@@Make_America_Native_Again_7Our colonial past made your country what it is , gave slaves freedom , laws , infrastructure and medicine ., look at your own choices if your not happy with your life and stop crying about centuries old events in an attempt to absolve yourself from responsibility
@@lyndamyles8354 avoiding paying real compensation to millions of victims caused by the authority failures.The post office scandal, denied a public inquiry for decades highlights the problem,has he no shame.
People only get the news and political information if the algorithm sees they have an interest so unless we preach m information to the people that normally wouldn’t choose to select on social media we have millions of lost votes for parties that care about these issues. I can now understand why some people have become almost evangelical about what is happening but I think it has got those that do into a lot of trouble. The tide is turning but there are still too many that won’t vote because they don’t understand politics or what they are voting for. We have to become a nation that discusses how our country is run in ordinary conversations so that we can help people raise a standard of awareness.
We (British) working class suffer from malaise. So much of the working class is so preoccupied with simply paying the bills. With that, you also get working class who are used to living in misery and poverty. They can't save enough to invest in something and they can't escape their situation either. They are trapped. They glean whatever pleasure from life they can, usually in the form of alcohol, drugs and food, gambling, going to watch the match, etc. They will generally serve any master so long as they can keep their vices. Those kind of people don't really have any strong political opinions. They're like dead weight in this fight. And personally, I really dislike these kind of British. They're defeated. And they will drag us down with them.
Of course we can see we won’t be English/British for too much longer. Every time we’ve stood up, we’ve been shouted down as “racists.” Many have been imprisoned. This has been going on for decades. It’s not what’s wrong with the British as a whole. It’s what’s wrong with the corrupt people that are in power.
Muslims have been voting labour for years because labour bent over backwards to appease them. We now have five Islamist mps in parliament,all ex labour seats. Blackburn was a safe labour seat for decades,Barbara Castle,JackStaw were two mps,now it has an Islamic mp. Can labour,and other party’s not see that they will remove the British mps when their numbers have increased to where indigenous British people have been reduced to the ethnic minority. There are non so blind as those who will not see.
That's exactly what their plan is. Replace all the Labour MPs with their own. That way, over time, they will be the majority, and that's when this country becomes an Islamic state. Muslims predominantly vote for the left parties, because as the left have proved they are stupid and easy to manipulate. Islam is about dominance, their way or the highway,it is a ☪️ancer and it's spreading.
There shouldn't be allowed to be in parliament not should they be allowed to vote I wouldn't be allowed in their country this is England only British should be allowed to vote
@marksmith9218 Yes. Useful kuffars. Just like the "LGBTQ for palestine" shenanigans. It's simply astounding, the sheer ignorance these people display. They have absolutely no idea what they're getting into. They are lead by their youth, discontent with the way things are (you can understand them on that front - it must be awful to be an adolescent and young adult having grown up in the 00's) ego and narcissism and it'll be the end of them - and us. I just hope that with the rise of Trump, the removal of Trudeau, Europe leaning more and more to the right and Javier Milei resurrecting Argentina miraculously (300% inflation down to 20% in a year) by axing all the wokeness and hangers-on from government, that we follow suit and wake up from the insanity. Get a government in that doesn't only work for the richest in society by living off the perpetual misery of the working class by keeping wages rock bottom with migration. A government that works only for the people and not for its own nefarious attempts at seeking global reaching power by offering up the country and us with it to the WEF and WHO. Things are changing. The powers that be have shown their hand during and after the pandemic. People are waking up, looking up to see the cage door they're trying to slam shut on us.
Towns Bradford Rotherham Oldham incl. 50 others are Muslim ONLY zones. Ghettoes encouraged by successive UK Govts. thru legal visas to families on Human Rights. Families include 1000s+ members who use them as "Get Rich Quick" by selling Western Passports for huge sums of Money to cousins. Forced to live in neighbourhoods controlled by fear blackmailed with deportation. Surely responsibility of their Govts. not Christian West.
Stuff labour wet wimps , the safety of our children comes first , if the Muslims don't like it go home we didn't ask all of you too come here, don't like the truth , go home , our children should come first before , offending a few Muslims , Bobbyg
How does an aggressive foreign religion and culture manage to have so much power and our govt running scared when they’re apparently’ a small minority’ ?
