The Unpardonable Sin and OCD

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • I address a question sent in about the unpardonable sin and I break down how OCD impacts the disturbance of this issue.
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Комментарии • 208

  • @samara7938
    @samara7938 Год назад +103

    I’ve been dealing with this for so long I was even hospitalized several times, I still struggle with thinking that I had the thoughts on purpose. I am realizing now that these are just thoughts and God still loves me it’s still hard to believe but I’ve gotten better and I’m holding out hope even when it’s hard

    • @kyrptonite1825
      @kyrptonite1825 Год назад +4

      The unpardonable sin, from most big Christian writers, doesn’t seem just to be disrespecting the Holy Spirit with words (it’s still a grave sin), but it seems to be when you don’t accept God’s mercy even on your deathbed, and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +10

      Samara, Honey, you're only human. You're going to think bad thoughts about God, people, His Spirit, yourself, family members, animals, etc... We use our mind to process and analyze. Just because we willingly or unwillingly think something doesn't mean that's who we truly are or it's what we believe. Keep in mind that you can't gain salvation by thinking nor can you lose salvation by thinking. You're going to wrestle with thoughts for the rest of your life. You Are NOT You're Thoughts. They're just thoughts, your just thinking...They're NOT You!

    • @cyb3rg1rl-ari
      @cyb3rg1rl-ari Год назад +8

      Me too I’m still struggling in this area, I hate thinking that they could be my thoughts because I don’t want them 😭 they’re so wicked and evil and like I get so stuck not understanding why it happens. I hate it so much because I feel so emotionally numb because that’s all I’ve been stuck on

    • @Sarah_toscano
      @Sarah_toscano Год назад +2


    • @JesusSavedSpencer
      @JesusSavedSpencer 7 месяцев назад +3

      *We’re together in this* ❤️‍🩹 I’ve been hospitalized too and it is a struggle but there is light on the other side!

  • @amy77981
    @amy77981 Год назад +54

    Several years ago I was in this man's shoes. Constantly obsessing over the unpardonable sin, amongst other things. Mark is right when he says not understanding grace in his heart is the problem. God revealed legalism in my life and I began studying the difference between law and gospel in depth. I can't tell you how many times I've read Galatians. I really had to allow God to change my perspective of Him. I was so afraid of Him at one point. I had to get to know his kindness, goodness and faithfulness for myself and truly be changed in my heart. I no longer struggle with religious obsessions, which is truly a miracle, as I used to have them all day every day.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +2

      Amy, that's beautiful! Very encouraging. Thanks for sharing!

    • @pdxdrivers
      @pdxdrivers Год назад +1

      How did you get out

    • @amy77981
      @amy77981 Год назад +4

      @@pdxdrivers I'm not trying to steer anyone away from this channel, but God used another youtube ministry to set me free of the blasphemous thoughts. The woman's name is Kathleen Kaczmarek.
      It was quite a fight, and a long battle. But it paid off in the end. God was very good to me and used her ministry in a very powerful way for me.

    • @mollygugumuck2228
      @mollygugumuck2228 Год назад +2

      That’s amazing I’m a bit late to this channel and episode but I really love your story! And one day I hope I can be in your shoes cuz I have this paralyzing fear of the unpardonable sin and offending the Holy Spirit.

    • @amy77981
      @amy77981 Год назад +2

      ​@@mollygugumuck2228I absolutely believe God heals. I'm living proof. I still have areas he is working in me, we all do. But He has moved on from religious OCD/legalism onto other things.
      I think for me I had a difficult time accepting that legalism was the root cause. I kept having the issue brought up to me, and even kept ending up in areas of scripture that spoke to it, but somehow kept missing the message. When Kathleen convinced me to pray about it, and ask God to reveal the root cause of my OCD to me, I agreed to. I honestly thought that just because he showed her that legalism was the root cause for her, didn't mean it would be for me. I considered legalism to be long hair and strict dress codes. I didn't truly understand what it was. My mind needed to be renewed and my belief system brought in line with God's word. I had a very distorted belief system under OCD. But when God did reveal legalism to me, He began to work powerfully to set me free.
      It was the hardest thing I have ever done. And I was so anxious and fearful for years, even during my recovery. But little by little I could see myself getting better. One area here or there where I was improving or fully free. That gave me the hope to keep going during the times that you don't notice any significant change for awhile. Then one day you realize the thoughts no longer have any power over you, because you know how to get free from them. When that fear of them leaves, and you know the devil has lost his hold in that area, the thoughts become very infrequent. Then even on the rare occasion they do strike, I can generally come out of it in minutes. Whereas in years past I could get stuck obsessing on the same issue for weeks at a time, with that obsession only passing when it's been replaced by a new one.
      My life has truly been changed by the grace and goodness of God. I've learned to stop trying to earn his favor and righteousness through works because I now have a right understanding of the gospel and know that it's actually offensive to God when we try to make ourselves right with him by our own works. It is through Christ that we are forgiven, accepted, righteous and justified. And He alone is our hope for salvation. I had a really intertwined view of gospel and law, the ocd and blasphemous thoughts were just a symptom.

  • @indianjoe59
    @indianjoe59 Год назад +43

    Had a church teacher talk about unpardonable sin ( did' nt know I was ocd) it took me down a cliff of despair and depression. Came out of it for about 20 years by keeping my eyes on Jesus....everytime had a major surgery or transition I had to do the battle again. Jesus has helped me through, knowing His grace and the Father loves me is key like Mark says. And with OCD the problem isn't the problem. The Holy Spirit has given Mark great knowledge and ability to share . Thank you Mark....still on journey...

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад +6

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

    • @donaldostrem4982
      @donaldostrem4982 4 месяца назад

      @@usagihakushaku5338 I agree with you but the OCD goes ahead says well. There's always a first time. How do you know if you're safe but you still have OCD? My brain is like a factory that shoots this garbage out. Still I pray hope and I believe but it just drives you up the wall. I've had thoughts like come on. Think about it. I still pray I still tithe it's just the devil. Your mind is in battlefield. Maybe something like the trench warfare during World war I

    • @missestela786
      @missestela786 3 месяца назад

      Im doing the unforgiven sin in rejecting chirst

  • @natalieann2000
    @natalieann2000 Год назад +40

    I can relate ...I get terrified...I'm having to learn that my thoughts are thoughts I react to them. I honestly believe the enemy wants us to spin in this so we will be paralyzed with fear and not do anything.
    Mark thank you for answering this.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +1

      So True! You are Natalie... You are NOT you're thoughts. When crazy or unholy thoughts come just remember it's only a thought and keep going. If you fight them they'll only fight back and defeat you. But if you can going you'll find that they don't bother you as much.

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @dkert0b05n0
    @dkert0b05n0 Год назад +18

    😂 the chipmunk voice mocking the OCD thoughts made me laugh then ugly cry… laugh because it’s so relatable, ugly cry because of the momentary pressure release from my spiral that I’ve been in recently. May God in Christ hold me and never let me squirm away

  • @alexiozenda713
    @alexiozenda713 Год назад +13

    😢I can't believe i suffered this OCD since 2009.My 1st year of having unwanted thoughts about God,i was someone who loved God and i wanted to be perfect before his eyes,that's when these unwanted thoughts popped in my mind and it got me depressed because I was blaming myself as in,how can I think of that. The more i tried to block the thoughts, the more they came and i spent the whole year staying in bed,I didn't want to spend time with my friends anymore.I was scared to share it with anyone because i was afraid that if i tell pple, they will think that im evil.Its only now when I'm realizing that I'm not the only one and God understands that i have no power over what to think or what not to think.Thank you so much.

