You got me at the part when you said: When these persons break up they be like: okay we are not compatible , get over it and go and look for another person. I laughed so hard: guilty. I would not say of myself that I am demanding or stubborn: I let other people do that ;) Yet I am very restless, very. I need to learn, read and do stuff all the time. I do not like sport, I'm a heavy smoker and all sports bore me except dancing. I got Mars in the second house in pisces(revidi = feet/dancing) and Moon the 8th house in virgo (hasta). My mother indeed always motivated me but is very overprotective. Ofcourse, like Kapiel mentioned, it differentiates a little bit because all of the aspects moon and mars have. But oh boy, it was getting very close!
I laughed plenty of times while hearing this:D You were so spot on. I'm Moon in Aries with Mars in Libra! Yes, my mom was quite strict, and yes my mind is always alert, and thinking, I cannot sleep ever in the day....and most importantly, I hv Venus in 12th house & my moon is in 9th house, I started meditating quite early. It brought me peace and awareness. Thank you!
mars in taurus moon in scorpio on 2-8's true, breakups are agony. my mars is retro though so i just explode and meltdown on the inside. it can't be good for my health but at least i don't make any rash moves. in general when my moon suffers a blow i just spew word rage and then as soon as i let it out i feel bad for it. i don't yell, i just have very colourful language lol.
***** hi sir i am fan of yours .Now i am running age of 24 and planing for higer studies in usa and can you say my bsp and my jupiter and moon are sitting in 5th house and the forth house is empty can you please say what is going to happen(in detrail) please sir my fist house has venus,sun,mercury and 3rd house has ketu and 5th house has jupiter and moon and 9th house is rahu and 10th house is satrun and 12th house is mars coming to my ascendent its in aries coming to my date of birth its 11th may 1992 morning 6am sir
mom, was VERY STRICT. STILL HAS TO CRITIQUE ME! ugh.. love my mom, but holy crap she needs to calm down. 11th house moon with sun pisces 5th house virgo mars with saturn. mom loved me.. but she was NEVER and is NEVER happy.. never satisfied.. you just deal with it. also explains why my exes hate me... i move on.. rather quickly. broke up one day.. had a couple of one nighters the next.. if they feel the relationship doens't work, what am i supposed to do? Cry? i've already cried for a couple.. don't need that crap. ALSO boss tells me to calm down at work.. that I work too much and i need to learn to relax. lol pretty good!
Yo Same for my mom too! She's strict and gets aggravated easily but she is a very loving and giving parent... Glad, I know someone who has the same kind of parent as I do! LOL
Here is another one! Love my mom to death, never want to loose her.. But OMG she is always critisizing my dad and ALWAYS trying to protect me in everything. LET GO MOM LET GO. She gets nervous so easily. I wonder what kind of a mom I'm going to be hehehehe.
OMG!! My mom has 11th house Moon and Mars in the 6th house (Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn)... I swear I try and avoid being in the same room as her because of her unpredictable behaviors it's like being in a room with a bipolar person at times. When I confronted my mother of taking insurance check that I needed she had a full out eruption of emotions telling me how I am always accusing her... Well, it's not accusing when you actually did it. I am confronting her about it because she did it. Then falls in as the "poor me" victim. It can really drive everyone else away. Not only that yells at me for taking the insurance income I needed to replace my car after an accident a pickup truck going 60 on a 40-mile road in rush hour traffic. We live in a town where there is no public transportation and you have to drive a car. My mom would argue with me about the fact I am not doing anything when I can't do what needs to be done and she used my income to buy kitchen appliances and a grill with my check. Sometimes it can become violent. I don't understand how some Asians think whatever you make it is they'res to take you to have to suffer the consequences for it.
I hate the boss thing, modern people are lazy and stupid. They get jealous when someone is a hard worker... like shut up relax and jut appreciate that I make it so you have to do less, lol
Sag moon and Gemini Mars. I do attack with the speed of light when someone tries to dominate me or hurt emotionally. Verbally or physically, depends on the type of the attack from the other end. Yes my mother is very dominating and I've been physically abused by her in the past.
It's true that i am quick temper and i am quite stubborn😅 yes my mom is very discipline, quite strict, over protective, she always push me to do things, She demands of me and i have to do it immediately, if i don't do that she scolds me and beat me physically😂 My mind always thinking, over thinker, i don't like dominating peoples😏 yes my mind and ear is always active, aware😀
I have this axis between 3rd (Sag) and 9th house (Gem). I am very restless. I take long periods of time daily learning and educating myself on any subject, no matter what it is.