@mogznwaz. Because what you call 'our government' is ridden with (both Lab & Tory) an upper class British society that sacrifices their native peasantry at the alter of their greed to be in power by appeasing the minority vote. And hence, they will look the other way and also make sure that the police, social care & councillors shove the cases under the carpet!
Been to many Muslim countries and enjoyed a beer which they brew. This issue is only a Pakistani one don't tar all Muslims with the same brush. Look at Turkey for example. Good beer women not forced to cover their hair faces etc. it's a Pakistani and probably Bangladeshi issue in the UK. They know we have soft government and they take advantage of it. Time to stand up to them.
What the hell dies that mean ur ok with thousands of young girls bring raped by several men at the same time??? Over and over for years and years and politicians judges and sick cops turning their heads, cowards and evil people only do that
This phobia is displayed more by these lie-bore politicians than by the rest of us. We are not afraid of what we don't know but fearful of what we do know.
but is it really? at this moment in time if feels anything but our country the establishment are anti- white and there's no one to complain to because only white people are racist, you know! we don't get a race relation board there isn't one for us whitey's,. They only want our taxes for their wages & expense accounts, to give away to foreigners or foreign countries. They've been sc***ing us and lying to us for decades. This is not the Country I grew up in or was proud of, it feels more like the biblical tale of Sodom & Gomorrah.
Well done Lord Pearson for speaking about this! We need to stop this now! It should never be covered up again! We need a public inquiry asap! Can Lord Pearson be in the Public Inquiry along with Maggie Oliver! The protection of children must be paramount always!
I'm enjoying hearing the voices of older conservative British men and women, who bring wisdom and speak with a measured elegance. These men and women have been regarded for too long by the media as fuddy-duddies - but they are intelligent, well-educated and thoughtful.
Because a secularised religion has no power. For Islam, religion is state policy. We need to set up a stronger state. That's where a certain German 'leader' in the 1930s had the right idea. He would not have had this nonsense from a foreign power.
Fair play to him more people need to stand up and talk about Islam because it’s a very real threat if it’s just left to these weak people in governments that don’t understand it.
Frightened of losing those voters, terrified that their own involvement may be exposed and absolutely petrified that it might uncover the extent of similar scandals among the church and beyond.
@@pfzhtI disagree. He did point out the unreality of the word "Islamophobia", which to anyone who knows anything about meaning can see it for the imposter or oxymoron it is. To be serious about such a word is disquieting to hear.
Love Lord Pearson. Also stood up for Tommy - fairly and without prejudice. Just listen to the huffing and puffing in that Parliamentary clip. Says it all. POLITICAL CORECTNESS HAS KILLED US ALL.
Well done to that man for asking the question. Why are people like Khan allowed hold office? Why is religion a protected identity and when did it start defining a racial group? There's a problem with UK law.
Possibly because there has been an inquiry already, which took 7 years to investigate some of the issues. Recommendations have not been put into law/enforced however.
Lord Pearson the only politician who invited Tommy Robinson into the palace to listen to what Tommy had to say. There was a backlash that Tommy was allowed to be there. I can’t prove that. I haven’t got a tv license plus this happened some year’s ago while I was watching the Parliament channel when I was legal.
And these craven Labour MPs should not be allowed to enshrine the radical definition of 'Islamophobia' into law. Islam should be up for debate, along with all other religions.
Well at least we have one decent lord in the "House of Lord's", thank you Lord Pearson for speaking out and telling the truth, you're right in every way and these vile perpetrators need locking up or deporting. It's time we rid Islam from all political parties and government departments.
There is one stand out thing in this interview that is the core problem that resulted in the gang coverup. He is being WAY too careful out of FEAR. Say the words.
The Greatest British Scandal is being down played by the PM. Further a serious conflict of Interest exists, since Starmer as previous CPS Head, knows full scale of religious, racial, rape, pedophilia, physical and mental crimes committed by the male Muslims of mostly Pakistani origin gangs and just as culpable (my opinion) the level of cover up in largely Labour run Boroughs amongst the Councillors, Police Chiefs, Social Workers, Religious Leaders (sadly want to know if church kept silent?) and families of the perpetrators. Hence, is he the right person to be driving the debate on the Biggest Scandal in our Times, since he relies on the communities who are complicit in cover up, plus it's his labour councils that have and are still covering this disgusting matter.
