FOTO-POESIE + MUSIK Jahrmarkt - Impressionen aus Basel Fair - Impressions from Basel

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • ¸¸¸„❃º°"¨ Foto-Poesie und Musik ¨"°º❃„¸¸¸
    Video editing: © Hans-Peter Zürcher
    #FotoPoesieUndMusik #BaslerHerbstmesse #BaslerJahrmarkt #Musik #Basel #Kunst #Poesie
    Jahrmarkt - Impressionen aus Basel
    Fair - Impressions from Basel
    Ein poetisch-musikalischer Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse von Hans-Peter Zürcher
    untermalt mit Musik von einer alten Jahrmarktsorgel...
    A poetic-musical picture arc from the Basel Autumn Fair by Hans-Peter Zürcher
    accompanied with music from an old fairground organ...
    Die Basler Herbstmesse (Jahrmarkt) beginnt jeweils mit dem Einläuten Ende Oktober und dauert zwei Wochen. Diese Herbstmesse die grösste Vergnügungsmesse und Jahrmarkt der Schweiz. Die Tradition dieser Messe ist in Basel tief verwurzelt, sie lebt im Herzen der alten Stadt.
    Die Basler Herbstmesse fand seit 1471 fast jedes Jahr statt. In den Jahren 1721 und 1722 fiel sie wegen der Pest aus, 1831 musste sie wegen einer Cholera-Epidemie abgesagt werden. 1918 fand sie wegen der Spanischen Grippe nicht statt, und im Jahr 2020 fand sie wegen Covid-19 nicht statt.
    The Basel Autumn Fair (annual market) begins with the ringing of the bells at the end of October and lasts two weeks. This autumn fair is the largest fun fair and annual market in Switzerland. The tradition of this fair is deeply rooted in Basel, it lives in the heart of the old city.
    The Basel Autumn Fair has taken place almost every year since 1471. In 1721 and 1722 it was cancelled due to the plague, in 1831 it had to be cancelled due to a cholera epidemic. In 1918 it did not take place due to the Spanish flu, and in 2020 it did not take place due to Covid-19.
    Hör niemals auf zu träumen - Never stop dreaming
    Idee, Texte, Fotografie
    Film und Video Editing:
    © Hans-Peter Zürcher
    Tonaufnahmen Jahrmarktorgel:
    © Hans-Peter Zürcher
    Mein Kanal ist kein Kinderkanal / My channel is not a children's channel
    WICHTIGE MITTEILUNG in Deutsch und Englisch / IMPORTANT MESSAGE in German and English:
    Liebe Freunde, liebe Zuschauer meiner Videowerke, es ist mir ein grosses Anliegen und Bedürfnis, Euch mitzuteilen, dass ich meine Video-Werke NICHT monetarisiert habe und somit kein Geld für Werbung erhalte, weder von RUclips noch von den Werbefirmen. All meine Werke stelle ich kostenlos für alle Freunde und Zuschauer zur Verfügung um Freude und Erholung zu schenken. Ich distanziere mich in aller Deutlichkeit von den in meinen Videowerken verbreiteten Werbeinhalten. Sie entsprechen nicht meinen Gefühlen und meiner Gesinnung und lassen sich auch nicht mit meinen künstlerischen Bild- und Poesieinhalten vereinbaren!
    Herzlichst, Euer Freund Hans-Peter
    Dear friends, dear viewers of my video works, It is a great concern and need for me to inform you that I have NOT monetized my video works and therefore do not receive any money for advertising, neither from RUclips nor from the advertising companies. I make all my works available free of charge for all friends and viewers to give joy and relaxation. I dissociate myself very clearly from the advertising content distributed in my video works. They do not correspond to my feelings and my convictions and cannot be reconciled with my artistic image and poetry content!
    Sincerely, your friend Hans-Peter

Комментарии • 298

  • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
    @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +11

    In Deutsch und Englisch / In German and English
    Meine lieben Freunde, ich danke Euch von Herzen für Eure so schönen Kommentare und Eure Unterstützung. Eure wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine große Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Euch, meine lieben Freunde, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Euch, meine lieben Freunde, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude schenken...
    Umarmung und alles Liebe aus der Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter
    My dear friends, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely comments and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much you appreciate me. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friends, once again a little nostalgic fairground images, sounds and scents. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friends, and give you light and joy...
    Hugs and lots of love from Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @shadow.5404
      @shadow.5404 3 месяца назад +1

      Absolutely amazing my friend definitely enjoyed it full view and thumbs up,,👍

    • @33marsupilami
      @33marsupilami 3 месяца назад +2

      Genius video fiesta oleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@shadow.5404 💖🙏 Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful words, my dear friend. I wish you a lovely and fulfilling rest of the week...

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@33marsupilami 💖🙏 Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful words, my dear friend Jess. I wish you a lovely and fulfilling rest of the week...

  • @karl-heinzcc8690
    @karl-heinzcc8690 3 месяца назад +2


    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Karl-Heinz, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @rosepresleypresley6196
    @rosepresleypresley6196 3 месяца назад +2

    Dieses von Tautropfen nasse Land und die Allee in Richtung der Flussbiegung. Wenn der Sommer noch andauert und es Zeit ist, melancholisch zu werden, ist das das Gefühl, das am besten zu der Sonne passt, die nicht mehr Verbrennungen Die abgefallenen Blätter und der Geruch von nassem Boden sind der Beginn der Show mit einer Reihe von Wünschen auf einem Jahrmarkt, der von angenehmen Träumen erleuchtet ist, die Magie in unser Leben bringen. Vielen Dank mein liebenswerter Hans-Peter für die stets konstante Emotion zu jeder Zeit. Eine riesige Umarmung voller Segen aus Mexiko für die Schweiz von deiner Freundin Rose, die dich nie vergisst!! ❤️⭐❤️⭐❤️⭐🙋🏻‍♂️🎪🎠🎡🎢❤️⭐❤️💘💘💘

