Very interesting information! As a fisherman myself, and not leaning for or against FFS, the problem with harming fish ( bass ) are the tournaments. You go to any lake when there is a tournament and watch and see how many dead bass are left floating! It’s not just here in East Tennessee, it’s everywhere there are tournaments. I live on the lake, I see it every time there is a tournament.
Agree so I live on a lake and fish for food and now everyone dumps in catches as many crappie as they can and then drive away / we also have a very small but growing bluegill population and I think they will be stunted
In all honesty, just like the results show, my catch rate has not increased for bass one iota. That being said, it has opened a new world up to me that was at one time a mystery. I can sit for hours and watch fish on live scope doing what fish do, it's absolutely fascinating. So far it hasn't translated into better catch rates, but I do have a better grasp on fish behavior and that my friend was worth the price of admission 😊
Sometimes I think I caught more without mega live honestly. Takes some getting used to seeing how many times you catch their attention but can't get them to eat your bait for sure. It's just not what purist old school fishermen think it is at all.
I literally caught less fish learning FFS for 2 years straight before I could catch them like I did before..Its an entire new learning curve to how you fish...Great video geek..
The argument is not that it’s hurting our fisheries. As you said most guys that have FFS suck at using it. It’s having it in competition especially at the highest levels. Personally I don’t understand why you would want to watch the fish you are targeting live on a screen but that’s just me. Part of the exhilaration of fishing is the anticipation of a bite.
So what I'm really hearing is that tournaments, particularly tournaments with live weigh ins, are the issue when it comes to fish die off? How many fish are dying off after live weigh-ins?
Obviously putting fish in a box with others and bouncing them across the lake is going to stress out the fish. Catching them is enough stress, keeping them before letting them go just makes it worse.
@@comfortablynumb9342 extended poor handling, and then while their slime coat is damaged you toss them in the box with a bunch of other stuff. So even if they survive the short term experience long term disease transmission goes up. I can't even tell you how many floaters I have seen after tournaments especially during the more inherently stressful times of the year. It's sad. Its a solvable problem. State law, fish that are not intended for harvest may not be retained.
It hard to believe it only makes a 1 fish difference. But it’s probably an average . For the best at using the tech . It’s probably much higher . While people not good with it might not catch any extra fish. It does allow people to target fish in places they didn’t catch fish before and it’s easier to target bigger fish.
Awesome video and data. Like I've said before. The best part about forward facing sonar, is that even your seeing fish react to three different lures and techniques. If they're not eating stop wasting your time on them. Mark the spot and go fish another. I've always believed fish eating is a timing thing throughout your day on the water. Forward facing sonar helps you figure that timing out with different schools of fish. It's a tool just like 360, Clearview, or side imagine. Also watching tournaments on TV hasn't changed either. You're still watching the back of a man in a jersey. Man still looking down at the screen. Video game fishing has been around since 99!
Got that right!!!💯👈🏼 BUT I HAVE 2 SIMPLE YET EXTREMELY LOGICAL POINTS. 1’st some kind of system like a gps that when some of these straight video gamers that NEVER LOOK UP CANNOT RUN INTO SOMEONE OR THING. AND WILL NOT CUT BOAT LINES WITHOUT THE ANGEL STEPPING OFF THE FRONT DEACK LIKE A FOB SO THEY HAVE 2 LOOK UP&AROUND!!! Thats fair right ??? And let’s get a good count off the lakes that a lot of people fish put has been on a slow fall in fish numbers & size!! That a lot of people already fish going to Texas is about like going to Headwaters in Florida or the TVA lakes or California delta. I have no care as far the use I live in southeast Louisiana and fish the marsh and rivers and bayou’s we just lost a 500K-700K Bass last week we eat em they don’t get bigger than 2#-2 1/2# a trophy is 4+ in the marsh and we run up the river or cross the lake to release to a better “Less likely” to be storm killed or bull shark or gator food been doing it over 45 years. So we definitely not a destination. But BFS in Dec-April we can have a 200 fish day 120+ under a lb But I think It’s a rule needed for people get hit or worse
It'll be great again when they outlaw FFS on derby days. Until then, especially for smallies, it's a crap shortcut that's worthy of no more respect than spotlighting deer.
My suggestions, as just some lady who doesn’t even use FFS: 1) Catch photo (or weigh) & release is far healthier than sticking fish in a live well all day then releasing them 10, 20, 30 miles from where they were. 2) Stop scheduling tournaments that target bedding fish ESPECIALLY if it’s a live weigh in format. 3) Tournaments at the local to opens levels could be separated into FFS and non-FFS formats, so everyone has the option to compete “apples to apples”.
@@BassGeek that’s true. But some people just don’t enjoy FFS (like me). I can afford it, I just don’t want it. I’ve tried it a few times & just have more fun the old school way, haha! When I fish tournaments, they’re just for fun too, I don’t currently have enough time to be actually competitive on any trails, even locals, because they’re so spread out where I live.
Great video. The Texas Parks and Wildlife is the best hands down. They know how to manage wildlife. Tyler’s Reel fishing has posted some great videos lately about fish management with a member from TPWD. Proud Texan here 💪
That's what I have said from the beginning. I catch and release every bass i catch, so how am I hurting the fish population. The only effect that I agree with is that I am educating bass that have not seen much pressure. They will adapt and become harder to catch, making it look like there are fewer fish because you won't catch them like you did in the past. Anyone here get in on the A-Rig when It first came out. What a special time that was i caught big fish and a lot of fish. You can throw it all day now and won't catch as many fish as you could in the first 2 hours when it was brand new. They became conditioned to it and won't hit it like they used to.
FFS is going to have a greater effect on certain lakes, where its application is definitely a game changer. Great example, Lanier and Lewis Smith. Additionally, it's application will show out more during the summer months when fish suspend.
Great video - production and material! As a bass angler for over 45 years, I held off from adding FFS to my boat. I understand bass and have no problem winning my share of tournaments without it. But recently made the jump. My thinking is why not use just another tool to identify structure just as I use side scan and down image? For me, FFS just helps speed up the pin pointing process and saves me some time. It does not put fish in the boat on its own. My fear is that young anglers will lean on FFS too much and skip the learning process of how to locate bass based on the conditions. I have seen young anglers standing shoulder to shoulder, eyes down on the screen, just randomly scanning unproductive water. I am watching from a short distance, slaying bass on a rocky point and they had no clue where to look. This scenario has gone down several times. I want kids to learn how to locate bass and then use technology to add to their success. Sorry if I ran on a bit. This may be an idea for a future video. Don’t put the cart in front of the horse.
That’s really the point though not a lot of people are good with it. It can become a crutch but without the time on the water with it shallow, deep, open water, or cover it’s not that big of a difference. Sure it might lead to an extra limit or two but is it leading to a big bag without the time on the water. No. Pro’s are and exception not the rule.
@ agreed. But at the same time it can get easy to burn time targeting smaller bass, or worse yet, non bass species. Because you can see fish on the FFS does not mean it is worth pursuing those targets. Without experience of understanding conditions and bass behavior you can waste a lot, and I mean A LOT of time on the water with FFS. Learn the basics first, then put in time to learn FFS. Point is, this is not the quick fix pill most people are hoping for.
A couple of facts that should be noticed : deep water FFS = more dead fish after c&r and the effect on the high fishing pressure on big productive/old/resting/inactive fish.