  • @Titus2BibleStudy
    @Titus2BibleStudy Год назад +18

    I began to struggle with OCD after the birth of my second child. I developed severe health OCD. After the birth of my 3rd child, the OCD became even worse and turned into scrupulosity. Namely fear of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I started having horrible intrusive thoughts and once got my words mixed up because the thoughts were coming so fast and I was trying to speak against them. My brain latched on the fear that I had blasphemed.
    Since then (nearly 7 years ago), it’s been one things after another. Constant fear of supernatural things and constant fear that I’ve blasphemed the precious Spirit of God. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Medication has helped some, but I still have intrusive thoughts and the same fear!
    I love Jesus!! I accept him as the Messiah and as my Savior. But I would love to have a relationship with him that didn’t include this constant fear.

    • @vornamenachname-qb2zq
      @vornamenachname-qb2zq Год назад +2

      Intrusive thoughts can show up when you are afraid of blaspheming the Holy Spirit and they lose their power as you lose that fear. So, in order to lose your fear, let's have a look at the bible: It says that if you have faith in Jesus, you are saved (John 3 16, John 5 24 and John 6 47). I would recommend you to make a list of helpful bible verses, e. g. of those I've already mentioned and every time, when you feel an introusive thought coming up, you can look at this list and see the truth: That God still loves you and that you are still saved. By the way, if you suffer from OCD containing unwanted thoughts in a religious context, you might consider going to a Christian therapist. That could be helpful.

    • @Titus2BibleStudy
      @Titus2BibleStudy Год назад +3

      @@vornamenachname-qb2zq I appreciate your comment. This has been a 10-11 year battle that began after the birth of my 2nd child. I have done all.the.things.
      While the Word of God is absolutely true, constant assurance seeking is part of OCD. And writing Scripture can actually become obsessive and make the problem worse. A person with religious OCD walks a very fine line between doing things a Christian should do (Bible study, prayer, etc) and those things becoming obsessive and torturous.
      Medication has helped somewhat, but I still struggle. Some days are worse than others.

    • @roamerofjesus9660
      @roamerofjesus9660 Год назад +4

      OMG OMG!! Dude you are LIKE ME EXACTLY!! Fearful of supernatural/spiritual things DUDE YES! I wanna jump with joy because I’m not the only one! I thought I was the only one with this struggle. Be strong - Jesus loves us. It’s hard for me to even believe but wow man I literally thought I was the only one with that fear and OCD/intrusive thoughts.

    • @aubrea7034
      @aubrea7034 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@Titus2BibleStudy How are you doing now? I want to let you know you aren't alone. I had the same fears after my 2 kids.

    • @Titus2BibleStudy
      @Titus2BibleStudy 8 месяцев назад

      @@aubrea7034 Better. There’s a book by Arnold Fruchtenbaum called The Life of the Messiah. He goes over this concept how 1st century Jews would have understood blasphemy. That plus joining a great church and other deep Bible dives I have done have really helped. And I went on medications for OCD. That has been super helpful!!

  • @seanobanion6030
    @seanobanion6030 Год назад +19

    Brother The fact it is bothering u so bad says u didn't do it ,Mark is right , That really isn't the problem. U need to let it go and trust that Father didn't just create u to throw u in hell because of what your struggling with. That is in all of us God is good and loves u more than u know, I know it's hard to grasp because u don't understand why He won't make it go away but trust me it's His love for u that He won't make it go away. I can hear it in your voice, I have been there,and u just want it to go away when Father is wanting u to trust His love! Your going a be alright bro,,,,Hang in there!

  • @jacqueline_sparks
    @jacqueline_sparks 10 месяцев назад +10

    I definitely believe God sent me to this profile! I’m struggling with OCD and idolatrous/blasphemous thoughts

  • @Hollyfilly
    @Hollyfilly Год назад +18

    One of the most powerful things I learned from your channel is that other people struggle with some of the same things. I've met a lot of people and I thought I was the only one. PS the sound effects are hilarious, laughter is a good medicine. 😆

  • @truththatmatters
    @truththatmatters Год назад +18

    Mark, your kind, loving comments are wise and calming. God bless you for taking the time to answer this man. AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR HUMOR. Those voices are the bomb!!

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @jennamartin5913
    @jennamartin5913 Год назад +12

    This helps me a lot! A few years ago my mom was really sick and she ended up passing away and I said out loud “
    I don’t think I can even believe in God” It felt like I fell off a cliff. I AM a believer but I sometimes still go “I didn’t mean it God. I’m sorry! Am I forgiven?”

    • @crunchypickles99
      @crunchypickles99 Год назад +7


    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +4

      Jenna, you truly are forgiven. There's a song by Erik Neider called "Faithful" please listen to it. The song lets us know how God truly knows us. When you said that phrase it was done out of an heartbroken heart. You didn't truly mean what you said. God understands you better than you understand yourself. There are many things in life that can cause us to question "God why?" and bring doubt. God knows we're only human. Despite how you're feeling inwardly, know that you are truly forgiven.

    • @feetfunkerson1312
      @feetfunkerson1312 9 месяцев назад +2

      I knew a guy who told me he no longer believes. It was a little over 20 years ago. However, he is still doing fine and reading the word.

  • @anivlog6994
    @anivlog6994 2 месяца назад +2

    you are helping so many people, the Lord is using you in such amazing ways.

  • @kriskyssy2732
    @kriskyssy2732 Год назад +17

    I even have urges to think horrible thoughts about Holy Spirit -not just random thoughts. I can' t take it anymore.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +9

      Kris, your fear and desiring not to do something can cause you to desire the very thing you don't want. When you fight your thoughts they fight back. When you try to babysit your thoughts to make sure you don't think a bad one, it causes more bad thoughts to come. It will drive you crazy. In your heart you know that you're not against the Holy Spirit. You know you do not agree with those thoughts. You know that's not who you are. Honey, I know it will be scary to do so but you have to allow those thoughts to come on through and you keep enjoying life. One time I went through the craziest mind battle that was sooo against my true nature. The thoughts had me in tears. It's as if my mind was trying to convince me that I was something I knew I wasn't. The only way I found relief was I had to realize that I KNOW who I really am. I stopped fighting and arguing with those thoughts and just allowed them to fly by. After awhile those thoughts no longer bother me. Every now and again, I may have one of those crazy thoughts from the past. But now I just say " I know that's not who I am" and keep going. In less than 5mins the thought is out my mind. But when I use to fight the thoughts they lasted days and weeks. Know who you are Kris. You're not against God's Spirit. I know you're not. If you were against it then the thoughts wouldn't trouble. God knows you're not against Him or His Spirit. Stop fighting the thoughts and know who you are.

    • @kriskyssy2732
      @kriskyssy2732 Год назад +5

      @@tru5tg0d90 i am pretty sure I have somekind of ptsd because of OCD. These fears have become at time to time so bad that i have thought thats it. I am afraid of the fear itself. No one hardly speaks how traumatizing ocd can be.

    • @BlackOmEga_2099
      @BlackOmEga_2099 Год назад +8

      Same… it sucks😓. We’ll get through this🙌🏼

    • @jm7578
      @jm7578 5 месяцев назад +1

      @kriskyssy2732 when this happens to me number one, I combat the thought with that. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son God he is my savior. I pray it right out loud. Number two ask the Lord to not allow bliss thoughts to come into your mind, plead the blood of Jesus., and in your prayer, even addressed the enemy by telling him that your heart and soul belongs to Jesus and him only

  • @donaldostrem4982
    @donaldostrem4982 Год назад +10

    Hey Mark! I suffer from this for the past 30 years. I hate it but if I don't take my meds and exercise, I have these blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit and I ruiminate Constantly. I hate them and I get confused when I'm in this state. I believe when I was a kid, someone said, that if you think it, you have committed it or speak speak it, you were doomed. Well, I thought and I was depressed. I spent 2 trips at the hospital. Well, I know what it is but I still get confused or depressed without my meds. I have OCD thoughts like, WHY? WHY DON'T YOU JUST GIVE UP? AND YOU WILL NEVER GET RID OF ME! I also want to cry why I get these horrible thoughts of swearing at the Holy Spirit. I get confused if I am saved or not! Maybe you are not saved and you were anointed. though. I don't want to screw up on life even though these thoughts say that I can't repent ( I do though), I am a fake Christian, and I even had a nightmare in which I gave the Holy Spirit the middle finger. I just want to cry, keep fighting, and there are times God is out to get me since I have a incurable mental illness. I am fed up on this OCD revolving door. I hate it! Forgive me for writing so long.