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Rose in MExiko, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz nach Mexiko, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @rosepresleypresley6196
      @rosepresleypresley6196 3 месяца назад +2

      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik Ich kam durch das Flüstern der Freude an und wusste, dass die Seele existiert. Es war eine kindliche Freude auf einem Jahrmarkt, während der Himmel mit Sternen bedeckt war, die die Göttlichkeit des Lebens erhellten. Vielen Dank, mein Schatz Hans-Peter für ein göttliches Video, das Freude als Schicksal verteidigt. Große Küsse und Umarmungen aus Mexiko an die Schweiz. 💫✨💫💖💖💖🙋🏻‍♂️🎠🎡🎢🎪❤️❤️❤️✨💫✨💫

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@rosepresleypresley6196 💖🙏 Oh was für wunderbare Worte der Wertschätzung meine liebe, wunderbare Rose in Mexiko. Noch einmal von Herzen mein Dank für Deine so wunderbaren poetischen Gedanken meine liebe Freundin. Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne und erfüllende Rest-Woche...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus der Schweiz nach Mexiko, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @kurlandtravel
    @kurlandtravel 2 месяца назад +2

    So beautiful😊😊🎉🎉❤❤Thank you🎉🎉🎉🎉😊❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @33marsupilami
    @33marsupilami 3 месяца назад +2

    bravo hans-peter impressionant video Thank you

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Jess, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @Virginianature7
    @Virginianature7 2 месяца назад +2

    Very nice and very beautiful ❤❤❤❤Thank you ❤❤❤❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @AngiePatiquemusic
    @AngiePatiquemusic 3 месяца назад +2

    Hi my dear friend Peter!! I absolutely love the whole video and music 🎶 ❤️❤️ have a wonderful weekend!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Angie, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @fabiennedeneuville7511
    @fabiennedeneuville7511 2 месяца назад +2

    Lik, Ah ..excellent bravooo Hans Peters trop beau vidéo Et music mes amitiés fabie 🤗✨️❤️👏👏👏😃🎶💯👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Ma chère amie Fabienne, merci du fond du cœur pour votre merveilleux commentaire et votre soutien. Vos merveilleux mots sont plus qu’une grande appréciation pour moi. Avec cette deuxième galerie d'images d'inspiration poétique, je voudrais vous offrir, mon cher ami, quelques images, sons et parfums forains encore nostalgiques de Bâle. Une foire comme celle-ci en automne est toujours quelque chose de vraiment sympa. Feuilles décolorées sur les arbres, un brouillard silencieux s'accumule. De loin, vous pouvez entendre les plus beaux sons d'un vieil et grand orgue de concert. Les senteurs de marrons chauds, d'amandes grillées, de saucissons et bien d'autres belles choses vous invitent à la savourer. Pendant ce temps, diverses lumières magiques illuminent les manèges et les stands du salon et font briller les yeux des enfants. Certains adultes apprécient également une balade sur un carrousel nostalgique tiré par des chevaux ou sur la grande roue. Cette petite feuille d'images poétiques-musicales et nostalgiques de la Foire d'Automne de Bâle est destinée à enrichir votre cœur et votre âme et à vous apporter lumière et joie, mon cher ami...
      Câlins et amour de Bâle, Suisse, ton ami Hans-Peter

  • @carine_cover
    @carine_cover 3 месяца назад +1

    Hello, congratulations and big like for your beautiful music and video! Big like 🤩45👍🔝, nice day and all the best ✨🎵

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Carine, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @mariannevedral496
    @mariannevedral496 3 месяца назад +2

    Sehr tolle Videoaufnahmen 👌 dazu die voll Spaß und Lebensfreude..verwurzelt in der Tradition...was gibt es Schöneres!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Marianne, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @mariannevedral496
      @mariannevedral496 3 месяца назад +1

      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik Vielen Dank für die schönen poetischen Worte, die die Bilder und die Musik nocheinmal verstärken 🍂🎵🍁

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      @@mariannevedral496 💖🙏 Noch einmal von Herzen mein Dank, für Deine so wunderbaren Worte meine liebe Marianne. Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen und erfüllenden Sonntag...

  • @tokmind
    @tokmind 3 месяца назад +2

    Very cool performance!!!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Francis, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @norito
    @norito 2 месяца назад +2


    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      心の底から本当にありがとう、友よ。I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @cmfrgardenersworldgiardina3692
    @cmfrgardenersworldgiardina3692 3 месяца назад +2

    The time in your channel passes pleasantly! I enjoyed this excellent video until the end with pleasure! like!
    Warm greetings from Italy!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Alberto, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland to Italy, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @manumerino
    @manumerino 3 месяца назад +2

    What a beautiful video dear friend Hans Peter 👌👏👍 . Thanks for sharing
    Have a nice day. Greetings

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Manu, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @ken0919-Japanese
    @ken0919-Japanese 2 месяца назад +1

    Dear Hans, good morning 😃Unlike the works I've seen so far, this was a fun video with an urban glamour 👏👏👏I can feel that Hans' talent is very well expressed when watching his work 😃I'm a complete amateur when it comes to video, but I think the fact that Hans's sense is so great and the quality of his technique is so high that I can understand and enjoy the video just by watching it. Dear Hans, if you go to work today, I'll have time to enjoy your wonderful work on the weekend. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and don't catch a cold 😃🙏🍀

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Ken, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @RossellaLolli
    @RossellaLolli Месяц назад +2

    Very interesting video dear Hans-Peter. I had fun and enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing.😊👍+99Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ⛄🍀 by Rossella and Umberto✨🎄✨🎅

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  Месяц назад +1

      My dear friends Rossella and Umberto, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friends, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @RossellaLolli
      @RossellaLolli Месяц назад +2

      @@Foto-PoesieUndMusik Your wishes mean a lot to us! I wish you good health and happiness too! All the best! 💖👏✨

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  Месяц назад

      @@RossellaLolli 💖🙏 Once again, my heartfelt thanks, for your wonderful words, my dear friends Rossella and Umberto. I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling weekend...

