So, we are told that one political party is no more superior than any other. Would that include the Nazi Party? Thought not. The question is, what does a political party stand for? As Tim Milosch suggests, a political party's beliefs are contained in its "Party Platform." The Party Platform is an evolving document, generally crafted by each major party every four years. The Party Platform, as Tim alludes to later on, is what a voter is basing his or her vote upon. If I vote Democrat, it means I am in enough agreement with the Party Platform to lend my support to it. Sadly, most people do not have a clue as to what is in their party's platform. For example, most Germans said they voted for Hitler without reading "Mein Kampf" or truly understanding what the Party stood for. Morally and, as Nuremberg would prove, legally, this is no excuse. So let's examine a few key points from the Democrat Party Platform. In 2020, the Democrat Party has made its position on terminating pregnancies crystal clear: abortion on demand, even after birth. Pregnant children should be allowed to get abortions without parental notification. Need we even go further? Milosch begins his defense of the current incarnation of the Democrat Party with the heartfelt words of a Hollywood actor "demanding that we fight for our most vulnerable persons." Who is more vulnerable than a pre-born child? Last time I checked Biola billed itself as a Christian school, so I shouldn't have to defend the complete humanity of a child in the womb, but perhaps times are changing. King David reminds us that God knew us before we were formed in the womb. John the Baptist, in his mother's stomach, recognized Jesus, in His mother's stomach. Sorry, but the Democrat Party of 1960--the Party of the Kennedys--did not support this radical position. Today's Democrat Party enshrines the right to infanticide and, until that Party Plank is removed, no Christian can support it. But there is more. As Christians, we are compelled to love all His children, including those of the LGBT+ communities. This does not mean to indulge them in their biblically incorrect thinking. And yet the Democrat Platform of 2020, on multiple pages, elevates the morality of the LGBT+ lifestyle as equal to any other, to the point that pointing out its difficulties is considered an affront and a crime. The Platform specifically denies that there are two genders or that marriage is only between one man and one woman. These statements violate the Word of God as well as those of his non-binary Son. Again, if you are not a Christian, no problem. But Milosch is arguing that Christians can vote Democrat. People often use the expression "I will hold my nose over the fetid parts and vote." Applying this precept to the current Democrat Party will result in suffocation.
I couldnt have said it better myself. What most people are not willing to say is that the Marxist block within the democratic party is very powerful and well funded. Which means whatever they give as free government entitlements these days come at a very steep price. Free healthcare, education and food are not really free. They give you these things in exchange for the slaughter of millions of innocent unborn children, the mutilation of the already born and the enslavement of future generations. The republican party is not perfect either but at least they are not openly advocating for some of the insanity.
You can't really divide politics and christianity... unfortunately , even if you think Democrats are really trying to help the poorest people... the fact that they push abortion... you still have to love them but you still have to believe that killing babies in the womb is wrong. Especially now that they are now pushing for abortion right up to the delivery date... and even after delivering a botched abortion... they are not required to care for the infant but instead stick it on a table in another room and let it die .... also many in tje Democratic Party push Sodomy... Like I said.. It is not my job to judge.. and it is my job to love and pray for the misguided people... but common sense would dictate to a Christian to not want to belong to a party that does supports that...along with rioting burning and looting..... Are there some Republicans that support abortion? Of course... but it's not on the Party's platform...
@@jerryf3375 didn’t the party of the right also looted and burn the capitol building? Also don’t they still carry around the confederate flag which not to mention, use to enslave people and not love others like they’re own. Matthew 22. Your ideology is legalistic and double standard and God spoke profoundly on that. I would rather apply things for myself from both parties and I don’t need some pastor or church member to tell me who to vote for.
Religion and Christianity are two different things. The Christian should always vote according to his/her convictions. Yes, I understand your comment. True to an extent. Example: in muslim countries, the religious leaders make the laws and enforce them.
I haven't watched the whole thing yet but did anyone mention the Ten Commandments? 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt 7 KJV
I'm a little confused. Didn't also God say that a rich man has more chance of passing through the eye of a needle than entering heaven. Also, what you do for the least of these you do for me? In addition, if you have two coats give your brother one. Last, does Jesus ever claim for us to force Christianity on our brethren? If so then what denomination do we follow? You can be moral without hurting others personal beliefs.
These people in the comments are changing the gospel for their political desires. Both parties have sin in them so God will not condemn us for voting one party or the other. If He did that would mean he does not allow for a degree of freedom of conscience, which He does TO AN EXTENT, as long as we do not disobey the Bible. Both parties have things that Christians can appreciate and that Christians can despise. Stop being so narrow-minded and thinking that your party is perfect or an essential part of salvation. It's not. I respect Republican Christians and see them as fellow brothers in Christ though I disagree with them but if you start saying that you HAVE to be Republican to be Christian, then I will most certainly discard your theology. Don't add requirements to the gospel that God didn't create. This is very dangerous. God wants us to look to heaven not to earth. Our mission is not to change the law of the land, instead we are supposed to give the message of the Gospel to the people of the world. Sitting here fighting about politics is not gonna do anything about it!
@@brandonsmith3234 The Republicans want to save the Catholic Church teachings not God's teachings so nice try. Both political parties are evil and don't represent the people
I don’t like the conversations on this topic, the comment section has too many people judging each other, blaming each other, and disrespecting each other. I don’t believe that is the way Christ would have wanted it. But I believe it was the creator of the videos intention. So that said, I hope you all have a fantastic day and bless you.
It’s simple anyone who names the name of Christ must depart from iniquity. Murder of the unborn is iniquity. Hence you can vote for almost no democrat, hence anyone doing so is sinning and should repent. And the Bible tells us to make righteous judgments, and lastly if you look at your comment you yourself are judging according to you own standards. You have to be careful
I’m progressive and supported Bernie since 2015& strongly opposed GOP BECAUSE OF Christ. Jesus commanded and showed love and empathy. He healed the sick and fed the hungry involved in those who are the religious beliefs deemed heretical. It blew my mind how so many Christians read of the love that Jesus showed and commanded and still choose to oppose loving their neighbour and instead to intentionally push hatred, discrimination, violence, illness and death. That contrast between Christ &the church is pushing people away from Christianity😕. People see that quite frankly non-Christians care more about the teachings and example of Christ than Christians do. As a result people think “why should I take seriously something that you preach at me, when you yourself don’t even take it seriously?“ The fact that Christians care more about pushing their movement of hatred instead of the love of Christ seems to be seeing more and more throughout society “ there’s no hatred quite like Christian love” “ I like your Christ, I don’t like your Christians Christians are so unlike your Christ“. it just seems like greed and apathy have become more important to the church than Christ is.
@Daniel Moreno my point exactly! She’s not a democrat, yet you say she joined the party that rejected the truth and embraced lies and conspiracies, she’s NOT a democrat!!
