22:02 the fact he's just casually talking in a random language the entire time is just funny af (yes I know the language thank you guys but I was just meaning how it's funny that toji of all people is just talking in a language randomly with everyone else being English, the speed of his voice just perfectly matched the character thank you for letting me know the language tho)
The desperate "BrIaN, yOu'Re SuPpOsEd To Be A hErO", and then the following "I think I like that name" made my fight or flight instincts kick in for no reason 😭😭😭😭
Manufacturing process A dowel plate The traditional tool for making dowels is a dowel plate, an iron (or better, hardened tool steel) plate with a hole having the size of the desired dowel. To make a dowel, a piece of wood is split or whittled to a size slightly bigger than desired and then driven through the hole in the dowel plate. The sharp edges of the hole shear off the excess wood.[1][2][3] A second approach to cutting dowels is to rotate a piece of oversized stock past a fixed knife, or alternatively, to rotate the knife around the stock. Machines based on this principle emerged in the 19th century.[4][5] Frequently, these are small bench-mounted tools.[6][7] For modest manufacturing volumes, wood dowels are typically manufactured on industrial dowel machines based on the same principles as the rotary cutters described above. Such machines may employ interchangeable cutting heads of varying diameters, thus enabling the machines to be quickly changed to manufacture different dowel diameters. Typically, the mechanism is open-ended, with material guides at the machine's entry and exit to enable fabrication of continuous dowel rods of unlimited length. Since the 19th century, some of these dowel machines have had power feed mechanisms to move the stock past the cutting mechanism.[8][9] Application When dowels are glued into blind holes, a very common case in dowel-based joinery, there must be a path for air and excess glue to escape when the dowel is pressed into place. If no provision is made to relieve the hydraulic pressure of air and glue, hammering the dowel home or clamping the joint can split the wood. An old solution to this problem is to plane a flat on the side of the dowel; some sources suggest planing the flat on the rough stock before the final shaping of the round dowel.[2] Some dowel plates solve the problem by cutting a groove in the side of the dowel as it is forced through; this is done by a groove screw, a pointed screw intruding from the side into the dowel cutting opening.[3] When two pieces of wood are to be joined by dowels embedded in blind holes, there are numerous methods for aligning the holes. For example, pieces of shot may be placed between the wood pieces to produce indentations when the pieces are clamped together; after the clamp is released, the indentations indicate the center points for drilling.[1] History Hand cut 8" dowel, c1840 The word dowel was used in Middle English; it appears in Wycliffe's Bible translation (circa 1382-1395) in a list of the parts of a wheel: "...and the spokis, and dowlis of tho wheelis..."[10]
@@geoffscandrett1934 Vestibulum processus A dowel laminam Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferramentum induratum) perforatum cum magnitudine dotalis desideratae. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Tondebunt foraminis margines superfluitates lignorum.[1][2][3] Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae ex hoc principio in saeculo XIX ortae sunt.[4][5] Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni inclusi sunt.[6][7] Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametros fabricandas. De more machina est aperta, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum et exitum machinae ut fabricationem virgarum dotalitium infinitae longitudinis continuae faciant. Saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes nutriunt potestatem habent ut mechanismum incisum moveant.[8][9] Applicationem Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casus communissimus in arteria innixa, oportet via esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio vel junctura, lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundi conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum. Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant. Historia Manus incisa 8" dowel, c1840 . Verbum dowel in Medio Anglico adhibitum est; apparet in versione biblica Wyclif (circa 1382-1395) in indice partium rotae: "... et spokis et dowlis earum..."[10]
Take 5 had me fucking bawling. I wish i had a way to get just the entire clip with only your voice so i could make a soundboard of just the entire thing LOL
31:25 well at least he’s not… freddy fazbear, because this one guy, william afton he- he took- he took- a ki- a freddy fazbear- he built a freddy fazbear, and then he took a kid and he MURDERED HIM GRRRR and then you know what he did? He put the kid IN the freddy five- freddy five- anime- animatronic! And the ki- the ghost? the souls? The soul of the kid? It took over freddy fivebear. An- and- and now the- but- but the body- bodies in the suits, now the murders on the loose, wiliam afton, an- and the kids soul take over freddy fivebear, so he BECOMES, freddy fivebear, BUT he’s still controlled by wi- William afton, but also still a kid ghost, so that- he looks like a freddy fazbear but hes actually just a kid in- in- in the- inside of the freddy because William Afton so wake up, Mr Freeman… wake up and, smell the ashes…
The (most likely unintentional) set up of _just_ calling himself "Brian" is the best part of that bit imo, especially 'cause Gabfr then says, "You were supposed to be a hero!" and everything just falls into place perfectly
