I thought the left side one is real, because it looks more soft. I have a real balenciaga town bag myself. It is very soft; it couldn't stand up itself if there is nothing inside.
This fake is not a great fake, I know. Sometimes doing a side by side with a real bag and a "not so good" fake, makes it easier to see the tell tale signs. Knowing what to look for is more than half the battle.
Unfortunately we don't authenticate bags for consumers. The most important thing is to know who you are buying from. Make sure you only buy from a reputable company or individual with history and reviews showing they have experience in the secondary market. Also make sure you are buying from someone who has a brick and mortar presence. Online shopping is super convenient and efficient but it is also a hot spot for some slick and shifty dealers. Sometimes the online dealer may mean well but not know what to look for and unintentionally sell a fake. But,if you can't get to them, you have no real recourse. Knowing what to look for is half the battle in combating fakes... knowing whom you are buying from is the other half.
I thought the left side one is real, because it looks more soft. I have a real balenciaga town bag myself. It is very soft; it couldn't stand up itself if there is nothing inside.
They both have a tiny bit of stuffing in them so they stand up a little bit. You're right, if they don't have anything inside, they flop right over.
Hi is the grey one classic city bag?
coxyay It is a classic city bag.
The fake is super fake... please do a super fake one..
This fake is not a great fake, I know. Sometimes doing a side by side with a real bag and a "not so good" fake, makes it easier to see the tell tale signs. Knowing what to look for is more than half the battle.
Im dying to know if the Balenciaga bag I got is fake or real 😢 Help
Unfortunately we don't authenticate bags for consumers. The most important thing is to know who you are buying from. Make sure you only buy from a reputable company or individual with history and reviews showing they have experience in the secondary market. Also make sure you are buying from someone who has a brick and mortar presence. Online shopping is super convenient and efficient but it is also a hot spot for some slick and shifty dealers. Sometimes the online dealer may mean well but not know what to look for and unintentionally sell a fake. But,if you can't get to them, you have no real recourse. Knowing what to look for is half the battle in combating fakes... knowing whom you are buying from is the other half.