It's Starkiller and I'll prove that.Darth Vader(around 15 year before ANH,the 4th episode),is stated to surpass Vastor at every category,same Vastor who is stated to be more powerful than Prime Windu.Windu rivals likes if Yoda and Anakin.Its stated that Vader's power have been growing with time.Starkiller have fought and defeated Vader twice.The Vader he defeated was more powerful than the one that has been stated to surpass Vastor at every category.I know that Starkiller wouldn't have defeated Vader if not the force lightning and his caught him off guard but it's still crazy impressive.Some might say that Windu is complete fodder and is weak,but it's not true.He fairly defeated Sidious while being weakend.Starkiller's potential is the most powerful in Star Wars except Skywalker family(he is stated to have close or even greater potential than Luke,who has same potential as Anakin).
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It's Starkiller and I'll prove that.Darth Vader(around 15 year before ANH,the 4th episode),is stated to surpass Vastor at every category,same Vastor who is stated to be more powerful than Prime Windu.Windu rivals likes if Yoda and Anakin.Its stated that Vader's power have been growing with time.Starkiller have fought and defeated Vader twice.The Vader he defeated was more powerful than the one that has been stated to surpass Vastor at every category.I know that Starkiller wouldn't have defeated Vader if not the force lightning and his caught him off guard but it's still crazy impressive.Some might say that Windu is complete fodder and is weak,but it's not true.He fairly defeated Sidious while being weakend.Starkiller's potential is the most powerful in Star Wars except Skywalker family(he is stated to have close or even greater potential than Luke,who has same potential as Anakin).
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