Dowel est figura cylindrica lignea, plastica vel metallica. In forma primigenia fabricata, dowel longa est, et dotelis virga appellatur, quae saepe in dolialem paxillos breviores inciditur. Dowels plerumque adhibentur ut subsidia structurae in armario faciendo et in aliis multis adhibitis, etiam: PLUTEUM supellectilem subsidiis Res mobiles feras (i.e. paxillos) Adseculae supellex ut vestes, clavis anulos, instrumenta Rota in nugas axes Detents in gymnasticus tenet Sustinet ad liba nuptiarum tiered Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferramentum induratum) perforatum cum magnitudine dotalis desideratae. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Acutas margines foraminis tondet excessus lignorum. Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae innixa hoc principio saeculo XIX ortae sunt. Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni conscendit. Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametri fabricandas. De more machina est aperta finita, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum et exitum machinae ut fabricationem virgarum dotalitium infinitae longitudinis continuae faciant. Inde a saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes pascendi potestatem habuerunt ad movendam stirpem antea mechanismum incisum. Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casu communissimo in coagmentatione substructa, oportet iter esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio vel junctura, lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; Nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundae conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum. Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant. (video was fire though)
A dowel is a cylindrical shape made of wood, plastic, or metal. In its original manufactured form, a dowel is long and called a dowel rod, which are often cut into shorter dowel pins. Dowels are commonly used as structural reinforcements in cabinet making and in numerous other applications, including: Furniture shelf supports Moveable game pieces (i.e. pegs) Hangers for items such as clothing, key rings, and tools Wheel axles in toys Detents in gymnastics grips Supports for tiered wedding cakes Manufacturing process The traditional tool for making dowels is a dowel plate, an iron (or better, hardened tool steel) plate with a hole having the size of the desired dowel. To make a dowel, a piece of wood is split or whittled to a size slightly bigger than desired and then driven through the hole in the dowel plate. The sharp edges of the hole shear off the excess wood.[1][2][3] A second approach to cutting dowels is to rotate a piece of oversized stock past a fixed knife, or alternatively, to rotate the knife around the stock. Machines based on this principle emerged in the 19th century. Frequently, these are small bench-mounted tools. For modest manufacturing volumes, wood dowels are typically manufactured on industrial dowel machines based on the same principles as the rotary cutters described above. Such machines may employ interchangeable cutting heads of varying diameters, thus enabling the machines to be quickly changed to manufacture different dowel diameters. Typically, the mechanism is open-ended, with material guides at the machine's entry and exit to enable fabrication of continuous dowel rods of unlimited length. Since the 19th century, some of these dowel machines have had power feed mechanisms to move the stock past the cutting mechanism. When dowels are glued into blind holes, a very common case in dowel-based joinery, there must be a path for air and excess glue to escape when the dowel is pressed into place. If no provision is made to relieve the hydraulic pressure of air and glue, hammering the dowel home or clamping the joint can split the wood. An old solution to this problem is to plane a flat on the side of the dowel; some sources suggest planing the flat on the rough stock before the final shaping of the round dowel. Some dowel plates solve the problem by cutting a groove in the side of the dowel as it is forced through; this is done by a groove screw, a pointed screw intruding from the side into the dowel cutting opening. When two pieces of wood are to be joined by dowels embedded in blind holes, there are numerous methods for aligning the holes. For example, pieces of shot may be placed between the wood pieces to produce indentations when the pieces are clamped together; after the clamp is released, the indentations indicate the center points for drilling p.s that was actually easy to rewrite i just checked all needed moments and typed them here lol
Gab this was one of the best vid Ive seen so far and the last take was the best I hope you make even funnier and cooler video like this one next time 💖💖💖
8:41 "here turn this into a $3X Doll" WTF??? this made me dying of laughter and also can i be the next voice actor? i can be sukuna big fan btw 23:20 "I knew that word" Famous last words XD
A dowel is a cylindrical shape made of wood, plastic, or metal. In its original manufactured form, a dowel is long and called a dowel rod, which are often cut into shorter dowel pins.[citation needed] Dowels are commonly used as structural reinforcements in cabinet making and in numerous other applications, including: Furniture shelf supports Moveable game pieces (i.e. pegs) Hangers for items such as clothing, key rings, and tools Wheel axles in toys Detents in gymnastics grips Supports for tiered wedding cakes Wood dowel See also: Treenail Manufacturing process A dowel plate The traditional tool for making dowels is a dowel plate, an iron (or better, hardened tool steel) plate with a hole having the size of the desired dowel. To make a dowel, a piece of wood is split or whittled to a size slightly bigger than desired and then driven through the hole in the dowel plate. The sharp edges of the hole shear off the excess wood.[1][2][3] A second approach to cutting dowels is to rotate a piece of oversized stock past a fixed knife, or alternatively, to rotate the knife around the stock. Machines based on this principle emerged in the 19th century.[4][5] Frequently, these are small bench-mounted tools.[6][7] For modest manufacturing volumes, wood dowels are typically manufactured on industrial dowel machines based on the same principles as the rotary cutters described above. Such machines may employ interchangeable cutting heads of varying diameters, thus enabling the machines to be quickly changed to manufacture different dowel diameters. Typically, the mechanism is open-ended, with material guides at the machine's entry and exit to enable fabrication of continuous dowel rods of unlimited length. Since the 19th century, some of these dowel machines have had power feed mechanisms to move the stock past the cutting mechanism.[8][9] Application When dowels are glued into blind holes, a very common case in dowel-based joinery, there must be a path for air and excess glue to escape when the dowel is pressed into place. If no provision is made to relieve the hydraulic pressure of air and glue, hammering the dowel home or clamping the joint can split the wood. An old solution to this problem is to plane a flat on the side of the dowel; some sources suggest planing the flat on the rough stock before the final shaping of the round dowel.