I have this aspect.. I was raised by a very emotionally abusive father. I had to cook dinner every night and clean the house every day since I was 9. He never really helped me with anything, if I had to go to the doctors I had to make the appointment and schedule it around his schedule. I controlled his finances to make sure the bills were mailed in on time. I didn’t have much of a childhood. However as a 24 year old I feel very mature compared to my friends and peers. It was hard and sad in retrospect but I kind of got a jump start at “adulting” lol. I do try to always look at the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.
My dad used to threaten to put my face in dog shit if I didn't want to work for free. Difficult manual labor. Started as a child. Like 12 years old. Now I can work hard 6-7 days a week and I know how to do just about everything on the job site. City inspections get passed on all my projects with flying colors. Always works perfectly first time these days. Shutting the fuck up and just doing it brought many benefits. Also, I am in a better financial position than most and can get a job literally anywhere. One thing I learned... Don't think, just do. :) Infinite wisdom right there.
Omg. I felt like I was reading my story from yours Whitney. I am 24 now, a 96. I was bit by a buckle area of his many leather belts frequently for things like literally playing with other kids outside in just past 7 pm or, by being 6th position out of 25 kids in class, making loud noises or uttering a word during eating, serving him food without being an OCD level of cleanliness and make sure you do knock before you enter his room only just 3 times. etc. He was a very strickt man and I had to take care of him for a year when he was sick (mental issue and this can be seen from my Mercury, sun & Rahu conjunction on the 10th house as they appear on my birth chart. The reason I am learning astrology today is to understand why he had to experience dimentia in his life to this day. He started at the age of 33 in 2007 Saturn mutual aspect with sun. he was freaking smart ever). All my other siblings had a different experience. My young siter learned to cook way late. Haha. She is 22. Imagine. He was extremely harsh to me more than her or my other brother. Although he is harsh and strickt by nature. I am not hurt by this today like i were yesterday. haha. I do not mind sharing. But this has not only been from my father alone. It is the entire family responsibilty for me. I have cooked for my family everyday all my teen years on every other day. I did the chores in the house NO MATTER THE WHO WAS THERE. I STARTED AT 5 BUT IT WAS MORE AND MORE AROUND MY TEEN YEARs. just graduated and I am back home just to be handed over everything to me by my family from doing the house chores to any family bussiness ever. with assurance that it will get done. There is nothing at home I can not do and I am not a female but just as experienced at least for my African culture were men do not touch the chores inside the house. But guess what. my peers think I am too serious for my age. mostly when it comes to work and conversations do get wierd.! blame my family! Lol...
I have this combination and my father was strict, you could never joke with him. He would be miserable 80% of the time, he would take his work problems out on the family. I have rarely seen him smile. He did love me but he didn't know how to show it, he was one of those people who had the money to retire would talk about how great retirement is and still work instead of retiring. Pleasing him was incredibly difficult, it's probably mentally screwed me up in some way or another because there was a lot of arguing between family members in my childhood. I wouldn't parent a child like that, I would set boundaries but I wouldn't abuse them like this mutual aspect does. This mutual aspect reminds me of people who have to grow up quick and think for themselves, they rarely have the support of their father emotionally. There were times when it was too much and I would think about throwing myself in front of a train, then I would think there are people in the world who have it a lot worse. At least I have shelter, food and an education. There are people out there begging for food and sleeping on the street. Who knows what life I would get next, I could have to go through this again. That is probably one of the main reasons these people work hard, because they know ability in humans is set, if you work hard you can achieve more and get out of the struggle you are in now. For sure I am one of the hardest working people you will meet, I have put 100% into whatever I have done, whether that is work or education. People often have regrets in hiring me initially and then realise, my god, this guy is a superstar. I am a firm believer in the Bhagavad Gita that through hard work all things are possible and when you can't think of what to do next, work. I have Saturn in the 10th house (house of karma) and Sun in the 4th house (house of home). Of the entire chart, Saturn in the 10th is probably the most difficult position for Saturn to be. It pushes you to the edge of your work ethic and rewards you very late in life, you can be working 10 times as hard as other people and get a third of the reward.
My younger brother has this too .... he's very irresponsible about his work and never studies and my father is really tensed with him.... I'm also worried.... whether he'll be able to get a job.....afterall he has to take care of parents in future 😐 Ps- his Saturn is in gemini in 10th house and sun in sag in 4th house.... My brother feels the same way as you...as he's being tortured....but actually he's the most irresponsible dude in our whole family.... May god at 33 everything would become fine
@@sandhyayadav9003 it's either because of you Guys who makes him feel irresponsible .. I to have this combination Saturn in 4th house in gemeni and sun in 10th house in Sagittarius .. Even I feels tortured and my family thinks the same about me as you guys think about your brother .. Believe me we are noti like that stop torturing us 😔😔
Sun 5th house with merc and jup gemini. Saturn 11th house saggitarius. Yes my father was very disciplined, but that was a good thing. When ever life was hard he learned me that I could choose to cry about it but it was better to also change the situation even when I am down. He learned me to think practical sometimes and make the right choices. I really had lots of responsibilities regarding my older brother wich is mentally and physically disabled. I always had to stood up for him and whenever life was hard my parents said: look at your brother, he also has a lot of difficulties but he deals with it too. It helped me but also not because most of the time there was no room for me to feel what I feel for myself. It was always compared with ny brother wich I think is not the same.
