Why did you use the Civil Ensign? The Empire never used it on land, only for civilian ships, should have just used the two flags of Austria and Hungary.
But while all the members of the public and the Habsburg family sang none of the then Austrian Government did. Fools who couldn't even respect the dynasty which kinda made Austria what it is.
@@northernOsso I am afraid not a decent of the Kaiser. I said I am a descent of the Empire (my great-great grandfather was a soldier in the Kaiser's army, and that part of my family descends from Austria). I do however consider myself a spiritual descendant of the Kaiser, and do my best to honour that line, though I must admit I fall short many a time. If, by some miracle I found out that I was indeed a direct decedent of the Hapsburg throne, I swear I would do anything right in my power to restore that realm, so help me Gott.
@@marlonmagico The green of the flag represents the family of Emperor Pedro I of Brazil, while the yellow diamond in the center of the flag symbolizes Pedro I's wife, Empress Marie-Leopoldine of Austria, and the Hapsburg empire that ruled there. Inside the diamond is a blue circle with stars, an imperial coat of arms.
GOTT SCHÜTZE ÖSTERREICH in dieser schwierigen Zeit der schweren Überschwemmungen, auch Deutschland und Österreich. Gott segne dich, beschütze dich und schenke dir Frieden. Möge die himmlische Hilfe bald kommen! Vielen Dank!
@@skibidisigma69-f7d Oh nooooo a country that no longer exists, I totally don't understand nostalgia for the past at all. It's not like it's something everyone experiences or anything, just you!
@@I_am_a_cat_ im not sure if you know this but humans dont have the same emotions. some also cant generally be explained, even by scientists. so he is right you wouldn't understand, and neither would I.
@@powdertoyguy might be difficult since it doesn't exist anymore, even if they were our enemies, as a French, i sicerely think, they didn't deserve their fate
@@austblitz Nothing. His age is irrelevant. FrankOceanfan315 is just calling people with a different opinion than him, childish. Ironically, that action itself is pretty childish
Von Habsburgs were the Biggest War Criminals and War Mongerers in Europes history, this once little Swiss Robber Barons rose with wars, inquistions, Massacres, Genocides which also in Latin America massacred millions and their Inquistions and many wars such as 80 year war=Netherlands,, 30 year=Europe war and many more up to WW1...the von Habsburgs may burn in hell for eternity...they even sacked Rome and massacred 60% of their populations...I am proud my SWISS ANCESTORS DEFEATED THE VON HABSBURGS OVER AND OVER..
Eternal gratitude to the Imperial House that gave us the greatest stateswoman Brazil has ever had, Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, our eternal Empress, Dn. Leopoldina.👑🔰
Bože živi, Bože štiti Cara našeg i naš dom. Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti, Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom. Ti nam sretne dane množi, Habsburškoj ih kući daj, S njenom snagom zauvijek složi hrvatske nam krune sjaj. 🇦🇹🇭🇷🇭🇺
@@maximan4197Getting rid of the Ottomans was a good thing for us Albanians, however the so-called Balkan League wasn‘t treating us well either. So before the United States (and Wilson, for that matter) came to our help, we had the Habsburgs as our closest ally at that time.
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is an old anthem of the Holy Roman Empire. Written in 1797 by Franz Joseph Haydn and Lorenz Leopold Haschka, it served as a personal anthem to Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, Francis II became Emperor of Austria. In 1826, Lorenz Leopold Haschka wrote new lyrics to fit with Francis' position as Emperor of Austria, and the 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is often claimed to be the anthem of Austria-Hungary. However, this anthem was only used until Francis II died in 1835. Then, new lyrics were written for his successor, Ferdinand (Segen Hohen Sohne Osterreichs, Unsern Kaiser Ferdinand!), which were used until Ferdinand abdicated in 1848. The 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser were used from 1848 until 1854 for Ferdinand's successor, Franz Joseph. In 1854, new lyrics were written, Gott erhalte, gott beschutze, and after several alterations made in 1867, it became the official anthem of Austria-Hungary, and was used until the Empire fell at the end of World War I. This version of Gott erhalte, gott beschutze, was sung at the funeral of Otto von Habsburg in 2011.
Little correction: The Kaiser of Austria-Hungary was NOT a Kaiser of Hungary. In 1867 when the Hungarians and the Austrians made peace and made a dual monarchy, one of Hungary's condition was, that the Austrian emperor will be only a King of Hungary, but not Emperor. Ps.: Болшое спасибо 🇭🇺♥️🇷🇺
My grandaprents all came from the former Austro-Hungarian empire. That is the basis for my interest in the history, culture and languages of the region.
Contraversial topic indeed. Lot of common legacy but concurrency for power in europe. 2 mindsets so different becose of separate history. Yu could say same words fof england and germany... Scandinavian countries and germany. French normandy and england. England and usa.
Czech version of the Imperial anthem: Text: „zachovej nám Hospodine" Zachovej, nám Hospodine Císaře a naší zem Dej, ať z víry moc mu plyne Ať je moudrým vladařem Hajme věrně trůnu jeho Proti nepřátelům všem Osud trůnu Habsburského Českých zemí (or just „Rakouska") Jest osudem Osud trůnu Habsburského Českých zemí (Rakouska) Jest osudem Plňme věrně povinnosti Braňme právo počestně A když třeba, s ochotností V boj se dejme statečně Na paměti věčně mějme Slávu vojska vítěznou Jmění, krev i život dejme Za císaře, za vlast svou Jmění krev i život dejme Za císaře, za vlast svou. And this new part of text from ~2017: Rozpomeň se Hospodine Na svou nejvěrnější říš Její sláva nepomine Vždy ji znovu obnovíš Koruna dnes stále kryje Mocný panovníkův trůn Navždy žije monarchie Habsburský ji vládne dům Navždy žije monarchie Habsburský ji vládne dům Ahoj from 🇨🇿
I'm a history nerd, and my favorite empires are Russia, German Empire, and my number one, Austria-Hungary. Personally, if this is not playing at my funeral, I'm not going.