These people in the house are more disgusted at the language used to describe the grooming gangs actual then the grooming gangs act it’s self. Doesn’t that show us something of the kind of people involved in running this country?
Oh the shock and horror, at the very mention of Islamaphobia, I don't think there was much response to the majority of the country being called fat right ect.
These things have been a growing threat to Britain for decades. The more the problem of their presence in our country continues to be ignored, the worst the situation gets. They have proven that co-existence is not possible. If we do not deal with this threat now, we will have to spend the rest of the century dealing with this depravity.
I notice the benches in Parliament, behind Farage, were empty when he was giving his speech about this. That’s where the 4 independent Muslim MPs sit - normally! I wonder why they aren’t speaking up? They were quite happy to speak up in favour of blasphemy laws and 1st cousin marriage!
The Director of Public Prosecutions in the UK should never have been permitted to run for PM and most certainly for Labour. I find that combination is very concerning
If the grooming gangs we are talking abot were in the vast majority white of a certain belief system we would not be accused of racism for pointing it out.
Islam has NEVER done anything GOOD for the good of humanity and it NEVER EVER will. All they want to do is destroy everything good in the civilized world. Islam is THE cancer of the world.
Here's a suggestion for TalkTV: An interesting segment might be an interview with one or several of the Muslim leaders in this country to get their take on the behaviour of the gangs, and whether or not the Koran condones this kind of brutal heinous activity, and further, whether they would issue a Fatwah against them.
The Quran and the Hadiths encourage these heinous activities against non-Muslims. Also, no point in speaking to their leaders as again the Quran and Hadiths state that Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims to further Islam and Islamic agendas,
And no one is talking about the generational trauma that follows. If your mother’s boundaries have been shattered then how do you mother the next generation in a healthy way. It’s very hard to do that and requires a lot of support and love to the original victim … and that hasn’t happened .. so imagine the consequences of that now on our culture … three generations down … we have to support our girls and as it turns out boys too … what has happened to the boys of this abuse and their vicarious trauma as they see there loved ones violated, or are violated themselves?
"When you move to a host country you attempt to fit in" Unless your goal is to conquer it. And the whole notion of a "host country" is one that would only exist in the mind of a victim race.
These gangs have been operating since the 1970's. It's not Pakistani men. It is Pakistani men from two particular towns that moved to England when their homes were buried under water by a dam. Those who were in power and may have known Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown et al.
Someone needs to directly ask the representatives of the muslim community exactly what they think about it. If these were Christian rape gangs id be condemning it from the rooftops. Why is the muslim community so quiet on this issue.
Children are fair game throughout history ! UK included but there were no Phones !!! No Proof ! No Accountability ! Have You not noticed how many Well Known Public figures have Escaped Justice ! Nothing known until post mortem of Allegations suddenly appear ! Systemic sick and Silent 😒🕊
People leading the country shouldn’t be afraid of anything. They’re meant to be taking responsibility for us. If they are afraid, they shouldn’t be in the job. If I’m afraid of dogs I don’t go and get a job managing kennels. I let someone more qualified do it.
It hardly takes a genius to work that out.... He shows favour in every way towards them, he let's them pile into the country.. Even after slating tories for not stopping it, muslims literally jumped for joy in France that he was now UK PM they know their favoured
Just imagine if we’d listened to Lord Pearson all those years ago. How many lives would’ve been saved? How many girls have been saved? This gets to the heart of the matter? The fear of the accusation islameophobia is the issue. Islame itself is problematic but active islamism must be rooted out.
Fear of offending Muslims is out of order what about offending us
We’re on a very slippery slope when another culture dictates British politics.
@@Make_America_Native_Again_7 Jog on.
@@Make_America_Native_Again_7Our colonial past fave back much more than it took.
I don't want the UK to turn into the next Lebanon
@@Make_America_Native_Again_7Our colonial past made your country what it is , gave slaves freedom , laws , infrastructure and medicine ., look at your own choices if your not happy with your life and stop crying about centuries old events in an attempt to absolve yourself from responsibility
@@Make_America_Native_Again_7 whine , whine , whine , poor me , would your prefer the ottoman empire ?