@@timmiestabrnak listen, you have a good mindset okay, helping people is awesome and we know Jesus did this, nothing to say agaisnt it, HOWEVER, it is helping and giving based on your choice, not being forced to give to the government, secondly you can only give if you have something that they don’t, or else it woulden’t really be giving to the needy. So while giving is great it has to be out of the goodness of your heart not out of force
And so now you follow and worship donald trump, that lying demon straight from hell. GOD said to love your neighbor as yourself. Trump says everyone is the enemy. He's hateful, and a liar, just like satan his father. He's followers practice idolatry. They idolize and worship trump. They were his name all over their clothing and body, their patriotism is their religion. GOD is the GOD of all mankind, every race, creed, tongue, nation. Not just white america. All who love GOD and know Jesus as their Savior are saved. No matter their race or country. Even the places trump called shitholes. GOD will not share his worship with trump or anyone else. That egotistical narcissist is going to fall and fall hard. Pride comes before the fall. Trump is smart at being evil, but very stupid and ignorant in academics.
I'm a republican and I DON'T need a government to tell me that abortion is wrong. I don't. My daughter has been raised to know that abortion is wrong so if there is a democratic government I don't care what their stance is on abortion. Education on this topic should start and end in the home...not at capital hill. What I would like the republican party to do a better job of is be Pro-Life at ALL stages of life. Not just be pro-life before birth, but after also.
Reading the hate some of you self labeled "Christians" are spewing here makes me sad. Christ's words were never about hate but of love. Republicans are not automatically the party of God and Democrats are not automatically the vile sinners some of you prop them up to be.
@@GGSBTBOFTL Have 2 adopted cousins, had a very god friend who was adopted, Knew a very nice lady next door to the home where I was babysat back in the 70's who fostered children. The children are wanted and are loved, stop supporting their murder
@@GGSBTBOFTL I do get to speak out for the lives of others, it was the choice of the Nazis to send innocents to the camps, people like you supported it or sat back and said nothing
I just don’t understand why people feel that they can impose their beliefs on people thru votes that don’t believe what they believe …. God always and will forever give us a choice and judges us on an individual basis .. it’s weird to me that a Christian feels they are doing the Christian thing by restricting someone else’s decision that doesn’t even effect them ..
Alex you should fire whom ever told you that neither political party is right or wrong!!!! If you can be a christian and vote democrat, strictly on there baal worship (Abortion-genocide) practices. If you believe that a person who seeks The face of the Lord in His word, could even think of voting democrat strictly on abortion platform, I'd say your wrong. An it should be common sense, why do you want to snare people with that kind of bs.
@@Alex-eb6je exactly!!! Like how can you call out the sins that take place with democrats but blatantly ignore the sins that take place within the Republican Party.
Dear Republicans God is going to turn your guns into plowshares. Dear Republicans, Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, yet you keep silent when police use excessive force and murder people of color. You don't want abortion, but once the children are born you vote against programs that help poor families. You demonize everyone who doesn't look like you. Matthew 25:41-46. You would reject Jesus himself if He stood before you. You would not recognize Him and you would accuse Him of sin. GOD is not Republican nor is He a Democrat. Each party is guilty of abhorrent policies, that displease the LORD. The self righteousness of Republicans calling themselves the party of GOD. Proverbs 8:13, 11:2, 16:5.
But you do need to actively participate in local, general elections and the entire political process from your community level all the way to the presidential level if you hope to effect change in YOUR country that will bring it closer to God or to promote a Godly Agenda.
@@PainlessTrader-h1u Republikkkans are for the rich elite and poor white racists. They only give lip service to christianity to fool the ignorant poor racist whites. The DemoNcrats are much more humane. Both parties MUST be influenced much more by genuine Christians to make the USA a more humane,just and Christian society. Both parties are demonic without genuine CHRISTIAN participation. I am anti Abortion. I am a Christian. And I can plainly see that the DemoNcrat party is much more humane and just than the Republikkkan party. As Many lives are being lost through the selfishness and ignoring of the poor and homeless as are being lost through abortion. A paedophile WILL have a child and then abuse that child until that Same child becomes a drug addict and kills themselves. What we do with each other and how we save those in need is as important as protecting the unborn. I would vote DemoNcrats every time because outside of the abortion issue they are simply more compassionate and humane and more compassionate and humane, in my humble eyes is simply more godly. They are simply the lesser of two evils. The US desperately needs a third option If you are Republikkkan and you can't see the evil and selfishness and corruption in the republikkkan party then I don't want to talk to you. If you are a Democrat and you can't see the evil and corruption in the DemoNcrats then I don't want to talk to you either. pfffftt!
Debates do tend to force one to argue for both sides. This is one chapel video of two that gave argument for why “someone” may want to vote for the specific party. My point is to argue against this video as wrong and immoral to advocate for the Democratic Party as it is currently. This video argues that a Christian may want to vote for the Democrat Party because of Social Justice. I would argue that “social justice” is socialism/communism using the legal word of justice, but it is manipulation. It is a lie. Social justice is in fact injustice. It is immoral to argue that a Christian should be drawn to the Democratic Party due to “social justice” without honestly disclosing that social justice is another form of socialism or communism. These are evil ideologies that has killed millions and these evil ideologies are being used again to create further destruction to humanity. Any person confessing to be a Christian should be motivated to run from the Democrat Party because of “social justice” rather than to be drawn to it.
Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. Socialism in action.
Social Justice is not remotely Socialism in the way that you (& Glen Beck) purport it to be. Socialism is defined as economic or political theories that advocate collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. No one is asking for that. What they are asking for on the Democratic side of the aisle is for us to treat our brothers and sisters justly in the social construct, ie: seeking to strengthen the identity of the individual because it sees that human dignity derives its meaning from being made in God’s image (Gen. 1:26). In God’s image, no one is worth more than another. All are deserving of life and whatever is needed to adequately sustain it. If we begin to deny our brothers and sisters the very right to live a full life, one with hope and dignity and equity, then we are not living a Biblical lifestyle. When we vote to provide care for our brothers and sisters then we are walking justly and proving ourselves loving in the sense that we are showing that we “love our brothers as we love ourselves”. Matt 7:12 or as Christ has loved us. John 13:34 & John 15:12. As to abortion. Though the one platform will tell you they are pro-life, these are just talking points used in order to garner votes. Neither party is fully pro-life or pro-choice.
@@clairebeane3455 that did take place at one point, yet, 1. It was a free will giving and not Communism as you implied, 2. we do not see it continued, and 3. what is more the fact of private property was retained, Acts 5:4 (ESV): While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? The Bible advocates for personal responsibility and providing for one’s own needs and their immediate and extended family, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 (ESV): For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. 1 Timothy 5:8 (ESV): But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Utopian Marxism was not Christian, and still is not Christian. I am appalled that a “Christian” college would promote this argument without acknowledging the origins of the ideology.
That is an extreme over reach of scripture. Neither Republican or Democrat are better than the other. They both talk about things that are against the Word of God.
