I grew up in churches and never really thought about anything until several years ago when we went to visit a new church and I was told to stand and wait for the preachers wife to take me to three classes for me to choose from! I totally felt like I was put in a box and then I was told that you had to go to a new members class for a week so the preacher could teach on becoming a member when God tells us everything we need to know! It really opened my eyes! Everything was about the size of the church and the money. Thank you for being faithful to God! God bless you!
I draw the line under everything you have circled. I am more than satisfied with that. The bottom of the page brother Spencer, the bottom of the page is where I draw the line. I seemed to have missed this video. I am very glad I came across it last night. I appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Thank you so much Spencer for your discernment in sound doctrine. I have left the church I used to attend for it has become the Divine feminine 1611 KJV ONLY WIOP Romans 16:16,17
Thanks for this Bro Spencer, I struggled with the idea of letting secondary issues pass, when I was coming out of the Pentecostal movement. Doctrine matters bro.
Oh my gosh , I too came out of of the Pentecostal Church as well. Watching 4 years of Pastor Spencer Smith and Teal Bible Believers . I've finally totally am understanding things in a diffrent light. God Bless .
The Man Named JESUS ,DIED for ME, He Gets all of Me ,and I get THE TRUTH OF HIS GOSPEL ,There are only Two people that can Hurt Me, Jesus gave His Life and He died that I may have the BEST from Him, it is not Him, that leaves One Person that can hurt me and that person Is Myself ,The Gospel and ALL that is above the RED LINE is My all now and for eternity. Revelation Chapter 22 verse 17-19 so well placed by John and The Holy Spirit closes Our Precious Scriptures perfectly in line with your words Spencer. Just a Magnificent Lesson and video Spencer, All to His Glory...
Thank you Spencer. We always need to do personal inventory about these topics. I come from a past where nothing was ever discussed about these topics. We need this to let the Holy Spirit and the Bible to convict us. Doctrine Matters 💯✝️
Thank you Spencer for this! It's not spoken about near as much as it should be! I'm so glad you articulated this so well...it's worth sharing! It's the blue line for me and I can't get my mind around evangelicals not drawing the same line! I've heard issues like the Gap Theory are secondary & don't really matter but it has to matter...surely it effects how someone will view & interpret the rest of scripture!
Amen Brother Spencer. Hallelujah!!2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
Amen Brother Spencer I enjoyed this study and I am too concerned about what ever future God allows us to have here on earth being over taken by untruth of the of the flesh the world and satan. we as Christians must speak truth and draw the line at anything that takes a way from God's Holiness and Truth though His word and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Some say it does matter however I disagree when it comes to our Christian Salvation it all matters because like you say Doctrine Matters 🙏! Glory to God.
Yes! It does matter! Doctrine matters and what is so saddening is that the churches today want their own doctrine when there is only one and that is God’s Word!
Brother Spencer, this is so vital to us as saints of God, to the Gospel we preach and hold more precious than our own lives, and to those without faith in Jesus Christ. I personally draw that line as a fortress wall against anything Satan tried to use to gain a foothold against us. I don't give much personal time to heading tv preachers, but I give a lot to heading the pastor of my local Baptist church. We live in difficult days, but we are told by our Savior to look up! Always thankful for your ministry.
The Gospel for the New Testament Church is 1 Cor. 15: 1-4 KJV and Rom. 3: 25 KJV explains it further. It's what Christ did for us that we're saved and it's by faith alone, not works. We're forgiven for all sins by Christ's shed blood.
@@VictorianMaid99 James 2 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Matthew 7 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Luke 12 42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season? 43 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. 44 Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath. 45 But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken; 46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. 48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. I truly hope you find conviction, repentance and reconciliation before it is too late and you find the end result of your "party."
I'd draw it where you did but I'd add in the Pre-millennial and dress standards behind it. Then I'd emphasize ministry methods and entertainment and elaborate on the bad parts of that too. Excellent video!
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. One of the pastors at my previous church draws the line at "fundamental issues"(maybe even "secondary issues"), and he didn't think I should leave over issues he didn't see as so important. I come from a family of unbelievers though, and my mom was a false convert, so... I'd rather err on the side of caution and draw the line on a more "legalistic" side.
@@CLM1987 That's exactly what I did, and why I said it was my previous church. The one I'm going to isn't as strong as Michael Tennant's or Spencer Smith's churches, but it's better than the other churches I've been to the past 2 years 😅 *As an update, I'm now alternating between 2 different churches, and they're the 2 strongest ones I've seen in my (general)area.
Secondary issue is a deflective term. Like calling someone crazy who you refuse to understand or doesn’t line up with your beliefs. Also, this dilutes the foundation & fractures what was set in stone. Gods yoke is weight off your shoulders once you let go of rebellion.
They are issues to be addressed but not and end all be all. Let the Most High bring everything into his righteous judgment, and let the Holy spirit continue to guide his people into all truth.
Such a great video! Thank you for this topic. I would draw my line with the blue line you drew for fundamentalists, but I would add dress up further as modest dress is certainly important to Christian living!
@@VictorianMaid99 Says the man who is dressing up as a women. I have seen many of your comments on here, you need to get right with the Lord and become born again, we're not promised tomorrow, TODAY is the day for salvation. Don't die without Jesus, because there's no going back once you are in hell...
@@VictorianMaid99 Tell me where in scripture it states you need to dress as a woman (when you are clearly a man) to be able to share the gospel. Get right with Jesus Christ, sir.
Good points, brother Spencer. A lot of King James Bible believing preachers, teachers and believers draw the line very sharply and hold differing beliefs about "secondary issues". They may call everyone that doesn't hold to their exact beliefs, a lost devil or heretic. It's like you said, people are talking about which "camp" they belong to. It's been my experience that every preacher and teacher is wrong in some area and there is nobody that has their doctrine completely correct. We shouldn't give people a pass or compromise, but that means that there are no teachers left to listen to. Truth is they are so rare as it is! We are living in the end times during the Laodicean church period. We shouldn't be trusting in man, but rather in God and His word. It should be an encouragement to every believer to study things out for themselves and not just blindly follow any leader or group on earth. Psalms 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Romans 14:12 - So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Mostly what I’m seeing today is one group saying “There is a standard” the other group saying “That’s only peoples preferences.” They ran me out of my home church with “preference” while the young ladies were posting getting christian tats and divorce left and right and “the Greek”. I never changed, I know for certain God didn’t ask me to change and bend to what was referred to as preference. There IS a standard.
I saw a crazy documentary that could play a role in the future . it was about a figure known as the Kalki . He's the tenth incarnation of Krishna.The descriptions of him sounds like a future dictator with a group of apostles
I'm not sure why they are categorized, the whole counsel of God is fundamental. This is what happens when man thinks they know more than God. Great video Spencer.
