Nco Tus Txiv Ruam Ruam Uas Hlub HLub Yus~01/16/2024~

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025

Комментарии • 148

  • @MissPeachie
    @MissPeachie Год назад +15

    You only miss how he treated you, you don’t miss him. If you can go back and redo, you would still leave him. You did him a huge favor by leaving him because he deserves someone better. He should thank you for not staying and making him miserable forever 😂. I applaud you.

  • @KouaThao-p2r
    @KouaThao-p2r Год назад

    Maiv Vaj, ua tsaug rau koj thiab tus uas muab nws lub neej rau koj hais los ua kev kawm. Zoo kawg!!!

  • @PM-oe5mk
    @PM-oe5mk Год назад +13

    Xaiv xaiv tau paiv like your mother said. Some people don't want a good life and that's why they throw away a good thing (good marriage with a loving spouse)! You are a member of such a group. You should have listened to those women coworkers who told you that they envy the deep love your then husband has for you because they didn't think their own husband love them as deeply as yours loves you! You are truly someone who threw away her diamond for a cubic zirconia!

  • @hmongbc9045
    @hmongbc9045 Год назад +2

    That’s to bad you lost a very very good husband and a true friend

  • @xayxiong1061
    @xayxiong1061 Год назад +34

    You deserved everything that you’ve got! You acted like you got Dr degree. Your first husband deserved someone that loved and helped him.

  • @luvinniceboxers
    @luvinniceboxers Год назад +34

    You never loved your ex-husband. He finally found the love that he deserves. 😊

  • @npauhmoob4746
    @npauhmoob4746 Год назад +4

    Koj tsis tsimnyog tuaj hais koj zaj NIAG KEV LIAM NO TUAJ RAU 3 MLOOG, VIM TSIS MUAJ IB YAM KEV KAWM LI, TSUAS MUAJ KEV LIAM XWB. NTSHE HNUB NO KOJ PW NTXOV SAWV LIG KAWG PUAS YOG. Congratulations tau tus koj nyiam2 koj hlub2....I am so happy that Heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim.....I am glad that you deserve it

  • @cheexiong1634
    @cheexiong1634 Год назад +15

    Lady you made your choice today don’t regret

  • @TouVang-h3i
    @TouVang-h3i Год назад +2

    You got the men you love and waiting for many years. So be happy with him that what you’re deserve. Heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim ces yog koj ….

  • @Yajsuab
    @Yajsuab Год назад +1

    Serves you right zoo siab kawg ua koj tau raws li koj siab ntsaws.

  • @ShouaTojsiab
    @ShouaTojsiab Год назад

    Koj hmoov zoo tshaj tab sis koj tsis yeem txais txoj hmoo zoo. Tsim nyog kawg tam sim no koj tus me txiv Tub Loij coj kiag tus cwj pwm li thaum ub koj coj rau Koj tus qub txiv es tseem paub lwj siab thiab. Tub Looj neb thiaj txawj sib phim.

  • @freemanvue2072
    @freemanvue2072 11 месяцев назад

    Ua tsaug ntau rau koj tuaj qhib koj lubsiab phem uas tsis tuag siab rau tus hlub koj.
    Niam no cia mam ua ib qho kev kawm rau koj. Hmong tej laus tias npua yim noj cia auv yim noj quav ces yog koj.

  • @CloverStarz
    @CloverStarz Год назад

    Ne ne pao chi pao, tiag2

  • @EricaC-eq6ku
    @EricaC-eq6ku Год назад

    We have the gift of free will and this is why we have the 10 commandments for a reason. As long as you follow through, your life will not lead into corruption. Be strong and hold yourself together from temptation.

  • @chengher2322
    @chengher2322 Год назад

    Hais tau zoo nyob kawg ❤❤

  • @sombunman5551
    @sombunman5551 Год назад

    Haj hab tsim nyog kawg li os neeg phem yeej tsis muaj hnoob tau zoo lis os

  • @sandyyang1244
    @sandyyang1244 Год назад

    Nrog koj zoo siab kawg li 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 neeg tsis sawm zoo ces yog koj os.