  • @josiebelalde7813
    @josiebelalde7813 2 месяца назад +1

    The BEST place and kiddos will really appreciate this festival has the most beautiful rides and the coolest ❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear new friend Josiebel, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @frkinfo
    @frkinfo 3 месяца назад +1

    Nice share 🎉🎉🎉

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @doublevries
    @doublevries 2 месяца назад +1

    Nice video. Thanks for sharing!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @monadoina53
    @monadoina53 3 месяца назад +2

    Wundervolles Video, lieber Freund Hans-Petre, wunderbar gerenderte Atmosphäre.
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu den präsentierten Sequenzen.
    Mit Freundschaft Monica!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Meine liebe Monica, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @zorza-zorza28
    @zorza-zorza28 3 месяца назад +1

    Nice song and video ✿♪ Best regards... ♫
    ..Thank you ♡ for nice moments on your channel....

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Zorza, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @cindypham789
    @cindypham789 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for sharing, I wish you a happy Tuesday, success in your work, luck and warmth with your family and loved ones 👍❤️☕️☕️🍫🍫

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Cindy, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @madeleineschumacher7828
    @madeleineschumacher7828 2 месяца назад +1

    Diese Musik und Bilder transportieren mich zurück in eine heitere Zeit, völlig losgelöst von jeglicher Schwere. Vielen Dank, lieber Hans-Peter!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Meine liebe Madeleine, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsstände beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @josiebelalde7813
    @josiebelalde7813 2 месяца назад +2

    Thank you my dear for bringing us with you ❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      💖🙏 Once again, my heartfelt thanks, for your wonderful words, my dear friend Josiebel. I wish you a nice and fulfilling Sunday evening...

    • @josiebelalde7813
      @josiebelalde7813 2 месяца назад +2

      @, thank you 😇❤️

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      @@josiebelalde7813 💖🙏

  • @u885337
    @u885337 3 месяца назад +2

    Hey Hans - Peter . Waaauuuw what a very great and pleasure video from The Jahrmarkt in Basel . It brings back sweat memories. Big bravo and thumbs up for this magnificent upload from great carousels . This was very enjoyable my friend. Have a very happy comming weekend. A lot of musical greets Arthur . 👍👍👍👍🇧🇪🇧🇪😄😄😄😄🌺🌺🌺🌺😎😎😎😎🍀🍀🍀🍀🌹🌹🌹🌹🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🎼🎼🎼🎼❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Arthur, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @BluesfeelingLive
    @BluesfeelingLive 3 месяца назад +1

    Indeed, a very beautiful and fantastic video. I had such a good time. Thank you for sharing it with us and wish you many fine days. (BF)

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @satorihf1454
    @satorihf1454 3 месяца назад +1

    Just a magnificent video, full of joy, Hans-Peter... Wonderful ! A nice moment, my friend... Great work ! Thanks and best wishes, Corinne. ❤😍🤩

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Corinne, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @MarenLuck
    @MarenLuck 2 месяца назад +1

    Wundervoll. Diese Bilder versetzen mich in meine Kindheit zurück. Danke für das Video

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung Maren. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken, die Dich in Deine Kindheit träumen lässt. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsstände beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @hubertgunpowder
    @hubertgunpowder 3 месяца назад +2

    That was beautiful, Hans-Peter !! ♫

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Hubert, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    @CARLOSFRANCO1000 3 месяца назад +1

    Excellent video that you give to us.... congratulations my dear friend Hans-Peter.... really fascinating presentation... good luck... best regards.... awesome vídeo... best regards...!!!!! ⛵⛵⛵⛵🎸🎸🎸🎸✨✨👍👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Carlos, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @krystele1983
    @krystele1983 2 месяца назад +1

    Remarkable and talented presentation and production my dear friend! It's a magical place, thank you for the wonderful discovery! Happy week, see you soon again, stay safe! 🙏🙏🤩

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend Krystèle, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @DeniseBodennec29200
    @DeniseBodennec29200 3 месяца назад +1

    Hello Hans-Peter. Thank you very much for this wonderful upload. Childhood memories come back to me. 🥰You have created an excellent animated video with great music. 😍👍👍👍🎶🎵Thank you for this excellent share👏👏👏👏👏
    I wish you the best dear friend.😀🖐

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Denise, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @janetchungNKen
    @janetchungNKen 2 месяца назад +1

    My dearest friend Hans-Peter, a lovely morning greetings from me. The Basel Fair is so pretty, love these musical organ sounds. Remind us the childhood days when we go visit a merry-go-round fair when they comes to town ☺️. Thank you dear Hans for sharing this beautiful video with us. I wish you a wonderful week ahead my dear friend, much love, hugs and respect from me 🙏💖🧡🤗

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      My dearest friend Janet, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @janetchungNKen
      @janetchungNKen 2 месяца назад +1

      You're most welcome dearest Hans-Peter, it's my pleasure. I'm watching to reminisce those childhood memories at these lovely funfair while watching your video and listening to these nostalgic beautiful music.
      I've received your love and hugs gratefully dear Hans 🙏🙏💖💖🤗😊

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      @@janetchungNKen 💖🙏 Once again, my heartfelt thanks, for your wonderful words, my dearest Janet. I wish you a lovely and fulfilling weekend...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @NewHorizonsTravel
    @NewHorizonsTravel 3 месяца назад +1