@@thabiti03 name OOOOOONE thing republicans stand for that is against God. And im talking about republicans like Candace Ownes, Brandon Tatum, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, etc. Im talking about policies, not the rhinos in washington.
Im a Christian but don't stand with qny party jesus wasn't a Democrat or Republican I wil also say no Human being has right to tell me how I should or should vote as a Christian. They way we vote doesn't guarantee us a place in heaven.
So basically voting democrat is not encouraged although there are Christians who still vote democrats. My position is that from a worldview standpoint Christians should not vote for democrats. Whatever free programs they promote in their platform come at a steep moral price
Abortion is wrong but so is our obsession with abortion laws. Our only focus should be bringing women and men to Jesus. Rather than pushing people away from God. Non Christians do not have the Holy Spirit convicting them. Once they truly know Jesus they will not need an abortion regardless of what the abortion laws are.
Where did Jesus ever say, "Your government will supply all your needs?" SCRIPTURE SAYS, 19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 King James Version
Yes but does that mean it's EVIL for governments to help people in their time of need? A lot of people fall into bad circumstances out of no fault of their own. Jesus told us to help the less fortunate. Supporting welfare is certainly one way to do so.
@@Alex-eb6je The answer isn't that simple is it. Jesus and His disciples never depended on government, they relied on the people. According to my understanding and I don't know a lot about this, our government is doing a lot more than than it was ever intended to do. Just suppose an evil government deliberately created a situation to make one dependent so they have control over ones life?
@@Alex-eb6je People are in need of a hero to stop this inflation. We have an idiot in office. If the democrats stay in office, poor people will keep getting poorer.
The question isn't just about abortion - it is also about the LAW Roe vs Wade (and what having laws against abortion will or will not accomplish). David Frum, a conservative commentator, writes: "If you’re serious about reducing abortion, the most important issue is .... how will you support women to have the babies they want. As a general rule, societies that do the most to support mothers and child-bearing have the fewest abortions. Societies that do the least to support mothers and child-bearing have more abortions. Germany, for example, operates perhaps the world’s plushest welfare state. Working women receive 14 weeks of maternity leave, during which time they receive pay from the state. The state pays a child allowance to the parents of every German child for potentially as many as 25 years, depending on how long the child remains in school. Women who leave the workforce after giving birth receive a replacement wage from the state for up to 14 months. Maybe not coincidentally, Germany has one of the lowest abortion rates, about one-third that of the United States. Yet German abortion laws are not especially restrictive." If conservatives were genuinely interested in lowering the abortion rate, they would support efforts for government to enact Family Leave legislation and Birth to Three initiatives (for quality childcare) instead of laws that focused on punishment. They’d support the ACA and work to improve it. Joe Biden’s policies are PRO-LIFE (just not in the narrow way that conservative pundits have defined it for their own political purposes). His CARE ECONOMY is a game changer.
In Romania, from 1965 to 1989, the state implemented a pronatalist policy that outlawed all forms of contraception and banned abortion. *Enforcement of these policies was carried out by mandatory monthly gynecologic exams, and special state agents were stationed in health settings* How and where do we draw the line and enforce policies? When people talk about reproductive rights, this is what they are talking about. We must find ways to show care for mothers and children without creating a police state.
Helping others how? Help pedophiles have their way? Help the government raise taxes? Help the cartels in the US-Mexico border? Help progressive women kill their child in their womb? Yeah.. thanks I’m gonna pass on that and vote republican!
@Daniel Moreno you got any proof of that? I’m so sick and tired and of y’all calling him a pedophile just because there are allegations about him rapping women! Joe fucking Biden literally sniffed kids and held their arms so that they wouldn’t go away on multiple occasions but hey, he’s sane!! And you wonder why I’m not a democrat? Y’all are sick! 🤮
Commandments D_n_ld Tr_mp is breaking. 1. Thou shall not steal. 2.Thou shall not commit adultery. 3. Thou shall not bear false witness. 4. Thou shall not covet thy neighbour wife, field, ox or anything that is thy neighbours. He is possibly breaking 5. Keeping the (Sabbath) day of rest during a one week period, 6. Worshiping the only True G_d, and 7. Saying G_ds name in vain. I will pray for you and your country.
Is he breaking those or did he in the past? Are democrat "Christians" also breaking those + supporting genocide of the unborn? Why is the left in bed with the 2 deadliest ideologies in human history - islam & socialism, while cracking down on Christians & Jews like with blaming the spread of COVID on Christian & Jewish gatherings while completely ignoring other gatherings? If the democrats actually cared about the poor & working classes, then why are they supporting & encouraging their mobs to loot, riot & destroy the homes & businesses of the working classes while the democrat mayors, city councils & police forces do nothing to stop the mob UNLESS they target a mayor's house? And where are the democrats who supposedly care about stopping the COVID pandemic when democrat governors Cuomo & Wheeler implemented genocidal policies of cramming COVID patients into nursing homes - making up 34% of their states' COVID deaths? Why are they blaming Trump for the spread of COVID when the leftist media & politicians did absolutely NOTHING to warn the public after COVID was ravaging China & Iran for 2 months? If WHO & CDC sat on their useless bums for 2 months instead of doing anything useful, then why blame Trump - despite him being one of the first world leaders who raised the alarm about COVID? When Trump wanted to implement a temporary travel ban to/from China, Pelosi trotted down to Chinatown to ramble on about racism - in a crowd & with no mask. The democrat "poly ticks" don't care about public safety & their treatment of COVID in public has been a complete farce as they fiddle with their masks - if they even wear them at all, pull their masks down to cough, etc. And if the left cares so much about COVID treatments & cures, why were they ridiculing Trump for proposing the very same methods that have been going around the leading research circles & why were they only trotting one or 2 puppets out to reinforce their narratives instead of getting POVs of researchers on many sides of the issue? The left doesn't give a damn about public safety, only totalitarian control of the entire country & the world. The democrat party is demonic & has been BLMing (burning, looting & murdering) for MONTHS while the rest of the democrat public sat on their asses doing absolutely nothing useful & blaming Trump for all the problems that they've created & supported! While Trump clearly isn't perfect, he's not the one selling out this country to foreign business interests like the left's been doing for decades & the RINOs are no better. Remember that NONE of the old Jewish leaders were perfect either, but God supported & rewarded them when they did good & punished them when they did evil - as He did with the entire nation. The entire nation here is being punished for turning away from God, just like most of the rest of the world currently as well. Israel only exists today because of God, not the Jewish people who turned their backs on him en masse in order to embrace the socialist ideology - which God used to punish His own & other people, as it seeks to have total control of peoples' lives via the State, God used that State to bring about total destruction of peoples' lives - showing the entire world that one more man-made system is demonically flawed. But He also spared a remnant, as He has done in the past when His people have sinned in order to restart the Nation from scratch. God doesn't play around & has withdrawn His hand of protection from nations that reject Him & raises His other hand to strike them down when/if they refuse to repent & turn back to God.