Same here, everything is so interesting even quantum physics... My life is all about learing, but things which I find interesting, I can stay up late just to watch something or read, then sleep 3 hours and wake up to learn again. But I hate learing things which somebody wants me to know, it drives me mad, because they are usually boring.
Sagittarius moon, Mars Gemini 😂 "who do I date next?" Wasn't heartbroken when I broke up with my ex, was more heartbroken when a fling ghosted on me 😂. Pushy mom , very true
Very good. I have the moon in Aquarius in the 5th making an exact trine to Uranus conjunct Mars in Gemini in the 9th and what you said about rapid reaction in emergencies is true plus past life military and this life in Native Indian culture I am what is called a female warrior protector . As a Grandmother raising 3 grand daughters I do demand proper behavior on their part because I want them to have a good life; however sometimes in the heat of the moment I shoot my mouth off and in retrospect I wish I hadn't and think I should be more gentle and nurturing. Also I am aware of many things at once and my oldest grand daughter is the opposite. Her Mars squares her moon and she seems to be oblivious of her surroundings which makes me worry for her safety. I have been considering some sort of mental exercise for her to help her become more aware. Recently I had her eyes checked and they said she had a stigma in that she could not refocus from one thing to another at the speed one is suppose to. Its a struggle for her . It seems she has the same trouble moving from one subject to another in school work as well. I wonder if the eye refocus is just a reflection of the minds ability to refocus . her moon does make a grand trine to Mercury in Gemini and Neptune in Aquarius and she is very intuitive.
Thank you so much for your video, it is great interpretation 👍👍 I have natal Moon in Scorpio sextile Mars in Virgo. I love fast walks both with deep relax. My mother would always teach me to do things right here, right now. Also I have been in some interpersonal relationships where people openly discarded me and it was very heavy, so would use the energy of Mars to get myself busy, but emotions often prevail. I did do a project once that took a lot of fast improvisation and decision making, I like it a lot but was having health problems so would take a lot of my energy.
OH MY GOD! YOU ARE A LIVING ASTROLOGY LEGEND! I have MARS in Scorpio (With RAHU) and MOON in Taurus (With KETU). I DO KRIYA YOGA. And I am more aware EVERY moment than anybody I know in life. Its like having the SPIDY SENSE - every movement in your body and outside, I NOTICE.
So strange. It doesn't describe my mom at all. I have moon in scorpio 29th degree 3rd house and Mars directly opposite in Gemini 10th. My mother was extremely passive. She didn't support me much at all, but she certainly didn't push me to succeed in anything either. She did and thought whatever her husband told her to do and think.
P Manish wow interesting :) I have a stellium Jupiter, sun, Neptune in capricorn 11th house Saturn in Aries Moon in Aries Uranus in Aquarius Mars in libra What do you think?
i have moon in taurus and mars in scorpio, my mom is an aries and since aries is ruled by mars is there any correlation there ? she always pushed me to do my best and was also very comforting as well
since she’s marsian, the marsian goals passed to you too with this mutual aspect but like you said she’s comforting. that sounds like a taurus attribute. a common component of mars ppl is there’s lack of emphasis on comfort and emotions. it’s their physical being and “survival” in the outside world that takes center stage. It’s natural for them to want the best. It’s cool because mars is looking at your moon but it’s not together so you have the effects of marsian-ness without being an outright marsian the way she is. You have a strong mind and a strong will. She is good at these things or guiding you through these things. I hope you get what I mean 😅 that was longgg
Hi kapeil bro well explained I have post comment on Facebook about my son it's like I am dealing with Mars energy from 28 years he is 28 years old you r so perfect well explained . Thanks
does this explain why i have trouble sleeping half the time? moon aquarius 5th house trine mars scorpio 1st house here. sometimes literally there has to be complete silence for me to sleep. That includes cars driving outside, smallest creak, whisper, even breathing. My mind is constantly on overdrive.
I am Scorpio ascendant, mars in 1st house aspect 7th house of Taurus.. I have the same problem, need complete silence and total darkness for me to sleep . And i am good at taking instant decisions. One thing i disagree here is i am physically lazy but mentally very active.
Thank you!!! 🙏💞 I have Mars 🌕 Moon, & Pluto in the first house (with Neptune on cusp of 12th& 1st house (also have a a Pisces rising, Pisces North Node,Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Saggitarius, Sun in capricorn, etc (if I haven't already bored you to death, sorry lol..)