@@BassGeek bass spotlighted from 30ft and down is not good. The fish is standing on cooler water with more oxygen, then put in livewell and later release in shallow. We seen this on NPike, Walleye, YPerch too....the pike is the only that manage pretty well if they are released in deep cold water. If the Bass is active it will go up to feed, no need for FFS then ;)
This is a myth. I fish highland reservoirs. I've watched bass on ffs swim from 50ft deep to the surface and go back down. Do you believe a bass would hurt itself? I've caught bass 100ft deep on Lake Jocassee. Depth of fish is relative to the body of water you fish.
@@High-techRedneckFishing - so you recomend deep water ffs for bass then...fantastic. Why is as much as up to 75% of the fish dying after some tournament...guys hanging from the dock trying fiss the fish...
First you fizz the bass as soon as you get it in the boat. Second I don't ride around 6 to 8 hours with a bass in the live well. The live well does the most damage. Pros use pool noodles cut down so the bass don't hit the lid or latch. They need to catch and release. Just for information, I caught bass deep long before ffs. I knew 20 years ago bass live offshore.
#100percentwatchsquad You really put a lot of work into this one, Hank. And it shows. Very well done! I think there are still going to be negative and hateful comments, but that's how it goes, unfortunately.
Bro... thank you so much. People seem to go with emotion over facts these days more than ever. Kinda thought all along it didn't make that much of a difference. The price is high but that will come down when companies compete more. But not if it gets banned everywhere. Can't afford it myself but I'm not bitter. Couldn't afford a kayak before I saved and bought one.
The have and have knots is what it all boils down to. Most people completely don't know how to use FFS to its full potential. As far as die off after tournaments, you need attrition rates to keep a better bass population in said lake.
I'm with you 💯% Hank. It's not making that big of an issue with the tournament scene, and it's not as easy as everyone that doesn't have it thinks it is. Im so tired of hearing the old "spotlighting" bullcrap besides that doesn't remotely relate to FFS. I'm with you all the way, you rock brother 🎣 🔥 #100percentwatchsquad
Yes I am to. I have been saying what about the Hydrowave? It's an electronic call which is not allowed in hunting. I know it catches me at least 1-3 more bass when I need it.
Thanks for an interesting video. I don’t have any skin in the game so as long as you have fun and don’t hurt the environment have at it. You only have so many days to fish!
Thank you for sharing this information with us Hank, I really liked how you put this all together. Keep up the great work your dedication is much appreciated. #100percentwatchsquad #MakeFishingGreatAgain At the end of the day I just want to have fun and I use fishing to get away from the stress in my everyday life. Fishing helps me unwind and ground myself and that’s one of the main reasons why I do it.
Thank you. I’m not trying to tell people what to do. I use it just keep their RUDE opinions to themselves. I just want to catch fish and someone had to put some fact to this.
Great video bro as always🎣🙌🏼! Heck I go with my buddy who has a Garmin on his boat and we dock shoot jigs and shiners sometimes till our arms hurt- it doesn’t mean they will feed🤨
@@High-techRedneckFishing That’s good insight. Thank you! I know nothing about trout. Sounds like I need to learn this for sure. 👍 Thanks brother. I’ve been struggling
Great report HankI It cleared up one side of the debate where a majority of bass anglers already tend to be in agreement with - the recreational use of FFS. I don't think there's been very much drama , vitriol; or controversy under this consumer context. I think most of the tribalism, resentment, and irrational fear you are referring to stems from the unprecedented dependence on its use in professional bass fishing tournaments, where the most valid of concerns relates to its possible influence on the declining popularity of the sport reflected by dwindling viewership ratings and lack of interest by the general outdoor sports audience. I'd love to see what you can find out for us in that regard. I think it would help settle things much sooner than later once that aspect is narrowed down for everyone to gain a more accurate perspective on its actual influence on the sport.
Im with you on this Hank. You still have to get the right lure, color and presentation to get the fish to bite. No different than bed fishing really. Just cause you see them, dont mean they are buting.
I am generally more of a panfish fisherman. I don't have FFS but I can see where it along with spot lock would drastically increase my catch numbers. For me I completely believe it should be outlawed. In Michigan most lakes are less than a couple hundred acres. Side Scan alone allows me to Chase and catch open water fish that would never be found just 2 decades ago. Live scope insanely increases this. This is most dramatic with Ice fisherman. Where it may have took 30 holes drilled along structure to find fish and catch a few can literally be done in just 2-3 holes. This along with cameras can allow people to almost force feed fish. Without harvest size and limit changes I do believe that it will damage fisheries. This all being said the temptation to purchase it and take advantage of this technology is hard to resist. Cast nets are banned from use in inland waters in Michigan do to the risk of using them to take game fish. Well cast nets are no threat at all compared to live scope.
Very well spoken! I don't have FFS but, I hope to waste my money on one some day. Lol I love to fish and it's just another tool in the box. Thanks for the info Hank I truly appreciate it! #100percentwatchsquad
Does the survey say anything about the mortality rate of deep caught fish when using FFSj?. I hear that hundreds of fish after a major tournament have died after two or three days of being caught. I have no first hand proof of this though. So I don't know.
It’s affecting the white perch and trophy catfisheries as well. Don’t be surprised if creel limits and maybe even closed seasons are put into effect one day because of this and the ones of us who don’t use it for whatever reason will have to suffer along with the people who caused it.
@@BassGeek are u serious?!? The reason half of us are against it is because we think it's like $25k. Im gonna look into this. I know ur a tech guy so would you also mind breaking this down for us a little
You can get FFS now depending on the manufacturer from about 1500-1700 is the cheapest I've seen so not crazy expensive but also not super cheap either.
I have used ffs for about a year and a half. It did not take long to use it effectively. I dont believe it affects the fisheries all that much. That said, it has greatly increased my catch rates. Overall, I am not a fan of ffs being used in professional tournaments. The statistics can say whatever, but if a fisherman takes the time to learn how to use it , it most certainly increases their catch. I think the reliance on ffs is the problem. All the pros are glued to that screen.
I don't know where your fishing or how many people are using it there. I can tell you just like every other bait and tech it's great at first but as those bass that have not seen pressure start to see more and more they do adjust and get harder to catch. Hey I'm great with the pro's not using it. Just means all of us that have it will get to make things WAY harder on them. It's not just a suspended bass tech I catch'em in 3ft all the time.
@BassGeek Well I fish the lakes of North and South Carolina. From Sharon Harris to Santee. From Lake Norman to Lake Murray. I will be honest , ffs just simply takes something sacred away from the sport. Just my opinion. During the redcrest on Lake Norman I was on the water. I watched countless pros coming in and out of coves, dropping that trolling motor , scanning a couple of minutes and pulling the trolling motor up and buzzing out. Not once even holding a fishing rod. I'm sorry , there is just something unsportsmanlike about.
I was on and off the ice in 2 hour's this morning with my limit of Perch from the Mississippi. 2tip downs and a rod with my dog in the sled, walked past a wall of guy's with all that tech not catching much but bass and pike. I fish for meal's, and prefer fresh caught meal's. If you wanna spend that much money to catch a few fish, more power to ya. I spent 40+year's on most of my spot's and can catch em almost every time. No need to waste my money, but they're cool to look at.
If you really want to help the fish go to lengths instead of weights at lest you can release the fish . Right away after measuring the fish. You never talk about this.