Is trump not supposed to sin or never have sinned? Are you voting for a man that will defend the christian faith or are you looking for some sort of new "pure" Messiah??? Trump has shown support for christian ideals and defended christians against persecution
Honey, he's not Jesus & I have never ever heard him claim to be Jesus. If you were a multimillionaire, I would think that you would have a lot of opportunity to sin....and you would do it. See how that works? I don't know you but should I be saying that you would do something? I suggest you hold onto that stone while you live in your glass house.....we all should.
Every second is a chance to sin.. one being a millionaire does not make them more sinful than a poor man... A man can be poor and lie with every statement and there can be honest rich men that don't lie... Having money is not a sin, it's the love of money and seeing it as your god that is the issue... Your amount of wealth does not define your heart
I would never vote for a guy that can’t quote a scripture. I would never vote for a guy that said “ I be dating her if she wasn’t my daughter”. I would never vote for a guy that has three baby mommas.
Well the problem was Robert E Lee should have won that war we should have the North like the Democrats still our damn money and do all that stuff Robert Ely helped us he was going to stop slavery he had nothing to do with slavery I could prove that for affect my ancestors never done that as Confederate soldiers we fight we are Rebels
I loved the introduction, exhorting us to listen to and consider the opposite argument to our initial inclination. I would expect no less of Biola. It's this kind of loving inclusivity of opinion which will lead us away from civil unrest. Thank you for advertising the path to Peace, Biola.
I read The Ten Commandments read the word of God about sexual Purity and that he's against murder even in the womb then read Galatians chapter 5 about the works of the Flesh and the sin nature. Can tell me how can you claim to love Jesus Christ and ever support the Democratic platform that caters to All Things devilish
@@livefree316 I don’t know how you can go to a Trump rally and celebrate with a guy holding a confederate flag? Matthew 22:35 Love your neighbor as yourself. Also I don’t know how you people in the right especially some right christians are justifying the looting of the capitol? Romans 13 NKJV talks about submitting to government and participating in lawlessness. Also why are a lot of Republicans justifying slavery to begin with? I can name you thousands of verses talking about Stealing a man and selling him. “Critical Race Theory” which first of has been taught for a long time now and it’s not called CRT by the way, just history it’s been around since I was young. They literally teach younger folks about the voice of the unheard affected from Jim Crow Law and Slavery. The Bible not only favors forbid favor of special groups, it forbids unfair treatment to anyone James 2:1-7. So to be quiet or ignorant about it literally makes you foolish. I don’t support abortion, but I take things from both the left and right apply it. Not everything from the right is just, so don’t be ignorant about what your mainstream media is teaching. Trump is not a saint and if you’re willing to say Trump was sent by God, then you can’t be legalistic and say Biden was not sent down from God. Above all, avoid legalism and hypocrisy, both sides have done good and both sides have done evil, everyone should vote for themselves and no pastor should influence this on a member.
@@smokie651 Jesus quoted form the old testament. YOU'RE WRONG JESUS IS RIGHT. You can't have the new without the old. The torah, the prophets, the prophecies. The psalms, the book of oroverbs. Are all from God. All a revelation. Full of insight and wisdom. Last day peophecies
Pastors should be challenging members who vote Democrat to either repent of voting for the wicked Democrat party, or leave. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. I tend to think professing Christians who vote democrat likely have sin in their lives hence voting for a pro-sin party.
@Daniel Moreno chill chill. I see you going around commenting every comment that you don't agree with. Are you just another pawn of the democratic party? Clearly you are triggered by these comments seeing you sending a few comments and coming back from time to time to it. You should spend more time with Jesus instead of with your democrat friends
You can't vote democrat even if they might be pro-life or conservative. Why? It counts as to who is the majority party. For instance: Now the Senate is even at about 60 votes. So the vote could be 61 to 59 with the 61 being the majority party with that one vote.
Parties don't have to vote in lockstep in the USA, right? So a Senate of 61 Democrats, for example, it's possible that they won't necessarily have 61 votes on a pro-abortion bill.
@@itsspiritual8645 Not always, it happened before where politicians don't vote in line with their parties, and it happened before where their campaign platforms are different from their colleagues.
@@mervinhocsonart1921 Very seldom, these days. Joe Manchin votes against the democrats from time to time but the republicans have about 3-4 RINO's. The democrat party is Anti-Christian.
The bible is more on the side of pro-choice because it treats the unborn as a woman's property, not as a person. If it were a person it would be eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. “When men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." (Exodus 21:22-25 RSV)
So, we are told that one political party is no more superior than any other. Would that include the Nazi Party? Thought not.
The question is, what does a political party stand for? As Tim Milosch suggests, a political party's beliefs are contained in its "Party Platform." The Party Platform is an evolving document, generally crafted by each major party every four years.
The Party Platform, as Tim alludes to later on, is what a voter is basing his or her vote upon. If I vote Democrat, it means I am in enough agreement with the Party Platform to lend my support to it.
Sadly, most people do not have a clue as to what is in their party's platform. For example, most Germans said they voted for Hitler without reading "Mein Kampf" or truly understanding what the Party stood for. Morally and, as Nuremberg would prove, legally, this is no excuse.
So let's examine a few key points from the Democrat Party Platform.
In 2020, the Democrat Party has made its position on terminating pregnancies crystal clear: abortion on demand, even after birth. Pregnant children should be allowed to get abortions without parental notification. Need we even go further? Milosch begins his defense of the current incarnation of the Democrat Party with the heartfelt words of a Hollywood actor "demanding that we fight for our most vulnerable persons." Who is more vulnerable than a pre-born child?
Last time I checked Biola billed itself as a Christian school, so I shouldn't have to defend the complete humanity of a child in the womb, but perhaps times are changing. King David reminds us that God knew us before we were formed in the womb. John the Baptist, in his mother's stomach, recognized Jesus, in His mother's stomach. Sorry, but the Democrat Party of 1960--the Party of the Kennedys--did not support this radical position. Today's Democrat Party enshrines the right to infanticide and, until that Party Plank is removed, no Christian can support it.
But there is more. As Christians, we are compelled to love all His children, including those of the LGBT+ communities. This does not mean to indulge them in their biblically incorrect thinking. And yet the Democrat Platform of 2020, on multiple pages, elevates the morality of the LGBT+ lifestyle as equal to any other, to the point that pointing out its difficulties is considered an affront and a crime.
The Platform specifically denies that there are two genders or that marriage is only between one man and one woman. These statements violate the Word of God as well as those of his non-binary Son. Again, if you are not a Christian, no problem. But Milosch is arguing that Christians can vote Democrat. People often use the expression "I will hold my nose over the fetid parts and vote."
Applying this precept to the current Democrat Party will result in suffocation.
You need to do some research and actually listen to the other side a bit. Most of what you said is not factual.
I couldnt have said it better myself. What most people are not willing to say is that the Marxist block within the democratic party is very powerful and well funded. Which means whatever they give as free government entitlements these days come at a very steep price. Free healthcare, education and food are not really free. They give you these things in exchange for the slaughter of millions of innocent unborn children, the mutilation of the already born and the enslavement of future generations.
