How Perception and Emotion Shape Our World

  • Опубликовано: 17 апр 2024
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Комментарии • 37

  • @skylineXpert
    @skylineXpert Месяц назад +29

    Never let emotions get the better of your soul...

    • @level9drow856
      @level9drow856 Месяц назад

      Agreed, it can ruin everything so easily.

    • @olderuglierandwiser
      @olderuglierandwiser Месяц назад

      Don't be ridiculous
      How can anyone not even ever Feel Anything?
      Ppl like you guys pretending that that's that ...
      Black can be white if we just think of that way..
      And white can just be black
      no of course not 😐
      humanity is human nature and
      our emotions are our human nature emotional capability is fundamentally the drive that changes the gears in the drive
      So basically become a robot
      Why and how could I think what is my baseline if insomuch my thoughts are never based in my feelings
      My capacity to think is based in my dreams and feelings my outer self my biggest view point ☝️my inner self is my gut feeling my experience and therefore my deterant and my encouragement

    • @davidcontreras8583
      @davidcontreras8583 Месяц назад

      that's what being alive is all about, learning just that... and it's also what keeps us coming back here... to purify further our souls. ❤

    • @greglander5227
      @greglander5227 25 дней назад

      Especially in a conversation.

  • @mivic86
    @mivic86 Месяц назад +3

    That's an interesting angle to address it. I always view my goals as a set check list I need to go through, and motivation is something I know I need to follow through with it, and I'm very aware of motivation being there or not. When I lack motivation, I refer to my goals, and take proactive steps to increase motivation, so in that sense, yes, I guess motivation really is a sort of emotion. It's just probably one of the most useful ones, and we gotta be mindful of it.

  • @444haluk
    @444haluk Месяц назад +1

    7:45 he is right, our needs create motivations, while we track them with negative or positive valence.

