Do You Want to Hear JESUS' Voice?

  • Опубликовано: 22 фев 2012
  • This message is for those who want to be in a relationship with Jesus where they hear from Him and are led by Him. There are many who want to be religious or be in a church, but there are very few who truly want to be led by Jesus and follow Him, and it is a sad thing to see. And it is also a sad to see that those who do truly want to be in a relationship with Jesus, they don't know where to start. They're seeking after Jesus in all the wrong spots. Some think that becoming Jewish you get closer to Him, some think that it is more and more knowledge of the Bible, and they study the Bible for hours on end, but they don't know how to be in a relationship with Jesus. If you want to be in relationship with Jesus you have to pray, repent of all your sins and pray to Jesus until He becomes more real to you than your life itself. People, they spend 4 years or 8 years in school to get a degree, they can wait, they can wait 4 to 8 years to get their degree, but they can't wait 4 to 8 minutes in prayer waiting on the Lord. If you want to have a relationship with Jesus, it starts on your knees in prayer. The battle is won on our knees. If you want to overcome sin, ask Jesus. This flesh cannot overcome sin, but if you live by the power of the Spirit, you will NOT gratify the desires of the flesh. If you want to get to know Jesus, PRAY until the Lord answers you. Go and wait on Him in prayer, until the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to you. And He WILL! But you need to go to Him and wait on Him until He answers you. He is the Master and we are the servants. We need to go and pray and wait on the Lord Jesus until He responds. Many have NEVER been taught that. They think that if they just continue to read this Book right here and they gain more and more and more knowledge, they think somehow that is a relationship with Jesus. If you want a relationship with Jesus, you go on your knees, you turn off your cell phone, you get rid of your T.V., you stop your music, you come to Jesus as a CHILD, and you just say; "Lord Jesus I want to hear from you, give me ears to hear you!" And you keep praying to Jesus until He reveals Himself to you. This is what Jesus says to His disciples in Luke Chapter 13. He says; "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for MANY I say to you will seek to enter and will NOT be able." There are many many Christians, self proclaimed Christians that really want to know God. They will try HARD to enter into heaven but they will NOT be able. This is what Jesus taught. If we want to be in a relationship with Jesus we have to STRIVE. We need to get on our knees and strive in prayer and NOT give up. We need to pray until the Lord Jesus answers us. And He promises us He will. Jesus says; "If you knock the door will be open to you. If you seek you WILL find." And then Jesus says, His Father in heaven knows how to give good gifts to those who ask. If your earthly father knows how to give good gifts, Jesus says, how much more, will His Father in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask. So go and pray and don't give up! Pray until Jesus reveals Himself to you, and He becomes more real to you than your life itself. Go and seek Jesus on your knees and don't give up. The devil, he will try to discourage you. He will say; "The Lord won't speak to you." He will try to discourage you, but if you go on your knees and pray, and tell the devil to get out of your way, and continue to pray, the Lord Jesus will answer you. Pray on your knees until the Lord answers you. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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