European Championship Artistic Final 2023 Yaman vs Heinrich

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 188

  • @kozatas
    @kozatas Год назад +38

    Congratz to both of them. Thanks for the commentators, knowing both of them are competitors adds more to their comments.

  • @TrondArneAusdal
    @TrondArneAusdal Год назад +112

    Very exciting. Ive never seen this before. Excellent commentary that made me understand what was going on.

  • @Ersin_Dogan
    @Ersin_Dogan Год назад +24

    Very good commentary, easy to follow, entertaining and informative.

  • @RidleyMMA
    @RidleyMMA 11 месяцев назад +12

    Truly amazing play. Ive never seen this before but the production and the commentary makes this REALLY easy to follow and super enjoyable. Love it.

  • @nikolauskogelbauer7019
    @nikolauskogelbauer7019 Год назад +20

    Very nice commentary, big thanks David and Jop 😃

  • @fyshfysh
    @fyshfysh Год назад +36

    intriguing sport, never knew it existed. excellent commentary made it very easy to follow, thanks to everyone involved

  • @wasimhelwani2402
    @wasimhelwani2402 Год назад +23

    I tried this before a few times... let me tell you how difficult it is what they are doing if you have not tried it yourself.. they are making miracles on that table 😨

  • @ethangorman5685
    @ethangorman5685 10 месяцев назад +5

    The felt is so fast it looks crazy, what an interesting billiards variation

  • @uzeustosun
    @uzeustosun Год назад +10

    Beautiful performance. Bravo Yaman.

  • @Earl.J.Hickeyy
    @Earl.J.Hickeyy Год назад +14

    Bu kategoride bizi yıllardır onurlandıran Hacı Arap Yaman'a sonsuz teşekkürler.
    Endless thanks to Hacı Arap Yaman, who has honored us in this category for years.

  • @Ν11-φ9ρ
    @Ν11-φ9ρ Год назад +39

    Honestly… 3 cushion billiards, all the tricks shots, exhibition shots and artistic figures are just so beautiful to watch, LOVE it to bits ❤️
    This sport feels both high class tradition and futuristic at the same time
    Crazy stuff and utmost pleasurable to watch

    • @Mogwai-z9f
      @Mogwai-z9f 7 месяцев назад

      Star Wars Billiards.

  • @noworries864
    @noworries864 Год назад +4

    Really enjoyed watching. Congratulations to the deserved winner!

  • @walaxx100
    @walaxx100 Год назад +2

    This discipline is incredible

  • @hemmojito
    @hemmojito Год назад +4

    What a finesse player Yaman is

  • @Krushard
    @Krushard Год назад +17

    Would be fun to see someone with this background pulling a crazy shot in a 10-ball match.

    • @RockSpoon123
      @RockSpoon123 Год назад +4

      Efren Reyes has a very deep background in 3 cushion!

    • @hijtohema
      @hijtohema Год назад

      @@RockSpoon123 Hardly. I couldn't find a ranking (not above 1750. That's approximately how far I went down the ranking) or any tournement results of him in 3 cushion. He isn't ranked even though he is somewhat active in 3 cushion (He was knocked out 40-15 in the last 16 at the East Asian Games last month.)
      He plays it occasionally (without much result it seems) but that's about it.

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 11 месяцев назад +2

      One of the commentators (Jop de Jong) occasionally plays pool as well. And Florian Kohler (the Venom) plays trickshots on both billiard tables and pool tables.

    • @capoman1
      @capoman1 2 дня назад

      ​@@hijtohemaReyes was mostly known for his carom play in the 80s I believe. Just try searching Efren's carom results from back then... I just know he played the game and you can find some of his matches from 80s on youtube.

  • @ergunkaradag8727
    @ergunkaradag8727 Год назад +7

    Selamlar. Helall olsun hocam. Allaha emanet olun. Bizi gururlandırdın.❤🇹🇷💚

  • @mowfee5118
    @mowfee5118 Год назад +1

    I'm really enjoying the final. But could you please add more adverts. I don't think watching the same 3 after every setup is enough. Thank you.

    • @f.w.7843
      @f.w.7843 Год назад +2

      No ads for me at all. Just use an adblocker.

  • @juerv1
    @juerv1 Месяц назад

    As a hobby billiards player, I can only say: It's unbelievable what these people can do!

  • @seyficandulger3355
    @seyficandulger3355 Год назад +5

    I am proud of youuu, we are thee beeeestt in the world billiards.. TURKEY... Saygıner Semih and Tasdemir Tayfun and Arap Yaman Hacı etc.... You are so big men... viva!!!