The republican party is not perfect either but at least they are not openly advocating for some of the insanity.
@@GigaRoman Wow no consideration for what is right, only selfish interests?
@@urbanhymns8880 honestly I'm not even American but if I was I'd vote third party
Conservatism and libertarianism provides a better path for people to flourish.
Separate religion from politics. We don’t need a theocracy in the US
You can't really divide politics and christianity... unfortunately , even if you think Democrats are really trying to help the poorest people... the fact that they push abortion... you still have to love them but you still have to believe that killing babies in the womb is wrong. Especially now that they are now pushing for abortion right up to the delivery date... and even after delivering a botched abortion... they are not required to care for the infant but instead stick it on a table in another room and let it die .... also many in tje Democratic Party push Sodomy...
Like I said.. It is not my job to judge.. and it is my job to love and pray for the misguided people... but common sense would dictate to a Christian to not want to belong to a party that does supports that...along with rioting burning and looting.....
Are there some Republicans that support abortion? Of course... but it's not on the Party's platform...
I would take that over what we have now
@@jerryf3375 didn’t the party of the right also looted and burn the capitol building? Also don’t they still carry around the confederate flag which not to mention, use to enslave people and not love others like they’re own. Matthew 22. Your ideology is legalistic and double standard and God spoke profoundly on that. I would rather apply things for myself from both parties and I don’t need some pastor or church member to tell me who to vote for.
Religion and Christianity are two different things. The Christian should always vote according to his/her convictions. Yes, I understand your comment. True to an extent. Example: in muslim countries, the religious leaders make the laws and enforce them.
I haven't watched the whole thing yet but did anyone mention the Ten Commandments?
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matt 7 KJV
I'm a little confused. Didn't also God say that a rich man has more chance of passing through the eye of a needle than entering heaven. Also, what you do for the least of these you do for me? In addition, if you have two coats give your brother one. Last, does Jesus ever claim for us to force Christianity on our brethren? If so then what denomination do we follow? You can be moral without hurting others personal beliefs.
@@lucyk2371 You might want to post this as your own comment, not connected with mine, you might get more responses.
These people in the comments are changing the gospel for their political desires. Both parties have sin in them so God will not condemn us for voting one party or the other. If He did that would mean he does not allow for a degree of freedom of conscience, which He does TO AN EXTENT, as long as we do not disobey the Bible. Both parties have things that Christians can appreciate and that Christians can despise. Stop being so narrow-minded and thinking that your party is perfect or an essential part of salvation. It's not.
I respect Republican Christians and see them as fellow brothers in Christ though I disagree with them but if you start saying that you HAVE to be Republican to be Christian, then I will most certainly discard your theology.
Don't add requirements to the gospel that God didn't create. This is very dangerous.
God wants us to look to heaven not to earth. Our mission is not to change the law of the land, instead we are supposed to give the message of the Gospel to the people of the world. Sitting here fighting about politics is not gonna do anything about it!
Except one party wants to save the Church and its teachings(republican) and one wants to destroy the church and its teachings (Democrats).
@@brandonsmith3234 The Republicans want to save the Catholic Church teachings not God's teachings so nice try. Both political parties are evil and don't represent the people
On sides with abortionists one does not, how can you explain that stance in front of the White Throne?
Christians can't vote democrat.
Spoken like a true Democrat whose politics dictates their gospel.
I will never Vote Democrat
I don’t like the conversations on this topic, the comment section has too many people judging each other, blaming each other, and disrespecting each other. I don’t believe that is the way Christ would have wanted it. But I believe it was the creator of the videos intention. So that said, I hope you all have a fantastic day and bless you.
It’s simple anyone who names the name of Christ must depart from iniquity. Murder of the unborn is iniquity. Hence you can vote for almost no democrat, hence anyone doing so is sinning and should repent. And the Bible tells us to make righteous judgments, and lastly if you look at your comment you yourself are judging according to you own standards. You have to be careful
@@spottedhorse7 I think you should call Joel Osteen and tell him about it.
@@theshiftybeef6251 Why? Do you think Osteen is saved?
@@tmo4330 well that's a trick question if I ever heard one. I am not a big fan of his to say the least.
@@theshiftybeef6251 Me either.
I was a liberal Democrat until I got saved. The veil was lifted.
I’m progressive and supported Bernie since 2015& strongly opposed GOP BECAUSE OF Christ. Jesus commanded and showed love and empathy. He healed the sick and fed the hungry involved in those who are the religious beliefs deemed heretical. It blew my mind how so many Christians read of the love that Jesus showed and commanded and still choose to oppose loving their neighbour and instead to intentionally push hatred, discrimination, violence, illness and death. That contrast between Christ &the church is pushing people away from Christianity😕. People see that quite frankly non-Christians care more about the teachings and example of Christ than Christians do. As a result people think “why should I take seriously something that you preach at me, when you yourself don’t even take it seriously?“ The fact that Christians care more about pushing their movement of hatred instead of the love of Christ seems to be seeing more and more throughout society “ there’s no hatred quite like Christian love” “ I like your Christ, I don’t like your Christians Christians are so unlike your Christ“. it just seems like greed and apathy have become more important to the church than Christ is.
@Daniel Moreno she said she quite being a democrat, not became one! 😂
@Daniel Moreno my point exactly! She’s not a democrat, yet you say she joined the party that rejected the truth and embraced lies and conspiracies, she’s NOT a democrat!!
@@timmiestabrnak listen, you have a good mindset okay, helping people is awesome and we know Jesus did this, nothing to say agaisnt it, HOWEVER, it is helping and giving based on your choice, not being forced to give to the government, secondly you can only give if you have something that they don’t, or else it woulden’t really be giving to the needy. So while giving is great it has to be out of the goodness of your heart not out of force
And so now you follow and worship donald trump, that lying demon straight from hell. GOD said to love your neighbor as yourself. Trump says everyone is the enemy. He's hateful, and a liar, just like satan his father. He's followers practice idolatry. They idolize and worship trump. They were his name all over their clothing and body, their patriotism is their religion. GOD is the GOD of all mankind, every race, creed, tongue, nation. Not just white america. All who love GOD and know Jesus as their Savior are saved. No matter their race or country. Even the places trump called shitholes. GOD will not share his worship with trump or anyone else. That egotistical narcissist is going to fall and fall hard. Pride comes before the fall. Trump is smart at being evil, but very stupid and ignorant in academics.
Neither party is pro life.
Christians dont need a party
Ha ha, your comment didn't age well.
@@jerrodnewsome5781Republicans still murder babies. They are not abolitionists
Christ is not divided by political parties; He has followers worldwide.
I'm a republican and I DON'T need a government to tell me that abortion is wrong. I don't. My daughter has been raised to know that abortion is wrong so if there is a democratic government I don't care what their stance is on abortion. Education on this topic should start and end in the home...not at capital hill. What I would like the republican party to do a better job of is be Pro-Life at ALL stages of life. Not just be pro-life before birth, but after also.
