John MacArthur - Is Pain Good For Your Walk With God? (Sermon Jam)

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
  • #johnmacarthur #Jesus #christian #sermon
    Welcome to Except Ye Repent Video Ministries, the progenitor of the online sermon jam. Those seeking an ear-tickling need not apply. Our sermon jams aren't sugar-coated: this is bold preaching, straight from the Word of God and heralded by some of the leading pastors in the Reformed/Pentecostal/Baptist Christian tradition such as Paul Washer, John MacArthur, Tim Conway, David Wilkerson, and Charles Lawson. We're here to convict, motivate, exhort, and inspire, declaring solely the Lord Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation by faith in His name, remembering always that "except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3b).
    Original video • Video

Комментарии • 28

  • @TedMcAuley
    @TedMcAuley  3 года назад +2

    Help make more videos like this one possible by SUBSCRIBING today!

  • @deborahroy3528
    @deborahroy3528 2 года назад +1

    More precious than anything this world has to offer. Every promise in his world is true.

  • @brianrobinson1136
    @brianrobinson1136 3 года назад +11

    The fiery trials I've faced have only made me love Him more, be blessed B

  • @Ash2121
    @Ash2121 3 года назад +3

    Amen Glory to God 🙏

    • @jehovahjireh3520
      @jehovahjireh3520 3 года назад

      Hey there’s a girl on Instagram name Mariah destiny Miranda and also has a RUclips channel. She is currently backsliding. I feel like something is going down HARDCORE in her life. Over the past few days I’ve been led to pray for her like crazy. She used to be a witchcraft satanist before she got saved and the so that means she knows about God AND the devil. The devil knows she’s a HUGE threat to him so the devil is going to do whatever he can to make her fall away. I’ve been praying Luke 22:31-32 for her lately (it was about Jesus praying for backsliding Peter). It would be sad for her to fall away after everything she went through. PLEASE go pray for her. And may you also SPREAD THE WORD about this as well, we need as MUCH PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE praying for her. God bless you and thank you soldier.....
      Also there is a guy named josh Elrod on Instagram, he seemed to walk away from God, pray for him as well.
      please pray for them and Roxanne Morgan cuz she needs a miracle surviving a pregnancy...
      And also please pray for my lost family and friends.

  • @kristen8329
    @kristen8329 Год назад

    GLORY TO GOD!!!!!

  • @jonimiller3747
    @jonimiller3747 3 года назад +4

    Amen to that it draws me closer to God

    @FREDRH 3 года назад +8

    I've lived in constant pain for 15 years. I've lost the ability to walk. If I was asked to trade my afflictions for a healthy body, I would hope that I would not. My relationship with Jesus is much more important to me. If I was healthy I would be busy doing things that have nothing to do with Jesus. Asia it is now the most important is drawing close to Him.

    • @TedMcAuley
      @TedMcAuley  3 года назад

      Beautiful testimony. May God’s peace and very near presence be yours continually.