Very thought-provoking video. 1. Secondary and tertiary issues are not primary for discussion or consideration, but they should not be ignored. They are not the main focus of discussion and sermon, but should not dismissed as unworthy of discussion as they have an effect. 2. Too many secondary issues tells something about the person/church. They are seldom found alone. 3. The diagram is a battle diagram with the heretical generals leading from behind. They direct the infantry and artillery, taking out the forces of the opponent one by one, breaching the border until they are at the gate.
The swoon theory has to be the stupidest idea every floated about the crucifixion. The idea that a person could be whipped 39 times with a heavy flagrum and be okay three days later is insane. That type of scourging would cause at the very least would cause numerous broken ribs and wounds down to the subcutaneous tissue. Most likely you would have bruised kidneys and possibly punctured lungs. Then you have the four puncture wounds which would cause comminuted fractures to the wrist and ankle bones. Even if a person could survive this there is also the spear wound to the chest. However lets assume by some miracle a person suffered no organ or vascular damage during this ordeal it would still take months before the person could even do the basic of activities and this is only possible if no infection set in and no nerve damage occurred. (I know this isn't the point of the video, but the fact that the swoon theory is still even considered shows how far people will go to deny the resurrection. )
I think it simply comes down to the Lord being the head of His church. Truth matters, all of it. We need to all come together in prayer, putting our own pride aside and prayer for the Lord to reveal His truth to us rather than us all just holding onto doctrine in a dogmatic way and not including the Lord in it all. The Holy Spirit will teach us ALL things, if we let Him.
I was an evangelical. Now I'm a IFB. Because if you really study the bible you will find that nothing is secundaire. I kinda draw the line below tertiary issues. But will talk about the secundaire issues with ppl. I was one of them before. So understand where they come from. Few weeks ago I was at a wedding anniversary. And alot of ppl from my old church were there and haven't spoken to them for a while. And I noticed that they talk alot about that you need to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance... I said not the bible? Or pray for it? Nope. Mainly the Holy Spirit. Mostly what feels right it seems. Feelings don't always match with what the bible says.. so that's not going to work. I have still alot to learn but I'm on my way. If you guys can... plz pray for me for more wisdom about walking with God. I'm struggling atm with some stuff. And if you have some insight on things that I said.. plz speak up. God bless you. I'm still learning alot from my IFB church and from reading the bible.
@@UricDawson I'm live in the Netherlands. And I googled fundamental baptist church in my region. And found 1. Checked their website.. and it was plainly clear it was a IFB. And went there one day and never left. Haha
@@VictorianMaid99 If it's really the Holy Spirit guiding a person, the guidance doesn't conflict the Bible. I don't think it's rough advice at all to tell people to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in everything, quite the opposite. The problem comes when people want to completely skip reading the Bible and seeing what it has to say first, out of laziness or boredom or for other bad reasons. Some people also think their feelings are the same thing as the Spirit talking to them.
Thank you Bro. Spencer for you words of wisdom! We have to unite under Jesus Christ and the absolute truth of the Bible, or what do we have? If we have different Christ’s, different Gospel, and different Authority (the Bible), then we have nothing in common with these people.
Really loved this video. Dress is a super important issue. With the rampant sexual sin in our culture and around the world, the lack of modesty and laxed standards around this issue has allowed satan to infiltrate and prey on human instinct and those without right teaching, role models, and better yet conviction of the holy spirit, are deeply amiss in their thinking. This is very serious. Broken homes all around the world due to sexual immorality. All those issues are HUGELY IMPORTANT! - Thank you Spencer for this video. We draw the line at the very bottom! Why? Because we want to guard our hearts and minds. But at the same time we have compassion for those who don't have this discernment and we pray 🙏 for them and mention things when we can to plant seeds as you have done Spencer. Your ministry continues to be a blessing. We keep you and your family in prayer 🙏🌈 - JW
Outstanding program, Bro. Spencer. How do we determine what hills to die on and what can be left to the liberty of others? I came up with a 2-step method: (1) I settled long ago on the position that there are no secondary issues. I acknowledge that there are matters that do not directly affect a man's eternal destiny, but I always keep in mind the fact that no doctrine is an island unto itself; all doctrines will have an impact on other doctrines. First, I ask myself if a doctrine will conflict with any other belief I hold, and if so, how can I reconcile those differences? I use my whole belief system to test my individual thoughts and ideas to make sure everything matches up square. The Bible has zero contradictions and zero errors. Why should I expect any less of myself? (2) When I find that I'm wrong about a subject, I immediately seek to rectify my thinking and align it with Scripture. It's okay to BE wrong, but it's never okay to STAY wrong. If I am shown from the Word of God that I am wrong about anything, no matter how "minor" it may seem, I must make any and all necessary changes in my thinking in order to be consistent with the Word. The Bible is the canon, or standard, of all truth. Not the church, not a denomination, not a council, and most definitely not me. I am obligated to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (II Cor. 10:5). As Spencer loves to say, "The Bible is right, and I am wrong!" Amen!
I agree except for the part of scripture being without error so you should be too. We as fallen creatures with sin nature cannot comprehend the scripture that is clear and without error perfectly, hence why we have differences. Good comment brother, would like to just say that to expect perfection on your part of scripture is not going to happen. If you feel you have perfect interpretation of the hard things could lead to being on charitable with others. Again if you can show your case and the other can't make an argument from scripture you should push the issue. We all have the personal responsibility to be good for bereans.
@@nicholasgee9127 Point taken. The reason I said it's okay to be wrong but not stay wrong is because I am often reminded that I am indeed wrong about things. I am acutely aware that I am a fallen sinner in perpetual need of forgiveness and correction. As for my lack of charitability, I try to give people the widest possible latitude when it comes to being wrong about a matter. However, when they have been shown from Scripture that they are wrong but they refuse to budge in their error, then I have to say sayonara to them. Heretics like Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Steven Furtick, Andy Stanley, Russell Moore, and ALL women preachers who have no fear of preaching to men come readily to mind. Truth does two things: it unites, and it divides. And the first thing it does is divide.