Reading the hate some of you self labeled "Christians" are spewing here makes me sad. Christ's words were never about hate but of love. Republicans are not automatically the party of God and Democrats are not automatically the vile sinners some of you prop them up to be.
No but conservatives are closer to god and Republicans are generally more conservative than satanic democrats.
This guy is literally a Christian fundamentalists, just listen to him on separation on church and state.
I'm surprised he didn't suggest just going on each party's website and read their platform
Some of y’all missed the point of the video and decided to use it as a platform to push the very thing the video was speaking against 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
Churches that push political agendas should be taxed. You shouldn’t get to act as PAC and not be taxed accordingly.
All churches should be taxed.
It's obvious who the evil party is.
@@tmo4330 yes, it's the communist party. Democrats and Republicans don't like them. We must call these evildoers out!
Force people to have children they don't want or can't afford, so they can bring children into the world who get neglected and abused.
So kill them because they may be poor and abused?
@@PD-yd3fr You can adopt them all, tell your friends to adopt children too.
@@GGSBTBOFTL Have 2 adopted cousins, had a very god friend who was adopted, Knew a very nice lady next door to the home where I was babysat back in the 70's who fostered children.
The children are wanted and are loved, stop supporting their murder
@@PD-yd3fr You don't get to dictate to people. People's life decisions are theirs. That choice is theirs to make, not yours.
@@GGSBTBOFTL I do get to speak out for the lives of others, it was the choice of the Nazis to send innocents to the camps, people like you supported it or sat back and said nothing
I don't think a Christian can vote for the current Democratic party. I regret voting for Obama once.
It's really not hard to find information from the other side you just have to seek out the information actively.
I just don’t understand why people feel that they can impose their beliefs on people thru votes that don’t believe what they believe …. God always and will forever give us a choice and judges us on an individual basis .. it’s weird to me that a Christian feels they are doing the Christian thing by restricting someone else’s decision that doesn’t even effect them ..
Alex you should fire whom ever told you that neither political party is right or wrong!!!! If you can be a christian and vote democrat, strictly on there baal worship
(Abortion-genocide) practices. If you believe that a person who seeks The face of the Lord in His word, could even think of voting democrat strictly on abortion platform, I'd say your wrong. An it should be common sense, why do you want to snare people with that kind of bs.
You really think God would condemn someone because they support a party that does something wrong? Both parties do wrong!
@@Alex-eb6je I agree with you that both parties do wrong
This is ridiculous, God doesn’t belong to either democrat nor the republicans.
@@Alex-eb6je exactly!!! Like how can you call out the sins that take place with democrats but blatantly ignore the sins that take place within the Republican Party.
Dear Republicans God is going to turn your guns into plowshares. Dear Republicans, Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, yet you keep silent when police use excessive force and murder people of color. You don't want abortion, but once the children are born you vote against programs that help poor families. You demonize everyone who doesn't look like you. Matthew 25:41-46. You would reject Jesus himself if He stood before you. You would not recognize Him and you would accuse Him of sin. GOD is not Republican nor is He a Democrat. Each party is guilty of abhorrent policies, that displease the LORD. The self righteousness of Republicans calling themselves the party of GOD. Proverbs 8:13, 11:2, 16:5.
I don't need to vote period to be Christian
Thats true.... But you definitely CAN'T vote for Democrats.
But you do need to actively participate in local, general elections and the entire political process from your community level all the way to the presidential level if you hope to effect change in YOUR country that will bring it closer to God or to promote a Godly Agenda.
Republikkkans are for the rich elite and poor white racists. They only give lip service to christianity to fool the ignorant poor racist whites.
The DemoNcrats are much more humane.
Both parties MUST be influenced much more by genuine Christians to make the USA a more humane,just and Christian society.
Both parties are demonic without genuine CHRISTIAN participation.
I am anti Abortion.
I am a Christian.
And I can plainly see that the DemoNcrat party is much more humane and just than the Republikkkan party.
As Many lives are being lost through the selfishness and ignoring of the poor and homeless as are being lost through abortion.
A paedophile WILL have a child and then abuse that child until that Same child becomes a drug addict and kills themselves.
What we do with each other and how we save those in need is as important as protecting the unborn.
I would vote DemoNcrats every time because outside of the abortion issue they are simply more compassionate and humane and more compassionate and humane, in my humble eyes is simply more godly.
They are simply the lesser of two evils.
The US desperately needs a third option
If you are Republikkkan and you can't see the evil and selfishness and corruption in the republikkkan party then I don't want to talk to you.
If you are a Democrat and you can't see the evil and corruption in the DemoNcrats then I don't want to talk to you either.
@@PainlessTrader-h1u haha, agreed brother 👍
@@T.image79 not True at all. There's plenty of ways to bring people to Christ, and the use of coercion through law isn't always the best route lol
I'd rather identify as a Biblical Christian and NOT a Democrat.
No one cares
Helping the least? Who are they?
Debates do tend to force one to argue for both sides. This is one chapel video of two that gave argument for why “someone” may want to vote for the specific party.
My point is to argue against this video as wrong and immoral to advocate for the Democratic Party as it is currently. This video argues that a Christian may want to vote for the Democrat Party because of Social Justice.
I would argue that “social justice” is socialism/communism using the legal word of justice, but it is manipulation. It is a lie. Social justice is in fact injustice.
It is immoral to argue that a Christian should be drawn to the Democratic Party due to “social justice” without honestly disclosing that social justice is another form of socialism or communism.
These are evil ideologies that has killed millions and these evil ideologies are being used again to create further destruction to humanity. Any person confessing to be a Christian should be motivated to run from the Democrat Party because of “social justice” rather than to be drawn to it.
You are so extreme that you are beyond full of it. People like you are why Im a registered independent.
If welfare means socialism, then consider me a supporter of implementing "socialist" policies.
Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. Socialism in action.
Social Justice is not remotely Socialism in the way that you (& Glen Beck) purport it to be. Socialism is defined as economic or political theories that advocate collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. No one is asking for that. What they are asking for on the Democratic side of the aisle is for us to treat our brothers and sisters justly in the social construct, ie: seeking to strengthen the identity of the individual because it sees that human dignity derives its meaning from being made in God’s image (Gen. 1:26). In God’s image, no one is worth more than another. All are deserving of life and whatever is needed to adequately sustain it. If we begin to deny our brothers and sisters the very right to live a full life, one with hope and dignity and equity, then we are not living a Biblical lifestyle. When we vote to provide care for our brothers and sisters then we are walking justly and proving ourselves loving in the sense that we are showing that we “love our brothers as we love ourselves”. Matt 7:12 or as Christ has loved us. John 13:34 & John 15:12. As to abortion. Though the one platform will tell you they are pro-life, these are just talking points used in order to garner votes. Neither party is fully pro-life or pro-choice.