Rape Gangs! Stop playing it down by saying grooming gang's!
Well said - my thoughts exactly.
Most of these gangs are white
They always say "underage girls" to mean children as well keep an ear out bet you'll hear it
Racist Muslim child gang rape mafia. There we go I fixed it.
Not allowed I've been told. Not pc.
Labour MPs don't mind insulting the non-Muslims in this country though, do they?
Yes, because it is all about capability to express violence. This is why incessant talk will always fail.
Even they don’t care about victims of grooming.
Starmer wants a cover up at all cost,he is a national disgrace.
Starmer is a traitor to UK. He serves other lords as he said himself. Davos elite
Starmer is a Dictator!
Labour thrives on the Muslim vote so what do you expect you'll get no joy from them
what is he hiding
@@lyndamyles8354 avoiding paying real compensation to millions of victims caused by the authority failures.The post office scandal, denied a public inquiry for decades highlights the problem,has he no shame.
Isn't that what Tommy has been shouting out for years Lord Pearson. Islam is the problem full stop.
@@User677-56 Hoe?
@@User677-56 for your information, board Pearson welcomed Tommy to the house of lords to discuss issues with islam
He has spent a lot of time with Tommy
That guy in the Lords asking the relevant questions is a new hero
that was 7 years ago and still nothing happened
He's not a new hero - he's been speaking out for years.
Cant the English see they won't be an English country in 20 years. What is wrong with people
People only get the news and political information if the algorithm sees they have an interest so unless we preach m information to the people that normally wouldn’t choose to select on social media we have millions of lost votes for parties that care about these issues.
I can now understand why some people have become almost evangelical about what is happening but I think it has got those that do into a lot of trouble. The tide is turning but there are still too many that won’t vote because they don’t understand politics or what they are voting for. We have to become a nation that discusses how our country is run in ordinary conversations so that we can help people raise a standard of awareness.
We (British) working class suffer from malaise. So much of the working class is so preoccupied with simply paying the bills.
With that, you also get working class who are used to living in misery and poverty. They can't save enough to invest in something and they can't escape their situation either. They are trapped. They glean whatever pleasure from life they can, usually in the form of alcohol, drugs and food, gambling, going to watch the match, etc.
They will generally serve any master so long as they can keep their vices. Those kind of people don't really have any strong political opinions.
They're like dead weight in this fight. And personally, I really dislike these kind of British.
They're defeated. And they will drag us down with them.
Of course we can see we won’t be English/British for too much longer. Every time we’ve stood up, we’ve been shouted down as “racists.” Many have been imprisoned. This has been going on for decades. It’s not what’s wrong with the British as a whole. It’s what’s wrong with the corrupt people that are in power.
You might we'll ask. Been sleepwalking into this for years and years.
The British Government is giving these people on us and we have to fund them to stay.
Muslims have been voting labour for years because labour bent over backwards to appease them.
We now have five Islamist mps in parliament,all ex labour seats.
Blackburn was a safe labour seat for decades,Barbara Castle,JackStaw were two mps,now it has an Islamic mp.
Can labour,and other party’s not see that they will remove the British mps when their numbers have increased to where indigenous British people have been reduced to the ethnic minority.
There are non so blind as those who will not see.
We are virtually playing out Lebanon 2.0.
That's exactly what their plan is.
Replace all the Labour MPs with their own. That way, over time, they will be the majority, and that's when this country becomes an Islamic state. Muslims predominantly vote for the left parties, because as the left have proved they are stupid and easy to manipulate.
Islam is about dominance, their way or the highway,it is a ☪️ancer and it's spreading.
There shouldn't be allowed to be in parliament not should they be allowed to vote I wouldn't be allowed in their country this is England only British should be allowed to vote
They regard labour as useful fools
@marksmith9218 Yes. Useful kuffars. Just like the "LGBTQ for palestine" shenanigans. It's simply astounding, the sheer ignorance these people display.
They have absolutely no idea what they're getting into. They are lead by their youth, discontent with the way things are (you can understand them on that front - it must be awful to be an adolescent and young adult having grown up in the 00's) ego and narcissism and it'll be the end of them - and us.