    • @Sarah_toscano
      @Sarah_toscano Год назад


    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад +2

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @donaldostrem4982
    @donaldostrem4982 Год назад +11

    All I can say is thank you. For the past 30 years I've suffered OCD in which it's about the impartable sin. I've taken medication and I still go to church doing my normal thing. But there are times I feel like some brain shouts at me. You've committed the unparnable sin and you're going to hell. I had one time a couple of dreams. I woke up and I thought I said GD, Holy Ghost and other things too. This scared me to death. I've been to two hospitals going through this stuff. Now I know that it's refusing Jesus as your Lord until you're dying day. Unfortunately, OCD tries to defy logic because it says it will find anything to overreact to that. For example, I heard one preacher said if you committed a portable sin, you don't even know it or you probably already. Did. You talk about being scared. This thing that I have wants to persuade me, trick me, fool me, but I just ignore because thoughts are thoughts and sometimes I say well maybe this is God's doing it. Anything. All I can say is I'm going to still keep praying things until my dying day. I'm tired of this junk. Forgive me

  • @shane802
    @shane802 4 месяца назад +1

    Mark, I just found your channel. And I can totally relate to what your caller is feeling and going through. But I truly want to thank you for lightening up the mood . You had me crying, laughing.
    Especially at the part where you threw the napkin and said “ oops I committed….” I finally have come to realize I have OCD and I am trying to understand the grace of God.

  • @ChenChen_191
    @ChenChen_191 Год назад +8

    I am still worried, I remember a time I committed a sin, I knew there was a Bible near me but I tried not to believe it was there, I am very terrified and I still worry I might have committed the unpardonable sin, thanks for helping, appreciate it.

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад +1

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @jacobfoss7783
    @jacobfoss7783 25 дней назад

    I've dealt with this for a few weeks, now. I had heard while praying, "If you have faith, don't take your medication tomorrow." I have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and OCD. A few weeks later, I was having trouble focusing while trying out a new job, and I was frustrated with myself. I said, "Maybe what I heard was the Devil messing with me." I also said later that salvation is wasted on me. I have been reassured that I have not, but I still fear that I have doomed myself.

    @adiraFEARSHEAVENLYFATHER4EVER Год назад +13

    If anyone dealing with blasphemy thoughts. I deal with this too. Your not a blasphemer. Just say I am Holy Righteous and Blameless in God's Sight🥰🥰🥰 use GOD'S WORD where He talks about who you are in Him 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    • @BlackOmEga_2099
      @BlackOmEga_2099 Год назад +7

      I’m going through it right now, and trying so hard to latch on to Grace. There’s so many things that I hear and see that will trigger that fear now in my mind😓

    • @Spookie425
      @Spookie425 Год назад +5

      @@BlackOmEga_2099 Hey I've seen your comments on other videos. I'm here with you brother/sister. I have terrible blasphemous thoughts and I keep watching videos on the unpardonable sin, I'm struggling with fear and trying to overcome that.

    • @BlackOmEga_2099
      @BlackOmEga_2099 Год назад +4

      @@Spookie425 I still struggle with it too… it feels so helpless. I try to remember that verse in psalms though: the Lord knows the thoughts of man, they are but a breath” some days are better than others though I’ll admit. I hate feeling helpless and afraid of it

      @adiraFEARSHEAVENLYFATHER4EVER Год назад +2

      @B1ackOm£ga_1000 you got to be careful what you watch and hear. Renounce everything you said and watched evil. Don't be afraid of the attacks I know there scary :( but don't fear them

      @adiraFEARSHEAVENLYFATHER4EVER Год назад +2

      @Peter Kruzelecky you got to be careful what you watch and hear. Renounce everything you said and watched evil. Don't be afraid of the attacks I know there scary :( but don't fear them

  • @TheGermful
    @TheGermful 3 месяца назад

    Thank you SOOOO much for this video. I went through this before & I was delivered & came out of it by God's grace years ago. Well, now I'm going through this same thing again - EVEN THOUGH every pastor from every Christian denomination: Non-Denominational, Charismatic, Protestant, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox - has REPEATEDLY assured EVERYONE who has struggled with these intrusive thoughts THAT NO CHRISTIAN CAN BEAR to hear, that they are NOT the first Christian who has ever been attacked or struggled with these lies from the enemy. I recently heard that an early Egyptian Christian martyr was tortured spiritually with blasphemous thoughts as he was being physically martyred for Christ. I heard that the martyr's name was St. Paphnutius, an early Coptic Christian monk martyr. I pray that Our Lord Jesus Christ SPEEDILY comes to our aid & helps all of us who struggle with this to heal & that He heals us through whatever means we need. I'm asking my therapist for Prozac tonight because I've been through clinical anxiety before & as we all know, it is not good!

  • @AliceSusanHarding
    @AliceSusanHarding Год назад +10

    Demons are able to and do mimic our voice so it seems like our own thoughts, but isn't.
    That is one reason why the Bible says to take every thought to the obedience of Christ.
    Scripture is powerful against these problems so that the more one knows the Bible the easier it is.

  • @charlabarnett6274
    @charlabarnett6274 Год назад +11

    In my journey I discovered, the unpardonable sin is impossible to pardon; impossible to excuse or justify. I came to the understanding to pardon involves the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense. An unforgivable sin can be pardoned if the person repents, takes responsibility for their actions and forgives themselves. Where blasphemy against the Holy Spirit reveals a spiritual blindness, a warping and perversion of the moral nature that puts one beyond hope of repentance, faith, and forgiveness. Hope these brings some clarity. ❤️

    • @jetpack9dane
      @jetpack9dane Год назад +2

      Can’t receive forgiveness if you don’t ask! So ask!

    • @jrodjr1295
      @jrodjr1295 Год назад

      What do you mean by spiritual blindness?

    • @WillemJacob
      @WillemJacob 4 месяца назад +2

      Hello, is this still OCD? My mind twists my thinking, making me believe I will never sincerely ask for forgiveness. I'm afraid that if I do ask for forgiveness, it won't be from my heart anymore. God bless you.

  • @laylascott6096
    @laylascott6096 Год назад +30

    I know these are ocd issues but this may help someone so here goes ….YOU CANNOT ACCIDENTALLY BLASPHEME THE HOLY SPIRIT. ❤ sorry to yell

    • @crunchypickles99
      @crunchypickles99 Год назад +4


    • @ati4cpasuccess
      @ati4cpasuccess Год назад +6

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!! This is exactly what often tries to take over my thoughts

    • @leonas3840
      @leonas3840 23 дня назад

      That's True , it was to be done with intent and on purpose.

  • @glendagajsek-shears3890
    @glendagajsek-shears3890 Год назад +3

    Yes! Always learning and never arriving...
    Like I say and believe and just feels like words and the heart not trying to align well... At one stage of my life I was trying to align my self but now keep given up like I can't even try anymore no matter what I do or just make excuses trying to stay in my comfort zone.

    • @glendagajsek-shears3890
      @glendagajsek-shears3890 Год назад +1

      I think both. It's only me that is "the enemy" and I keep "choosing" to do so and cutting my self off of others. And also a spirit in me that doesn't really care and even knowing others are going through struggles too even worse issues but then also say nope at least they are trying to deal an cope with it where I don't. But then also bully or judging others because of my issues too. And do everything the opposite what Christ teaches us to do 😔

    • @glendagajsek-shears3890
      @glendagajsek-shears3890 Год назад

      I get told to just shut up because it is gotten to a stage of repeat and most of the stuff comes out negative or speaking "crap".
      Everybody tells me what I should and need to do but I say it is the issue is Love! And the Holy Spirit "power" to develop things in me and work through me. And that feeling of knowing trying but not hard enough and also that heavy heart full of sin or a "hard heart" stubbornness or Buring rage but also a blocking chained feeling.

