The mother want her daughter to stop working at the bakery and go study overseas so that she can work at F&B department of the company but she refused saying she want to live her life the way she want to. She don't want her life to be planned by the mother like her other siblings. All in all, yeah none of the children in that family is happy....
She has guts to stand up to this mother. Good for her! The other one just always bowed her head.
U go girl!
아주 대단하시네 유학에 가게듀 구해준걸 거절 대단하셔 부자랑 일반이랑 먼가 다르긴 부자는 돈이 많아서 좋잖아
개이득인데 유학 다보내주고 돈도주고
222... 나도 좋은곳으로 유학보내준다고 하면 감사합니다 하며 넙죽갈듯.. 근데 지수는 하고싶은거 하면서 살고싶어하는 애라서 유학 절대싫을듯ㅜ
지수는 확실히 저 집보다 지안이네서 자란게 복이었네~ 자신의 있는 그대로 클수 있었으니까~ 지수 행복하게 살라고 하늘이 일부러 지안이네서 크게 만든거인듯
(물론 드라마니 작가 설정이지만 극중에서는 하늘로~ㅋㅋ)
맞추지 않으려면 왜들어왔니?
She is the only that says whatever she want to that horrible woman. She do not like her own kid.
지수는 서씨네집에서 진짜 행복했었나보네..
나 같으면 바로 빵 때려치우고 경영학으로 유학 가서 혜성그룹 간다
What are the saying? I swear none of the children are happy in that house
Yemi O lol 😂😂 when you rebel against your parents and the three of them are not following the rules 😂😂
The mother want her daughter to stop working at the bakery and go study overseas so that she can work at F&B department of the company but she refused saying she want to live her life the way she want to. She don't want her life to be planned by the mother like her other siblings. All in all, yeah none of the children in that family is happy....
Yemi O 我要看黃金光輝
지수 유학 지시를 하는 노명희