Why I'm No Longer Seventh Day Adventist - Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
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    I created this channel because I felt there was a distinct lack of representation in various facets of the Black experience. I haven't seen any Seventh Day Adventists openly discuss why they are now Atheists, so I thought it would be good to start with myself. I still hold a great respect for the SDA Church, but unfortunately there are issues with every denomination if one looks closely enough.
    Part 1 is a brief summary of why I personally left the church and became an Atheist. I am not intent on providing a convincing argument in this video, I am looking to provide an insight into my initial stage of disbelief.
    Part 2 is where it's get even more interesting.
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Комментарии • 332

  • @Ji99leManutz
    @Ji99leManutz 3 года назад +6

    He left because it’s a false church . It’s a cult.

    • @chrisyang7411
      @chrisyang7411 2 года назад


    • @jack-ch5lr
      @jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад +1

      True. Always critic of other churches

  • @gailekivali
    @gailekivali 2 года назад +19

    You can study all you want, you will still have questions. I am an Adventist who hasn't gone to Church for a long time. I almost believed God doesn't exists; even blamed him for most of my mistakes (consequences of my choices) but, then I came to realise he does for sure. Our stories are almost the same.
    No matter how many books you read, how many years you study, you will never, not even close come to the level of God's understanding. That is why we can not question Him, nor deem ourselves right in our own little mind.
    Remember that he is the one who created you. You will never match up to His knowledge and wisdom.
    If you want to know, just ask him through prayer.
    After some more years, when you walk slower and talk slower, you will realise that even when you trued your back on Him, He never gave up on you, and He never will.
    I pray that you find your way bro.

    • @grandrepaio9285
      @grandrepaio9285 2 года назад +1


    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад

      You don't need Ellen G White's perverted writings "explaining" scripture when you can be born-again and receive the Holy Spirit indwelling you. Christ in you. She'll deter you COMPLETELY from the REAL Jesus Christ as her damable teaching "investigative judgment" IMPLIES a Christ who has no omniscience and therefore cannot be God because God has to have all 3 ATTRITUBES of omniscience, omnipotentence, and omnipresence to truly be DEITY. JESUS is just as much God as the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He did not go behind the veil in the heavenly sanctuary in 1844 to start reviewing the lives (because of having no omniscience) of Christians to see if they deserve the free gift of salvation He gives. Ellen G White taught that and teaches another Jesus....one who can't save.

    • @Buhlebendalo_Mavika
      @Buhlebendalo_Mavika Год назад

      That is soo true. We can never match up to God’s knowledge. People amaze me!!

    • @pinkdollangel
      @pinkdollangel 11 месяцев назад

      Stop trying to reel him back into the cult. He can be close to God without Adventist

    • @catvoncrimson666
      @catvoncrimson666 10 месяцев назад

      Maybe he already has found his way.

  • @minnieandrews8989
    @minnieandrews8989 2 года назад +5

    My testimony is that becoming a Seventh-day Adventist is the best decision I've made in my entire 30+ years, contrary to you I wish my family would be convicted and be a part of the true church of the living God, I was only 18 when I left the world behind and God was able to help me overcome many things immediately! I will NEVER leave the church whom the gates of hell can never prevail! My victorious experiences in life is since I've found Jesus through the Seventh Day Adventist Church, the best author in the world is none other than Mrs Ellen Gould White, truly inspired by God. I was gifted one of her books when I just accepted Christ, and my sister who hadn't yet accepted Christ read the book and treated it as if it was her book, she fell in love with the story of Jesus through the book: Desire Of Ages. No one can convince me that the SDA Church is not the ark of safety. Satan hates her (the Church) so he's making war with her through his agents but the gates of hell shall never prevail!

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад

      What keeps you out the lake of fire ultimately? Whatever your answer is is what you are REALLY trusting in, and if it's ANYTHING other than the blood of JESUS CHRIST alone than your fate will be the lake of fire.

    • @minnieandrews8989
      @minnieandrews8989 2 года назад

      @@awblanchard23 Jesus alone can save as personal Lord and Saviour, it is he who said that says "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." - Matthew 4:4 therefore we will do well to obey him because it shows we truly love him and is on His side, also whatever he did on Earth we will follow because we are his true disciples who follow Him. He is the Shepherd and we are His sheep...

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад +1

      @@minnieandrews8989 but you know that your obedience does nothing to save you, right? It's Christ's obedience to death even death on a cross that He shed His blood that saves! I'm fully trusting ALONE in His Blood and I hope that you agree to as well, otherwise your a "Jesus, plus _____" person and there is no salvation In trusting that.

    • @minnieandrews8989
      @minnieandrews8989 2 года назад

      @@awblanchard23 Faith without works is always dead

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад

      @@minnieandrews8989 works is fruit ....fruit evident of a changed heart because Christ (Holy Spirit) indwells it, but the fruit doesn't save you. Cain trusted in his fruit as an offering to the Lord and it didn't please Him. Fruit in a born-again Christian is evidence that they are saved because you cannot have Holy Spirit apart from salvation in Christ. Once you confess from yiur heart HONESTLY in surrender that "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God the Father raised Him from the dead...YOU ARE SAVED FOREVER!

  • @naldlabayen
    @naldlabayen 3 года назад +30

    Hey , I’m an SDA and not planning to leave the faith. I hear you.
    I listen to RUclips debates by many Christian apologists but one that I particularly like is Frank Turek(CrossExamined). It depends on the calling of your conscience as it could push you more towards atheism when listening to unbeliever’s argument. But for me it draws me closer to the everlasting arm of my Creator and Savior Jesus Christ.

    • @EmileKleinhans
      @EmileKleinhans 3 года назад +1

      Hi Naldlabayen. I would like to recommend the same reading/Bible study to you. It is the study of the covenants by Chris Lee on Life assurance ministries. It shows the scriptures and exactly what the old and new covenant mean, the signs, the promise and how everything points to Jesus Christ.

    • @naldlabayen
      @naldlabayen 3 года назад

      @@EmileKleinhans thank you. I’ll definitely check up on that one.

    • @NarrowPath_7
      @NarrowPath_7 3 года назад +4

      Amen! I read the bible from age 14 (without church influence) and when i saw the commandments i tried keeping them including the sabbath , but it wasn't until my late 20s when i asked the lord to show me which denomination i should be apart of where i can get the truth and thats how i became an SDA, but for me im a bible believing and practicing Christian. Many believe but dont practice.

    • @EmileKleinhans
      @EmileKleinhans 3 года назад

      @@NarrowPath_7 Have you read Galations?

    • @NarrowPath_7
      @NarrowPath_7 3 года назад

      @@EmileKleinhans is there something specific in galations you want me to read?

  • @kxb0un4
    @kxb0un4 3 года назад +11

    at the age of ten, I realized that I couldn’t be Adventist when I grew up. I left when I became 21

  • @SmileOrangeWillow
    @SmileOrangeWillow 2 года назад +6

    So happy I found this video! Happy to see you again Omari :) I too left & have never been happier. (Ruth, from church back in the day)

    • @SmileOrangeWillow
      @SmileOrangeWillow 2 года назад +4

      Some of the reasons I left:
      - doctrine of becoming sinless/perfect on earth
      - God allowing suffering to happen (nothing you can't handle 😉), however the results of that suffering could lead to addictions/conditions that mean you'll be going to hell (eg. Being molested/raped as a child... Any sexual urges or masturbation as a result is a sin)
      - I can do nothing good of myself, everything good I do is from Him.
      - I cannot trust myself because I am inherently evil
      These are my main ones.. Everything else is mostly church culture..everything being a sin, hypocrites, patriarchy, judgment.
      The whole sda bubble is just toxic asf. Stagnant.
      I've found more love and kindness outside the church.

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад +1

      @@SmileOrangeWillow Cry out to JESUS and be saved. It's the Godman JESUS CHRIST Who is sinless and perfect. The whole purpose of the Law is to frustrate you that you are a sinner in need of God's perfect gift His grace through the shed blood of God the Son Lord Jesus Christ. The Law shows us our sin and points us to Christ by what He did on the cross. Believing on Him from your heart that He alone is your personal saviour allows Him to give you His perfect righteous in exchange for your brokenness so you can be free from sin and the penalty from it (eternal damnation.) Come to Christ and be free in JESUS name.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 2 года назад +1

      ONE. The "remnant of her seed" is a spiritual reality, meaning all who accept Jesus Christ alone as our substitute for keeping the Law of Moses and dying thereby. It is not a physical group of people who, merely by presuming to call themselves "the remnant, are recognized by Jesus Christ the judge to actually be the remnant. And to call one's self a member of the remnant rather than waiting upon God to say that for one, is to flirt with blasphemy. For we are not to judge ourselves. That's God's job.
      TWO. "The commandments of God" are the commands of our God Jesus spoken with His (God's) own mouth on the Mount of Blessings, not the 613 commandments contained the Law of Moses, whose only function was to drive us to see our need for the "God with us" = Emanuel = Jesus Christ the Only Righteous Person who ever lived!
      THREE. "The testimony of Jesus Christ" is the gospel spoken and lived out in the lives of those who are filled with the Holy Spirit. It is not a human being, certainly not Ellen G. White!
      PHRASE: "the commandments of God." These are the commandments of Jesus as quoted throughout the New Testament. These are NOT the Ten Commandments. The context makes this inescapably clear, and there is no "text" without "context."
      PHRASE: "they that do his commandments.: This, again according to the context, refers to those who have the Holy Spirit within them and who are following Christ's commandments. But nowhere in the New Testament does Christ include the Fourth Commandment of the Decalogue. And so Christ did not command us to keep the Sabbath.