In pre-WW1 era Europe, only three countries declared and enacted minority rights, and minority protective acts, The first was Hungary (1849) second was Austria (1867), and the third was Belgium (1898). No other countries tolerated any forms of minority rights (not even cultural rights) on their territory in Europe. In July 1849, the Hungarian Revolutionary Parliament proclaimed and enacted the WORLD's FIRST laws on ethnic and minority rights. It gave minorities the freedom to use their mothertongue at local administration, at tribunals, in schools, in community life and even within the national guard of non-Magyar councils. However these laws were overturned after the united Russian and Austrian armies crushed the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. After the Kingdom of Hungary reached the Compromise with the Habsburg Dynasty in 1867 (Ausgleich), one of the first acts of the restored Hungarian Parliament was to pass a Law on Nationalities (Minority rights law: the act number XLIV of 1868). The situation of minorities in Hungary was not even comparable to the contemporary pre WW1 Europe. Other highly multiethnic /multinational countries were: France Russia and UK. See the multi-national UK: The situation of Scottish Irish and Welsh people in "Britain" during the English hegemony is well known. They utmost forgot their original language,only English language cultural educational institutions existed. The only language was English in judiciary procedures and in offices and public administrations. In Wales Welsh children were beaten by their teachers if they spoke Welsh among each others. This was the infamous “Welsh Not” policy... The contemporary Irish question and tensions are well documented. The situation of Ireland was even a more brutal and bloody story. It was not a real "United" Kingdom, it was rather a greater England. Let's don't forget: The English legal system did not know even basic the minority rights (neither linguistic rights) for aboriginal minorities (Scots, Welsh) until the post ww2 period. See the multiethnic France: In the era of the Great French revolution, only 25% of the population of Kingdom of France could speak the French language as mothertongue. But even in 1870, France was still similar-degree multi-ethnic state as Hungary, only 50% of the population of France spoke the French language as mothertongue. The other half of the population spoke Occitan, Breton, Provençal, Catalan, Corsican, Alsatian, West Flemish, Lorraine Franconian, Gallo, Picard or Ch’timi and Arpitan etc... Many minority languages were closer to Spanish languages or Italian language than French) French governments banned minority language schools, minority language newspapers minority theaters. They banned the usage of minority languages in offices , public administration, and judiciary procedures. The ratio of french mothertongue increased from 50% to 91% during the 1870-1910 period!!! The situation in German Empire was well known (Polish territories and Sorbs) Just look some Eastern countries in the oreintal so-called Eurasian (aka. Orthodox) civilization : The legal system of pre-WW1 Kingom of Serbia did not know minority rights. Also, the legal system of pre-WW1 Kingdom of Romania did not know minority rights. Pre WW1 Kingdom of Romania was the only country in pre WW1 era Europe which did not grant citizenship and suffrage for ethnic minorities, despite they represented rougly 20% of the population. Morover, Kingdom of Romania applied strong anti-Semitic disciminative laws against Jewish people, which was similar to Tzarist Russia. Slavery disappeared during the high medieval period on Western Christian European soil, however it existed in Romanian territories until the mid 19th century! The Gypsy slavery and slave markets were abolished only in 1852!!! (Gypsies of Romania had similar status like blacks in USA before the civil war. Just examine the high contrast between Kingdom of Hungary and contemporary pre WW1-era Europe: The so-called "Magyarization" fantasy was not so harsh as the contemporary western European situation, because the minorities were defended by minority rights and laws. Contemporary Western European legal systems did not know the minority rights, therefore their political leaders loudly and proudly covered up their minorities by the force of law. 1.Were there minority primary schools in Western European countries? NO. 2. How many official languages existed in Western-European states? Only 1 official language! 3. Could minorities use their languages in the offices of public administration in self-governments , in tribunals in Western Europe? No, they couldn't. 4. What about newspapers of ethnic minorities in Western Europe? They did not exist in the West.... We can continue these things to the infinity. 5. Were minority languages allowed in ny cultural institutions in Western European countries? No, they were not. The Austro-Hungarian compromise and its supporting liberal party remained bitterly unpopular among the ethnic Hungarian voters, and the continuous successes of these pro-compromise liberal parties in the Hungarian parliamentary elections caused long lasting frustration for Hungarians. The ethnic minorities had the key role in the political maintenance of the compromise in Hungary, because they were able to vote the pro-compromise liberal parties into the position of the majority/ruling parties of the Hungarian parliament. The pro-compromise liberal parties were the most popular among ethnic minority voters, however i.e. the Slovak, Serb and Romanian minority parties remained unpopular among their own ethnic minority voters. The coalitions of Hungarian nationalist parties - which were supported by the overwhelming majority of ethnic Hungarian voters - always remained in the opposition, with the exception of the 1906-1910 period, where the Hungarian-supported nationalist parties were able to form a government.[48]🇭🇺✌🏻...
@JoeWantsToKillDonald666 Rumania acquired Transylvania after WWI as a recompense of attacking Hungary due to betrayal of the treaty with the Austro-Hungarian Empire according to which Rumania was (or should have been) a neutral country. When the great powers decided to strip off 75% of Hungary, they rewarded the deceit that Rumania did in their favor. Rumania always swithes the sides in each war, their allies are always backstabbed: they are traitors🇭🇺✌🏻...
@JoeWantsToKillDonald666 Our vlachs should have been treated by us in our Erdély (Transylvania) as you were by them in your Dobrudzsa. But instead of that we were too liberal. The "Old Romanian" minorities - including the Hungarians, who in the XVI century, they still made up a significant share in Moldavia and in Wallachia - they never received any nationality rights. Thus, the Hungarians of Moldavia and Wallachia merged en masse in their complete disenfranchisement. The Hungarians didn't have an independent school, they didn't have priests who spoke in their mother tongue, they fought unsuccessfully for worship in their mother tongue, they couldn't even achieve the right to it. While Transylvanian vlachs had an independent school network (ie: given!), in 1918 there were numerically more vlachian schools (more than 2,600) for the 2,800,000 vlachians in Transylvania than for the seven and a half million in Rumania (some hundreds only). Their churches have been operating freely with their own priests throughout the centuries in Transylvania. So freely that even anti-Hungarian movements are organized under their control in our Erdély. sokkal több jogot élveztek ők Magyarországon, mint bármely más európai, a szám- vagy részarányuknak megfelelő kisebbség az ő országában. Hogy ez így volt, létük is igazolja. Ha csak ővelük, az ő országukban élő kisebbségek - így az ottani magyarság - helyzetével vetjük össze az övéket, erdélyi románokét, szinte ég és föld a különbség. Az óromániai kisebbségek - köztük a magyarok, akik a XVI. században még jelentős részarányt alkottak Moldvában[2], és Munténiában is[3] - soha semmiféle nemzetiségi jogot nem kaptak. Így a moldvai és munténiai magyarság tömegesen olvadt be a teljes jogfosztottságában. Önálló iskolájuk nem volt, anyanyelvükön megszólaló papjaik sem voltak, eredménytelenül küzdöttek az anyanyelvi istentiszteletért, az ahhoz való jogot sem tudták elérni. Miközben az erdélyi románságnak önálló iskolahálózata volt (azaz: adatott!), 1918-ban számszerűleg több román iskola van (több, mint 2600) Erdélyben a 2.800.000 románnak, mint az ókirályságban a hét és fél milliónak (csupán párszáz). Egyházaik mindvégig - az évszázadokon át - szabadon működnek saját papjaikkal. Olyannyira szabadon, hogy a magyar-ellenes mozgalmak is az ő irányításukkal szerveződnek 🇭🇺✌🏻...