@@tedmerritt9048 Love you brother. 100% Did not mean a dig at you and completely agree with you. Don't want you thinking you should have the standard for yourself at that of God's infallible word. We both can't ever achieve that standard. But like David have a perfect heart before the Lord. looks like you do to. You have made me happy. 😎
Brother Spencer, they obviously don't pay attention to the end of Revelation. Not adding to or taking away from God's word. The people that thinks it is ok to do so, need prayer 🙏 God Bless
Amen 👏🏾Thank God that Brother Smith is challenging us. Long time ago I visited a friend's church. First of all, I notice that the pastor moved around with bodyguards and stood by the side of the pulpit as he was teaching. at the end of his teaching, he was accepting an offering he said if you don't give offering you will not come to him and request prayer/ spiritual advice/ prophecy from him 😅. It was good for me I don't ever have to see him.. 😂😂
I've been called a church hopper, but almost every church we've left in the 33 years we've lived in Portland, OR, whether initially "conservative" or more liberal, has drifted either leftward (woke) with culture or toward the NAR (my first exposure to that mess was in 1994-1995--no one believed me when I said this was going to be a problem,) or both. I've felt guilty/bad at times, like, maybe I should stick it out, at least pray, since as a woman, even the liberal churches don't listen to me (haha?) But, my experience suggests that it's very hard to make a U turn, and over-correction is the rule. For what it's worth, I'm now in an Independent Baptist church; it's not close to my house and my husband won't attend it, (he hasn't attended in person anywhere since covid, but he did visit "my" church on Easter,) which also is a conundrum, but if he did choose for us, he'd be drawn to the one that now has women preaching and recently, like, 2022, is recovering from an abuse scandal (like, ignoring claims that a pastor was messing with kids,) and unless he insisted, I would have a very hard time returning there. I'm liking my little (about 45 attenders) church, but...it's not easy. None of this is easy.
It's no coincidence about your comment but I'm especially focused on what you said at last about it not being easy. I recommend you check out pastor Gene Kim from real Bible believers youtube channel( he's an independent fundamentalist baptist ) . His second to last video was about this precisely; how it's not easy because it's NOT supposed ti be always easy and how these last generations are just so weak and not used to fighting. Please don't blow my comment off and DO check out this video . You'll see. God bless you.
@@freddhernanadez2230 I love his videos!! I became KJV because of what he said about the very dubious things in modern bibles (my most favorite used to always be the ESV) and I found that a lot of the modern versions tend to suck the Bible out of the Bible, it’s bland, and of course there are other more serious matters about it. But overall, I love how CLEAR he presents everything and I could finally trust in my salvation after listening to other Christians who made me doubt it, and didn’t believe in such correct doctrines. (I knew I was saved because I know how it is to be born again and my life changed completely). Dr gene Kim helped clear all those confusions and expose all the lies I needed to have exposed. After I got born again I listened to many new ager testimonies so I talked to a lot of new Agers and occultists, and whew, there is a lot to combat in this age of total darkness. And having him combat the lies in the church, and extra biblical practices of certain groups is very important.
Amen. I have friends that get so excited about their rock and roll churches. They brag about the number of people but not how many are saved! Don't know how to get them to see the truth.
Morning brother...keep fighting.. and keep on with Eph. 6:10.. sure could use a full auto version 17b lol... much love n respect ..praying incessantly for you and all of us that are called to this war... never forget you're never alone... ever need an ear or someone to pray with ya know where to find me... OH BTW!! Can't wait to see that new Bible we won the other night.. oh mercy me is my wifey thing lol..
Right on Pastor. Topics are secondary issues because WE MADE THEM “secondary issues”. If we just listen to the Bible-we have all the answers. God is not the author of confusion. Seek wisdom with the RIGHT INTENTION and you’ll never be steered wrong! The Bible is seasoned just right. It doesn’t need a touch of our salt & pepper!
We were all new believers at one time, we help the weak, we grow in grace, mature christians should "Contend" for the faith. Mature christians should no doubt stand for all truth in scripture. Teach the gospel first and the spirit will teach the rest if the seed falls on good ground ! True believers will follow truth !
OSAS and the Trinity should definitely be first order issues without a doubt. Rejecting OSAS is the gateway drug to Works and Lordship salvation alongside attacking the promises of Christ. They make Christ a liar and truce breaker, which at that point it's no wonder they throw out the gospel!
@Spencer Smith: I believe doctrine DOES Matter. I was taught all of my life about the Trinity; mainly by my dad. & i personally believe the "passion" bible is not of God but doctrine of demons. I think the message bible is not to be trusted either. I think men should be pastors not women. (Thank you brother for teachin me why there shouldn't be women pastor's) i mainly agree with you on the rest of this subject. I'm still learning everyday about the scriptures. God Bless you & your family brother Spencer. ☺
I started out in a Pentecostal church in my 20’s. My neighbor who was like a second mama to me was the one who taught me to stick to what the Bible says and never deviate away from it. The secondary issues are fundamental to me, that’s what I was taught in that Pentecostal church I started in 28 1/2 years ago.
I appreciated what you said. A thought that I had while listening to this was; doesn’t any line drawn put a lid on holiness? I’m not referring specifically to salvation but Christian maturity. I believe that this was the goal of the Puritans. Philippians 1:6 comes to mind. I want to fellowship with this goal in mind.
Great episode. Two issues. 1. I would put the Trinity in the Essentials and 2. I'm okay with fellowshipping with those who hold to infant baptism. There have been many great brothers past and present, who hold to this view, even though they are mistaken. ;-). Everyone has a blind spot on something.
@@VictorianMaid99 only when Christian bookstores stopped selling his Merch. The Bible isnt wrong when it said these false prophets are after filthy lucre.
Excellent message, Spencer. Unfortunately, we need this reminder far too often. People and churches don’t like the “uncomfortable” feeling and subsequently kowtow to what makes everyone comfortable, that is, compromise. I’d rather be uncomfortable with people regarding compromise and pleasing God instead of the opposite situation. It’s a slippery slope to compromise and a steep and difficult hill to climb back up…but it can be done by focusing on what God’s Word says.
With friends/acquaintances, I'm flexible but I will not listen to preacher/teachers that cross the line & my line includes some or most of your "secondary" issues. (I can't read them all).
For me secondary issues concern things which are not 100% defined in scripture but can often lead to sin or a form of idolatry if a person is not careful. An example that can lead to idolatry is end times eschatology. If you are basing your entire doctrine on when the millennium occurs and refuse to fellowship based on these differing opinions you have now made an idol out of the end times as it has become more important that Christ.
2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. One thing that we as Bible believers need to do, is not necessarily draw the line where our pastor or denomination does, but we draw it where God did. This will fix the confusion issue in many cases.
In spite of 1,2 gray areas. Which are trivial. I would gladly sit under you as my Pastor. Because I am confident that you would watch over my soul and make sure I was walking in the truth. I may be 67. But that doesn't matter. Because we're basically on the same page. A desire to walk in truth and holiness with the Lord I am I guess to some degree. Old line Assembly of God. But if you're teaching and preaching the truth. I could sit under your ministry. Possibly you could answer some questions about the Bible that I have never been able to get a clear answer.
The illustration reminds me of the Swiss Cheese model I used to use in Construction Safety Training. When there are holes in your defense it's only a matter of time before a fatality or serious injury occurs. Similarly in this presentation the final outcome would be the fatality of the Gospel, in a way.