    • @mikerutkowski7265
      @mikerutkowski7265 3 года назад

      You clearly do not understand scripture. God does not want you to be suffering with sickness or disabilities.
      Realize that there are two different types of believers in this world. There are those who understand scripture and who are growing in the knowledge and the blessings of God and there are the believers who are deceived and who will remain in sin and sickness their whole entire lives. Sadly more then 95% of believers fall into the deceived category and this is why scripture relates that only a remnant will be saved.
      “Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, The remnant will be saved.”
      Romans‬ ‭9:27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.
      Scripture relates that if we are ignorant of God’s laws and commands then we are living in sin. Scripture also relates that sin will bring sickness and suffering into our life since sin and sickness is of the devil. So if you are someone who can get sick or you currently have an affliction in your life then you are definitely living in sin and you certainly have fallen for the devil’s many lies. Sin and sickness clearly reveals that you are a deceived believer since it proves that you did not allow the Holy Spirit to teach you how to overcome your sin.
      “He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭3:8‬ ‭NKJV
      Many are deceived because they foolishly believe that they can never stop sinning or overcome sickness in this lifetime and they deny the very blessing that Jesus provided for everyone through His sacrifice and the gift of His Holy Spirit. Others like Charismatics and Pentecostals are deceived by their misguided interpretations of scripture since they basically believe that they are apostles who are able to cast out demons. The vast majority of believers are so deceived that do not even understand the differences between a Believer, a Disciple, a Christian and a Apostle and so I will now explain.
      First understand that every one of us is born in sin and in ignorance of God’s truth. EVERYONE! The problem with the majority of believers is that they will remain that way their whole entire lives since they are not comprehending what God related to us in scripture. Because they lack knowledge of scripture countless believers do not understand how to surrender their will to the Holy Spirit and so they never allow the Spirit to teach them how to overcome their sin and their sicknesses.
      When you first repent of your sins and you accept Jesus into your life you are now a believer but you are still deceived and ignorant about scripture since you have never been sanctified in truth by the Holy Spirit. This is why a believer will still possesses sin and sickness in their life since they still lack knowledge in the word of God. This is also why a new believer must understand how to surrender their will to the Holy Spirit so the Spirt can now teach them how to stop sinning. This purification process is called sanctification and it can only be achieved by understanding how to test the Spirits as commanded in 1 John 4.
      Sanctification will take years and it requires our faith, patience, suffering and endurance since the Holy Spirit teaches us how to overcome our sins. Once we learn how to overcome our sins we now have overcome our sicknesses since afflictions come from sin and the devil. Sadly the vast majority of believers never allow this process to occur since they are deceived in their beliefs and so they remain in their sin. Others will actually fall away during the sanctification process just as Judas certainly did and Jesus relates these various believers in the parable of the sower in Luke 8:11-15. Very very few believers actually achieve sanctification and this is why it is referred to as the narrow gate in Matthew 7.
      “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:13-14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      If a believer does surrender their will to God’s purification process they now become a disciple since they are now learning scripture directly from Jesus Himself. Jesus will now teach His disciple how to live just as He did since He now dwells inside His true children. A disciple means “a student who learns from his teacher.” This is why scripture relates that Jesus is our one and only teacher and this is also why the vast majority of religions and preachers are nothing more then false prophets who are only leading believers astray.
      It is during the sanctification process that the Holy Spirit teaches us how to live holy and righteously just as God commanded and He does this by showing us how to overcome our sins. Sanctification is kind of similar to what Jesus endured in the wilderness for 40 days since the Spirit has us confront the devil’s temptations head on. If you end up completing God’s purification process you are now a Christian who is sanctified in truth and you are a disciple of Jesus Christ who can no longer sin. This is when you are actually born again since a child born of God is someone who lives “exactly like Christ” and they no longer sin. This is how the term Christian came about since the original disciples lived exactly like Christ.
      Most overlook how Jesus had to train his twelve chosen disciples for three years before they could become His apostles. An apostle means someone who is sent, a messenger. Many also overlook the prayer that Jesus made for His disciples in John 17:6-19 where He asked His Father to sanctify His disciples in truth. So the disciples had to be sanctified in truth before Jesus could use them as His apostles, His messengers. So an apostle is someone who is a messenger from God and they possess the power of God to prove their anointment.
      Realize that God did not instruct us or command us to explain scripture to anyone but yet most are foolishly believing that it is their duty to try and lead others to Jesus. Many deceived believers do not understand that the Great Commission was for God’s chosen disciples who were trained by Jesus and who were sanctified in God’s truth. It was not meant for every believer of Jesus Christ to teach and that is simply a lie that is being fabricated by the devil’s many false ministers. So you might now begin to understand why the majority of believers are nothing more then children of the devil since they are ignorantly blaspheming the Spirit of truth when they willingly relate their misguided beliefs. These ignorant souls are simply spreading lies and condemning themselves since they were never taught scripture by Jesus nor where they sanctified in God’s truth.
      “It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭6:45‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      ‬”My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.”
      ‭‭James‬ ‭3:1-2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      Many believers are ignorantly believing that Jesus came to forgive our past, present and future sins. This spoken untruth is having people believe that they can continue in a life of sin and then simply repent and God will forgive them over and over. This is why many believe that if they repent just before they die then Jesus will save their sinful soul. This twisted reasoning would mean that you can continue to steal and then simply repent. You can then lie and then repent. You can then murder and simply repent. You can keep committing whatever sin you desire and simply repent afterwards and you will always be forgiven. This is simply nonsense that is fabricated by the devil to make you believe that you will always sin.
      “Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭5:31-32‬ ‭NKJV‬
      Jesus did not come to call on the righteous since a righteous person does not sin. Jesus came to call sinners to repentance which meant for sinners to stop sinning entirely and to start living holy and righteously just as God commanded. Jesus came to forgive us of the sins that we have already committed and this occurs at the moment that we repent of our sins and we accept Jesus and His Holy Spirit into our life. We must then submit to God’s purification process and allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify our heart in God’s truth so that we could overcome the sin and the sicknesses that we possess in our lives. Once again this can only be achieved by understanding how to test the Spirits as commanded in 1 John 4.
      So a Christian is someone who is sanctified in truth and they can easily discern a true Christian from a deceived believer in seconds since they now possess the mind of Christ and they are able to judge all things. They can no longer sin nor can they ever get sick since they are now born of God and the devil can no longer touch them with his afflictions. I am someone who has overcome sin and sickness in my own life and this is why God has me relating His blessings in my writings and in my videos‬
      “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV
      “Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.”
      ‭‭I John‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  • @patsysummitt8618
    @patsysummitt8618 3 года назад +4


  • @ojayjosh5322
    @ojayjosh5322 3 года назад +4

    Amen 🙏

    • @jehovahjireh3520
      @jehovahjireh3520 3 года назад +1

      Hey there’s a girl on Instagram name Mariah destiny Miranda and also has a RUclips channel. She is currently backsliding. I feel like something is going down HARDCORE in her life. Over the past few days I’ve been led to pray for her like crazy. She used to be a witchcraft satanist before she got saved and the so that means she knows about God AND the devil. The devil knows she’s a HUGE threat to him so the devil is going to do whatever he can to make her fall away. I’ve been praying Luke 22:31-32 for her lately (it was about Jesus praying for backsliding Peter). It would be sad for her to fall away after everything she went through. PLEASE go pray for her. And may you also SPREAD THE WORD about this as well, we need as MUCH PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE praying for her. God bless you and thank you soldier.....
      Also there is a guy named josh Elrod on Instagram, he seemed to walk away from God, pray for him as well.
      please pray for them and Roxanne Morgan cuz she needs a miracle surviving a pregnancy...
      And also please pray for my lost family and friends.

