RL Béarn: Useless CV, relegated to aircraft transport. WG Béarn: King of the skies, overlord of air superiority and a general menace to ships both big and small.
Now this is a cv that i like, truly peak teamplay. Maybe the only instance in the game where going for the most amount of xp means helping your team win, also, you nullify air cancer for your team, nothing better than that
If plane kills actually gave rewards CV players would actually go for AS play styles again. But seeing as plane kills give next to nothing for rewards and you have to sacrifice ALOT to even make fighters useable only reason to make a AS build is memes.
USA CVs: universal (but good bombs) German CVs: Nice citadel there friend. Japan CVs: *torpedo beats intensify* Russian CVs: Everyone at once CHARGE UK CVs: idk never played French CVs: I’m sorry you say the have a CV? You mean floating xp piñata now. Edit: from what I’m seeing in the comments UK CVs: Flying tanks that set you on fire, but are slow
UK cvs (especially the HMS Flying Conqueror, Audacious) are a Dresden bombing per strike. Slower planes, but more HP. German T10 cv planes have HALF the hp the Audacious does. Hell the Kaga has tankier bombers than the T10 germans. Oh, and the UK torp bombers have a gimmick where they concentrate instead of spread.
UK gimmick is being forced to swallow what should’ve been the USN one (slow, tanky planes with stupid amounts of ordnance) because the idea actually sucks in practice. There’s too many Ameritards to milk for money by making USN shit broken.
You more or less can get a good strike in with the cv strafe bombers against everything even with the area being saturated in AA fire so it's the fdr your mom has at home for you.
I like how the most historically accurate part of this arcade warship game is that CV's shit on everyone else and make them obsolete (21st century update when)
The modt historically inacurzte part is that the Bearn is not even a proper aircraft carrier. Or rather it transported planes, thats it, launching them was already going too far ^^ Tier 6 ah aight
@@Freedmoon44 I meant in terms of gameplay the sheer power of carriers was the only thing that corresponds with reality, most of the ships are paper anyway and balistics dont work like that in real life
That would be really interesting ! But the main problem is the lack of real design, especially for tiers 4, and since technically Béarn was the only real one :/ ( But still… a Foch/Clemenceau as Super-carriers would be… muhahah )
@@loco141r3 They have made up soooo many ships already. Inventing a few french CVs would be no real challenge for them. After all they did that with the KM line as well.
Yeah or you were good enough and destroyed them with ranger full damage Loadout. Both of those were quite strong in the old days but you at least had some counter potential. 1st You could be deplaned 2nd Def AA was very dangerous and cruisers and DDs were difficult targets so teaming up with them in a CV was always an option 3rd they weren't as op as the new CVs what actually is a surprise because you could easily break 150k with Ranger at tier 7 ^^
Because of this vid, we can now expect Bearn to be nerfed in the next patch cycle and this strat will no longer as effective as it was before or maybe even viable :(
She sacrifices a lot of damage output for these fighter planes, and they're only effective against potato CVs who dont know how to press the recall button. And the hull is tanky solely because of her atrocious speed and concealment. Bearn is VERY far from OP and it's not a video that's gonna change anything about it.
@@Axel23410 Franky, Yuro makes anything look OP ha. Can't balance a ship off a few super players. Not that the ships OP, as you stated. Might be fun though. Fun? In a video game? Madness, I know.
Not gonna lie, its actually satisfying [for once] seeing a CV do something pretty cool. Making another CV player pay for it lmao. Oh yeah, who remembers Bogue 2-0-1?
@@a_stone and the day you can actually protect your friendly ship with fighters , making escorting a ship as cv a reality (i got so many thanks and compliments with just breaking enemy cv torpedoes anvil attack and closing bombing run on friendly battleships and destroyers, i actually enjoy more supporting as a cv back when RTS cv is still a thing)
Except not really, because it's still just an automatic consumable drop. There's no thought or strategy really needed for it, you see an enemy squadron in the air, you drop a fighter consumable and watch them eat the opponents planes. At least in the old RST carrier days you had to think about how to disperse your fighter squadrons, where to engage their fighters and bombers, weigh the benefits of trying to destroy the enemy carriers fighters to gain air superiority versus the benefits of targeting their bombers to defend your teammates. All while also trying to micro your own bombers with manual drops and cross drops and avoiding US ships with their stacked AA. This is the poor mans recreation of that interaction, essentially just: 1) Push button. 2) Profit.
Funnily enough, the RTS CVs already did that. People cried about it because there was a select group of players that took the time and energy to main CVs, get really good at it, and they tended to dominate games. WGs response was to turn CVs into what they are now, taking away 90% of the skill and removing what made CVs truly entertaining and satisfying to play. The fact that there are players that don't even remember the RTS CVs is kinda saddening, not gonna lie.