Found this on the day of the termination of Selen Tatsuki of Nijisanji EN, I'm here to listen to & dedicate this piece in honor of her. May her spark continue to burn forever more, whatever happens next, we'll support her new life as Dokibird. The legacy of Selen Tatsuki shall live on in the memories of those who were her loyal fans.
Actually,it is the Deutschlandlied that is similar to the Habsburg anthem, which was written by Joseph Haydn for the Habsburg emperor. Much later, a liberal poet in one of the many German-speaking kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms wrote words fitting Haydn's Kaiserslied that advocated a united country of Deutsch-speaking regions (ie to be called 'Deutschland') which would be a modern industrial and democratic nation - hence, "Deutsch-speaking country above all else" (not "Germany above everyone in the world".
@@williamwhitehouse8214 The words of the Deutschlandlied were written in 1841, 30 years before there was such a country as 'Germany', so I don't think there was any idea of world domination by an as yet fictitious country in the mind of the composer of the words, although I suppose he might have had some hope that a union of the many German-speaking kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms might be a world leader in being a modern democratic state. And don't forget that the Deutschlandlied did not become the national anthem of Germany until the Weimar Republic just after WW1, when I think the government was largely socialist in character. No doubt there those in the Nazi period who did choose to interpret the words in terms of world domination, but I believe that towards the end of WW2 Hitler had ideas of replacing the Deutschlandlied with the Horst Wessel Lied. Have a look at the Wikipedia article: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied?wprov=sfla1
@@kennethgarland4712 Both songs were sung in the 1936 Berlin Olympics as co anthems I believe. Wasn’t Deutschlandlied just a copy of the Austro Hungarian Empire national anthem but with different lyrics?
La Serva di Dio Zita di Borbone Parma (9 maggio 1892 - 14 marzo 1989) fu una delle più belle principesse nella Storia, una bella donna cristiana cattolica ed è per questo che attualmente è "Serva di Dio", bella moglie e bella madre e infine una delle più belle donne di "segno" Toro che ci sono state!
Very Thankful of Austro-Hungary Empire (Foreign Minister Count Leopold Berchtold) for helping my country (Albania) gain independence. I visited Vienna a few days ago, it was mesmerizing. What a beautiful and honorable country!
We in south tyrol do that too. We want to go bacj to austria but Rome and the fascists says that our land is italian, wich never was italian. We want the kaiserreich back
@@tirolerfighter.9144 it was eoman.it was the provincia italica belinging to rome and its empire later with facilities to aquire citizenshjp Wath was missing. ..well there was no Austria.austria appeared later after the sad dissolving Othe Roman empire.
Despite popular belief and accusations of cowardice, we the Czechs and Moravians have fought for the Emperor loyally, unfortunately praise we got was from our Italian enemies during Isonzo front battles. If you wish to rehabilitate the image of Czech and Moravian soldiers, I invite you to read something from Richard Lein an austrian historian. I miss the monarchy, I believe that with our rightful emperor and king we could have stopped Hitler and the worst war we ever experienced as a humanity.
Dear "Duce of Canada", can you please upload the "10th anniversary march", one of the most important anthems of the Republic period and Atatürk, in Turkey, there is only one anthem about Turkey on the channel, and that is our national anthem, please evaluate this suggestion. If you evaluate it, you will be my favorite anthem channel, I hope you do not break the request of a follower.From Turkey with lovers.
Александр Кузнецов (перевод) Боже, будь ты покровитель Кайзеру, Его краям! Крепкий верою правитель, Мудрым будь владыкой нам! Прадедов Его корону Защитим мы от врага, С Габсбургским веками троном Австрии сплелась судьба! Расцветает просвещенье, И богатство здесь растёт; Трон твой милость и прощенье, Честь и искренность блюдёт. Под гербом твоих владений Справедливость пусть живёт! Богом будь храним, наш Кайзер, Царствуй, добрый Кайзер Франц! К страждущим простёр ты милость, Смог помочь им и беречь, Ничьи нужды не забылись, В царственной руке - твой меч! Где хвалы не возносились За твои заботы встречь! Богом будь храним, наш Кайзер, Царствуй, добрый Кайзер Франц! Он разбил оковы гнёта, К нам свободу ниспослал! Он германскому народу Радость процветанья дал! Отовсюду к душ оплоту Хор сыновний зазвучал: Богом будь храним, наш Кайзер, Царствуй, добрый Кайзер Франц! Вариант 1835 г., Фрайхерр фон Цедлиц, 1 куплет: Будь благословен, австрийский Сын высокий, Фердинанд! Небеса над троном в выси Край всегда твой сохранят! Наш Господь, к молящим близкий, Будь тебе вождём стократ! Мы в любви склонились низко, Вкруг тебя, наш Фердинанд! Вариант 1854 г, 2 куплет: Кротость, стойкость, честность, правда Будет пусть законом нам! Пусть всегда мы будем рады Дать отпор твоим врагам. Пусть войска сбирают лавры, Защитив тебя стеной. Кайзер, благ тебе и славы, И тебе, наш край родной! Между прочим, гимн был переведён до конца XIX века на чешский, хорватский, словенский, польский, итальянский, украинский, румынский, фриульский, церковнославянский языки и идиш. По-венгерски пелись оригинальные слова. В некоторых переводах был куплет про императрицу: С Кайзером на трон садится Сердцем, кровью всем родна, Наша мать, императрица, Так прекрасна и стройна! Счастье высшее на свете Дай им, Боже в небеси! Франца-Йосифа, Елизавету, Весь двор Габсбургский спаси!