Did you find your friends cousins and uncles were harsh or underhanded? Did you outshine them? I am wondering because I also have this aspect and am interested in astrology.
You won't believe how serious I am. My childhood ended when I was 4 years old. And people are "afraid" of me - by that I mean they feel restricted in my presence.
@@aniruddhazimare6178 What are you, a troll? Stop messing with other people on the Internet. The one needing to change for the better is yourself. No one invited you to this Talk.
My sun is in the eigth and my father was physically violent.. I was beaten and abused to no end.. he didn't do this for my benefit though. I went to school with bruise marks under myeyes. Mean, selfish and plain abusive.. I'm 30 and the pain just doesn't heal. Today he's old and pretends that nothing happened. Sweet talks. I am lost..lost.
I am a Capricorn ascendant,my moon is in conjunction with Saturn (11th house) and aspecting sun which is in conjunction with mercury (5th house). So,I can say both of ur videos sun-moon,sun-satrun are correct.I invest most of my energies on work,father has never used stick but yaa he has always mentally tortured me (but that's ok)...and my mother is my emotional backbone.I am a filmmaker by profession.Thank you Kapil...keep doing good work.
Yeah it is true. My youngest brother have this aspect with Scorpio rising, Saturn is in 4th house with Sasha mahapursh raj yoga with sun in leo in 10th house. He is very young, but he is very mature in his outlook and also has a sense of responsibility.
most of the time, those with that aspect are Capricorn sun or in certain cases aquarius sun. Thus, it will be pretty useless to do that analysis through signs.
I have it in Aquarius ascendant in 5th house Sun with mercury and Jupiter and 11th Saturn. But contradictoryly I had very close bond with my dad. He was the most ideal person I ever saw. Also very soft person. Nor only from my side but even my father too in his last days considered me his mother like figure. On the other side my husband in Taurus ascendant have sun in first and Saturn in 7th. His father was never strict but withdrawn. His father is a profit and loss statement but my husband takes all responsibilities for him.
With anything u have to see individual birth chart. In ur case sun and jupiter in 5 th and saturn in 11 th is a miraculous placement. Cant get better. The negativity comes when , sun and saturn oppose each other in sensitive houses without any positive effect of jupiter.
@@alaypatel6050plz could u say which house combination give adverse outcomes?? I have 2/8 axis..Saturn in Aquarius sun in leo..Capricorn ascendent..is it affect father son relationship?
My brother has this placement with Sun in Aquarius and Saturn in Leo and trust me my father spoilt him extremely bad. He was youngest of us and my father act like a mother to him. Worried about his every thing from his behavior to his education, clothes, and what not. My brother still act like irresponsible brat and fool around.
Hi Kapiel, you mentioned an upcoming video on Osho Rajneesh. Can you please try doing a video on 'Vijay Mallya' and his 'Kingfisher Airlines'? His downfall and his probable future? He is one of media's most favorite people here in India. You'll also look great in his getup :)
Great vid Kapiel! I don't have this aspect, but Saturn does aspect & conjunct many of my planets (as well as being the Nakshatra Lord of several of my planets) and I can say this, powerful Saturn takes charge...ALWAYS. My whole life it seems, has been ruled by Saturn (which is a tough blessing). Sometimes I wonder why I have any other planets in my chart lol
@@abhidahiya4007 Saturn is retrograde for approximately 140 days every year. This is when Sun is 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th from Saturn. In scientific terms, Saturn is retrograde when its arc-distance from the Sun is 115-245 degrees. Check all instances of Saturn (or any outer planet) being directly opposite to the Sun in any year. You will see that it is retrograde. Every time!
Saturn (R) in Aries in 3rd House and Sun with Venus in Libra in the 9th House. I cannot really relate :/ Can anyone help? Are the planets on my chart too weak to even affect each other?
im not really sure but i guess its some sort of neech bhanga or viprit raj yoga? you should check those videos... i guess cuz both of your planets sun and saturn are debilitated BUT also in the other ones sign of exaltation...theres sort of a contract between those planets to not fuck up each others effects... just a guess. My friend has this too but she can relate to the video but its not as bad as the other people in the comments.
I think this guy is focusing his description on sun conjunt trine and square. Sun opposite Saturn often show a father who opposes older traditions and authorities.
You honey coated the harsh reality. Well I do have this conjunction and guess what my father is mildly put never ever saw what I do. He is critic of every single step I take in my life. He was responsible for my anxiety and depression and tell you the truth I would never ever live in the same house with him. That is the only silver lining in my life to live as far away from him as possible. There is many more about him I won't ever tell but yes it would be a blessing if I live away from him.
oh god we relate each other so much! I hate my father!I always wished him to die! Instead my mother died!😔my father pokes his nose in everything I do! Very irritating and I don't want to live with him!😑no person in this world will live with my father!😑he deserves to die soon!😑
Hi, I viewed your Satrun retrograde series. Saturn would stop giving its negative, limiting, slowing effects if it is retrograde as per the video. Any planet opposite sun is retrograde. Than why is it that the seventh aspect of Saturn on Sun is actually effecting Sun in a bad manner.