[2] Some dowel plates solve the problem by cutting a groove in the side of the dowel as it is forced through; this is done by a groove screw, a pointed screw intruding from the side into the dowel cutting opening.[3] When two pieces of wood are to be joined by dowels embedded in blind holes, there are numerous methods for aligning the holes. For example, pieces of shot may be placed between the wood pieces to produce indentations when the pieces are clamped together; after the clamp is released, the indentations indicate the center points for drilling.[1] History Hand cut 8" dowel, c1840 The word dowel was used in Middle English; it appears in Wycliffe's Bible translation (circa 1382-1395) in a list of the parts of a wheel: "...and the spokis, and dowlis of tho wheelis..."[10] See also Bar stock Barrel nut Dowel reinforced butt joint Dowel bar retrofit Fastener Kinematic coupling Rebar Spring pin Threaded rod Treenail References Ivin Sickels, Exercises in Wood-Working, American Book Company, 1889; see Exercise 18.- Uniting with Dowels, pages 104-105. Dowel Making and Doweling, Scientific American, Vol. XLIX, No. 6 (Aug. 11, 1883); page 88. H. H. Parker, Making Wood Dowels, Popular Mechanics, Vol. 41, No. 6 (June, 1924); page 957. William H. Whitlock, Improvement in Turning Tool, U.S. patent 83,573, granted Oct. 27, 1868. Sanford A. Penny, Lathe, U.S. patent 398,077, granted Feb. 19, 1889. Edward A. Cherry, Tool for Forming Round Dowels and Rods, U.S. patent 1,367,462, granted Feb. 1, 1921; this is the Stanley No. 77 Dowel and Rod Turner. Abdul Aziz, Leonard G. Lee and Lloyd Sevack, Dowel Maker, U.S. patent 6,263,929, granted Aug. 26, 2001; this is the Lee Valley Veritas Dowel Maker. Oscar H. Ordway, Dowel Making Machine, U.S. patent 603,965, granted May 10, 1898. George W. Davis, Dowel-Making Machine, U.S. patent 1,427,073, granted Aug. 22, 1922. 3 Kings 7:33 in Wycliffe's Bible. vte Woodworking vte Nuts (hardware) Authority control databases: National Edit this at Wikidata Germany Categories: FastenersJoineryWoodworking This page was last edited on 22 October 2023, at 00:10 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.
DOWEL Dowel est figura cylindrica lignea, plastica vel metallica. In forma originali fabricata, dowel longus est et dostrina appellata, quae saepe in paxillos dosili breviores inciditur. Dowels vulgo adhibentur ut subsidia structurae in cistula facienda et in multis aliis applicationibus, inter quas: PLUTEUM supellectilem subsidiis Res mobiles feras (i.e. paxillos) Adseculae supellex ut vestes, clavis anulos, instrumenta Rota in nugas axes Detents in gymnasticus tenet Sustinet ad liba nuptiarum tiered Lignum dowel Vide etiam: Treenail Vestibulum processus A dowel laminam Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferramentum induratum) perforatum cum magnitudine dotalis desideratae. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Tondebunt foraminis margines superfluitates lignorum.[1][2][3] Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae ex hoc principio in saeculo XIX ortae sunt.[4][5] Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni inclusi sunt.[6][7] Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametri fabricandas. De more machina est aperta finita, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum et exitum machinae ut fabricationem virgarum dotalitium infinitae longitudinis continuae faciant. Inde a saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes pascunt potestatem habent ut mechanismum secans transiit ad movendam stirpem.[8][9] Applicationem Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casu communissimo in coagmentatione substructa, oportet iter esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio vel junctura, lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundi conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum. Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant. Historia Manus incisa 8" dowel, c1840 . Verbum dowel in Medio Anglico adhibitum est; apparet in versione biblica Wyclif (circa 1382-1395) in indice partium rotae: "... et spokis et dowlis earum..."[10]
I know you see some how the world will change for me, and be so wonderful. Live life breathe are, some how I know we're gonna get there, and (I dont freakn remember the rest)
Dowel Dowel est figura cylindrica lignea, plastica vel metallica. In forma originali fabricata, dowel longus est et dostrina appellata, quae saepe in paxillos dosili breviores inciditur. Dowels vulgo adhibentur ut subsidia structurae in armario faciendo et in multis aliis applicationibus, inter quas: PLUTEUM supellectilem subsidiis Res mobiles feras (i.e. paxillos) Adseculae supellex ut vestes, clavis anulos, instrumenta Rota in nugas axes Detents in gymnasticus tenet Sustinet ad liba nuptiarum tiered Lignum dowel Vide etiam: Treenail Vestibulum processus A dowel laminam Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferrum induratum) cum perforato magnitudine doli desiderati habentem. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Tondebunt foraminis margines superfluitates lignorum.[1][2][3] Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae ex hoc principio in saeculo XIX ortae sunt.[4][5] Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni inclusi sunt.[6][7] Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametri fabricandas. De more machina est aperta, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum machinae et exitum ad fabricandum virgas dotalis continuae infinitae longitudinis. Saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes nutriunt potestatem habent ut mechanismum incisum moveant.[8][9] Applicationem Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casu communissimo in coagmentatione substructa, oportet iter esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio, vel iunctura iuncturae lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundi conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum. Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant. Historia Manus incisa 8" dowel, c1840 . Verbum dowel in Medio Anglico adhibitum est; apparet in versione biblica Wyclif (circa 1382-1395) in indice partium rotae: "... et spokis et dowlis earum..."
Check out my patreon is you want to support me: www.patreon.com/Gabfr
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W vid
this truly was our jujustu lobotomy.
