Enthronement of H.H. Pope Tawadros II - Rites of Enthronement


Комментарии • 99

  • @eduardobayona6669
    @eduardobayona6669 4 года назад +20

    God bless pope tawadros. I am catholic!

  • @berhanezemuy3910
    @berhanezemuy3910 5 лет назад +9

    I am from Eritrea i love all orthodox brothers and sisters

  • @medhanegoitom8261
    @medhanegoitom8261 7 лет назад +24

    From Eritrea I love Coptic church and we’re brothers

  • @kingofcelts
    @kingofcelts 12 лет назад +10

    I will pray for your holy Father that he will have fortitude through good times and bad..

  • @Tewahdomezmurselam
    @Tewahdomezmurselam 5 лет назад +12

    I'm eritrean i love all my orthodox brother and sister

  • @dianaweldemicheal8165
    @dianaweldemicheal8165 5 лет назад +8

    لا تنساني في صلاتك ya abouna....
    Proud to be orthodox....azkruna fi selewatkun ya abouna pope tewodros the second amen!

  • @Zitterion2016
    @Zitterion2016 6 лет назад +9

    It is beautiful my Catholic brothers......Greetings from the Philippines

    • @reysy9766
      @reysy9766 5 лет назад +8

      They are Coptic Orthodox, he is the pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

    • @GreekOrthodoxChurchRblx
      @GreekOrthodoxChurchRblx 2 года назад

      @@reysy9766 ☦️ forever orthodox!
      *consatineople will return*

    • @renatocunha3167
      @renatocunha3167 Год назад

      ​​@@GreekOrthodoxChurchRblx o verdadeiro Lider da igreja é o Papa Francisco, o verdadeiro sucessor de Pedro

  • @gemblungpol3467
    @gemblungpol3467 4 года назад +5

    Im a rome catholic from Indonesia. I love all brother and sister in Christ. We are one in Christ our Lord.
    Jesus bless Tawadros Papa in Egypt and all Christians sisters.

  • @AndreCorona
    @AndreCorona 12 лет назад +28

    Congratulations to our Coptic Brothers and Sisters!

  • @bulta9
    @bulta9 4 года назад +4

    so beautiful may God give you strength and many blessing.

  • @shadyhenry234
    @shadyhenry234 11 лет назад +7

    كنيستنا ما أروعك

  • @mickelnasralla3384
    @mickelnasralla3384 9 лет назад +4

    May god bless H.E anba Pacomious H.H pope Tawadrous Mar Ignatius Zachery anba Sarabamoum the bishops metropolitans monks and priests and A
    Ayad. What made me like this video is that I found
    good hymns to learn like omonogenes Psalm trailor for pope patriarch metropolitans and Bishops and
    long Agious What also made me like this video is the teamwork they use they use great teamwork I love st
    mark May god be with us all.May god bless all Churches.
    CyC your support will help us a lot even a dollar will make a big difference .

  • @natnael2562
    @natnael2562 5 лет назад +22

    I have no words for Egypt Christians just I love u if I were not Ethiopian orthodox Christian I certainly would be Egypt copt

    • @josephcasati4280
      @josephcasati4280 4 года назад

      Same faith.

    • @natnael2562
      @natnael2562 3 года назад

      @Stephen Alex i know yours prayers are powerful please pray for me and the ethiopian orthodox church

    • @ab1prod187
      @ab1prod187 3 года назад

      Ethiopian orthodox only had two Patriarch before that we were under Coptic patriarch!!

  • @CoxJoxSox
    @CoxJoxSox 4 года назад +9

    Fascinating history of the Coptic Orthodox Church which has suffered much at the hands of Muslims for many centuries.

    • @cuzimmoody6470
      @cuzimmoody6470 3 года назад

      how and what did they suffer? if you read their history they suffered so much on the hands of Byzantium romans that they asked the help of muslims to get rid of the romans

    • @Nieden-Pilled
      @Nieden-Pilled 10 месяцев назад +1

      Only half true. There were some emperors of east Rome who did persecute the Coptic Orthodox Church (wrongly) as they did not follow Chanceldonian Christianity. However, the Coptic Orthodox Church did not reach out to Islam for ‘help’ in overthrowing Rome. Once Islam had conquered Egypt, various laws were instituted to restrict the rights of Copts so they would be encouraged to convert to Islam. The Copts numbers eventually dwindled until Coptic Christianity became more concentrated around Ethiopia and the southern Nile under the kingdom of Nubia, as the apostolic see of st mark in Alexandria became a prisoner of Islam.