  • @nouyang3166
    @nouyang3166 Год назад +7

    Tau tus zoo yus tsis yuav ne, tsis pom dej dag ces siab tsis nqig ces yog koj lawm os sister. I do believe, like your friends said. If you already received loved from your current marriage, then should've stay. Your next one will be your nightmare

  • @kuvxwb9466
    @kuvxwb9466 Год назад +1

    It’s your loss. Whatever that you experience or go through, koj yeej zoo siab so be happy at the results and consequences. Accept it and move on with your life.

  • @prokriteyang9546
    @prokriteyang9546 Год назад

    Zoo li txoj kev yuam kev ces tig tsis tau li lawm nrog koj khuv xim!!!

  • @souaxiong5982
    @souaxiong5982 Год назад

    Mloog lawm 😊

  • @angie-gz4yg
    @angie-gz4yg 3 месяца назад +1

    she never loved her first husband. then she goes and marry a guy who doesn't love her. she should be more careful when choosing her third husband.

  • @dannymoua8668
    @dannymoua8668 Год назад +1

    Women love bad boy you have the life you want

  • @tsheejvaj6408
    @tsheejvaj6408 Год назад +1

    nyob zoo kab lia kj tseem zoo nkauj kawg tsi paub lau li noj dab tsi xwbsuab lo zoo ho neeg lo zoo nkj

  • @paxiong6541
    @paxiong6541 Год назад

    Even though your 1st husband may not be well verse in his speaking, he still was very good to you 110%. He is and was still a human being with feelings and genuine love for life. This time around you're a the ruam person. Some women and men failed to realized, their 1st love wasn't meant for them when they're young. Only 1% out 100%, eventually do end up together. Never divorce the person who truly love you, hoping to get back to the 1st love, thinking they still the same person like when they're young. Thank you for letting your 1st husband go so he can be value by someone else. YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE LOVE.

  • @xaihlub34
    @xaihlub34 Год назад

    Muab tus ruam hloov tus ntse.peb nyiam cov neej neeg tsis pom dej dag siab tsis nqig.

  • @yermoua2035
    @yermoua2035 Год назад

    Tsis yog tim daim ntawv, yog koj txoj kev xaiv taug, your decisions

  • @MaiXoxo3
    @MaiXoxo3 Год назад +5

    You never know what you got until it's gone. Take it as a lesson learned bc you thought the grass was greener on the other side. Now that you got a taste and see the outcome, your heart is finally satisfied. Just be a better person from now on and ask for your ex husband, sons and the lord's forgiveness.

  • @LadyVV-2024
    @LadyVV-2024 Год назад +8

    Example of you got it good, but don’t want it! You deserve anything your way

  • @geyang7257
    @geyang7257 Год назад

    Hahaha 😂😂😂
    🤣🤣Tus poj niam nyob rau txoj neej neeg no yeej tsis sawm zoo, nyuam qhuav ntxim.😁😁😊😊tsis yog tim lub ntuj, tim koj tus kheej xwb.🤣🤣🤣

  • @meexiong9961
    @meexiong9961 8 месяцев назад

    Tib neeg ntshe yeej tsis Sawm zoo o yom ....poj Niam txiv neej Los ntshe tau tus zoo ces yeej tsis txaus Siab ..thaum mag lwm tus tsim ces mam li nco txog tus uas dhau xwb o yom ...

  • @geuher7315
    @geuher7315 Год назад +1

    Viv ncaus aw ... qhov koj twb yig qhov koj ntshaw ces tau kiag li koj xav lawm lau.... ntuj yeej muaj qhov muag os ..

  • @L-LINDA-d4x
    @L-LINDA-d4x Год назад

    ua neeg nyob ces ntshe yeej tsis muaj leej twg yuav perfect li os muaj ib yam los tshuav ib yam zoo ib yam lawm los yeej tseem tshuav ib yam thiab yuav kom muaj kev kaj siab ces txaus siab hlo rau yam yus muaj thiab nres rau tus yus tau xwb

  • @denali12023
    @denali12023 Год назад +2

    Zoo mloog heev

  • @NpisVwjNeejYias
    @NpisVwjNeejYias Год назад +3

    I find it funny how someone thought they deserved someone better, but once they found out what they're looking for isn't always what they thought then they're regretting, 😂😂😂.