FFS is Dope AF. I embrace technology. The ability to see what’s down there without “wasting time”, time is all we have as humans on this earth. COME ON PEOPLE…GET OVER IT!!!! Read it and weep, FACTS!!! 👎🏻To all the Randy’s(New Karen’s of the fishing industry out there)👎🏻 #timeisallwehave 🤙😎
I catch an average of 6 bass a day and sometimes I catch 10 or more without ffs or any electronics. I just have a kayak and use what I've learned to catch fish. I don't see the point of using it but Im not a tournament fisherman. Obviously if it didn't help all tournaments wouldn't be won using it though.
The way I look at it is that just because you can see the fish, if it doesn’t want to bite, you can’t make them bite. It’s just a tool like game cameras. Hank you need to call the craw-pee not crappy, LOL you’re kinda in the south…
I don't understand how people call it spotlighting yet we use the Hydrowave and we are ok with that. It's an electronic call with is NOT allowed in hunting other than nuisance species. I know for a fact that thing catches me in the right situation it catches me 1-3 more bass a day.
Personally, it hasn't ever loaded the boat for me. It keeps me from getting zeroed. People that don't have ffs seem to think it's like trawling a huge net. 😂
Probably for someone smarter.. 2yrs later I'm still learning from it. But we are lazy and fish close to home so the quality of the fisheries makes a bigger difference.
❤❤ great video! If these cry babies like RB actually tried using FFS, they would realize it’s nowhere near as easy as they claim. FFS is destroying the sport cause you can see the fish to cast at, but seeing a fish on the bed and casting at it til you piss it off enough to bite and jerking it off its bed and hauling it around in the livewell all day is ok and doesn’t harm the spot. 😳 explain that logic to me. Lol
Turns out when bums with too much money use FFS, they don't catch much more fish and they skew the average. When the pros use it, I still think it makes it quite easy for them.
Bum with to much money???? Hummm Sounds like a socialist to me. How about when people that work their A$$ off to have the things they want. Maybe do better be better…. Sounds like the BUMS are the broke sorry losers 😢
I actually like the technology. But what happens when the prices come down to where 75% of anglers with a boat can afford it as well as anglers have mastered the technology itself. That’s when I see FFS possibly harming our fisheries. At that point we ALL will need to be great stewards of our sport.
I think it would be more impactful if we could take a photo of the bass like kayak tournaments do. That, in my mind, would reduce bass mortality rates after weight in. I imagine that would be much more impactful that’s banning FFS. Old school fishermen had to use a lifetime of knowledge to locate bass. New school fishermen just have to watch a video screen. There is the heart of why there are such high emotions out there regarding FFS. Is it me vs you or is it my electronics vs your electronics? Additionally, FFS impacts the lure markets in a negative way too - puts companies out of business who give back a lot of money to the sport when compared to the tech companies who only want to make profit for investors. Time will tell, I suppose.
I think the catch weight or photo is great. The whole knowledge thing is all based of theory. The truth is bass are not dormant in the winter they just aren't where your fishing. The truth is bass aren't deep in the summer they just aren't were you're fishing. Bass will hit a topwater at 1pm on a clear calm day over 200ft of water with no wind and 15-20ft clarity!
The lure manufactures just need to do their jobs and innovate. That’s business things change and business adapts or they don’t and they go under. That’s how it works ask Kmart or CircutCity
I love my FFS but don't watch bass fishing on TV any more because it is boring to watch but I still keep up with results from all bass fishing and no I don't think it is hurting the fish at all.. #100watchsquad
.11 percent times number of casts directed at specific bass stress rate has to go up on the fish. Oh and this is super premature on the effects of this 5 yrs from now would be interested to see what happens.
I'm no hater man but this seems sort of like a skewed statistic. It doesn't take into account how much experience those fisherman have with the FFS. Weekend or once a month anglers with FFS would take a year plus to become efficient with the new technology. For example if the catch rate was such a minute difference then why in professional tournaments is it completely dominated with FFS. It certainly isn't because they are only .11% more likely to catch a fish. Again I'm not a hater, love your videos and when I am able to afford a new HDS Pro 12 and FFS I will definitely be adding it to my boat!
You are also talking about pro’s vs everyday anglers. You also have to add in these bass have not seen lures out there. When they get that pressure they adjust. I’ve already seen it.
The "professionals" and "leagues" are the real problem! " I caught a bigger one than you" does not make you a better person, not to mention the way they spread invasive species from lake to lake... Leave the fishing for the people who are doing it for the right reasons
My fear is over-conditioning of bass to lures in general making bass harder to catch. Perhaps there is no impact. Time will tell. I feel like there are not enough bass being harvested in our lakes. Angler don't cut them like they used to. Maybe that's good, maybe not. I just don't like watching pro tourney coverage using FFS. Boring to me. Good job on ur vids btw!
@@mattmitchell9298 The ones on the bank are already conditioned. They’ve seen baits for 100 years. Depending on the lake. I agree we don’t harvest enough.
I don't care about ffs at all in the pro circuit. Or if the recreational fisherman wants to use it. I'm a bank angler, I don't get to use it at. But, remember that the pro circuits are just glorified advertisements for fishing products. If they alienate the average consumer then it's going to cause backlash
@@BassGeek I realize that. But any boat can still get you on the water. And again I don't care if pros use ffs or not. But, some of the techniques the pros use now is strictly reliant on ffs. And how can you market lures rods and other gear specific to a technique that people just can't access?
If it didn't increase catch rate you would have tons on Facebook market place.. but none on there! You pay 3-4K for a huge screen and FFS with no increase.. as a content creator prove it take, it off your boat permanently. Put your money where your mouth is! Fish your next tournament without it. You wont do it!
See you obviously don't know and have not watched my channel. You should before assuming things. You know ASS-U-ME. Really you would learn a lot and have all these questions answered..
Next time there’s a tournament make it a rule no one can use the sonars .This will show the true experience of the fisherman knowledge of fishing.Just saying
I can and did. Pressure! If your lake is 50 years old those bass on the bank has seen 50yrs worth of pressure. The bass in open water have seen 2 max? I’m just showing facts
There is no scale it's Catch Rate Per Hour. It mean on average anglers are catching 1 more bass ever 9 hours than those without it. Considering 98% are release it's NOT.
Yeah,and like the surveys done around here,the majority lie.Fact!Besides in tournaments the fact u can target only bigger fish is key.You dont need to catch alot.Everypne wants to keep like comparing it to when mapping,2D,DISI came out,u still had to fish blind to catch those fish.FFS is a whole different technology that has completely changed the sport and how anglers fish now.We all know it's true,and it's not for the better.
This argument sounds like a democrats saying people don’t know what they want or need and we should do it for them because they are to stupid do it for themselves. If you LIE you deserver the fishery to suck! Besides WE ARE TALKING ABOUT TEXAS! THE BEST FISHERIES MANAGEMENT IN THE WORLD! You think they would put it out if they didn’t know it for fact
It’s pretty silly to put much value in the things fishermen tell game wardens. Of course they’re gonna lie to the greenies. “Oh yea just like 3 or 4 crappie today on the ffs”
If that were the case and TEXAS bases almost all of their conservation efforts one those surveys, According to TEXAS Parks and Wildlife directors. Then why are they the literal GOLD standard for how to run bass fisheries? YOU CAN NOT SAY THEY ARE NOT! They pure more money into it and catch more double digits bass than any 3 combined. That is a statistical FACT....
