Duchamp o imensurável. O homem que pensou o século XX com transparência conceitual . Apropriou-se do seu lugar na arte em tempos turbulentos e de rupturas radicais. Libertou o objeto de suas limitações.
R Mutt urinal is now known to have been done by Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. A letter from Duchamps to his sister shortly before his death acknowledges Freytag as the creator. People thought he did it and he let them believe it. The only artifact from the conceptual piece is a photograph. This may be the ultimate Dada piece. He didn't even conceptualize it. He just took credit for the concept.
Thank you so much for uploading this!! I actually managed to hunt down a VHS of this several years ago & it wasn't watchable. I just happened to search again & I'm delighted:)
Duchamp o imensurável. O homem que pensou o século XX com transparência conceitual . Apropriou-se do seu lugar na arte em tempos turbulentos e de rupturas radicais. Libertou o objeto de suas limitações.
Yes, thank you so much! I've been dying to re-watch this for ten years, and could never find it anywhere!
R Mutt urinal is now known to have been done by Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. A letter from Duchamps to his sister shortly before his death acknowledges Freytag as the creator. People thought he did it and he let them believe it. The only artifact from the conceptual piece is a photograph. This may be the ultimate Dada piece. He didn't even conceptualize it. He just took credit for the concept.
This is likely but not certain. As with all things Duchamp, there is room for interpretation. Scholars have argued both sides of this.
I like this guy, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.
I would try to catch Duchamp on the stair case for a chat too
Fantastic piece of work. 👍
Thank you so much for uploading this!! I actually managed to hunt down a VHS of this several years ago & it wasn't watchable. I just happened to search again & I'm delighted:)
How would you express the ideas behind the Large Glass in paint.?
Good news. My trash can has a lot of unique pieces of art like these.
Duchamp lives!