I will daddy gab
*complete silence, followed by everybody dying of laughter*
the discord delays in vc LMFAAAOO
I was the 911th like.
He is right tho
@@Xaviersessa 9/11 mentioned
YOOO! This video is in fact the peak!
the man himself
She's 14
missed opportunity for a merg joke...
In the next one could you find some way to work in you yelling "YOU DEGENERATE FUCK" but hold on the f in fuck for a bit?
"Now watch.. as I grow a COOOOCCCKKK!!!!!!"
- _Riko Amanai | "Turns into squidman/Dagon/...'the SQUIDUSSY???'"_
@@graysonsamuel7915 💀
22:02 the fact he's just casually talking in a random language the entire time is just funny af (yes I know the language thank you guys but I was just meaning how it's funny that toji of all people is just talking in a language randomly with everyone else being English, the speed of his voice just perfectly matched the character thank you for letting me know the language tho)
Its slovenian
@@VyperYT420 i speak it and couldnt understand him😂
It's called slovenscina
Someone give translation please
@@VyperYT420 thats why i kinda could understand him
My favorite moments. Don’t mind this
2:35 3:15 5:27 7:24 8:41 9:02 9:46 10:14 13:19 13:43 14:08 14:55 16:20 17:28 17:54 21:37 24:58 30:57 31:54 9:52
"hold old is Rico Amanai"
lemme add 19:09
Bro How Mush Time IT take of you life
@@MKParadoxe12 wym it take like 2s to type the time in comment my g :)
Please add 21:57
"Dust is fuckable!"
did that with alphys' body
You are weird fuck,aren't you?
What do you think half of the air IS?!
Next episode
“We Voiced Jujustu Kaisen & made it EVEN PEAKIER”
The next will be
"We voiced Jujutsu Kaisen and Made it THE PEAKEST"
@@Yuji_Goatadori EVEN FREAKIER
@@orel12and then after that
“We Voice Jujutsu Kaisen & made it MORE PEAKEST
We Voiced We Voiced Jujutsu Kaisen & Made it EVEN PEAKER & Made it EVEN PEAKER
@@Lazydisplayname I guess we did 😐
@@alonewanderer4697 16:44
@@alonewanderer4697 Take 4
@@alonewanderer4697 the whole take 4
30:59 "SNIFF ON MY JOCKSTRAP, NERD!!" with the heavy metal music in the background has me dying 😭🙏
Thats quote on quote chad
“Your controller… is now In my jockstrap.” 32:48
14:08 that bass boosted FAIRY GOD PARENTS had me cryin 25:46 i cant tell if im laughing at Tojis face or Megumi slowly explaining to a immigrant xD
The desperate "BrIaN, yOu'Re SuPpOsEd To Be A hErO", and then the following "I think I like that name" made my fight or flight instincts kick in for no reason 😭😭😭😭
this truly was my brian
This truly was my herobrian
FR THO and I GOTTA know the music he used for that. I also just realised he was 'Brian' short for Herobrine😭.
Manufacturing process
A dowel plate
The traditional tool for making dowels is a dowel plate, an iron (or better, hardened tool steel) plate with a hole having the size of the desired dowel. To make a dowel, a piece of wood is split or whittled to a size slightly bigger than desired and then driven through the hole in the dowel plate. The sharp edges of the hole shear off the excess wood.[1][2][3]
A second approach to cutting dowels is to rotate a piece of oversized stock past a fixed knife, or alternatively, to rotate the knife around the stock. Machines based on this principle emerged in the 19th century.[4][5] Frequently, these are small bench-mounted tools.[6][7]
For modest manufacturing volumes, wood dowels are typically manufactured on industrial dowel machines based on the same principles as the rotary cutters described above. Such machines may employ interchangeable cutting heads of varying diameters, thus enabling the machines to be quickly changed to manufacture different dowel diameters. Typically, the mechanism is open-ended, with material guides at the machine's entry and exit to enable fabrication of continuous dowel rods of unlimited length. Since the 19th century, some of these dowel machines have had power feed mechanisms to move the stock past the cutting mechanism.[8][9]
When dowels are glued into blind holes, a very common case in dowel-based joinery, there must be a path for air and excess glue to escape when the dowel is pressed into place. If no provision is made to relieve the hydraulic pressure of air and glue, hammering the dowel home or clamping the joint can split the wood. An old solution to this problem is to plane a flat on the side of the dowel; some sources suggest planing the flat on the rough stock before the final shaping of the round dowel.[2] Some dowel plates solve the problem by cutting a groove in the side of the dowel as it is forced through; this is done by a groove screw, a pointed screw intruding from the side into the dowel cutting opening.[3]
When two pieces of wood are to be joined by dowels embedded in blind holes, there are numerous methods for aligning the holes. For example, pieces of shot may be placed between the wood pieces to produce indentations when the pieces are clamped together; after the clamp is released, the indentations indicate the center points for drilling.[1]
Hand cut 8" dowel, c1840
The word dowel was used in Middle English; it appears in Wycliffe's Bible translation (circa 1382-1395) in a list of the parts of a wheel: "...and the spokis, and dowlis of tho wheelis..."[10]
In latin lil bro
@@geoffscandrett1934 Vestibulum processus
A dowel laminam
Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferramentum induratum) perforatum cum magnitudine dotalis desideratae. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Tondebunt foraminis margines superfluitates lignorum.[1][2][3]
Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae ex hoc principio in saeculo XIX ortae sunt.[4][5] Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni inclusi sunt.[6][7]
Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametros fabricandas. De more machina est aperta, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum et exitum machinae ut fabricationem virgarum dotalitium infinitae longitudinis continuae faciant. Saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes nutriunt potestatem habent ut mechanismum incisum moveant.[8][9]
Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casus communissimus in arteria innixa, oportet via esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio vel junctura, lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundi conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum.
Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant.
Manus incisa 8" dowel, c1840 .
Verbum dowel in Medio Anglico adhibitum est; apparet in versione biblica Wyclif (circa 1382-1395) in indice partium rotae: "... et spokis et dowlis earum..."[10]
as@@geoffscandrett1934 said. In latin lil whigga
36:11 Oh my God, you actually added a clip of my power scaling video from my channel🤣 overall the video was Chadsome😎
he put our channel in the vid were totally famous now
Indeed 😮💨👌
oh wow
Take 5 had me fucking bawling. I wish i had a way to get just the entire clip with only your voice so i could make a soundboard of just the entire thing LOL
this is by far the best voiceover you have done (except the DS one), such a good video
Finally it came out W🔥🔥🔥
just like me
this aint even the final one
@@Squidboi6677ik but it’s still rly good
@@RealHopeFull ye
This is a big W
Bro found an infinite content glitch: Dub JJK
its done, its over, its finished, he’s done, he’s finished
Peak Lobotomy kaisen
Ahh yes my favorite anime: LOBOTOMY KAISEN
Omg the first take improv actually Goated!
I love that on take 5 toji just drops lore of american presidents in slovekian
FARON THE GOAT IS BACK LETS GOOO🔥🔥 (i fucking loved him in the previous part lmao)
@@mikatherealz SAME BRO
Maybe Gabfr was the friends we made along the way
@@TheLegendaryAce1 it was
@@DeceiverIsMe gabfr was indeed the friends we made along the way
"The dust is fuckable." Is too funny 😂
@@Youdontknowme.Yet. I USED TO HAVE UR PFP LOL
He speaking facts tho
@@Youdontknowme.Yet. yooooooo
This truly was our Gabfr
"Through out america and the border, I alone am the legal one"
"Imagenary technique, real passport"
“American technique reversal, Citizenship Test”
It’s imaginary technique green card😂
22:30 Damn, you're Slovenian? We're basically neighbors lmfao
This was the most I've ever laughed at a video!!! Keep up the good work
Really good video like always, laughed my ass off, the parodies are legendary ❤😂
“Sniff my jockstrap nerd”
LMAOO you just made my day bro
that thumbnail alone had me laughing NONSTOP for 5 minutes straight
bro im only 6 minutes into the video and im loving the undertale theme already, it works out so well bro 💀
the irish accent on toji is unreasonably funny and suitable 💀
The whole first take was just the one kid on the playground that always made himself way too overpowered
accurate representation
Thumbnail goes wild man
why is farron unironically one of the funniest people ive watched 😭🙏
31:25 well at least he’s not… freddy fazbear, because this one guy, william afton he- he took- he took- a ki- a freddy fazbear- he built a freddy fazbear, and then he took a kid and he MURDERED HIM GRRRR and then you know what he did? He put the kid IN the freddy five- freddy five- anime- animatronic! And the ki- the ghost? the souls? The soul of the kid? It took over freddy fivebear. An- and- and now the- but- but the body- bodies in the suits, now the murders on the loose, wiliam afton, an- and the kids soul take over freddy fivebear, so he BECOMES, freddy fivebear, BUT he’s still controlled by wi- William afton, but also still a kid ghost, so that- he looks like a freddy fazbear but hes actually just a kid in- in- in the- inside of the freddy because William Afton so wake up, Mr Freeman… wake up and, smell the ashes…
no cap
How does this have anything to do with him being racist?
@@Xaviersessa Plot.
0:13 "Im thinking I like that name" unironically goes so hard
The (most likely unintentional) set up of _just_ calling himself "Brian" is the best part of that bit imo, especially 'cause Gabfr then says, "You were supposed to be a hero!" and everything just falls into place perfectly
What's the theme they use there?
orchestral wet hands in minor@@PhantomlyGoodBoi
36:44 is the best crossover I’ve ever seen
24:01 “DONALD. J. TRUMP. YEEEEEEEEE HAWWWWW” that got me bad😭🙏
Dowel est figura cylindrica lignea, plastica vel metallica. In forma primigenia fabricata, dowel longa est, et dotelis virga appellatur, quae saepe in dolialem paxillos breviores inciditur. Dowels plerumque adhibentur ut subsidia structurae in armario faciendo et in aliis multis adhibitis, etiam:
PLUTEUM supellectilem subsidiis
Res mobiles feras (i.e. paxillos)
Adseculae supellex ut vestes, clavis anulos, instrumenta
Rota in nugas axes
Detents in gymnasticus tenet
Sustinet ad liba nuptiarum tiered
Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferramentum induratum) perforatum cum magnitudine dotalis desideratae. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Acutas margines foraminis tondet excessus lignorum. Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae innixa hoc principio saeculo XIX ortae sunt. Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni conscendit. Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametri fabricandas. De more machina est aperta finita, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum et exitum machinae ut fabricationem virgarum dotalitium infinitae longitudinis continuae faciant. Inde a saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes pascendi potestatem habuerunt ad movendam stirpem antea mechanismum incisum.
Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casu communissimo in coagmentatione substructa, oportet iter esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio vel junctura, lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; Nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundae conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum. Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant.
(video was fire though)
No way.
No you didn’t
@@MMeeEEEeeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeEeeeeE Crazy
oh nah
What does this say…
8:45 is fucking wild💀
I am genuinely so sorry
@@Mondo-36 don't be sorry it was funny
@@Mondo-36 you're ab absolute goat for this line alone
Bro aint ever beating the aligations 😂
Your not escaping the black flash allegations toji💀
This is the time I get canceled
A dowel is a cylindrical shape made of wood, plastic, or metal. In its original manufactured form, a dowel is long and called a dowel rod, which are often cut into shorter dowel pins. Dowels are commonly used as structural reinforcements in cabinet making and in numerous other applications, including:
Furniture shelf supports
Moveable game pieces (i.e. pegs)
Hangers for items such as clothing, key rings, and tools
Wheel axles in toys
Detents in gymnastics grips
Supports for tiered wedding cakes
Manufacturing process
The traditional tool for making dowels is a dowel plate, an iron (or better, hardened tool steel) plate with a hole having the size of the desired dowel. To make a dowel, a piece of wood is split or whittled to a size slightly bigger than desired and then driven through the hole in the dowel plate. The sharp edges of the hole shear off the excess wood.[1][2][3]
A second approach to cutting dowels is to rotate a piece of oversized stock past a fixed knife, or alternatively, to rotate the knife around the stock. Machines based on this principle emerged in the 19th century. Frequently, these are small bench-mounted tools.
For modest manufacturing volumes, wood dowels are typically manufactured on industrial dowel machines based on the same principles as the rotary cutters described above. Such machines may employ interchangeable cutting heads of varying diameters, thus enabling the machines to be quickly changed to manufacture different dowel diameters. Typically, the mechanism is open-ended, with material guides at the machine's entry and exit to enable fabrication of continuous dowel rods of unlimited length. Since the 19th century, some of these dowel machines have had power feed mechanisms to move the stock past the cutting mechanism.
When dowels are glued into blind holes, a very common case in dowel-based joinery, there must be a path for air and excess glue to escape when the dowel is pressed into place. If no provision is made to relieve the hydraulic pressure of air and glue, hammering the dowel home or clamping the joint can split the wood. An old solution to this problem is to plane a flat on the side of the dowel; some sources suggest planing the flat on the rough stock before the final shaping of the round dowel. Some dowel plates solve the problem by cutting a groove in the side of the dowel as it is forced through; this is done by a groove screw, a pointed screw intruding from the side into the dowel cutting opening.
When two pieces of wood are to be joined by dowels embedded in blind holes, there are numerous methods for aligning the holes. For example, pieces of shot may be placed between the wood pieces to produce indentations when the pieces are clamped together; after the clamp is released, the indentations indicate the center points for drilling
p.s that was actually easy to rewrite i just checked all needed moments and typed them here lol
Gab this was one of the best vid Ive seen so far and the last take was the best I hope you make even funnier and cooler video like this one next time 💖💖💖
3:14 peak voicing there got me dying
“Thrust that like button like kenjaku thrusted Jin” 💀
shes 15💀💀
@@younesfilali4562 game is game lil bro
Pretty sure it was Jin doing the thrusting
22:00 Bro, are you slovenian or what? Beside that, this is peak commedy😂
That was actually smooth slovenian
@@KikiMiki-s4n true
yea i noticed too he talked about france presern
why is farron and cap such a great match for improvs-
Best Toriel pic ive seen in my life. 10/10 smash
Who Summoned Me
Gojo is Sans the Under Skeleton
No one
@@wm_hgawtq_3 mAn mOnDo EvEn SaId AbOuT hOw GoJoS sAnS sO hE wAs SuMmOnEd¡
I summoned you is thrre a problem
For sans
8:36 what did this just turn into!?!?!
Why is #### hub talking about this-
"Nice and grippy" HAD ME DYING 😭🫸🫷
23:10 felt like a American dad screaming at the Indian guy telling him about his cars extended warranty at 1000 words per seconds
Man love your videos can't wait for jjk parody ❤❤❤
hell nah who told toby fox he could write jjk 😭
8:41 "here turn this into a $3X Doll" WTF??? this made me dying of laughter and also can i be the next voice actor? i can be sukuna big fan btw
23:20 "I knew that word" Famous last words XD
Bro just made my day you just earned sub
The "Sniff on my Jockstrap Nerd" Was the best scene ever i cried you and your friends should be Movie Producers
Bro came in with the milk and made it PEAK 🗣️🔥🔥
And also the entire series voice over will take so long like until 2050💀💀💀💀
Did not expect him to speak slovenian
"SnIff on My JòCstraph NERD ☝🤓" has to be one of the bests lines in cinematic history.
turning 30 next month, this must be why i found the Fish take the funniest. amazing
I like 1 the most, the Gojo voice was so good!
Toji was singing rap god in a different language bro 😂😂
@@Trickyboi.mp4 fr
Capleb did such a good job!
thank you!