  • @medhanegoitom8261
    @medhanegoitom8261 7 лет назад +6

    God bless you pope tawadros

  • @MontChevalier
    @MontChevalier 12 лет назад +11

    Que viva el Papa Tawadros!

  • @ruisu.29
    @ruisu.29 3 года назад

    3:04 Me ha conmovido mucho. Dios bendiga la Iglesia Copta.

  • @alegypty1
    @alegypty1 12 лет назад +8

    الي منتهي الاعوام يا لسان العطر

  • @rakoty1
    @rakoty1 10 лет назад +8

    هذه هي المسيحيه @3:04:30الديانهالسامويه. ربنا يفتح عيون و قلوب المسلمين

    • @ahmedelgwelyelaswany2041
      @ahmedelgwelyelaswany2041 5 лет назад


    • @hamodyhamody438
      @hamodyhamody438 4 года назад +1

      rakoty1 دي ديانه وثنيه ديانه ليس لها معني كلها كذب و هرطقه 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ربنا يفتح قلبك عالاسبام دين الحق و طريق الجنه

  • @jindersinghambarsariyamaan
    @jindersinghambarsariyamaan 4 года назад +1

    Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen🌹✝❤

  • @dvsd01
    @dvsd01 10 лет назад +1

    وندعو أي رجل والدك على الأرض، لديك أب واحد، الذي هو في السماء.

    • @mwidunn
      @mwidunn 8 лет назад +2

      Mk 15:21;
      Lk 1:59, 67, 73, 15:12;
      Acts 7:2;
      I Cor 4:15;
      Phil 2:22;
      Philemon 1:10;
      James 2:21.
      فَأَجَابَ يَسُوعُ: «أَلَيْسَ لِهَذَا تَضِلُّونَ إِذْ لاَ تَعْرِفُونَ الْكُتُبَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ اللَّهِ؟

  • @pablolanchares1976
    @pablolanchares1976 6 лет назад +2

    20/8 Congratulations Pope Tawadros II

  • @sergiorosas9594
    @sergiorosas9594 5 лет назад +1

    Desde el Estado de.México, no sabemos cuando fue esto? Pero nuestras felicitaciones de varios Laicos, CristianoCatólicos Romanos en chimalhuacoan.Mex.para nuestros hermanos ORTODOXOS hijos de San Andrés Apóstol.

    • @GreekOrthodoxChurchRblx
      @GreekOrthodoxChurchRblx 2 года назад

      No god himself
      Not saint andrew or peter!
      It were founded by god!
      Long live orthodox Catholic Church
      And coptic church
      Down to Roman Catholics!

  • @hasaneurope4603
    @hasaneurope4603 9 месяцев назад

    Shrine Auditorium Is Mosque Egyptian and morocco construction Los Angeles I Was there 70s only mosque i been to there 1970 - 1975 ive lived this life as Prophet s.a.w.

  • @danieluyanguren
    @danieluyanguren 11 лет назад +25

    This is Christianity!

    • @Kirkee7
      @Kirkee7 4 года назад

      No it is not. It's religious invention that bears no relationship to the Word of God , the Gospel as recorded in scripture.

    • @blueangel9746
      @blueangel9746 4 года назад +4

      They are Christians but in the Egiptian Point of view, , this Man TAWADROS , is for the Copts like The Pope in Vatican , or the Patriarch of Jerusalen for the Orthodox .

    • @Kirkee7
      @Kirkee7 4 года назад +1

      @@blueangel9746 You cannot be a christian from different points of view. It is either the view given to us from the authority of God's word or nothing. Anything that is contrary to that biblical doctrine of who and what is a christian is false.

    • @blueangel9746
      @blueangel9746 4 года назад +2

      @@Kirkee7 The person in Question is asking if the Copts are Christians and the answer is YES , Why , well because they Are following teachings Based in Christian cult, , with a lot of Differences with the Roman or Orthodox form , but still Christian , some parts in the Liturgy are similar to the Greek , im not Coptic , and im not in Deep knowledge of the Coptic form of Christianity but They been here for a long time , and apocrif documents from the New Testament were found in EGIPT that by the way is a land that many historic Bible time personalities were Visiting and living , , im not saying they are right , or in the Path of Salvation , , thats another theme and story .