  • @ashleygatewood
    @ashleygatewood Месяц назад +6

    For what it's worth....
    Our aim starts with how our perceptions are formed. Even how we perceive the affordances must come before the action. Thought and intent are not the same thing. We don’t even know our intent beneath our thoughts sometimes. I suppose emotion and motivation could be the same if we don't handle them with any sophistication and we don't differentiate the lower from the higher. Ultimately, emotions should not guide us. This is a lower order pathway, if you will.
    Approach you laid out:
    1. Act of perception.
    2. Establish an aim.
    3. The perception system navigates us through the world which forms the visual pathway for us to take.
    4.(some add'l thoughts I don't know how to incorporate...)
    5. Agents of Change (people, or anything that changes our direction, I assume)
    6. Emotions become calibration systems that mark deviation from the pathway forward.
    Using emotions to navigate is dangerous. I scrutinize people for this sometimes. I think this is true, that people do this, but emotions are fleeting, unreliable and even lie to us. They can lie if our original perceptions are off, or the 'act of perceiving a thing' is skewed (past memories or negative experiences. Yes I understand emotions are also a warning system but they have to be managed to a great extent to become useful in plotting your whole life. That’s reckless, imo. But humans are dangerous aren’t we!)
    A 'thought' appearing in your mind starts with what enters your eyes and ears, well your senses as a whole. What perceptions would you have if you existed but had no senses to 'retrieve or gain' understanding of what is around you? What are you when no information is moving into you? Don't know. If consciousness is shared then we'd have some knowing of something out there. Anyway, so we have senses, thank God! (I was glad to hear Tor confirm this in the other video!)
    The sensory perception of the conscious mind takes the same path for everyone, using whatever senses they have available to them in experiencing the world around them:
    Here’s the biblical explanation that I could gather. It lends hope to overcoming a lower emotional path and taking dominion of our state/the human condition:
    1. What determines our actions in the world?
    "For from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” Luke 6.45
    2. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23.7
    3. What determines the state of the heart?
    “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6.22-23
    4. What connects our heart to our manifestation of action, be it light or darkness, in the world? Or another way: What creates our environment and forms our realities (including delusions)?
    >The tongue; it moves us through our lives. Words form and create our world.<
    “…We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, >able to keep their whole body in checkThe tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.<
    All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
    With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?”
    James 3.1-11
    And one more…
    The tongue has the power of life and death,” Proverbs 18.24
    5. What's in mans’ heart?
    "The heart of man is shrewd, and unsearchable; who shall know it? I am the Lord seeking the heart, and proving the reins, either kidneys, and I give to each man after his way, and after the fruit of his findings." Jeremiah 17.9-10 (so much could be said here.)
    6. So how are we to navigate properly when our emotions are tied to a misaligned heart? It can be done through changing what we take in through our senses. This is backed up by what Tor mentioned about sensory information, which I was glad to hear. That’s a good confirmation I’m interpreting this with some accuracy. The greatest transformative agent in the word of God and the tongue. If it’s not being read and understood properly, how can a person hear from God and have a reliable conscience? So then their words are wrong, and actions follow words, and our life is the action/decisions we take.
    I’ve tried to overlay your model with the word:
    1. Act of perception. (Incoming information through the senses.)
    2. Establish an aim. (This is based first on what incoming information a person has allowed into their body through their senses.)
    3. The perception system navigates us through the world which forms the visual pathway for us to take. (Yeah, this is too far above my head. What’s the difference between the act of perception and the perception system? I was thinking the senses were involved with the act, but then the senses don’t guide us.)
    4.(some add'l thoughts I don't know how to incorporate. Bad company corrupts good behavior maybe? Don't be unequally yoked? Find your 'Elizabeth', find your 'Mary' who will encourage your heart and vision?)
    5. Agents of Change (anything that influences us or calls to us, I assume)
    6. Emotions become calibration systems that mark deviation from the pathway forward. (Emotions shouldn’t be the calibration system. The tongue should be, according to the word. The tongue is what we can control, it’s the rudder, not our emotions. Our emotions are fleeting, unstable and they often send false signals. Emotions can lie, it takes faith to overcome them, we do this by speaking ‘a better word’ than our circumstances are signaling through our senses. The best word is of course the word of God, this cleanses our minds/our conscience. Ephesians 5:26, 1 Peter 3.15 basically says ‘don’t lie’.)
    And to add another layer of frightening aspects of influence: “…but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1.14-17
    Those shifting shadows? The unknown desires residing in the heart Jeremiah was alluding to. Sin is like a shadowy, crouching animal. I’ve also heard it stated as sin lusts after itself (as if we as humans didn't have enough problems!). Emotions, or maybe unfiltered unprocessed emotions shouldn’t be the agent that leads to action or defines our aim. They may very well be, as you've indicated here, but they perhaps shouldn't be. God has laid out a better pathway for the conscience mind to navigate life.

  • @UniversalSovereignCitizen
    @UniversalSovereignCitizen Месяц назад +4

    Every action reciprocates an equal and opposite re-action.
    Don't be afraid to retaliate. Just leave the emotions out of it.
    eg: Keeping the punishment stick on top of the wardrobe means you need to go get a chair to fetch it down. This gives you time to release the emotional attachment to the situation. (Does the punishment/reciprocal action, fit the crime... and remember, don't sweat the small stuff. Put on your 'internal' steel capped boots, besides, don't we all inadvertently tread on others toes too sometimes?)
    If a child is not taught the reciprocal nature of life, then they will have difficulty as an adult with respect to appreciation.
    A bit like a person who continues to jump from the proverbial cliff, either overly manipulative or overly submissive.
    Often it isn't the child who didn't learn to start sharing at the age of 2, but the parent that didn't know what to do.
    We used to pass this knowledge down from grand parent to parent.
    Since the onset of the, 'nuclear family', where we are enticed to live within the immediate family, these valuable lessons are diminishing. The consumerism and work first conditioning are only adding to the difficulties families can have.
    But, help is out there. Seek it out, especially if a special needs child is part of the equation.
    If it concerns an adult, sibling or not, advise from extended family, counselor or lawyer is an option.
    Just remember to... breathe!
    The concept of mind/emotions, how external forces and what we have within to start with effect and affect us, is a never-ending pursuit as we are all of us individuals. Thats not to say endeavouring to fathom it is pointless, to the contrary, a sound understanding of how we are, what it is to be human, is a nessessity to navigate life successfully.
    Shouldn't the basics of this then be taught to our children, when old enough, at school?
    Universal Sovereign Citizen.