    • @lyubimstavitrakomclan3599
      @lyubimstavitrakomclan3599 Год назад

      Bro not really… Fedor Gorst, FSR, Jason Shaw, Efren The Magician Reyes, SVB… Russian, Spaniard, Scottish, Filipino, American… where’s Turkey? No disrespect, great country, but not the best in the world billiards, not even close

    • @arhansoncan7909
      @arhansoncan7909 Год назад +3

      @@lyubimstavitrakomclan3599 The ones you are talking about are pool players, not 3 cushion or Artistic Billiard players. So it would not be the great way to judge. All types of billiards are different from each other .

    • @danender5555
      @danender5555 Год назад +2

      @@lyubimstavitrakomclan3599 3 cushion/Artistic Billiards/Carom, it is completely different billiards game, different table, different balls... Turks are on the top at this billiard game.

  • @capoman1
    @capoman1 2 дня назад

    Mad respect to these guys. As if the game isn't hard enough to begin with.

  • @robertwoods1380
    @robertwoods1380 Год назад +2

    Artistic !! Absolutel

  • @tigerchills2079
    @tigerchills2079 8 месяцев назад

    1:12:52 this is a valid shot, even though it was tricky to see. we do see at the end of the replay, that the cue ball is spinning with left english. with that in mind, we had: short cushion, long cushion counter spin, short cushion, red. if we were hitting the long cushion first, we would go around the table counter clockwise.

  • @DazDaz105
    @DazDaz105 Год назад +2

    Never play for cash with these guys. Amazing skill and years of practice

  • @Yogi2263
    @Yogi2263 Год назад +1

    Marvin is young and the future of Artistique

  • @Emir-Değercan
    @Emir-Değercan 10 месяцев назад +1

    1:33:12 başkanım haha abi ❤ Tebrik ederim

  • @ihsanersoy2383
    @ihsanersoy2383 Год назад +3

    Hacı Arap Yaman 🤴🏻🏆💎⭐👏

  • @SouzadeAlex10
    @SouzadeAlex10 Год назад +2

    Helal olsun Hacı Abime Dünyanın En büyüğü olduğunu bir kez daha kanıtladı. Tebrikler Abi.👋👋👋

  • @Bet10zan
    @Bet10zan Год назад +3

    Çok tebrik ediyorum yaman ustam mükemmelsin 🇹🇷❤

  • @paultwiss199
    @paultwiss199 10 месяцев назад +1

    I have never seen this before - it was interesting and clearly needs massive amounts of skill

  • @ddfann
    @ddfann Год назад +1

    I've never seen this version of Billiards before, very interesting.

  • @aspanon1560
    @aspanon1560 10 месяцев назад +1

    fascinating. who invents the plays? how large is the roster?

  • @sargentomor4019
    @sargentomor4019 Год назад +1

    Very good. Amazing commentary

  • @ykb2414
    @ykb2414 Год назад +3

    Bravo Yaman

  • @terryostype9099
    @terryostype9099 Год назад +1

    I've never heard of this before, it's so Yaman looks like an older Tom from Succession!

  • @3g700
    @3g700 10 месяцев назад

    Heinrichs shot at about 1:12:00 is obviously hitting the short rail first. If long rail were hit first - white ball would take different path hitting the opposite long rail significantly higher up - or differently put, closer to the player - given the white ball's obvious amount of left english / left side spin.
    Actually I'm a bit surprised that one of the guys commenting doesn't realize this, when it's quite easy to determine, simply by following the "route" or direction of the white ball after the first rail is hit.

  • @86niisan8686
    @86niisan8686 Год назад +2

    @jop de jong : to hit - 3rd person present tense = he hits - 3rd person past tense = he hit
    not he hitted... thats a very dutch thing to do... putting ED after every english verb for past tense.
    hit, throw, shoot ... basically everything with a ball or ballsport doesnt get -ed at the end in past tense.

  • @colincolenso
    @colincolenso Год назад +7

    It would make sense to reduce a point for each attempt, rather than make a 3rd attempt the same as a first attempt.

    • @itsprochy
      @itsprochy Год назад +2

      I see where you're going with this, but if they get it right 1st time i think there is some luck involved. Never played any carom but I guess part of the skill is the ability to adapt on the fly. You play a shot, observe the result and go "Aah, the cloth is a little too slick, lemme aim more there" and then nail your second try. So I guess both formats would be ok, but this one works pretty well IMO.