With all due respect, you're conflating two different point. One is the Tournament Angler use of FFS and the other is the weekend Angler use of it. As a non-tournament angler, I use a modified A-rig with just one hook. I will also Troll a plug from location to location, are these two simple techniques guaranteed "fish catchers" ?? answer is No, and yet they are banned from most bass tournaments. 2nd, if in the end the study showed little to no advantage in the use of FFS, why the objection to the limited use of it during tournament?? again, if people have no issue with not being able to troll lures or use an A-rig (Modified or not) why get upset about any restrictions place on FFS during tournaments??
@@BassGeek So if they're both garbage, removing FFS from bass tournaments shouldn't be a big deal, and yet look at everyone crying to keep it in. Why is this even a topic of discussion then??
Hi Alex. I can tell you why trolling is illegal in tournaments. Last weekend I was fishing a highland lake. The fish in the creeks was setup on ledges in 15 ft of water. I tried using a minnow jig with my Active target. The fish spooked really easy. I started trolling the ledge with a crankbait and was able to catch 26 fish. I found the fish first with down imaging. If I had started trolling I think I could have caught 30 or more. The hardest part with any ffs is to know when to turn it off. The A-rig was banned because it didn't meet the 1 rod 1 reel 1 lure rule. They also banned the double fluke rig and the jig n dropshot.
@@BassGeek that's all I ever do but not everyone else. Northern fisheries are not as fertile, growth rates are slower, life spans are longer particularly among large predatorial species. Consequently increased catch rate such seen with those who "road hunt" with their forward facing sonar will inevitably create more release mortality. This may be a wash in southern systems but could be a significant impact in northern ones.
Do you understand what limitations of studies are like statistical significance, sample size, or scope? You can find a study to support almost any belief. It's not "proven facts". You can't draw conclusions without many high quality replicable studies. Thats how science works.
Its 100 percent tournament fishing that kills the fish from not taking care of fish and fizzing , which puts a hole in the air bladder , if you read uo on fizzing its 100 percent kill rate , its like how can a fish hold air in its bladder again if its got a hole in it. Come on people stop the stupidity, your bass depends on it
Why would anyone keep a bass anyway. Not good to eat so what’s the purpose of keeping. Ffs fisherman seldom keep walleyes where I fish all summer. Maybe down south it’s different.
Then please tell me about all the dead bass i see all the time i guess that doesn't matter right i have no problem with ffs but I have seen to many dead bass and i use to catch more bass before every one and me started using it just need to learn how to take care of them bass better because most don't or don't care i do hope they will get better soon because they are killing them more than ever before
This is dumb. Those surveys are not reliable and it's also about the fish your catching, not just the number. Also, if it didn't make a big difference people wouldn't pay 5k to put it on their boat.
I know about 8 guys that bought it just cause the hype & they refuse to learn it...They turn it on & that's as far as it goes...You're just another opinion spewing nonsense. The dude literally provided the FACTS backed by data,clearly you're just ignorant... I bet you watch the "news" also...
@@Jannakennels lmao wow..Did I just read that correctly,you can't function as a "productive" person without a 1k Iphone?You're lost without it, aren't you?Wow lol. Please get some help...
Very interesting information! As a fisherman myself, and not leaning for or against FFS, the problem with harming fish ( bass ) are the tournaments. You go to any lake when there is a tournament and watch and see how many dead bass are left floating! It’s not just here in East Tennessee, it’s everywhere there are tournaments. I live on the lake, I see it every time there is a tournament.
More fish die in the week after the tournament too. So you don't even see all the dead ones.
Agree so I live on a lake and fish for food and now everyone dumps in catches as many crappie as they can and then drive away / we also have a very small but growing bluegill population and I think they will be stunted
I think stopping the practice of targeting bass on their spawning beds would have a larger positive effect on the fishery than eliminating FFS.
In all honesty, just like the results show, my catch rate has not increased for bass one iota. That being said, it has opened a new world up to me that was at one time a mystery. I can sit for hours and watch fish on live scope doing what fish do, it's absolutely fascinating. So far it hasn't translated into better catch rates, but I do have a better grasp on fish behavior and that my friend was worth the price of admission 😊
I have had more success with Hydrowave
You can see them but you still have a hard time getting them to bite.
Sometimes I think I caught more without mega live honestly. Takes some getting used to seeing how many times you catch their attention but can't get them to eat your bait for sure. It's just not what purist old school fishermen think it is at all.
I literally caught less fish learning FFS for 2 years straight before I could catch them like I did before..Its an entire new learning curve to how you fish...Great video geek..
I'm with ya.
Apparently they haven't seen me operate forward facing sonar. The bass have never been safer.
Hahahaha SAME HERE!!
They seem to be swimming away for me. Rarely suspended and still like I see on videos.
Yeah same. It’s nice watching them swim away from my bait every now and again
That’s pretty funny
The argument is not that it’s hurting our fisheries. As you said most guys that have FFS suck at using it. It’s having it in competition especially at the highest levels. Personally I don’t understand why you would want to watch the fish you are targeting live on a screen but that’s just me. Part of the exhilaration of fishing is the anticipation of a bite.
It’s topwater all day
“Lies damn lies and statistics” if it didn’t work who would spend 2000 dollars for a unit?
They should do tournament test with and without for a true wide span fisherman test.
It’s called advertising
Ask a flathead catfish guy those three questions in Ohio. 1: flathead catfish 2: three weeks, one day and three hours, no breaks 3:zero
@BassGeek but it's topwater all day....
So what I'm really hearing is that tournaments, particularly tournaments with live weigh ins, are the issue when it comes to fish die off?
How many fish are dying off after live weigh-ins?
Boom and way in mortality rate is probably striated, depending if you’re talking about the elite series versus your local club derby
Hey I’m not saying what I’ve seen on that side
Obviously putting fish in a box with others and bouncing them across the lake is going to stress out the fish. Catching them is enough stress, keeping them before letting them go just makes it worse.
@@comfortablynumb9342 extended poor handling, and then while their slime coat is damaged you toss them in the box with a bunch of other stuff. So even if they survive the short term experience long term disease transmission goes up.
I can't even tell you how many floaters I have seen after tournaments especially during the more inherently stressful times of the year. It's sad.
Its a solvable problem. State law, fish that are not intended for harvest may not be retained.
Thankfully fisherman never lie about what they catch.
Here we go! Move along.
@@BassGeek See ya
definitely you can't trust a study done like this and expect everyone being honest I can't believe you take that as 100pecent factual information.
So… why do the pros spend 1000’s on FFS and 4 screens to catch 1 more bass in 9 hours. I don’t believe the stats. Makes no sense.
It hard to believe it only makes a 1 fish difference. But it’s probably an average . For the best at using the tech . It’s probably much higher . While people not good with it might not catch any extra fish. It does allow people to target fish in places they didn’t catch fish before and it’s easier to target bigger fish.
Also 1 fish can be the difference between winning and losing . Or qualifying for the classic.
Because a small percentage means a lot more to them than it does us
Me neither
The best gotcha phase. “Well, if it doesn’t help that much, than you shouldn’t mind fishing without it…” (instantly triggers FFS users)
Awesome video and data. Like I've said before. The best part about forward facing sonar, is that even your seeing fish react to three different lures and techniques. If they're not eating stop wasting your time on them. Mark the spot and go fish another. I've always believed fish eating is a timing thing throughout your day on the water. Forward facing sonar helps you figure that timing out with different schools of fish. It's a tool just like 360, Clearview, or side imagine. Also watching tournaments on TV hasn't changed either. You're still watching the back of a man in a jersey. Man still looking down at the screen. Video game fishing has been around since 99!