The Trinity is a secondary issue? That's absolutely a fundamental for sure. In fact, all of those secondary issues are fundamentals to me. Except maybe the KJV only issue. Although it's what I primarily read, I think there are good Bible versions that accurately translate scripture to modern words for borderline illiterates like me who never went to Bible College lol. That said, there are definitely bad versions as well. As long as it's precise and true to scripture, especially the original Greek and Hebrew texts, then I see no issue. But even with the KJV there are people who say only certain versions are good (the Red Cover version or something like that).
I prefer the KJV when it comes to serious Bible study. An example for this occurs in Genesis 3 when the serpent says to Eve "Ye shall not surely die" In most modern translations it will replace ye with you. The problem here is that ye is the plural form of the second person. This means that Adam was standing next to Eve when the serpent was talking otherwise the serpent would have said thou shall not surely die. Only in the old English style is there a distinction between the singular and plural pronouns in the second person (when someone is speaking of the person being addressed) this makes it more clear of who is being addressed by the speaker. For the above example it shows that Adam was without excuse and his shifting the blame onto Eve was even more sinful as he couldn't claim ignorance.
Yeah, I agree - I'd LOVE to go to a fundamental church that reads from a King James bible, but if I was to treat that as a major issue... I'd have to move. There's a good fundamentalist church 3 miles from me which reads from the NASB, but that's the only fundamental church I found in my area in a year of searching for a good church to go to.
@@VictorianMaid99 The NASB wouldn't be my first choice either, but unfortunately I don't think there's any other fundamental churches in my area, so... The bright side is it isn't as bad as something like the Queen James Version, GNT, The Message, etc
Would yall please say a little prayer for me to have more confidence and strength in the truth of the gospel when talking to others? I happened to comment on a Facebook post yesterday that was pointing out the underlying meaning of yoga and how Christians should not practice it, and of course people came at me telling me I'm wrong and they were putting words in my mouth that I didn't say, and accusing me of things. (Honestly I was only commenting to another Christian who said something about it. I was telling her it was awesome of her to stand up for the faith. I wasn't saying anything else to anyone else, when they came after me in the comments.) Anywho, I've always hated confrontation and have never had much self-confidence to defend myself, and I always get nervous and shakey when talking to people. I know what I believe in is the truth and I know I'm on the winning side (as the song goes) but I just need more confidence. Thank you.
This is helpful but I went to a Baptist church and they taught modalism. I am not sure on that spelling. Do you have a video that teaches the difference and why it has been taught that way?
I've gotta say I don't agree with you on everything, but this was a great video. I think you mention some things like music genres (rap, rock, etc) that I would move over to the Acceptable Entertainment circle, and I don't say that lightly, I think there is a lot of sin in the music industry, but God has raised up some solid Bible believing Christians in each genre to be a light in a dark place and I think the evidence of their ministries (true conversions not just say-a-prayers) show the fruits of their true faith. But again, great video, we need to draw the line that preserves the whole of not just the Gospel, and not just the Fundamentals, but the secondary applications that are encouraged throughout the New Testament as well.
I have a family member who is going to a NAR church and I visited it the last Sunday and they are using the mirror image Bible translation. I’m not sure how to handle the situation
I thought the Trinity is a fundamental belief to the Christian faith. Also, in the Bible, Paul gives clear instructions about female pastors. Aren’t these fundamental beliefs? Great video, brother!
My mother-in-law lives with us. Sunday we took her to church for Mother's Day. We went to Generations church, now, we've been to Generations once before and it all looks good, it all sounds good, he preached right out of the Bible, I checked. They have a Rec Center, football field, a baseball field, they started a school, "this is awesome" we thought. So, we're waiting in the lobby for the concert to end. When a woman walks to the pulpit and starts preaching. I sat there for minute, dismayed. I said to my husband "they have a woman pastor", i added "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man. We immediately left, we aren't going back. That's where we draw the line with Generations.
As someone who doesn't have a lot of people I can talk with about premillennialism and how it influences our worldview, I find it incredibly important to go to a church with that kind of understanding. I might draw the line at secondary issues and not "tertiary issues" if that wasn't the case, and I think the "Christian liberties" can be an important issue if people going to church in skimpy clothes, if churches are playing Disney movies and inviting metal bands, or have incredibly questionable ministry methods would count as "Christian Liberty" issues, but I digress...
I grew up in churches and never really thought about anything until several years ago when we went to visit a new church and I was told to stand and wait for the preachers wife to take me to three classes for me to choose from! I totally felt like I was put in a box and then I was told that you had to go to a new members class for a week so the preacher could teach on becoming a member when God tells us everything we need to know! It really opened my eyes! Everything was about the size of the church and the money. Thank you for being faithful to God! God bless you!
I believe God has called you to stand for the truth. I see that in your passion. I see that as caring in the name of God
Keep standing for truth Sir. God bless you, your family and ministry.
I draw the line under everything you have circled. I am more than satisfied with that. The bottom of the page brother Spencer, the bottom of the page is where I draw the line. I seemed to have missed this video. I am very glad I came across it last night. I appreciate it very much. Thank you.
Thank you so much Spencer for your discernment in sound doctrine. I have left the church I used to attend for it has become the Divine feminine 1611 KJV ONLY WIOP Romans 16:16,17
Thanks for this Bro Spencer, I struggled with the idea of letting secondary issues pass, when I was coming out of the Pentecostal movement. Doctrine matters bro.
Oh my gosh , I too came out of of the Pentecostal Church as well. Watching 4 years of Pastor Spencer Smith and Teal Bible Believers . I've finally totally am understanding things in a diffrent light. God Bless .
The Man Named JESUS ,DIED for ME, He Gets all of Me ,and I get THE TRUTH OF HIS GOSPEL ,There are only Two people that can Hurt Me, Jesus gave His Life and He died that I may have the BEST from Him, it is not Him, that leaves One Person that can hurt me and that person Is Myself ,The Gospel and ALL that is above the RED LINE is My all now and for eternity. Revelation Chapter 22 verse 17-19 so well placed by John and The Holy Spirit closes Our Precious Scriptures perfectly in line with your words Spencer. Just a Magnificent Lesson and video Spencer, All to His Glory...
Thank you Spencer. We always need to do personal inventory about these topics. I come from a past where nothing was ever discussed about these topics. We need this to let the Holy Spirit and the Bible to convict us. Doctrine Matters 💯✝️
I'll say ot plain and simple
I stand with you because you stand with the Bible
Thank you Spencer for this! It's not spoken about near as much as it should be! I'm so glad you articulated this so well...it's worth sharing! It's the blue line for me and I can't get my mind around evangelicals not drawing the same line! I've heard issues like the Gap Theory are secondary & don't really matter but it has to matter...surely it effects how someone will view & interpret the rest of scripture!
Pastor Gene Kim from real Bible believers is an ACE( of course Gid given gift ) at all this. His teaching on tbe gap theory was awesome as usual.