  • @ralphauer150
    @ralphauer150 7 месяцев назад +2

    God through his graces, give souls as penance and a path to holiness, OCD/Scrupulosity Just as God gives the Stigmata to some Saints. Be mindful of this. For our goal is heaven, avoiding Purgatory. THANK GOD FOR HIS GRACES. Consider yourself blessed having OCD/Scrupulosity .🙏

  • @romonarussum4032
    @romonarussum4032 Год назад +4

    I've been having a hard time with a lot of things. Plus, spiritual issues. And this woman said to me, saying I had an unclean spirit. It triggered a lot of feelings and doubts in me. But I said that I don't think I had an unclean spirit. That I was super stressed out about things. Now, I'm questioning all over again

    • @romonarussum4032
      @romonarussum4032 Год назад +2

      Okay. I didn't tell the whole story. Thursday I just lost it. I started crying, screaming and cussing about all the stress I have been under. That's why she said I had an unclean spirit. I think I just snapped under the stress of it all.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +1

      @@romonarussum4032 Honey, a lot of times you have to ignore what people say about you. Everybody has breaking points and handle them differently. Yours wasn't the best way but I get it, you're human. Just talk to God about it. Learn some better ways to cope with your stress. In the end, Everything always work out. Life is very challenging but you will get through it one day, one step at a time. Stay encouraged.

  • @PathFind13
    @PathFind13 7 месяцев назад +3

    I watch these videos and they comfort me but then when I continue in my wilful sin, it comes back more powerful than before, and I go back and watch the video again. I feel so worhtless so oftn and I go back into sin and it makes me feel so evil and destructive, need to find the way to repentance and a loving relationship with God

    • @flashtaeo
      @flashtaeo 2 месяца назад +2

      Try to pray and fast to kill the desires of the flesh.

  • @williamcarnes2077
    @williamcarnes2077 10 месяцев назад +3

    I have struggled with the unpardonable sin for many decades and never been free of the condemnation. When I was twelve years old, I lost my temper in a moment and, in a rage, I cursed God with the most vicious curse I could think of. I screamed out "God D*&^$ you to hell!" At the time, I had never heard of the gospel. I had never heard of the Holy Spirit. As far as I knew, Jesus was just another name for God. When I was 14, I heard the gospel and responded sincerely, but later found out about the unpardonable sin, and I've been trapped ever since.

    • @Someone-tr9bp
      @Someone-tr9bp 8 месяцев назад +1

      Saint Nicolas explains it:
      "IT is the blasphemy of the truth and the Life. the unbeliever who hates and persecutes the truth until they die, they blaspheme the Holy Spirit. THE person who hates and ends his life, blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Because the Spirit is called truth and life by Jesus in the gospel of john"
      Why is it unforgivable
      "So we see throughout the bible how God forgives the worst sins and sinners, look at Zachaeus who was forgiven for his lustful love for money, the sinful woman who commited adultery, the their on the cross. And many others for many other sins"
      "IT is only unforgivable because in the first Cases we still have guilt and repentance. But in this case we have nothing. No guilt, not even the first Case we have gone far from God but our soul still desires Him. In the second case the soul travels and calls the darkness light. We know that God won't save anyone forcefully, therefore it has to do with remaining unrepentant"

  • @nattytwe
    @nattytwe 11 месяцев назад +4

    I think OCD is spiritual attack. It is tremendous fear, and even perhaps medical. I have a frontal lobe issue. Also, have developed OCD at young age, thinking I was crazy and the only one. And I don’t go the church and nothing more. AND OCD isn’t keeping a tidy closet- do you all understand what OCD is?
    I’ve spent hours doing repetitive actions.
    This podcast has not answered this poor young man’s question.
    Also- a person feels guilt because it is a form of superstition which is ungodly.
    How do we also know it may be a ‘thorn’

  • @Renxo761
    @Renxo761 Год назад +9

    I'm scared to watch it in case it may describe what I have done. Years ago, when I was 23, I was exposed to fundamentalist Christianity and developed a phobia of God that manifested in me hating Him (God forgive me).
    I was warned by a loved one at the time, who took the Bible hyper-literally, to never blaspheme the Holy Spirit.
    A few weeks later, because I'm an idiot, I called the Holy Spirit the worst thing I could think of out loud. I was alone in my room, but I still did it.
    I get ups and downs about this still to this day and worry that God hates me and can never love or forgive me for what I said.

    • @jayheinz4624
      @jayheinz4624 Год назад +7

      I experienced something similar many years back also like that. But I can tell you now, that is not what Jesus means by blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. His words were directed to the Pharisees, who were atributing Jesus's miracles, that they witnessed, saying they are from the devil. Once you're saved you're always saved!!, you're a born again New Creation in Christ Jesus, with a new spirit, sealed until the day of redemption., 🎶 That's the good news,! 😀

    • @jeremyfrias3047
      @jeremyfrias3047 Год назад +5

      The Answer Is To Rest in The Word Of God & like Mark had said to fully understand God's love for you.
      Take a look at this:
      Jesus said "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
      Jesus also said "he who blasphemed the spirit will never be forgiven..."
      We know that the Holy scriptures does not contradict itself so we can safely conclude that the one blasphemes The Holy Spirit will never approach The Lord in the first place & that person's heart is far from him, because that would mean that Jesus will have to accept and forgive that person who comes to him (John 6:37).
      Here is a small list of Biblical Truths that will bring peace to you as you meditate on them:
      1. The Holy Spirit is who convinces us of sin and righteousness. (John 16:8) : When you repent and confess your sins to God it is proof that The Holy Spirit is still working in you.
      2. Jesus will never reject anyone that comes to him. (John 6:37)
      3. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8)
      4. No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +4

      Lala, you spoke out of ignorance and lack of understanding. Guilt and shame may be eating at you. Find peace in the beautiful replies listed.

    • @galaxygirl3639
      @galaxygirl3639 Год назад +6

      The Holy Spirit is the one that makes us desire forgiveness and spiritual things. If you really committed the unforgivable you would not care about your salvation. A person who genuinely committed that sin would not care about what they were doing or the consequences of that action , they would have shut their heart completely off to the message. It sounds like you care about your action and therefore have not shut your heart to the idea of repentance. Otherwise the Holy Spirit would not convict you to care about what God thinks or if he's mad at you .

    • @terrili964
      @terrili964 11 месяцев назад

      @@galaxygirl3639I know you responded to this person, but when I read your message, it helped me tremendously. I hear this a lot as well but sometimes my mind tells me otherwise, but I thank you for helping everyone who really needs this message.

  • @marianmears8026
    @marianmears8026 Год назад +4

    How could anyone take their self serious when you do those voice makes me not to take myself so serious...Thank you

  • @lauraandsam2
    @lauraandsam2 Год назад +3

    I relate to that voice I feel like I’m so different and that I really committed it and all the other people didn’t

  • @donaldostrem4982
    @donaldostrem4982 Год назад +4

    All I can say is I think understanding what the impartable send is. Problem is OCD goes after what you care about the most. It feels like I go through a revolving door. All I can do is just pray and hope. I just don't like it when I had thoughts like you can't repent or something like that. But I still keep praying and hoping and I try to keep myself busy. Like I said, OCD goes after what you care about the most. If you wanted to send and became a retrobate the OCD will give go away. I just hope I'm doing the right thing. Thank you.