  • @yengvue4849
    @yengvue4849 Год назад

    Dev yeem noj qua npua yeem noj xua ces yog koj tiag. Vim tib qhov yus tsis ntse koj txoj kev ruam thiaj ua rau koj txom nyem tiag peb ua neej nyob tus neeg hlub yus yus yeej saib tsis muaj nqi hnub no ntsib xau law.mas kuj txawj khuv xim luag kawg thiab sav ib qhov nej cov pojniam yuav tau kawm kom meej saib yog dab si.???????? Saib yus daim tawv plab yog nws tsis tau txais ces khiav mus los haj tseem yuav tau tus zoo thiab tab sis yog koj daim tawv plab txaij tag lawm ces tsis txhob ua npau suav yuav tau ib tug yuav hlub koj lawm nawb me phooj ywg siab zoo aw.

  • @ylt4072
    @ylt4072 Год назад +2

    You don't miss your ex. You miss being pampered. You got what you wanted. Why did you kick your prince out?

  • @lukemoua9027
    @lukemoua9027 Год назад

    Nej cov poj niam mas txhob mus yuav tus txiv ua yus nyiam tshaj nws tus no ces yog tus yuav ntsib kev kho siab. Kuv li kuv muaj tug tab si lawv yuav kuv xwb

  • @hmoobxwb7119
    @hmoobxwb7119 Год назад

    Nrog koj ZooSiab koj tau koj tus qub hluasNraug koj hlub2 lawm os……sooo happy for your new husband

  • @leejmuam1
    @leejmuam1 Год назад +1

    Vim koj yeej tsis txaus siab yuav nws,.koj thiaj pheej tsis pom nws zoo until you met your match😅.

  • @KhueYang-c8b
    @KhueYang-c8b Год назад +1

    Yog li koj niam hais lawm; koj yog ib niag neeg tsis sawm zoo; nyuam qhuav ntxim xwb; koj ces ua neej xiam tiam xwb yuav tsis muaj ib zaug ntxiv nyob rau koj lub neej lawm;

  • @hlublee5056
    @hlublee5056 Год назад

    Tu Siab Rau Koj Lub Neej Os Me Muam

  • @hlubyang4072
    @hlubyang4072 Год назад

    Txhob khuv xim tu qub hluas nkauj...hluas nraug....yog luag xav yuav koj ces tsis dhau 6 lub hli xwb luag yeej yuav lawm...yog tham txog 2...3..xyoo nws tsis yuav koj kav tsij khiav dua tshuaj yog koj xav pib lub neej...yog koj ua si es sib siv xwb ces kav tsij siv

  • @tvang8
    @tvang8 Год назад +1

    It’s called karma. The grass is not always greener on the other side. You got exactly what you wished for so why complain. You second husband never wanted you from the beginning and he only married you to use you

  • @fortxiong1518
    @fortxiong1518 Год назад

    Tuag tsis tuag poj niam siab phem pom tsis pom pom kev npam tseeb tiag

  • @neegntsuaglwjsiab4871
    @neegntsuaglwjsiab4871 Год назад


  • @yermoua7448
    @yermoua7448 Год назад

    Yog mas dev tsis sawm tsau neeg tsis sawm zoo no ces yog koj ntag mas lov 😢😅

  • @thestoryofmylife6979
    @thestoryofmylife6979 Год назад


  • @houathao-k1w
    @houathao-k1w Год назад

    Yog kawg ua ib qho kev kawm , tiam no lub neej ces tag li ko lawm yuav tos kev hlub ces tos rau lwm tiam lawm xwb mog yog muaj lwm tiam.