  • @ramona-ChildofGod
    @ramona-ChildofGod 3 года назад +4

    Thank you for sharing this. I totally agree. We need more of this kind of teaching in today's society. God bless you for your faithful ministry. 👍🙏🙌

  • @lauraweir64
    @lauraweir64 3 года назад

    Thank you for making these videos. They are such a blessing. I share them with my adult children who have short attention spans! They are so well done! Such good choices you make. God bless you! ❤️

  • @connorreutter166
    @connorreutter166 3 года назад +1

    I'm in chronic pain but Christ suffered way more pain for us on the cross for us sinners our pain pales in comparison.

  • @maryanngarza126
    @maryanngarza126 3 года назад +3

    Amen ❤ 🙏

    • @jehovahjireh3520
      @jehovahjireh3520 3 года назад

      Hey there’s a girl on Instagram name Mariah destiny Miranda and also has a RUclips channel. She is currently backsliding. I feel like something is going down HARDCORE in her life. Over the past few days I’ve been led to pray for her like crazy. She used to be a witchcraft satanist before she got saved and the so that means she knows about God AND the devil. The devil knows she’s a HUGE threat to him so the devil is going to do whatever he can to make her fall away. I’ve been praying Luke 22:31-32 for her lately (it was about Jesus praying for backsliding Peter). It would be sad for her to fall away after everything she went through. PLEASE go pray for her. And may you also SPREAD THE WORD about this as well, we need as MUCH PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE praying for her. God bless you and thank you soldier.....
      Also there is a guy named josh Elrod on Instagram, he seemed to walk away from God, pray for him as well.
      please pray for them and Roxanne Morgan cuz she needs a miracle surviving a pregnancy...
      And also please pray for my lost family and friends.

  • @tilltheend7902
    @tilltheend7902 3 года назад +8

    James 1: 2-3 says My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
    James 1:12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
    James 1:-19-20Qualities Needed in Trials
    19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
    When we are going through trials in our life we need to look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2.
    3 steps to a spirit filled life. 1. Humility 2. Humility 3. Humility God apposes the proud; but he gives grace to the humble. Godbless you all with more patience and grace to overcome your trials today. Amen

  • @jesusisrisen1202
    @jesusisrisen1202 3 года назад +2

    I love your sermon jams! So creative & illustrious. Glory to God!

    • @TedMcAuley
      @TedMcAuley  3 года назад

      Thank you for the encouragement--it comes at a much needed time! May God's peace and very near presence be yours continually.

  • @jonimiller3747
    @jonimiller3747 3 года назад +1


    • @jehovahjireh3520
      @jehovahjireh3520 3 года назад

      Hey there’s a girl on Instagram name Mariah destiny Miranda and also has a RUclips channel. She is currently backsliding. I feel like something is going down HARDCORE in her life. Over the past few days I’ve been led to pray for her like crazy. She used to be a witchcraft satanist before she got saved and the so that means she knows about God AND the devil. The devil knows she’s a HUGE threat to him so the devil is going to do whatever he can to make her fall away. I’ve been praying Luke 22:31-32 for her lately (it was about Jesus praying for backsliding Peter). It would be sad for her to fall away after everything she went through. PLEASE go pray for her. And may you also SPREAD THE WORD about this as well, we need as MUCH PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE praying for her. God bless you and thank you soldier.....
      Also there is a guy named josh Elrod on Instagram, he seemed to walk away from God, pray for him as well.
      please pray for them and Roxanne Morgan cuz she needs a miracle surviving a pregnancy...
      And also please pray for my lost family and friends.

  • @mariafeitosa7542
    @mariafeitosa7542 3 года назад +1

    Tradução ou legenda!

    • @jehovahjireh3520
      @jehovahjireh3520 3 года назад

      Hey there’s a girl on Instagram name Mariah destiny Miranda and also has a RUclips channel. She is currently backsliding. I feel like something is going down HARDCORE in her life. Over the past few days I’ve been led to pray for her like crazy. She used to be a witchcraft satanist before she got saved and the so that means she knows about God AND the devil. The devil knows she’s a HUGE threat to him so the devil is going to do whatever he can to make her fall away. I’ve been praying Luke 22:31-32 for her lately (it was about Jesus praying for backsliding Peter). It would be sad for her to fall away after everything she went through. PLEASE go pray for her. And may you also SPREAD THE WORD about this as well, we need as MUCH PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE praying for her. God bless you and thank you soldier.....
      Also there is a guy named josh Elrod on Instagram, he seemed to walk away from God, pray for him as well.
      please pray for them and Roxanne Morgan cuz she needs a miracle surviving a pregnancy...
      And also please pray for my lost family and friends.