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

    • @WillemJacob
      @WillemJacob 4 месяца назад +2

      Same as me bro. I have thoughts that I will never repent with a blasphemous thought. I feel like I am an evil person. The only hope I have is Jesus ✝️🕊

    • @donaldostrem4982
      @donaldostrem4982 3 дня назад

      I just wanted to say that I still keep praying and hoping. My problem is that I did accept Jesus and the Holy Spirit but these things the OCD still nags. She says you've done it, why don't you just give up? And it's stubborn. It feels like your OCD brain is stubborn. I know I'm not perfect and your brain is racing trying to figure this out. It just seems like cuz I'm going to get you later on that or something. I hate it.​@@usagihakushaku5338

  • @tatianaG
    @tatianaG Год назад +6

    I am stuck in a cycle of willful sin and I think this is the unpardonable sin. I have destroyed myself in this addiction. Please pray for me.

    • @UnAshamedGospel
      @UnAshamedGospel Год назад

      The word describes the unpardonable sin as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy being to speak evil of. I haven’t seen anywhere in the Word where struggling (and losing) with sin is unpardonable. I know what you mean by willful, but really, most sin is willful to some degree. The fact that you care at all about this sin means something. Repent, pray without ceasing, search the word and grow in love for God. Please read Luke 15, the parable of the prodigal son. It will give you insight to the mercy God shows to those who repent.
      1 Peter 5:6-7, Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
      James 4:8, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
      Luke 15:20, “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.”

    • @flashtaeo
      @flashtaeo 2 месяца назад

      How are you now?

    • @flashtaeo
      @flashtaeo 2 месяца назад

      @@tatianaG try to pray and fast. Also dont think to much about the future think about the present and don’t try to lean on your own understanding. Think about the present. Be patient. Not saying to live in the moment like the world does but just pick up your bible and read it to read it. Don’t give up ever. Endure and also stay around other believers as well.

    • @tatianaG
      @tatianaG 2 месяца назад +1

      @@flashtaeo I’ve been doing that for years. I read the scriptures for hours everyday. It’s all in vain. All I can do now is pray for mercy.

    • @flashtaeo
      @flashtaeo 2 месяца назад

      @@tatianaG I know its harder than it looks but just read it. Dont read it for time. Read it for quality not quantity.

  • @crunchypickles99
    @crunchypickles99 Год назад +15

    If you read Matthew 12: 22-32 this explains it perfectly. The Pharisees accused Jesus and His powers as being Satanic. THIS is blasphemy. If you have been saved/baptized you have the Holy Spirit within you, so you CANNOT commit this sin, not even by accident! The people who won't be forgiven of this sin are the ones who outspokenly reject Jesus and His Word, have no desire to ever know or accept Him, or even care to be forgiven. I hope this helps you. 🥰

    • @ivebeenlost8510
      @ivebeenlost8510 Год назад +6

      I’m scared I’ve said it in my mind what the pharisees have said and now I’m scared I’m doomed, I can’t sleep or function. I don’t know how to get through this

    • @crunchypickles99
      @crunchypickles99 Год назад +4

      @@ivebeenlost8510 Are you saying that you have proclaimed publicly to people that you believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit are actually Satan or Satanic spirits? The fact that you are so afraid about it assures me you are not doomed at all. You believe and you love Jesus and you've accepted him as your savior then you have nothing to fear. One thing my dad told me when I used to worry about this is that if you are afraid you have done this then you don't have anything to worry about because it means your heart is pure and loves Jesus and you would never want to hurt him or say bad things about him or the Holy Spirit. Also, when Jesus said this he had not yet been crucified, and I think it was more of a strong warning to the Pharisees rather than saying to them that they had committed that particular sin. I may be wrong about them, but based on your feelings and what you have said I truly don't think you are in any danger. If you keep praying God will deliver you from what I believe is a satanic attack on your mind. Also, it is easy to go by your feelings, but dive into the Word and you will find God never changes, only our feelings do.

    • @jetpack9dane
      @jetpack9dane Год назад +1

      @@ivebeenlost8510 ive done the same thing. still scares me

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +7

      @@ivebeenlost8510 Us humans think over 60k thoughts a day. Most of our thoughts purposely or accidental don't manifest, they're just thoughts. Just because you think something doesn't mean you actually believe it or you've actually done it. It simply means, you thought it. We use our mind to think, analyze, and process all day long... good things and bad. Its just a thought/ you're just thinking. Thinking you've killed someone doesn't actually kill the person. Thinking to rob the bank doesn't mean you actually robbed it, etc. You just had a moment of stinking thinking concerning His Spirit. As you read the messages, you see many people deal with blasphemous thoughts but it doesn't mean that's how they truly feel or believe. You didn't think your way into salvation so you're not able to think your way out of salvation. I do understand what you're feeling. Keep in mind that you're not your thoughts. Until your last breath you will have moments of stinking thinking, simply because you're a flawed individual. God knows the real you. He see the whole you and not just a moment of bad thinking. Keep moving forward.

    • @Jesussaves.7777
      @Jesussaves.7777 Год назад

      @@crunchypickles99 before I saw this comment
      I was feeling sadness, great fear, despair, anxiety, depression, numbness and doubt that GOD ever want to forgive anything like me after what I done
      I feel worst than judas right now but something in me doesn't want to give up I need GOD Badly
      but something else is saying GOD hates me and my sin is too bad to forgive 😔
      The feeling I got from this comment reminded me of something precious and peaceful
      But I also was thinking that believers don't have all these issues that I am having they are wayyyyyy more happier than this peace and joy is always on them
      Which made me question many questions
      Like those are fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT and maybe I don't have The Holy Spirit in me
      Which led me to think that I was I ever saved at all ?
      But truthfully after getting baptized many years ago I did go back to my old life not much change and then just more sinful living
      i had a recent bad divorce and which led me to be in anger and being bitter and hanging around the wrong people too which also led me to do the most heinous thing ever 😭 which may be the unforgivable sin 😢
      I did once looked at fashion clothing magazines and in the back with zodiacs and then I went further out in the worse to dabbling in wicked tarot card readings . one of the tarot readers said to me "that I was sentence to death because I sold my soul and I was marked with 666 and I was in spiritual jail and I was going to hell that I was evil wicked cruel person " when saw this I was terrified beyond anything in my whole life
      I even thought I can help tell the other person in it to get out tarot too but I did something bad 😞 I told them that reader said to get out of tarot and go back to GOD ( Jesus Christ) and I was explaining something ignorantly about " angels are in heaven" not earth but I really didn't understand what I was saying
      I then realized i had stooped to the lowest of lows against GOD and betrayed Him and then I realized that also i was talking about these type of things amongst others too
      and by me not having all the knowledge of THE WORD OF GOD not knowing my Bible that good also
      I was more deceived even after repenting to GOD after that happened
      there was someone that I believed who may been in the occult caught me off guard out of nowhere
      They claimed they wanted to commit suicide and I thought that I was cheering them up and they were doing the same thing with me
      but I was deceived this person tricked me to believe that they were some sort of prophet by GOD but like maybe an hour later by talking to them I realized I was duped again by the occult coming back to hurt me because I dabbled in those cards
      I confessed that sin as well to GOD and repented after that
      Now I still feel no peace just still condemnation guilt and great fear of eternal separation from GOD in damnation.
      I now go to church I just started
      I pray and I try not get in The Bible but every time I read it I feel fear and like I am a hypocrite .
      More sadness
      but I truly failed the test of faith 😢😭

  • @Shyluv2_
    @Shyluv2_ 4 месяца назад +2

    What if: you had a voice telling you that you have committed the unforgivable sin and that you will surely die on May 8th? Today is may 14th and I’m not dead, but this is very troubling for me.