    A wonderful video showcasing a long-standing fair, highlighting its beauty and longevity. Big thumb up👍☺Best regards!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Welcome to my world of photography, poetry and music, my dear new friend. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your new friend Hans-Peter

  • @tastenharmonie5529
    @tastenharmonie5529 3 месяца назад +1

    Ein herrlich bunter Einblick ins Jahrmarktgeschehen! LG Johannes

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Johannes mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @thomasmarwedel3427
    @thomasmarwedel3427 2 месяца назад +1

    Guten Morgen, lieber Hans-Peter 😃👋. Vielen Danke, daß du dein wunderschönes Video mit uns teilst 🙏🤗. Ich habe mich daran sehr erfreut 🙆‍♂️🥰👌👏. Like #79 👍. Bis gleich wieder 🫂🙋‍♂️.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Lieber Thomas mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @GonOhtsuji
    @GonOhtsuji 3 месяца назад +1

    Es ist nostalgisch und unglaublich schön!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Lieber Gon mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @ossama2000il
    @ossama2000il 3 месяца назад +1

    I am glad to see another video coming from you dear Hans Peter.
    It is a beautiful place to enjoy with the whole family.
    Thank you for this awesome tour and for your efforts uploading another interesting video.
    I really had the pleasure watching your video.
    Well done.
    Have a wonderful evening.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Ossama, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @ossama2000il
      @ossama2000il 3 месяца назад +1

      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik Thank you once again for another beautiful poetry my dear friend.
      You really have amazing ability and great talent of writing wonderful poetries.
      All the best 👍.
      Have a wonderful night.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@ossama2000il 💖🙏 Once again, my heartfelt thanks, for your wonderful words, my dear friend Ossama. I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling weekend...

  • @stefan.kraus-composer
    @stefan.kraus-composer 3 месяца назад +1

    Ich mag diese nostalgische Stimmung sehr. Ein zauberhaftes Video, lieber Hans-Peter!
    Ganz liebe Grüße an Dich, mein lieber Freund

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Lieber Stefan mein guter Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @AlmaMaheltra
    @AlmaMaheltra 2 месяца назад +1

    the Basel Fair performance was very beautiful, I really enjoyed your music, which reminded me of my childhood 👍90

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend Alma, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @FilmpjesJanDeprins
    @FilmpjesJanDeprins 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you Hans-Peter for this beautiful video.
    I will miss you for a while because of my medical procedure.
    A few weeks ago a tumor was diagnosed in my right lung. This will be removed next week with a part of my lung. Hopefully everything will come back to my recovery. Greetings Jan

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Michael, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, Dear Jan, my friend. Your message hurts and makes me sad that you are not well. May the doctors and God help you so that you will soon be completely healthy again...I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and all the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @tiaemi9867
    @tiaemi9867 3 месяца назад +1

    I loved it ❣️Very beautiful, happy and joyful 🎶
    Thank you for this wonderful video 🙏
    Have a nice day 🍀🕊️❤️

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Tia, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @33marsupilami
    @33marsupilami 3 месяца назад +3

    hello Hans-Peter my friend, wonderful video ******************************* thank partage Good day Friendships Jess

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Jess, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @spiralblueandromeda1384
    @spiralblueandromeda1384 3 месяца назад +1

    How so magnificently beautiful production Hans Peter! How so very enchanting! Absolutely majestic! Thank you so very much my dear friend for sharing all this magic with us in your most unique and special way!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Katerina, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @PianoImprovVlogger
    @PianoImprovVlogger 3 месяца назад +1

    This is fantastic!!! So bright and cheerful!! Just what needed ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Denise, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @PianoImprovVlogger
      @PianoImprovVlogger 3 месяца назад +1

      @ Hugs and love back to you Hans-Peter !!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      @PianoImprovVlogger 💖🙏

  • @irissmusic3
    @irissmusic3 3 месяца назад +1

    Hello again, wonderful song and performance as always. Love the video, perfect for the holiday season 👍👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Iris, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @lakwatcheronghilaw9895
    @lakwatcheronghilaw9895 2 месяца назад +1

    I love this kind of music ❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Welcome to my world of photography, poetry and music, my dear new friend. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @lumomentosartisticos
    @lumomentosartisticos 3 месяца назад +1

    So much joy! Beautiful!!🥰👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Luciana, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @KoreaDroneFilms
    @KoreaDroneFilms 2 месяца назад +1

    What a great video! Thanks for sharing and have a great week.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @shadow.5404
    @shadow.5404 3 месяца назад +1

    Absolutely amazing my friend definitely enjoyed it full view and thumbs up,,👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @CristinaS
    @CristinaS 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for taking us with you to this suggestive and beautiful traditional festival of your enchanting city, dear Hans Peter, simply a fantastic video!
    I wish you a beautiful evening and I send you warm greetings and hugs,

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Cristina, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @CristinaS
      @CristinaS 3 месяца назад +1

      My pleasure, dear HansPeter!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@CristinaS 💖🙏 Once again, my heartfelt thanks, for your wonderful words, my dear friend Cristina. I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling weekend...