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад

      @@terrygreenman1540 I just want to check with you...yiu believe in the Trinity right??? That YAHWEH is a 3 person in one being that are all of the same substance in indivisible oneness. The Father, the Son JESUS Christ, and the Holy Spirit are all the same substance as being OMNIPOTENT, omniscient, and omnipresent or one of the persons would not truly be deity. JESUS is just as much God as the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus was there with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the beginning and there never was a time in eternity past that Jesus did not exist. I wasn't sure by your response if you believed that.

    • @terrygreenman1540
      @terrygreenman1540 2 года назад +2

      @Messerah What pre-empts Mount Sinai is the Mount of Blessings. We don't go to the Old Testament to answer New Testament theology. Mount of Blessings is awesome because God on Earth, Jesus did not include the ceremonial day of rest called Sabbath...do you know why? Because He is superior to the law written by Him, He is superior to His own law. And He is Lord of the Sabbath, that is why you wanna rest? Go to Jesus He will give you rest.

  • @jakemathurin5638
    @jakemathurin5638 3 года назад +15

    One thing I can tell you my brother, NO ONE church has all the truth or the answers. MAYBE everybody has a part of it, but NO ONE church has it all.
    Choose God, but not a church or a religion.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +1

      If this God can't provide truth or answers to a Church, then what's the point of it asking for worship?

    • @jakemathurin5638
      @jakemathurin5638 3 года назад +1

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 I’d be honest with you; I could easily throw some Bible verses at you to justify a point, but deep inside of me I know that’s not what you need right now. You have questions that nobody can answer in a way that will satisfy you, I have them too, and so I’ve turned my back on God at some point, and no argument was going to get me back. Sometimes it is God Himself who knows every bit of us that can go after us and retrieve our souls. I don’t know what it would take to get you back, God only knows, but I do pray you find a way to reconcile with Him before the end of this mess that we live in. Only God can provide the answers you’re looking for according to His will.

    • @SDAQandA
      @SDAQandA 3 года назад +1

      Jake he’s not claiming that. I left too. And I simply didn’t join any other religion. I use my own brain and gather with friends.
      And yes. No one institution has it right. But any system that leans to being a cult is less benign than other denominations.
      So it is one that should be avoided.
      Of course SDA people are awesome. I’m fortunate to have maintained my friendships.
      Anyway. Great clip!

  • @candacehamel7241
    @candacehamel7241 2 года назад +2

    God made Satan because he can't force us to love him, it is free will, even if we don't like his rules it doesn't make him not real

  • @CDB-Now
    @CDB-Now 3 года назад +6

    Im not sda member but I live by the bread of God,, his words are the lamp of my feet and light to my path. -Psalm 119:105-
    God is love, righteous and merciful but also Just!!
    Sounds like you want to live the way you want to live and be God of your own..
    you have missed the whole point of God's love --- your free will..!
    God is our creator and we are his creation, that's why he deserves all our worship all the glory and honor.. no philosophy theory of yours will be able to explain your existence and be lead to a conclusion that there is no God worthy for you..
    Jesus Christ died so you may live forever, that's something you never earned, nothing you did, but something freely given to you out of love 💘, That's God! The same ALMIGHTY God you despised...
    Your parents discipline you not because they want to control you but because they love you and want to protect you. So when the time comes that you learn how to walk on your own, you are equipped for good work in Christ..

  • @adailydaughter6196
    @adailydaughter6196 Год назад +2

    Studied philosophy...so interesting. Praying for you brother 🙏

  • @lyndee21dl
    @lyndee21dl 3 года назад +31

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears and they will turn away from the truth, and shall turn to fables.

    • @justinjohnson5842
      @justinjohnson5842 3 года назад +4

      I hope you take this scripture to heart cause it speaks to you rather than this brother.

    • @chimbasiba80
      @chimbasiba80 2 года назад +2

      Listen to what he is saying, why do we always rush to quote scripture which is not even relevant to what he is saying no wonder a lot of people are leaving the church,we practice religion and not Christianity,too judgemental instead of showing mercy .... listen to understand

    • @chimbasiba80
      @chimbasiba80 Год назад +2

      @@justinjohnson5842 If Jesus behaved the way we the so called Christians behave then non would be saved ... We are the Morden Pharisees who were always quoting the law but not demonstrating the spirit behind the law.

    • @justinjohnson5842
      @justinjohnson5842 Год назад +1

      @@chimbasiba80 I agree! Full heartedly and that is why you study the word of God 2Tim 2vs15, but you have to realise that SDA are pharisees of this day and age they want to be teaches of zhe law but knows absolutely nothing of what the law was about.

  • @nippyvocals928
    @nippyvocals928 3 года назад +9

    The answer to Why God created Lucifer and why give him free will?, is really simple actually and straight forward, LOVE, thats why.
    If it were not for free will, then we'd be like robots, which would mean that we would be serving God only because we have no other choice and NOT because we love him. And that's what God desires from his people is love. In order for there to be a right, there needed to be a wrong, thats why he allowed sin. So that we could make a distinctive choice whether we want to follow him or not. God doesn't force people to love him. As a matter of fact love cannot be forced. If someone holds a gun to your head and says love me or I'll shoot you, will that be real love? Or would you just be saying yes I love you out of fear of being shot in the head... the foundation of God's character is love. And love can only exist if you have the freedom of choice

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +4

      You're conflating two points.
      1. Why did God create Lucifer is one standalone question. And your answer doesn't provide it. Lucifer did not need to be created.
      2. Why do *angels* need free will? Notice the question is angels, not humans. I don't see any reason why God couldn't have created highly functional robots in heaven. Angels do not need free will.

    • @KashSpeaks
      @KashSpeaks 3 года назад +6

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 you completely missed the point of nippy 🤦🏽‍♀️. God is all knowing and he knew Wayyy ahead of time that creating Lucifer would cause sin and this wicked world as we know it. So why did God create him anyway? Because he wanted to give us a choice! Ever heard of ying and yang? Well it’s the same principle! In order for there to be good, there must be evil as well. If God didn’t allow us to have the freedom of choice, we would all just be robots serving him as nippy stated. God wanted our love and for us to choose to serve him because we love him not because we are forced. Lucifer which later became satan, was created perfect in all his ways until he decided he no longer needed to obey God. He managed to deceive 1/3 of the angels and because of this, God casted them out of heaven. Why would God want to create robots for angels?? How then could he receive true love and obedience? God needed to separate the strong from the weak. I’m sure you’re familiar with “on earth as it is in heaven” there must be balance in all that God does. Once Jesus returns the 2nd and last time and establishes heaven here on earth. All sins will be wiped away and those who followed and obeyed and chose to love him will have everlasting life and there will be no more pain or suffering. Those who chose to disobey, will be casted into the lake of fire for eternity. I pray that you repent and be delivered from the deceit of the devil before it’s too late...

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад

      @@KashSpeaks Why couldn't we start of in heaven and get the choice like Lucifer did then?
      It doesn't make sense to say that Lucifer was necessary for choice. Since like us Lucifer was created and was able to make a choice.

    • @thekingsson1757
      @thekingsson1757 2 года назад

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 God created Lucifer perfect and he choose evil now he has a plan that evil never rises after it is finaly put down, Lucifer was curious about disobedience he choose his path when he was already perfect, Adam and Eve showed you that humans did get that choice and they failed earth was good and perfect, God wanted to do something once and for all for sin and he did it by showing the ultimate sacrifice in sending His God son to die for your sins. You to smart for your own good dude.