  • @penttimuhli9442
    @penttimuhli9442 Год назад +4

    Many years ago I thought I had been guilty of blaspheming the Spirit, one day I thought of one of the verses that talks about it, then picked up a Bible in store and it happened to open at that very passage.
    What I'm going through now this is very different, I work in IT and love learning all about it but feel like I'm idolizing it, even had to step down from a role I had accepted earlier in the year, feeling out of God's will. Is quite hard at 51 years of age. I guess if its not God's will I have to accept and move on, but not easy as I felt really alive learning and then using technical skills

    • @jetpack9dane
      @jetpack9dane Год назад

      Same thing has happened to me with opening a bible and landing on the exact verse

    • @penttimuhli9442
      @penttimuhli9442 Год назад

      @@jetpack9dane Is kind of a mystery how that happens

    • @jetpack9dane
      @jetpack9dane Год назад +1

      @@penttimuhli9442 I think that opening up to a bible verse and being scared of it is actually a bit of superstition.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +3

      Pentti, I'm not God so I can't say precisely what's His exact Will is for you BUT I've been a Christian for 25+ years. I honestly don't think God is against you pursuing your passion. There's no sin in loving education, hobbies, people, or other things. God just wants to be number one in whatever you pursue. Here's an easy fix. Make spending time with God the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night. In between time pursue what makes you happy. God doesn't want His children living mediocre, boring lives. God's Will is for you to prosper and be in health as your soul prosper, that's the Bible. Go ahead and flourish in EVERY area of your life.

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @lauraandsam2
    @lauraandsam2 Год назад +4

    It’s sucks because I know I’ve got like 100 reassurances but I did something and it makes me feel so condemned to the point where I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. And it’s like I feel so unstable where problems arise and I know I have so many problems in my life but this feel like the real one any advice

  • @leonas3840
    @leonas3840 23 дня назад

    I have been hospital several times over the years , been diagnosed with schizophrenia and now have developed OCD. I haven't slept in 4 days and my health is worse and life became harder. I know for a fact that its a demonic entity that has entered the body. I have done everything recommended in the scriptures for Deliverance. 6 hours of Deliverance prayers, exorcism , prayer and fasting and intercessions. But still the demon did not leave. If i was forgiven then the demon would have already left by now.

  • @tru5tg0d90
    @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +7

    Hmmm....Something isn't right somewhere. I really don't think it's God's Will for His children to be so shaken up and afraid. We're supposed to have love and freedom in Him and yet we're so mentally and emotionally conflicted. Something has to change.

    • @usagihakushaku5338
      @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад +1

      Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
      The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
      If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
      If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
      One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @josiahcarroll8576
    @josiahcarroll8576 Год назад +1

    unconditional love and acceptance is, if not the only way to recover from ocd, certainly the best way. And there isnt a loophole for the unpardonable sin. the fact of the matter is that in any given moment, you can fully rely on the love of Jesus!

  • @user-dv1hf2lb4u
    @user-dv1hf2lb4u 7 месяцев назад

    This was extremely helpful I have dealt with this exact same thing in the past
    Thank you for the question/topic and the great explanation too

  • @MrRevel1
    @MrRevel1 6 месяцев назад +3

    We all have demons inside of us. And I think these demons manifest themselves as thoughts, especially blasphemous thoughts. But we also have Angels. You have to FEED your Angels to control your demons. Remember that Jesus was tempted when he was fasting. Then he ate, and the Angels administered to him.

  • @TAQ2Music
    @TAQ2Music 11 месяцев назад +2

    This is the first video of yours i have had to shut off. I understand your perspective about people knowing grace in their head but not in their heart. However, when it comes to the unpardonable sin, that is somewhat different. When your being told there is a sin not forgiveable it is scary. especially waht I have done. I know how you respond when people say that, but hear me out. I have been into satanic porn, engageing in some activity that is pretty blasphemous. I never renounced God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit. I can tell the Holy Spirit is still working in me because it is an intense struggle to repent and do right. So I can agree with you that sometimes we think we know grace but don't. However, in this case, without proper traing and teaching guys like me can be afraid.

    • @TAQ2Music
      @TAQ2Music 11 месяцев назад +1

      I will add that my involvement in this stuff comes as a result of two things. One, i sought help for addiction from pastors and counselors and they all declined to help. Second, i have lived my life from a performance relationship. i am isolated at hoem with very few to talk to. I felt to distant from God to talk to Him and so i ahve gone to bad places seeking someone to talk to.

  • @sggaming4720
    @sggaming4720 Месяц назад +1

    I have been dealing with ocd and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit for a vary long time and the thoughts got worse, especially after discovering god and Jesus. So my mom found a mental health article and said if I write my thoughts down It gets them out of my head. And I was hesitant but I did it and it seemed to have helped. Now I don’t seem to be tormented by the thoughts anymore and now I know how stupid they were. But now I’m worried that I may have blasphemy the Holy Ghost by writing this stuff down to get out of my head. I told god I did it so I can follow him and not have this constant fear in my head. Please help me

    • @NotixedAlarm125
      @NotixedAlarm125 Месяц назад

      Same bro, I get these thoughts. But don’t fret though, they are intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts don’t reflect you nor does it align with your values. So these thoughts aren’t real.

    • @BlackOmEga_2099
      @BlackOmEga_2099 20 дней назад +1

      I feel you… it’s definitely a fear factor because it’s something you desperately don’t want to come to fruition and it makes the thoughts worse 😓. The only thing that helps is realizing I’m a sinner and Jesus died for sinners and that can help. It will get better🙌🏽❤️

  • @seanobanion6030
    @seanobanion6030 3 месяца назад

    Your and awesome brother in Christ,and I thank God your faithful to Gods call in your life.

  • @PerryDavidson-vf3cj
    @PerryDavidson-vf3cj 6 месяцев назад

    Cross reference it with 2 corn 3 16-17 and John chapter 4 Tons of people have said all kinds of bad things to God, he is Spirit. If it helps I know someone who did all that and later on he spoke in tongues and had answered prayers Divine appointments. But we must walk by faith and not by site, we so often get in the way of receiving Gods love . I believe this channel is on point. Also keep in mind God knew everything you would do before he made you or brought you to him, hopefully that helps, we all need reminders

  • @maowmioaw8858
    @maowmioaw8858 Год назад +6

    I could swear one day I rejected the pleading of the Holy Spirit, then one day I felt something leaving my body and then I no longer felt any guilt for my sin, and I ssaid things against the Holy Spirit and God for the devil, and I am sure I no longer feel any conviction or hear the voice of the Holy Spirit anymore. I just feel empty and my brain feels dead. I rejected God. 😭😭😭
    I have been depressed since and I feel hardened like I can’t accept anything about Jesus anymore.
    I also feel very dark and angry on the inside.
    I have been depressed for 13yrs, and I don’t know if I am fearful of sinning against the Holy Spirit or God sent tormenting spirit on me like King Saul and Judas. 😭😭

    • @BlackOmEga_2099
      @BlackOmEga_2099 Год назад +8

      The fact that you care shows your not too far gone

    • @klaudia4182
      @klaudia4182 Год назад


    • @bobbysmith5514
      @bobbysmith5514 11 месяцев назад +1

      Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

    • @shane802
      @shane802 4 месяца назад +1

      Don’t lose hope . If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of ALL our sins . The very fact that you are concerned shows you still can be forgiven ! You may not “feel” like it but we live by faith not feelings. Jesus said He will never reject anyone who comes to Him . If you got to Jesus, He’ll welcome you! Just some encouragement.

    • @fabioX8
      @fabioX8 29 дней назад

      Hey, how are you now?

