beautiful decklist, mine is almost identical, the only cards that differ are x4 zubamon p and x2 spadamon, I don't play the starter's Durandamon cause I prefer the new one in this deck, I don't play the starter ragna and the mega digimon, instead of these I preferred x3 black memory boost to replace with the new bicolor boosts arriving soon 🤟
Whatca all think! Ragnaloradmon still an unstoppable beast my opinion but let me know down below what you guys think down below.
beautiful decklist, mine is almost identical, the only cards that differ are x4 zubamon p and x2 spadamon, I don't play the starter's Durandamon cause I prefer the new one in this deck,
I don't play the starter ragna and the mega digimon, instead of these I preferred x3 black memory boost to replace with the new bicolor boosts arriving soon 🤟
Yeah the new boosts will soon replace the old ones unless ur running a single colored deck.