    • @CinAli2116
      @CinAli2116 Год назад

      For each player there are too many shots and possibilities to make the score. Even if the player is played long time, there are still figures that he/she did not try in the tournaments. Even the player try the shots in the practices, the tournament pychology and stress are the changer factors for the players. So that, the first attempts are usually see the possible outcomes after the hitting the ball that what in his/her mind. Second attempts are making sure that the changes effect correctly and the third one is the actual shot. If you noticed Heinrich at a point, I don't remember the exact time, he let go the second attempt. Because he saw that he won't gonna make it. Although the outcomes are predictable, spin, speed, stroke power and the height level of the cue is changes the outcome very easly. Most of time they are object the referee to make sure the balls are in the correct places.

    • @lntrlp4936
      @lntrlp4936 11 месяцев назад

      I kind of like your thoughts. I was initially thinking that if the first player gets it in one try, then the opponent must do it in one try. If the first player takes three attempts, then the opponent can steal the point by hitting in less than 3 shots. That would create a very dramatic game, in my opinion.

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 11 месяцев назад

      @@lntrlp4936 that would be cruel

  • @JohnSuave
    @JohnSuave Год назад +2

    This is wild man

  • @bw4593
    @bw4593 10 месяцев назад +1

    Never knew this was a thing, but super fun to watch!!!

  • @happimuchangi7551
    @happimuchangi7551 11 месяцев назад

    Very good commentary. Kudos guys.

  • @samuelawp
    @samuelawp Год назад +1

    Tebrikler Hacı abi. Sevindik.

  • @tonycannon1968
    @tonycannon1968 11 месяцев назад

    Obscene amount of adverts, completely ruins the enjoyment of the match.
    Fantastic game, but adverts every couple of minutes is taking monetisation too fast beyond

  • @lntrlp4936
    @lntrlp4936 11 месяцев назад +1

    I'm curious how Florian would do in this type of competition?

  • @jayandreas1131
    @jayandreas1131 Год назад +2

    Beste Jop, gratis lesje Engels: bij did en didn’t moet je het hele werkwoord gebruiken. Aan did en didn’t horen we namelijk al dat het over de verleden tijd gaat. Dus ‘Did he make it?’ ‘I didn’t think so.’ En geen ‘Did he made it?’ ‘I didn’t thought so.’
    Verder genoten, hoor. 😁
    PS de ush in cushion klinkt hetzelfde als in push.

  • @ChambersRacing9862
    @ChambersRacing9862 Месяц назад

    Are those 19mm cues?

  • @shmurt11
    @shmurt11 9 месяцев назад

    Would be interesting to see Efren "Bata" Reyes compete in this category. He casually pulls off these kinds of shots in high stakes money games

  • @GravellordNito
    @GravellordNito Год назад

    1:06:45, me too, me too

  • @jadezee6316
    @jadezee6316 Год назад +1

    elegant competition...

  • @enginakbas528
    @enginakbas528 Год назад +2

    Yaman Ustaya saygılar

  • @dolphinmania2010
    @dolphinmania2010 Год назад +6

    Billiards meets etch a sketch. Amazing stuff from these two.

  • @MrPat1953
    @MrPat1953 Год назад

    Thank you excellent video

  • @HayataDair
    @HayataDair 8 месяцев назад

    Yaman bu sporun duayeni.
    Tebrikler kral

  • @anthurion1
    @anthurion1 Год назад +20

    I tried this, but it was very challenging. The lack of both arms, and the lack of a pool table made the challenge even more difficult. Hats off to these two players!

    • @ronnieherd9247
      @ronnieherd9247 Год назад +2

      You should have persisted because that isn`t a pool table.

    • @anthurion1
      @anthurion1 Год назад +2

      @@ronnieherd9247 I gave up after I lost both my legs in a Pickleball incident

    • @Ν11-φ9ρ
      @Ν11-φ9ρ 10 месяцев назад

      honest to God, I have seen with my own eyes someone play this game that had an accident and lost his left arm and left leg ....
      Ya know what? He was Allright !

    • @capoman1
      @capoman1 2 дня назад

      A one armed guy beat me at pool and was really cocky. He had a forearm stub. He was playing without even using the rail as a bridge... I said to my friends that I'll beat him and force him to bridge on the rail, it happened... I next told my friends I'd beat him again and force him to use his forearm crotch, his stub, as a bridge, it happened. Was an extra fun pool night.

  • @Mogwai-z9f
    @Mogwai-z9f 7 месяцев назад

    Most people on this planet don't realize how difficult 3 cushion billiards can be.