  • @NewPowerArt
    @NewPowerArt 3 месяца назад +2

    Very beautiful. Like 61

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Chuntianle, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @andreplay5132
    @andreplay5132 3 месяца назад +1

    un grand merci , j'adore ces moments de fête , bonne fin de semaine

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Cher André mon ami, merci du fond du cœur pour votre merveilleux commentaire et votre soutien. Vos merveilleux mots sont plus qu’une grande appréciation pour moi. Avec cette deuxième galerie d'images d'inspiration poétique, je voudrais vous offrir, mon cher ami, quelques images, sons et parfums forains encore nostalgiques de Bâle. Une foire comme celle-ci en automne est toujours quelque chose de vraiment sympa. Feuilles décolorées sur les arbres, un brouillard silencieux s'accumule. De loin, vous pouvez entendre les sons les plus raffinés d'un vieil et grand orgue de concert. Les senteurs de marrons chauds, d'amandes grillées, de saucissons et bien d'autres belles choses vous invitent à la savourer. Pendant ce temps, diverses lumières magiques illuminent les manèges et les stands du salon et font briller les yeux des enfants. Certains adultes apprécient également une balade sur un carrousel nostalgique tiré par des chevaux ou sur la grande roue. Cette petite feuille d'images poétiques-musicales et nostalgiques de la Foire d'Automne de Bâle est destinée à enrichir votre cœur et votre âme et à vous aussi apporter lumière et joie, mon cher ami...
      Bonne chance de Bâle, en Suisse, votre ami Hans-Peter

  • @dragon-acrocantho
    @dragon-acrocantho 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday 😊❤ like 👍🏻72

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Y dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @VeronikaPianist
    @VeronikaPianist 3 месяца назад +1

    Love the video and music, so refreshing and entertaining👍❤️

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Veronika, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @dontmissthelittlethings
    @dontmissthelittlethings 3 месяца назад +1

    A great view of the fair and accompanying soundtrack.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Kylie, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @TravelHungryForLife
    @TravelHungryForLife 2 месяца назад +1

    Very nice my good friend have a fabulous weekend big thumbs up here 👉🏻👉🏻👍👍👈🏻

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @WaldineiSmith
    @WaldineiSmith 3 месяца назад +1

    Very nice my friend, congratulations 😊😊😊😊

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Waldinei, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @VivianSmiling
    @VivianSmiling 3 месяца назад +1

    Wow! Beautiful music and video, Hans-Peter!🩷
    I like the Merry Go Round and those games in the theme parks. Your video brings joy. Thank you so much for sharing the Autumn Fair videos!
    Have a goodnight and a great day ahead!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Vivian, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @benitarusha6692
    @benitarusha6692 3 месяца назад +1

    ❤ Danke Hans Peter eine wunderschöne video

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Beni mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @RosannaArteePoesia
    @RosannaArteePoesia 2 месяца назад +1

    Uiiiiii das ist ja der reinste Farben-Lichter-Klangrausch ! 🤓😎Auch der zweite Teil von den Impressionen aus dem Baseler Jahrmarkt ist eine wahre Augenweide. Einfach herrlich, auch die Tonaufnahmen aus der alten Jahrmarktsorgel !! Danke dir vielmals, mein lieber Hans-Peter für diese wunderschönen Einblicke. Ganz liebe von Herzen kommenden Grüße, Rosanna ❤💕🙏

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Meine liebe Rosanna, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Oh ja ein "Farben-Lichter-Klangrausch", wie Du schreibst, kann man diesen abendlichen Jahrmarktzauber auch benennen. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @KerstinSiebenKaiser
    @KerstinSiebenKaiser 3 месяца назад +1

    Traumhaft schön, lieber Hans-Peter! 🌺

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Meine liebe Kerstin, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @1HarryH
    @1HarryH 2 месяца назад

    Nice music and footage! thank you my friend
    I wish you nice day 🕊

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Dear Harry, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @ParaChangPianist
    @ParaChangPianist 3 месяца назад +1

    What a fantastic video 😍 Big like for your great work👍🎡🎠✨🎶💖

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Para, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @leticianiedermann1077
    @leticianiedermann1077 2 месяца назад +1

    Oh wie cool 👏🏼 das versetzt mich gerade in eine ganz anderer Welt die einfach Spass macht und wirklich Zeit zum Träumen zulässt 😅 herzlichen Dank!! 🙏🏼🤩🥳

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Leticia, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @kreator573
    @kreator573 3 месяца назад +2

    Wonderful. I like it very much.I enjoyed watching. Have a blessed time. Greetings ~ Milan

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Milan, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @kreator573
      @kreator573 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Foto-PoesieUndMusik Thank you my friend for beautiful words. Danke!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@kreator573 💖🙏 Once again, my heartfelt thanks, for your wonderful words, my dear friend Milan. I wish you a wonderful and fulfilling weekend...

  • @Cmlavita
    @Cmlavita 2 месяца назад

    *Fair* is the most wonderful place and time to enjoying the magical riding as like the "Merry-go-round" and Spinning in this lovely season of Autumn, and so on.... Thank you dear Hans, for the sharing this wonderful moments with us! ))

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend Chong, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @zindoliveira
    @zindoliveira 3 месяца назад +2

    Bom trabalho apresentado em vídeo com animação fantástica, parabéns pela criatividade em partilhar um vídeo interessante e cheio de talento.

    • @zindoliveira
      @zindoliveira 3 месяца назад +2

      Eu gosto de carrosseis 🍃🟢🍃

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Minha querida amiga Oliveira, obrigada do fundo do coração por seu maravilhoso comentário e apoio. Suas palavras maravilhosas são mais do que um grande agradecimento para mim. Com esta segunda galeria de imagens de inspiração poética, gostaria de oferecer a você, meu querido amigo, mais algumas imagens, sons e aromas nostálgicos de feiras de Basileia. Uma feira como essa no outono é sempre algo muito legal. Folhas descoloridas nas árvores, uma névoa silenciosa está se formando. À distância você pode ouvir os melhores sons de um antigo e grande órgão de concerto. Os aromas a castanhas quentes, amêndoas torradas e enchidos e muitas outras coisas boas convidam a desfrutar. Enquanto isso, uma variedade de luzes mágicas iluminam os passeios e estandes da feira e fazem brilhar os olhos das crianças. Alguns adultos também gostam de passear em um nostálgico carrossel puxado por cavalos ou na grande roda gigante. Esta pequena folha poético-musical e nostálgica da Feira de Outono de Basileia pretende enriquecer o seu coração e a sua alma e trazer luz e alegria para você, meu querido amigo...
      Abraços e amor de Basileia, Suíça, seu amigo Hans-Peter

