Why you need to make demos

  • Опубликовано: 19 янв 2024
  • I discuss the pros of making demos of new music. Also, I review the Kansas documentary, the Line6 POD, SansAmp and other retro gear concepts.
    TONY BLACK is a Grammy-Winning music producer, mixer/engineer & songwriter/musician. He has contributed to recordings totaling more than 80 million units sold or downloaded.
    He won a GRAMMY AWARD for his contribution to the album “THE DIARY OF ALICIA KEYS” for BEST R&B ALBUM.
    He also mixed and recorded “RIDE OR DIE” on the Grammy-winning album JAY-Z “HARD KNOCK LIFE VOL.2”

Комментарии • 47

  • @The_Pretend_Elite
    @The_Pretend_Elite 5 месяцев назад +4

    Great video I totally agree. Unfortunately there are way too many musicians out there sitting on recordings and the only excuse is, I still have to finish it..... what if you're dead before that happens. Just release it. I mean really if you wait all these years and then release it only to find out nobody likes it or it doesn't get any traction then you've spent all that time when you could have had the realization earlier. That's what I do I turn out music like crazy no matter what it sounds like. Then I move on to the next one

  • @ShaneOBrien
    @ShaneOBrien 5 месяцев назад +2

    I listened to everything you said here in this video. I literally have thought of and put actions to every point you laid out, on one occasion or many occasions so many times that they've become instinctive in my habits today. Putting this in something a little bit to the point here... I have 26 original CD's I have created, that recorded music packaged with CD case graphics including Printed lyrics, photos of sessions and live performance photos. Some of the projects have been funneled to a sister DVD of Live performances of the CD's contents. Now, keep in mind that these endeavors have all been supported by one investor, me and what I did in the daytime hours as a worker in the real world earning a living, like a regular person, thus keeping it real. I actually earned a retirement income because of it.
    So here we are today. I have the time and still have the energy to revisit every single album and every aspect I produced to make each an individual package, and play with each one. I gotta say without a tinge of B S, I like all of the still, what some 30 year of creative life stored in hard drive that can fill a bookshelf. Now add in the elements of all the different informative content easily accessed on the internet that can influence on the approach I decide to take on any part of my catalog, or none if that's the case. Remember, when I started on creating my first project, CD's weren't a thing yet. I used a ghetto blaster and made copies on a dual cassette deck and added graphics that had literally "Cut & Pasted" the final artwork and scanned each copy at a Kinkos scanning machine. Things evolved quickly after that to 1/2 ampex 8 track machines mixed to CD and go forward to today as I used MacBook Pro with Logic X for a DAW with an 18i20 from Focusrite. Long story short, listening to you casually discuss this trade was a breath of fresh air. Now I ned to visit the multiple websites that I had place about 75% of my catalog and simply sit back and realize that I did put a ton of stuff out there, and simply enjoy listening to what had happened. Thanks again

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад

      sounds like you've got a plan, and thanks.

  • @nutrino5205
    @nutrino5205 4 месяца назад

    Amazing insight as always, Tony and something that needs to be said on a regular basis with fierce conviction. Many artists don’t understand how important it is to continue to promote and gig with their very best material until it catches. It’s the reason I’ve left bands because songwriter ego gets in the way of success and then you start to ask yourself, what the hell am I doing here cos these guys still don’t get it. It’s like the guy that doesn’t want to leave his girlfriend but doesn’t want to marry her either. You’re either in or you’re not. Play the shit out of your best songs. Play them perfectly every time and act like this truly is what you want to do for a living. Leave nothing to chance. If you’re going to be an artist, be a PhD. Find the drive to go all the way as if you’re a doctor or a scientist trying to cure cancer and take no prisoners along the way. Aim for a Nobel prize. If your local fan base appears to be getting bored with it change it up but when you hit the road your goal is to make that new audience fall in love with your best material even if it’s 5 years old cos guess what? They don’t know shit about you or your songs and there’s your opportunity.

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  4 месяца назад

      agreed! thanks for the thoughts.

  • @ChickyNYC
    @ChickyNYC 5 месяцев назад

    I had a POD I used in the US years ago (and loved). Then I moved to London and never got around to getting a power supply for it. Recently, I’ve moved to New York and unboxed that POD and absolutely love it. Especially as a layering guitar track… so sizzling and interesting. Good to see it get a shout out here.

  • @rcameron4091
    @rcameron4091 5 месяцев назад

    I have similar perspectives that you do about demos . I play all instruments on my recordings and have written and recorded one hundred and seven tracks in this last year . Helpful video . Thanks

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +1

      great feedback and thanks for taking the time. 107 -Keep it up!

  • @Ben86511
    @Ben86511 5 месяцев назад +1

    Randomly found your video today. I appreciate your perspective. I'm working towards finding my voice as writer but with only 1 song every two months it's not enough. I also need to revisit the dozens of songs I scrapped or stopped working on.

  • @Redeyezack
    @Redeyezack 5 месяцев назад

    Just got inspired by this video to make a playlist of my sketches... Thx Tony!

  • @baigmusic
    @baigmusic 5 месяцев назад +1

    Really interesting talk Tony, greatly appreciate the knowledge you shared. I was thinking about what you said halfway in about artists spending too much time worrying about the machine. I wish i could spend more time making music instead of spend it focusing on the distribution, artwork, social media promotion, and the mixing/mastering, it's a lot of things to manage and draining af lol.. But I really like the idea you shared about making demos so will give that a shot and focus more on that, thanks so much!