    • @Kirkee7
      @Kirkee7 4 года назад

      @@blueangel9746 Christianity is not a cult. Christians are defined in the NT is very strict and particular definition. Where any organisation calls itself ' christian ' must conform to the doctrine set out in the Gospels and the NT apostolic scripture. Having form of Christianity contradicts the Spirit that indwells in Christians, who are born of that Spirit of Christ by divine power to live lives in conformity to love God and his commandments. No one has the power to do this of themselves because they are DEAD their sins. Compare the Coptics described here with the NT Church and see what little they have in common.

  • @evangelosdiamantopoulos8608
    @evangelosdiamantopoulos8608 4 года назад +3

    To my surprise there is plenty of Greek in the Coptic liturgy, not replaced by Arabic as it happened with the Coptic language.
    Even the additions they made in the Trisagion Hymn are in Greek

    • @joonie8103
      @joonie8103 4 года назад

      Yea koine greek is important in litrugy

    • @yurimikhailov6321
      @yurimikhailov6321 4 года назад

      At the time 40 % of Egypt's population was Greek speaking remnant of Ancient Egypt's Ptolemic dynasty

    • @OmnipresentPotato
      @OmnipresentPotato 3 года назад

      Well, technically the Coptic language did the same thing to Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics. People's belief was in the Egyptian Cults, so they spoke it. Then came Christianity, so people's beliefs were in Christ, so they spoke Coptic, then came Islam, and people's beliefs were in Allah, so they switched to Arabic.

    • @user-zt7ie9rr1x
      @user-zt7ie9rr1x 5 месяцев назад

      Η κοπτική λειτουργία αποτελείται από τρεις γλώσσες την κοπτική (Αρχαία αιγυπτιακή), την ελληνική, και την αραβική η οποία προστέθηκε τον 12 αιώνα μετά την αραβοποιηση της Αιγύπτου και την υποχώρηση της αιγυπτιακή γλώσσας, επίσης είχε γίνει μια προσπαθεία τον 11αιωνα από τον τότε πατριάρχη αλεξανδρειας (κοπτων) να ενώσει την λειτουργία τον Αιγυπτίων επειδή στον νότο και στα χωριά γινόταν στα αιγυπτιακά και σε άλλες πόλεις όπως η Αλεξάνδρεια γινόταν στα ελληνικά،
      Τον 19 αιώνα επί του πατριάρχη Κυρίλλου του 4ου, προστέθηκαν επιπλέον ελληνικά κομμάτια σε μια προσπάθεια να πλησιάσει την ρωμαϊκή ορθόδοξη εκκλησία, τους Ρωμιους, στην Αίγυπτο και στην μέση ανατολή δεν χρησιμοποιούμε τον όρο ελληνορθοδοξη,
      Μαζι με άλλες μεταρρυθμίσεις για αυτό ονομάζεται από την εκκλησία και Ο Παπάς Κύριλλος ο μεταρρυθμίστης στα αραβικά βέβαια

  • @andretucker3810
    @andretucker3810 9 месяцев назад

    Coordinate numbers correlate to geographical characteristics and phenomenon

  • @borisarustamian6402
    @borisarustamian6402 5 лет назад


  • @Dorotheos.sabashvili
    @Dorotheos.sabashvili Год назад


  • @MohamedSamir-vb9ji
    @MohamedSamir-vb9ji 4 года назад

    Pope tawadros you prevent for god mercy and from the new temple for ever

  • @ivanreves8496
    @ivanreves8496 12 лет назад +9


  • @hasaneurope4603
    @hasaneurope4603 10 месяцев назад


  • @feliperave
    @feliperave 10 лет назад +2

    hola, por que aquí hay gentes con nombres hispanos que escriben en español y entienden lo que aquí pasa... me interesa saber de donde es el video, donde tiene su centro la religión cristiana ortodoxa, en que idioma hablan.....?

    • @andersonborges2094
      @andersonborges2094 10 лет назад +2

      É a entronização do Papa da Igreja Católica Copta, de rito oriental, embora eu não tenha certeza absoluta, os seus ritos são celebrados nos idiomas grego ou egípcio antigo, além do árabe. O Papa Copta é considerado herdeiro de São Marcos.
      A igreja copta têm um grande peso no Egito e mesmo com a total supremacia islâmica naquele país, ela é considerada um fator de estabilidade, pois seus fiéis constituem pelo menos 10% da população do Egito.
      Recentemente 21 de seus fiéis foram covardemente assassinados na Síria pelo auto denominado Estado Islâmico, o que foi noticiado amplamente pela mídia internacional.
      Espero ter ajudado.