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@zindoliveira 💖🙏

  • @karljung9258
    @karljung9258 3 месяца назад +1

    Eine sehr schöne Musik.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Karl mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus der Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @timehasbeenkind
    @timehasbeenkind 2 месяца назад +1

    Great share! Amazing sight and sounds! #77!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Dear Mark, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @juliane_steinwachs-zeil
    @juliane_steinwachs-zeil 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh, so ein wunderschönes Video!! Tolle Impressionen vom Jahrmarkt in Basel!! So viel Fröhlichkeit....🤩
    Ganz herzlichen Dank, lieber Hans-Peter und liebe Grüße! 😊👋

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Juliane, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @carstenklemenz8271
    @carstenklemenz8271 3 месяца назад +1

    Stimmungsvoller Bilderbogen des jährlichen Vergnügens in Basel, wunderbare Tradition. Herzlichen Dank mein lieber Freund Hans-Peter für diese schönen Impressionen mit lieben Grüßen von der Spree.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Carsten mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @MelaniCholie
    @MelaniCholie 3 месяца назад +1

    I was there many times, love you send some memories. maybe I am there once again in December. See friends. Basel is very lovely city. nice music too!!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Melani, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @Sannahmusic
    @Sannahmusic 3 месяца назад +1

    Das ist die richtige Musik zum Feiern im Herbst! Liebe Grüße!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Susanne, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @Sannahmusic
      @Sannahmusic 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Foto-PoesieUndMusik Ja, und viele Dinge am Herbst kann man genießen, ohne exorbitante Preise dafür zu bezahlen. Der Duft von kandierten Mandeln ist umsonst. Liebe Grüße!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      @@Sannahmusic 💖🙏 Noch einmal von Herzen mein Dank, für Deine so wunderbaren Worte meine liebe Susanne. Oh ja, ich stimme Dir zu. Die Preise sind sind derart hoch, egal ob eine Fahrt auf einem Karrussel, ob eine Bratwurst oder Marron, oder etwas Süsses. Ja, die die feinen Düfte sich umsonst. Auch das Träumen ist kostenlos, und genau so auch das betrachten und geniessen meiner Video-Werklein. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und erfüllendes Wochenende...
      Umarmung und liebe Grüsse aus Basel, Hans-Peter

  • @pichinghsu2985
    @pichinghsu2985 2 месяца назад

    The carousel and the large Ferris wheel are great and remind me of my childhood. thank you for sharing.👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend Piching, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @aila_melodei_naturmelodien
    @aila_melodei_naturmelodien 3 месяца назад +1

    Ach DANKE für diesen wundervollen, fantastischen Jahrmarktsgenuss mein lieber Hans-Peter❣️🤗🙏🏻🎶🎠🎡🎢 Deine herrlichen Videoszenen dieser wunderschönen traditionellen Basler Herbschtmäss sind ein Fest für die Sinne, ein Augen- und Ohrenschmaus gleichermaßen mit der wunderbaren Orgelmusik dazu. Toll, dank Deines großartigen Videos quasi live mit feiern zu können, und der Duft der gebrannten Mandeln und Maroni steigt mir auch sogleich in die Nase.😋 Fühl Dich umarmt und allerliebste Wochenendwünsche bringen Dir die Waldfeen von hier ins wunderschöne Basel von Deiner Freundin Aila 😊🧚‍♀️✨️🌲🍂🌳🏞💖

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Heike, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @aila_melodei_naturmelodien
      @aila_melodei_naturmelodien 3 месяца назад +1

      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik Ach dankeschön mein lieber Hans-Peter für Deine wunderbaren Worte, die mir die festliche Stimmung und Freuden der Baseler Herbstmesse noch zusätzlich zu Deinem herrlichen Video nach Hause bringen. Ja, Du beschreibst das alles so anschaulich und liebevoll, dass ich auch jetzt wieder sogleich Deine tiefe Verbundenheit mit diesem besonderen Fest und mit Deinem wunderbaren Basel überhaupt spüre, und das berührt mich sehr. Toll, dass dieser besondere Jahrmarkt unzählige Herzen aller Generationen glücklich macht. Ich war lange auf keinem Jahrmarkt mehr, doch bei Deinen Aufnahmen des wunderschönen nostalgischen Pferdekarussels wurden tolle Jahrmarktserinnerungen aus meiner Kindheit wach, wo ich ähnliche Karussells so liebte. Fühl Dich umarmt und ganz liebe Herzensgrüße aus dem schwedischen Wald fliegen zu Dir von Deiner Freundin Aila 🌠💖🧚‍♀️🌛🌲🫎✨️🦉

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      @aila_melodei_naturmelodien 💖🙏 von Herzen mein Dank meine liebe Heike. Dein grosses Lob zu meinen Filmaufnahmen freut mich ungemein. Ich liebe und schätze vor allem die alten, nostalgischen Fahrgeschäfte und auch die fantastischen Orgelmusikstücke. Natürlich auch ab und an etwas Feines zum Essen...
      Ich wünsche Dir von Herzen ein schönes und erfüllendes Wochenende...
      Umarmung, alles Liebe und herzliche Abendgrüsse aus der Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @aila_melodei_naturmelodien
      @aila_melodei_naturmelodien 3 месяца назад +1

      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik Ach DANKE für Deine wunderbaren Worte mein lieber Hans-Peter 💖 🤗 🙏🏻 Oh ja, die nostalgischen Fahrgeschäfte haben einen besonderen Zauber sowie auch die herrliche Orgelmusik. Da war ja sogar "Komm ein bisschen mit nach Italien" von Caterina Valente dabei, so schön! Ja, und so feine Leckeren zu genießen macht natürlich auch glücklich hihi. Ich wünsche Dir auch ein wundervolles, erfüllendes Wochenende. Fühl Dich umarmt, und ganz liebe Abendzaubergrüße fliegen zu Dir ins festliche Basel von Deiner Freundin Aila 🧚‍♀️✨️🎡🎶🎠💖🌛🌠