Make sure to watch the Hungarian version of the Kaiserhymne as well: ruclips.net/video/-6eJClPCLi0/видео.html
Viribus Unitis! 🇦🇹🇭🇺
Duke of Canada
Please make Myanmar national anthem 🇲🇲
Aw man I feel ad for austria hungary I wish it was here in the future and I would visit
Why did you use the Civil Ensign? The Empire never used it on land, only for civilian ships, should have just used the two flags of Austria and Hungary.
Here in Brazil, I liked your video!
I do kike spain.
Has never been rhe servant
Of no one!
Arriva espana una grande libre
Carlo from rome
This song was sung at Otto von Habsburg's funeral.
I want this to be played at my funeral too tbh😂
Dying with Epic music played
@@bazsamester me too
It’s the same exact version too
But while all the members of the public and the Habsburg family sang none of the then Austrian Government did.
Fools who couldn't even respect the dynasty which kinda made Austria what it is.
As a descendent of the Osterreichisch-Ungarisches Reich, this means more than I an put into words, thank you, sir
Your a descendant of the Kaiser wow
@@northernOsso I am afraid not a decent of the Kaiser. I said I am a descent of the Empire (my great-great grandfather was a soldier in the Kaiser's army, and that part of my family descends from Austria). I do however consider myself a spiritual descendant of the Kaiser, and do my best to honour that line, though I must admit I fall short many a time. If, by some miracle I found out that I was indeed a direct decedent of the Hapsburg throne, I swear I would do anything right in my power to restore that realm, so help me Gott.
Tu leave Italy alone
In case you don't know what that means, Österreichische-Ungarische Reich means Austro-Hungarian Empire
@@thelastoferrathen613 If you ever were to be a Kaiser, thou I remember you from now on
I am in love with these anthems , especially the German monarchic ones . It sounds like a peaceful heartfelt prayer.....
Yeah, Germans are known to be very peaceful.
@@AlexM-t6hGermans are smart, inventive and friendly. Anyway nobody is perfect.
Funfact: the yellow of the flag of Brazil is in honor of the house of Habsburg, of our Empress Leopoldina 🇧🇷
i will tell that to my students, obrigado!
@@marlonmagico The green of the flag represents the family of Emperor Pedro I of Brazil, while the yellow diamond in the center of the flag symbolizes Pedro I's wife, Empress Marie-Leopoldine of Austria, and the Hapsburg empire that ruled there. Inside the diamond is a blue circle with stars, an imperial coat of arms.
My most beloved Catholic Empire 🥲
- An Italian
Traditore della patria
Lol we can ivade austria to for italy sono Francese
Fanc*lo l’impero austro-ungarico
4th july 1918
God Bless, From a Lebanese catholic.
The only truth ✝️
GOTT SCHÜTZE ÖSTERREICH in dieser schwierigen Zeit der schweren Überschwemmungen, auch Deutschland und Österreich. Gott segne dich, beschütze dich und schenke dir Frieden. Möge die himmlische Hilfe bald kommen! Vielen Dank!
God bless Austria-Hungary!
Greetings from Hungary 🇭🇺♥️🇦🇹
God doesn't bless the most murderous of all European aristocrats
Greetings from Austria (or Armenia and Australia if we look at it where I was born and live now)
Ici.Mixing all Things!!
Boze vivi, boze stiti, cara naseg i nas dom! 🇭🇷🇦🇹🇭🇺
I'm not crying. I've only got some Kaiser in my eye.
Why would you cry over this
@@I_am_a_cat_ You dont understand
@@skibidisigma69-f7d Oh nooooo a country that no longer exists, I totally don't understand nostalgia for the past at all. It's not like it's something everyone experiences or anything, just you!
@@I_am_a_cat_ just like i said you dont understand
@@I_am_a_cat_ im not sure if you know this but humans dont have the same emotions. some also cant generally be explained, even by scientists. so he is right you wouldn't understand, and neither would I.
The Habsburg Empire is a lost empire, but its culture is full of romance.
Ora history as well.and It was less cruel than average.
...criminal empire...
@@cristikes5477 all empirres are criminal
@@cristikes5477 Every empire is a criminal
This is true
The Croatian version of the song is called "Kraljevka".
All the best for ex-Austo-Hungarian countries from 🇭🇷
Long live Austria-Hungary, Love Croatian!
@@powdertoyguy might be difficult since it doesn't exist anymore, even if they were our enemies, as a French, i sicerely think, they didn't deserve their fate
*»Carevka«* - not »Kraljevka«.
@@MateoKatana Ovisi iz kojeg je razdoblja...
In less than two minutes my day took a depressive turn...
I hope that the monarchy can return to the whole old empire. Those were golden days.
Mans cant be older than 16😂😂😂
Nothing. His age is irrelevant. FrankOceanfan315 is just calling people with a different opinion than him, childish.
Ironically, that action itself is pretty childish
I agree 💯
@@frankoceanfan3157 cringey amerikan your country is the worst
Love it keep up the great work!
One of the most beautiful anthems ever
Melody had been composed by the great Austrian composer Joseph Haidn initially for his quartet in XVIII cent.
Great work. Awesome. Brilliant content.
Gott schütze mein Land. Grüße aus Südtirol
Ciao parli l'italiano amico TRENTINO
@@michelemartini2011 ?
@@tirolerfighter.9144 I wanted to say hello friend Trentino speak italian?
@@michelemartini2011 are you trentinian?
@@tirolerfighter.9144 no
The best remarasted hymn!Good job duke
blessed empire, every day its greatness amazes me more, long live the Habsburgs, long live Austria, long live Hungary.
Is the Mexican flag a nod to emperor Maximilian?
Von Habsburgs were the Biggest War Criminals and War Mongerers in Europes history, this once little Swiss Robber Barons rose with wars, inquistions, Massacres, Genocides which also in Latin America massacred millions and their Inquistions and many wars such as 80 year war=Netherlands,, 30 year=Europe war and many more up to WW1...the von Habsburgs may burn in hell for eternity...they even sacked Rome and massacred 60% of their populations...I am proud my SWISS ANCESTORS DEFEATED THE VON HABSBURGS OVER AND OVER..
@@akidshistoryandaviation yes, but because im mexican :).
@@ItsRufus99 I am also Mexican, and I love the Austrian empire, but I love my country, and I am proud to be Mexican, VIVA MEXICO and AUSTRIA 🇲🇽❤🇦🇹🇭🇺
Long live everibody!!
Best Remastered!
Long live Austria-Hungary Empire!
It s done with it since 1918... 😅😅😅
Eternal gratitude to the Imperial House that gave us the greatest stateswoman Brazil has ever had, Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, our eternal Empress, Dn. Leopoldina.👑🔰
Today in 2023, the author of this song, Franz Joseph Haydn, celebrated his 291st birthday.🎉
I would like to celebrate this wonderful day!
por austria i always feel sorry for their lose when i hear this
Bože živi, Bože štiti
Cara našeg i naš dom.
Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti,
Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom.
Ti nam sretne dane množi,
Habsburškoj ih kući daj,
S njenom snagom zauvijek složi
hrvatske nam krune sjaj.
28.6.1914. Gavrilo Princip
Seljaci su pred evropom branili slobode cast!!!
@Jan Hus
@@vrs6605 janjičaru
Interesting fact for foreigners: The yellow of the Brazilian flag is because of the Habsburg royal family
No it's because of the Orleans and Bragança
@@DocesCremosos O verde é da Casa de Bragança e o amarelo da Casa de Habsburgo.
The most noble of the Royal families
greetings from austria ♥
Glory to my ancestors of Austria Hungary! 🇦🇹🤝🇭🇺
...a criminal and idiot empire....
They were not allways freddo
Many hungarians were in. Austrians gaols or hung ...bifore doubling the monarchi.
Fun Fact : If the empire was still around, otto von Habsburg would have been the longest reigning monarch
Faleminderit AUSTRO-HUNGARI, të jemi borxhli përgjithmon, faleminderit për gjithçka. 🇦🇱🤝🇦🇹🇭🇺
Rroft Shqiptari!
I'm curious... why? I don't know the story between albanians and Habsburg
@@albertograssi3675When the Balkan League defeated the ottomans Europe, Austria-Hungary was the first country to claim Albanian Independence.
@@maximan4197Getting rid of the Ottomans was a good thing for us Albanians, however the so-called Balkan League wasn‘t treating us well either. So before the United States (and Wilson, for that matter) came to our help, we had the Habsburgs as our closest ally at that time.
It should have survived at least as the Federation of Danube
It probably would have, had not been for Gavrilo Princip...
@@tapele5987 last year an austrian and a hungarian came to my university class, and a friend sang this anthem XD. They appreciated it very much
@@tapele5987millions died because of gavrilo asshole
Majestic rendition. Sending much love from Russia 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇹🇭🇺. Gott, erhalte Franz den Kaiser , Боже, царя храни!!!🖤💛🤍
Russian and austrian/hungarian empires...two idiot and criminal empires...
Austria supports Ukraine btw
@@userhessenone1469 No we are neutral
Love to you monarchist russian friend. Long live the monarchy
@@tirolerfighter.9144 long live the monarchy long live Romanov family
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is an old anthem of the Holy Roman Empire. Written in 1797 by Franz Joseph Haydn and Lorenz Leopold Haschka, it served as a personal anthem to Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, Francis II became Emperor of Austria. In 1826, Lorenz Leopold Haschka wrote new lyrics to fit with Francis' position as Emperor of Austria, and the 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser is often claimed to be the anthem of Austria-Hungary. However, this anthem was only used until Francis II died in 1835. Then, new lyrics were written for his successor, Ferdinand (Segen Hohen Sohne Osterreichs, Unsern Kaiser Ferdinand!), which were used until Ferdinand abdicated in 1848. The 1826 version of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser were used from 1848 until 1854 for Ferdinand's successor, Franz Joseph. In 1854, new lyrics were written, Gott erhalte, gott beschutze, and after several alterations made in 1867, it became the official anthem of Austria-Hungary, and was used until the Empire fell at the end of World War I. This version of Gott erhalte, gott beschutze, was sung at the funeral of Otto von Habsburg in 2011.
It wasnt the Anthem of HRE and Franz become the Emperor of Austria before HRE fall
@@vonris It was. Look it up.
Ehre sei dem Kaiser von Österreich!Dicsőség a magyar császárnak!
Little correction: The Kaiser of Austria-Hungary was NOT a Kaiser of Hungary. In 1867 when the Hungarians and the Austrians made peace and made a dual monarchy, one of Hungary's condition was, that the Austrian emperor will be only a King of Hungary, but not Emperor.
Ps.: Болшое спасибо 🇭🇺♥️🇷🇺
@@bazsamester Köszönöm a történelmi hátteret
@@bazsamester 1867 not 1967
@@ItsRufus99 oh, I made a mistake there so thank you, Im gonna edit that mistake
Es lebe die Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie und Habsburgs Throne! 🇦🇹🇭🇺
Es lebe!
É pensar que a Alemanha roubou esse hino mais só trocou a letra mais a melodia é a mesma
@@fabiopereira8825 you do realize that Austrians are German right?
Gott erthalte Otto von Habsburg
@@patriciadossantosandradeli7859 he kinda failed lol
My grandaprents all came from the former Austro-Hungarian empire. That is the basis for my interest in the history, culture and languages of the region.
Für den Kaiser!!!
Viribus Unitis 🇦🇹🇭🇺
God save our rightful Emperor!👑🖤💛👑
Gott beschuetze habsburg und alle aus unserem alten reiche
Gott beschütze Gott bewahre
Regarding the couple at 0:33, can anyone confirm if they are the last Emperor and Empress of Austria Hungary?
This is the later Empress Zita and Emporer Karl @ 0:33.
They rule Austria -Hungary from 1916 till 1918
1:25 this is their Son Otto
Rest in Peace Austrian Hungarian Empire 1867-1918
Hino maravilhoso,viva o império Áustria húngaro
Mas para algumas nações na parte húngara dá monarquia éra como s prisão das naçoes....na parte austríaca éra melhor
Há mais de cem anos, que o Império Austro-Húngaro acabou.
Wundervoll! LG aus Wien
Glory to Habsburgs and Empire from Serbia 🇷🇸🇭🇺🇦🇹
brothers forever 🇩🇪❤🇦🇹
Contraversial topic indeed. Lot of common legacy but concurrency for power in europe.
2 mindsets so different becose of separate history.
Yu could say same words fof england and germany... Scandinavian countries and germany. French normandy and england. England and usa.