I’m not explosive must be because of other influences in my chart like my mars 10th house is conjuct with many planets and rahu and moon 4th house is with ketu.
Hello Sir I have been following your channel, I have a doubt that if planet aspect a house which does not have any planet in it so how to interpret like jupiter in 6 house will aspect 10 house but no planet in 10 house for gemini ascendant. Please respond.
hi kapeil, You explain all the type of combinations!!! every thing!!! Instead why dont you tell us the way of making out aspects rather than doing each aspect.
Uh not to disagree with your comments on meditation, getting in touch with the present is without a doubt extremely important but isn't hypnosis and past regression proven just as important expecially for those who need to let go of deep rooted anxieties. They may have an easier time getting in touch with the power of now if they dive deeper once in awhile?
I would say meditAtion is about connecting to our "Inner Self"...How are we going to have the deep connection if we are aware of the surrounding??? If we look deeply, the external surroundings are just an Illusion and meditation is the process that helps someone to Connect with Eternal Truth...If we are aware with the surroundings are we really connected to the "Source"...I would say no... We want to go technical, yes we can...When a person in a deep sleep, he goes beyond Delta Level, where he or she experiences no dreams at all...After a deep sleep, when the person wakes up, the body and mind will be very fresh.... Similarly, when the person involved in deep meditation, he or she would experience wonders...Being aware of surroundings will meditating is something like doing half away only...Therefore, when doing meditation, the mind has to involve deeply.... That's why Patanjali brought these steps like Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana and finally Meditation(Dhyana)... To make it simple, Meditation is one part of the Process in Yoga(Union), and in order to become Union with God, you must forget the Surroundings..... This is my Humble Opinion :-)
My God this is my son's placement. sooo true. I push him to reach the stars, stay away from bad crowd. He is joining the military. "dog scratching his ass😂😂 nice"
You got me at the part when you said: When these persons break up they be like: okay we are not compatible , get over it and go and look for another person. I laughed so hard: guilty. I would not say of myself that I am demanding or stubborn: I let other people do that ;) Yet I am very restless, very. I need to learn, read and do stuff all the time. I do not like sport, I'm a heavy smoker and all sports bore me except dancing. I got Mars in the second house in pisces(revidi = feet/dancing) and Moon the 8th house in virgo (hasta). My mother indeed always motivated me but is very overprotective. Ofcourse, like Kapiel mentioned, it differentiates a little bit because all of the aspects moon and mars have. But oh boy, it was getting very close!
I also say same thing but I had no idea because of my aspect of moon and mars was the main reason why that is making me feel this say .
I laughed plenty of times while hearing this:D You were so spot on. I'm Moon in Aries with Mars in Libra! Yes, my mom was quite strict, and yes my mind is always alert, and thinking, I cannot sleep ever in the day....and most importantly, I hv Venus in 12th house & my moon is in 9th house, I started meditating quite early. It brought me peace and awareness. Thank you!
Sabrina Mascarenhas too but more furious conjunction aspecting ..mars and rahu in Libra and moon and ketu in aries
Same mars in libra and moon in aries
Yet another answer to my big question (about my strict and harsh mum). Thank you. You are doing a big thing for a mankind.
mars in taurus moon in scorpio on 2-8's true, breakups are agony. my mars is retro though so i just explode and meltdown on the inside. it can't be good for my health but at least i don't make any rash moves. in general when my moon suffers a blow i just spew word rage and then as soon as i let it out i feel bad for it. i don't yell, i just have very colourful language lol.
Wow this sounds very accurate I have this aspect moon trine mars I have a lot of Mars in Aries energy and I have moon in libra
Thank you for ending this one on a positive. It's a tough aspect for me.
thanks for hitting the like button guys :D
***** hi sir i am fan of yours .Now i am running age of 24 and planing for higer studies in usa and can you say my bsp and my jupiter and moon are sitting in 5th house and the forth house is empty can you please say what is going to happen(in detrail) please sir my fist house has venus,sun,mercury and 3rd house has ketu and 5th house has jupiter and moon and 9th house is rahu and 10th house is satrun and 12th house is mars coming to my ascendent its in aries coming to my date of birth its 11th may 1992 morning 6am sir
moon in aries
mars in leo
mom, was VERY STRICT. STILL HAS TO CRITIQUE ME! ugh.. love my mom, but holy crap she needs to calm down. 11th house moon with sun pisces 5th house virgo mars with saturn.
mom loved me.. but she was NEVER and is NEVER happy.. never satisfied.. you just deal with it.
also explains why my exes hate me... i move on.. rather quickly. broke up one day.. had a couple of one nighters the next.. if they feel the relationship doens't work, what am i supposed to do? Cry? i've already cried for a couple.. don't need that crap.