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      @@aila_melodei_naturmelodien 💖🙏 Noch einmal von Herzen mein Dank, für Deine so wunderbaren Worte meine liebe Heike. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und erfüllendes Wochenende...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @pianothingsmusic
    @pianothingsmusic 2 месяца назад +1

    Das klingt ja sowas von nach Jahrmarkt!! Macht direkt gute Laune 😃

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Meine liebe Cornelia, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @crazzyanimals44
    @crazzyanimals44 3 месяца назад +1

    Beautiful 😊❤Thanks for sharing 👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      My dear friend Goldie, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    • @crazzyanimals44
      @crazzyanimals44 2 месяца назад +1

      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik you're very welcome 😊 Have a great weekend ❤️😊

  • @PeterStrachanMusic
    @PeterStrachanMusic Месяц назад +1

    What a great video and the music is great too.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  Месяц назад

      My dear friend Peter, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @eugesang
    @eugesang 3 месяца назад +1

    Lieber Hans-Peter, herzlichen Dank für die wunderbaren Impressionen vo där Häärbscht Mäss. Viele schöne Erinnerungen steigen im Geiste auf und man wird zum Heimweh Basler. Liebe Grüsse, Eugen

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Eugen mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Häärbschrmäss -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @cracottin777
    @cracottin777 2 месяца назад +1

    Fantastique vidéo qui nous plonge dans ton univers ! Merci

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      Ma chère amie Marianne, merci du fond du cœur pour votre merveilleux commentaire et votre soutien. Vos merveilleux mots sont plus qu’une grande appréciation pour moi. Avec cette deuxième galerie d'images d'inspiration poétique, je voudrais vous offrir, mon cher ami, quelques images, sons et parfums forains encore nostalgiques de Bâle. Une foire comme celle-ci en automne est toujours quelque chose de vraiment sympa. Feuilles décolorées sur les arbres, un brouillard silencieux s'accumule. De loin, vous pouvez entendre les plus beaux sons d'un vieil et grand orgue de concert. Les senteurs de marrons chauds, d'amandes grillées, de saucissons et bien d'autres belles choses vous invitent à la savourer. Pendant ce temps, diverses lumières magiques illuminent les manèges et les stands du salon et font briller les yeux des enfants. Certains adultes apprécient également une balade sur un carrousel nostalgique tiré par des chevaux ou sur la grande roue. Cette petite feuille d'images poétiques-musicales et nostalgiques de la Foire d'Automne de Bâle est destinée à enrichir votre cœur et votre âme et à vous apporter lumière et joie, mon cher ami...
      Câlins et amour de Bâle, Suisse, ton ami Hans-Peter

  • @cinziadistefano8925
    @cinziadistefano8925 3 месяца назад +1


    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Mia cara amica Cinzia, grazie dal profondo del mio cuore per il tuo meraviglioso commento e supporto. Le tue meravigliose parole sono più che un grande apprezzamento per me. Con questa seconda galleria di immagini, ispirata poeticamente, vorrei regalare a te, mio ​​caro amico, qualche immagine, suono e profumo nostalgico delle fiere di Basilea. Una fiera come questa in autunno è sempre qualcosa di veramente bello. Foglie scolorite sugli alberi, si sta addensando una nebbia silenziosa. Da lontano si sentono i suoni più raffinati di un vecchio e grande organo da concerto. I profumi delle caldarroste, delle mandorle tostate, delle salsicce e di tante altre cose buone vi invitano a divertirvi. Nel frattempo, una varietà di luci magiche illuminano le giostre e gli stand della fiera e fanno brillare gli occhi dei bambini. Alcuni adulti si divertono anche a fare un giro su una nostalgica giostra trainata da cavalli o sulla grande ruota panoramica. Questo piccolo foglio illustrato poetico-musicale e nostalgico della Fiera d'Autunno di Basilea vuole arricchire il tuo cuore e la tua anima e portarti luce e gioia, mio ​​caro amico...
      Abbracci e amore da Basilea, Svizzera, il tuo amico Hans-Peter

  • @darbassbasscovers
    @darbassbasscovers 3 месяца назад +1

    Wow - that's impressive!
    BIG like my friend!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear Darius, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  •  3 месяца назад +1

    Fabulous video Hans-Peter! 👍👍👍

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Tomas, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

    •  3 месяца назад +1

      Peace and love!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1


    @HEAVENGLAMOUR 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video dear friend

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @FreyaGluecksweg
    @FreyaGluecksweg 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh wie schön, mein lieber Hans-Peter, das ist das beste Video, um gut in den Tag zu starten. 😊👍💜 Die Musik und die Bilder ... das alles macht sofort gute Laune. 😃
    Danke dafür, Daumen hoch, beste Wünsche für den Tag ...
    und viele liebe Grüße und 'ne herzliche Umarmung von Deiner Freya 🙏👍🍀🍁🌻😊💜🤗😘

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Freya, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @FreyaGluecksweg
      @FreyaGluecksweg 3 месяца назад +1

      Ja, mein lieber Hans-Peter, Dein Video hat wirklich mein Herz erwärmt. 😊👍💜
      Danke dafür und ganz, ganz liebe Grüße und 'ne herzliche Umarmung von
      Deiner Freya 🙏😊💜🤗😘

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      @@FreyaGluecksweg 💖🙏 Noch einmal von Herzen mein Dank, für Deine so wunderbaren Worte meine liebe Freya. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und erfüllendes Wochenende...
      Umamrung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    • @FreyaGluecksweg
      @FreyaGluecksweg 3 месяца назад +1

      Vielen Dank, mein lieber Hans-Peter und 'n wunderschönes und erfüllendes Wochenende wünsche ich DIR natürlich auch. 🙏😊💜🍀🍁🌻
      Und ich schicke Dir nochmal 'ne liebe Umarmung und herzliche Grüße von Wuppertal nach Basel. 🤗😊💜

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      @FreyaGluecksweg 💖🙏 von Herzen mein Dank meine liebe Freya...
      Umarmung uns alles Liebe aus Basel

  • @doorwaysintomusic
    @doorwaysintomusic 3 месяца назад +1

    Very nice video of the fair. It is amazing that this fair has been existence for so long. It looks quite lovely!