@@Freedom621 Real Time Strategy. The old carrier format was a top down screen that allowed you to select and command multiple fighter and bomber squadrons with the mouse and keyboard similar to games like Command and Conquer and StarCraft.
This reminds me of those videos where two dudes just take turns kicking each other in the nuts. Everyone's in pain, and nobody's having fun, except the guy recording the video. Glad it's at least a little historically accurate, with CVs cancelling every other class of ship though.
Goodol Bearn, I love that ship so much. I got a model of her as my first rare ship from an Axis and Allies War at Sea board game. When I saw her in the dovbleg I knew I was spending cash just to get my first ever rare model ship in a video game
Bearn is strong only in the hands of a good player, otherwise the gimmick of OP fighters becomes useless, and it's impossible to hit cits with the dive bombs. It has a pretty high skill floor, and as Yuro demonstrated here, has an even higher skill ceiling.
Ok so basically that's RTS fighter with extra steps Damn those fighter AI are more competent hunting those pesky planes than my teammate actually playing the objective, ironic
I mean, yeah. The AI fighters have to be stupidly powerful or they would be completely useless and no one would use them. This is WG's poor man attempt to reintroduce some kind of meaningful interaction between CVs that doesn't come down to just racing against each other to see who stacks up more damage over the course of the game. But they can't do it the old way because that was RTS CVs, and as everyone screamed for years, RTS CVs bad, no want challenging RTS CVs! Well, now you have CVs that take 10% of the skill to use, have no way of meaningfully interacting with the enemy CV outside of bombing them, and now there's a French CV gimmick where you push a button and get to bully the enemy CV for free completely automatically. This is what the people wanted, this is what they got.
@@cah11111 The hard part about RTS CV was that the fighters wehere not only very useful against enemy planes, but in the hands of a skilled player your team gained several sets of eyes. And since planes are faster than Boats, and can go over islands, running away was hard, this got so far that in CW it was more important for a carrier to run recon than to do damage. the current situations is not good, but the old one where if you where against the top 5% and you had no chance was also not very good. in conclusion: speed is king, for spotting.
@@DerErsteWilhelm Sure, but I would argue that WG did not, in good faith, do anything substantial to try to balance the old RTS CVs because their dedicated player base was so small. Instead they went right for the rework option which then lead to a whole bunch of other balance issues that still persist to this day.
@@cah11111 As a former RTS CV main, agreed. We were a small group, and an ignored one. Examples: Our consensus was that Graf Zeppelin was bad in the first iteration, and needed a bit of rework. The graf got an update, but WG decided to release the original, bad iteration. This resulted in full fledged no questions asked refunds, a company first insofar as I'm aware. Our consensus was that AP bombs were a dreadful addition to the game that made things unfun for German BB's specifically. RNG determined what your results were even more so than the tilt introducing USN HE bombs. They were shoved in anyway. Our consensus was that removing manual attacks for lower tier carriers wouldn't make them less brutally overpowered, it just left Tier 5 carriers at the mercy of Tier 6 carriers and wouldn't teach newbies anything actually useful until they hit the skill wall at Tier 6. Our consensus was that tier 4 had brutally over the top alpha damage - For instance, Hosho had the same number of torps that dealt the same damage as the Shokaku *at tier 8*. Nothing got done with it. Our consensus was the action CV would solve nothing. It just gave everyone strike decks while toning down AA to useless levels for people that know how to dodge flak. Now look where we are today.
What you mean changing CVs from he RTS format and removing 90% of the skill needed to competently play them didn't make the ship better to fight against? I'm shocked let me tell you, shocked!
It would cause a paradox since they dont wanna nerf CVS but in the other hand it nullifies the state sponsored aerial cancer ™️ so maybe they will attempt to
No, no....considering this 'exploit' requires the enemy CV to be dumb enough not to move his hull... I'd say the solution is to allow MORE of this type of air defense shenanigans...
1. It‘s been a year and WG has not given us a French CV tech tree so that Yuro can redo this at Tier 10 2. Best T6 Cruiser is a CV. Easily counters DDs and gives excellent AA coverage
Looks like a fun build, I will try this myself. However, if the enemy CV is not dumb it will be hard to drop interceptors on him. I still think, that even after the slight nerf, the Béarn is the best DD hunter CV tier for tier in the game.
the super carrier absolutely murder enemy planes with fighters tho. their fighters agro 50% faster and are inescapable because they are jets. its pretty funny to use.
