I've been playing Etemon since the beginning! It makes me happy to see a pure Chumon Sukamon Etemon deck. But would feel weird not to include the OG Etemon.
Newbie here: i was looking into playing a sukamon deck, but i was thinking to tech a numemon-monzeomon-shin monzaemon toolkit. Just for variation. Is that a bad idea?
I have not tried the numemon monzaemon deck but the sukamon etemon deck often requires you to have other sukamon or etemon on the field or in your trash, so replacing those cards with numemon would make it harder for your effects to go off. I’d recommend doing just sukamon/etemon or numemon/monzaemon
I like running suka/etemon in local scenes! Do you like running level 7s at all like Omnimon Zwart or Death X mon? I feel like there's not usually enough room for the big bois
I've been playing Etemon since the beginning! It makes me happy to see a pure Chumon Sukamon Etemon deck. But would feel weird not to include the OG Etemon.
I never picked up the OG but I love how the deck plays! I'll have more gameplay with EX5 having dropped!
Might need to update with EX5 coming out soon! New cards to support the King!
I'll definitely be updating this deck once that set drops!
can you put decklist in discription?
Newbie here: i was looking into playing a sukamon deck, but i was thinking to tech a numemon-monzeomon-shin monzaemon toolkit. Just for variation. Is that a bad idea?
I have not tried the numemon monzaemon deck but the sukamon etemon deck often requires you to have other sukamon or etemon on the field or in your trash, so replacing those cards with numemon would make it harder for your effects to go off. I’d recommend doing just sukamon/etemon or numemon/monzaemon
I like running suka/etemon in local scenes! Do you like running level 7s at all like Omnimon Zwart or Death X mon? I feel like there's not usually enough room for the big bois
Zwart might be a great card for this deck, ima have to try it out! being able to throw out Etemons and the kingsukamon/sukamons could be super useful!