  • @josephl6289
    @josephl6289 Месяц назад +3

    Perception is the dictator of emotion, ultimately. There are instinctual reactions we may have (though these are imprinted as fixed-action patterns of instantaneous perception such as threat response), that can alter our perception, so in a way, it's a synchronous/symbiotic system that uses the input of the other to paint a picture of a situation, sometimes unconsciously and instinctually and other times slower and at a higher-order level of cognition. Motivation, is a hybrid of emotion and perception, I believe is the "action potential" of both. Our motivational system orients our emotions and our perception, and much of motivation is genetically inherited and primed by environmental forces via epigenetics.

  • @chinesomfriday8695
    @chinesomfriday8695 Месяц назад +8

    Subjectively speaking, maybe pragmatic, I feel that emotions don't rule our perception and conceptualization of things which results in our actions, it is the other way round, our perception which can also be labeled 'motivation' triggers our emotions which results in our actions, for example anger is not a predominant hormone ruling our brain, but is rather triggered by our perception and that anger leads to our action which could be violence, sadness etc.
    I guess I stand with sir Jordan Peterson on this!!

  • @FLGurl
    @FLGurl Месяц назад +2

    Many thanks. 🤗

  • @tinalaursen8993
    @tinalaursen8993 Месяц назад +1

    Dealing with a nasty narcissistic sibling in a family matter has stirred a multitude of mainly negative emotions. All of them have the ability I suppose to divert me from the end goal. Emotions can signal something is not right and in this ongoing situation little has been right. The trick is to not allow the emotions resulting from that narcissists behavior to keep me from the predetermined path. I will say it is not pleasant or easy but perhaps necessary especially if I want to go forward into my life without the baggage. 😕

  • @Meech93
    @Meech93 Месяц назад +1

    I'm fighting back and forth in my mind on this one. Does perception drive emotion, or does emotion drive perception?
    I grew up with a deeply traumatized father. He grew up in El Salvador during a civil war, and I am quite certain he has PTSD. I used to monitor him very closely because he could be fine for days, weeks, or months, then suddenly he would flip and would not be okay for days, weeks, or months. He was incredibly unpredictable, and when that switch flipped, he would be a completely different person. You could feel it radiating off of him, and he would walk through the door angry and unhinged, and then try to look for anything to justify his anger.
    I am grown, and I see a similar pattern in myself. I will be fine, then a switch flips, seemingly out of nowhere, and everything in me screams, “Danger!” I have panic attacks and so on, and I can rarely find a logical reason for it. I battle in my mind, wondering what came first. Did I perceive danger, then the emotion followed, or did the emotion bubble up and change my perception? I’m not sure if it is my perception that I need to battle and change or if it's the emotion I need to battle. I know that the panic is likely from old fear and that there is no logical reason to feel that way now, but logic and reason don't seem to be enough to fix the problem. I can see I am missing something, but I am not quite sure what it is just yet. Although it's not always particularly pleasant, I do see it as a challenge and think there is a lot to gain from engaging with it. Although I am far from solving the issue, I can say I have gained a lot of sympathy from it. I lost any resentment I had towards my dad quite a while ago. It seems unfair to judge him harshly for his inability to control his anger when I am grown and cannot seem to conquer my fear.
    I am beginning to wonder if it is not either or, but both, and. Maybe both play on each other, and sometimes bad perceptions or attitudes can give rise to negative emotions, or sometimes negative emotions alter our perception. I think negative emotions can serve as a warning, or sometimes they are misleading and useless. Maybe you are angry at your spouse because they hurt your feelings, or maybe you are just extra sensitive because you are tired, hungry, or in a mood. I don't know if it's so cut and dry, and I think it takes a lot of patience and discernment to figure out what the reason behind an emotion is. One thing I think is we should always approach emotions with caution and avoid letting them overwhelm or control us because they can be quite rascally and get us into trouble if we let them rule over us and control our behavior.