Unless you park your fighters before the red CV. An area their planes HAVE to fly through when they launch. (dunno if thats posssible with higher Tier CVs and their much better AA)
@@Legendendear 1-you're expending all your captain points and resources on fighter build at the expense of offense. For a CV, offense is everything. I have never seen defense style work against non-potatoes. 2-The interceptors will still be taken down by AA fire. Yes it takes a while against Bearn but in the mean time Bearn is also doing nothing 3-Bearn is slow. So you're using all your time harassing enemy CV. 4-This will never work against a skilled, patient player who understands what's happening, i.e. a non-potato.
You can also boost out of the fighter bubble. Its not hard to avoid if you're not half asleep, a mild annoyance if you're a seasoned CV main. But not all T6 CVs have fast planes and Bearn 3.6km fighter bubble is harder to avoid. If you got locked by the fighters and pressed F you're starting on the CV again and wasted time. If you avoided Bearn fighters then congrats, but said Bearn wouldn't loiter around either (and chances are its on your flank so he gets the earlier spotting) Its not AS Bouge level cheesing but its the closest it ever been while still maintaining "variety". Then again we're not short on Potatoes on T6 so why not ))
@@blusafe1 Yeah. I know all that. I just long for a way to take out my revenge on a CV :( And I dont care if my offensive abilities are non existend as long as I can torture the red CV for the whole match. But sadly such a way doesnt exist... 😕
Once people buy/get the ship, it will be really intereting to see a match with 1 Béarn per team ( heck this is tier 6, 2 Béarn per team) and just nothing but CVs cancelling eachother, a weird addition to the game for sure.
The problem is that interceptor fighters cannot engage (or be engaged by!) other fighters, including *other interceptors*. So a Bearn v Bearn scenario devolves to whoever can get their interceptor lock over the enemy first, as the only way to shoot down interceptors is via (the very underwhelming) AA firepower.
Bearn is awesome. Nobody realizes how good she is purely at the fact that nobody knows what she can do. I have deplaned so many Serov and Ryujo players
Probably because the ship is actually complete dogshit unless the enemy CV player is blind or has fewer than two brain cells so he can’t see your fighter bubble.
Well... Now that looks like an interesting CV to get. But not to play it, but to make the game of an CV miserable after a CV ruins my game :( Revenge for the common class against the airrats >:D
@@sprolyborn2554 Just make sure the red CV is dead, then drive into the center. Who cares if you get reported? All that matters is that you got rid of their cv
Ive never played this game, i dont have a clue whats going on half of the time, yet your videos are so freaking funny to me. Good job mister keep it up :)
I love the fact that there are some jokes against the french but you guys love it at the end, french police alarm, gendarmerie and stuff hahaha a real fun video
CV haters be like: "What the hell? The ship class specifically designed to punish me for being out of position punished me for being out of position? Wargaming please fix"
This is hilarious but what now you can do is use the super carriers and build into fighters, it completely blocks all cvs, noting can speed through it and they are fast fast due to the fact that the fighters are jets.
The special squads take too long to reload for that to work more than once or twice. Also the fighters summoned by both the special and regular squads for United States and Eagle only last 20s specifically to prevent total shutdown of the other carrier.
Red CVs: NOOOOO! You can't just put fighter on front of me! I play so hard trying to get T8 and you are ruin this ga...... Yuro: I'm On BoAt WiTh FiGhTeRs
This was fun to watch. I pretty much only play ranked now because of the damn CV's in every random battle game. I wish they would put a check box in settings for no CV's.
most of the community : i hate CV's that same community when a bearn player cover them with the interceptor and by doing so avoid their doom : maybe my judgement has been too harsh
Wow, just as I was rewatching the How to Hipper OMG OMG OMG The anti-CV CV. I bloody swear I was beginning all the way to the freaking end! *runs off to buy police baguette*
The funny thing is that the enemy CV could avoid the death zone by just... moving a bit, so his launch corridor doesn't go through the interceptors. But CV players have been trained to be so braindead that this doesn't even occur to them.
ranger cant get out of its own way for one and for two, you act like he cant change where he drops his interceptors. he isnt relegated to dropping the charges on one spot on the map like you're implying.
Another nation CV : Do the damage to enemy team and give sh*t about protect teammates from plane Baguette CV : *WE'LL REVIVED OLD DAY OF BOGUE 201 BUT CAN ALSO DO LOTS OF DAMAGE FROM BOMB TOO HONHONHON*
the definition of "i play cv to counter enemy cv so they can't cv effectively" i feel like i need to get this now, just to cockblock enemy cv from doing cv things
That really should be what American Combat Air Patrol on American carriers looks like, especially since stuff like this happened infamously at the Battle of the Philippine Sea (The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot).
Deleting the Whirlwind at 5:08 gave me so much satisfaction...they are utter nightmares to fight in anything that's not an Odysseus Heracles. But, Bearn against competent CVs who know not to give their position away or employ mutual AA defense is a hard fight. Honestly I can't wait to farm these things once I see one.
RL Béarn: Useless CV, relegated to aircraft transport.
WG Béarn: King of the skies, overlord of air superiority and a general menace to ships both big and small.
Historical Accuracy™, brought to you by WarGaming
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵀᴹ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᴬˡᵗ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʸᵖᵉ ⁰¹⁵³ ᵒⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ⁿᵘᵐᵖᵃᵈ
RL russian CV: ....
WG russian CV : Bringer of Doom
@@nicolaspeigne1429 Ahah
@@nicolaspeigne1429 russian navy in general besides the subs
WG, as it were, hints that you need not to love America, but you need to love WG )))
Bearn has two jobs, spot enemy ships and make life living hell for the enemy CV, and I fucking love it
That's it, I am convinced i need it now
And that Ryujo was top is his team anyway even after the extensive french cyberbullying.
I think we know the real hero of this episode.
Washboard did her best. But I can relate having 2x as much exp as the second guy on the losing team :)
Now this is a cv that i like, truly peak teamplay. Maybe the only instance in the game where going for the most amount of xp means helping your team win, also, you nullify air cancer for your team, nothing better than that
It's like fighting cancer with cancer
If plane kills actually gave rewards CV players would actually go for AS play styles again. But seeing as plane kills give next to nothing for rewards and you have to sacrifice ALOT to even make fighters useable only reason to make a AS build is memes.
@@neogoterra WG had taken steps to make plane kills more rewarding on the last patch, so lets hope AS focused CV gets more love in the future.
@@Yurobeat I hope so CVs wouldn't be so hated if they was shifted to more a support and defense role, that and I miss the days of AS cancer cvs.
USA CVs: universal (but good bombs)
German CVs: Nice citadel there friend.
Japan CVs: *torpedo beats intensify*
Russian CVs: Everyone at once CHARGE
UK CVs: idk never played
French CVs: I’m sorry you say the have a CV? You mean floating xp piñata now.
Edit: from what I’m seeing in the comments
UK CVs: Flying tanks that set you on fire, but are slow
UK cvs (especially the HMS Flying Conqueror, Audacious) are a Dresden bombing per strike. Slower planes, but more HP. German T10 cv planes have HALF the hp the Audacious does. Hell the Kaga has tankier bombers than the T10 germans. Oh, and the UK torp bombers have a gimmick where they concentrate instead of spread.
Bearn absolutely shits on people though
UK gimmick is being forced to swallow what should’ve been the USN one (slow, tanky planes with stupid amounts of ordnance) because the idea actually sucks in practice. There’s too many Ameritards to milk for money by making USN shit broken.
@@orangedream267 Yeah, the UK CV gimmick is level flying carpet bombing HE.
You more or less can get a good strike in with the cv strafe bombers against everything even with the area being saturated in AA fire so it's the fdr your mom has at home for you.
I like how the most historically accurate part of this arcade warship game is that CV's shit on everyone else and make them obsolete (21st century update when)
I wait for Nimitz class carriers and f 14 tomcats
@@JM-fz8vj F-35 Lightning patch
The modt historically inacurzte part is that the Bearn is not even a proper aircraft carrier.
Or rather it transported planes, thats it, launching them was already going too far ^^
Tier 6 ah aight
*"is that CV's shit on everyone else"* hum... nope
@@Freedmoon44 I meant in terms of gameplay the sheer power of carriers was the only thing that corresponds with reality, most of the ships are paper anyway and balistics dont work like that in real life
God i missed Yuro CV stuff. That´s hilarious to watch. Hope the Bearn is a field test for the tech tree line of Baguette CVs.
Ah, i want baguette CVs in WoWs legends now
That would be really interesting ! But the main problem is the lack of real design, especially for tiers 4, and since technically Béarn was the only real one :/
( But still… a Foch/Clemenceau as Super-carriers would be… muhahah )
@@loco141r3 Foch? Clémenceau? Pfft. Charles de Gaulle, nuclear propulsion and armament for maximal balans
@@loco141r3 They have made up soooo many ships already. Inventing a few french CVs would be no real challenge for them.
After all they did that with the KM line as well.
@@andreasmuller4666 well, that was crap… But looks like WG threw away historical accuracy since a long time
True to the original, The counter didnt pop up until 50 spins. So I am requesting a 2-3 minute Planespin with counter
What da Juice doin
I'm dead.