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Joey, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @AgnesvandenBerg59
    @AgnesvandenBerg59 3 месяца назад +1

    Das sieht sehr gemütlich aus😊
    Vielen Dank fürs Teilen und einen schönen Sonntag.
    Liebe Grüße Agnes🙋

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Agnes, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

    @JUANORQUIO 3 месяца назад +1

    WoW! That’s Brilliantly Awesome! I Loved it! 🫶🏻🤩❤️✨

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Juan, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @rosimarchese1625
    @rosimarchese1625 3 месяца назад +1

    well done nice very excellent like hugs

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Rosi, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @martycli9299
    @martycli9299 3 месяца назад +1

    Wonderful video Hans-Peter. I love the fairground organ music and the delightful video footage. Nice work, my friend :)

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Dear Marty, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @angie1253
    @angie1253 3 месяца назад +1

    Tolle Jahrmarkt Impressionen lieber Hans-Peter👍👍Danke für dieses schöne und bunte Video🤗Viele Grüße Angie🥰

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Meine liebe Angie, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @SacredSoundss
    @SacredSoundss 3 месяца назад

    What a wonderful capturing of the excitement of a fair, so wonderful, beautiful work my friend🙏🙏♥️♥️

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @ItStartsWithAStep
    @ItStartsWithAStep 2 месяца назад +1

    I love the music its so traditional and encompasses the fun of the fairground :)

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  2 месяца назад

      My dear friend Kate, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @MooreMusic12
    @MooreMusic12 3 месяца назад +1

    Wonderful 😊

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Dear moore, my friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than a great appreciation for me. With this second, poetically inspired picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, once again a little nostalgic fairground pictures, sounds and scents from Basel. A fair like this in autumn is always something very special. Discolored leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From far away you can hear the subtle sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      All the best from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @kallybalzer
    @kallybalzer 3 месяца назад +1

    Toll gefilmt. Und die Musik wie immer gut gewählt.

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Karl-Günter mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @karl-heinzlang4926
    @karl-heinzlang4926 3 месяца назад +1

    Sehr schönes und interessantes Video Hab einen Guten Abend Liebe Grüße

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      Lieber Karl-Heinz mein Freund, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, mein lieber Freund, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, mein lieber Freund, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • @ronya59
    @ronya59 3 месяца назад +1

    Schönes Video von den Jahrmarkt

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад +1

      Meine liebe Ronya, ich danke Dir von Herzen für Deinen so wunderbaren Kommentar und Deine Unterstützung. Deine wunderbaren Worte sind mehr als eine grosse Wertschätzung an mich. Mit dieser zweiten, poetisch angehauchten Bildergalerie möchte ich Dir, meine liebe Freundin, noch einmal eine wenig nostalgische Jahrmarkts -Bilder, -Klänge und -Düfte aus Basel schenken. So ein Jahrmarkt im Herbst ist immer etwas ganz Feines. Verfärbte Blätter an den Bäumen, leise Nebel ziehen auf. Von weitem hört man schon feinste Klänge einer alten, grossen Konzertorgel. Düfte von heissen Marroni, gebrannte Mandeln und Bratwürsten und viele anderen feine Sachen laden zum Geniessen ein. Derweil vielfältiger Lichterzauber die Fahrgeschäfte und Jahrmaktsständer beleuchten und Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringen. Auch manch Erwachsener erfreut sich an einer Fahrt auf einem nostalgischen Pferdekarussel oder auf dem grossen Riesenrad. Dieser kleine, poetisch-musikalische, nostalgische Bilderbogen von der Basler Herbstmesse soll auch Dir, meine liebe Freundin, Herz und Seele bereichern und Licht und Freude bereiten...
      Umarmung und alles Liebe aus Basel, Schweiz, Dein Freund Hans-Peter

  • 3 месяца назад +1


    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      我從心底非常感謝你,我親愛的朋友。I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter

  • @remslyn41usa10
    @remslyn41usa10 3 месяца назад +1

    Supporting you my friend ❤

    • @Foto-PoesieUndMusik
      @Foto-PoesieUndMusik  3 месяца назад

      My dear friend Lyn, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful comment and your support. Your wonderful words are more than just a great way of showing me how much I appreciate you. With this second, poetically-tinged picture gallery, I would like to give you, my dear friend, another little nostalgic fairground image, sound and scent from Basel. A fairground like this in autumn is always something very special. Coloured leaves on the trees, a gentle mist rolls in. From afar you can hear the finest sounds of an old, large concert organ. The scents of hot chestnuts, roasted almonds and sausages and many other fine things invite you to enjoy. Meanwhile, a variety of magical lights illuminate the rides and fairground stalls and put a smile on children's faces. Many adults also enjoy a ride on a nostalgic horse-drawn carousel or on the large Ferris wheel. This small, poetic-musical, nostalgic picture book from the Basel Autumn Fair is also intended to enrich your heart and soul, my dear friend, and bring light and joy...
      Hugs and lots of love from Basel, Switzerland, your friend Hans-Peter