  • @GV-xv8im
    @GV-xv8im Год назад +6

    Did you say that Lee was handsome? You definitely lost your chance! He’s handsome, sweet, loves you and buys you flowers. The speech impediment of his can be fixed with a speech pathologist 😂

  • @lukemoua9027
    @lukemoua9027 Год назад

    Koj raug npam lawm naws phog laus bim kij txoj kev siab phem ntag

  • @alenalor1432
    @alenalor1432 Год назад

    WELL, lag luam tsuas zoo thawj
    Ntsug; txij nkawm tsuas zoo
    thawj tug. Yog thawj tug tsis
    zoo lawm ces tsis txhob cia siab
    rau tus thib-2 lawm. Kavtsij
    nyob taus2. Tsam lig lawm.

  • @douaxiong2569
    @douaxiong2569 Год назад

    Nyuav qhuav ntxim xwb las mas koj nas.. tau thooj kub tsis khaws mus khaws tawb quav ces yog koj ntag....

  • @myprecious6751
    @myprecious6751 Год назад +1

    I'm loving karma and LMFAO on this lady. She honestly thought and believed that her 1st love would want her and love her. He told her the truth. Her mother told her the truth. 😅😅😅 he beat her knocked her out cold. Well, you should've called the police and made a report and pressed charges against him.

  • @Joyfully321
    @Joyfully321 Год назад

    Lesson learned and you learned it the hard way. Looks like karma has pay you back in full. In the future I hope you learn to appreciate the people who love you.

  • @NpaubXeemXyooj
    @NpaubXeemXyooj Год назад

    Yog kawg...

  • @ThomyYa
    @ThomyYa Год назад

    Koj mas thiaj li yog neeg npam tiag2 li os yom txog txij li luag muab nrauj es nws puas yog txiv zoo thiab tsij txiaj nawj

  • @moa-maioutdooradventures483
    @moa-maioutdooradventures483 Год назад

    This is why the old people said married the men that loves you more. Lady you lost out. You will regret forever.

  • @NtxhaisHmoobUSA
    @NtxhaisHmoobUSA Год назад

    Haub yaus koj es tsis nyiam tseem muaj peev xwm dag dag ces yeej yig koj nyiam thiab yeem sav poj ruam poj siab phem aw. Koj xaiv koj koj nqas koj 2 txhais taws mus nkag rau luag lub tsheb as. Koj tsis yog neeg zoo naws.

  • @kevinher4010
    @kevinher4010 Год назад

    Koj tus ko tsis nyog hais lo lus tias tu siab vim yus twb xaiv mus nrhiav yus txoj kev ntshaw. Muaj coob tus twb cheem koj, tabsis koj tsis mloog lawv hais ne.

  • @chengher2322
    @chengher2322 Год назад

    Tus luag lam tham yus xwb yus ho muab yus lub cev rau luag tas nrho...yus tsis cia yus lub cev rau tus uas ruam tiam sis sau hlo siab hlub yus yus li muab yus lub sem rau...nej cov poj mas ruam dhau lawm os....lam sis saib rab twg loj li yuav los cas...tiam sis tus zoo nraug luag tsis yuav yus nawb... luag lam ua yus lub sem kom zoo nyob xwb os

  • @huashi06
    @huashi06 Год назад +1

    It’s called “Npam!” Txhob liam rau lub ntuj thiab txoj hmoo! Lub neej thiab txoj hmoo koj yog tus xaiv!

  • @nuso2599
    @nuso2599 Год назад +2

    Tsis pom dej dag siab tsis nqig…too late. Grass not greener other side.

  • @Namtsuvtum29
    @Namtsuvtum29 Год назад

    Peb cov me kwv tij ruam. Luag tsis nyiam yus ces yus tso nws kev os mog. Kuv los yeej raug lub neej li koj thiab os mog. Yus mas mus nrhiav ib tug hlub2 yus os mog txawm yuav g zoo nkauj los kav liam tsuav nws hlub2 yus xwb

  • @laoyang3383
    @laoyang3383 Год назад +1

    What a witch, just because you don't love your ex, how can you just cut off your children. Karma's gonna get you in your old age.

  • @ky3079
    @ky3079 Год назад

    Neeg tsis sawm zoo ce yog koj lawm.

  • @msmaix808
    @msmaix808 Год назад +1

    Your crush thinks lowly of you like you think of your ex-husband. You are very lucky to live like a queen for so long, but you tsis swm zoo. Thank you for letting your ex-husband go, he deserve better!