I just hope that with the rise of Trump, the removal of Trudeau, Europe leaning more and more to the right and Javier Milei resurrecting Argentina miraculously (300% inflation down to 20% in a year) by axing all the wokeness and hangers-on from government, that we follow suit and wake up from the insanity.
Get a government in that doesn't only work for the richest in society by living off the perpetual misery of the working class by keeping wages rock bottom with migration. A government that works only for the people and not for its own nefarious attempts at seeking global reaching power by offering up the country and us with it to the WEF and WHO.
Things are changing. The powers that be have shown their hand during and after the pandemic. People are waking up, looking up to see the cage door they're trying to slam shut on us.
There's no such thing as moderate muslims!
Ok bigot
Exactly. Snakes and grass.
I don't understand why they keep saying there are different versions of Islam. It's nonsense.
Get in the real world. RUclips will make you think this.
No Ur room tht a disgusting vile smelly race
Lord Pearson spoke 100% truth and common-sense.
In a Liberal democracy nothing is supposed to be off-limits for discussion.
In theory. Democracy is obviously a terrible idea and so is liberalism.
Islam he’s no place in British politics on any level how long before the house is made up of all Muslim MPS
Cry more racist. There is no ban on any religion in UK politics
10 years maximum
Has no place on earth
The judiciary is almost there .
Towns Bradford Rotherham Oldham incl. 50 others are Muslim ONLY zones. Ghettoes encouraged by successive UK Govts. thru legal visas to families on Human Rights. Families include 1000s+ members who use them as "Get Rich Quick" by selling Western Passports for huge sums of Money to cousins. Forced to live in neighbourhoods controlled by fear blackmailed with deportation. Surely responsibility of their Govts. not Christian West.
So well said that man in parliament. Thank you, Lord Pearson.
Remember the Labour party are more concerned about the Muslim voters.👎
Stuff labour wet wimps , the safety of our children comes first , if the Muslims don't like it go home we didn't ask all of you too come here, don't like the truth , go home , our children should come first before , offending a few Muslims , Bobbyg
What is the percentage of non muslim voters in Britain? Should far exceed the percentage of muslim voters.
That's how they got in khan's scums
How does an aggressive foreign religion and culture manage to have so much power and our govt running scared when they’re apparently’ a small minority’ ?
Good question ❓ If you can call it a religion 🤣
Labour voters, for the time being.
@mogznwaz. Because what you call 'our government' is ridden with (both Lab & Tory) an upper class British society that sacrifices their native peasantry at the alter of their greed to be in power by appeasing the minority vote. And hence, they will look the other way and also make sure that the police, social care & councillors shove the cases under the carpet!
Islam is not a religion. It's a cult.
Money and fear.
Islam needs calling out, lets look clearly, in broad daylight
Amen 🙏
Islam is THE cancer of the world
Satan blinds the minds of people to protect his own.
Been to many Muslim countries and enjoyed a beer which they brew. This issue is only a Pakistani one don't tar all Muslims with the same brush. Look at Turkey for example. Good beer women not forced to cover their hair faces etc. it's a Pakistani and probably Bangladeshi issue in the UK. They know we have soft government and they take advantage of it. Time to stand up to them.
@@SueCarr-q8n Go and watch an honest conversation about Islam.
Good man, Lord Malcom Pearson. The more voices telling the truth the better.
Get them jailed then deported they have no reason not to .
Theyre not religious they use religion as a get out of jail free card.
Defo just lets them
Get away with everything
It's a medieval satanic death cult....
maybe people who get offended by child rapers getting punished, should not be allowed to vote.
Let's start talking about Anglophobia instead
Too right, native law abiding english are getting the blunt end of things right now. Feel like areas of our life are being persecuted right now.
Correct! And some of the worst offenders are in the Labour Party.
What the hell dies that mean ur ok with thousands of young girls bring raped by several men at the same time??? Over and over for years and years and politicians judges and sick cops turning their heads, cowards and evil people only do that
Leukophobia....fear of WHITE
They shouldn't be allowed to vote 👍
@@mrday8005 I agree 💯
I agree with you. But they own your country now. They’re actually in charge.
Especially if they are not registered citizens and are illegal immigrants.