Yup I been dropping using a 2d for ever
@@BassGeek it's just ridiculous to me. This technology is what fishermen have been wanting and now we got it, it's an issue.
I don’t care either way. Let’s just MAKE FISHING GREAT AGAIN
A men!
@@richshackelford5793 🫡
Got that right!!!💯👈🏼 BUT I HAVE 2 SIMPLE YET EXTREMELY LOGICAL POINTS. 1’st some kind of system like a gps that when some of these straight video gamers that NEVER LOOK UP CANNOT RUN INTO SOMEONE OR THING. AND WILL NOT CUT BOAT LINES WITHOUT THE ANGEL STEPPING OFF THE FRONT DEACK LIKE A FOB SO THEY HAVE 2 LOOK UP&AROUND!!! Thats fair right ???
And let’s get a good count off the lakes that a lot of people fish put has been on a slow fall in fish numbers & size!! That a lot of people already fish going to Texas is about like going to Headwaters in Florida or the TVA lakes or California delta. I have no care as far the use I live in southeast Louisiana and fish the marsh and rivers and bayou’s we just lost a 500K-700K Bass last week we eat em they don’t get bigger than 2#-2 1/2# a trophy is 4+ in the marsh and we run up the river or cross the lake to release to a better “Less likely” to be storm killed or bull shark or gator food been doing it over 45 years. So we definitely not a destination. But BFS in Dec-April we can have a 200 fish day 120+ under a lb But I think It’s a rule needed for people get hit or worse
Amen to that Trump'24
It'll be great again when they outlaw FFS on derby days. Until then, especially for smallies, it's a crap shortcut that's worthy of no more respect than spotlighting deer.
My suggestions, as just some lady who doesn’t even use FFS:
1) Catch photo (or weigh) & release is far healthier than sticking fish in a live well all day then releasing them 10, 20, 30 miles from where they were.
2) Stop scheduling tournaments that target bedding fish ESPECIALLY if it’s a live weigh in format.
3) Tournaments at the local to opens levels could be separated into FFS and non-FFS formats, so everyone has the option to compete “apples to apples”.
I like all that but they are already coming out with cheaper alternatives.
@@BassGeek that’s true. But some people just don’t enjoy FFS (like me). I can afford it, I just don’t want it. I’ve tried it a few times & just have more fun the old school way, haha! When I fish tournaments, they’re just for fun too, I don’t currently have enough time to be actually competitive on any trails, even locals, because they’re so spread out where I live.
And they told us steroids couldn't hit the baseball for you but...........
No one has ever said that. BS Hater. Hat on troll
Great video. The Texas Parks and Wildlife is the best hands down. They know how to manage wildlife. Tyler’s Reel fishing has posted some great videos lately about fish management with a member from TPWD.
Proud Texan here 💪
Heck yeah
Weigh and release is the safest way for the fish. Kayak tourneys take pics and release
I agree
That's what I have said from the beginning. I catch and release every bass i catch, so how am I hurting the fish population. The only effect that I agree with is that I am educating bass that have not seen much pressure. They will adapt and become harder to catch, making it look like there are fewer fish because you won't catch them like you did in the past. Anyone here get in on the A-Rig when It first came out. What a special time that was i caught big fish and a lot of fish. You can throw it all day now and won't catch as many fish as you could in the first 2 hours when it was brand new. They became conditioned to it and won't hit it like they used to.
Yes sir you are absolutely correct!
FFS is going to have a greater effect on certain lakes, where its application is definitely a game changer. Great example, Lanier and Lewis Smith. Additionally, it's application will show out more during the summer months when fish suspend.
I can see that.
Good video Hank. Man you put in some serious editing time.
LOL Thanks man.
Hey Hank, appreciate you laying it down. Let’s just enjoy fishing the way we wanna fish man. It’s that simple. As always #100percentwatchsquad👊
Thank You!
Thank you
Great content backed by data! Well done BassGeek.
Thank you very much.
Great video - production and material!
As a bass angler for over 45 years, I held off from adding FFS to my boat. I understand bass and have no problem winning my share of tournaments without it. But recently made the jump. My thinking is why not use just another tool to identify structure just as I use side scan and down image? For me, FFS just helps speed up the pin pointing process and saves me some time. It does not put fish in the boat on its own.
My fear is that young anglers will lean on FFS too much and skip the learning process of how to locate bass based on the conditions. I have seen young anglers standing shoulder to shoulder, eyes down on the screen, just randomly scanning unproductive water. I am watching from a short distance, slaying bass on a rocky point and they had no clue where to look. This scenario has gone down several times. I want kids to learn how to locate bass and then use technology to add to their success.
Sorry if I ran on a bit. This may be an idea for a future video. Don’t put the cart in front of the horse.
That’s really the point though not a lot of people are good with it. It can become a crutch but without the time on the water with it shallow, deep, open water, or cover it’s not that big of a difference. Sure it might lead to an extra limit or two but is it leading to a big bag without the time on the water. No. Pro’s are and exception not the rule.
@ agreed. But at the same time it can get easy to burn time targeting smaller bass, or worse yet, non bass species. Because you can see fish on the FFS does not mean it is worth pursuing those targets. Without experience of understanding conditions and bass behavior you can waste a lot, and I mean A LOT of time on the water with FFS. Learn the basics first, then put in time to learn FFS. Point is, this is not the quick fix pill most people are hoping for.
Yes sir. I totally agree.
A couple of facts that should be noticed : deep water FFS = more dead fish after c&r and the effect on the high fishing pressure on big productive/old/resting/inactive fish.
All myths. I can sow you those open water bass are not resting and most in the summer are not deep
@@BassGeek bass spotlighted from 30ft and down is not good. The fish is standing on cooler water with more oxygen, then put in livewell and later release in shallow. We seen this on NPike, Walleye, YPerch too....the pike is the only that manage pretty well if they are released in deep cold water. If the Bass is active it will go up to feed, no need for FFS then ;)
This is a myth. I fish highland reservoirs. I've watched bass on ffs swim from 50ft deep to the surface and go back down. Do you believe a bass would hurt itself? I've caught bass 100ft deep on Lake Jocassee. Depth of fish is relative to the body of water you fish.
@@High-techRedneckFishing - so you recomend deep water ffs for bass then...fantastic.
Why is as much as up to 75% of the fish dying after some tournament...guys hanging from the dock trying fiss the fish...
First you fizz the bass as soon as you get it in the boat. Second I don't ride around 6 to 8 hours with a bass in the live well. The live well does the most damage. Pros use pool noodles cut down so the bass don't hit the lid or latch. They need to catch and release. Just for information, I caught bass deep long before ffs. I knew 20 years ago bass live offshore.
#100percentwatchsquad You really put a lot of work into this one, Hank. And it shows. Very well done! I think there are still going to be negative and hateful comments, but that's how it goes, unfortunately.
Always but I’ll be sure to tell them where they can go! LOL
Bro... thank you so much. People seem to go with emotion over facts these days more than ever. Kinda thought all along it didn't make that much of a difference. The price is high but that will come down when companies compete more. But not if it gets banned everywhere. Can't afford it myself but I'm not bitter. Couldn't afford a kayak before I saved and bought one.
Yes it will TW h always does and already is
@@BassGeek competition always drives down price and innovation forward.