Just as beautiful as the first time I heard it
God save Austria-Hungary. Hello from Karpatian rutenia(Ukraine)🇺🇦
Czech version of the Imperial anthem:
„zachovej nám Hospodine"
Zachovej, nám Hospodine
Císaře a naší zem
Dej, ať z víry moc mu plyne
Ať je moudrým vladařem
Hajme věrně trůnu jeho
Proti nepřátelům všem
Osud trůnu Habsburského
Českých zemí (or just „Rakouska")
Jest osudem
Osud trůnu Habsburského
Českých zemí (Rakouska)
Jest osudem
Plňme věrně povinnosti
Braňme právo počestně
A když třeba, s ochotností
V boj se dejme statečně
Na paměti věčně mějme
Slávu vojska vítěznou
Jmění, krev i život dejme
Za císaře, za vlast svou
Jmění krev i život dejme
Za císaře, za vlast svou.
And this new part of text from ~2017:
Rozpomeň se Hospodine
Na svou nejvěrnější říš
Její sláva nepomine
Vždy ji znovu obnovíš
Koruna dnes stále kryje
Mocný panovníkův trůn
Navždy žije monarchie
Habsburský ji vládne dům
Navždy žije monarchie
Habsburský ji vládne dům
Ahoj from 🇨🇿
A nebo taky:
Čeho nabyl občan pilný,
to mu erár sebere :-)
If I remember it correctly, the original Czech version has like 9 stanzas and there could be several versions of some of them.
@@xsc1000 Zajimavé, jak je to staré?
@@MrToradragon Je to ze Švejka, takže přes 100 let.
Gorgeous video . Fascinating pictures of a gloroius past of a nation an his great leader. If only could we have one like himm in italy...
Austro-Hungarian Empure: Indivisible and Inseparable.
I'm a history nerd, and my favorite empires are Russia, German Empire, and my number one, Austria-Hungary. Personally, if this is not playing at my funeral, I'm not going.
In pre-WW1 era Europe, only three countries declared and enacted minority rights, and minority protective acts, The first was Hungary (1849) second was Austria (1867), and the third was Belgium (1898). No other countries tolerated any forms of minority rights (not even cultural rights) on their territory in Europe. In July 1849, the Hungarian Revolutionary Parliament proclaimed and enacted the WORLD's FIRST laws on ethnic and minority rights. It gave minorities the freedom to use their mothertongue at local administration, at tribunals, in schools, in community life and even within the national guard of non-Magyar councils. However these laws were overturned after the united Russian and Austrian armies crushed the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. After the Kingdom of Hungary reached the Compromise with the Habsburg Dynasty in 1867 (Ausgleich), one of the first acts of the restored Hungarian Parliament was to pass a Law on Nationalities (Minority rights law: the act number XLIV of 1868). The situation of minorities in Hungary was not even comparable to the contemporary pre WW1 Europe. Other highly multiethnic /multinational countries were: France Russia and UK. See the multi-national UK: The situation of Scottish Irish and Welsh people in "Britain" during the English hegemony is well known. They utmost forgot their original language,only English language cultural educational institutions existed. The only language was English in judiciary procedures and in offices and public administrations. In Wales Welsh children were beaten by their teachers if they spoke Welsh among each others. This was the infamous “Welsh Not” policy... The contemporary Irish question and tensions are well documented. The situation of Ireland was even a more brutal and bloody story. It was not a real "United" Kingdom, it was rather a greater England. Let's don't forget: The English legal system did not know even basic the minority rights (neither linguistic rights) for aboriginal minorities (Scots, Welsh) until the post ww2 period. See the multiethnic France: In the era of the Great French revolution, only 25% of the population of Kingdom of France could speak the French language as mothertongue. But even in 1870, France was still similar-degree multi-ethnic state as Hungary, only 50% of the population of France spoke the French language as mothertongue. The other half of the population spoke Occitan, Breton, Provençal, Catalan, Corsican, Alsatian, West Flemish, Lorraine Franconian, Gallo, Picard or Ch’timi and Arpitan etc... Many minority languages were closer to Spanish languages or Italian language than French) French governments banned minority language schools, minority language newspapers minority theaters. They banned the usage of minority languages in offices , public administration, and judiciary procedures. The ratio of french mothertongue increased from 50% to 91% during the 1870-1910 period!!! The situation in German Empire was well known (Polish territories and Sorbs) Just look some Eastern countries in the oreintal so-called Eurasian (aka. Orthodox) civilization : The legal system of pre-WW1 Kingom of Serbia did not know minority rights. Also, the legal system of pre-WW1 Kingdom of Romania did not know minority rights. Pre WW1 Kingdom of Romania was the only country in pre WW1 era Europe which did not grant citizenship and suffrage for ethnic minorities, despite they represented rougly 20% of the population. Morover, Kingdom of Romania applied strong anti-Semitic disciminative laws against Jewish people, which was similar to Tzarist Russia. Slavery disappeared during the high medieval period on Western Christian European soil, however it existed in Romanian territories until the mid 19th century! The Gypsy slavery and slave markets were abolished only in 1852!!! (Gypsies of Romania had similar status like blacks in USA before the civil war. Just examine the high contrast between Kingdom of Hungary and contemporary pre WW1-era Europe: The so-called "Magyarization" fantasy was not so harsh as the contemporary western European situation, because the minorities were defended by minority rights and laws. Contemporary Western European legal systems did not know the minority rights, therefore their political leaders loudly and proudly covered up their minorities by the force of law. 1.Were there minority primary schools in Western European countries? NO. 2. How many official languages existed in Western-European states? Only 1 official language! 3. Could minorities use their languages in the offices of public administration in self-governments , in tribunals in Western Europe? No, they couldn't. 4. What about newspapers of ethnic minorities in Western Europe? They did not exist in the West.... We can continue these things to the infinity. 5. Were minority languages allowed in ny cultural institutions in Western European countries? No, they were not. The Austro-Hungarian compromise and its supporting liberal party remained bitterly unpopular among the ethnic Hungarian voters, and the continuous successes of these pro-compromise liberal parties in the Hungarian parliamentary elections caused long lasting frustration for Hungarians. The ethnic minorities had the key role in the political maintenance of the compromise in Hungary, because they were able to vote the pro-compromise liberal parties into the position of the majority/ruling parties of the Hungarian parliament. The pro-compromise liberal parties were the most popular among ethnic minority voters, however i.e. the Slovak, Serb and Romanian minority parties remained unpopular among their own ethnic minority voters. The coalitions of Hungarian nationalist parties - which were supported by the overwhelming majority of ethnic Hungarian voters - always remained in the opposition, with the exception of the 1906-1910 period, where the Hungarian-supported nationalist parties were able to form a government.[48]🇭🇺✌🏻...