@@abhidahiya4007 Only Moon is the exception. If you find any other planet which is opposite Sun and is not retrograde than let me know the timing of chart.
I identify with this 1000%. You did sun in the second house in Taurus, and I didn't think it described me. If I exhibit that sun in second house in Taurus kind of behavior, I feel deeply ashamed. Perhaps I do have those tendencies, but they are balanced out by the Mutual aspect with Saturn and the Mutual aspect with Mars.
I have sun in leo in 4th house aspect saturn(R) in Aquarius in 10th house ......i am worried and so much restrain but have strong will power ....please say something about this aspect ....does saturn forms sasa mahapurush yog or not
Ah which means ur lagna is Taurus and sun is in ur ma Stan which is his own house and satirn too is in his own house... Both will be powerful.... Sun will do no harm to u and saturn, inspire of being his son is the enemy of sun... But ur lagnathipan is sukra... Who is friend of saturn so he won't do much harm( remember not much) but he has the tendency to torture people to correct them. So by this it can be right that ur mother is a strong personality and u can b leader in ur work... In order to say more... Need to get the drishti ...I.e other planets' dristhi.... Especially guru shukr and mangal......n.b.I'm nt a jothish... Just said wt I know.... Ignore if its worthless.
Please let me know if both are in Parivartan yoga what will be the result in my Taurus ascendent 4th house Saturn and Ketu...And 10th house Sun with Rahu..(Jupiter exalted moon 7th ☿ 9th and venus 12th house )
What happens if Saturn is deblitated in 8th house sitting with mercury but sun is in 7th house and rashi is within. Can you please tell me what could be the prediction
what happens when rahu sun conjuction in fifth house is aspecting ketu saturn conjuction in the 11th house ? And also when saturn is retrogate? i think it is too much isn't it?
Hi Kapiel, I could not find any video on Mars and Saturn Mutual Aspects. please help me out on this, I got Mars in 1st and Saturn in 4th, where they are aspecting each other. Ty
I have sun in leo on my 1th house navamsa, and saturn in aquarius on 7th house. İs the effect in this case as you mentioned, or they different in navamsa? (thank you by the way:))
Natal chart is always the primary and most dominating factor. After that moon sign and then sun sign. Navamsha comes after that. Don't give it too much importance. It is seen only for specific purposes once all other 3 options have been observed in detail
@peace love do you even know what combustion of a planet is? Combustion happens when a planet is extremely close to sun within same sign(conjunct). Aspects don't result in combustion.
My sun is in 12th house and Saturn is in 6th house and I am cancer ascendant person my birthday is 30 june 1988 8:05 Kolkata west Bengal please tell my life in 33 yrs will be
@@eczmiraozgeulgur Saturn gets directional strength when its in 7th house , in this case its in its own moola thirikona house. You have to see whether its getting any aspect from Jupiter or Venus, you have to analyze the whole chart and d9 chart for marriage. In general Sun in ascendent gives the native dominating and leadership capabilities.
@@eczmiraozgeulgur Then your 7th house is really powerful and your spouse will have all good qualities of Saturn more spiritual as Aquarius is a spiritual house. This is in general, as i said a full detailed analysis has to be done on your D1 and D9 chart. You have to look at planet degrees, aspect strength, current and upcoming mahadashas etc.,.
I have Jupiter and Sun conjunction in 7th house aries aspecting Saturn in 1st house libra in Vimshamsha. May I know the results. Will be waiting for your response.
What could be the meaning of Sun and Saturn mutual aspect, while Sun is in Leo in the 3rd house (Poorva Phalguni nakshatra) and Saturn is in Aquarius in the 9th house in Dhanishta nakshatra ? Do you guys have any idea ?
Why only mutual aspect? Saturn has 3 aspects. I have seen in many horoscopes in which Saturn aspects the sun which is in 3rd house 'from' Saturn. In Sushant's horoscope, scorpio Saturn is aspecting sun which is 3rd house from Saturn. Pls explain Saturn aspect on sun in all these 3 aspects.
Hi kapiel i have dis aspect in navamsha sun in 11 house in aries along wid jupiter n venus n saturn in 5 house of libra .yeah i m v much responaible n mature also bt my father is not strict he always say do watever u thnk is rite.
I have that combination in my chart w/ Sun in 9th house and Saturn Rx in 3rd house. Being past the 36th year, I'm still not exactly sure what having both exalted Sun & exalted Saturn means & how good that combo is natally. Some Jyotish astrologers say that the mutual aspect combo with BOTH exalted isn't great (e.g. would be considered by some to be Uccha Bhanga). However, at the 36th year, there were various positive developments in my life. For example, I could attain certain things that I had a much harder time doing before that point. I had a better sense of self than I did at younger ages (e.g. early 20's). Presumably, it would depend on which houses they fall in.
My 100th comment: feeding the family... nah! That burden... never bro! So check that again. I have exalted Sun in 11th house and exalted Saturn in the 5th house. Sun is ranked 1 in shadbala while Saturn is ranked 2. Saturn is my atmakaraka.