  • @paulmkz
    @paulmkz Год назад +4

    I have struggled with this as well for along time. But from doing countless hours of research I don't believe their is an unpardonable sin in today's age or dispensation of grace. Apparently unpardonable sin was something Jesus talked about when God was still dealing with the Jews before the cross. Matthew 15:24 Jesus said I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel . At that time God had not offered salvation of grace and faith to gentiles. That wasn't until after the cross and Jews had rejected Jesus and Jesus went to the apostle paul and Damascus road and salvation was offered to all people. Colossians 2:13 Having forgiven you of all trespasses. Key word is all. All means all. Not 99%. All. This book is a book in Paul's Dispensation. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John which mention the unpardonable sin though part of the new testament are not books under the age of grace we are living in now. Unpardonable sin is not in today's age of grace. Plus other verses like Hebrews 6:4 Hebrews 10 :26 have to do with the tribulation and not this age of grace. Paul brought in a new dispensation. The age of grace and faith where there is no sin unforgivable . Remember the bible is a collection of books. Context is key to properley understanding the bible. The bible is simple yet complicated. God speaks to different people at different times. To be saved in the age of grace place your faith in Jesus for your sins. That's all you got to do and Jesus will save you. RUclips/Google and watch Justin Johnson Grace Ambassadors. He explains it really well. God bless.

  • @tonypino5415
    @tonypino5415 Год назад +9

    I like Dr. Michael Heiser's interpretation of the Unpardonable Sin. YOU CAN'T DO IT BY ACCIDENT! Faith in Jesus Christ is all about believing-loyalty. To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to DENY the Holy Spirit. To turn from your faith and choose to no longer follow Jesus Christ.

    • @tiffanyl4352
      @tiffanyl4352 2 месяца назад

      ❤❤ this! Thank you for sharing!

  • @justinbinion8864
    @justinbinion8864 10 месяцев назад

    I have struggled with this topic for a while now as well. I was watching a sermon one morning and I had a doubtful thought about the lord followed by another horrible thought. I swear it was me that though the thought and it felt like I considered if the thought was true. Immediately after that I had the thought I commuted the unpardonable sin. I looked up a RUclips video which said the unpardonable sin is attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to bad. I was convinced I had done that. But I know I love God and know I have accepted Jesus as my savior. Through my research I come to the conclusion, to blaspheme in Greek basically is the strongest form of deformation, to slander. To say a lie with the intent to ruin someone else’s reputation. If you look at the Pharisees that’s exactly what they did. I don’t think they were unaware of what they were saying and I think they did it with the intent to mislead people. I say this because Paul says he was a blasphemer but he was forgiven because it was done out of ignorance. There are other accounts in the Bible of people saying similar things as the Pharisees to Jesus but Jesus does not say the same thing to them. I believe it was not only what they said but the intent behind them saying it which is why he responded like he did. His response to the content of what they were saying was foolishness, his response to why they were saying it was unforgivable. His response was to them intentionally slandering the spirit in front of people. That means it’s not something you accidentally do. It’s not a thought that you think. They were very I intentional and malicious with their accusations. I know there are other definitions out there, if you look at what Jesus actually said it doesn’t line up. I could be wrong. I’ve tried to stop researching as it’s not helpful but hopefully this helps someone

    • @yourlostairpod9556
      @yourlostairpod9556 8 месяцев назад

      Hey man can i ask you something?
      I was worried beacouse i thought i might have blasphemed and i just wanted assurance. So i discussed with my friends what blasphemy is (Attributing the spirits work with the devil) and meanwhile i made a few examples of what would need to be said without realizing i was actually saying the blasphemy in that moment. I just wanted th to understand my fear and what i was alking about. ---Still basically saying the blasphemy. Do you think i did the sin? I obviously didnt mean what i said. I feel so helpless and i think i fell for the devils trap.
      And in the bible stands:
      "Whoever speaks against the holy spirit". I dont know if the context its spoken in is important but i spoke against it. I already repented but feel like its too late. Please help me❤️🙏

  • @jeremyfrias3047
    @jeremyfrias3047 Год назад +9

    The Answer Is To Rest in The Word Of God & like Mark had said to fully understand God's love for you.
    Take a look at this:
    Jesus said "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
    Jesus also said "he who blasphemed the spirit will never be forgiven..."
    We know that the Holy scriptures does not contradict itself so we can safely conclude that the one blasphemes The Holy Spirit will never approach The Lord in the first place & that person's heart is far from him, because that would mean that Jesus will have to accept and forgive that person who comes to him (John 6:37).
    Here is a small list of Biblical Truths that will bring peace to you as you meditate on them:
    1. The Holy Spirit is who convinces us of sin and righteousness. (John 16:8) : When you repent and confess your sins to God it is proof that The Holy Spirit is still working in you.
    2. Jesus will never reject anyone that comes to him. (John 6:37)
    3. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. (James 4:8)
    4. No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.

    • @jetpack9dane
      @jetpack9dane Год назад


    • @leonas3840
      @leonas3840 23 дня назад

      If someone really did commit the unforgivable sin does the holy Spirit leave them ?

  • @jacobbowman4156
    @jacobbowman4156 Год назад

    Fantastic video, a must watch to start 2023

  • @ethanplacella
    @ethanplacella Год назад +3

    Mark where can we email or send in audio questions to you like this guy did?

  • @jacksonsnorek7795
    @jacksonsnorek7795 Год назад +2

    What if I had these intrusive thoughts, but I actually gave theme credence and thought “it might be true”

    • @vornamenachname-qb2zq
      @vornamenachname-qb2zq Год назад

      Even in this case, there would be still verses like John 3 16, John 6 37 and John 6 47:) Without knowing your story and without being aware of what exactly you thought, I think that giving "credence" is a part of intrusive thoughts. Some of those who face unwanted thoughts might think: "Okay, as long as I don't really believe my thoughts, everything is fine. But if I believe it or accidentally think that I believe it..." But the verses that I've mentioned are still there and they are also meant for you.

  • @user-wj3jg9sz2u
    @user-wj3jg9sz2u 13 дней назад

    does anyone get unwanted compulsion to say blasphemous things against the holy spirit and try hard not to say them?

  • @user-wj3jg9sz2u
    @user-wj3jg9sz2u Месяц назад +1

    is getting mad at god and the holy spirit and blaming god and holy spirit for compulsions to make vows to god I don't want to make and keep the unforgivable sin?. I got made at the holy spirit the other day because I though he was forcing catholic priesthood on me and said in anger I hate you because this has been bothering me for over 7 years. I feel like I committed the unforgivable sin. I don't want to be a catholic priest because they are not allowed to marry and I don't want to be single all my life. When I am of youtube keep coming across videos about catholics who said they were called to the priesthood and felt god was shoving it in my face and I got mad at god

  • @CiciNicoleTv
    @CiciNicoleTv Год назад


  • @frenchtoastmafia1
    @frenchtoastmafia1 Год назад

    So I came back to this video today to read the comments. I’m the one who sent this question in and simply put, I disagree with Mark’s interpretation of this sin. I love Mark’s videos, but the advice rang hollow because our stances on this passage are polar opposites. I believe this sin is simply doing what the Pharisees did in the passage or something like it. I’m not fully convinced they committed this sin, because they made the same accusation in Matthew 9:34, yet there is no account of Jesus’s response. That would lead me to believe that maybe they hadn’t crossed the line in Matthew 12 / Mark 3, because if that accusation is the full extent of the unpardonable sin, then it would make chronological sense to warn them in Matthew 9, not Matthew 12. At the very least it would make sense to warn them in both passages, not just one. If anyone reads this and has alternative advice, I’m all ears.

    • @terrili964
      @terrili964 10 месяцев назад

      Have you turned away from your faith in God? Do you not believe in Jesus anymore? Understand these are just thoughts. They’re not yours. If you allow your thoughts to align with your actions and you act out on those thoughts, then that’s another story. I think you should continue to have faith and pray and repent and you should be fine. Don’t allow the enemy to tell your otherwise.