@JoeWantsToKillDonald666Where are you from🇭🇺✌🏻...?
Rumania acquired Transylvania after WWI as a recompense of attacking Hungary due to betrayal of the treaty with the Austro-Hungarian Empire according to which Rumania was (or should have been) a neutral country. When the great powers decided to strip off 75% of Hungary, they rewarded the deceit that Rumania did in their favor. Rumania always swithes the sides in each war, their allies are always backstabbed: they are traitors🇭🇺✌🏻...
@JoeWantsToKillDonald666 Our vlachs should have been treated by us in our Erdély (Transylvania) as you were by them in your Dobrudzsa. But instead of that we were too liberal.
The "Old Romanian" minorities - including the Hungarians, who in the XVI century, they still made up a significant share in Moldavia and in Wallachia - they never received any nationality rights. Thus, the Hungarians of Moldavia and Wallachia merged en masse in their complete disenfranchisement. The Hungarians didn't have an independent school, they didn't have priests who spoke in their mother tongue, they fought unsuccessfully for worship in their mother tongue, they couldn't even achieve the right to it. While Transylvanian vlachs had an independent school network (ie: given!), in 1918 there were numerically more vlachian schools (more than 2,600) for the 2,800,000 vlachians in Transylvania than for the seven and a half million in Rumania (some hundreds only). Their churches have been operating freely with their own priests throughout the centuries in Transylvania. So freely that even anti-Hungarian movements are organized under their control in our Erdély.
sokkal több jogot élveztek ők Magyarországon, mint bármely más európai, a szám- vagy részarányuknak megfelelő kisebbség az ő országában. Hogy ez így volt, létük is igazolja. Ha csak ővelük, az ő országukban élő kisebbségek - így az ottani magyarság - helyzetével vetjük össze az övéket, erdélyi románokét, szinte ég és föld a különbség. Az óromániai kisebbségek - köztük a magyarok, akik a XVI. században még jelentős részarányt alkottak Moldvában[2], és Munténiában is[3] - soha semmiféle nemzetiségi jogot nem kaptak. Így a moldvai és munténiai magyarság tömegesen olvadt be a teljes jogfosztottságában. Önálló iskolájuk nem volt, anyanyelvükön megszólaló papjaik sem voltak, eredménytelenül küzdöttek az anyanyelvi istentiszteletért, az ahhoz való jogot sem tudták elérni. Miközben az erdélyi románságnak önálló iskolahálózata volt (azaz: adatott!), 1918-ban számszerűleg több román iskola van (több, mint 2600) Erdélyben a 2.800.000 románnak, mint az ókirályságban a hét és fél milliónak (csupán párszáz). Egyházaik mindvégig - az évszázadokon át - szabadon működnek saját papjaikkal. Olyannyira szabadon, hogy a magyar-ellenes mozgalmak is az ő irányításukkal szerveződnek 🇭🇺✌🏻...
The ending clips were perfect!
Lang lebe der Kaiser! Greetings from Czech Republic :)
Good anthem, but I prefer the other version, Long live for Austria and Hungary and Long live to Habsburgs 🇧🇷🤝🏻🇦🇹🇭🇺
Found this on the day of the termination of Selen Tatsuki of Nijisanji EN, I'm here to listen to & dedicate this piece in honor of her.
May her spark continue to burn forever more, whatever happens next, we'll support her new life as Dokibird. The legacy of Selen Tatsuki shall live on in the memories of those who were her loyal fans.
Gott erhalte Gott beschutze
Unsern Kaiser, unser Land
Mächtig durch des glauben stutze
vive l'empire de l'Autriche ✝️🔥
The similarity of this song's melody to the song Deutschlandlied makes this song quite respectable even though I'm not from their country
Actually,it is the Deutschlandlied that is similar to the Habsburg anthem, which was written by Joseph Haydn for the Habsburg emperor. Much later, a liberal poet in one of the many German-speaking kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms wrote words fitting Haydn's Kaiserslied that advocated a united country of Deutsch-speaking regions (ie to be called 'Deutschland') which would be a modern industrial and democratic nation - hence, "Deutsch-speaking country above all else" (not "Germany above everyone in the world".
По-моему, эта мелодия была как раз для Габсбургов написана
@@kennethgarland4712 Pretty sure it was intended to be "Germany above everyone in the world",
@@williamwhitehouse8214 The words of the Deutschlandlied were written in 1841, 30 years before there was such a country as 'Germany', so I don't think there was any idea of world domination by an as yet fictitious country in the mind of the composer of the words, although I suppose he might have had some hope that a union of the many German-speaking kingdoms, principalities and dukedoms might be a world leader in being a modern democratic state. And don't forget that the Deutschlandlied did not become the national anthem of Germany until the Weimar Republic just after WW1, when I think the government was largely socialist in character. No doubt there those in the Nazi period who did choose to interpret the words in terms of world domination, but I believe that towards the end of WW2 Hitler had ideas of replacing the Deutschlandlied with the Horst Wessel Lied. Have a look at the Wikipedia article: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutschlandlied?wprov=sfla1
@@kennethgarland4712 Both songs were sung in the 1936 Berlin Olympics as co anthems I believe. Wasn’t Deutschlandlied just a copy of the Austro Hungarian Empire national anthem but with different lyrics?
Looks really better than the original!
Wait what? What's the "original"?
@@bazsamester this is the original:
Glory to Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria!🇦🇹🇵🇱
La Serva di Dio Zita di Borbone Parma (9 maggio 1892 - 14 marzo 1989) fu una delle più belle principesse nella Storia, una bella donna cristiana cattolica ed è per questo che attualmente è "Serva di Dio", bella moglie e bella madre e infine una delle più belle donne di "segno" Toro che ci sono state!
Italy destroyed Austria Hungary
This Song makes me proud to be a Habsburg
Ok cool
It's possible that i am also descendent of Habsburgs
LMAOOO no way this is real
Let's support Schwarz-Gelbe Allianz together!
I will definitely donate when I become rich in the future!!!
Very Thankful of Austro-Hungary Empire (Foreign Minister Count Leopold Berchtold) for helping my country (Albania) gain independence.
I visited Vienna a few days ago, it was mesmerizing.
What a beautiful and honorable country!
