Congratulations to the new presbyters! May you all take and follow the words of Pope Francis: be rooted in Jesus Christ-don't forget to pray; stay close to the people you serve by smelling like the sheep-you are to serve not lord over them, avoid careerism and clericalism-don't get any sense of clergy entitlement and superiority over the laity, continuously read and study especially the scriptures so that you always deliver quality homilies, be attuned to and apply the reforms and teachings of Vatican II-don’t desire having grandmother laces and guitar shaped vestments. And (not Francis’ words, now my own) in light of the ongoing crisis and scandal: don’t be enticed and get trapped in the quagmire of the gay lavender mafia within the Church which is at the root of and operation of the homosexual predation sex abuse scandal by the clergy and cover up by bishops.
Can we have Fr. Cesar Galan and Fr. Sergio Sandoval comeback to St. Mary Magdalen Church in Camarillo to celebrate mass? They'll visit them in Camarillo when Fr. Preston, Fr. Francis, and Fr. Larry is out of the parish or on vacation I think as priest-in-residence during the summer.
Hermosisima celebración. Siempre toca muy profundo de mi saber que a través de estos humildes siervos al donar su vida nos dan a Jesús. ❤❤❤.
Those two ordained priests with Dn. George Esseff, Jr. and Dn. Pat Carman in St. Mary Magdalen Chapel or Church in Camarillo.
Beautiful Ordination!
Qué Dios los ilumine y proteja y qué sean sacerdotes santos y qué no sean modernistas.
Ave Christus Rex!
Congratulations to the new presbyters! May you all take and follow the words of Pope Francis: be rooted in Jesus Christ-don't forget to pray; stay close to the people you serve by smelling like the sheep-you are to serve not lord over them, avoid careerism and clericalism-don't get any sense of clergy entitlement and superiority over the laity, continuously read and study especially the scriptures so that you always deliver quality homilies, be attuned to and apply the reforms and teachings of Vatican II-don’t desire having grandmother laces and guitar shaped vestments. And (not Francis’ words, now my own) in light of the ongoing crisis and scandal: don’t be enticed and get trapped in the quagmire of the gay lavender mafia within the Church which is at the root of and operation of the homosexual predation sex abuse scandal by the clergy and cover up by bishops.
Can we have Fr. Cesar Galan and Fr. Sergio Sandoval comeback to St. Mary Magdalen Church in Camarillo to celebrate mass?
They'll visit them in Camarillo when Fr. Preston, Fr. Francis, and Fr. Larry is out of the parish or on vacation I think as priest-in-residence during the summer.
Porque , porque la comunión en la mano.
A totally different religion