  • @crazy4pets590
    @crazy4pets590 6 месяцев назад +1

    I am so sorry but i died laughing thank you for trying to shed some light on such a scary and dark battle because now i have been dealing with this for around 3 months and its been hard because you're rjght i do feel like the only one like i am reading the bible and i will think in my head please dont read this line if you do want to trigger ocd but i will have a thought for example i will be reading the Bible or doing something and i will think i deny god and they i start crying why did the enemy put this thought jn the form of an i statment he does that to make me think its me and then i freak out spiral out of control start crying and then i am on my knees crying and praying for forgiveness. I know most ocd people wont agree but i believe we have an advantage because we have a deeper and scarier fear of sin and the unparnable sin we have a deeper respect and love for god in fact us ocd people love god so much we would do anything in our power to avoid sin and separatation from god but what ocd makes us do is obsess in an unhealthy not normal way while ocd can be good it can cause us to over obsess in fears of sin when god told us to fear no evil us ocd people fear it more because we want to be close to god i feel like my relationship with god is gone and i am sad its scary cuz at first I thought it was intrusive thoughts to me just going crazy but i soon realized its something greater i am producing compulsions after repenting and saying god help me and i do believe its because gods trying to teach me something i dont understand maybe i thought i knew what gods love was maybe i thought i knew what his grace and this love and joy was but maybe I was all wrong what if this battle is going to uncover the true grace love peace joy and happiness the holy Spirit will give me. One of the things in my relationship with God that I recognize it was overly positive like I would get so upset for missing reading the Bible for one day i felt like it had to be jesus 24/7 which yes it should be going 1000% in all day everyday I was developing this bad habit that slacking and sinning was really bad so i tried to avoid it at all cost i have a lack of knowledge and when i first heard about the unforgivable sin I didn't know what is was and for a week i didnt want to look it up in fear of it saying yes your bad thoughts are sending you to hell but finally I was like i need help i found out that i am not going to hell but now i was like how do i stop these thoughts because i cant stop the anxiety that cames with it so yah is a long and scary battle but if my god put me through it hes going to get me out of it My god loves me too much to leave me the same

    • @flashtaeo
      @flashtaeo 2 месяца назад

      I understand you lol. Dont worry your not alone.

  • @Mwangi-y8v
    @Mwangi-y8v Год назад

    Hey mark,
    I have not seen you cover on the topic of introversion and extroversion alot! How do i know if i'm an introvert or an extrovert? Myths of introversion and extroversion? Like all the questions sorrounding introversion and extroversion, you get the jist!!!

    • @ey6545
      @ey6545 Год назад

      He did a video not long ago in Christian introversion - def go to his page and search for it. Basically introversion/extroversion boils down to: does interaction with people deplete you or energize you? Either way you can enjoy being with people, but if it depletes your energy, you are an introvert and if it energizes you, you’re an extrovert.

  • @ivyadedoyin1459
    @ivyadedoyin1459 Год назад +1

    I thought that I had done this I had been God's call for my life in regards to ministry to my murderous family I rejected and rejected and even uttered a curse word which I believe was at the HS after that my relationship w God seemed very distant so I was convinced that I had done it.

    • @tru5tg0d90
      @tru5tg0d90 Год назад +2

      Ivy, if you've stopped, I encourage you to keep moving forward. You could be dealing with shame and guilt. We're all learning and growing. It may have been God's Will for you to minister to your family but the weight wasn't all on you. It's God's job to bring people to himself, not yours. You have no super power to save them, only God can. Sometimes the best ministry you can offer unbelievers is the life you live and the love you give. No matter how you're feeling inside, keep walking with God. I understand He may feel distant but it doesn't mean He truly is. Every day take at least 30 mins to spend with Him even when you don't feel it within. Do it anyways. Don't give up on yourself. Just do what you know is right and leave your future in God's Hands. He still loves you.

  • @marianmears8026
    @marianmears8026 Год назад +2

    Love it😂

  • @dkert0b05n0
    @dkert0b05n0 Год назад

    Hey Mark, so the caller mentioned “trigger words” and I was wondering if there was any expansion as to what that means. I’ve found that I have trigger words and thoughts and ideas that exacerbate a whole host of other thoughts and images and ideas…

    • @frenchtoastmafia1
      @frenchtoastmafia1 Год назад +2

      I never planned on commenting here; however, I’ll answer this. I am the one from the video and what I mean by “trigger words” are words that will remind you of that passage. Basically words from that passage that will bring the sin to mind. For instance hearing the word “blasphemy”

  • @Tuberiascaesar
    @Tuberiascaesar 5 месяцев назад

    I actually did call the spirit satanic outloud and up to christ's face in anger, and perhaps because I was so tired of worrying about it that I just decided to give in to anger and say it. I said it, and it was done deliberately adn with as much anger and passion as I could muster. I want to believe everything I'm hearing, but when Jesus himself says this, and then the scripture says he said this because they said this, I don't see how you can get around that without just rationalizing.

    • @michaellabun4619
      @michaellabun4619 3 месяца назад

      God is infinitely merciful ❤ run to Him

    • @Tuberiascaesar
      @Tuberiascaesar 2 месяца назад

      @@michaellabun4619 then why does he say verbally blasphemy against the spirit unforgivable?

    • @flashtaeo
      @flashtaeo 2 месяца назад

      @@Tuberiascaesaryou have to mean it with your whole heart and absolutely hate God.

  • @Nightwalker25-m3u
    @Nightwalker25-m3u Год назад

    I'm not sure what I'm doing here in life.

  • @ulysses3
    @ulysses3 4 месяца назад

    Amen to this

  • @radvibes
    @radvibes 8 месяцев назад

    Hahaha...Have you seen the Fred movies? Lol. The voice sounds like Fred Figglhorn!

  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock 9 месяцев назад

    11:31 yep

  • @usagihakushaku5338
    @usagihakushaku5338 Год назад +3

    Unpardnoable sin is rejecting Jesus as saviour, if you're Christian you alredy accepted him as saviour.
    The gospel is that Jesus alredy paid for all of our sins of whole humanity past/future ones on cross , then risen 3rd day.
    If you believe he did it for you he gives you Holy Spirit and Seals you ( soul ) with Himself together by the Spirit.
    If you did not believe then Jesus does not give you Holy Spirit , he will try multiple times till you can no longer accept the gift thats when you commit the sin.
    One has to give up thier confessings sins / priests / mass / Lordship Salvation / Calvinism / any other false doctrine and believe Jesus alredy paid for all of your sins and understand the life is eternal and accept is as free undeserved gift not by works.

  • @kathryncotter4933
    @kathryncotter4933 11 месяцев назад

    I thought about the Holy Spirit and then I thought it’s inside of me and then I saw a weird imagery in my head that was of my own head inside of my body doing summersaults with its tough out I thought demonic but then I was like oh no that’s not demonic that either was or was supposed to be the Holy Spirit inside of me did I just accidentally blaspheme the Holy Spirit of God that I know and believe is not demonic if I did not then how I’m really scared and I wasn’t trying to I’ve prayed about it for an answer from the lord but I don’t know

  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock Год назад


  • @tiff1622
    @tiff1622 Год назад +1

    I Left God to practice witchcraft and go my own way (my grandpa was a preacher) and at one point I thought to do the "blasphemy challenge" from the early 2000's. To say I dont believe in the Holy Spirit.

    • @tiff1622
      @tiff1622 Год назад +1

      I dont remember if I did it or not because I was drinking

    • @native00
      @native00 Год назад +4

      Hold onto a promise of The Lord John 6:37 NLT says "those the Father has given me will come to me and I will never reject them" so this is one promise of Jesus that if we come to him weve been drawn by God and will never be rejected so if YOU come to Jesus just looking at his words he says hell never reject us

    • @fabioX8
      @fabioX8 29 дней назад

      I will send you something...are you still here on RUclips.

  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock Год назад



    Yeah butt haha😅😅😅😅

  • @felipediazvlog
    @felipediazvlog Год назад

    7 minutes in and the host rambles on and on (I'd never call in to this show).

  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock Год назад


  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock Год назад


  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock Год назад


  • @KelilaMurdock
    @KelilaMurdock Год назад