  • @murat-ow9sl
    @murat-ow9sl Год назад +1

    Sıkılmadan seyrettim Yaman usta süper bir çok hareketi tek ıstakada yapıyor

  • @huseyndlklcn6159
    @huseyndlklcn6159 Год назад +1

    Tebrikler hacı yaman usta ,,,

  • @andersljung1791
    @andersljung1791 10 месяцев назад

    When did this change the name from Carambole? Or is it not the same game?

  • @firstlast3946
    @firstlast3946 Год назад

    Congr yaman.
    Tebrikler ve teşekkürler.

  • @Juancholoco710
    @Juancholoco710 Год назад

    1:12:40 what an eye on that commentator. 👁️

  • @asleeds
    @asleeds Год назад +1

    This is amazing. What happens if one player is left handed ? Are the balls set up on the opposite side of the table ?

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 Год назад

      They are set up in the mirror image.

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 11 месяцев назад

      Most figures for left-handed players are mirrored along the long axis of the table (the axis that is dividing the short rail in half). Some are mirrored along the short axis of the table.

  • @lntrlp4936
    @lntrlp4936 11 месяцев назад

    I think the ref desreves some credit. How critical it is to give each player the EXACT same ball placements must require some extreme attention to detail.

  • @RyanHarris77
    @RyanHarris77 Год назад +83

    What has this world come to when people are stealing pockets from billiards tables. 😡

    • @shannonbennett5692
      @shannonbennett5692 Год назад +2

      Dropped your pocket...

    • @RyanHarris77
      @RyanHarris77 Год назад +1

      @@shannonbennett5692 *looks everywhere in the immediate vicinity*

    • @danender5555
      @danender5555 Год назад +3

      Some people just miss their holes

    • @RyanHarris77
      @RyanHarris77 Год назад +5

      @@danender5555 sometimes I wish my dad would have missed my mom’s hole.

    • @danender5555
      @danender5555 Год назад +2

      @@RyanHarris77 well, that might explain your strange uneasiness at the sight of a classic carom billiard table

  • @SaccoBelmonte
    @SaccoBelmonte Год назад

    I played 3 cue carom for 10+ years. It is waaaaaaaaaay cooler than pool.

  • @hellboyfbyao3
    @hellboyfbyao3 Год назад +1

    13.06 Everybody is human, even Hacı Arap. Bu klasmanda nerede olduğunu en iyi bu cümle anlatırdı herhalde.

  • @cetingocuncu7343
    @cetingocuncu7343 Месяц назад

    Müthiş zorlu bir oyun, tecrübenin stresle mücadelesi...

  • @philcorrigan5641
    @philcorrigan5641 Год назад +1

    14:11 cool guys don’t look at explosions…or caroms

  • @murro16
    @murro16 Год назад

    Sihir gibi oyundu tebrikler yamannmm

  • @carlosrafforamirez7551
    @carlosrafforamirez7551 Год назад +1

    Hermosas ejecuciones en tan difíciles posiciones, ambos jugadores muy buenos.

  • @jaakkokunnas
    @jaakkokunnas Год назад +1

    At 16 min, it's mentioned that kiss isn't allowed. But Artistic gameplay isn't the only one: same is true with Kaisa (Caroline in English), a Finnish form of billiards, potting balls with a kiss is not allowed.

  • @dekordelisi
    @dekordelisi Год назад

    Olay budur işte. Tebrikler... 👏👏👏

  • @dothedo3667
    @dothedo3667 10 месяцев назад +1

    Better than artistic gymnastics at least

  • @colincolenso
    @colincolenso Год назад +2

    I tried this with my 8mm English Pool cue, now I have an 8 piece pool cue.

  • @firedustman
    @firedustman Год назад

    it's not french billard ?

  • @JonMurray
    @JonMurray Год назад

    1:05 shots fired a minute in hahah!

  • @pbjandahighfive
    @pbjandahighfive 9 месяцев назад +1

    Me when I first starting watching this: This is so stupid. Who thought this was a good idea? How is this competitive? How is this a sport?
    Me 1 hour 35 minutes and 38 seconds later: 🧐 What an incredible display. Yaman put out an amazing effort and really earned his win, but both of them played absolutely admirably. Truly masters of their craft. Also, hats off to the commentary; they really know what they're doing. Their efforts provide to the uninformed viewer such a wealth of information... ahem, not to me of course _dabs at the sweat on his brow_ I've been following the sport for utter aaages, but for the general masses they are truly a boon.