    • @user-mk6rr4fo7f
      @user-mk6rr4fo7f 22 дня назад

      You will never find a church that preached the truth like SDA these people they know where they came from and where they are going to they know what is coming ahead of us in the future

  • @Corey4Jesus
    @Corey4Jesus 2 года назад +1

    We’ll all get the opportunity to be face with our darkest moments before this time of trouble, which is to prepare us, how we handle those moments are up to us. Sister White said the church will seem to fall but it will not. In the church I’ve been betrayed, lied to, lied upon etc. I was in a marriage where my X wanted me to go back to my old lifestyle and because I didn’t, she gave me much drama, turned the church against me, committed adultery and got pregnant with someone in the church and because the church had something against me the Pastor married them two and ask me to leave thinking I would hurt them all because they know what they were doing to me, but NOPE God had my back, even when they would not hear my cry’s when I cried out at three prayer meetings. I understand why they didn’t hear me because they was actually apart of the problem. When me and my X would argue she would say “Pastor so&so was right about you”. This very pastor who she mention could have been mad at me possibly because I found out he was the board of director for the Catholic Community Service, IDK, but I do know he had something against me and not just him, even his other buddy that was a pastor, the very one who married my X to the guy in the church who she was sleeping around with and got pregnant. In all that drama the devil wanted me to give up on the church as a whole, he even wanted me to preach against the church, but thank God I studied for myself beforehand and knew God’s remnant church is truly God’s church but there are hirelings and infiltrators there working for Satan and not God. Let’s pray they all wake up that they may have the rights to the tree of life. Now that I’ve had much time with God alone, going though the motions while He (God) showed me myself, taught me and loved me, even when I was making choices to not love myself, I now know what it is to love and be there for others. Trust me when I say this STAND STRONG, DON’T GIVE UP!
    Also please keep in mind the reason why Satan was able to win in the minds of nearly the whole church with his lies is because how I responded to the madness, so I advise that no matter what happen against you, be of good cheer and don’t be like me, getting angry, cursing the pastor, calling my X out her name etc. God wants to save us and our enemies. Stay in church and be the example and witness God needs because He’s on trial and needs witnesses Jesus is who we are to keep our eyes on, not fallen man. 💗

  • @c.loreto6990
    @c.loreto6990 3 года назад +6

    Your understanding is very darkened but praise God where there is life there is hope. God created Lucifer a perfect being. God is a God of love, who desires his love to be reciprocated with love, not by force. So hence freedom of will is given. I would address your question about why he created angels but I will just give this one little bit for your finite mind. Can you by searching find out the deep things of God? If you were able to figure God out and every single reason why he does things then he would cease to be God. If you are questioning why God created angels then you are questioning the word of God because the Bible says he created angels. So you are not against seventh day Adventist, you are against the Bible, in short you are against God. Repent before its eternally too late.

  • @d.adonis4547
    @d.adonis4547 2 года назад +1

    This has NOTHING to do with Adventism. This issue is with BLACK CHURCH CULTURE which can be judgmental, punitive and very political. This attitude is within most black churches across dominations. The micromanaging and policing of one’s life, quality of life, how much $$$ you make, WHO YOU KNOW is culturally entrenched within the black community. A head deacon and I almost had a fist fight in the treasury office for telling me I needed to give MORE TITHE, I went off on him!!
    I began attending white SDA churches over the past 20 + years: the have shorter services and stay out of my affairs.
    I'm at PEACE, I tell people I am a CHRISTIAN. . .period. I don't try to beat people over the head w/ Scriptures. Try to live by JESUS' example.

    • @mamagirl5859
      @mamagirl5859 Год назад

      Ahhh, you want to sin in peace. You could have just said that.

    • @d.adonis4547
      @d.adonis4547 Год назад

      @@mamagirl5859 Your respone/reply is typical Adventist thinking: JUDGEMENTAL and PUNITIVE. We think we're the ONLY ones going to heaven.

  • @justafriend3408
    @justafriend3408 2 года назад +1

    I too left. I was just bored of the whole thing, nothing new to learn

  • @mphantata7811
    @mphantata7811 2 месяца назад

    i pray that you come back before it's too late, God still loves you

  • @randyharris8481
    @randyharris8481 2 года назад +1

    I listened closely to what you said. The first thing that came out of your mouth was you hold a close relationship with the 7th day Adventist Church... When you should've said you have a close relationship with YAH Psalm 68:4 IF YOU HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE SO CONFUSED. You asking questions that's good but you are asking the wrong people.

  • @Billt-qx5qy
    @Billt-qx5qy 7 месяцев назад

    No one said it was going to be easy. The correct path is very narrow, yes the standards are high. Deny self and pick up the cross daily. God’s ways are higher than ours. We can’t understand why He does what He does, but He is still our creator and deserves maximum respect and praise. Everything else falls short. Small price to pay for eternity.

  • @porshae6945
    @porshae6945 2 года назад +3

    I too am a raised Seventh day Adventist from Brooklyn NY🏢🏦now living in Miami🌴…So many of us like you, either make the decision to talk amongst friends we trust about our doubts, decide to live a double life or altogether leave while keeping it silent about what we believe don’t add up…the safest part are the people that take it to the grave afraid of questioning he popular decisions

  • @derrekruiters2279
    @derrekruiters2279 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for taking the time to share a very personal live journey. I sence that questions raised stemmed from an intellectual knowledge of who and what God is growing up. It was purely theoretical. Tell me if I am wrong?
    I didnt hear any any talk of a personal relationship with the God the served back then and growing in the DSA faith. I am not an SDA I am a Christian, ex Catholic now Pentecostal. I believe from personal experience and devoted Catholic that I to was vulnerable and without relationship with God. I had a relationship with church and religion...not with the invisible all powerful, all knowing, all loving God and creator. Yes I had emotions and good feeling and strong convictions I was raised to have but that's not a what's in question.
    Your questions are good , real and meaningful. They search for depth and truth. And I to went through similar questioning of my Catholic beliefs not about God or the bible. That I had enough reason to hold on to. It my relationship to the Church that can into question

    • @gramediastudioz
      @gramediastudioz 2 года назад

      Thank you. You have said it all. Religion and church are not a relationship with God. God is spirit and those who worship Him must do so in truth and in spirit. Many do not understand who and what God is thus cannot comprehend His ways and also cannot worship truly what you do not understand.

  • @Kk-bg1bj
    @Kk-bg1bj 2 года назад +1

    There is no reason for telling everyone that you a no longer apart of a faith or belief. If in the beginning you were serving the Lord then why are you bad mouthing the belief you choose to be a part of. Pray sincerely to The Lord for guidance as to were The Lord wants you to serve Him. Your personal feelings are directed wrongfully and therefore you have and are acting out of self and not with a heart that says,"I want to serve You Lord from my heart will You direct me to were You are". I hope this will be of help to anyone choosing to run down a Faith or Belief. Walk away while you CHOOSE OR MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE TO 🙏🙏🙏🙏 FOR GUIDANCE FROM THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

    • @cynthiathompson5216
      @cynthiathompson5216 2 года назад

      Bro God cares about us as individuals our personal relationship & understanding of Him is respected. We were created to be in harmony with Him but if we had no choice it would leave no room to truly LOVE. Isn’t it the same in our relationships with family & others?

  • @morarumaria1988
    @morarumaria1988 4 месяца назад

    If the angels didn't have free will they had been robots. God wants to love beings that have free will, beings that can choose to love Him back (not of fear but of their own free will). Because God is love.

  • @michaelsithole7712
    @michaelsithole7712 9 месяцев назад +1

    It is good you left SDA, but your reasons being based on your study of philosophy of carnal men, is more dangerous than leaving SDA . May the Lord help you to empty the philosophy of men, as in God's Kingdom, we believe.

  • @monikamassey750
    @monikamassey750 3 года назад +4

    I feel sorry for you because you are going far away from real truth

    • @pinkdollangel
      @pinkdollangel 11 месяцев назад

      I feel sorry for you because you are in a cult

  • @reubenwilliams51
    @reubenwilliams51 4 года назад +6

    Hey brother! Thanks for sharing. I replaced relationship with Christ with the "church" too. I didnt understand what it meant to believe in Christ and love God. Christ does what the "church" cannot, in that when we come to Him He miraculously changes the heart of a person. I shared my testimony on my channel and another video which talks about new covenant and being born again. The "Kingdom of God" is here now and available through Christ. That's the place we need to be fam :) Sharing all this in love! I like that fact that you are a critical thinker and not just blindly following. Me too! I had and have questions and God has answers. He's not scared of our questions, He welcomes them. He promises that when we search for Him with all our heart we will find Him. God bless fam!

    • @sherilynmason8942
      @sherilynmason8942 3 года назад +1

      Amen Reuben🙌🏽 you said that in a very Christian and God like manner. I don’t have the type of patience to deal with people that have been shown the truth, and you know what I mean by the truth, Turn away from it and try to lead others to do the same because of maybe some bad experience that they had or because the Bible is not telling them to do what they want to do but the Bible is telling them what God would have them do. Just like God has his angels, the devil has his angels also and in these last days we as Christians have to be mindful of that. I’m proud to be a seven day Adventist and I’m thankful that God showed me the truth so that I can have an opportunity to be saved by grace!