Doctrine MUST be followed.
Thank you Bro. Spencer. Appreciate this video.God bless all of you. Many prayers for the work God is doing through your ministry.
Amen Brother Spencer. Hallelujah!!2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:
Amen Brother Spencer I enjoyed this study and I am too concerned about what ever future God allows us to have here on earth being over taken by untruth of the of the flesh the world and satan. we as Christians must speak truth and draw the line at anything that takes a way from God's Holiness and Truth though His word and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Some say it does matter however I disagree when it comes to our Christian Salvation it all matters because like you say Doctrine Matters 🙏! Glory to God.
What are you saying that matters, what merit matters when it comes to your salvation?
Yes! It does matter! Doctrine matters and what is so saddening is that the churches today want their own doctrine when there is only one and that is God’s Word!
Brother Spencer, this is so vital to us as saints of God, to the Gospel we preach and hold more precious than our own lives, and to those without faith in Jesus Christ. I personally draw that line as a fortress wall against anything Satan tried to use to gain a foothold against us. I don't give much personal time to heading tv preachers, but I give a lot to heading the pastor of my local Baptist church. We live in difficult days, but we are told by our Savior to look up! Always thankful for your ministry.
God bless and protect you and the church you attend brother.
I’ll stand and be a legalist with you Spencer! Doctrine matters!
@@karlcarlson4240 Good to know. I will have no fellowship with the policymakers at Amazon.
@@karlcarlson4240 do you buy things from Amazon or Walmart or Costco? Or Dollar General?
Rachel or Richard? Are you here to divide?
Hey Rachel, who made your rubber suit?
Wow dude.
@@karlcarlson4240 you believe the earth is flat don’t you?
The Gospel for the New Testament Church is 1 Cor. 15: 1-4 KJV and Rom. 3: 25 KJV explains it further.
It's what Christ did for us that we're saved and it's by faith alone, not works. We're forgiven for all sins by Christ's shed blood.
James 2
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Matthew 7
21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Luke 12
42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?
43 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
44 Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.
45 But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;
46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.
47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
I truly hope you find conviction, repentance and reconciliation before it is too late and you find the end result of your "party."
Excellent. Thanks again for great teaching.
Almost every time I go to watch your videos they have a Joyce Myers commercial before your video plays. Thank the Lord for the skip button 😂
Where I draw the line is “if it’s in the Bible, I want it. If it’s not in the Bible, I don’t want it!” 🙌🏾
Great Points Spencer! Could not agree with you more on this 👍🏻
Very challenging. Much wisdom coming forth! Humbly and with compassion. Thank you!
Would love a series where you go into each issue
I'd draw it where you did but I'd add in the Pre-millennial and dress standards behind it. Then I'd emphasize ministry methods and entertainment and elaborate on the bad parts of that too. Excellent video!
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. One of the pastors at my previous church draws the line at "fundamental issues"(maybe even "secondary issues"), and he didn't think I should leave over issues he didn't see as so important. I come from a family of unbelievers though, and my mom was a false convert, so... I'd rather err on the side of caution and draw the line on a more "legalistic" side.
@@B33nj4m1n Find a different church
@@CLM1987 That's exactly what I did, and why I said it was my previous church. The one I'm going to isn't as strong as Michael Tennant's or Spencer Smith's churches, but it's better than the other churches I've been to the past 2 years 😅
*As an update, I'm now alternating between 2 different churches, and they're the 2 strongest ones I've seen in my (general)area.
Spencer!Thank you for fighting for us out there who don't have a large voice like yourself!
Hi, true, but many voices makes a loud sound. One voice at a time is like one drop of water at a time can fill a bucket.
Glory to God, Thank you for another true believer in Christ Jesus.
Secondary issue is a deflective term. Like calling someone crazy who you refuse to understand or doesn’t line up with your beliefs. Also, this dilutes the foundation & fractures what was set in stone. Gods yoke is weight off your shoulders once you let go of rebellion.
They are issues to be addressed but not and end all be all. Let the Most High bring everything into his righteous judgment, and let the Holy spirit continue to guide his people into all truth.
This is incredibly helpful! Thank you 🙌🏼
Such a great video! Thank you for this topic. I would draw my line with the blue line you drew for fundamentalists, but I would add dress up further as modest dress is certainly important to Christian living!
@@VictorianMaid99 Says the man who is dressing up as a women. I have seen many of your comments on here, you need to get right with the Lord and become born again, we're not promised tomorrow, TODAY is the day for salvation. Don't die without Jesus, because there's no going back once you are in hell...
@@VictorianMaid99 Baptism isn't what saves you. And neither does dressing as a woman when you are a man.
@@VictorianMaid99 Tell me where in scripture it states you need to dress as a woman (when you are clearly a man) to be able to share the gospel. Get right with Jesus Christ, sir.
Good points, brother Spencer.
A lot of King James Bible believing preachers, teachers and believers draw the line very sharply and hold differing beliefs about "secondary issues". They may call everyone that doesn't hold to their exact beliefs, a lost devil or heretic. It's like you said, people are talking about which "camp" they belong to.
It's been my experience that every preacher and teacher is wrong in some area and there is nobody that has their doctrine completely correct. We shouldn't give people a pass or compromise, but that means that there are no teachers left to listen to. Truth is they are so rare as it is! We are living in the end times during the Laodicean church period.
We shouldn't be trusting in man, but rather in God and His word. It should be an encouragement to every believer to study things out for themselves and not just blindly follow any leader or group on earth.
Psalms 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Romans 14:12 - So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
Amen. God bless you brother.
Mostly what I’m seeing today is one group saying “There is a standard” the other group saying “That’s only peoples preferences.” They ran me out of my home church with “preference” while the young ladies were posting getting christian tats and divorce left and right and “the Greek”. I never changed, I know for certain God didn’t ask me to change and bend to what was referred to as preference. There IS a standard.
I saw a crazy documentary that could play a role in the future . it was about a figure known as the Kalki . He's the tenth incarnation of Krishna.The descriptions of him sounds like a future dictator with a group of apostles
@@woobiefuntime yeah Spencer actually spoke about that particular devil in the first third adam.
@@Avery_F I knew of him years ago when I stumbled on a weird band. I stopped listening to it when I found out about its nazi roots
I'm not sure why they are categorized, the whole counsel of God is fundamental. This is what happens when man thinks they know more than God. Great video Spencer.
fighting is necessary..... your doing a great job amen
I appreciate this thorough explanation. Thank you.
At NTEB, we talk incessantly and relentlessly about the importance of rightly dividing the scriptures.
If it's not scriptural then it's an issue and I can't fellowship with you, secondary issue or not.
Very thought-provoking video.