@@pranshupushpam accha so wherever the placements , exalted or debilitated! It will damage people emotionally 💔how come you're so happy brother!and I asked whether you are tamil because of that name pushapam
@@pranshupushpam the most arrogant father this placement gives ! But how come you don't have any problems in life with this placement as you've said in your comment?🤔
I have this aspect.. I was raised by a very emotionally abusive father. I had to cook dinner every night and clean the house every day since I was 9. He never really helped me with anything, if I had to go to the doctors I had to make the appointment and schedule it around his schedule. I controlled his finances to make sure the bills were mailed in on time. I didn’t have much of a childhood.
However as a 24 year old I feel very mature compared to my friends and peers. It was hard and sad in retrospect but I kind of got a jump start at “adulting” lol. I do try to always look at the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives.
My dad used to threaten to put my face in dog shit if I didn't want to work for free. Difficult manual labor. Started as a child. Like 12 years old. Now I can work hard 6-7 days a week and I know how to do just about everything on the job site. City inspections get passed on all my projects with flying colors. Always works perfectly first time these days. Shutting the fuck up and just doing it brought many benefits. Also, I am in a better financial position than most and can get a job literally anywhere.
One thing I learned...
Don't think, just do. :) Infinite wisdom right there.
@@Michael-gs8og that's my brother's name... Discipline
Omg. I felt like I was reading my story from yours Whitney. I am 24 now, a 96. I was bit by a buckle area of his many leather belts frequently for things like literally playing with other kids outside in just past 7 pm or, by being 6th position out of 25 kids in class, making loud noises or uttering a word during eating, serving him food without being an OCD level of cleanliness and make sure you do knock before you enter his room only just 3 times. etc. He was a very strickt man and I had to take care of him for a year when he was sick (mental issue and this can be seen from my Mercury, sun & Rahu conjunction on the 10th house as they appear on my birth chart. The reason I am learning astrology today is to understand why he had to experience dimentia in his life to this day. He started at the age of 33 in 2007 Saturn mutual aspect with sun. he was freaking smart ever).
All my other siblings had a different experience. My young siter learned to cook way late. Haha. She is 22. Imagine. He was extremely harsh to me more than her or my other brother. Although he is harsh and strickt by nature. I am not hurt by this today like i were yesterday. haha. I do not mind sharing. But this has not only been from my father alone. It is the entire family responsibilty for me. I have cooked for my family everyday all my teen years on every other day. I did the chores in the house NO MATTER THE WHO WAS THERE. I STARTED AT 5 BUT IT WAS MORE AND MORE AROUND MY TEEN YEARs. just graduated and I am back home just to be handed over everything to me by my family from doing the house chores to any family bussiness ever. with assurance that it will get done.
There is nothing at home I can not do and I am not a female but just as experienced at least for my African culture were men do not touch the chores inside the house. But guess what. my peers think I am too serious for my age. mostly when it comes to work and conversations do get wierd.! blame my family! Lol...
@@Michael-gs8og Yep! September of 95!
@@krisduboise276 I'm sorry to hear that but happy you have made light of the circumstances.
I have this aspect, and it's made me brutally organized and critical of things....and it seriously bugged me when you burped.
Video starts at1:45
I took responsibility of my inner self growth from early age. Learning about spiritual teachings and finding self, and yes my father is very strict
I have this combination and my father was strict, you could never joke with him. He would be miserable 80% of the time, he would take his work problems out on the family. I have rarely seen him smile. He did love me but he didn't know how to show it, he was one of those people who had the money to retire would talk about how great retirement is and still work instead of retiring. Pleasing him was incredibly difficult, it's probably mentally screwed me up in some way or another because there was a lot of arguing between family members in my childhood.
I wouldn't parent a child like that, I would set boundaries but I wouldn't abuse them like this mutual aspect does. This mutual aspect reminds me of people who have to grow up quick and think for themselves, they rarely have the support of their father emotionally.
There were times when it was too much and I would think about throwing myself in front of a train, then I would think there are people in the world who have it a lot worse. At least I have shelter, food and an education. There are people out there begging for food and sleeping on the street. Who knows what life I would get next, I could have to go through this again.
That is probably one of the main reasons these people work hard, because they know ability in humans is set, if you work hard you can achieve more and get out of the struggle you are in now. For sure I am one of the hardest working people you will meet, I have put 100% into whatever I have done, whether that is work or education. People often have regrets in hiring me initially and then realise, my god, this guy is a superstar. I am a firm believer in the Bhagavad Gita that through hard work all things are possible and when you can't think of what to do next, work.
I have Saturn in the 10th house (house of karma) and Sun in the 4th house (house of home). Of the entire chart, Saturn in the 10th is probably the most difficult position for Saturn to be. It pushes you to the edge of your work ethic and rewards you very late in life, you can be working 10 times as hard as other people and get a third of the reward.
My younger brother has this too .... he's very irresponsible about his work and never studies and my father is really tensed with him....
I'm also worried.... whether he'll be able to get a job.....afterall he has to take care of parents in future 😐
Ps- his Saturn is in gemini in 10th house and sun in sag in 4th house....
My brother feels the same way as you...as he's being tortured....but actually he's the most irresponsible dude in our whole family....