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад

      @@sherilynmason8942 seventh-day adventism has a different jesus than the real one in the Bible. Ellen g white speaks of a jesus whose blood only takes away the condemnation of the law not removal of sin itself and that is basically saying that her jesus couldn't satisfy the wrath of God the Father on behalf of the believer on the cross and thus offered himself up as a lame sacrifice to the Father whose blood can't even take away sin. DIFFERENT jesus. The Real one was with the Father and the Spirit IN the beginning and is the Godman who perfectly lived SINLESSLY under the Jewish Law and took that perfect life to the cross, bore all sin of every believer for all time and was lifted up as the perfect sin offering to satisfy the wrath of God the Father able to fully wash away all sin from every believer and give them a righteousness they never deserve that only He can give in exchange for their brokenness. He is the risen SAVIOUR. THE REAL JESUS CHRIST.

  • @morarumaria1988
    @morarumaria1988 4 месяца назад

    God created the angels because He loves them. And God is worthy to be worshiped because He is love. Do you get the point?

  • @cruzan8183
    @cruzan8183 3 года назад +2

    This young man has a lot of courage. Most people attempt to bury their doubts .
    My question is even more basic than this young man’s questions . Why does god delay his coming as the earth’s population explodes .
    Is it reasonable to leave your crowning creation, humans on the earth with a fallen angel who would cause them to sin .
    The Tower of Babel is unrealistic.
    I am not an atheist but there’s no way that the things that were are told occurred could have happened.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад

      Good question, I'll let a believer answer it.
      In terms of stories that never happened, you can add these to your list:
      - Noah's Flood (impossible)
      - Israelites being slaves in Egypt (no evidence for this)
      - Israelites crossing the Red Sea (impossible)
      - 40 year Exodus for a 10 day journey (implausible and zero evidence)
      - Lot's wife turned into salt (Who looked back to find out)
      - Jonah living in a sea dwelling creature for 3 days (impossible)

    • @nastystylemusic
      @nastystylemusic 3 года назад

      Tell me something you know for a fact is true? Even if you see it and feel it, one could make an argument that this is only your reality, even everything around you. Faith. Whether it be in words of philosophers, scientists, or words from the Bible, you’re still putting your trust in something that you cannot truly confirm. Believe in what makes you happy, and be good to others.

    • @cruzan8183
      @cruzan8183 2 года назад

      @@nastystylemusic you’re defending the absolute nonsense that religious people peddle .
      The laws of nature are immutable. There’s no way that prayers are answered. Happenstance is misinterpreted as divine intervention.

    • @tahliah6691
      @tahliah6691 Год назад

      Because Christianity teaches that their saviour is coming soon….. and he will be making a second coming because according to prophecy he failed to deliver ….. the first time around…. What is taught in Christianity is contradictory to the original Hebrew bible…. No I’m not a Hebrew Israelite…. Or a SDA …. Christianity is so contradictory it’s a joke…. Study and read the bible for yourself you will find the truth…. Tertulian Arius Constantine and the Nicean council formulated the Christian beliefs of today and the SDA church knows this …. 👀 lies won’t set you free…. Satan blaming is major not personal accounting of ones wrong doing in Christianity…. Satan doesn’t exist…. Do your own research into lucifer/Satan etc … not part of the original Hebrew bible …. A man made myth in the nt 👀

    • @tahliah6691
      @tahliah6691 Год назад

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 why is any thing impossible with TMH ? None of these things you say are impossible that’s why I used to hear in the SDA church … that what you mentioned…I believe most SDA are atheists living a lie as I heard a lot of what you say in there 👀 we have choices in life and free will to choose and be…. I was raised SDA but NEVER baptised because I always felt that something didn’t add up there…. But I keep Shabbat and believe strongly in TMH …. I read for myself and have always encourage my children to do the same …. We don’t believe in the nt it’s manmade lies as is jesus….. all part of Tertulian Arius Constantine and the Nicean councils theory on religion …. Reading for myself….I realised the lies that Christianity teaches….

  • @heyitsfel1364
    @heyitsfel1364 3 года назад +2

    Hello Apart from the obvious,
    Thank you for sharing your experience, I enjoy hearing others experiences within the SDA church. If you wouldn’t mind elaborating on what you learnt in the A levels in philosophy classes, I would greatly appreciate it. I’m curious to know more about the logic behind your decision. I can definitely relate with the points you brought up, I couldn’t find a part two to this video. Also do you associate yourself with any other affiliations/groups apart from being a black atheist?
    Thank you for your consideration in choosing to give a response or not.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +1

      In Philosophy, I pretty much learn about the notable historical philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas and David Hume.
      I also learn about the most renown arguments for or against religion such as the watchmaker's argument and the problem of evil.
      And no I don't affiliate myself with any groups. Though I do really agree with the perspective of vegans for instance. Animals suffer a ton.

    • @heyitsfel1364
      @heyitsfel1364 3 года назад

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 Thank you for your response. It has definitely given me something to research into and build a deeper understanding of the world I live in.

    • @hectorniles8617
      @hectorniles8617 2 года назад

      Usually, a lot left in their teens because of the peer pressure from those who are NOT Christian.

    • @ceciliamitchell4269
      @ceciliamitchell4269 2 года назад +1

      How do U no that what u now read is factual or truth

    • @awblanchard23
      @awblanchard23 2 года назад +1

      @@hectorniles8617 true Christians trust in the blood of JESUS CHRIST alone for salvation...everybody else are religious nonbelievers.

  • @sandilla007agent7
    @sandilla007agent7 3 года назад +1

    If God did not create angels or give them a will of decision. We would not be created because lucifer would never fall thus creating us. If we would never be created God would not ambe able to love us. Before the earth was made christ already planned to be the lamb. Its the whole and basics of the great controversy, we don't know all the details from the bible. The closes we get is from the pen of inspiration and even then there is no real concrete explanation on our creation. What we do know is God IS Love. Love needs expression. Love cannot exist without others. Don't get deceived brother. This is the remnant church, don't be those of the falling away.

  • @yami_mami
    @yami_mami Год назад

    A world without free will is not a “good” world, although it would be the best world because we would all be like God. But since God is good he gave Lucifer freewill.

  • @relaxingmusic.sleepchillan4206
    @relaxingmusic.sleepchillan4206 3 года назад +1

    Someone said somewhere, "sin is an intruder, for whose presence no reason can be given"
    Personally I think you took big life decisions at a very young age, and you were exposed to information that requires much wisdom to decern, I can't blame you for leaving the church, it's a decision, it must be respected. But your reasoning and question's can be questioned. They are not convincing. God bless and keep you.

  • @melmotivations4100
    @melmotivations4100 2 года назад

    Hey, to your second question and i guess 3rd question also... why would God create Luicfer with free will when he could have created them without the option for sin... also did God just creat us to SIMPLY worship Him...
    the answer to both questions is love. yeah I know, love, let me explain.
    1. To create angels, lucifer, and humans without free will or ability to sin, would mean they would also never have the ability to love you. To create people void of making mistakes, i.e. robots or perfect working computers... actually makes God more conceited and self-centered...
    but to give us free will means we can actually love God genuinely or not. If you have kids this example will make perfect sense to you. Also if you have been in any love relationship, you will know that LOVE IS THE REWARD AND HURT IS THE RISK of every free willed relationship.
    You wouldn't want to strip anyone in your life of their ability to choose to be with you or not, to do so reveals more about YOUR insecurities, than anything else.
    God was secure enough to let us choose and create a plan to deal with the outcome of Luifcer, angels and humans not choosing Him.
    I think it makes perfect sense...
    2) Love is the reason why He created us. Yes we worship Him by loving Him back, but He created us to be with us for eternity not simply to worship Him. Eternity is about loving us, not about receiving worship... that's what the Bible shows us over and over time and time again.
    Hope that all makes sense... 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @zeery1b668
    @zeery1b668 Год назад

    In the last days many will depart from the faith and go to the lake of fire.

  • @Jexit2020
    @Jexit2020 3 года назад +1

    Great video, bro 👍🏾
    Jehovah's Witnesses get around the issue if omniscience by saying that God only knows the future when he chooses to look. He doesn't look into everyone's future to see if they'll remain faithful because that would undermine their free will. So by that logic God didn't know that Lucifer would become Satan or that Adam and Eve would sin.
    To anyone reading this comment, I'm not an apologist, I just think this is an interesting point that I've not heard from other denominations.