1. Secondary and tertiary issues are not primary for discussion or consideration, but they should not be ignored. They are not the main focus of discussion and sermon, but should not dismissed as unworthy of discussion as they have an effect.
2. Too many secondary issues tells something about the person/church. They are seldom found alone.
3. The diagram is a battle diagram with the heretical generals leading from behind. They direct the infantry and artillery, taking out the forces of the opponent one by one, breaching the border until they are at the gate.
The swoon theory has to be the stupidest idea every floated about the crucifixion. The idea that a person could be whipped 39 times with a heavy flagrum and be okay three days later is insane. That type of scourging would cause at the very least would cause numerous broken ribs and wounds down to the subcutaneous tissue. Most likely you would have bruised kidneys and possibly punctured lungs. Then you have the four puncture wounds which would cause comminuted fractures to the wrist and ankle bones. Even if a person could survive this there is also the spear wound to the chest. However lets assume by some miracle a person suffered no organ or vascular damage during this ordeal it would still take months before the person could even do the basic of activities and this is only possible if no infection set in and no nerve damage occurred. (I know this isn't the point of the video, but the fact that the swoon theory is still even considered shows how far people will go to deny the resurrection. )
Jesus didn't have any broken bones tho.... right? But i agree with everything else. It was horrid beyond belief.
Right on. That spear pierced into his side. You don't walk away from that without modern surgery.
I think it simply comes down to the Lord being the head of His church. Truth matters, all of it. We need to all come together in prayer, putting our own pride aside and prayer for the Lord to reveal His truth to us rather than us all just holding onto doctrine in a dogmatic way and not including the Lord in it all. The Holy Spirit will teach us ALL things, if we let Him.
Doctrine matters. Sound doctrine from God’s Word. We have continue to walk in the truth of our savior Jesus Christ.
I was an evangelical. Now I'm a IFB. Because if you really study the bible you will find that nothing is secundaire. I kinda draw the line below tertiary issues. But will talk about the secundaire issues with ppl. I was one of them before. So understand where they come from.
Few weeks ago I was at a wedding anniversary. And alot of ppl from my old church were there and haven't spoken to them for a while. And I noticed that they talk alot about that you need to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance... I said not the bible? Or pray for it? Nope. Mainly the Holy Spirit. Mostly what feels right it seems. Feelings don't always match with what the bible says.. so that's not going to work. I have still alot to learn but I'm on my way. If you guys can... plz pray for me for more wisdom about walking with God. I'm struggling atm with some stuff. And if you have some insight on things that I said.. plz speak up. God bless you.
I'm still learning alot from my IFB church and from reading the bible.
If I can ask, how did you find your IFB Church?
I grew up Catholic, but I left the Catholic Church for the evangelical church for 20+ yrs. And now I think it makes sense to shift to fundamentalists.
@@UricDawson I'm live in the Netherlands. And I googled fundamental baptist church in my region. And found 1. Checked their website.. and it was plainly clear it was a IFB. And went there one day and never left. Haha
@@VictorianMaid99 If it's really the Holy Spirit guiding a person, the guidance doesn't conflict the Bible. I don't think it's rough advice at all to tell people to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in everything, quite the opposite. The problem comes when people want to completely skip reading the Bible and seeing what it has to say first, out of laziness or boredom or for other bad reasons. Some people also think their feelings are the same thing as the Spirit talking to them.
@@VictorianMaid99 Sorry, I'm not following. English is not my first language
Thank you Bro. Spencer for you words of wisdom! We have to unite under Jesus Christ and the absolute truth of the Bible, or what do we have? If we have different Christ’s, different Gospel, and different Authority (the Bible), then we have nothing in common with these people.
Really loved this video. Dress is a super important issue. With the rampant sexual sin in our culture and around the world, the lack of modesty and laxed standards around this issue has allowed satan to infiltrate and prey on human instinct and those without right teaching, role models, and better yet conviction of the holy spirit, are deeply amiss in their thinking. This is very serious. Broken homes all around the world due to sexual immorality. All those issues are HUGELY IMPORTANT! - Thank you Spencer for this video. We draw the line at the very bottom! Why? Because we want to guard our hearts and minds. But at the same time we have compassion for those who don't have this discernment and we pray 🙏 for them and mention things when we can to plant seeds as you have done Spencer. Your ministry continues to be a blessing. We keep you and your family in prayer 🙏🌈 - JW
Outstanding program, Bro. Spencer. How do we determine what hills to die on and what can be left to the liberty of others? I came up with a 2-step method: (1) I settled long ago on the position that there are no secondary issues. I acknowledge that there are matters that do not directly affect a man's eternal destiny, but I always keep in mind the fact that no doctrine is an island unto itself; all doctrines will have an impact on other doctrines. First, I ask myself if a doctrine will conflict with any other belief I hold, and if so, how can I reconcile those differences? I use my whole belief system to test my individual thoughts and ideas to make sure everything matches up square. The Bible has zero contradictions and zero errors. Why should I expect any less of myself? (2) When I find that I'm wrong about a subject, I immediately seek to rectify my thinking and align it with Scripture. It's okay to BE wrong, but it's never okay to STAY wrong. If I am shown from the Word of God that I am wrong about anything, no matter how "minor" it may seem, I must make any and all necessary changes in my thinking in order to be consistent with the Word. The Bible is the canon, or standard, of all truth. Not the church, not a denomination, not a council, and most definitely not me. I am obligated to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (II Cor. 10:5). As Spencer loves to say, "The Bible is right, and I am wrong!" Amen!
I agree except for the part of scripture being without error so you should be too. We as fallen creatures with sin nature cannot comprehend the scripture that is clear and without error perfectly, hence why we have differences.
Good comment brother, would like to just say that to expect perfection on your part of scripture is not going to happen. If you feel you have perfect interpretation of the hard things could lead to being on charitable with others. Again if you can show your case and the other can't make an argument from scripture you should push the issue. We all have the personal responsibility to be good for bereans.
@@nicholasgee9127 Point taken. The reason I said it's okay to be wrong but not stay wrong is because I am often reminded that I am indeed wrong about things. I am acutely aware that I am a fallen sinner in perpetual need of forgiveness and correction. As for my lack of charitability, I try to give people the widest possible latitude when it comes to being wrong about a matter. However, when they have been shown from Scripture that they are wrong but they refuse to budge in their error, then I have to say sayonara to them. Heretics like Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Steven Furtick, Andy Stanley, Russell Moore, and ALL women preachers who have no fear of preaching to men come readily to mind. Truth does two things: it unites, and it divides. And the first thing it does is divide.
Love you brother. 100%
Did not mean a dig at you and completely agree with you. Don't want you thinking you should have the standard for yourself at that of God's infallible word. We both can't ever achieve that standard. But like David have a perfect heart before the Lord. looks like you do to. You have made me happy. 😎
@@nicholasgee9127 Same here, brother! I took absolutely no offense to your reply. I believe you and I are definitely on the same page! 😊
I'm a street preacher from Southeastern CT.