@@clairebeane3455 that did take place at one point, yet, 1. It was a free will giving and not Communism as you implied, 2. we do not see it continued, and 3. what is more the fact of private property was retained,
Acts 5:4 (ESV): While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal?
The Bible advocates for personal responsibility and providing for one’s own needs and their immediate and extended family,
2 Thessalonians 3:10 (ESV): For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.
1 Timothy 5:8 (ESV): But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Utopian Marxism was not Christian, and still is not Christian. I am appalled that a “Christian” college would promote this argument without acknowledging the origins of the ideology.
Because they are sinning and not living according to truth
" The Heart of the wise inclines to the RIGHT but the heart of the Heart of the Fool to the LEFT" ~ Eccles 10:2
bible tells where a Christians politics should be leaning.
That is an extreme over reach of scripture. Neither Republican or Democrat are better than the other. They both talk about things that are against the Word of God.
@@thabiti03 name OOOOOONE thing republicans stand for that is against God. And im talking about republicans like Candace Ownes, Brandon Tatum, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, etc. Im talking about policies, not the rhinos in washington.
Im a Christian but don't stand with qny party jesus wasn't a Democrat or Republican I wil also say no Human being has right to tell me how I should or should vote as a Christian. They way we vote doesn't guarantee us a place in heaven.
This dudes voice is awesome.
I will not mix the two
So basically voting democrat is not encouraged although there are Christians who still vote democrats.
My position is that from a worldview standpoint Christians should not vote for democrats. Whatever free programs they promote in their platform come at a steep moral price
Abortion is wrong but so is our obsession with abortion laws. Our only focus should be bringing women and men to Jesus. Rather than pushing people away from God. Non Christians do not have the Holy Spirit convicting them. Once they truly know Jesus they will not need an abortion regardless of what the abortion laws are.
Where did Jesus ever say, "Your government will supply all your needs?"
SCRIPTURE SAYS, 19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 King James Version
Yes but does that mean it's EVIL for governments to help people in their time of need? A lot of people fall into bad circumstances out of no fault of their own. Jesus told us to help the less fortunate. Supporting welfare is certainly one way to do so.
@@Alex-eb6je The answer isn't that simple is it. Jesus and His disciples never depended on government, they relied on the people.
According to my understanding and I don't know a lot about this, our government is doing a lot more than than it was ever intended to do. Just suppose an evil government deliberately created a situation to make one dependent so they have control over ones life?
@@Alex-eb6je People are in need of a hero to stop this inflation. We have an idiot in office. If the democrats stay in office, poor people will keep getting poorer.
Numbers chapter 5 talks about abortion
The question isn't just about abortion - it is also about the LAW Roe vs Wade (and what having laws against abortion will or will not accomplish). David Frum, a conservative commentator, writes:
"If you’re serious about reducing abortion, the most important issue is .... how will you support women to have the babies they want.
As a general rule, societies that do the most to support mothers and child-bearing have the fewest abortions. Societies that do the least to support mothers and child-bearing have more abortions.
Germany, for example, operates perhaps the world’s plushest welfare state. Working women receive 14 weeks of maternity leave, during which time they receive pay from the state. The state pays a child allowance to the parents of every German child for potentially as many as 25 years, depending on how long the child remains in school. Women who leave the workforce after giving birth receive a replacement wage from the state for up to 14 months.
Maybe not coincidentally, Germany has one of the lowest abortion rates, about one-third that of the United States. Yet German abortion laws are not especially restrictive."
If conservatives were genuinely interested in lowering the abortion rate, they would support efforts for government to enact Family Leave legislation and Birth to Three initiatives (for quality childcare) instead of laws that focused on punishment. They’d support the ACA and work to improve it.
Joe Biden’s policies are PRO-LIFE (just not in the narrow way that conservative pundits have defined it for their own political purposes). His CARE ECONOMY is a game changer.
In Romania, from 1965 to 1989, the state implemented a pronatalist policy that outlawed all forms of contraception and banned abortion. *Enforcement of these policies was carried out by mandatory monthly gynecologic exams, and special state agents were stationed in health settings* How and where do we draw the line and enforce policies? When people talk about reproductive rights, this is what they are talking about. We must find ways to show care for mothers and children without creating a police state.
Christians would vote Democrats because they believe in helping others.
No they believe in government controlling others to help others
@@JamesWilson-sb9iq But they don't end up helping any one they make things worse
@@lynlynnielyn9188 can’t argue there
Helping others how? Help pedophiles have their way? Help the government raise taxes? Help the cartels in the US-Mexico border? Help progressive women kill their child in their womb? Yeah.. thanks I’m gonna pass on that and vote republican!
@Daniel Moreno you got any proof of that? I’m so sick and tired and of y’all calling him a pedophile just because there are allegations about him rapping women! Joe fucking Biden literally sniffed kids and held their arms so that they wouldn’t go away on multiple occasions but hey, he’s sane!! And you wonder why I’m not a democrat? Y’all are sick! 🤮
Commandments D_n_ld Tr_mp is breaking. 1. Thou shall not steal. 2.Thou shall not commit adultery. 3. Thou shall not bear false witness. 4. Thou shall not covet thy neighbour wife, field, ox or anything that is thy neighbours. He is possibly breaking 5. Keeping the (Sabbath) day of rest during a one week period, 6. Worshiping the only True G_d, and 7. Saying G_ds name in vain. I will pray for you and your country.
Is he breaking those or did he in the past?
Are democrat "Christians" also breaking those + supporting genocide of the unborn?
Why is the left in bed with the 2 deadliest ideologies in human history - islam & socialism, while cracking down on Christians & Jews like with blaming the spread of COVID on Christian & Jewish gatherings while completely ignoring other gatherings?
If the democrats actually cared about the poor & working classes, then why are they supporting & encouraging their mobs to loot, riot & destroy the homes & businesses of the working classes while the democrat mayors, city councils & police forces do nothing to stop the mob UNLESS they target a mayor's house?
And where are the democrats who supposedly care about stopping the COVID pandemic when democrat governors Cuomo & Wheeler implemented genocidal policies of cramming COVID patients into nursing homes - making up 34% of their states' COVID deaths?
Why are they blaming Trump for the spread of COVID when the leftist media & politicians did absolutely NOTHING to warn the public after COVID was ravaging China & Iran for 2 months?
If WHO & CDC sat on their useless bums for 2 months instead of doing anything useful, then why blame Trump - despite him being one of the first world leaders who raised the alarm about COVID?
When Trump wanted to implement a temporary travel ban to/from China, Pelosi trotted down to Chinatown to ramble on about racism - in a crowd & with no mask. The democrat "poly ticks" don't care about public safety & their treatment of COVID in public has been a complete farce as they fiddle with their masks - if they even wear them at all, pull their masks down to cough, etc.