    • @taiwozeez
      @taiwozeez 3 года назад +4

      Then God can't be all-knowing in nature using this hypothesis. For God to be all-knowing he has to always know everything.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +1

      Thank you 👊🏾

    • @duncanbradley
      @duncanbradley Год назад

      I firmly disagree. GOD is all-knowing. Let us get this right. HE does not make the decision for you but knows already what you will choose. GOD knew Adam would fall, but then you would ask, why create him then? GOD created man giving him the ability to choose right or wrong in other words Obedience to GOD which leads to life or choice of sin which destructive. Freewill factored in would always bring sin but also bring worship out love ; without freewill man would worship GOD without will and love. But GOD is both just and loving and merciful so in as much as HE knew sin would come, HE created a way out. It was all part of the plan from the beginning for Jesus to be the path for us to have both freewill and see why we should choose good and sinlessness as it is the way that leads to life. Remember, Lucifer and the fallen .angels had a choice and they saw GOD in heaven but they used their freewill top rebel knowing that GOD is just

  • @unanimousone8973
    @unanimousone8973 Год назад

    As in the days of the apostles men tried by tradition and philosophy to destroy faith in the Scriptures, so today, by the pleasing sentiments of higher criticism, evolution, spiritualism, theosophy, and pantheism, the enemy of righteousness is seeking to lead souls into forbidden paths.
    To many (like you) the Bible is as a lamp without oil, because they have turned their minds into channels of speculative belief that bring misunderstanding and confusion. The work of higher criticism, in dissecting, conjecturing, reconstructing, is destroying faith in the Bible as a divine revelation. It is robbing God's word of power to control, uplift, and inspire human lives.
    By spiritualism, multitudes are taught to believe that desire is the highest law, that license is liberty, and that man is accountable only to himself.

  • @liepa7768
    @liepa7768 2 года назад +1

    So why was Lucifer created? :)

  • @scripturehelps
    @scripturehelps 2 года назад

    You would not be aware that you exist. You would have no self awareness,you would not be able to choose fun things to do. You would be a robot, just a computor. You would not be a person for others to have fun with. There would be no person to have fun with, no friends, no one who could think for himself to share love and appreciation with. If they were just a computor. If they did have their own will...to put together all the happy things being a person allows for. Most of the angels stayed right, so the way God made us, does work very well. Why should we not have all this good stuff that being a person allows for, when he gave lu and his gang the same resource that he gave those who stayed holy. But they wanted to believe, it was cute to shaft a person the wrong way, but knew it wouldn't be cute to have that done to them. Evil; since it has no right to exist (nobody wants it done to themselfs), no one has an excuse to be giving their lives to it, like gang did. Since they with their free will did give their lives to it, and did not repent to forsake it. It's their fault that it's going to hold on to them. Why should not good exist since every one wants to experience it. Why should good bow to evil and not be...you are the one who doesn't understand true logic.

  • @darkgiantAGame
    @darkgiantAGame Год назад

    Good for you. I was Adventist till I was 50. I got out. It's just EGW's opinions and stuff. (to me, it's Judaism for Gentiles and Jesus is just the public mascot, the public face they present. The catholic church worships Mary the mother of Jesus and the Adventist church worships Ellen G White. The church is really about EGW's opninions and she is not speaking for God.) I went to "the most Jesus only church" I could find. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life" and He wants people to follow Him only. He is not the Lone Ranger with Tonto (EGW) along. It's just the lone ranger (Jesus). And got rebaptized in the Baptist church. Jesus's teachings are "other-centered" relationships. Lots of people in the Baptist church are a little nuts, but I don't worry about people anymore. I focus on serving God and just listening to the sermons about God and Christ and relationships.

  • @flexx7611
    @flexx7611 8 месяцев назад

    Nothing new here. People has been leaving the SDA from as early as it was discovered that it teaches a false gospel.

    • @jack-ch5lr
      @jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад

      Yrs. Seems very juggmental

  • @valexiel
    @valexiel 2 года назад

    Would you like for a female that you did not care to be with, to order you to be with her just because she had the power to have you comply?

  • @soldieroflightchuuk7006
    @soldieroflightchuuk7006 2 года назад +1

    Focus on Jesus christ 💯

  • @lorrettabell8348
    @lorrettabell8348 3 года назад +8

    Thanks for sharing your experience. God looks on our hearts. So being strick doesn't make one a good Christian. I have some friends and colleagues who are Seventh Day Adventists and they are so humble and upright on Saturdays. Other days Satan control them. Remember I said some not all.

    • @anntte7351
      @anntte7351 2 года назад +1


    • @pinkdollangel
      @pinkdollangel 11 месяцев назад

      @@anntte7351more people should leave SDA

  • @elonbrown5634
    @elonbrown5634 2 года назад

    Good day could you please explain Daniel 8 vs 10

  • @daniellethompsons1718
    @daniellethompsons1718 2 года назад

    My brother at the interim you join the wrong entity - the church.
    You ought to seek Christ.
    The Devil has deceive you immensely. I am a member for the past forty years and I am enjoying this relationship.He give me joy peace and a future.my brother you haven't found The Christ of the Seventh Day Adventist church.I implore you repent and turn, your Father is merciful.

  • @Sixtra
    @Sixtra 4 года назад +2

    About the Biblical flood:
    The ancient city Uruk III collapsed around 2,900.
    Migration or major movements created administrative problems, which in turn were probably due to climatic conditions. In addition, floods were common in the area of ​​the Persian Gulf, so a later mythological interpretation of the fall of early culture took the form of a flood story.
    The Sumerian royalist gives the name of the last king and tells where he reigned: "In Shuruppak, Ubar-Tutu ruled as king for 18,600 years ... So the river swept across the country."
    According to the myth, it happened on the storm god Enlil's advice and with devastating consequences, a motif that, much later, gained entry into the Old Testament through the stories of Noah (Gen. 6-8).

  • @williamn1033
    @williamn1033 Год назад

    God's Word says...not philosophy..Aristotle was a great philosopher but pagan:
    The church history concerning Sunday and the sabbath the whole world marches to the beat of a seven day week for some reason. . God blessed a day and never turn away from it. He reinstituted it before Mt. Sinai with the manna in the desert after being in exile 400 years in Egypt. It wasn't Moses's law or any man's law. It was written by the hand of God on tables of stone. Moses wrote none of the 10 Commandments.
    Hebrews 4:2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
    3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.
    4 For he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
    5 And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.
    6 Seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:
    7 Again, he limits a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
    8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
    9 There remains therefore a rest to the people of God.
    10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
    11 Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
    (...how can God expect a people to observe a law that had not already been given concerning the manna issue ? just like it was wrong for Cain to kill Abel and Jacob to deceive his brother, or Joseph to deny his master's wife to participate in adultery, so was God's other laws in effect. )
    God did not create a devil, he made an angel with freewill. God is a social being and made us in his image as social beings. Sad you departed from being a Christian and no savior from Yourself.

  • @cc-cy
    @cc-cy 3 года назад +1

    why not ask TMH those questions? Angels are messengers with free will .Some obeyed some disobeyed..Plus why be any part of organised religion?..and that is the problem right there. Just be a follower of Christ . All said in love brother.

  • @derrekruiters2279
    @derrekruiters2279 2 года назад

    Generally speaking on the question of creation vs evolution and the existence God I once heard that atheists or evolutionists have more faith and religion than Christians. We know that Christianity put it all in God. His our scap goat for every. God. If u go way way way back to let before Let There Be Light (atoms, molecules , electrons, force , energy) we make it easy ...God. But atheist if you really come to think about it believe in something greater. They believe that nothing , by nothing, with nothing , for nothing begat everything. That take a lot more faith than attributing it all to an intelligent design...just a thought .

  • @jesusfollower6510
    @jesusfollower6510 2 года назад

    Hi, I am very interested in understanding why certain people leave the SDA church. And I think there are good reasons. However when you speak of God creating angels to be worship, I mean, that’s an answer you got from the church “most respectable” men. Why are you taking their words for absolute Christian truth? Could there be another reason?
    If I follow your logic, you think it’s morally wrong to bring children into this world because they will experience suffering, correct? In order to be coherent, you would have to agree either not to have children, or to say, humans are immoral therefore they bring children into this world.
    Do you view it differently? Am I proposing a false dichotomy?

  • @Bromos777
    @Bromos777 5 месяцев назад

    Repent dude. Human intelligence can never compare to God.
    How did this world and life come into existence ? No philosophy can answer this and many other questions about life and nature. So with just a few questions you have about sda make you decide to leave. I think there is more to that you are concealing or you are not aware of.

  • @sofiawill7399
    @sofiawill7399 3 года назад +1

    Not being mean or judging u but this is the end of the world ppl why do leave it it s the good church for us but do what u think can make u happy

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад

      It's been the "end of the world" since the 1800s, yet here we are on RUclips

  • @andino_usa3302
    @andino_usa3302 2 года назад

    Bro I'm going Coptic

  • @trustedingod1181
    @trustedingod1181 2 года назад

    If you cannot believe in the teachings of SDA that are more biblical base then which church will you believe? Sunday worshippers are the worse of dirty doctrines. But if you choose to leave the church simply there are mistakes here and there,you have missed the point. Even Jesus was accused of dining and winning with sinners because they didn't understand what Jesus was teaching. Forget what happened and follow your Bible. I believe with all my heart SDA are rights in their teachings even if there are small mistakes from leaders. They are human and we have not yet ascended into heaven where perfection prevails.