  • @8kplumber631
    @8kplumber631 Год назад

    You’ve made your bed now you must sleep in it until the end

  • @thongvue5395
    @thongvue5395 Год назад

    Nco tus hluas nraug ua tau nrog nws ua pab tha nyob rau Tulsa yom

  • @alexjohnson9499
    @alexjohnson9499 Год назад


  • @lukemoua9027
    @lukemoua9027 Год назад

    Kuv tus no kuv tsis mus pe2 leej twg , tsis mus tos2 leej twg li nawb tus twg tawm hau kuv tsev lawm ces tas rau thaum ntawd lawm.

  • @hmongremark2686
    @hmongremark2686 Год назад

    Tsis muaj ib nkawm nkauj nraug los yog niam txiv twg sib nyiam equally. Tej nkawm niam txiv los yog nkauj nraug mas tus txiv neej nyiam tus poj niam dua li tus poj niam nyiam tus txiv neej and vice versa.

  • @fortxiong1518
    @fortxiong1518 Год назад

    Saib tsis taus ruam thiaj tau cuab paum rau ruam txiag tiag

  • @a2dazgod539
    @a2dazgod539 Год назад +1

    When you are naïve and ignorant, your life is going to be difficult for sure

  • @flryprn745
    @flryprn745 Год назад

    So sad for you. Sometimes life doesn’t always go your way but maybe it’s your destiny. I hope you think twice about your 3rd husband……maybe you will never meet someone nice again….bcuz there R not that many good hmoob men out there…..sorry guys.

  • @victoriacha3565
    @victoriacha3565 Год назад +1

    She thinks she is the queen and that every men want her.

  • @kaimarro517
    @kaimarro517 Год назад

    You would think that as people get older, they get smarter. Why go searching for love when you already have love. You were so loved and cared for but you gave that up in search of a childhood love. You need to grow up and remember to love yourself first.

  • @panhiathao7538
    @panhiathao7538 Год назад +1

    Koj txhob hu 2 ntuj os tim koj lub niag siab phem xwb os. Koj mas ntshe yuav laj nrhiav tau ib tug zoo txiv lawm os

  • @hlubforlife
    @hlubforlife Год назад +4

    Biggest mistake and regret ever!!!

  • @fortxiong1518
    @fortxiong1518 Год назад

    Mloog zaj no mas ua rau kuv saib tsis taus poj niam hmoob li

  • @xwmkabyang354
    @xwmkabyang354 Год назад

    hahaha npam npam txoj kev yus xav tau yus hlub hlub yus nyiam nyiam zaum no luag thuam yus liam, nco txiv ruam tshav ntuj nrig lau.

  • @NtxhaisHmoobUSA
    @NtxhaisHmoobUSA Год назад

    Koj yog ib niag poj niam hlwb tsawg tsawg. Pog vwm os khiav neeg zoo ntsib niag nab Raj kub sai zaum no ces poj vwm raug kiv kiv kom nplooj siab khaub hlab kuas muag iab sis npaum dej nchuav lawm laus. Npam tiag tiag npam tsis npam khaum koj loj tiag tiag tab Tom haum nkaus mag tsis mag paub tsis paub maum dev lim hiam maum dev siab phem. Koj nqas koj 2 sab niag dev ko nkag rau koj tus thawj txiv lub tsheb as nim yog koj tus qub txiv kwv koj nkag haus tsheb ntag maum dev Liam txwv. Zaum no koj kawm cauv lawm paus.

  • @magicalunicorn5853
    @magicalunicorn5853 Год назад +1

    He forced you? You went on your own!!!!!

  • @dianeonyxiong9457
    @dianeonyxiong9457 Год назад

    Tus poj niam no ces tsis sawm zoo. Ntshe nws hmoov tas lawm. Koj tus ex husband ces yog peb cov poj niam txoj kev npau suav. Ntshaw tus txiv uas hlub yus xwb, koj tsis yuav ua tshaug koj cia lwm tus los kaws koj tus ntshuag kub.

