Traits of leadership - Andrew Carnegie

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
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    HILL: There must be certain definite characteristics of leadership which the more successful leaders develop and apply. Will you give me a catalogue of such traits as you believe to be essential for leadership.
    CARNEGIE: From my own experience with men I have observed that successful leaders in all walks of life exemplify one or more of thirty or more traits of leadership, and in some instances they possess all of these traits:

    1. The adoption of a Definite Major Purpose and a definite plan for attaining it.
    2. The choice of a motive adequate to inspire continuous action in pursuit of the object of one’s major purpose. Nothing great is ever achieved without a definite motive.
    3. A Master Mind alliance through which to acquire the necessary power for noteworthy achievement. That which one man can accomplish by his own efforts is negligible, confined in the main to the acquisition of the bare necessities of life. Great achievement always is the result of coordination of minds working toward a definite end.
    4. Self-reliance in proportion to the nature and scope of one’s major purpose. No one can go very far without relying largely upon his own efforts, his own initiative, his own judgment.
    5. Self-discipline sufficient to give one mastery over both the head and the heart. The man who cannot or will not control himself never can control others. There are no exceptions to this rule. This is so important that it should probably have headed the entire list of the essentials of leadership.
    6. Persistence, based on a will to win. Most men are good starters but poor finishers. The man who gives up at the first signs of opposition never goes very far in any undertaking.
    7. A well-developed faculty of imagination. Able leaders must be eternally seeking new and better ways of doing things. They must be on the lookout for new ideas and new opportunities to attain the object of their labors. The man who trails along in the old path, doing things merely because others have done them, without looking for methods of improvements, never becomes a great leader.
    8. The habit of making definite and prompt decisions at all times. The man who cannot or will not make up his own mind has little opportunity to induce others to follow him.
    9. The habit of basing opinions on known facts instead of relying upon guesswork or hearsay evidence. Able leaders take nothing for granted without a sound reason. They make it their business to get at the facts before forming judgments, but they move promptly and definitely.
    10. The capacity to generate enthusiasm at will and direct it to a definite end. Uncontrolled enthusiasm may be as detrimental as no enthusiasm. Moreover, enthusiasm is contagious, as is also lack of enthusiasm. Followers and subordinates take on the enthusiasm of their leader.
    11. A keen sense of fairness and justice under all circumstances. The habit of “playing favorites” is destructive to leadership. Men respond best to those who deal with them justly, and especially where they are dealt with fairly by men in higher positions of authority.
    12. Tolerance (an open mind) on all subjects at all times. The man with a closed mind does not inspire the confidence of his associates. Without confidence great leadership is an impossibility.
    13. The habit of Going the Extra Mile-(doing more than one is paid for and doing it with a positive, agreeable “mental attitude.”) This habit on the part of a leader inspires unselfishness on the part of his followers or subordinates. I have never known an able leader in business or industry who did not endeavor at all times to render more service than any man under his authority.
    14. Tactfulness and a keen sense of diplomacy, both in spirit and in deed. In a free democracy such as ours, men do not take kindly to brusqueness in their relationships with others.
    15. The habit of listening much and talking little. Most people talk too much and say too little. The leader who knows his business knows the value of hearing other men’s views. Perhaps we are equipped with two ears, two eyes and only one tongue that we may hear and see twice as much as we speak.
    16. An observing nature. The habit of noting small details. All business is a composite of details. The man who does not become familiar with all the details of the work for which he and his subordinates are responsible will not be a successful leader. Moreover, a knowledge of small details is essential for promotion.

Комментарии • 15

  • @virendradr
    @virendradr 7 лет назад +17

    Andrew Carnegie IS an example that anybody who desires INTENSELY,dreams passionately can rise to any height by taking possession of their own mind; and controlling and directing IT towards the definite purpose. he is an example for millions to write their own destiny..he is much more than the greats...he inspires men to become what they think,every one is master of his fate and captain of his soul by controlling thoughts.LONG LIVE CARNEGIE' CONTRIBUTIONS TO INSPIRE COMMON MEN ON STREET TO BECOME A PERSON OF THEIR DREAM..any height just for daring and going extra miles passionately

  • @jaymcd8577
    @jaymcd8577 4 года назад +1

    How to raise your own salary is over shadowed by the more well known Think and Grow Rich, but it's a fantastic read to have and keep in anyone's library. The material that inspired it's more famous successor straight from the horses mouth, Andrew Carnegie

  • @fofifofana484
    @fofifofana484 Год назад

    These are the indefinitely the key mean characteristics,habit ,path and i indexes that are examplifable I walk of leadership

  • @abousbsas1547
    @abousbsas1547 5 лет назад +2

    Dear sir Mr. Carnegie was a reader of Arab and Islamic history. His formula was taken from Muslim leaders and use that thought and methodology in civilian life. Thank you

  • @raedm9244
    @raedm9244 5 лет назад

    Great traits of leadership.

  • @ernawiyati9161
    @ernawiyati9161 5 лет назад

    Thanks very much more than this so good idea but you so good idea 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • @manjunatharamakrishnappa1983
    @manjunatharamakrishnappa1983 6 лет назад

    Thank you

  • @WendyAnn
    @WendyAnn 8 лет назад +1


  • @fr00ggiiii25
    @fr00ggiiii25 8 лет назад +1


  • @fofifofana484
    @fofifofana484 Год назад

    An observing nature's......all business is a composite of detail...a man is not familiar with the detail of the work ,he and his subordinate are responsible will not be a great leader

  • @josephdimick1397
    @josephdimick1397 8 лет назад +1


  • @mackju3978
    @mackju3978 6 лет назад