Just remember folks CVs were reworked because they "Devastating striking" ships
"too powerful"
literally more powerful now than any ship has ever been ever
I love the use of The Spy voice clips. "'Kaboom' to you, sir."
Yes the Spy is hilarious.
I miss the old days in American CVs with fighter load outs. Long live the Bogue Supremacy
Oh my god me too. People used to get so fucking mad when they realized you were rocking a fighter loadout.
Yeah or you were good enough and destroyed them with ranger full damage Loadout. Both of those were quite strong in the old days but you at least had some counter potential. 1st You could be deplaned 2nd Def AA was very dangerous and cruisers and DDs were difficult targets so teaming up with them in a CV was always an option 3rd they weren't as op as the new CVs what actually is a surprise because you could easily break 150k with Ranger at tier 7 ^^
While I would agree, the Bogue is dead.
The Bogue is dead, long live the Bogue!
It's back sort of, US Support CVs have improved air patrol fighters and smokes so take it as you will.
Because of this vid, we can now expect Bearn to be nerfed in the next patch cycle and this strat will no longer as effective as it was before or maybe even viable :(
I hope not, because by doing so you sacrifice a ton of damage dealing tho, so it's balanced.
It's not effective now except against CV captains who are unable to move the hull...
She sacrifices a lot of damage output for these fighter planes, and they're only effective against potato CVs who dont know how to press the recall button.
And the hull is tanky solely because of her atrocious speed and concealment.
Bearn is VERY far from OP and it's not a video that's gonna change anything about it.
CV? Nerf? wut?
@@Axel23410 Franky, Yuro makes anything look OP ha. Can't balance a ship off a few super players.
Not that the ships OP, as you stated. Might be fun though. Fun? In a video game? Madness, I know.
I just love the "une minute et trente-sept secondes plus tard" out of nowhere 😂
it's better when you understand french XD
Carriers who focus down enemy carriers so hard that enemy carriers can't hurt the team. Real MVPs.
Man, I miss my Air Superiority RTS CVs.
If WG implement AS build again maybe I'll play CVs again (haven't played one for years since the rework)
Not gonna lie, its actually satisfying [for once] seeing a CV do something pretty cool. Making another CV player pay for it lmao. Oh yeah, who remembers Bogue 2-0-1?
I remember playing that shit
AS_BOGUE_IS_ASS_CANCER wasn't just a meme, it was a way of life.
@@OmegaReaver yeah, Always Seal-Clubbed back then in Bogue for fun, and Credits
AS Bouge was my feel better ship, so many time I would have tier IV CVs just quit to port when they saw me
Oh yea has a CV player I hated to play that ship like like the amount of planes they carry is pathetic so I skipped it with free xp 😒
this literally brings back the old cv vs cv interaction lol
The days where you could actually deny an enemy CV a strike instead of doing a damage race against them.
@@a_stone and the day you can actually protect your friendly ship with fighters , making escorting a ship as cv a reality (i got so many thanks and compliments with just breaking enemy cv torpedoes anvil attack and closing bombing run on friendly battleships and destroyers, i actually enjoy more supporting as a cv back when RTS cv is still a thing)
Except not really, because it's still just an automatic consumable drop. There's no thought or strategy really needed for it, you see an enemy squadron in the air, you drop a fighter consumable and watch them eat the opponents planes. At least in the old RST carrier days you had to think about how to disperse your fighter squadrons, where to engage their fighters and bombers, weigh the benefits of trying to destroy the enemy carriers fighters to gain air superiority versus the benefits of targeting their bombers to defend your teammates. All while also trying to micro your own bombers with manual drops and cross drops and avoiding US ships with their stacked AA.
This is the poor mans recreation of that interaction, essentially just:
1) Push button.
2) Profit.
Honestly a Cv that stops other Cvs from putting planes is fucking fine to me
we all wish for RTS CV....
What your asking for is the old school RTS gameplay
Funnily enough, the RTS CVs already did that. People cried about it because there was a select group of players that took the time and energy to main CVs, get really good at it, and they tended to dominate games. WGs response was to turn CVs into what they are now, taking away 90% of the skill and removing what made CVs truly entertaining and satisfying to play.
The fact that there are players that don't even remember the RTS CVs is kinda saddening, not gonna lie.
What is RTS?
@@Freedom621 Real Time Strategy. The old carrier format was a top down screen that allowed you to select and command multiple fighter and bomber squadrons with the mouse and keyboard similar to games like Command and Conquer and StarCraft.
This was too much fun to watch, and having audio clips of both the Spy and Korone made it that much better
Beep beep beep!