Take 5 got me rollin on the floor😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
A dowel is a cylindrical shape made of wood, plastic, or metal. In its original manufactured form, a dowel is long and called a dowel rod, which are often cut into shorter dowel pins.[citation needed] Dowels are commonly used as structural reinforcements in cabinet making and in numerous other applications, including:
Furniture shelf supports
Moveable game pieces (i.e. pegs)
Hangers for items such as clothing, key rings, and tools
Wheel axles in toys
Detents in gymnastics grips
Supports for tiered wedding cakes
Wood dowel
See also: Treenail
Manufacturing process
A dowel plate
The traditional tool for making dowels is a dowel plate, an iron (or better, hardened tool steel) plate with a hole having the size of the desired dowel. To make a dowel, a piece of wood is split or whittled to a size slightly bigger than desired and then driven through the hole in the dowel plate. The sharp edges of the hole shear off the excess wood.[1][2][3]
A second approach to cutting dowels is to rotate a piece of oversized stock past a fixed knife, or alternatively, to rotate the knife around the stock. Machines based on this principle emerged in the 19th century.[4][5] Frequently, these are small bench-mounted tools.[6][7]
For modest manufacturing volumes, wood dowels are typically manufactured on industrial dowel machines based on the same principles as the rotary cutters described above. Such machines may employ interchangeable cutting heads of varying diameters, thus enabling the machines to be quickly changed to manufacture different dowel diameters. Typically, the mechanism is open-ended, with material guides at the machine's entry and exit to enable fabrication of continuous dowel rods of unlimited length. Since the 19th century, some of these dowel machines have had power feed mechanisms to move the stock past the cutting mechanism.[8][9]
When dowels are glued into blind holes, a very common case in dowel-based joinery, there must be a path for air and excess glue to escape when the dowel is pressed into place. If no provision is made to relieve the hydraulic pressure of air and glue, hammering the dowel home or clamping the joint can split the wood. An old solution to this problem is to plane a flat on the side of the dowel; some sources suggest planing the flat on the rough stock before the final shaping of the round dowel.[2] Some dowel plates solve the problem by cutting a groove in the side of the dowel as it is forced through; this is done by a groove screw, a pointed screw intruding from the side into the dowel cutting opening.[3]
When two pieces of wood are to be joined by dowels embedded in blind holes, there are numerous methods for aligning the holes. For example, pieces of shot may be placed between the wood pieces to produce indentations when the pieces are clamped together; after the clamp is released, the indentations indicate the center points for drilling.[1]
Hand cut 8" dowel, c1840
The word dowel was used in Middle English; it appears in Wycliffe's Bible translation (circa 1382-1395) in a list of the parts of a wheel: "...and the spokis, and dowlis of tho wheelis..."[10]
See also
Bar stock
Barrel nut
Dowel reinforced butt joint
Dowel bar retrofit
Kinematic coupling
Spring pin
Threaded rod
Ivin Sickels, Exercises in Wood-Working, American Book Company, 1889; see Exercise 18.- Uniting with Dowels, pages 104-105.
Dowel Making and Doweling, Scientific American, Vol. XLIX, No. 6 (Aug. 11, 1883); page 88.
H. H. Parker, Making Wood Dowels, Popular Mechanics, Vol. 41, No. 6 (June, 1924); page 957.
William H. Whitlock, Improvement in Turning Tool, U.S. patent 83,573, granted Oct. 27, 1868.
Sanford A. Penny, Lathe, U.S. patent 398,077, granted Feb. 19, 1889.
Edward A. Cherry, Tool for Forming Round Dowels and Rods, U.S. patent 1,367,462, granted Feb. 1, 1921; this is the Stanley No. 77 Dowel and Rod Turner.
Abdul Aziz, Leonard G. Lee and Lloyd Sevack, Dowel Maker, U.S. patent 6,263,929, granted Aug. 26, 2001; this is the Lee Valley Veritas Dowel Maker.
Oscar H. Ordway, Dowel Making Machine, U.S. patent 603,965, granted May 10, 1898.
George W. Davis, Dowel-Making Machine, U.S. patent 1,427,073, granted Aug. 22, 1922.
3 Kings 7:33 in Wycliffe's Bible.
Nuts (hardware)
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Categories: FastenersJoineryWoodworking
This page was last edited on 22 October 2023, at 00:10 (UTC).
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Once again, mondo shows how much he loves min"e"rs!
I cannot imagine what yall neighbors be thinkin when you guys record 😭
During extra take 2 while Toji was fighting the squid the music in the background is the persona 3 theme
... I have one sentence. "What The F**k did I just watch."
24:01 "DONALD J TRUMP 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅YEEEEWAAAAAAH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Okay this was actually Funny this time 😂😂
The prowler music made the “you’re next” just hit different
Dowel est figura cylindrica lignea, plastica vel metallica. In forma originali fabricata, dowel longus est et dostrina appellata, quae saepe in paxillos dosili breviores inciditur. Dowels vulgo adhibentur ut subsidia structurae in cistula facienda et in multis aliis applicationibus, inter quas:
supellectilem subsidiis
Res mobiles feras (i.e. paxillos)
Adseculae supellex ut vestes, clavis anulos, instrumenta
Rota in nugas axes
Detents in gymnasticus tenet
Sustinet ad liba nuptiarum tiered
Lignum dowel
Vide etiam: Treenail
Vestibulum processus
A dowel laminam
Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferramentum induratum) perforatum cum magnitudine dotalis desideratae. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Tondebunt foraminis margines superfluitates lignorum.[1][2][3]
Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae ex hoc principio in saeculo XIX ortae sunt.[4][5] Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni inclusi sunt.[6][7]
Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametri fabricandas. De more machina est aperta finita, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum et exitum machinae ut fabricationem virgarum dotalitium infinitae longitudinis continuae faciant. Inde a saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes pascunt potestatem habent ut mechanismum secans transiit ad movendam stirpem.[8][9]
Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casu communissimo in coagmentatione substructa, oportet iter esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio vel junctura, lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundi conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum.
Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant.
Manus incisa 8" dowel, c1840 .
Verbum dowel in Medio Anglico adhibitum est; apparet in versione biblica Wyclif (circa 1382-1395) in indice partium rotae: "... et spokis et dowlis earum..."[10]
@@GamerChad_EaturBalls Damn
I dont think bro liked the first take💀
Bro took that personally and delivered
8:43 to 10:36 times actors weren’t acting💀
29:15 was unironically hard as hell
I know you see some how the world will change for me, and be so wonderful. Live life breathe are, some how I know we're gonna get there, and (I dont freakn remember the rest)
Crazy work bro💀💀💀 True fire tho 🔥🔥🔥
Dowel est figura cylindrica lignea, plastica vel metallica. In forma originali fabricata, dowel longus est et dostrina appellata, quae saepe in paxillos dosili breviores inciditur. Dowels vulgo adhibentur ut subsidia structurae in armario faciendo et in multis aliis applicationibus, inter quas:
PLUTEUM supellectilem subsidiis
Res mobiles feras (i.e. paxillos)
Adseculae supellex ut vestes, clavis anulos, instrumenta
Rota in nugas axes
Detents in gymnasticus tenet
Sustinet ad liba nuptiarum tiered
Lignum dowel
Vide etiam: Treenail
Vestibulum processus
A dowel laminam
Instrumentum translaticium ad mansiones faciendas est lamina dowel, lamina ferrea (vel melius ferramentum ferrum induratum) cum perforato magnitudine doli desiderati habentem. Ad dowel, lignum scinditur aut radebat ad magnitudinem maiusculis quam desideratis et deinde per foramen in laminam domunculam eicitur. Tondebunt foraminis margines superfluitates lignorum.[1][2][3]
Alter accessus ad dolabras secandas est frustum stipitis cupressi praeter certum cultrum circumactum, vel econverso cultrum circa truncum gyrari. Machinae ex hoc principio in saeculo XIX ortae sunt.[4][5] Saepe haec instrumenta parva scamni inclusi sunt.[6][7]
Ad mediocria fabricanda volumina, ligna dosalia typice fabricantur in machinas dolialibus industrialibus iisdem innixas principiis ac caesores gyratorii supra descriptos. Tales machinae possunt uti capitibus secandis convertibilibus diametri diversarum, ita ut machinis cito mutetur ad varias diametri fabricandas. De more machina est aperta, cum ducibus materialibus ad ingressum machinae et exitum ad fabricandum virgas dotalis continuae infinitae longitudinis. Saeculo XIX, nonnulli ex his machinis dowelis machinationes nutriunt potestatem habent ut mechanismum incisum moveant.[8][9]
Cum dotes in caecis foraminibus agglutinantur, casu communissimo in coagmentatione substructa, oportet iter esse ad gluten aeris et intemperantia evadendi, cum dosma in locum deprimatur. Si non cavetur, ut hydrau pressionis aeris et glutinis levare possit, dorsalis domus percussio, vel iunctura iuncturae lignum scindere potest. Vetus solutionis hujus quaestionis est plana in latere dolii; nonnulli fontes suggerunt planam in aspera stirpe disponere ante ultimam doli rotundi conformationem. Quidam eæ eæ solvuntur secando rimam in parte doli, quam inpellitur; hoc fit per rimam cochleae, acutum cochleae a latere in foramen incisum intrusum.
Cum duo ligna iungenda dolis in caecis foraminibus iungantur, multae rationes sunt ad aligning foraminum. Exempli gratia, frusta offa inter ligna conlocari possunt ad fuluum producendum cum frusta coagmentata sunt; Fibulae emissa, fuluum centrum puncta ad exercendum indicant.
Manus incisa 8" dowel, c1840 .
Verbum dowel in Medio Anglico adhibitum est; apparet in versione biblica Wyclif (circa 1382-1395) in indice partium rotae: "... et spokis et dowlis earum..."
"oh no TAXES"
Farron can just say anything and it’ll be funny cuz he’s irish TAXESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
9:11 bro is cooked
@Watcher4Eternal man it's time is 911
Hero-Brian 😨
absolute cinema😔🙏
Extra Take 1 is just "Nerdy Prudes Must Die" LMAO 32:54
1:30 "you fool mahito... My boogie woogie technique is not dead!" Is wild💀
24:22 is so much more funny because the irish dude is the one who said it 😭
@@KnightofkneonSOD11 fr 😭
not even 4 minutes into the video and it's already crazy 🙏 🙏 😭 😭 🙏🙏🙏 😭
Yooo why is Mondo's gojo vocie so good?!
25:52 is the best part LMAOO
9:04 megumi is the oldest 5 yr ive ever seen
Yo it means jujutsu season 2 by hidden inventory or premature death chapters…