May god at 33 everything would become fine
@@sandhyayadav9003 it's either because of you Guys who makes him feel irresponsible .. I to have this combination Saturn in 4th house in gemeni and sun in 10th house in Sagittarius .. Even I feels tortured and my family thinks the same about me as you guys think about your brother .. Believe me we are noti like that stop torturing us 😔😔
Saturn in 10th is not that bad, it gives assurance of success at work . But sun in fourth is definately had for domestic life.
wow what explanation of this aspect felt like you are explaining my life. great kapiel keep it up.
Sun 5th house with merc and jup gemini. Saturn 11th house saggitarius. Yes my father was very disciplined, but that was a good thing. When ever life was hard he learned me that I could choose to cry about it but it was better to also change the situation even when I am down. He learned me to think practical sometimes and make the right choices. I really had lots of responsibilities regarding my older brother wich is mentally and physically disabled. I always had to stood up for him and whenever life was hard my parents said: look at your brother, he also has a lot of difficulties but he deals with it too. It helped me but also not because most of the time there was no room for me to feel what I feel for myself. It was always compared with ny brother wich I think is not the same.
*taught, not learned
Did you find your friends cousins and uncles were harsh or underhanded? Did you outshine them? I am wondering because I also have this aspect and am interested in astrology.
@@sonakshisaraf8738 I bet you are fun at parties.
@@elissastarshine2968 no
You won't believe how serious I am. My childhood ended when I was 4 years old.
And people are "afraid" of me - by that I mean they feel restricted in my presence.
Audrey Falavigna Osorio so you want sympathy now? Change yourself for the better
Do you like that 'people being afraid of you'? Just asking bcoz I do.
AND??? Maybe you want them to be 'afraid" of you.
@@aniruddhazimare6178 What are you, a troll? Stop messing with other people on the Internet. The one needing to change for the better is yourself. No one invited you to this Talk.
@@irme8930 even I don't remember giving you an invite in this thread
My sun is square Saturn and I don’t know if that is a mutual aspect, but halfway through and I can say it is 100% right!
Em_78 A I hate that he doesn’t clarify that either smh
Bravo. The best description I have came across. I have natal Sun Saturn conjuction at IC. Everything you have said is correct.
Loving this series. Moon and Saturn mutual aspect next please!!!!
My sun is in the eigth and my father was physically violent.. I was beaten and abused to no end.. he didn't do this for my benefit though. I went to school with bruise marks under myeyes. Mean, selfish and plain abusive.. I'm 30 and the pain just doesn't heal. Today he's old and pretends that nothing happened. Sweet talks. I am lost..lost.
thanks for hitting the like button guys :D
thank you :)
lots of struggles
Sun in 4th and saturn in 10th ....both are in leo and aquarius respectively....please explain
I am a Capricorn ascendant,my moon is in conjunction with Saturn (11th house) and aspecting sun which is in conjunction with mercury (5th house). So,I can say both of ur videos sun-moon,sun-satrun are correct.I invest most of my energies on work,father has never used stick but yaa he has always mentally tortured me (but that's ok)...and my mother is my emotional backbone.I am a filmmaker by profession.Thank you Kapil...keep doing good work.
I have the same placements Cap Asc, except Sun is with Venus. Dad is tyrannical and psychotic with Rahu in his Asc lol
I love how his kid is screaming in the background.
Yeah it is true. My youngest brother have this aspect with Scorpio rising, Saturn is in 4th house with Sasha mahapursh raj yoga with sun in leo in 10th house. He is very young, but he is very mature in his outlook and also has a sense of responsibility.
How is relationship with your father
Could you tell us what is his profession?
2:13 main content starts.. 🙂
This is very true I started working at 9years .my Dad was always hard on me In every way .
I like it when you talk about Saturn!
It would have been nice if the results of such aspects in different signs/houses was also discussed.
most of the time, those with that aspect are Capricorn sun or in certain cases aquarius sun. Thus, it will be pretty useless to do that analysis through signs.
I have it in Aquarius ascendant in 5th house Sun with mercury and Jupiter and 11th Saturn.
But contradictoryly I had very close bond with my dad. He was the most ideal person I ever saw. Also very soft person. Nor only from my side but even my father too in his last days considered me his mother like figure.
On the other side my husband in Taurus ascendant have sun in first and Saturn in 7th. His father was never strict but withdrawn. His father is a profit and loss statement but my husband takes all responsibilities for him.
With anything u have to see individual birth chart. In ur case sun and jupiter in 5 th and saturn in 11 th is a miraculous placement. Cant get better. The negativity comes when , sun and saturn oppose each other in sensitive houses without any positive effect of jupiter.
@@alaypatel6050plz could u say which house combination give adverse outcomes?? I have 2/8 axis..Saturn in Aquarius sun in leo..Capricorn ascendent..is it affect father son relationship?
100 percent Sun aspect and 100 percent Mercury aspect for Saturn in my chart.
My brother has this placement with Sun in Aquarius and Saturn in Leo and trust me my father spoilt him extremely bad. He was youngest of us and my father act like a mother to him. Worried about his every thing from his behavior to his education, clothes, and what not. My brother still act like irresponsible brat and fool around.
