Unlike Ebsen, I thought Nancy Kulp was hilarious in that show. Ebsen played his part well but the other cast members, especially Irene Ryan, Max Baer Jr and Kulp, made the show fun to watch.
Being traditional is not an issue. Being stubborn in one's views isn't a crime. And Nancy Kulp wasn't a shy, retiring creature, either. Being a professional meant doing what was necessary to keep the show together. She WAS too liberal. It's obvious you take Ms. Kulp's side. So, while I won't give you a thumbs down, I won't be subscribing.
I choose buddy anytime over her
Nancy Klup was the definition of woke before they all went broke.
Unlike Ebsen, I thought Nancy Kulp was hilarious in that show. Ebsen played his part well but the other cast members, especially Irene Ryan, Max Baer Jr and Kulp, made the show fun to watch.
Being traditional is not an issue. Being stubborn in one's views isn't a crime. And Nancy Kulp wasn't a shy, retiring creature, either. Being a professional meant doing what was necessary to keep the show together.
She WAS too liberal. It's obvious you take Ms. Kulp's side. So, while I won't give you a thumbs down, I won't be subscribing.
She wasn't liberal, she was far Left..
Loved him in Beverly Hillbillies. Her charter leaned more in the stoic area
I didn't care for Nancy's character, nor Granny's.
11 minutes in, I gave up and realized this is Clickbait
In an LA to Encillada railboat race Buddy projected "Deep Throat" on his mainsail, or so the rumor goes.
I got to sleep watch this later don't be upset with me ❤
See Bee