The have and have knots is what it all boils down to. Most people completely don't know how to use FFS to its full potential. As far as die off after tournaments, you need attrition rates to keep a better bass population in said lake.
Your right
I'm with you 💯% Hank. It's not making that big of an issue with the tournament scene, and it's not as easy as everyone that doesn't have it thinks it is. Im so tired of hearing the old "spotlighting" bullcrap besides that doesn't remotely relate to FFS. I'm with you all the way, you rock brother 🎣 🔥
Yes I am to. I have been saying what about the Hydrowave? It's an electronic call which is not allowed in hunting. I know it catches me at least 1-3 more bass when I need it.
Thank you for providing this info.
Thank you.
Thanks for an interesting video. I don’t have any skin in the game so as long as you have fun and don’t hurt the environment have at it. You only have so many days to fish!
Ah mean fishing is fun!
This is great! Very educational and what I’ve been saying people fear instead of learning and understanding.
Great information if people are being truthful on the surveys. But bottom line is you still gotta catch the fish thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this information with us Hank, I really liked how you put this all together. Keep up the great work your dedication is much appreciated.
At the end of the day I just want to have fun and I use fishing to get away from the stress in my everyday life. Fishing helps me unwind and ground myself and that’s one of the main reasons why I do it.
Thank you. I’m not trying to tell people what to do. I use it just keep their RUDE opinions to themselves. I just want to catch fish and someone had to put some fact to this.
@@BassGeek fully agree with you on this keep doing your thing.
Great video bro as always🎣🙌🏼! Heck I go with my buddy who has a Garmin on his boat and we dock shoot jigs and shiners sometimes till our arms hurt- it doesn’t mean they will feed🤨
Hahahaha so good!
Can’t argue with Facts. Texas does a great job with Bass management. Straight from the Basses mouth
Yes sir I’m just tired of the bs. Let’s make fishing fun again.
@@BassGeek Yesssssss
Yes they do. I moved to the mountains of NC from Texas and wish NC managed their reservoirs like Texas does. Texas ruined me!
I'm from Western NC. I've caught 35 bass over 10lbs in Western NC. If you want to catch big bass in our area, learn about trout eaters.
@@High-techRedneckFishing That’s good insight. Thank you! I know nothing about trout. Sounds like I need to learn this for sure. 👍 Thanks brother. I’ve been struggling
Thanks, this was very helpful!
Thank you
This is a great video! Thank you for making this
Thank you!
Great report HankI It cleared up one side of the debate where a majority of bass anglers already tend to be in agreement with - the recreational use of FFS. I don't think there's been very much drama , vitriol; or controversy under this consumer context. I think most of the tribalism, resentment, and irrational fear you are referring to stems from the unprecedented dependence on its use in professional bass fishing tournaments, where the most valid of concerns relates to its possible influence on the declining popularity of the sport reflected by dwindling viewership ratings and lack of interest by the general outdoor sports audience. I'd love to see what you can find out for us in that regard. I think it would help settle things much sooner than later once that aspect is narrowed down for everyone to gain a more accurate perspective on its actual influence on the sport.
I’ve got a poll that shows it really is just a small loud bunch of haters that don’t like it. Coming soon
Im with you on this Hank. You still have to get the right lure, color and presentation to get the fish to bite. No different than bed fishing really. Just cause you see them, dont mean they are buting.
It’s just the truth
I am generally more of a panfish fisherman. I don't have FFS but I can see where it along with spot lock would drastically increase my catch numbers. For me I completely believe it should be outlawed. In Michigan most lakes are less than a couple hundred acres. Side Scan alone allows me to Chase and catch open water fish that would never be found just 2 decades ago. Live scope insanely increases this. This is most dramatic with Ice fisherman. Where it may have took 30 holes drilled along structure to find fish and catch a few can literally be done in just 2-3 holes. This along with cameras can allow people to almost force feed fish. Without harvest size and limit changes I do believe that it will damage fisheries. This all being said the temptation to purchase it and take advantage of this technology is hard to resist. Cast nets are banned from use in inland waters in Michigan do to the risk of using them to take game fish. Well cast nets are no threat at all compared to live scope.
Hahaha I wish it was that’s easy
This was very interesting and informative. This is different but a good kind of different
Freaking awesome video bro! The results were SHOCKING! So glad i caught this one! #100percentwatchsquad
Truth is what it is
Very well spoken! I don't have FFS but, I hope to waste my money on one some day. Lol I love to fish and it's just another tool in the box. Thanks for the info Hank I truly appreciate it! #100percentwatchsquad
It is I’ve caught more because of hydrowave to be honest. It why I just bought one for the new boat
Does the survey say anything about the mortality rate of deep caught fish when using FFSj?. I hear that hundreds of fish after a major tournament have died after two or three days of being caught. I have no first hand proof of this though. So I don't know.
That is more on the angler than FFS. To sorry to take care of bass or fizz them
I love this! As always, thanks for spreading truth through the misinformation!
Thank you
It’s affecting the white perch and trophy catfisheries as well. Don’t be surprised if creel limits and maybe even closed seasons are put into effect one day because of this and the ones of us who don’t use it for whatever reason will have to suffer along with the people who caused it.
I would have to see the numbers. Most of it is just more people fishing. Direct relation to covid.
Great great video. Very well spoken. Thanks
I make $75k a year and bought my house b4 covid. How the #%^* are 50% of anglers affording ffs?
You can get in on for 2k or less
Covid relief money and unemployment checks
@@BassGeek are u serious?!? The reason half of us are against it is because we think it's like $25k. Im gonna look into this. I know ur a tech guy so would you also mind breaking this down for us a little
@@FishingClearWaters Garmin 93sv UHD $699. Garmin LVS32 Livescope kit $999. That is everything you need.
You can get FFS now depending on the manufacturer from about 1500-1700 is the cheapest I've seen so not crazy expensive but also not super cheap either.
Thanks for the video. I appreciate the level headed discussion. People have been ridiculous about ffs.
How about we get rid of both FFS and live weigh-ins, that we make everyone happy. And just do catch and release.
No! I’m keeping mine thanks
I have used ffs for about a year and a half. It did not take long to use it effectively. I dont believe it affects the fisheries all that much. That said, it has greatly increased my catch rates. Overall, I am not a fan of ffs being used in professional tournaments. The statistics can say whatever, but if a fisherman takes the time to learn how to use it , it most certainly increases their catch. I think the reliance on ffs is the problem. All the pros are glued to that screen.
I don't know where your fishing or how many people are using it there. I can tell you just like every other bait and tech it's great at first but as those bass that have not seen pressure start to see more and more they do adjust and get harder to catch. Hey I'm great with the pro's not using it. Just means all of us that have it will get to make things WAY harder on them. It's not just a suspended bass tech I catch'em in 3ft all the time.
@BassGeek Well I fish the lakes of North and South Carolina. From Sharon Harris to Santee. From Lake Norman to Lake Murray. I will be honest , ffs just simply takes something sacred away from the sport. Just my opinion. During the redcrest on Lake Norman I was on the water. I watched countless pros coming in and out of coves, dropping that trolling motor , scanning a couple of minutes and pulling the trolling motor up and buzzing out. Not once even holding a fishing rod. I'm sorry , there is just something unsportsmanlike about.