I c the people with this conjunction they leave far from the father in their childhood
I have Saturn in 5th with moon and sun in the 7th with Venus and rahu, Leo ascendant. I turned 33 a month ago.
What an explanation! So true. Sun and saturn conjuction in 1st house.
Excellent.... EXACT and I do mean exact (I have this in the 1/7 axis)
How z ua married life going ??
May you bless us with conjunctions through houses series..! 😬😇
We want more details on sun in 7 and Saturn in 1 house ....and detail of age 33.....
Hi Kapiel, you mentioned an upcoming video on Osho Rajneesh. Can you please try doing a video on 'Vijay Mallya' and his 'Kingfisher Airlines'? His downfall and his probable future? He is one of media's most favorite people here in India. You'll also look great in his getup :)
Aries ascendant-Leo Sun and Aquarius Saturn
I feel i carry the burden of the world with me, naturally born that way.
How is relationship with father
oh my god... it totally resonates with me...!!!!!
Strict father
Becoming mature at an early age
Have this in my d9 chart. Organised disciplined dedicated serious minded. Very responsible all true .
Great vid Kapiel! I don't have this aspect, but Saturn does aspect & conjunct many of my planets (as well as being the Nakshatra Lord of several of my planets) and I can say this, powerful Saturn takes charge...ALWAYS. My whole life it seems, has been ruled by Saturn (which is a tough blessing). Sometimes I wonder why I have any other planets in my chart lol
Natasha S I feel the same. Saturn seems to overtake them all. And I also like Saturn very much.
Me too! Much respect and love for Saturn :)
What if in this mutual aspect sun is debilitated and saturn is debilitated?
It becomes a raj yog known as neech bhang raj yog
What about , leo Ascendant-
Saturn in Asc. LEO
Sun in Aquarius ; 1-7 axis?
I have also this
Arrest jail accident anything like this during their dasha .
People won't be able to move
Please make a video on Saturn in Scorpio and Mars in Taurus aspects mutually
What if Saturn is retrograde with this aspect
Spencer Russell ......Saturn gives benefits without delay
Saturn will always be retrograde when Sun is aspecting it
It means Saturn is in work mode.
@@abhidahiya4007 Saturn is retrograde for approximately 140 days every year. This is when Sun is 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th from Saturn. In scientific terms, Saturn is retrograde when its arc-distance from the Sun is 115-245 degrees.
Check all instances of Saturn (or any outer planet) being directly opposite to the Sun in any year. You will see that it is retrograde. Every time!
@@pmanish9733 So no struggles??? Or smooth sailing???
Sun and Saturn mutual aspect, my dad mentally tortures me, but I’m moving out of the house next year so I don’t have to deal with him.
I have this aspect on my transit and it’s affecting my job right now
I have a sun/moon/venus conjunct all opposite Saturn.
Oh God Sir. you are absolutely right. 13.06.57 6am Mysore Karnataka India. i have tfe example horoscope. Truely amazing. Amazing.
Saturn (R) in Aries in 3rd House and Sun with Venus in Libra in the 9th House. I cannot really relate :/ Can anyone help? Are the planets on my chart too weak to even affect each other?
im not really sure but i guess its some sort of neech bhanga or viprit raj yoga? you should check those videos... i guess cuz both of your planets sun and saturn are debilitated BUT also in the other ones sign of exaltation...theres sort of a contract between those planets to not fuck up each others effects... just a guess. My friend has this too but she can relate to the video but its not as bad as the other people in the comments.
I think this guy is focusing his description on sun conjunt trine and square. Sun opposite Saturn often show a father who opposes older traditions and authorities.
Multiple relationships, failure??
@@AstrologerAanchal Multiple relationships, yes. But all ended in good terms.
@@BlackstarFtw 1970 born?
Debilitated saturn aspecting debilitated sun , What will happen ???
is this applicablr to navamsa as well?
what about sun in aries (10th house) saturn ( retrograde ) in Libra in (4th House).
Xenotech XenoJet XenoApps wow that would be one powerful aspect, surely a businessman or a politician. A serious personality.
Yea I've this conjunction and aspect.
Omfg he's very strict and the countless amount of stick he used to teach me.
Mooltrikon 7th house Sun( Conjction with Mercury) and moolitrikon retro Saturn in 3rd
It happened to me I became somewhat a provider with my mom dad and siblings
I have libra ascendent and my Saturn is in 5th aquarius and sun in 11 in leo
Both are in own house will they damage each other????
Same placement
How is relationship with your father
@@prasannak5145 very good
Very good@@prasannak5145
The way my dad taught me how to not trust blindly was by telling me "Want to see something cool?" And then cut my arm open lmao
Yo wtf...
@@mridulpaul2079 I mean this placement is a difficult one. It just finally made sense after watching this video
You honey coated the harsh reality. Well I do have this conjunction and guess what my father is mildly put never ever saw what I do. He is critic of every single step I take in my life. He was responsible for my anxiety and depression and tell you the truth I would never ever live in the same house with him. That is the only silver lining in my life to live as far away from him as possible. There is many more about him I won't ever tell but yes it would be a blessing if I live away from him.