    • @markwitham3812
      @markwitham3812 2 года назад +1

      Your comment begins on a assumption “teachings of SDA that are more biblical…”. SDA’s have 25,000,000 million words from Ellen White, and unfortunately we have the reputation of “EGW being our Bible”. Not my words, but if the Bible and the Bible alone were our focus, only then could we be apart of God’s Remnant, that Remnant can never be a denomination. Denominations are man’s open rebellion against God to write a customized Gospel. Many are offended when the Church is referenced as Babylon; Babylon is better depicted by 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide. One excommunicated Adventist Dr./Pastor/Theologian said it Best “God will have a people, not a denomination”. You mentioned “Sunday Worshippers are the Worst form of…..”. Sorry but worshiping one day over another is still idolatry.

    • @jack-ch5lr
      @jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад

      You hatred of other churches seems to be choking your mind. Judging other churches and people is contrary to Gods teaching. You seems full of hate. Christian ! ?!What a joke

  • @carolineona9635
    @carolineona9635 3 года назад +4

    Be very careful in what you are presenting against the Seventh Day Adventist, it may never be the church you are battling against. It is biblically clear in Ephesians 6:12- For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, agaisnt spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
    It further gives a warning to those that does not speak according to the scriptures. In Colossians 2:8- It further warns, Beware lest anyone cheat you through Philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world and not according to christ. I will pray for you and hope you re asses yourself getting back to where you originated from. It is also biblical that anyone who does not speak of God is of from the devil.🙏

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +1

      So I should be worried about something that I no longer believe in and your evidence for that is the book designed to specifically support your beliefs 🤦🏾‍♂️

  • @smithmwinuka7861
    @smithmwinuka7861 3 года назад +3

    There is non to blame for your misconceptions of God’s character. God takes it upon himself to reveal his character through scripture, nature and experience. It is up to each and everyone of us to come to true understanding of God. Retrace your education on scripture and philosophy.
    When I listen to you, you are not disturbed with people but with the image of God that you grew up knowing. I hope you are doing well in your journey.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +1

      Yes, the God character was revealed to me in scripture. I saw a character who killed a man for pulling out, drowned kids and animals across the world, sent bears to kill children for making bald jokes, seems a great guy 👍🏾

    • @KashSpeaks
      @KashSpeaks 3 года назад +1

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 I pray for your deliverance brother. I too renounced from the SDA doctrine but I still try to have a very close relationship with God. I actually just got rebaptized this weekend by a ministry that doesn’t practice false doctrines or believes in denominations. I hope that you have a change of heart about the all loving, all powerful, omnipotent, omnipresent God before it’s too late. I love you and so does Jesus, the son of God who came to this wicked earth and sacrificed his life for our sins. 💜

  • @coreyanderson1457
    @coreyanderson1457 3 года назад

    He didn't create us for the sole purpose of worshipping Him. The Bible tells us that, He created us out of love, because He wanted to, like we want children and we love them and want them to have good lives and to have a relationship with them. But we have free will and The Bible indicates( to me anyway), that we have these choices. God is perfect and just, just as the universe has it's laws that don't alter, so does God. So sin is breaking of the law by choice, usually. And this is destruction. God's angels are messengers, sent to serve. There's a verse in The Bible that tells us this.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад

      The "we want children" analogy isn't good, because 1. some of us don't want children 2. if you are creating children "to have a relationship with them," that's a selfish reason. They didn't choose to exist and didn't ask for that responsibility.

  • @nyimbiri
    @nyimbiri 3 года назад

    Those who control churches are not Prophets,Apostles,Evangelist but Scribes,Pharisee and Sadducee. The 3 Angels message in judgement of the Dead and Rev 18:1 is judgement of the living. The church teaches judgement of the dead which is out of date expired message in 1888.

  • @nahshonwanyangu5386
    @nahshonwanyangu5386 3 года назад +2

    "...if it were possible,they shall deceive the very elect."Matthew 24:24
    Indeed Christ was right...my brother has been DECEIVED!

  • @mechellemalveda5040
    @mechellemalveda5040 3 года назад +1

    If you only asking to the member why you should not reading the bible..beacause SDA believe in the bible..,,..

    • @cynthiathompson5216
      @cynthiathompson5216 2 года назад

      If you truly want to KNOW GOD He says He will reveal Himself, He will Teach & Guide us by His Holy Spirit…

    • @cynthiathompson5216
      @cynthiathompson5216 2 года назад

      As for angels- the Bible says they were created for a purpose as well as we were for fellowship & to give that love to others by serving Gid & each other. Our purpose is for a loving relationship w our Creator & to serve Him out of Love not Fear

  • @flexx1018
    @flexx1018 4 месяца назад

    Just say you left Christianity. By listening to you it's obvious that you barely knew much about SDA or Christianity in general. It didn't seem like you understood the basic principle of the Gospel and the nature of God. You may lay that blame at the foot of Adventism and their teaching or lack thereof.

  • @ruebengariremo424
    @ruebengariremo424 2 года назад

    You recieved a strong delusion for you to believe a lie,by so doing the devil is now in control on your life

  • @valexiel
    @valexiel 2 года назад

    God is love and love requires choice.

  • @horacemckenzie2377
    @horacemckenzie2377 2 года назад

    Why do you let satan deceive you .if you can show me one place in the bible that tell you that sunday is a day of worship,i will come and
    Worship with you ..
    Have a nice day and stop let satan deceive you ..

  • @Viviana-cq9sq
    @Viviana-cq9sq 3 года назад

    In my opinion the last two questions were asked to the wrong people but no human knows why God created angels because we weren't there. And not everything is written so of course we have a lot of questions but such can only be answered by God.

  • @user-tt5pz4wn1x
    @user-tt5pz4wn1x Год назад

    What are your views now

  • @c.loreto6990
    @c.loreto6990 3 года назад +3

    The angel Lucifer seems to be teaching you well. 🤣🤣 Cmon. What do you really have against sda? It’s not that they believe that God created angels for worship because just about all denominations believe that. It’s what the Bible says. So you are not against sda, you are against God. The word of God also says in the last days many shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.

    • @alanbird7781
      @alanbird7781 3 года назад

      When have Christians not been saying it’s the last days? 1843, 1844 and the SDA have been saying Jesus’ return is imminent since that time. It is a very very slow imminent.
      Btw 2 Peter 3:3 is talking about the last days as already existent at the time the author was writing.
      Look at Acts 2:14-17 Peter says at Pentecost that their were already living in the last days
      In Hebrew 1:2 says “but in these last days...”
      So that is now 2000 years delay...... enjoy your waiting🤣

    • @shemroygeddes3087
      @shemroygeddes3087 3 года назад +1

      @@alanbird7781 my friend Bible prophecy times are different from what we know...in prophecy a mean a year...the Bible talks many will be laughing at Christians who say He is coming ( He compares it with the days of Noah Matt 24) we are living in the last days and it is who endure will be saved

    • @alanbird7781
      @alanbird7781 3 года назад

      @@shemroygeddes3087 In 2 Peter it talks about scoffers, because Christians were expecting the return of the Lord back in there day, and it had not arrived.
      Remember what Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” Luke 21:32
      In Hebrews 10:7 it says “For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. “
      “This generation” Jesus was talking to passed away almost 2000 years ago. and the “in just a very little while” was written 2000 years ago.
      If you are SDA then can I ask why the investigative judgement, which began In 1844, is taking the second person of the godhead so long? I thought god was omniscient?

    • @shemroygeddes3087
      @shemroygeddes3087 3 года назад

      @@alanbird7781 well my friend i first would like for u to read up on the earthly santuary before I can answer that question... remember Jesus is our High Priest petitioning on our behalf...we are saved by grace but is judged by our works so go to deu Lev and get some background information on the earthly santuary because it was designed off the heavenly santuary

    • @alanbird7781
      @alanbird7781 3 года назад

      @@shemroygeddes3087 that is not what I asked.
      I asked why is the investigative judgement taking so long? 1844 until 2021 is 177 years - so why does Jesus need 177 years and counting?
      As for my other questions. Jesus said he would return within the lifetime of the generation he was speaking to? Jesus thought he was returning within the lifetime of the people he was addressing.
      How come in Hebrews the writer said “in a very little while” Jesus will return. How can almost 2000 years be considered “in a very little while”?
      Here is another for you
      1 Cor 7: 26-31: “Considering the present distress, I think it is better for a man to stay as he is. Do you have a wife? Then don’t try to get rid of her. Are you unmarried? Then DON’T LOOK FOR A WIFE. …There is not much time left, and from now on married men should live as though they were not married… For this world, as it is now, will not last much longer.
      Why did Paul tell the Corinthians if they can control their passion then it is better not to marry because Jesus is coming back soon. Paul was telling the Corinthians that Jesus is coming back anytime now, within your lifetime, so why bother to marry?
      For 2000 years there has not been a time when Christians have not said Jesus is due soon. Jesus is always coming, but never arriving!
      There is a reason for that. He was a failed prophet who lived and died 2000 years ago.