Oh man, I didn't expect it
F'in classic
This reminds me of those videos where two dudes just take turns kicking each other in the nuts. Everyone's in pain, and nobody's having fun, except the guy recording the video. Glad it's at least a little historically accurate, with CVs cancelling every other class of ship though.
Goodol Bearn, I love that ship so much. I got a model of her as my first rare ship from an Axis and Allies War at Sea board game. When I saw her in the dovbleg I knew I was spending cash just to get my first ever rare model ship in a video game
me seing the devblog : grinding for 1 week ranked to get the few doublons I was missing to get it
Aaah good old plasti-crack. I think I still have the old grey pickle too, haven’t played a game in years since my friend moved away.
dovbleg. That is all.
yay War at Sea, it got me into collecting 1/1800th scale warships.
I think this is the best compilation in the past few years!
Béarn? More like Bearnaise, she'll leave you feeling rich and saucy.
Honestly I wasn't expecting Béarn to be that strong... Thanks for the vid!
Bearn is strong only in the hands of a good player, otherwise the gimmick of OP fighters becomes useless, and it's impossible to hit cits with the dive bombs. It has a pretty high skill floor, and as Yuro demonstrated here, has an even higher skill ceiling.
@@weabootrash5891 so like most if not all french ship? Powerfull as hell, but requires skills to match ?
Yuro 2020: CV spawnpeek
Yuro 2022: CV planes spawnpeek
Improvise, adapt, overcome.
Thats how Cancer works
That was disgusting to watch. I love it!
It's pure war crime :D
You expected a Bourgogne video, but it was me Bearn.
Spy first time playing a CV in World of Warships 🇫🇷🥖
Ok so basically that's RTS fighter with extra steps
Damn those fighter AI are more competent hunting those pesky planes than my teammate actually playing the objective, ironic
I mean, yeah. The AI fighters have to be stupidly powerful or they would be completely useless and no one would use them. This is WG's poor man attempt to reintroduce some kind of meaningful interaction between CVs that doesn't come down to just racing against each other to see who stacks up more damage over the course of the game. But they can't do it the old way because that was RTS CVs, and as everyone screamed for years, RTS CVs bad, no want challenging RTS CVs!
Well, now you have CVs that take 10% of the skill to use, have no way of meaningfully interacting with the enemy CV outside of bombing them, and now there's a French CV gimmick where you push a button and get to bully the enemy CV for free completely automatically. This is what the people wanted, this is what they got.
@@cah11111 The hard part about RTS CV was that the fighters wehere not only very useful against enemy planes, but in the hands of a skilled player your team gained several sets of eyes. And since planes are faster than Boats, and can go over islands, running away was hard, this got so far that in CW it was more important for a carrier to run recon than to do damage.
the current situations is not good, but the old one where if you where against the top 5% and you had no chance was also not very good.
in conclusion: speed is king, for spotting.
@@DerErsteWilhelm Sure, but I would argue that WG did not, in good faith, do anything substantial to try to balance the old RTS CVs because their dedicated player base was so small. Instead they went right for the rework option which then lead to a whole bunch of other balance issues that still persist to this day.
@@cah11111 As a former RTS CV main, agreed.
We were a small group, and an ignored one.
Examples: Our consensus was that Graf Zeppelin was bad in the first iteration, and needed a bit of rework. The graf got an update, but WG decided to release the original, bad iteration. This resulted in full fledged no questions asked refunds, a company first insofar as I'm aware.
Our consensus was that AP bombs were a dreadful addition to the game that made things unfun for German BB's specifically. RNG determined what your results were even more so than the tilt introducing USN HE bombs. They were shoved in anyway.
Our consensus was that removing manual attacks for lower tier carriers wouldn't make them less brutally overpowered, it just left Tier 5 carriers at the mercy of Tier 6 carriers and wouldn't teach newbies anything actually useful until they hit the skill wall at Tier 6.
Our consensus was that tier 4 had brutally over the top alpha damage - For instance, Hosho had the same number of torps that dealt the same damage as the Shokaku *at tier 8*. Nothing got done with it.
Our consensus was the action CV would solve nothing. It just gave everyone strike decks while toning down AA to useless levels for people that know how to dodge flak. Now look where we are today.
So, after 3 years we're again at the point where only counter to CV is other CV... but worse version of it. Nice.
What you mean changing CVs from he RTS format and removing 90% of the skill needed to competently play them didn't make the ship better to fight against?
I'm shocked let me tell you, shocked!
WG watching this: "Now, how do we nerf this?"