Where is sun and saturn placed in your chart? What signs and houses?
oh god we relate each other so much! I hate my father!I always wished him to die! Instead my mother died!😔my father pokes his nose in everything I do! Very irritating and I don't want to live with him!😑no person in this world will live with my father!😑he deserves to die soon!😑
Plz explain in detail sun in 7 and Shani in 1
I viewed your Satrun retrograde series. Saturn would stop giving its negative, limiting, slowing effects if it is retrograde as per the video.
Any planet opposite sun is retrograde. Than why is it that the seventh aspect of Saturn on Sun is actually effecting Sun in a bad manner.
@@abhidahiya4007 Only Moon is the exception. If you find any other planet which is opposite Sun and is not retrograde than let me know the timing of chart.
I identify with this 1000%. You did sun in the second house in Taurus, and I didn't think it described me. If I exhibit that sun in second house in Taurus kind of behavior, I feel deeply ashamed. Perhaps I do have those tendencies, but they are balanced out by the Mutual aspect with Saturn and the Mutual aspect with Mars.
Kindly explain practical implementation of ashtakvarga and also throw some light on padma chakra paddhati
I have sun in leo in 4th house aspect saturn(R) in Aquarius in 10th house ......i am worried and so much restrain but have strong will power ....please say something about this aspect ....does saturn forms sasa mahapurush yog or not
P Manish I too have this same kinda placements..
Hari babu ....yes it gives hard lesson it shows the hard knocks of the world
P Manish sun Leo 12th house
Saturn (R)6th house
Ah which means ur lagna is Taurus and sun is in ur ma Stan which is his own house and satirn too is in his own house... Both will be powerful.... Sun will do no harm to u and saturn, inspire of being his son is the enemy of sun... But ur lagnathipan is sukra... Who is friend of saturn so he won't do much harm( remember not much) but he has the tendency to torture people to correct them. So by this it can be right that ur mother is a strong personality and u can b leader in ur work... In order to say more... Need to get the drishti ...I.e other planets' dristhi.... Especially guru shukr and mangal......n.b.I'm nt a jothish... Just said wt I know.... Ignore if its worthless.
I have exactly the opposite
I have this in 2/8 axis Saturn in own house aquarius and sun also in own house in Leo with mercury btw., cancer ascendant. Any comments please..
How is ur father??
Jerry Seinfeld has this. Sun and Saturn exalted too. Don't know the houses as I can't find his birth time.
How do you know then that Jerry Seinfeld has this?
@@abhidahiya4007 Because Sun and Saturn don't change signs within the day. Sun is in Aries and Saturn is in Libra the whole day.
I have this aspect in Jaimini. Sun in Taurus and Saturn is exalted retrograde in libra
Please let me know if both are in Parivartan yoga what will be the result in my Taurus ascendent 4th house Saturn and Ketu...And 10th house Sun with Rahu..(Jupiter exalted moon 7th ☿ 9th and venus 12th house )
what up what up!! ma boy KRS!!
bro, plz make video about Shani and Guru mutual asp!
i`m lovin u, thx!
Thanks for this please make a video if Saturn aspects sun
Is it applicable to navamsa also
I have saturn aspecting my moon and sun 😭😭😭😭
What happens if Saturn is deblitated in 8th house sitting with mercury but sun is in 7th house and rashi is within. Can you please tell me what could be the prediction
what happens when rahu sun conjuction in fifth house is aspecting ketu saturn conjuction in the 11th house ? And also when saturn is retrogate?
i think it is too much isn't it?
Hi Kapiel, I could not find any video on Mars and Saturn Mutual Aspects. please help me out on this, I got Mars in 1st and Saturn in 4th, where they are aspecting each other. Ty
***** yes
Thank you. I love you
I have sun in leo on my 1th house navamsa, and saturn in aquarius on 7th house. İs the effect in this case as you mentioned, or they different in navamsa? (thank you by the way:))
Natal chart is always the primary and most dominating factor. After that moon sign and then sun sign. Navamsha comes after that. Don't give it too much importance. It is seen only for specific purposes once all other 3 options have been observed in detail
I have the same placement 😜
@Btugba Temelli I have the same placement in my D1 chart
Please make a video on sun rahu in 1st & saturn ketu in 7th for D9 please
sun in 1 Leo 3.40 degrees Saturn in 7 house Aquarius 3.30 dgress ! ? what does this aspect means ?/ no othr plnt is aspcting both planets .
Piyush Bisht almost like mine
I have the same placement! What he said was very spot on for me
@peace love do you even know what combustion of a planet is? Combustion happens when a planet is extremely close to sun within same sign(conjunct). Aspects don't result in combustion.
My sun is in 12th house and Saturn is in 6th house and I am cancer ascendant person my birthday is 30 june 1988 8:05 Kolkata west Bengal please tell my life in 33 yrs will be
Bro we share b'day 😅
And even this sun and Saturn aspect. I am 1989.
Howz your job going. And financial matter?
Good Day sir
Im saggitarius ascendant
my saturn is retrograde in 4th house having mutual aspect on 10th house of sun.
please advise
Im not terified by this but sun saturn are in my 7 house in my d9 and scorpio lagna ....