Agree 100%
Yeah why are they saying ‘sorry this not appropriate’ in the background? Despicable people in our government. No to islamaphobia law!!!!
Lord Pearson was spot on.
He always has been.
To hell with what they think. Don’t bow down to horrible bullies. This is Great Britain our country
This phobia is displayed more by these lie-bore politicians than by the rest of us. We are not afraid of what we don't know but fearful of what we do know.
but is it really? at this moment in time if feels anything but our country the establishment are anti- white and there's no one to complain to because only white people are racist, you know! we don't get a race relation board there isn't one for us whitey's,. They only want our taxes for their wages & expense accounts, to give away to foreigners or foreign countries. They've been sc***ing us and lying to us for decades. This is not the Country I grew up in or was proud of, it feels more like the biblical tale of Sodom & Gomorrah.
Well done Lord Pearson for speaking about this!
We need to stop this now!
It should never be covered up again!
We need a public inquiry asap!
Can Lord Pearson be in the Public Inquiry along with Maggie Oliver!
The protection of children must be paramount always!
Shouldn’t be voting Brits only
Lord Rannoch spot on
Lord Pearson 😊
I'm enjoying hearing the voices of older conservative British men and women, who bring wisdom and speak with a measured elegance.
These men and women have been regarded for too long by the media as fuddy-duddies - but they are intelligent, well-educated and thoughtful.
The sneering is disgraceful, disgusting and evil. Just as bad as the gangs. They must agree with it to defend the behaviour.
Shows whose side they are on.
3 monkeys come to mind its disgusting
Whoever voted for them is cut from the same cloth.
There's no excuse it's abhorrent
If it's religion then why isn't our church saying something?
Because a secularised religion has no power. For Islam, religion is state policy. We need to set up a stronger state. That's where a certain German 'leader' in the 1930s had the right idea. He would not have had this nonsense from a foreign power.
Church cant say anything given its complicity
The leftists have taken over the CoE as well, hence Welby.
Led by Welby until recently. If they have a clue they will elect someone with more backbone
The groans of all his "virtuous" colleagues when he asked the question perfectly illustrates how we found ourselves in this situation.
Fair play to him more people need to stand up and talk about Islam because it’s a very real threat if it’s just left to these weak people in governments that don’t understand it.
Saudi UAE Dubai call criminals and terrorist as "Islamism" and blame the West for being soft by allowing uncontrolled migration.
@XxSherylxX They understand but choose to appease.
Frightened of losing those voters, terrified that their own involvement may be exposed and absolutely petrified that it might uncover the extent of similar scandals among the church and beyond.
Well said Lord Pearson
Not really. He cowardly danced around reality.
@@pfzhtI disagree. He did point out the unreality of the word "Islamophobia", which to anyone who knows anything about meaning can see it for the imposter or oxymoron it is. To be serious about such a word is disquieting to hear.
Marrying at 6 year old wasn't normal back then!!
pure cowards , in it for the job and the gifts , no backbones and will sell out their mothers for 2 seconds of fame never mind countrymen
Not afraid to offend the British public it seems ??? Perhaps there should be a donation enquiry as well 😮
Love Lord Pearson. Also stood up for Tommy - fairly and without prejudice. Just listen to the huffing and puffing in that Parliamentary clip. Says it all. POLITICAL CORECTNESS HAS KILLED US ALL.
Well done to that man for asking the question. Why are people like Khan allowed hold office? Why is religion a protected identity and when did it start defining a racial group? There's a problem with UK law.
Muslims Out
@@User677-56 because their values, through their religion are totally opposed to ours and they bring nothing but division and strife to our country
Agree they are nothing but trouble
Simply because they will protest in force when it comes to hamas but won't come out in force to denounce rape gangs. 🤦🤷
@@User677-56Why do you think
Whatever happens and if starmer is guilty of something, then it will come out in the end.
He's a dedicated follower of fashion!!
About someone with a back bone to tell the Muslims you live in England and you live by British law.
The lord is 100% correct, WAKE UP PEOPLE
I can't understand the mindset of these people who are quite happily selling us out for their 20 pieces of silver.