It would cause a paradox since they dont wanna nerf CVS but in the other hand it nullifies the state sponsored aerial cancer ™️ so maybe they will attempt to
@@aimilize3518 well its a trend whenever yuro shows something that works too well
No, no....considering this 'exploit' requires the enemy CV to be dumb enough not to move his hull...
I'd say the solution is to allow MORE of this type of air defense shenanigans...
finally a entertaining video from a good youtuber
Great, now I want the French CV line to be focused on Interceptors and are encouraged to build your ship accordingly
Focusing on the enemy CV as a CV so both teams could have air free game, this is peak big brain gameplay.
1. It‘s been a year and WG has not given us a French CV tech tree so that Yuro can redo this at Tier 10
2. Best T6 Cruiser is a CV. Easily counters DDs and gives excellent AA coverage
Looks like a fun build, I will try this myself. However, if the enemy CV is not dumb it will be hard to drop interceptors on him. I still think, that even after the slight nerf, the Béarn is the best DD hunter CV tier for tier in the game.
Fighter build only works against potatoes. As you saw in one clip, enemy CV instantly recalled once planes were caught in the fighter bubble.
the super carrier absolutely murder enemy planes with fighters tho. their fighters agro 50% faster and are inescapable because they are jets. its pretty funny to use.
Unless you park your fighters before the red CV.
An area their planes HAVE to fly through when they launch.
(dunno if thats posssible with higher Tier CVs and their much better AA)
@@Legendendear 1-you're expending all your captain points and resources on fighter build at the expense of offense. For a CV, offense is everything. I have never seen defense style work against non-potatoes.
2-The interceptors will still be taken down by AA fire. Yes it takes a while against Bearn but in the mean time Bearn is also doing nothing
3-Bearn is slow. So you're using all your time harassing enemy CV.
4-This will never work against a skilled, patient player who understands what's happening, i.e. a non-potato.
You can also boost out of the fighter bubble. Its not hard to avoid if you're not half asleep, a mild annoyance if you're a seasoned CV main.
But not all T6 CVs have fast planes and Bearn 3.6km fighter bubble is harder to avoid.
If you got locked by the fighters and pressed F you're starting on the CV again and wasted time.
If you avoided Bearn fighters then congrats, but said Bearn wouldn't loiter around either (and chances are its on your flank so he gets the earlier spotting)
Its not AS Bouge level cheesing but its the closest it ever been while still maintaining "variety".
Then again we're not short on Potatoes on T6 so why not ))
Yeah. I know all that.
I just long for a way to take out my revenge on a CV :(
And I dont care if my offensive abilities are non existend as long as I can torture the red CV for the whole match.
But sadly such a way doesnt exist... 😕
Goddamit, I need the Yuro sound effect pack. Peep-PeepPeep-Pee--BOOM!
Bearn: You're weak.
AS Bogue: I'm you.
This is some of the best gaming content I've seen in a while. Hats off Yuro!
If air superiority Bogue is back im redownloading
Day got even better.
Once people buy/get the ship, it will be really intereting to see a match with 1 Béarn per team ( heck this is tier 6, 2 Béarn per team) and just nothing but CVs cancelling eachother, a weird addition to the game for sure.
The problem is that interceptor fighters cannot engage (or be engaged by!) other fighters, including *other interceptors*. So a Bearn v Bearn scenario devolves to whoever can get their interceptor lock over the enemy first, as the only way to shoot down interceptors is via (the very underwhelming) AA firepower.
Bearn is awesome. Nobody realizes how good she is purely at the fact that nobody knows what she can do. I have deplaned so many Serov and Ryujo players
Probably because the ship is actually complete dogshit unless the enemy CV player is blind or has fewer than two brain cells so he can’t see your fighter bubble.
@@GintaPPE1000 "complete dogshit"
Friend, cope more.
finally a video on the best t6 (or all tier) cv
Ah AS Bogue, welcome back.
Yuro the legend returns
I didnt expect to hear my alarm clock korone in the video
Fun police bonking another fun police, as if one of them is now Fun FBI.
0:03 when you have signal -35 ping
“ now it’s their turn to have fun. “
The chemo of all the cancers we had been looking for.
funny that chemo is just another cancer
its not chemo. its another cancer.
@@sprolyborn2554 cancer to cancer, while the effects to the rest is minimal.
Fair trade
@@Freedmoon44 the effects to the rest aren't "minimal" at all. It's a CV. Not only that, it's low tier. Meaning NOBODY out there has any AA.
Now that looks like an interesting CV to get.
But not to play it, but to make the game of an CV miserable after a CV ruins my game :(
Revenge for the common class against the airrats >:D
dont forget, every time you queue up in a CV, you make 22 other players miserable for having to be in a CV game.
Just make sure the red CV is dead, then drive into the center.
