulars every week. I think that is church planting. WE SANG, PREACHED, TALKED ON THE BUS and I was always "provoking my kids (and later my parents who also came more and more) to love and good works! I had a teen age bus route to bring our "friends" to church on Sunday nights..... ah well. I hope you are not a hypocrite and censurious in this way to your dear people. A good bus route is - from your perspective - the best kind of church planting.
Buses are used to bring more people to Christ
Instead of gathering people from remote places, it is better to plant churches (even if they are smaller) in those places, unless your dream is not to build the kingdom of God but your own empire.
Um its not wrong its used to bring more people or be closer to christ