  • @janos1945
    @janos1945 Месяц назад +3

    Thanks for re-uploading it, I needed it. I'm thinking of this idea of Harry Potter chasing Quidditch as the transformation of apparent zero-sum games into non-zero-sum games with a guarantee of interaction with the participants in the game in the long term (that the game will last a long time). In this kind of non-zero sum games collaboration (golden rule) wins over individual victory. In collaboration people are no longer seen as tools/means but as the end. Social and individual good is sought at the same time, it is as if individuality is extended to others and to believe that the self deserves the best (the idea of loving one's neighbor?).

    • @Vezennik
      @Vezennik Месяц назад +1

      Best comment, amazing analysis

    • @UniversalSovereignCitizen
      @UniversalSovereignCitizen Месяц назад

      If we are to transcend the physical the all is one can not fail to be fully embraced.

  • @paulgray9290
    @paulgray9290 Месяц назад

    All eyes and foes, the search for accordance, anxiety entrophies affordance, eternal disputer, the brains no computer!

  • @berwynsigns4115
    @berwynsigns4115 Месяц назад

    Scrupulosity is letting emotion (guilt) overshadow reason and become your master.

  • @RumChocolates
    @RumChocolates Месяц назад

    Dr. Peterson, would you mind connecting this fascinating discussion to concepts within The Racial Contract (1997) by Charles W. Mills?

  • @johnelias4175
    @johnelias4175 Месяц назад

    Belive in tomorrow.

  • @anchorfastanchor9192
    @anchorfastanchor9192 Месяц назад

    spiritual beings having emotional experiences vs emotional beings having spiritual experiences?,, which one of these two possible predispositions, do you think would allow a spiritual satan to succeed with evil works??....

  • @ashleygatewood
    @ashleygatewood Месяц назад

    This is so interesting. I've noticed you've been building on it with your recent clips. I have so many thoughts about it, but I take it your purpose here isn't in showing how we can change our perceptions or actions. That would be the job of the agent of transformation I guess, which is what I immediately was drawn to figure out - what might that mean??...
    Anyway, you have the human being perceiving, aiming and setting paths to follow which are shaped by emotions.
    Then there was Enoch....
    I don't think emotions should drive our actions. Can we not remedy that? It would take me awhile to lay out why and how not to be. Wouldn't that make our emotions little gods?
    There is the path of the human. Then there's the God Man. They will not arrive at the same destination. I think I know why this is, but will have to think about it some more~

  • @kidmuscle1441
    @kidmuscle1441 Месяц назад +3

    Who hit my man in head?

  • @rudyponzio5871
    @rudyponzio5871 Месяц назад

    What isn't humanity accomplishing. While accomplishing who's not accomplished?

  • @markaubuchon2227
    @markaubuchon2227 Месяц назад

    JP’s unbuttoned color is all I can focus on…

  • @JanetKeck-ri5kd
    @JanetKeck-ri5kd Месяц назад


  • @danieltrottier8599
    @danieltrottier8599 Месяц назад

    I wouldn't wear those things in my ears.
    Awesome vid.

  • @1stdebunker
    @1stdebunker Месяц назад

    Murder is wrong. Consuming is not

  • @jesuschristlives2724
    @jesuschristlives2724 Месяц назад

    Emotional people are ruining society. From sleeping around to killing people, it's all sin.

  • @richardmixon8177
    @richardmixon8177 Месяц назад

    You get what you pay for.

  • @Nah_Bohdi
    @Nah_Bohdi Месяц назад

    Spite, Dr.Peterson, spite and malice.

  • @paulsaulpaul
    @paulsaulpaul Месяц назад +1

    I watched this whole interview when it came out. With respect to the guy being interviewed, he came off to me as low in trait openness (especially intellect) and a reductionist thinker. Outright dismissive of expanded conceptualization of ideas. I wasn't impressed. In fact, I didn't like him at all.

  • @richardmixon8177
    @richardmixon8177 Месяц назад

    When I leave 🎱👽🛸
    Magic comes with me ☀ & ☪
    Eternal DARKNESS