Who cares if you get reported? All that matters is that you got rid of their cv
Thank you for the siren, best idea of sound effect.
Ive never played this game, i dont have a clue whats going on half of the time, yet your videos are so freaking funny to me. Good job mister keep it up :)
Not gonna lie, this video remains my favourite Yuro video. The music, the memes, 12/10.
Love that thumbnail: "EXP Limit Enforced By Aircraft".
I love the fact that there are some jokes against the french but you guys love it at the end, french police alarm, gendarmerie and stuff hahaha a real fun video
10 hrs spinning planes i require
HOLY MOLY MACCHERONI This was hilarious
Anti CV Bogue lives on in the hearts of children... and apparently FR Premium CVs
The power of flying french bread.
CV haters be like:
"What the hell? The ship class specifically designed to punish me for being out of position punished me for being out of position? Wargaming please fix"
This is hilarious but what now you can do is use the super carriers and build into fighters, it completely blocks all cvs, noting can speed through it and they are fast fast due to the fact that the fighters are jets.
I use the carrier to destroy the carrier
I will consider doing that when I get to play United States
The special squads take too long to reload for that to work more than once or twice. Also the fighters summoned by both the special and regular squads for United States and Eagle only last 20s specifically to prevent total shutdown of the other carrier.
Doing Gods work I see
Yes yes yes , what i been waiting for :)
the meatspin nod haha
greatest video ever made! i need a smoke after watching this perfection
man and here I thought cv planes can now use their machine guns to gun down planes
It's funny because after watching your video everyone wants to sit and play but noone has that fun
Great vid, Yuro. The music and editing make this one of your best in a long time!
Red CVs: NOOOOO! You can't just put fighter on front of me! I play so hard trying to get T8 and you are ruin this ga......
Yuro: I'm On BoAt WiTh FiGhTeRs
Every now and than I like to check in for ur cv content since their usually bangers. This one didnt disappoint keep it up dude.
Fuck the amount of plane kills he is getting is reminding me of the old saipan days of burning and baiting every damn plane that got near mine :D
I would really like to see a French CV line just like this, focused on fighting other CVs
Music just fits perfectly
This was fun to watch.
I pretty much only play ranked now because of the damn CV's in every random battle game. I wish they would put a check box in settings for no CV's.
I play my CVs in ranked...
Fair Winds and Following Seas, target.
@@dclark142002 Grrrrrrrrrr.... 😡😤
most of the community : i hate CV's
that same community when a bearn player cover them with the interceptor and by doing so avoid their doom : maybe my judgement has been too harsh
Wow, just as I was rewatching the How to Hipper OMG OMG OMG
The anti-CV CV. I bloody swear I was beginning all the way to the freaking end!
*runs off to buy police baguette*
That ball tossing audio bit, I remember hearing it in a very old Yuro vid. Can't remember which video rn
_Perfect Support Carrier for Operation Hermes!_
The funny thing is that the enemy CV could avoid the death zone by just... moving a bit, so his launch corridor doesn't go through the interceptors. But CV players have been trained to be so braindead that this doesn't even occur to them.
ranger cant get out of its own way for one and for two, you act like he cant change where he drops his interceptors. he isnt relegated to dropping the charges on one spot on the map like you're implying.
Nah fam its just the fun police police
And I dig it
Yuro is not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.
Finally, reliable AA
Another nation CV : Do the damage to enemy team and give sh*t about protect teammates from plane
loving the spy voicelines
Yuro you have the best funtages/edits (idk the word for these types of videos)
Looks like in order to defeat the enemy, you need to become one.
Great work Yuro! I must learn how to play my Bearn like this.
3:35 Was that "rainbow warrior" bit from the HoN alt announcer? I'm glad that that game is still remembered.
French naval aviation in WWII was so powerful all other nations collectively agreed to erase it from the history books.
the definition of "i play cv to counter enemy cv so they can't cv effectively" i feel like i need to get this now, just to cockblock enemy cv from doing cv things
good to see a new video, stay healthy, and sane
A cv that focuses with a fighter gimmick? Sounds like my kind of CV ...
This is the only Cv I like. Peak gameplay.
That really should be what American Combat Air Patrol on American carriers looks like, especially since stuff like this happened infamously at the Battle of the Philippine Sea (The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot).
Deleting the Whirlwind at 5:08 gave me so much satisfaction...they are utter nightmares to fight in anything that's not an Odysseus Heracles. But, Bearn against competent CVs who know not to give their position away or employ mutual AA defense is a hard fight. Honestly I can't wait to farm these things once I see one.
Lmao, when the bearn trolls better than her other T6 CV counterparts 😂