Just think of how many more are out there that have yet to be caught 😥😥😥😥
It’s great now that people in parliament are calling a spade a SPADE and not fannying around
Why on earth did Corbyn vote against a national Inquiry?
a rank islamo-commy utter cowardly loony left turd thats why...that coward has been up the a..e off any terrorists that hate the UK for years
The religion of peace is a necessary ally of his.
Also, he doesn't care about people.
Because he's for this. All of your suffering comes from the people you have allowed power.
Possibly because there has been an inquiry already, which took 7 years to investigate some of the issues. Recommendations have not been put into law/enforced however.
Why do you think. He is morally bankrupt.
Lord Pearson the only politician who invited Tommy Robinson into the palace to listen to what Tommy had to say. There was a backlash that Tommy was allowed to be there. I can’t prove that. I haven’t got a tv license plus this happened some year’s ago while I was watching the Parliament channel when I was legal.
Thanks for the info! The Lord has some integrity doing that. He seems to be very insightful to me.
They're certainly frightened of something .....
And these craven Labour MPs should not be allowed to enshrine the radical definition of 'Islamophobia' into law. Islam should be up for debate, along with all other religions.
They are the phobic ones, not us.
Imagine putting votes ahead of children?
A minister, Jess Phillips, has to look over her shoulder at the extremists in her own constituency. She is complicit with those men.
Its not about religion or politics but about the victims and criminals
It’s time to stop
This BS Islam culture rules and laws this is Great Britain a Christian country.
Well at least we have one decent lord in the "House of Lord's", thank you Lord Pearson for speaking out and telling the truth, you're right in every way and these vile perpetrators need locking up or deporting. It's time we rid Islam from all political parties and government departments.
As Ricky Gervais said "If somebody get offended dos not mean they have to be right" Clever man.
Evil ways,,
❤ agree we must have open debate without fear of being branded Islamophobic.or mislabelled be many racist.
get muslims out
unless islam can change.
.....their call
Forget it. Get Muslims out full stop. Close theMosques, now!
There is one stand out thing in this interview that is the core problem that resulted in the gang coverup.
He is being WAY too careful out of FEAR. Say the words.
Great man Lord Pearson speaks a lot of sense
The Greatest British Scandal is being down played by the PM. Further a serious conflict of Interest exists, since Starmer as previous CPS Head, knows full scale of religious, racial, rape, pedophilia, physical and mental crimes committed by the male Muslims of mostly Pakistani origin gangs and just as culpable (my opinion) the level of cover up in largely Labour run Boroughs amongst the Councillors, Police Chiefs, Social Workers, Religious Leaders (sadly want to know if church kept silent?) and families of the perpetrators. Hence, is he the right person to be driving the debate on the Biggest Scandal in our Times, since he relies on the communities who are complicit in cover up, plus it's his labour councils that have and are still covering this disgusting matter.
Which one the kiddy filder priest's or the rape gangs take your pick.
Has the wider Muslim community denounced the crimes?
These people in the house are more disgusted at the language used to describe the grooming gangs actual then the grooming gangs act it’s self.
Doesn’t that show us something of the kind of people involved in running this country?
Oh the shock and horror, at the very mention of Islamaphobia, I don't think there was much response to the majority of the country being called fat right ect.
Made up word nu such thing . Nonsense
Islamists can do no wrong for fear of racism calls. The law of the land should be clear and upheld without prejudice.
These things have been a growing threat to Britain for decades. The more the problem of their presence in our country continues to be ignored, the worst the situation gets.
They have proven that co-existence is not possible. If we do not deal with this threat now, we will have to spend the rest of the century dealing with this depravity.
These people are brainwashed to act offended when someone questions a book none of them have ever read. Absolute state of ingurland.
Thats excactly what its about starmers votes
"Fairly normal in those days"
Unacceptable in any era 🤦
Action is needed not talking.
Where is ALL these so,called LEADERS calling them out!!!!!!!
If that's the case, they're cowards. This needs to be completely stopped.
I notice the benches in Parliament, behind Farage, were empty when he was giving his speech about this. That’s where the 4 independent Muslim MPs sit - normally! I wonder why they aren’t speaking up? They were quite happy to speak up in favour of blasphemy laws and 1st cousin marriage!
