The angled garden made an interesting effect after going backwards then moving gimble upwards. A trip through the woods to town and back again, was a good idea. I prefer countryside, but then we have a bit of everything on the Wirral, towns, villages, countryside, commercial and even some light industry. 👍 Looking forward to your next video…
That is a hard question 🤔 Definitely country for me. But saying that flights around towns and cities are also fantastic. I like the contrast between both. Excellent work Johnny 👌 ❤
Tolle Aufnahmen Vielen Dank für deine Impressionen toll gemacht 👍🏻 Die Aufnahmen sind sehr abwechslungsreich geworden vielen Dank fürs teilen . Grüße Semare 🇨🇭
Great stuff, most definitely the countryside, I really love that ornate garden on your weekend holiday home and hunting lodge. But it's nice to see the cities and towns from the air as well.
Morning Johnny they both have there qualities, the country side wins in the daylight, as you have shown the woods with the sun shining through is beauty, but at night its a dark mass, where as the town during the day are on the bland side, but at night the the town shines through, its a total opposite of the day, so for me country wins the day time, but the town wins the night time 50/50, great experiment Johnny loved it.👏👏👍😎.
Brilliant video again Johnny 👍 love the that Hamilton?...think I see New Douglas Park in the background...gid to get the drone up after aw that wind...🙂👍🏴
@johnnymac26 my first karen in the UK, I was at a church ruins in the middle of nowhere, no one around but a goat and an elderly lady stopped as she was driving by and accused me of stealing bricks from the church ruins with my drone. Haha.
What a wonderful places. It's was very nice to watch. Thank you Johnny 👍🎶🧡
The angled garden made an interesting effect after going backwards then moving gimble upwards. A trip through the woods to town and back again, was a good idea. I prefer countryside, but then we have a bit of everything on the Wirral, towns, villages, countryside, commercial and even some light industry. 👍 Looking forward to your next video…
Greetings. Lovely show. Beautiful video.
Johnny great video nice, definitely county 😊, best regards
That is a hard question 🤔 Definitely country for me. But saying that flights around towns and cities are also fantastic. I like the contrast between both. Excellent work Johnny 👌 ❤
I agree thanks for stopping by
Great flight Johnny mate. Always country for me mate. 😊
Awesome video as always my friend 👊😎 thanks for sharing 😊🙏
thanks for stopping by
Remarkable places my friend. I liked the drawings in the garden topdowns. And the Forest shots where 👌. Well done Johnny.❤
thank you so much
very kewl ....great share !!
Both provide great vies for capture. The town is always more challenging to fly over, hoping everything will be fine.
thank you
Great video! I really enjoyed watching it. 👍43
thank you
Amazing share
Tolle Aufnahmen Vielen Dank für deine Impressionen toll gemacht 👍🏻 Die Aufnahmen sind sehr abwechslungsreich geworden vielen Dank fürs teilen . Grüße Semare 🇨🇭
Great drone footage and amazing aerial view. 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing.👍👍👍
@@transylvanianvistas thank you
Countryside for sure 😂 cool footage especially of the manor and bridge. Nice work 👍👏👏
thanks mate i fly it loads but was just nice for it to not be raining lol
Nicely done Johnny! I like both town and country, but my favorite is anywhere along any coastline.
Ahhh the coastline now thats a different story 😅
Great mix ❤❤❤❤❤
cheers mate
Country for me Johnny. Nice one. ❤
cheers mate same also but don't tell anyone lol
very good my new friend. have a nice day. 44
Have to say both. Brilliant flight and editing Johnny. 😮😂
cheers mate from you that means a lot
Great spots with amazing views !
Thanks a lot!😊
Beautiful random shots, Johnny. 🤘👌 I definitely prefer the countryside, but drone flights in the city always look so cool.
Very nice! I recognise chatterhault country park but only cos I was there recently 😁 thanks for sharing!
nice shots mate well done 👍
Great stuff, most definitely the countryside, I really love that ornate garden on your weekend holiday home and hunting lodge. But it's nice to see the cities and towns from the air as well.
@@davidharle952 ha ha I wish maybe the wee hut out the back lol cheers mate.
Great flight. Enjoyed your gimbal use to make the shots appear to be going vertically to horizontal. Nice job.
Great video Johnny. Thank you for sharing. Have a great evening.
Morning Johnny they both have there qualities, the country side wins in the
daylight, as you have shown the woods with the sun shining through is beauty,
but at night its a dark mass, where as the town during the day are on the bland
side, but at night the the town shines through, its a total opposite of the day,
so for me country wins the day time, but the town wins the night time 50/50,
great experiment Johnny loved it.👏👏👍😎.
@@Steve53 cheers mate I agree also 👍
@@johnnymac26 even Middlesbrough at night looks great 🤣
Brilliant video again Johnny 👍 love the that Hamilton?...think I see New Douglas Park in the background...gid to get the drone up after aw that wind...🙂👍🏴
the town bits was from a while ago and country from today yes hamilton my home town dump lol weather has been proper crap eh mate?
@@johnnymac26 😂😂..aye, hopefully it will stay nice for at least a couple of days..😁😁
great, I always enjoy your video, I love your videos. ❤😊
Thank you so much!
เป็นมุมมองที่น่าตื่นเต้น ฉันชอบภาพถ่ายจากโดรน 👍👍👍
Great video ❤
Both are awesome 👍
thank you
Brilliant, love it :)
cheers mate
Nice one, I like strong lines from architecture and the meandering lines of nature.
me also spot on
Country for me Johnny. Great vid mate. Love the Top down shots
@@mickeytheviewmoo cheers mate
Nice mix, my vote is for country.
i like both but country has less Karen's lol
@johnnymac26 my first karen in the UK, I was at a church ruins in the middle of nowhere, no one around but a goat and an elderly lady stopped as she was driving by and accused me of stealing bricks from the church ruins with my drone. Haha.
Brilliant as usual mate :)
your way to kind lol
Great video bro
Much prefer the country...especially if I were a Duke!! lol
@@wendingourway ha ha me also
I prefered country 😂
This is very cool 😎
It's been a while since I've been flying drones, it's just way too hot for me. Fall is coming soon
as good as ever bud
cheers mate enjoying your work now
@@johnnymac26 i like ur editing m8 i wish i had half ur class lol
@@LittleCameraTour its not that good trust me im on the drone show live and some of the videos on there are next level
Country please! Some great captures!!! 👍👍👍 New sub here!
@@BuddBieber thank you and I agree subbed also
Had many a meeting in that office block.
@@Qwackers-video nice one 👍 small world eh? Lol
Country side for me! Nice video!
I like country but its good to mix it up a bit
Magic Johnny great catch with the shadows I need to fly that some time top class footage buddy was this with the new drone?👏👏🎥👍
@@jimthorleydronefootage no was the mini 4 the new drone is a dog still tuning it .
@johnnymac26 is it fixable, buddy?
@@jimthorleydronefootage aye just some fine tuning it's getting better had to do the same with my evo 1.
usual rubbish but did notice some weird artifacts on the bridge shot
One man’s rubbish another man’s idea of fun ❤❤❤❤
Are you OK? Haven't seen you in a while
@@fly-9262 all good between weather work dogs and a holiday not flew in ages hoping to get a flight tomorrow
Hello, "johnny mac26"! Thank you for showing us such a great video! I feel so happy! I'm looking forward to your next work! Have a nice day!
@@libmananchannel thank you so very much