And if the left cares so much about COVID treatments & cures, why were they ridiculing Trump for proposing the very same methods that have been going around the leading research circles & why were they only trotting one or 2 puppets out to reinforce their narratives instead of getting POVs of researchers on many sides of the issue?
The left doesn't give a damn about public safety, only totalitarian control of the entire country & the world.
The democrat party is demonic & has been BLMing (burning, looting & murdering) for MONTHS while the rest of the democrat public sat on their asses doing absolutely nothing useful & blaming Trump for all the problems that they've created & supported!
While Trump clearly isn't perfect, he's not the one selling out this country to foreign business interests like the left's been doing for decades & the RINOs are no better. Remember that NONE of the old Jewish leaders were perfect either, but God supported & rewarded them when they did good & punished them when they did evil - as He did with the entire nation.
The entire nation here is being punished for turning away from God, just like most of the rest of the world currently as well.
Israel only exists today because of God, not the Jewish people who turned their backs on him en masse in order to embrace the socialist ideology - which God used to punish His own & other people, as it seeks to have total control of peoples' lives via the State, God used that State to bring about total destruction of peoples' lives - showing the entire world that one more man-made system is demonically flawed.
But He also spared a remnant, as He has done in the past when His people have sinned in order to restart the Nation from scratch.
God doesn't play around & has withdrawn His hand of protection from nations that reject Him & raises His other hand to strike them down when/if they refuse to repent & turn back to God.
Is trump not supposed to sin or never have sinned? Are you voting for a man that will defend the christian faith or are you looking for some sort of new "pure" Messiah??? Trump has shown support for christian ideals and defended christians against persecution
Honey, he's not Jesus & I have never ever heard him claim to be Jesus. If you were a multimillionaire, I would think that you would have a lot of opportunity to sin....and you would do it. See how that works? I don't know you but should I be saying that you would do something? I suggest you hold onto that stone while you live in your glass house.....we all should.
Every second is a chance to sin.. one being a millionaire does not make them more sinful than a poor man... A man can be poor and lie with every statement and there can be honest rich men that don't lie... Having money is not a sin, it's the love of money and seeing it as your god that is the issue... Your amount of wealth does not define your heart
Abortion is murder....
I would never vote for a guy that can’t quote a scripture. I would never vote for a guy that said “ I be dating her if she wasn’t my daughter”.
I would never vote for a guy that has three baby mommas.
So you would rather have homosexuality and trans gender pushed on little kids because you get offended on everything? Wow
I'd never vote for a guy who legalizes and spreads abomination unto everybody, including children.
Well the problem was Robert E Lee should have won that war we should have the North like the Democrats still our damn money and do all that stuff Robert Ely helped us he was going to stop slavery he had nothing to do with slavery I could prove that for affect my ancestors never done that as Confederate soldiers we fight we are Rebels
I loved the introduction, exhorting us to listen to and consider the opposite argument to our initial inclination. I would expect no less of Biola.
It's this kind of loving inclusivity of opinion which will lead us away from civil unrest.
Thank you for advertising the path to Peace, Biola.
I read The Ten Commandments read the word of God about sexual Purity and that he's against murder even in the womb then read Galatians chapter 5 about the works of the Flesh and the sin nature.
Can tell me how can you claim to love Jesus Christ and ever support the Democratic platform that caters to All Things devilish
@@livefree316 I don’t know how you can go to a Trump rally and celebrate with a guy holding a confederate flag? Matthew 22:35 Love your neighbor as yourself.
Also I don’t know how you people in the right especially some right christians are justifying the looting of the capitol? Romans 13 NKJV talks about submitting to government and participating in lawlessness. Also why are a lot of Republicans justifying slavery to begin with? I can name you thousands of verses talking about Stealing a man and selling him. “Critical Race Theory” which first of has been taught for a long time now and it’s not called CRT by the way, just history it’s been around since I was young. They literally teach younger folks about the voice of the unheard affected from Jim Crow Law and Slavery. The Bible not only favors forbid favor of special groups, it forbids unfair treatment to anyone James 2:1-7. So to be quiet or ignorant about it literally makes you foolish. I don’t support abortion, but I take things from both the left and right apply it. Not everything from the right is just, so don’t be ignorant about what your mainstream media is teaching. Trump is not a saint and if you’re willing to say Trump was sent by God, then you can’t be legalistic and say Biden was not sent down from God. Above all, avoid legalism and hypocrisy, both sides have done good and both sides have done evil, everyone should vote for themselves and no pastor should influence this on a member.
@@livefree316 you're reading from the Old Testament. We're in the New Testament
@@smokie651 Jesus quoted form the old testament. YOU'RE WRONG JESUS IS RIGHT.
You can't have the new without the old. The torah, the prophets, the prophecies. The psalms, the book of oroverbs.
Are all from God. All a revelation. Full of insight and wisdom.
Last day peophecies
@@smokie651the New Testament confirms the old. Jesus fulfilled the law not abolish it. The 10 commandments still stands
Pastors should be challenging members who vote Democrat to either repent of voting for the wicked Democrat party, or leave. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. I tend to think professing Christians who vote democrat likely have sin in their lives hence voting for a pro-sin party.
What a stupid comment!! You can vote for whoever you choose
...says the guy who never repents of his own sin.
@@karendouglas4228 still doesn't make it right
@Daniel Moreno chill chill. I see you going around commenting every comment that you don't agree with. Are you just another pawn of the democratic party? Clearly you are triggered by these comments seeing you sending a few comments and coming back from time to time to it. You should spend more time with Jesus instead of with your democrat friends
You can't vote democrat even if they might be pro-life or conservative. Why? It counts as to who is the majority party. For instance: Now the Senate is even at about 60 votes. So the vote could be 61 to 59 with the 61 being the majority party with that one vote.
Parties don't have to vote in lockstep in the USA, right? So a Senate of 61 Democrats, for example, it's possible that they won't necessarily have 61 votes on a pro-abortion bill.
@@mervinhocsonart1921 But they do, especially democrats.
@@mervinhocsonart1921 But they do, especially the democrats.
@@itsspiritual8645 Not always, it happened before where politicians don't vote in line with their parties, and it happened before where their campaign platforms are different from their colleagues.
@@mervinhocsonart1921 Very seldom, these days. Joe Manchin votes against the democrats from time to time but the republicans have about 3-4 RINO's. The democrat party is Anti-Christian.
The bible is more on the side of pro-choice because it treats the unborn as a woman's property, not as a person. If it were a person it would be eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. “When men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no harm follows, the one who hurt her shall be fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."
(Exodus 21:22-25 RSV)
The voice.
These comments are hilarious, for all of the wrong reasons.
They wouldn't.
My Mexican-American Baptist family would have to disagree.
@@Alex-eb6je Calvinist or other?
🤣 that’s funny, because I do!
It amazes me that you people hold President Biden to a higher level than you did Trump.
Because the media didnt do their job to hold biden accountable? Is that so hard to understand?
Explain what you mean by "higher level". You can't get any lower than a democrat.
cause it’s the right thing to duhhhhh