Larga vida al Kaiser Emperador del Imperio Austrohúngaro
𝓖𝓸𝓽𝓽 𝓶𝓲𝓽 𝓤𝓷𝓼
🇩🇪 ♥️ 🇦🇹🇭🇺
Do u like german empire
You used the wrong flag for the confederation called the German empire.
@@zbh-gl3gg theres no german empire flag
@@zbh-gl3gg oh
In Lombardia ricordiamo gli anni d oro di quando facevamo parte dell impero austriaco ❤ Grazie Austria 🇦🇹
We in south tyrol do that too. We want to go bacj to austria but Rome and the fascists says that our land is italian, wich never was italian. We want the kaiserreich back
@@tirolerfighter.9144 kaisertum*
@@tirolerfighter.9144 it was eoman.it was the provincia italica belinging to rome and its empire later with facilities to aquire citizenshjp
Wath was missing. ..well there was no Austria.austria appeared later after the sad dissolving
Othe Roman empire.
Leggo che la madre dei leccaculo è sempre incinta (specie se sono per le terga dello stranier…)
Der Kaiser! Der wohltätige Frieden und die Ordnung mit transzendenter Freude und Liebe!
Despite popular belief and accusations of cowardice, we the Czechs and Moravians have fought for the Emperor loyally, unfortunately praise we got was from our Italian enemies during Isonzo front battles. If you wish to rehabilitate the image of Czech and Moravian soldiers, I invite you to read something from Richard Lein an austrian historian.
I miss the monarchy, I believe that with our rightful emperor and king we could have stopped Hitler and the worst war we ever experienced as a humanity.
Czechs were pretty eager to destroy Austria-Hungary😊🇭🇺✌🏻...
thank you
Dencanse em paz Otto von Habsburgo
A monarquia do Império Austro-Húngaro morreu, em 1918.
Beautiful Anthem , I feel like in heaven
this song was so sad 😢
Thats cause the original audio was from the funeral
We can make it happen. Remember that, my brothers and sisters.
Love Austria, Hungary from Korea
Never would've guessed Germany would adopt Austria's anthem
It's only the melody. The lyrics are completely different
@@userhessenone1469 oh yes, I meant the melody, the lyrics are far different
Because they stole it
2024 es en menos de un mes
Yo aun intentando procesar la caida del imperio austroungaro en 1919 😞
X2 causasaa
L'hymne du CC d'Autriche-Hongrie est très impressionnant.
Dear "Duce of Canada", can you please upload the "10th anniversary march", one of the most important anthems of the Republic period and Atatürk, in Turkey, there is only one anthem about Turkey on the channel, and that is our national anthem, please evaluate this suggestion. If you evaluate it, you will be my favorite anthem channel, I hope you do not break the request of a follower.From Turkey with lovers.
Also Izmir Marsi
It would be nice to see Turkish marches here.
Wow this anthem showed how much faith they have in God
Huge respect
Ruhe in Frieden Otto von Habsburg
Rest in Peace dear beloved Kaiser
Александр Кузнецов (перевод)
Боже, будь ты покровитель
Кайзеру, Его краям!
Крепкий верою правитель,
Мудрым будь владыкой нам!
Прадедов Его корону
Защитим мы от врага,
С Габсбургским веками троном
Австрии сплелась судьба!
Расцветает просвещенье,
И богатство здесь растёт;
Трон твой милость и прощенье,
Честь и искренность блюдёт.
Под гербом твоих владений
Справедливость пусть живёт!
Богом будь храним, наш Кайзер,
Царствуй, добрый Кайзер Франц!
К страждущим простёр ты милость,
Смог помочь им и беречь,
Ничьи нужды не забылись,
В царственной руке - твой меч!
Где хвалы не возносились
За твои заботы встречь!
Богом будь храним, наш Кайзер,
Царствуй, добрый Кайзер Франц!
Он разбил оковы гнёта,
К нам свободу ниспослал!
Он германскому народу
Радость процветанья дал!
Отовсюду к душ оплоту
Хор сыновний зазвучал:
Богом будь храним, наш Кайзер,
Царствуй, добрый Кайзер Франц!
Вариант 1835 г., Фрайхерр фон Цедлиц, 1 куплет:
Будь благословен, австрийский
Сын высокий, Фердинанд!
Небеса над троном в выси
Край всегда твой сохранят!
Наш Господь, к молящим близкий,
Будь тебе вождём стократ!
Мы в любви склонились низко,
Вкруг тебя, наш Фердинанд!
Вариант 1854 г, 2 куплет:
Кротость, стойкость, честность, правда
Будет пусть законом нам!
Пусть всегда мы будем рады
Дать отпор твоим врагам.
Пусть войска сбирают лавры,
Защитив тебя стеной.
Кайзер, благ тебе и славы,
И тебе, наш край родной!
Между прочим, гимн был переведён до конца XIX века на чешский, хорватский, словенский, польский, итальянский, украинский, румынский, фриульский, церковнославянский языки и идиш. По-венгерски пелись оригинальные слова. В некоторых переводах был куплет про императрицу:
С Кайзером на трон садится
Сердцем, кровью всем родна,
Наша мать, императрица,
Так прекрасна и стройна!
Счастье высшее на свете
Дай им, Боже в небеси!
Франца-Йосифа, Елизавету,
Весь двор Габсбургский спаси!
Love from Panama 🇵🇦❤🇦🇹🇭🇺
Said empire was founded in 1867. A peerless son of Austria, Papa Haydn, did compose the lovely melody.
Can you give me a link to the empire's logo at the top right of 0:22 ?
The History Of Austria Will Never Die!!!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Österreich zu eurem heutigen Nationalfeiertag am 26.Oktober von euren freunden aus Deutschland.
Incredible, absolutely incredible!
As ethnic austrian, i love this video
Ethnic german you mean
@@Countdooku97 austrians are not germans - we are mixed
@@vonris Not Germmans since 1945.
After rivalry there are respect
World War I brought down all of the Empires in Europe, including the Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, German Empire.
Holy Roman Empire stopped in 1806 after they lost against the French Empire
@@niclas4462 Correct: I mean German Empire.
Danke sch"on, interessant!
Велики поздрав од Гаврилових потомака,са Цера,Колубаре Мачковог камена!
Krasse Hymne! Liebe Sie.
Monarchia was the Best ECONOMIC unions in central EU…
For God, King, and Country!
Austria-Hungary my beloved
Great empire, great attempt to resist the ravages of the nationalist plague. God bless Love from China ❤
Gott sei Dank! Die Feudale Epoche ist vorbei! Amen