I have this in my 1-7 axis. In 33 Is that mean good mature marriage or bad marriage ? I couldnt understand.
is this axis from western or vedic astrology? if its vedic do you have sun or saturn in the ascendent?
@@devaanand1308 vedic :)) i have sun in asc leo saturn in 7th in aquarius
@@eczmiraozgeulgur Saturn gets directional strength when its in 7th house , in this case its in its own moola thirikona house. You have to see whether its getting any aspect from Jupiter or Venus, you have to analyze the whole chart and d9 chart for marriage. In general Sun in ascendent gives the native dominating and leadership capabilities.
@@devaanand1308 my jupiter is aspecting 7th house and its lord from 3rd house :)) thank you so much for help 🌸🙏🏻
@@eczmiraozgeulgur Then your 7th house is really powerful and your spouse will have all good qualities of Saturn more spiritual as Aquarius is a spiritual house. This is in general, as i said a full detailed analysis has to be done on your D1 and D9 chart. You have to look at planet degrees, aspect strength, current and upcoming mahadashas etc.,.
When you say mutual aspect, do you mean Sun in Capricorn and Saturn in Leo?
Rachel Hubbard no... They could be in any sign but exactly oppose to each other ie: 7 houses from each other
but what happens if saturn is retrograde?
I have Jupiter and Sun conjunction in 7th house aries aspecting Saturn in 1st house libra in Vimshamsha. May I know the results. Will be waiting for your response.
they are both in there own houses, sun in 4th leo and saturn in 10th aquarius retrograde. so I do not know any thing 😐
What could be the meaning of Sun and Saturn mutual aspect, while Sun is in Leo in the 3rd house (Poorva Phalguni nakshatra) and Saturn is in Aquarius in the 9th house in Dhanishta nakshatra ?
Do you guys have any idea ?
Service responsibilities to the father who stayed in the homeland?
4th house with sun venus and rahu and 10th house with saturn and ketu.i am scared is this bad ro myhusband and my child.
Does nakashtra lords behave in the same way?
Why did you say that "your father was"?
Did you mean that a person with such a combination loses his or her father early in their life?
I hv sun as rulin planet (leo moon sign) , bf saturn(capricorn moon sign). Shud we marry. We r afraid n confused .plz suggest
Why only mutual aspect? Saturn has 3 aspects. I have seen in many horoscopes in which Saturn aspects the sun which is in 3rd house 'from' Saturn. In Sushant's horoscope, scorpio Saturn is aspecting sun which is 3rd house from Saturn. Pls explain Saturn aspect on sun in all these 3 aspects.
@@Michael-gs8og thank u brother
Sun in Virgo in second and Saturn in Pisces in eighth? Any idea?
What if Sun and Saturn both are debilitated?
same effect
Hi kapiel i have dis aspect in navamsha sun in 11 house in aries along wid jupiter n venus n saturn in 5 house of libra .yeah i m v much responaible n mature also bt my father is not strict he always say do watever u thnk is rite.
This aspect may lead to punishment & jail's??This aspect is gives any serious problems?? whether the aspects is good / bad?? pls reply me!!!
I have this but with ketu in the tenth house I don't have to be mature, just obsess over my own dil ka chain lol
Cool +Zeno1999 . Are you on a spirituality/self-help quest? If so what are you into?
I have sun in Leo 1st house and Saturn and moon in Aquarius 7th house ?? In navamasa chart how will it effect ??
Wat hppn when sat sun aspect each other and both are exalted?
I have that combination in my chart w/ Sun in 9th house and Saturn Rx in 3rd house. Being past the 36th year, I'm still not exactly sure what having both exalted Sun & exalted Saturn means & how good that combo is natally. Some Jyotish astrologers say that the mutual aspect combo with BOTH exalted isn't great (e.g. would be considered by some to be Uccha Bhanga). However, at the 36th year, there were various positive developments in my life. For example, I could attain certain things that I had a much harder time doing before that point. I had a better sense of self than I did at younger ages (e.g. early 20's).
Presumably, it would depend on which houses they fall in.
It was there in shri rams kundli as well. Exalted sun and saturn having mutual aspect
Saggtarius ascendant 4th house saturn and sun in 10th house bt i am the most irresponsible one
I have this in D10 with Sun in 4H and Saturn in 10H.
Hi, I have sun in 5th house of Capricorn n Saturn is retro in the 11 house of cancer, what does it mean?
My 100th comment: feeding the family... nah! That burden... never bro! So check that again. I have exalted Sun in 11th house and exalted Saturn in the 5th house. Sun is ranked 1 in shadbala while Saturn is ranked 2. Saturn is my atmakaraka.
Tamil ah bro neenga?
@@rareangel15 no
@@pranshupushpam accha so wherever the placements , exalted or debilitated! It will damage people emotionally 💔how come you're so happy brother!and I asked whether you are tamil because of that name pushapam
@@rareangel15 Well cat ji, it will hurt your relationship with your dad. So obviously your heart will break.
@@pranshupushpam the most arrogant father this placement gives ! But how come you don't have any problems in life with this placement as you've said in your comment?🤔
sun in 4th house and saturn is with jupiter in 10th house. also sun and saturn are debillated. wht is that mean.thx.
Sun in scorpio in 4th house and saturn is taurus in 10th house