  • @justin_jawn
    @justin_jawn 5 месяцев назад

    This video is amazing.
    I just released a new song yesterday and my fiancee asked if I was excited and i said no, there’s more to do.
    I also think people need to keep promoting their old songs.
    There’s a whirlwind of things to do

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +1

      ahh the whirlwind, yes. thanks.

  • @ericwikman4131
    @ericwikman4131 5 месяцев назад

    Hey Tony! Eric Wikman here. Just ran across your channel. I'm down in Nashville these days. Good to see you on here!

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад

      awesome...I more or less just started back up here...love nashvegas, its been years.

  • @sfrose3258
    @sfrose3258 5 месяцев назад +1

    Ummm you didn’t say goodbye 😂😂I actually think my ideas are all good 😂..I want to watch the Kansas documentary…Dust in the wind is such a great tune it’s one that everyone will love no matter the age.💯💯carry on now wayward son is one of my favorites of all time as well. I think Kansas was underrated…I remember back in the day that the A&R guy was coming to CBGB’s 😂😂and then didn’t come 😂😂this video is filled with great info and clearly it’s being watched by many so great job Tony B you’re making a huge impact…keep it up 😇

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад

      thank you for your support and thank you for waiting for the "ending"...how can it end when I'll just continue where I left off on the next one?

    • @GlassesKingdom
      @GlassesKingdom 5 месяцев назад +1

      great point there @@TonyBlackNYC

  • @ZooxMaze
    @ZooxMaze 5 месяцев назад

    Demos are great ! They often possess a certain quality which cannot be duplicated in the pursuit of 'perfection' - so, might as well enjoy being you, just as you are. Doesn't get better than than ;)

  • @MatthewSwasta
    @MatthewSwasta 5 месяцев назад +1

    I occasionally go back to my old material just to realize I really like it and miss it...and then realize I need a better performance and recording of it, maybe some better production elements. Though, sometimes, better is the enemy of done. Some of it I can't remember how to play so it's almost like learning a cover song for a bit until it all comes back.
    As the technology I've garnered improves, I crave re-recording these older tunes. Some deserve better recordings. It's a tough prospect based on the topic you covered about the new shiny thing taking over the mind.
    I believe I have enough solid material for a full album now. I want to record all this as a focused demo before going to an actual studio so I have the most fulfilling, efficient, and rewarding experience. ...hopefully...Time and monkey brain are the enemy.

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +1

      sounds like you know...

    • @MatthewSwasta
      @MatthewSwasta 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@TonyBlackNYC The real question I get caught up in, is any of my stuff actually any good? I don't write (or compose-ish) for anyone but myself. I'm not into the prospect of the whole marketing, music industrial machine thing at the moment.
      Another hurdle is comprehension of the mastering process. I would like to "master" the demo, mostly just for the learning experience. I know it takes years of actually doing it to become proficient and have no desire or time to try and fool myself into thinking I can do it all. Sticky webs!
      I'm glad I found your channel. I'll be watching to gather the info as can. Thanks for putting it out there for us!!!

  • @maniartsmusic
    @maniartsmusic 5 месяцев назад +2

    I think I found a channel for me

  • @GlassesKingdom
    @GlassesKingdom 5 месяцев назад

    Demos are certainly a need , i have loads of em , great video mf ... i haven't seeing that Kansas documentary yet . its on my to see list now lol

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +1

      its a great doc. legends.

  • @chadpescod-realtor3308
    @chadpescod-realtor3308 3 дня назад

    What are you hearing that you feel is innovative these days?

  • @amendtheman
    @amendtheman 5 месяцев назад

    Any crazy chance that you’d happen to be based in the Midwest? Also, thank you for the incredible words of wisdom, you are speaking to me right now

    • @amendtheman
      @amendtheman 5 месяцев назад

      Oh wait, NYC, ohhhh kay okay

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +1

      yes, indeed NYC but I did spend a little over a year in STL during the pandemic situation...great place

  • @eliassuhail
    @eliassuhail 5 месяцев назад

    An important question - where are your glasses from?

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +2

      Moscot..lemtosh model. I'm pretty happy with them for years now...and it is important

    • @GlassesKingdom
      @GlassesKingdom 5 месяцев назад

      of all people i should have know , but believe it or not i would never have guessed@@TonyBlackNYC

  • @orangedrone
    @orangedrone 5 месяцев назад +2

    Everything on my channel is demos

    • @TonyBlackNYC
      @TonyBlackNYC  5 месяцев назад +1

      nothing wrong with that!

  • @Tkivo
    @Tkivo 5 месяцев назад +6

    I've read the title "Why you need to make demons" and was like: Finally, someone understands.

  • @papertiger9845
    @papertiger9845 5 дней назад

    When I meet someone who says they make music and they havent put anything out even on soundcloud or spotify and have elaborate plans, it makes me cringe and I blow them off. If you’re over 21 and still hoarding your music, ya gotta change now or stop.

    • @papertiger9845
      @papertiger9845 5 дней назад

      Also thanks for the channel find, really appreciate your insights