Brother Spencer, they obviously don't pay attention to the end of Revelation. Not adding to or taking away from God's word. The people that thinks it is ok to do so, need prayer 🙏 God Bless
Amen 👏🏾Thank God that Brother Smith is challenging us. Long time ago I visited a friend's church. First of all, I notice that the pastor moved around with bodyguards and stood by the side of the pulpit as he was teaching. at the end of his teaching, he was accepting an offering he said if you don't give offering you will not come to him and request prayer/ spiritual advice/ prophecy from him 😅. It was good for me I don't ever have to see him.. 😂😂
I've been called a church hopper, but almost every church we've left in the 33 years we've lived in Portland, OR, whether initially "conservative" or more liberal, has drifted either leftward (woke) with culture or toward the NAR (my first exposure to that mess was in 1994-1995--no one believed me when I said this was going to be a problem,) or both. I've felt guilty/bad at times, like, maybe I should stick it out, at least pray, since as a woman, even the liberal churches don't listen to me (haha?) But, my experience suggests that it's very hard to make a U turn, and over-correction is the rule. For what it's worth, I'm now in an Independent Baptist church; it's not close to my house and my husband won't attend it, (he hasn't attended in person anywhere since covid, but he did visit "my" church on Easter,) which also is a conundrum, but if he did choose for us, he'd be drawn to the one that now has women preaching and recently, like, 2022, is recovering from an abuse scandal (like, ignoring claims that a pastor was messing with kids,) and unless he insisted, I would have a very hard time returning there. I'm liking my little (about 45 attenders) church, but...it's not easy. None of this is easy.
It's no coincidence about your comment but I'm especially focused on what you said at last about it not being easy. I recommend you check out pastor Gene Kim from real Bible believers youtube channel( he's an independent fundamentalist baptist ) . His second to last video was about this precisely; how it's not easy because it's NOT supposed ti be always easy and how these last generations are just so weak and not used to fighting. Please don't blow my comment off and DO check out this video . You'll see. God bless you.
@@freddhernanadez2230 I love his videos!! I became KJV because of what he said about the very dubious things in modern bibles (my most favorite used to always be the ESV) and I found that a lot of the modern versions tend to suck the Bible out of the Bible, it’s bland, and of course there are other more serious matters about it. But overall, I love how CLEAR he presents everything and I could finally trust in my salvation after listening to other Christians who made me doubt it, and didn’t believe in such correct doctrines. (I knew I was saved because I know how it is to be born again and my life changed completely). Dr gene Kim helped clear all those confusions and expose all the lies I needed to have exposed. After I got born again I listened to many new ager testimonies so I talked to a lot of new Agers and occultists, and whew, there is a lot to combat in this age of total darkness. And having him combat the lies in the church, and extra biblical practices of certain groups is very important.
Amen. I have friends that get so excited about their rock and roll churches. They brag about the number of people but not how many are saved! Don't know how to get them to see the truth.
Tell them to check out the testimonies of the "peniel eternal" channel. Copy the name down and put it somewhere now for this post won't last.
Morning brother...keep fighting.. and keep on with Eph. 6:10.. sure could use a full auto version 17b lol... much love n respect ..praying incessantly for you and all of us that are called to this war... never forget you're never alone... ever need an ear or someone to pray with ya know where to find me... OH BTW!! Can't wait to see that new Bible we won the other night.. oh mercy me is my wifey thing lol..
Right on Pastor. Topics are secondary issues because WE MADE THEM “secondary issues”. If we just listen to the Bible-we have all the answers. God is not the author of confusion. Seek wisdom with the RIGHT INTENTION and you’ll never be steered wrong! The Bible is seasoned just right. It doesn’t need a touch of our salt & pepper!
Did you attend the 2022 Truth Matters conference at the Ark Encounter..??? What a blessing that was.......
We were all new believers at one time, we help the weak, we grow in grace, mature christians should "Contend" for the faith. Mature christians should no doubt stand for all truth in scripture. Teach the gospel first and the spirit will teach the rest if the seed falls on good ground ! True believers will follow truth !
OSAS and the Trinity should definitely be first order issues without a doubt. Rejecting OSAS is the gateway drug to Works and Lordship salvation alongside attacking the promises of Christ. They make Christ a liar and truce breaker, which at that point it's no wonder they throw out the gospel!
Amen Spencer.
Thank you for speaking truth! Great video, Amen.
This helped answer a question I had after watching Third Adam. Where do we draw the line?
@Spencer Smith: I believe doctrine DOES Matter. I was taught all of my life about the Trinity; mainly by my dad. & i personally believe the "passion" bible is not of God but doctrine of demons. I think the message bible is not to be trusted either. I think men should be pastors not women. (Thank you brother for teachin me why there shouldn't be women pastor's) i mainly agree with you on the rest of this subject. I'm still learning everyday about the scriptures. God Bless you & your family brother Spencer. ☺
I can't wait for you to cover Brandon Lakes New song (Help) and lyrics of many of King & Country songs
I started out in a Pentecostal church in my 20’s. My neighbor who was like a second mama to me was the one who taught me to stick to what the Bible says and never deviate away from it. The secondary issues are fundamental to me, that’s what I was taught in that Pentecostal church I started in 28 1/2 years ago.
Neither, just Pentecostal!
The terciery issues are the actual secondary issues
I appreciated what you said. A thought that I had while listening to this was; doesn’t any line drawn put a lid on holiness? I’m not referring specifically to salvation but Christian maturity. I believe that this was the goal of the Puritans. Philippians 1:6 comes to mind. I want to fellowship with this goal in mind.
Great episode. Two issues.
1. I would put the Trinity in the Essentials and
2. I'm okay with fellowshipping with those who hold to infant baptism. There have been many great brothers past and present, who hold to this view, even though they are mistaken. ;-). Everyone has a blind spot on something.
@@VictorianMaid99 only when Christian bookstores stopped selling his Merch. The Bible isnt wrong when it said these false prophets are after filthy lucre.
@@VictorianMaid99 no, TD denies the Trinity. He is a modalist.
Excellent message, Spencer. Unfortunately, we need this reminder far too often. People and churches don’t like the “uncomfortable” feeling and subsequently kowtow to what makes everyone comfortable, that is, compromise. I’d rather be uncomfortable with people regarding compromise and pleasing God instead of the opposite situation. It’s a slippery slope to compromise and a steep and difficult hill to climb back up…but it can be done by focusing on what God’s Word says.
Personally, the secondary are fundamental to me as well. We must take the whole counsel of God. I have made up my mind.
How in the word could anyone consider the Trinity a secondary issue...?
