Spiritual Perspective On Trauma - Richard Grannon

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Richard's Channel: / spartanlifecoach
    WebSite: www.spartanlifecoach.com
    Instagram: / richard.grannon

Комментарии • 10

  • @annemarie9980
    @annemarie9980 Год назад +1

    Such a great session Richard...I spent years trying to understand why my life kept crumbling and needed re building...now I have insights from study and analysis and counselling into human behaviour of every kind...I know why people including myself, do what they do...I have finally reached a place where I no longer need to dig and I can relax and make better choices and be more accepting and feel less anxious...there is a path to peace and it is to "know thyself" when you do you know what's right for you and anything else falls away. I can now trust my feelings more my intuition and in turn my ability to reason has improved. Thank you so much you have been a part of gaining that clarity 🥰

  • @louisegarner8888
    @louisegarner8888 Год назад +1

    Those two years held more gems of wisdom than you realise, if only you dig deep enough to unearth and polish them up higher heart-mind sovereign and true in the light of day to see they hold the real treasure of learning to overcome our baser selves. We learn that our cups carved deep from pain are able to contain that much joy once that pain is faithfully alchemised into actionable purpose. 🙏💪💎💓⛲🧠🗣️👥👣💞🔥🕊️

  • @mint_soup9743
    @mint_soup9743 Год назад +2

    My athiest ex boyfriend after I told him what happened when I was at my worst, these unexplainable things that give me faith, he suggested that maybe the influences that helped me were actually my own creation. Oh I can get with that explanation! But so what? This idea these things were an evolved defense mechanism to keep me from giving up. Isn't that freaking spectacular to observe anyways? If that's what the human body is capable of in times of extreme stress, it's magnificent, this idea we've evolved to create faith and need it too. (I mean they say God lives within us as much as around us) About as magnificent as how we've split into man and woman just to come together again. Which, might I add, is pretty beautiful. I mean I'm having a pretty good time with it! Haha.
    Also I've tried shrooms and acid before and (my sister as my witness she will tell you) I was convinced I ate the forbidden fruit with those mushrooms. The ceiling looked like a wave pool and the sky turned dark cloudy purple. I was like... yo, am I going to hell?? Lol 😆 This was years ago. I remember it vividly. I swear it was like I could see colorful fungus and bacteria glowing on everything. Makes me think maybe people really could see auras on people. You know there are people whose own bodies produce alcohol and make them drunk 🥴 like 24/7. There's a far and wide range of chemical balances in people. I wouldnt be surprised if some people exist in a permanently psychedelic like *state.

  • @DarienJDees
    @DarienJDees Год назад +1

    I don’t think trauma is evil. I liken it to a game mechanic in a dichotomized, fractaled, sacrificial paradigm in which the greatest levels of potential growth require suffering. How we respond to the suffering determines whether we actually grow from the experience or not. God isn't a sadist so much as They are a HUGE fan of CONTRAST. They're really into deepening and accentuating our joy through having us experience deprivation and pain.
    This is just the understanding I was led to, though.

  • @kristinagraham8568
    @kristinagraham8568 Год назад

    Acceptance.... Weather or not you believe in afterlife or not there Is nothing you can do about dying the choice of existence after is not up to the individual there truly is nothing that any one person/human can change nor can we be in the *know" on how we are or even if we are judged or not after we are taken from this form of being . There truly is not anything that we as a human can change about death it is certain the only thing we can control is how we precieve the time that we have here. ......
    Just a thought......

  • @lucidneptune
    @lucidneptune Год назад +2

    Haha yeah that thing about dying and coming back to life is pretty hilarious when you think about it 😂 Just because science hasn't figured it out yet we just assume that's what's happening 😆

    • @Newmindframe
      @Newmindframe Год назад

      When we were born, we died at the same time, because when we die it’s the same experience as being born, we can’t remember. But what happens after death, is not even a question, We can talk about it, nothing more.

  • @louisegarner8888
    @louisegarner8888 Год назад

    We livevil to know (see and hear information) + understand (do experience) = wisdom (to become livedevil). 🙏🌬️😇☯️😈☠️
    Galatians 5:19-26 "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, apathy, lust, greed, pride and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
    Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, modesty, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."
    And so it is that the design of our Room 101 accords with how we furnish it as a dream within a dream we're living under God's ever watchful eye.
    May our hearts weigh in judged by God Himself to be light as a dove's feather, wise as a serpent's 'Quetzalcóatl' blending of knowledge and understanding (experience). 🙏👁️🐍⚖️🕊

  • @shelleykennedy876
    @shelleykennedy876 Год назад

    I know this isff subject but I left for over 2 weeks for my mental health. On my opinion this place sucked.