The Director of Public Prosecutions in the UK should never have been permitted to run for PM and most certainly for Labour. I find that combination is very concerning
If both sides are calling it out, which they should, who would they punish politically for calling it out?
Lord Pearson is an example of what our House of Lords should be. He is exemplary and very brave regarding his odious fellow piers !
If the grooming gangs we are talking abot were in the vast majority white of a certain belief system we would not be accused of racism for pointing it out.
So, they're afraid of losing the Muslim vote but not afraid of losing the pensioner vote?????
There’s more muslins in the country than white British pens😢
They shouldn't have a vote.
Show me a western civilization that has been enhanced by Islam, just one, one, just the one, please, do that, show us all, educate us!
Islam has NEVER done anything GOOD for the good of humanity and it NEVER EVER will. All they want to do is destroy everything good in the civilized world. Islam is THE cancer of the world.
How can we, it doesn't exist. We are all dragged into the sewers and dark ages by the proliferation of this disgusting cult.
Western civilization is rejecting Christianity currency. Cry more
Not one.
None, no one wants it. It's more of a cult.
Just wait till this can of worms opens.
Here's a suggestion for TalkTV: An interesting segment might be an interview with one or several of the Muslim leaders in this country to get their take on the behaviour of the gangs, and whether or not the Koran condones this kind of brutal heinous activity, and further, whether they would issue a Fatwah against them.
The Quran and the Hadiths encourage these heinous activities against non-Muslims. Also, no point in speaking to their leaders as again the Quran and Hadiths state that Muslims are allowed to deceive non-Muslims to further Islam and Islamic agendas,
All you would get out of such an interview is islamic Taqiyya
This started in the 70's. The indeginous population has been called racist since that time.
When you move to a host country you attempt to fit in. 😊
And no one is talking about the generational trauma that follows. If your mother’s boundaries have been shattered then how do you mother the next generation in a healthy way. It’s very hard to do that and requires a lot of support and love to the original victim … and that hasn’t happened .. so imagine the consequences of that now on our culture … three generations down … we have to support our girls and as it turns out boys too … what has happened to the boys of this abuse and their vicarious trauma as they see there loved ones violated, or are violated themselves?
It started in 1961 that was the first record case
"When you move to a host country you attempt to fit in"
Unless your goal is to conquer it. And the whole notion of a "host country" is one that would only exist in the mind of a victim race.
I guess it’s the Labour peers saying “appalling”
These gangs have been operating since the 1970's. It's not Pakistani men. It is Pakistani men from two particular towns that moved to England when their homes were buried under water by a dam. Those who were in power and may have known Edward Heath, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown et al.
Cant be upsetting Starmers core voters, thank god Reform will hopefully get in and sort this out!!!!
I'm sure someone else has been bringing this up for a couple of decades!
Fear of offending Muslim vote. They're voting for their own people now.
Someone needs to directly ask the representatives of the muslim community exactly what they think about it. If these were Christian rape gangs id be condemning it from the rooftops. Why is the muslim community so quiet on this issue.
Spot on this gentleman...
Child abuse has been going on for decades and decades. He’s knows this but chooses otherwise. Save it
What the hell are you saying? I'm assuming English is not your first language.
Children are fair game throughout history ! UK included but there were no Phones !!! No Proof ! No Accountability ! Have You not noticed how many Well Known Public figures have Escaped Justice ! Nothing known until post mortem of Allegations suddenly appear ! Systemic sick and Silent 😒🕊
A spineless leader
People leading the country shouldn’t be afraid of anything. They’re meant to be taking responsibility for us. If they are afraid, they shouldn’t be in the job.
If I’m afraid of dogs I don’t go and get a job managing kennels. I let someone more qualified do it.
Lord Pearson is awesome. If all of the Lords and MPs actually read the Qu'ran, they'd be horrified.
It hardly takes a genius to work that out....
He shows favour in every way towards them, he let's them pile into the country..
Even after slating tories for not stopping it, muslims literally jumped for joy in France that he was now UK PM they know their favoured
Just imagine if we’d listened to Lord Pearson all those years ago. How many lives would’ve been saved? How many girls have been saved? This gets to the heart of the matter? The fear of the accusation islameophobia is the issue. Islame itself is problematic but active islamism must be rooted out.