  • @diagne31
    @diagne31 10 месяцев назад

    out of context but Heinrich looks like Hell's Kitchen season 1 winner Michael

  • @fatihpesen7775
    @fatihpesen7775 Год назад

    Yaman usta tebrikler

  • @kevindean6600
    @kevindean6600 Год назад +1

    That’s some fancy cloth. Damn

  • @muratsumer5925
    @muratsumer5925 Год назад +1

    mükemmeldi bizleri gururlandırdın..dualarımız seninle

  • @puzzzl
    @puzzzl 10 месяцев назад

    Team Yaman

  • @capoman1
    @capoman1 2 дня назад

    1:33:14 I play pool not billiards. IMAGINE the president showing up to support you!

  • @ser7ser7i
    @ser7ser7i Год назад

    Helal olsun.

  • @eskuelcan
    @eskuelcan Год назад +1

    Bilardocumuz daha YAMAN çıktı. Tebrikler usta gurur duyduk ❤

  • @serkanserkan2095
    @serkanserkan2095 Год назад +1

    helal olsun be..

  • @PostUp_Time
    @PostUp_Time Год назад +2


  • @jonescrusher1
    @jonescrusher1 Год назад

    Every shot's a pressure shot.

  • @wearemany73
    @wearemany73 Год назад

    “Beautiful shot”…..😳okay…

  • @HayataDair
    @HayataDair 8 месяцев назад

    Neden oyuna başlama sırası değişmiyor. Ikinci oynayan çok daha şanslı. Rakibin hatasını ve nasıl sayı aldığını görüyor. Bence belki bir sayıdan sonra yer değişmeliler.

  • @ClassicBookASMR
    @ClassicBookASMR Год назад +1

    At 0.00 i thought "what is this!?" by 18.40 i thought "ohhhh, so close, he should have made that!"
    Love an immediately engaging sport!

  • @אלבןאדמי
    @אלבןאדמי Год назад

    First time I hear and see?? What is that .. 😮

  • @Rjak83
    @Rjak83 Год назад

    They should start using TAOM

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 Год назад

      some of them do...

    • @Rjak83
      @Rjak83 Год назад

      @@ewald59 but they didnt.

  • @colincolenso
    @colincolenso Год назад +1

    It's interesting that these guys are using Back Hand English, though I suspect they aren't aware of it. It would benefit them by becoming more familiar with their pivot point if they aren't already. Seems with these cues and this heavy Cue Ball, the pure pivot point is around 7 inches from the bridge contact. In US pool it's 10 to 15, depending on tip end mass, in snooker, 12 to 15. In UK pool, also around 8 inches with 9mm tip, thinned brass ferule, due to light CB. This allows a player to alight through center CB then swipe for sidespin and hit the desired aim.

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 11 месяцев назад

      I suspect the are perfectly aware of the English they are giving.

    • @colincolenso
      @colincolenso 11 месяцев назад

      They have no concept of the principle of Back Hand English as an aiming / English method of adaptation, nor do you clearly.@@ewald59

  • @jbradshaw7
    @jbradshaw7 Год назад

    Never even heard of this before. I wonder how Ronnie O would do?

    • @hijtohema
      @hijtohema Год назад +1

      He'd have a hard time learning it. Any form of carom billiards is completely different from snooker. And Artistic billiards and 3 cushion are the hardest and most difficult to master.

    @HPDV6VIDEOGAMES Год назад

    If this is not ART!!!???

  • @홍길동-t5t1d
    @홍길동-t5t1d Год назад

    24:04 흰공이 지그재그로 가네,, 개욱겨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @jameslancefield9810
    @jameslancefield9810 9 месяцев назад

    did not have a clue what was going on. wanted to though

  • @annoyingbstard9407
    @annoyingbstard9407 Год назад +1

    A championship restricted to entrants who can be bothered to buy a waistcoat and bow tie and turn up.

  • @earlycuyler8719
    @earlycuyler8719 Год назад

    Is being left handed a big disadvantage in this sport?

    • @ewald59
      @ewald59 Год назад +2

      No, on the contrary. During the tournament, the spots from which the cue ball is struck will start to show a certain amount of wear, especially with massé and piqué shots The starting position of the shots for left-handed players is mirror image of that of right-handed players. Since there are few left-handed players, the spots will show much less wear.

  • @ЕвгенийИльинов-ч6р
    @ЕвгенийИльинов-ч6р 11 месяцев назад

    Мэнни унизил бы Насима ещё страшнее, чем Марко.

  • @vir7825
    @vir7825 3 месяца назад

    I don't see the hole in this game.