With friends/acquaintances, I'm flexible but I will not listen to preacher/teachers that cross the line & my line includes some or most of your "secondary" issues. (I can't read them all).
For me secondary issues concern things which are not 100% defined in scripture but can often lead to sin or a form of idolatry if a person is not careful. An example that can lead to idolatry is end times eschatology. If you are basing your entire doctrine on when the millennium occurs and refuse to fellowship based on these differing opinions you have now made an idol out of the end times as it has become more important that Christ.
I think music needs added to secondary issues
Can you please do a study on the diff between Fundamentalists and Bible Believers?
I ran out of my former church when they started to ask everyone at night to go out and protest for a political cause that I didn't agree with
2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
One thing that we as Bible believers need to do, is not necessarily draw the line where our pastor or denomination does, but we draw it where God did. This will fix the confusion issue in many cases.
What about Born again?
By far your best video, because I honestly see your heart and I understand your Platform a bit better...
In spite of 1,2 gray areas. Which are trivial. I would gladly sit under you as my Pastor. Because I am confident that you would watch over my soul and make sure I was walking in the truth.
I may be 67. But that doesn't matter. Because we're basically on the same page. A desire to walk in truth and holiness with the Lord
I am I guess to some degree. Old line Assembly of God. But if you're teaching and preaching the truth. I could sit under your ministry.
Possibly you could answer some questions about the Bible that I have never been able to get a clear answer.
Groovy studio bro 😎
The illustration reminds me of the Swiss Cheese model I used to use in Construction Safety Training. When there are holes in your defense it's only a matter of time before a fatality or serious injury occurs. Similarly in this presentation the final outcome would be the fatality of the Gospel, in a way.
Very good discussion. We need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit
well done MS. thank you
Great question and very thought provoking.
The Trinity is a secondary issue? That's absolutely a fundamental for sure. In fact, all of those secondary issues are fundamentals to me. Except maybe the KJV only issue. Although it's what I primarily read, I think there are good Bible versions that accurately translate scripture to modern words for borderline illiterates like me who never went to Bible College lol. That said, there are definitely bad versions as well. As long as it's precise and true to scripture, especially the original Greek and Hebrew texts, then I see no issue. But even with the KJV there are people who say only certain versions are good (the Red Cover version or something like that).
Some people claim it is. I know, it’s crazy.
I prefer the KJV when it comes to serious Bible study. An example for this occurs in Genesis 3 when the serpent says to Eve "Ye shall not surely die" In most modern translations it will replace ye with you. The problem here is that ye is the plural form of the second person. This means that Adam was standing next to Eve when the serpent was talking otherwise the serpent would have said thou shall not surely die. Only in the old English style is there a distinction between the singular and plural pronouns in the second person (when someone is speaking of the person being addressed) this makes it more clear of who is being addressed by the speaker.
For the above example it shows that Adam was without excuse and his shifting the blame onto Eve was even more sinful as he couldn't claim ignorance.
Yeah, I agree - I'd LOVE to go to a fundamental church that reads from a King James bible, but if I was to treat that as a major issue... I'd have to move. There's a good fundamentalist church 3 miles from me which reads from the NASB, but that's the only fundamental church I found in my area in a year of searching for a good church to go to.
My church reads from the NLT Bible. Also, occasionally we will have a woman preach the sermon. I like that.
@@VictorianMaid99 The NASB wouldn't be my first choice either, but unfortunately I don't think there's any other fundamental churches in my area, so... The bright side is it isn't as bad as something like the Queen James Version, GNT, The Message, etc
Cracks me up how they keep showing that Joyce Meyer commercial🙄
Thank you brother. 👑 I enjoyed this very much.
Would yall please say a little prayer for me to have more confidence and strength in the truth of the gospel when talking to others?
I happened to comment on a Facebook post yesterday that was pointing out the underlying meaning of yoga and how Christians should not practice it, and of course people came at me telling me I'm wrong and they were putting words in my mouth that I didn't say, and accusing me of things. (Honestly I was only commenting to another Christian who said something about it. I was telling her it was awesome of her to stand up for the faith. I wasn't saying anything else to anyone else, when they came after me in the comments.)
Anywho, I've always hated confrontation and have never had much self-confidence to defend myself, and I always get nervous and shakey when talking to people.
I know what I believe in is the truth and I know I'm on the winning side (as the song goes) but I just need more confidence.
Thank you.
Really appreciate this vid, Spencer. Great video!!💕
Amen, HalleluYah
Can I just say we've come to same conclusion.
My husband and I came to same to conclusion that we can't compromise on "secondary issues".
This is helpful but I went to a Baptist church and they taught modalism. I am not sure on that spelling. Do you have a video that teaches the difference and why it has been taught that way?
I've gotta say I don't agree with you on everything, but this was a great video. I think you mention some things like music genres (rap, rock, etc) that I would move over to the Acceptable Entertainment circle, and I don't say that lightly, I think there is a lot of sin in the music industry, but God has raised up some solid Bible believing Christians in each genre to be a light in a dark place and I think the evidence of their ministries (true conversions not just say-a-prayers) show the fruits of their true faith. But again, great video, we need to draw the line that preserves the whole of not just the Gospel, and not just the Fundamentals, but the secondary applications that are encouraged throughout the New Testament as well.
Amen, Blessings.
I have a family member who is going to a NAR church and I visited it the last Sunday and they are using the mirror image Bible translation. I’m not sure how to handle the situation
Spencer's Bible Bunker 😉📖
Very good and informative
It was a good perspective to check. Thanks for the video.
I thought the Trinity is a fundamental belief to the Christian faith. Also, in the Bible, Paul gives clear instructions about female pastors. Aren’t these fundamental beliefs? Great video, brother!
Very good message. I’m with you.
My mother-in-law lives with us. Sunday we took her to church for Mother's Day. We went to Generations church, now, we've been to Generations once before and it all looks good, it all sounds good, he preached right out of the Bible, I checked. They have a Rec Center, football field, a baseball field, they started a school, "this is awesome" we thought.
So, we're waiting in the lobby for the concert to end. When a woman walks to the pulpit and starts preaching. I sat there for minute, dismayed. I said to my husband "they have a woman pastor", i added "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
We immediately left, we aren't going back. That's where we draw the line with Generations.
As someone who doesn't have a lot of people I can talk with about premillennialism and how it influences our worldview, I find it incredibly important to go to a church with that kind of understanding.
I might draw the line at secondary issues and not "tertiary issues" if that wasn't the case, and I think the "Christian liberties" can be an important issue if people going to church in skimpy clothes, if churches are playing Disney movies and inviting metal bands, or have incredibly questionable ministry methods would count as "Christian Liberty" issues, but I digress...
Is amillinial and pre millinial the same as pre trib and post trib?
Where is the line for the Independent Baptist? Like Fullness of God Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona?