I used to put up with spd-sl pedals and carbon soled shoes until I hit my breaking point. I got sick of the insane cost of shoes, the bi-annual cleat change, the constant clipping in and out and the tiny but ever present risk of falling down when stopping. I got tired of bringing light sneakers with me on long rides in case I had to walk. So I "downgraded" to mtb flats and mtb shoes. I gave up a bit of acceleration for a lot of convenience. I get the ergonomic aspect of clipless systems, that's why I stuck with the system for so long. But I'm just as comfortable on flats. I'm not a racer, I mostly go on day long rides with friends at a decent pace. There's no prize to win and nobody is getting dropped. I feel this is the case of the vast majority of road cyclists. Yet everything is marketed at racers.
Agreed. I feel like so many cyclists here don't understand that a lot of us only use a bike for convenience on the commute. And no, I can't show up to the office in full lycra
Wow Mitch, awesome stuff.. I need to get my wife into riding.. will show her this stuff and hope that she is as excited as I am every time I go out for a ride. Kudos to your effort both in your scientific testing and getting your wife to the next level - Ramp Test! sweet.. Waiting for some more awesome content on your Bolivia experience and your Brisbane steepest slopes!
To all the pedantic commenters. You don't use clipless pedals to pull up, you use them to have a predictable, tunable place to where your feet meet the pedal. Believe it or not, having your foot at the optimal place relative to the ball of your foot actually makes you more effective (and less prone to injury if you place them at the correct place). As for disc brakes on road bikes, they make a big difference in the braking dynamics, enabling you to hit the brakes later and accelerating faster out of a turn.
Well i sometimes pull for short amount of time to get a bit of rest for quads and engage my hamstrings more, plus if you are out of saddle or pushing harder you usually pull up, so saying you dont pull up with them isnt really true. And for disc brakes, yes generally you can brake later as you have better feedback, but why would you accelerate faster from turns?
I don't disagree that disc brakes make you brake later. I disagree that braking has anything to do with accelerating faster out of a turn. If you mean overall time it take from braking to accelerating out of the turn. You MIGHT be right. Sometimes. Depends on how steep the approach, how tight the corner and how fast you're going. Hard to explain it all but every corner has a MAXIMUM speed you can take it safely. This is dictated by rider weight, grip conditions, lean angle and the relationship between all of those things etc. The idea with braking into a corner is to reduce speed to the maximum safe speed you can take the corner with. So Whether you are on a disc brake, rim brake, V brake, or any other brake, it doesn't make a difference. You always slow down to the same optimum, maximum but safe speed to make the corner. After that, acceleration has no relation to the entry. You are in the same line, same speed on all the bikes and different brakes. And if anything, you could argue that rim brake accelerates faster cause of lower weight. But it's negligible. So all in all, disc brakes are better for entry of the corner not acceleration. Because whatever the conditions are, disc brakes will shorten the time and distance on the entry of the corner. Perhaps that's what you meant.
Once I made the mistake of dragging a girlfriend into cycling. It was too much.... derailleur shifting combined with Speedplay pedals. I now wish I had at least given her flat pedals to start and the experience might have been more successful and enjoyable for her. I took for granted what I had become comfortable with over 40 years and thought that with my excellent teaching and explanations she would jump right into it. Nope... she was always freaked out about the shifting or the clipping in/out.
Wow with piquing the wife's interest in the pedals! But note there are apparently some new platform pedals out that grip really well to the right kind of shoe, and don't require the "object" of the exercise to adapt to the weirdness of clipping in and out.See GCN's show "are flat pedals actually just as fast as clipless pedals" from January this year. You'd be pleasantly surprised. It's really close with a rigid enough shoe.
Yeah, the performance advantage of clipless is minimal if at all in most situations. I have spd clipless on one road bike and quality flat pedals on another (spent most of my life riding mtb w/flat pedals). I like both but prefer a good flat pedal w/a good pair of mtb shoes such as the five ten trailcross. More convenient and I enjoy my ride more. The one disadvantage is having to find or adjust to the right foot position on flat pedals given the excellent grip of the pins where w/clipless this isn't an issue.
For me clippless would be goofy in the city - I have to stop for one thing or another every couple of minutes and the endless clipping in and out is a waste of effort. Mountain bike shoes with pointy flat pedals is all the lock in required.
@@davidmurphy9151 yeah, riding clipless in your situation wouldn't make any sense other than if someone simply prefers it. Like you, I'd find it highly inconvenient. But that's kind of how I feel about most riding, whether road or mtb, outside of racing.
I originally bought spd pedals for my wife, then realized I had to return them for a flat/spd combo pedal. She’s doing the Seattle to Portland ride next weekend though, so I’m glad she’s at least clipping in.
Let her stay on flat pedals with good mtb shoes! The hip flexors are extremely small and weak muscle groups. They don't add any meaningful amount of power to the pedal stroke and get easily fatigued. It's more productive to feel comfortable on the bike and focus on using the glutes, hamstrings and quads for pushing down hard the way nature built us. Clipless is good for sprinting and climbing out of the saddle. Also helps keep you from getting bucked off the pedals when racing enduro or downhill mountain biking. Otherwise flat pedals are great.
Great video! I am like Val, the weight of the bike means the most to me of anything. I'm not able to upgrade my wheelset or handlebars (I would love some aerodynamic drop bars but can't justify paying $350-$400 for them just yet). I think you gave her a great gift in the wheelset, and everything else, no doubt. I'm using what comes on the Trek Domane SL 5 Gen 4 2024, just got it, but for some items that I'm downsizing thanks to a professional fitting. Unfortch this bike is heavier than my Scott CR-1 Comp from 2011 by about as much as you lightened up your wife's bike. She also did great in clipless - is she now a convert? I am a fan of magpeds Road2, way better than flats and safer than clipless for disengaging suddenly when needed. But if she feels great in clipless, kudos to her!
I'm on a mission to find the perfect adaptive bike for my partner! Partner rides seem like they would be a lot of fun! Also, new bartape is one of my favorite upgrades!
I tried clipless cause I wanted power data - hated them. Never felt safe despite trying for hours. I also read many stories of crashes where the clips didn't disengage and people got horrific ankle injuries. No thanks. I might be able to justify it if there was a performance difference - but every lab study shows none. It could be where I ride - bike paths, very quiet traffic roads where dog owners don't leash their damn dogs and emergency breaking is common. I need to be able to put my foot down at any moment. So now I ride with some platform converters, not ideal compared to a nice set of flats but better than clipless for me. If I'm planning on going MTBing I keep to the flats. The ability to handle your bike with a set of wide platform flats is orders of magnitude better than clips for me. Also 22.5mph at 200w jesus christ. I ride an MTB and on the roads I get 15mph at 200w lol
So today was the first time I clipped in... and fell at least two times. (Good was that I trained on gras, but bumpy) So now you want to tell me your wife clipped in and out on first day and made a whole tour with you? I feel terrible now... =D Okay to my defence the bike is new and I only rode a roadbike like this one time to test...
Great video as always. Random- but as you wax the chain and i cant find the video, what split link do you use to connect the chain and how often do you change it?
It depends on the chain. For the Shimano chains, I just use the regular quick link. Shimano says it’s a one time use, but I use the same quick link multiple times. Usually switch it out every 2-3 months or so. I have an 11 speed chain from Cyclowax in my commuter that uses a special quick link that doesn’t need to be replaced for the life of the chain.
@MitchBoyer What brand of bar bag is that? Most of the ones I have found are really bulky and that one looks nice and compact. I want one. Let me know you have an affiliate link for that bag!
Good stuff, MB. Yeah, good carbon rims are the bomb. I went to carbon wheelsets for my road bikes only recently. Love em, but w/somewhat deep section rims (60mm) on one of my bikes, I got blown sideways quite a few times in the wind. Startled me at first, made for a sketchier ride. Can't say that I'm fully used to it yet.
@@MitchBoyer Really sketchy...really freaking sketchy. I'm probably going to sell them and pick up some 40s. Don't get me wrong, the 60s look sick af so they make for great pics and def a faster ride but I absolutely dread the instability. Do most of my riding in the foothills of the San Bernadino mountains, and I don't have a death wish. :)
If you wait later to learn it. It will be harder to learn. I gave my gf mtb spd pedals after 2 weeks. She fell a few times but nothing to worry about. Cycling became more enjoyable to her because she can tell she can put more power in the pedals.
I take it all back... I was wrong. I just went for a ride on my fixed gear, with only one foot strapped in, got up a hill that gives me trouble on my geared bike. I'm amazed. I need to get better foot retention immediately!!!
I ride in traffic so clipping in is a no-no. I can already remember a few close calls where I would have tipped over because of an extreme emergency break. No idea how I would get out of that situation while having to clip out. I stick to flat pedals. The efficiency increase is really small being able to change my footposition as I ride is very comfortable
That's such a misconception. Unclipping takes just as little time as taking your foot off a flat pedal. I used to commute in traffic every day and the pedal were never an issue just like foot comfort never was. Just get SPD pedals and spen a few minutes setting up the plates correctly.
I think the best upgrade to get the wife out more, is an e-bike upgrade so she can keep up. Otherwise, it’s like, she’s gonna need 2-3 years of hard training while you don’t ride at all and be a couch potato… then she will catch up
I’m hoping Val sticks with it. There’s a lot of great videos like a bike fit we can make! Good eye on the saddle. It’s deliberately low in this video (most of the segment was cut from the final version) so she could get her foot to the ground quicker while clipping in and out. She said she felt more confident with the lower saddle and I thought it was a smart solution for someone starting out. Seemed to work!
hard disagree - but to each their own :) . While i personally do ride using SPDs, there is no body of scientific evidence to suggest that being clipped in is more efficient. Shoes do look better though.
@@donttouchthisatall . Power was significantly greater for clipless (226.7 ± 46.2 W) vs. flat (215.2 ± 41.8 W) pedals (p < 0.05). Heart rate was significantly greater for flat (138.5 ± 17.4 bpm) vs. clipless (135.2 ± 18.1 bpm) pedals (p < 0.05). However, cadence was not significantly different between clipless (70 ± 8.7 rpm) vs. flat (71.7 ± 13.3 rpm) pedals (p > 0.05). The greater power when using clipless pedals combined with a lower heart rate is an indication that clipless pedals are preferable to flat pedals. UNLV thesis PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MECHANICAL COMPARISONS BETWEEN CLIPLESS AND FLAT PEDALS By Katelyn Elisabeth Conroy
@@ytubela strongly disagree with my own testing. Clipless was helpful for sprinting and pedaling out of the saddle. Otherwise my rides comparing them were identical for longer sustained rides that didn't involve sprinting or climbing out of the saddle. I'm well adapted to flat pedals There are some slight difference in technique and simply being confident on them. Poor confidence results in higher heart rates and poor performance. I've compared flats and clipless both mountain biking and road cycling and averaged 5 rides for each with each pedal type. Pulling up on the up stroke with clipless doesn't add any meaningful amount of power unless you're trying to squeeze out every last watt from a sprint. The hip flexors are very weak and small muscles which don't add a meaningful amount of power even if it feels like you're trying hard. They'll never compare to your glutes, hamstrings and quads all pushing down like they're designed to do. You use these muscle groups the same way on platform pedals as you do clipped in.
@@ThisHandleIsAlreadyTaken839 We're talking about a beginner here, not a pro. For a beginner, if they can't grip the pedals cus they're so darn small they'll give up and spot riding
Ja, as a commuter who doesn't care about the racing (but will watch it cus it's impressive) I got the vibes of making a beginner uncomfortable for the sake of some sort of weird racer etiquette. Like let a lady use flats honestly, she'll be so much more comfortable.
There is no need for clip pedals unless she is racing, Get her a pair of 5\10 shoes and mount bike pedals. All scientific tests agree, No one really pulls up on there pedals accept pro's during a sprint. If she fall's off the bike at a stop sign she could break her collar bone.
I’ve done tests with FiveTens before. They are pretty close to clipless, but not in the sprint like you said. It didn’t make it in the video but other reason for going clipless is she likes how the shoes look 😜
@@MitchBoyerdid you install her the shimano multi release cleats (SM-SH56)? should be much better for beginners nice video as always and sharing a hobby is great!
Your wife is sitting way, way too low, the ride will be much harder, her legs do not stretch properly. So many not comfortable things when you have the wrong saddly height.
So how I got my ex into cycling at the time besides getting her a bike, was hooking her in with the designer type bike fashion like Pas normal, Maap, and MBO etc on IG and she was amazed and wanted to "look cute"
How long did it take you to learn to clip in?
thankfully I got it right away but I've been witness to some pretty funny clipless fails in the past.
I switched over winter and started using them on the trainer, so it did not take long to get used to them on the trails.
You’re nicer than my husband. When he started me out on both a road bike and mountain bike he made me go clipless from the start.
took me about two hours and one fall. Boy was the fall legendary.
3 falls and counting
I used to put up with spd-sl pedals and carbon soled shoes until I hit my breaking point. I got sick of the insane cost of shoes, the bi-annual cleat change, the constant clipping in and out and the tiny but ever present risk of falling down when stopping. I got tired of bringing light sneakers with me on long rides in case I had to walk. So I "downgraded" to mtb flats and mtb shoes. I gave up a bit of acceleration for a lot of convenience. I get the ergonomic aspect of clipless systems, that's why I stuck with the system for so long. But I'm just as comfortable on flats.
I'm not a racer, I mostly go on day long rides with friends at a decent pace. There's no prize to win and nobody is getting dropped. I feel this is the case of the vast majority of road cyclists. Yet everything is marketed at racers.
Looking the part is everything. Including a skin suit to the cafe😅
Agreed. I feel like so many cyclists here don't understand that a lot of us only use a bike for convenience on the commute. And no, I can't show up to the office in full lycra
Agreed. I have been able to reach my fitness goal and enjoyment with just flat pedals. It's all about enjoyment.
Oh no no hope she doesn't find the price tags 🤣
Wow Mitch, awesome stuff.. I need to get my wife into riding.. will show her this stuff and hope that she is as excited as I am every time I go out for a ride. Kudos to your effort both in your scientific testing and getting your wife to the next level - Ramp Test! sweet.. Waiting for some more awesome content on your Bolivia experience and your Brisbane steepest slopes!
There's a secret to getting your significant other to ride if they're slower than you, E-bike.
To all the pedantic commenters. You don't use clipless pedals to pull up, you use them to have a predictable, tunable place to where your feet meet the pedal. Believe it or not, having your foot at the optimal place relative to the ball of your foot actually makes you more effective (and less prone to injury if you place them at the correct place).
As for disc brakes on road bikes, they make a big difference in the braking dynamics, enabling you to hit the brakes later and accelerating faster out of a turn.
Well i sometimes pull for short amount of time to get a bit of rest for quads and engage my hamstrings more, plus if you are out of saddle or pushing harder you usually pull up, so saying you dont pull up with them isnt really true. And for disc brakes, yes generally you can brake later as you have better feedback, but why would you accelerate faster from turns?
I don't disagree that disc brakes make you brake later. I disagree that braking has anything to do with accelerating faster out of a turn. If you mean overall time it take from braking to accelerating out of the turn. You MIGHT be right. Sometimes. Depends on how steep the approach, how tight the corner and how fast you're going.
Hard to explain it all but every corner has a MAXIMUM speed you can take it safely. This is dictated by rider weight, grip conditions, lean angle and the relationship between all of those things etc. The idea with braking into a corner is to reduce speed to the maximum safe speed you can take the corner with. So Whether you are on a disc brake, rim brake, V brake, or any other brake, it doesn't make a difference. You always slow down to the same optimum, maximum but safe speed to make the corner. After that, acceleration has no relation to the entry. You are in the same line, same speed on all the bikes and different brakes. And if anything, you could argue that rim brake accelerates faster cause of lower weight. But it's negligible.
So all in all, disc brakes are better for entry of the corner not acceleration. Because whatever the conditions are, disc brakes will shorten the time and distance on the entry of the corner.
Perhaps that's what you meant.
Once I made the mistake of dragging a girlfriend into cycling. It was too much.... derailleur shifting combined with Speedplay pedals. I now wish I had at least given her flat pedals to start and the experience might have been more successful and enjoyable for her. I took for granted what I had become comfortable with over 40 years and thought that with my excellent teaching and explanations she would jump right into it. Nope... she was always freaked out about the shifting or the clipping in/out.
Wow with piquing the wife's interest in the pedals! But note there are apparently some new platform pedals out that grip really well to the right kind of shoe, and don't require the "object" of the exercise to adapt to the weirdness of clipping in and out.See GCN's show "are flat pedals actually just as fast as clipless pedals" from January this year. You'd be pleasantly surprised. It's really close with a rigid enough shoe.
Yeah, the performance advantage of clipless is minimal if at all in most situations.
I have spd clipless on one road bike and quality flat pedals on another (spent most of my life riding mtb w/flat pedals). I like both but prefer a good flat pedal w/a good pair of mtb shoes such as the five ten trailcross. More convenient and I enjoy my ride more. The one disadvantage is having to find or adjust to the right foot position on flat pedals given the excellent grip of the pins where w/clipless this isn't an issue.
For me clippless would be goofy in the city - I have to stop for one thing or another every couple of minutes and the endless clipping in and out is a waste of effort. Mountain bike shoes with pointy flat pedals is all the lock in required.
@@davidmurphy9151 yeah, riding clipless in your situation wouldn't make any sense other than if someone simply prefers it. Like you, I'd find it highly inconvenient. But that's kind of how I feel about most riding, whether road or mtb, outside of racing.
i have dual platform pedals on my road bike.. i can ride using flat shoes or go clipless
As always - entertaining and fun video Mitch - in spite of the old man spitting up Ketone . . . ha, ha - what a great trip my friend!!👍
Haha thanks for inviting me on the Bolivia trip, John! And for trying out the ketones with me 🙌
I originally bought spd pedals for my wife, then realized I had to return them for a flat/spd combo pedal. She’s doing the Seattle to Portland ride next weekend though, so I’m glad she’s at least clipping in.
Also this is my new favorite channel on RUclips.
Let her stay on flat pedals with good mtb shoes! The hip flexors are extremely small and weak muscle groups. They don't add any meaningful amount of power to the pedal stroke and get easily fatigued. It's more productive to feel comfortable on the bike and focus on using the glutes, hamstrings and quads for pushing down hard the way nature built us.
Clipless is good for sprinting and climbing out of the saddle. Also helps keep you from getting bucked off the pedals when racing enduro or downhill mountain biking. Otherwise flat pedals are great.
Great video! I am like Val, the weight of the bike means the most to me of anything. I'm not able to upgrade my wheelset or handlebars (I would love some aerodynamic drop bars but can't justify paying $350-$400 for them just yet). I think you gave her a great gift in the wheelset, and everything else, no doubt. I'm using what comes on the Trek Domane SL 5 Gen 4 2024, just got it, but for some items that I'm downsizing thanks to a professional fitting. Unfortch this bike is heavier than my Scott CR-1 Comp from 2011 by about as much as you lightened up your wife's bike. She also did great in clipless - is she now a convert? I am a fan of magpeds Road2, way better than flats and safer than clipless for disengaging suddenly when needed. But if she feels great in clipless, kudos to her!
Bought my wife a woman Doctor designed gel seat. Made a big difference . And she likes the big mountain bike peddles with the set screws super grippy
I'm on a mission to find the perfect adaptive bike for my partner! Partner rides seem like they would be a lot of fun! Also, new bartape is one of my favorite upgrades!
New bartape day is the best!
I am in the same mission here man. My girl doesn't want to use clipless pedals but I will succeed! :D
Good luck!
I tried clipless cause I wanted power data - hated them. Never felt safe despite trying for hours. I also read many stories of crashes where the clips didn't disengage and people got horrific ankle injuries. No thanks. I might be able to justify it if there was a performance difference - but every lab study shows none. It could be where I ride - bike paths, very quiet traffic roads where dog owners don't leash their damn dogs and emergency breaking is common. I need to be able to put my foot down at any moment.
So now I ride with some platform converters, not ideal compared to a nice set of flats but better than clipless for me. If I'm planning on going MTBing I keep to the flats. The ability to handle your bike with a set of wide platform flats is orders of magnitude better than clips for me.
Also 22.5mph at 200w jesus christ. I ride an MTB and on the roads I get 15mph at 200w lol
So today was the first time I clipped in... and fell at least two times. (Good was that I trained on gras, but bumpy) So now you want to tell me your wife clipped in and out on first day and made a whole tour with you? I feel terrible now... =D Okay to my defence the bike is new and I only rode a roadbike like this one time to test...
Great video as always.
Random- but as you wax the chain and i cant find the video, what split link do you use to connect the chain and how often do you change it?
It depends on the chain. For the Shimano chains, I just use the regular quick link. Shimano says it’s a one time use, but I use the same quick link multiple times. Usually switch it out every 2-3 months or so. I have an 11 speed chain from Cyclowax in my commuter that uses a special quick link that doesn’t need to be replaced for the life of the chain.
@@MitchBoyer appreciate the advice there Mitch and I will look into it - looking forward to the next few videos 👍
@MitchBoyer What brand of bar bag is that? Most of the ones I have found are really bulky and that one looks nice and compact. I want one. Let me know you have an affiliate link for that bag!
I’m not sure actually, it was a gift and I don’t have that bag anymore 🫣 LeadOut! and Orucase have some good smaller bar bags though
Good stuff, MB. Yeah, good carbon rims are the bomb. I went to carbon wheelsets for my road bikes only recently. Love em, but w/somewhat deep section rims (60mm) on one of my bikes, I got blown sideways quite a few times in the wind. Startled me at first, made for a sketchier ride. Can't say that I'm fully used to it yet.
I haven’t ridden anything deeper than 50s and I definitely feel the wind on my 42s. Can’t imagine what a 60 is like! 😳
@@MitchBoyer Really sketchy...really freaking sketchy. I'm probably going to sell them and pick up some 40s. Don't get me wrong, the 60s look sick af so they make for great pics and def a faster ride but I absolutely dread the instability. Do most of my riding in the foothills of the San Bernadino mountains, and I don't have a death wish. :)
@@iecrime oh yeah it gets windy there!
Congratulations Val!
What are those shoes? Been looking for white fizik SPDs forever!
They're the Fizik Tempo R5 Overcurve with the Shimano SM-SH41 SPD Cleat Adapters
If you wait later to learn it. It will be harder to learn. I gave my gf mtb spd pedals after 2 weeks. She fell a few times but nothing to worry about. Cycling became more enjoyable to her because she can tell she can put more power in the pedals.
only oine word ... "e-bike" :-)
Shes a great sport with this , i hope she's still going
I've never done a climb in clipless pedals. Pulling up on the back pedal seems like it would just tire me out twice as fast 😂
I take it all back... I was wrong. I just went for a ride on my fixed gear, with only one foot strapped in, got up a hill that gives me trouble on my geared bike. I'm amazed. I need to get better foot retention immediately!!!
Go Val go!
I ride in traffic so clipping in is a no-no. I can already remember a few close calls where I would have tipped over because of an extreme emergency break. No idea how I would get out of that situation while having to clip out. I stick to flat pedals. The efficiency increase is really small being able to change my footposition as I ride is very comfortable
That's such a misconception. Unclipping takes just as little time as taking your foot off a flat pedal. I used to commute in traffic every day and the pedal were never an issue just like foot comfort never was. Just get SPD pedals and spen a few minutes setting up the plates correctly.
I tried the same thing and now my wife wont ride with me ever again -.-
I just got my first pair of clipless pedals. Hopefully falling won't be an issue for me💀
Good luck!
Update: I went to the park for a bit to practice. I fell twice. So far though I'm getting the hang of it bit by bit
I think the best upgrade to get the wife out more, is an e-bike upgrade so she can keep up.
Otherwise, it’s like, she’s gonna need 2-3 years of hard training while you don’t ride at all and be a couch potato… then she will catch up
her saddle looks a bit on the low side...? maybe have her get a bike fit in a future vid? that'd be "fun" :P
I’m hoping Val sticks with it. There’s a lot of great videos like a bike fit we can make! Good eye on the saddle. It’s deliberately low in this video (most of the segment was cut from the final version) so she could get her foot to the ground quicker while clipping in and out. She said she felt more confident with the lower saddle and I thought it was a smart solution for someone starting out. Seemed to work!
In other words « telling my wife she getting big with telling my wife she getting big»
L.A. River looking as beautiful as ever, I see. 😀
I was about to text you and complain that you not uploading content fast enough...just in time man.
So sweet. I wish I could find me a man who could give me that much patience, gear, and 🍑
Kudos to Val!
Val definitely needs a TT sperm helmet now 😂
Hahaha next upgrade for sure
clipping easy is too easy
It's never too soon to learn 😊 You can get so much more out of cycling being clipped in (my personal experience)
I agree, hopefully it works for Val too 🤞Thanks for watching!
hard disagree - but to each their own :) . While i personally do ride using SPDs, there is no body of scientific evidence to suggest that being clipped in is more efficient. Shoes do look better though.
@@donttouchthisatall . Power was significantly greater for clipless (226.7 ± 46.2 W) vs. flat (215.2 ± 41.8
W) pedals (p < 0.05). Heart rate was significantly greater for flat (138.5 ± 17.4 bpm) vs. clipless
(135.2 ± 18.1 bpm) pedals (p < 0.05). However, cadence was not significantly different between
clipless (70 ± 8.7 rpm) vs. flat (71.7 ± 13.3 rpm) pedals (p > 0.05). The greater power when
using clipless pedals combined with a lower heart rate is an indication that clipless pedals are
Katelyn Elisabeth Conroy
@@donttouchthisatall plus nobody needed a study, all you had to count was how many flat pedals were used in the tour de France in the last 20 years
@@ytubela strongly disagree with my own testing. Clipless was helpful for sprinting and pedaling out of the saddle. Otherwise my rides comparing them were identical for longer sustained rides that didn't involve sprinting or climbing out of the saddle.
I'm well adapted to flat pedals
There are some slight difference in technique and simply being confident on them. Poor confidence results in higher heart rates and poor performance. I've compared flats and clipless both mountain biking and road cycling and averaged 5 rides for each with each pedal type.
Pulling up on the up stroke with clipless doesn't add any meaningful amount of power unless you're trying to squeeze out every last watt from a sprint. The hip flexors are very weak and small muscles which don't add a meaningful amount of power even if it feels like you're trying hard. They'll never compare to your glutes, hamstrings and quads all pushing down like they're designed to do. You use these muscle groups the same way on platform pedals as you do clipped in.
But why? Clipping in literally has so few benefits unless youre racing at a high level
Maybe if you live somewhere flat. I live in the Driftless region, and the difference is night and day.
Sprinting, steep grades, and bunny hopping are all reasons, along with the fact that it is more comfortable
I assume you ride with flat pedals if you think that...
@@ThisHandleIsAlreadyTaken839 We're talking about a beginner here, not a pro. For a beginner, if they can't grip the pedals cus they're so darn small they'll give up and spot riding
@@JZTechEngineering if you can't do bunnyhops with flat pedals you just need more practice 😉
Peak /r/BicyclingCirclejerk/
Ja, as a commuter who doesn't care about the racing (but will watch it cus it's impressive) I got the vibes of making a beginner uncomfortable for the sake of some sort of weird racer etiquette. Like let a lady use flats honestly, she'll be so much more comfortable.
There is no need for clip pedals unless she is racing, Get her a pair of 5\10 shoes and mount bike pedals. All scientific tests agree, No one really pulls up on there pedals accept pro's during a sprint.
If she fall's off the bike at a stop sign she could break her collar bone.
I’ve done tests with FiveTens before. They are pretty close to clipless, but not in the sprint like you said. It didn’t make it in the video but other reason for going clipless is she likes how the shoes look 😜
@@MitchBoyerGirls will be girls lol... Does she know 5/10 come in pink?
@@MitchBoyerdid you install her the shimano multi release cleats (SM-SH56)? should be much better for beginners
nice video as always and sharing a hobby is great!
@@NP13000 yep specifically bought those for her! I think that’s what allowed her to make the save toward the end of the video 😅
@@MitchBoyer yeah that was a close call, good thinking 😅
what a mess this video is… I like your stuff but this one felt like everything and nothing happens at the same time
Yeah, the flipping between stories was mega confusing
She needs shorter stem
Get a tandem. She will either love it or break up with you.
Your wife is sitting way, way too low, the ride will be much harder, her legs do not stretch properly. So many not comfortable things when you have the wrong saddly height.
Yep! I’m guessing you missed the part where I mention lowering her seat temporarily so she feels safer while learning to clip in 😉
For a beginner you gotta have it lower or they can't balance. Then you raise it up to its proper height after they're sorted
Clipless is a meme. So are disc brakes on a road bike.
Get a tandem.
So how I got my ex into cycling at the time besides getting her a bike, was hooking her in with the designer type bike fashion like Pas normal, Maap, and MBO etc on IG and she was amazed and wanted to "look cute"