  • @lynettebeckles9842
    @lynettebeckles9842 2 года назад +1

    1John 2:19

  • @timjimconnolly7sda
    @timjimconnolly7sda 3 года назад

    I am deaf... If the universal ( space) doesn't have any rocks or piles of earth or suns or fire and just black in space lonely. then how did earth get here? how did life get here if there is no God? HOW? so I believe in Him and obey His commandments with love what I read the bible. Jesus loves you so much. I love SDA. smile.

  • @vvvttoo5879
    @vvvttoo5879 2 года назад

    Happy Sabbath boy

  • @jack-ch5lr
    @jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад

    Glad you daw the ligjt.Seems SDA always breaking down other denominations. That is hateful

  • @livingstonesilo9800
    @livingstonesilo9800 Год назад

    Your level of reasoning is too shallower than what the Holy Spirit teaches to true believers, through the Holy Scriptures alone. GOD's word which in itself has the inherent power that once called our world into existence. Study harder. ❤️😊🙏🏽
    The mind of GOD even though cannot be fully comprehend is manifest through the studying and obeying of His Holy Scriptures. You either study and obey the mind of GOD our CREATOR or study man's fallible philosophies and vain traditions of men. Deuteronomy 29:29
    [29]“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter."
    KJV 1 Corinthians 1:19-20 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

  • @karen1900
    @karen1900 3 года назад

    Why did your parent decide to come together and decided to keep you, their desires for you to remain in the church and you think otherwise and the list goes 0n....parents have their kids and expect obedience yet some of us do 0therwise

  • @JesusIsComingBackSoonBeReady
    @JesusIsComingBackSoonBeReady 4 года назад +5

    It is so surprising how the questions you had and the answers you got somehow caused you to have doubt and stepped away from the faith.
    I'm not a Seventh Day Adventist but I was of an atheist mindset who was once puzzled and troubled because of all the questions I had too. I was even upset with this so called supernatural being who I couldn't see. I wasn't sure if He was even real.
    I didn't really ask anyone to answer them, I simply challenged 'God', sought Him in spirit and truth. I humbly desired to know the truth about life, why He allows suffering, why He created Satan, why why why. I had so many whys, hows, where, what, whens.....And you know what happened? God answered my questions and revealed Himself to me.
    I'm now a born again believer in Jesus Christ. I'm a non denominational believer who rely totally on God's Holy Spirit as He imparts wisdom to understand His Words. I don't even call myself Christian because anyone say they are a Christian these days but live sinful lives. I believe the Catholic faith is pagan and they are actually enemies of God.
    He continued to reveal many truths, opened my eyes and been guiding me on this journey.
    I would recommend a book to you called 'Knowing God' by J.i packer. Really good book!
    I would also encourage you to watch Minister Derek Prince sermons here on RUclips. He studied philosophy until he met Jesus and his life was never the same.
    God is faithful and true, His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.
    You will find every answer to your questions if you ask God personally, humbly in spirit and truth.
    I remember when I initially started seeking truth, I was led to this website. Though I don't endorse nor agree with every answer they have, the Lord used it as a way to get my attention and heart ready as He revealed Himself to me.
    God bless you! I dont know you. Its strange how I even ended up on your video but one thing I must tell you, Jesus loves you and He will finish the work He started in you from a child.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  4 года назад +1

      This is the perfect place for you to tell the viewers of this video the answer God gave you, on why Satan was created.

    • @loudcryministriesnetwork
      @loudcryministriesnetwork 4 года назад


    • @dku746
      @dku746 4 года назад +2

      Apart From The Obvious you have to be careful with the wisdom of men bro. Paul even warns of it because people will place higher authority over it than God’s Wisdom which is pure and Holy. I used to be like you bro, an atheist materialist, I pray that you turn back to Jesus bro. Philosophy only subjects reality to yourself and what you think of it which is Satanic. Be careful with continental philosophy.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад

      @@dku746 Did you just say be careful with the wisdom of men and bring up the misogynist hero Paul? 😂
      Beautiful irony

    • @imaghost6931
      @imaghost6931 2 года назад +1

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 Paul was a human but as an XChristian U should have known that though the authors of the books of the Bible were mere mortals they were inspired by the Holy spirit to write these things so the writing's are no longer of man's wisdom and understanding but of God's.

  • @harrisonmwanga9812
    @harrisonmwanga9812 2 года назад

    U are not Seventh u just go there by name.

    • @jack-ch5lr
      @jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад

      He has seen the light

  • @tonypalmer8940
    @tonypalmer8940 2 года назад

    Well my brother sorry to say that you are completely delusional in your thinking, I your questions are off key. The bible is the most authentic book of events that were pre-destined before time and have come true. Yes, I understand that you have doubts about The founder, as I do, I actually before that she is not a prophet And her teachings have many floors. The most important thing is to live humble and study the word of God. having a personal relationship with God is a deep experience and an inter personal connection with God. I know for myself that what I have experience in my life through God is very deep. I am truly convinced that he does exist, , and so are many other Christians with similar experience will say the same.
    Seek God through fasting and prayer and ask him to reveal himself to you through the Holy Spirit. You will be amazed what you will accomplish.

  • @karenmoodley4186
    @karenmoodley4186 3 года назад +10

    Ahhh, l pray that God will give you insight to know what is true and what is untrue....be blessed

  • @joshuamartinpryce8424
    @joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад

    There is logic behind Noah's ark. Obviously i know what you are going to say, and regards to amount of animals that actually would of been able to fit in the ark. You have to remember that there origins of every species, the number doesnt even have to amount to 1,000,000. Mixing happened, just as Adam and eves descendants mixed. Besides, can you count at least to 1,000,000 animals and insects and fish, etc. Of course not, science says there are millions of species of different kinds of creatures, but no one actually knows for sure.

  • @wolukawujulius3343
    @wolukawujulius3343 3 года назад +3

    I regret watching your video,how do you even question God’s ways?? Simply because He created Lucifer, you start questioning God’s mercy,love ..... and you become an atheist?!? God forgive you.Lucifer is the origin of sin,how sin entered him? we don’t know,to try to find out is trying to justify sin,my brother I pray you repent and accept Jesus Christ once again 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +2

      Lucifer is origin of sin? But who created Lucifer.
      It's funny how Christian logic works.
      Apparently I'm created by God despite the generations before me. And everything on this earth is created by God because he gave men the ideas.
      But as soon as something negative is created, God is absolved of all responsibility.
      It's very simple, in the Biblical story, sin would not exist, if God didn't create Lucifer.

  • @tacos394
    @tacos394 3 года назад +6

    please make more videos we need more voices like yours

  • @princechimucheka6258
    @princechimucheka6258 3 года назад

    I seem not to understand robust laws being spoken about.
    Jesus' teaching is justice, mercy and love Mtt 23.Which is our fundamentals. And above all the the second Advent of Jesus Christ making us to seek righteousness given through Christ's blood.The problem with you is that you sought unnecessary things,what does the existence and creation Angels have to do with you!.It's like asking why God made you,It's an act of his amazing love and inexhaustible immeasurable power.
    Fear God and G the creator keep his commandments,that is our spirit Eccl 12:13

  • @PatrickSmith-hv1um
    @PatrickSmith-hv1um 2 года назад


  • @derrekruiters2279
    @derrekruiters2279 2 года назад

    Sorry I did not complete my first comment. I was will saying : The thing you and I both lacked in the churches we were born into is what i later found in a Pentecostal church by an EXPERIENCE.
    The difference being u didnt seem to turn to God and who ever you hoped or wished or imagined him to truly be ...you turned to man. And man failed you. As they did me. Now I'm may be jumping the gun here and responding after just one video but I think I catch your drift. It is rather disappointing that your failed to seek God while still a SDA and failed ask him if he is truly real to reveal himself to you if indeed all that is bible says about him to true. Why didn't leave it to theory without seeking the practical ? Its disappointing that the Church left you with no one to look up to and aspire to be like. It's even sadder that Jesus himself was not that one person. So as much as I believe your questions are deep: To play devils advocate or constructively criticize you I'd say your search lacked real depth, real soul, it was too carnal and lacked a hunger for personal encounter with this God who had become reduced by philosophy and science to a figment of religious imagination. I assume thats what god is to you now?
    If so I challenge you to go right back to where you by passed the chance to test and see if God can prove himself real to you. If there is any hunger and thirst for righteousness in you. Not what church is right or wrong. Just ask God daily to prove himself real to you , if indeed he is real, loving and powerful.
    After all if u die and find out that indeed their is no God u have lost nothing. But is you die and realise that oops ...bad mistake I misunderstood God and now face him as a Juge who you rejected as your advocate...WHAT THEN? Judges do what judges do . Weigh evidence of judge accordingly. Currently you have made yourself Gods judge. And thereby become a God unto yourself... a God is an object of worship...even if that object is the idol of your own opinions.
    Pease and no I'll meant . DERREK

  • @remsdonny3293
    @remsdonny3293 2 года назад

    To many false prophets...