I was on and off the ice in 2 hour's this morning with my limit of Perch from the Mississippi. 2tip downs and a rod with my dog in the sled, walked past a wall of guy's with all that tech not catching much but bass and pike. I fish for meal's, and prefer fresh caught meal's. If you wanna spend that much money to catch a few fish, more power to ya. I spent 40+year's on most of my spot's and can catch em almost every time. No need to waste my money, but they're cool to look at.
Hey They are fun
If you really want to help the fish go to lengths instead of weights at lest you can release the fish . Right away after measuring the fish. You never talk about this.
Plenty of tech to weight also.
All we need are yearly limits on fish along with the current daily limits
I loved the documentary style of this video! That was well done. And it is like politics. People today are all your with me or against me
Yup like sport team more worried about winning than truth
Good info Great research nice job buddy
Thank you.
#100percentwatchsquad let’s just fish & enjoy that you are getting to fish.
It never addressed the quality of fish, or its impact on smaller lakes. It will be decades before there is any impact on large fisheries.
It does. Go watch.
FFS is Dope AF. I embrace technology. The ability to see what’s down there without “wasting time”, time is all we have as humans on this earth. COME ON PEOPLE…GET OVER IT!!!! Read it and weep, FACTS!!!
👎🏻To all the Randy’s(New Karen’s of the fishing industry out there)👎🏻
#timeisallwehave 🤙😎
AMEN! I get to fish 1-2 times a week so I want to catch not fish. If I cared about scenery I would have taken up hiking it’s a lot cheaper.
@@BassGeek my point exactly. Fish ohn brotha🤙😎
Great job! 100percentwatchsquad
I catch an average of 6 bass a day and sometimes I catch 10 or more without ffs or any electronics. I just have a kayak and use what I've learned to catch fish. I don't see the point of using it but Im not a tournament fisherman. Obviously if it didn't help all tournaments wouldn't be won using it though.
All were not won by it. It is an incredible learning tool. We have only had theory's of what bass do now we can know.
@@BassGeek But if you don't have it then you are at a disadvantage. Thats why all the old guys are leaving. You can't compete against it.
The way I look at it is that just because you can see the fish, if it doesn’t want to bite, you can’t make them bite. It’s just a tool like game cameras. Hank you need to call the craw-pee not crappy, LOL you’re kinda in the south…
I don't understand how people call it spotlighting yet we use the Hydrowave and we are ok with that. It's an electronic call with is NOT allowed in hunting other than nuisance species. I know for a fact that thing catches me in the right situation it catches me 1-3 more bass a day.
Personally, it hasn't ever loaded the boat for me. It keeps me from getting zeroed. People that don't have ffs seem to think it's like trawling a huge net. 😂
You mean it’s NOT a magic box? 😆
Probably for someone smarter.. 2yrs later I'm still learning from it. But we are lazy and fish close to home so the quality of the fisheries makes a bigger difference.
Same here 😆
Not harvesting any bass could be just as bad as over harvesting crappie.
4:08 obviously he would be checking always on my survey...
Yeah always! And…..
❤❤ great video! If these cry babies like RB actually tried using FFS, they would realize it’s nowhere near as easy as they claim. FFS is destroying the sport cause you can see the fish to cast at, but seeing a fish on the bed and casting at it til you piss it off enough to bite and jerking it off its bed and hauling it around in the livewell all day is ok and doesn’t harm the spot. 😳 explain that logic to me. Lol
No where near spotlighting
Turns out when bums with too much money use FFS, they don't catch much more fish and they skew the average. When the pros use it, I still think it makes it quite easy for them.
Bum with to much money???? Hummm Sounds like a socialist to me. How about when people that work their A$$ off to have the things they want. Maybe do better be better…. Sounds like the BUMS are the broke sorry losers 😢
Also I’m not sure FFS has a place in tournament fishing (pro fishing) at least not the entire tournament. IMO
I actually like the technology. But what happens when the prices come down to where 75% of anglers with a boat can afford it as well as anglers have mastered the technology itself. That’s when I see FFS possibly harming our fisheries. At that point we ALL will need to be great stewards of our sport.
I think it would be more impactful if we could take a photo of the bass like kayak tournaments do. That, in my mind, would reduce bass mortality rates after weight in. I imagine that would be much more impactful that’s banning FFS. Old school fishermen had to use a lifetime of knowledge to locate bass. New school fishermen just have to watch a video screen. There is the heart of why there are such high emotions out there regarding FFS. Is it me vs you or is it my electronics vs your electronics? Additionally, FFS impacts the lure markets in a negative way too - puts companies out of business who give back a lot of money to the sport when compared to the tech companies who only want to make profit for investors. Time will tell, I suppose.
I think the catch weight or photo is great. The whole knowledge thing is all based of theory. The truth is bass are not dormant in the winter they just aren't where your fishing. The truth is bass aren't deep in the summer they just aren't were you're fishing. Bass will hit a topwater at 1pm on a clear calm day over 200ft of water with no wind and 15-20ft clarity!
The lure manufactures just need to do their jobs and innovate. That’s business things change and business adapts or they don’t and they go under. That’s how it works ask Kmart or CircutCity
I love my FFS but don't watch bass fishing on TV any more because it is boring to watch but I still keep up with results from all bass fishing and no I don't think it is hurting the fish at all.. #100watchsquad
The lives are boring and that’s on the companies it really has nothing to do with FFS. They need to do better with the show
Now survey competive bass tournament anglers with that technology
Here in Mississippi the crappie creel limit had to be reduced due to FFS.
Hummmmm I’ll look into that
The limit was 30 crappie before FFS. You didn't need to be keeping 30 crappie every day.
.11 percent times number of casts directed at specific bass stress rate has to go up on the fish. Oh and this is super premature on the effects of this 5 yrs from now would be interested to see what happens.
If you're worried about the stress on the fish, why do you want to catch it and stress it out.
@@High-techRedneckFishing your an idiot I am a weekend worrier these guys fish everyday
I'm no hater man but this seems sort of like a skewed statistic. It doesn't take into account how much experience those fisherman have with the FFS. Weekend or once a month anglers with FFS would take a year plus to become efficient with the new technology. For example if the catch rate was such a minute difference then why in professional tournaments is it completely dominated with FFS. It certainly isn't because they are only .11% more likely to catch a fish. Again I'm not a hater, love your videos and when I am able to afford a new HDS Pro 12 and FFS I will definitely be adding it to my boat!
You are also talking about pro’s vs everyday anglers. You also have to add in these bass have not seen lures out there. When they get that pressure they adjust. I’ve already seen it.
The "professionals" and "leagues" are the real problem! " I caught a bigger one than you" does not make you a better person, not to mention the way they spread invasive species from lake to lake... Leave the fishing for the people who are doing it for the right reasons
I can't say I disagree to and extent.
My fear is over-conditioning of bass to lures in general making bass harder to catch. Perhaps there is no impact. Time will tell. I feel like there are not enough bass being harvested in our lakes. Angler don't cut them like they used to. Maybe that's good, maybe not. I just don't like watching pro tourney coverage using FFS. Boring to me. Good job on ur vids btw!
@@mattmitchell9298 The ones on the bank are already conditioned. They’ve seen baits for 100 years. Depending on the lake. I agree we don’t harvest enough.
It's not the number of fish but which fish you are catching.
As long as you catch and release why dose it matter?
I don't care about ffs at all in the pro circuit. Or if the recreational fisherman wants to use it. I'm a bank angler, I don't get to use it at. But, remember that the pro circuits are just glorified advertisements for fishing products. If they alienate the average consumer then it's going to cause backlash
The average consumers aren’t buying bass boats sorry but true.