    • @luisangelcarrillolopez567
      @luisangelcarrillolopez567 5 лет назад +1

      Esto es en Egipto es el papa copto, el idioma es árabe copto y es ortodoxo

  • @mateuszceglak8
    @mateuszceglak8 4 года назад


    @IGLESIANACIONAL 12 лет назад +3

    Viva Su Santidad Teodoro II papa de la santa Iglesia Católica Ortodoxa Copta, heredero de san Marcos.

  • @marinasamaan519
    @marinasamaan519 12 лет назад +3

    Can anybody tell me where I can find similar instrumental coptic hymns as the one played here at around 3:54:20?

    • @davidbeskhyroun
      @davidbeskhyroun 3 года назад

      that instrumental is the tune of the morning doxology

  • @kiroalfady
    @kiroalfady 11 лет назад +6


    • @GabrielTjallo
      @GabrielTjallo 10 лет назад +1

      Srry for ask what thats mean we aramiac syriac orthodox use that alot

    • @davidmikhail3985
      @davidmikhail3985 10 лет назад +5

      it means 'he is worthy' :)

  • @John-te7sm
    @John-te7sm 5 лет назад +1


  • @pablosepulveda2447
    @pablosepulveda2447 8 лет назад

    Ayúdenme, ¿Quién es el obispo que viste de morado?
    Help me, who is the bishop with purple clothes?

    • @bijovarghese1582
      @bijovarghese1582 4 года назад +2

      Late Blessed Patriarch of Antioch
      Mor Ignatius Zakka First

    • @keithsimpson3078
      @keithsimpson3078 4 года назад

      It doesn't matter who he is/was.
      He is ash now, same as we all will be, a fact that these self-appointed, overdressed ponces seem to overlook...

  • @hasaneurope4603
    @hasaneurope4603 10 месяцев назад


  • @donretsas1791
    @donretsas1791 3 года назад

    Is this Coptic Orthodox or Coptic Catholic ?

  • @joao.paulo92
    @joao.paulo92 7 лет назад +1


  • @constantinople777christens5
    @constantinople777christens5 4 года назад

    What? I AM H.H.

  • @كيرلسجورج-ع2ف
    @كيرلسجورج-ع2ف 6 лет назад

    الي مدي الاعوام

  • @WhiteAngel14ProMax
    @WhiteAngel14ProMax 3 месяца назад


  • @esraael-zayat4806
    @esraael-zayat4806 10 лет назад +2

    هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه خرفان ايه ههههههههههههههههههه

  • @steverojojr.2651
    @steverojojr.2651 12 лет назад +1


  • @royalambassador777
    @royalambassador777 6 лет назад

    Pity of this fellow brethren because they never understand the Holy Bible, never ever Bible mention such rites. This is the way of the devil.

    • @Orfiad
      @Orfiad 5 лет назад +20

      The Bible also never mentions fried chicken. By your logic fried chicken is the way of the devil. Sola scriptura makes no sense.

    • @wenshan9101
      @wenshan9101 4 года назад +4

      Faith is the ultimate expression of our understanding of God. The bible is the testimony of faith. If you do not recogniize your brother's faith, you have not understood the bible. Turn inwards that you may know God, turn outwards that you may know Him in you brothers.

    • @ftx453
      @ftx453 3 года назад

      I’d love to see how that line of thinking would hold up against centuries of Islamic persecution. This church and its rites are still here though.

    • @cuzimmoody6470
      @cuzimmoody6470 3 года назад +1

      @@ftx453 centuries of Islamic persecution? prove it to me prove how the muslims persecuted them for centuries

    • @andrewevaldo
      @andrewevaldo 3 года назад +3

      There is no any verse or passage in the Bible that states that supports sola scriptura... No verse mentions it. The ideology of sola scriptura is not biblical😂

  • @jindersinghambarsariyamaan
    @jindersinghambarsariyamaan 4 года назад

    Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen✝❤🌹✝

  • @hanandiba4932
    @hanandiba4932 5 лет назад