  • @theguyyah
    @theguyyah Год назад

    tsis pom dej dag siab tsis ngig

  • @Zeb1245
    @Zeb1245 Год назад +1

    Girl, if your husband is not the brightest bulb, as long as nws muaj ib lub siab zoo ces is all good! You don’t want the mean ruam at all! Just saying!

  • @lueherr8007
    @lueherr8007 11 месяцев назад

    You and Tou Long are meant for each other, made in Heaven. You deserved what you got! Koj ntse ntse koj twv tus txiv ruam nws thiaj coj koj mus yuav los koj tseem muaj ntsej muag hais tias yog nws khuj koj yuav. Tus neeg ruam ruam Yog koj ntag. Koj tsis yog npam os Tim koj siab phem xwb.

  • @yingkue1120
    @yingkue1120 Год назад

    Heev neeg muaj heev neeg tsim os

  • @jasmineflower7115
    @jasmineflower7115 Год назад +1

    Omg he already told you all his red flags but you were too desperate for him that you don’t see it. Tau tus zoo tsis yuav, sawm tus phem li tub loog xwb mas 😂
    Karma got you good. I bet your ex husband is laughing behind your back 😂😂😂😂

  • @lueherr8007
    @lueherr8007 11 месяцев назад

    Your ex is so blessed you left him. He deserves happiness and someone who loves and cherishes him. Koj tsuas khuv xim nws vim koj tus txiv Tub Looj tsis hlub koj xwb. You would still not love him if you had him again.

  • @sijhawmtsitochannel1659
    @sijhawmtsitochannel1659 Год назад

    Ua zoo thiaj ntshib tus zoo ua phem ce yuav ntshib tus phem

  • @chengher2322
    @chengher2322 Год назад

    Lawv li mloog koj hais koj tus txiv ruam ruam no ...puas yog ruam tsis txawj yaim tsis txawj ua koj ...kom zoo li qhov koj xav es koj thiaj li tsis kam yuav puas yog .....koj tes niam qhuav ntxim xwb los mas cia koj tus txiv hlub 1 tus rau koj nria kom koj nrhav muag los lo mas niag poj niam vwm loj khwv li cas los tsis txaus koj noj

  • @diannaxiong693
    @diannaxiong693 Год назад

    Ob niag dev ruam tsi yog koj tus txiv ruan tabsis yog koj ruam xwb poj awb aw...Rau2 siab khwv tsuav tau qhov hauv los yoom thiab li tau kev kaj siab nawb pog tsoo lub neej zoo2 aw.👋👋👍👍😂😂

  • @tsis-k-koj
    @tsis-k-koj Год назад +1

    It's funny because some women prefer fool's gold to real gold. Looks fade. You made you bed now you have to lay in it.😅

  • @shanetawr
    @shanetawr Год назад

    Yes you deserved what you got but you made the mistake. But you don’t have to live with your mistake, learn from your mistake and move on become a new person. Don’t have regret about your first husband and forget about your mistake.

  • @NtxhaisHmoobUSA
    @NtxhaisHmoobUSA Год назад

    Ntxub ntxub ho nqas koj 2 yas txhas mus nkag rau luag lub tsheb naws pog vwm meb cab maum nkais Liam aw. Nim yog koj tus txiv nim zij zij muab koj kwv ntag pog vwm.

  • @hlubyang4072
    @hlubyang4072 Год назад

    Tsis muaj dab tub dab phem ces yog koj tu kheej xwb nawb....

  • @AnnaMuas2021
    @AnnaMuas2021 11 месяцев назад

    Die tsis die kiag haha nyuam qhuav ntxim rau cov poj niam ruam zoo li no xwb. Tseem xav kom mag ntau sab tsaj no

  • @vuethao6933
    @vuethao6933 Год назад +1

    Nkawd tsis need koj tej niag koob hmoov liam os tus maum dev.

  • @ShouaTojsiab
    @ShouaTojsiab Год назад

    You deserved everything you’re getting now. Neeg tsis sawm zoo.
    I’m so glad your ex married someone who loves him. He deserves to be loved and be happy. You don’t deserve him.