  • @cruzan8183
    @cruzan8183 3 года назад

    I have a simple question. Why does god delay his return. The longer that he delays his return. The more human suffering will increase. The population of the continues to increase, there will be more people to destroy.

    • @krissyhall2838
      @krissyhall2838 3 года назад

      He wish no man should perish.There are many who are to be saved.He’s patient.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +2

      The obvious answer is, because it's fiction

    • @cruzan8183
      @cruzan8183 3 года назад

      @@krissyhall2838 please reread my statement. The longer that he delays his coming the more people that will be destroyed.

    • @cruzan8183
      @cruzan8183 3 года назад

      @@krissyhall2838 the longer he waits the more human suffering. The longer he waits the more people for him to destroy. They say that the flood was to destroy man because of how sinful he was. There supposedly was a flood but man is just as sinful. That sounds like a failed effort to me .

    • @krissyhall2838
      @krissyhall2838 3 года назад

      @@cruzan8183 He wish no man should perish.There are many coming to still give their lives to Christ.Scripture says he will never destroy the world with a flood again.Certain things have to take place before Jesus comes back period.Prophecy must come to past as scripture says.The ones who he will destroy in the end are the ones who chose not to follow Christ and follow the ways of the world.It's nothing for a person of faith to suffer for the sake of Christ because this world isn't our home and we know where we are going next.Scripture that comes to mind is Genesis 18:22-33 check it out.God Bless :)

  • @johnandreas6411
    @johnandreas6411 3 года назад +1


    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +2

      I'm done with Christianity for good. Your cap locks aren't really an effective way of changing that.

    • @johnandreas6411
      @johnandreas6411 3 года назад

      Brother i can not change you,either God can change you or you can change yourself,what decision you make will benifit yourself.
      We have the power of choice.
      God Bless

    • @UniteAgainstEvil
      @UniteAgainstEvil 2 года назад

      @@apartfromtheobvious7783 please don't let a heretical cult turn you away from Jesus. He is the truth, not any cult or denomination... please

  • @sireisrael1056
    @sireisrael1056 4 года назад +2

    Bro there’s a lot you don’t understand You’re going to choose philosophy man’s thinking over the Bible which is The creator thinking yes Seventh-day Adventists is of the devil but the Bible and all the other books are true The same people who have been sleeving your brain with philosophy is the same people that gave you Christianity Open your bible and read the mysteries for yourself and wake up understand before you speak out that’s the one that created you shalom brother .

    • @Hey_itsmary.2
      @Hey_itsmary.2 4 года назад

      Why did you say that "Seventh day Adventist is of the devil"?

    • @AdrianCardwell
      @AdrianCardwell 3 года назад +1

      I would respond, but I have no idea what you’re trying to say.

  • @christineleopold1071
    @christineleopold1071 3 года назад +1

    You list a lot of biblical stories you don't believe in Noah/Jonah/Israelite captivity/tower of babel etc. With so much doubt it's understandable for you to cast religion aside.
    What you can't cast aside is that little voice inside that calls , that void that nothing mortal fills... You can say you feel relieved but you know deep down...there is more.
    Don't let Satan cast the seeds of doubt in your heart, there will always be questions. What there will always be as well...is God's love. If you trust in nothing else trust that.

  • @geetha.baskar
    @geetha.baskar 3 года назад

    God has done his part so let us do our's... it's simple and you don't want to look into someone or follow someone for it is written in John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. The 4th one being remember the sabbath and keep it holy . And people know it falls on Saturday, the wise one do observe and the lazy one find out reason to stay away and in my country recently churches have started giving statement theat they are aware of the sabbath but and so they are celebrating sunday to be the resurrection day. So what they do on this day...nothing special than for a meet up for an hour or 2 are they studying God's word, yes earlier they did but now more concentration on music n dance , less preaching and one opening prayer n one closing prayer but more of a fashion show. Now a days all have started writing and singing so they want to sell their books and CD s didn't u know what it is in the scripture Matthew 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
    Except the holy scripture you have started cocentrating on all other unwanted. Start reading the scripture and understand either you'll become holy or evil friends will go away from u and finally there will be an end for false preacher / preaching and prophet for jesus said John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

  • @remsdonny3293
    @remsdonny3293 2 года назад

    U are just talking with no evidence.. truth is in the bible.

  • @alanbird7781
    @alanbird7781 3 года назад

    I like your video, and I hope you get back to making more,
    I do have one criticism of this video.
    1/ God created Angels because he desired to be worshipped,
    Is this a SDA belief? or is this just uninformed leaders not knowing their theology?
    Anyway, Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental, and major Protestant denominations such as Anglican and Lutheran would disagree.
    Let us change your statement about angels and worship to read:
    Q/ Why does God demand that his creation worships him?
    A/ God commands his creation to worship him not because he desires worship from us, but because it is good for us to worship God.
    Why is this?
    1/ God is the greatest Good - compared to the Christian God there is no greater good (goodness).
    We should honour, respect, praise and emulate that which is good.
    Since God is the greatest good there is, we should honour, respect, praise and emulate God.
    Therefore God commands us to worship him because it is good for us to worship God and not because God desires our worship for God’s own sake!
    To say God desires our worship for God’s own sake would be considered blasphemous in traditional Christian theology.
    BTW I am an atheist.

    • @c.loreto6990
      @c.loreto6990 3 года назад

      God creating angels is not a denomination belief, that is just what the Bible says. Just about all denominations believe God created angels, so what new lie is Lucifer telling him?😄

    • @alanbird7781
      @alanbird7781 3 года назад +1

      @@c.loreto6990 Yes, of course all denominations believe God created angels. That was not my point.
      I was commenting on the idea that God created angels because he wished to be worshipped.
      That is what most major Christian denominations would disagree with.
      I disagree with them all - there is no god.
      And if there was a god then a plagiarist like Ellen G White would not be his prophet.

  • @L_NKZ
    @L_NKZ 3 года назад

    Hey beloved❤Try and listen to the teachings of the man of God Prophet Dr David Owuor his teachings are real interessting preparing us for the coming of the Messiah,may you be blessed dear

  • @thetinybluehouse
    @thetinybluehouse 2 года назад +1

    Os vaya bien. I stay SDA forever

  • @Sunflower-zc9fr
    @Sunflower-zc9fr 3 года назад +3

    I went to that church once. Not to be a member but just as an observer. I ended up getting baptized. But i could'nt except they beliefs once i started studying for myself. I am no longer a member and it feels great. 😀

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад +1

      Congrats on escaping :)

    • @mathewkimson1892
      @mathewkimson1892 Год назад

      Blessed are those who keeps the faith and the testimony of Jesus Christ.... you will not regrets it.
      Atheists need not being the existence of God because it beyond God's Wisdom.

    • @jack-ch5lr
      @jack-ch5lr 7 месяцев назад

      Yeah .Seems life false beliefs

  • @EmileKleinhans
    @EmileKleinhans 3 года назад +1

    Hi sir. I would recommend reading the study of the covenants by Chris Lee. It is on Life assurance ministries. It shows you exactly the difference and how everything points to Jesus Christ. It has 14 pages.

  • @partlysimpson5154
    @partlysimpson5154 7 месяцев назад

    U need jesus, not follow detominations

  • @bryllebadiana373
    @bryllebadiana373 3 года назад +1

    You reasons that, because i think you simply maybe love your sin and weaknesses.

    • @apartfromtheobvious7783
      @apartfromtheobvious7783  3 года назад

      If tattoos and premarital sex are immoral and sins, then yes I love sins ✌🏾

  • @bryllebadiana373
    @bryllebadiana373 3 года назад +1

    We will pray for you.

  • @Stefan-X24
    @Stefan-X24 3 года назад

    Where is part 2?

  • @favystory4188
    @favystory4188 3 года назад +1

    Yes, philosophical studies changed my mind about the whole of Christianity and SDA’s as well.