@@BassGeek I realize that. But any boat can still get you on the water. And again I don't care if pros use ffs or not. But, some of the techniques the pros use now is strictly reliant on ffs. And how can you market lures rods and other gear specific to a technique that people just can't access?
@BassGeek YEP. Ordinary folks can't afford it!
I don't care either way. Great video Hank. Puttin' your foot down on the whining. 👊🤬 #100percentwatchsquad
Amen down with the whinning
Is jerking bass off beds during the breading season make bass fishing great ? Don't see the difference.The bass on FFS isn't protecting their eggs.
Yup 👍
MLF 2025 will provide some actual data that compares apples to apples.
I mean numbers don’t lie. This was done by the best fisheries management on earth.
If it didn't increase catch rate you would have tons on Facebook market place.. but none on there! You pay 3-4K for a huge screen and FFS with no increase.. as a content creator prove it take, it off your boat permanently. Put your money where your mouth is! Fish your next tournament without it. You wont do it!
See you obviously don't know and have not watched my channel. You should before assuming things. You know ASS-U-ME. Really you would learn a lot and have all these questions answered..
No way
There's just something unethically fishy about using FFS in tournaments.
That’s a personal belief not reality
Next time there’s a tournament make it a rule no one can use the sonars .This will show the true experience of the fisherman knowledge of fishing.Just saying
Will it though? FFS has shown us that a lot of the “experience” is not really how bass live and react
Of course...that explains why almost all tournaments are won with FFS. Funny how you never addressed that...but FFS doesn't have any "affect."
I can and did. Pressure! If your lake is 50 years old those bass on the bank has seen 50yrs worth of pressure. The bass in open water have seen 2 max? I’m just showing facts
If resources departments made shooting deer at night lawful hunting, FFS fisherman would only hunt at night.
Its not sportsmanship, its just trying to use technology to beat your competition.
They make golf clubs that use shotgun shells to drive golf balls. But no real golfer would respect a par game when that club is in their bag.
People who have never seen or used it are like people who don’t vote talking politics…
Reality is bass fishing is nothing more than a money machine. He'll most of the bass in this area are not even native to the area.
If 1.00 is the scale and .11 is the difference…. That isn’t insignificant
There is no scale it's Catch Rate Per Hour. It mean on average anglers are catching 1 more bass ever 9 hours than those without it. Considering 98% are release it's NOT.
Yeah,and like the surveys done around here,the majority lie.Fact!Besides in tournaments the fact u can target only bigger fish is key.You dont need to catch alot.Everypne wants to keep like comparing it to when mapping,2D,DISI came out,u still had to fish blind to catch those fish.FFS is a whole different technology that has completely changed the sport and how anglers fish now.We all know it's true,and it's not for the better.
This argument sounds like a democrats saying people don’t know what they want or need and we should do it for them because they are to stupid do it for themselves. If you LIE you deserver the fishery to suck! Besides WE ARE TALKING ABOUT TEXAS! THE BEST FISHERIES MANAGEMENT IN THE WORLD! You think they would put it out if they didn’t know it for fact
It’s pretty silly to put much value in the things fishermen tell game wardens. Of course they’re gonna lie to the greenies. “Oh yea just like 3 or 4 crappie today on the ffs”
If that were the case and TEXAS bases almost all of their conservation efforts one those surveys, According to TEXAS Parks and Wildlife directors. Then why are they the literal GOLD standard for how to run bass fisheries? YOU CAN NOT SAY THEY ARE NOT! They pure more money into it and catch more double digits bass than any 3 combined. That is a statistical FACT....
With all due respect, you're conflating two different point. One is the Tournament Angler use of FFS and the other is the weekend Angler use of it. As a non-tournament angler, I use a modified A-rig with just one hook. I will also Troll a plug from location to location, are these two simple techniques guaranteed "fish catchers" ?? answer is No, and yet they are banned from most bass tournaments. 2nd, if in the end the study showed little to no advantage in the use of FFS, why the objection to the limited use of it during tournament?? again, if people have no issue with not being able to troll lures or use an A-rig (Modified or not) why get upset about any restrictions place on FFS during tournaments??
The. An on the arig was garbage and so is the FFS. The bass will catch up!
@@BassGeek So if they're both garbage, removing FFS from bass tournaments shouldn't be a big deal, and yet look at everyone crying to keep it in. Why is this even a topic of discussion then??
Hi Alex. I can tell you why trolling is illegal in tournaments. Last weekend I was fishing a highland lake. The fish in the creeks was setup on ledges in 15 ft of water. I tried using a minnow jig with my Active target. The fish spooked really easy. I started trolling the ledge with a crankbait and was able to catch 26 fish. I found the fish first with down imaging. If I had started trolling I think I could have caught 30 or more. The hardest part with any ffs is to know when to turn it off. The A-rig was banned because it didn't meet the 1 rod 1 reel 1 lure rule. They also banned the double fluke rig and the jig n dropshot.
Northern fisheries probably have \more significant impact
If you are catch and release does it?
@@BassGeek that's all I ever do but not everyone else. Northern fisheries are not as fertile, growth rates are slower, life spans are longer particularly among large predatorial species. Consequently increased catch rate such seen with those who "road hunt" with their forward facing sonar will inevitably create more release mortality. This may be a wash in southern systems but could be a significant impact in northern ones.
Do you understand what limitations of studies are like statistical significance, sample size, or scope? You can find a study to support almost any belief. It's not "proven facts". You can't draw conclusions without many high quality replicable studies. Thats how science works.
Stop being upset the it doesn’t fit your narrative.
If FFS enables you to find more fish and you only catch 1 more than someone who doesn't the problem is with the FISHERMAN 😂
Exactly. I'm guessing you've never used it.
No I haven't. Probably a lot of guys like me that WATCH your videos to learn haven't either 🧐
Its 100 percent tournament fishing that kills the fish from not taking care of fish and fizzing , which puts a hole in the air bladder , if you read uo on fizzing its 100 percent kill rate , its like how can a fish hold air in its bladder again if its got a hole in it. Come on people stop the stupidity, your bass depends on it
You do you dude. Stupid? LOL Did you bleed to death the last time someone took your blood? Please think before You Call people stupid. STUPID!
Why would anyone keep a bass anyway. Not good to eat so what’s the purpose of keeping. Ffs fisherman seldom keep walleyes where I fish all summer. Maybe down south it’s different.
Then please tell me about all the dead bass i see all the time i guess that doesn't matter right i have no problem with ffs but I have seen to many dead bass and i use to catch more bass before every one and me started using it just need to learn how to take care of them bass better because most don't or don't care i do hope they will get better soon because they are killing them more than ever before
They been doing that since before FFS
This is dumb. Those surveys are not reliable and it's also about the fish your catching, not just the number. Also, if it didn't make a big difference people wouldn't pay 5k to put it on their boat.
Believe what ya want.
You don't need a 1k iPhone but you still buy it..
I know about 8 guys that bought it just cause the hype & they refuse to learn it...They turn it on & that's as far as it goes...You're just another opinion spewing nonsense. The dude literally provided the FACTS backed by data,clearly you're just ignorant...
I bet you watch the "news" also...
@@inaslump right but you do need a phone to operate as a productive human.
@@Jannakennels lmao wow..Did I just read that correctly,you can't function as a "productive" person without a 1k Iphone?You're lost without it, aren't you?Wow lol. Please get some help...