ALSO boss tells me to calm down at work.. that I work too much and i need to learn to relax. lol pretty good!
Yo Same for my mom too! She's strict and gets aggravated easily but she is a very loving and giving parent... Glad, I know someone who has the same kind of parent as I do! LOL
Here is another one! Love my mom to death, never want to loose her.. But OMG she is always critisizing my dad and ALWAYS trying to protect me in everything. LET GO MOM LET GO. She gets nervous so easily. I wonder what kind of a mom I'm going to be hehehehe.
OMG!! My mom has 11th house Moon and Mars in the 6th house (Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn)... I swear I try and avoid being in the same room as her because of her unpredictable behaviors it's like being in a room with a bipolar person at times. When I confronted my mother of taking insurance check that I needed she had a full out eruption of emotions telling me how I am always accusing her... Well, it's not accusing when you actually did it. I am confronting her about it because she did it. Then falls in as the "poor me" victim. It can really drive everyone else away. Not only that yells at me for taking the insurance income I needed to replace my car after an accident a pickup truck going 60 on a 40-mile road in rush hour traffic. We live in a town where there is no public transportation and you have to drive a car. My mom would argue with me about the fact I am not doing anything when I can't do what needs to be done and she used my income to buy kitchen appliances and a grill with my check. Sometimes it can become violent. I don't understand how some Asians think whatever you make it is they'res to take you to have to suffer the consequences for it.
I hate the boss thing, modern people are lazy and stupid. They get jealous when someone is a hard worker... like shut up relax and jut appreciate that I make it so you have to do less, lol
@@unbalancedlibra9788 HAHA so true!
Sag moon and Gemini Mars. I do attack with the speed of light when someone tries to dominate me or hurt emotionally. Verbally or physically, depends on the type of the attack from the other end. Yes my mother is very dominating and I've been physically abused by her in the past.
That's why I'm entered into the military along with Saturn in my 10th house and Mars sextile Moon.
It's true that i am quick temper and i am quite stubborn😅 yes my mom is very discipline, quite strict, over protective, she always push me to do things, She demands of me and i have to do it immediately, if i don't do that she scolds me and beat me physically😂 My mind always thinking, over thinker, i don't like dominating peoples😏 yes my mind and ear is always active, aware😀
My moon can tear me apart with words
I have this axis between 3rd (Sag) and 9th house (Gem). I am very restless. I take long periods of time daily learning and educating myself on any subject, no matter what it is.
Same here, everything is so interesting even quantum physics... My life is all about learing, but things which I find interesting, I can stay up late just to watch something or read, then sleep 3 hours and wake up to learn again. But I hate learing things which somebody wants me to know, it drives me mad, because they are usually boring.
Same axis here, feels the same about learning!
I have this same Moon In Sag, Mars in Gem and I love to teach myself about things
Kapiel, you are an amazing teacher, thank you so much for all your genuine efforts in making these incredible videos
Sagittarius moon, Mars Gemini 😂 "who do I date next?" Wasn't heartbroken when I broke up with my ex, was more heartbroken when a fling ghosted on me 😂. Pushy mom , very true
My Mars is at 29 degrees and my moon is at 3 degrees 7 houses from each other. And I still relate to this.
“Maybe your mother beat you. She didn’t like that you were born” felt
Moon in Virgo and Mars in Sagittarius
Moon Square Mars
Moon in the 8th House
Mars in the 11th/12th House
Moon in cancer in 4th house and Mars in Capricorn in 10th house
omg so accurate I’m lovin this so much
Moon Scorpio ( 4th house) Mars Leo (1st house )
Very good. I have the moon in Aquarius in the 5th making an exact trine to Uranus conjunct Mars in Gemini in the 9th and what you said about rapid reaction in emergencies is true plus past life military and this life in Native Indian culture I am what is called a female warrior protector .
As a Grandmother raising 3 grand daughters I do demand proper behavior on their part because I want them to have a good life; however sometimes in the heat of the moment I shoot my mouth off and in retrospect I wish I hadn't and think I should be more gentle and nurturing.
Also I am aware of many things at once and my oldest grand daughter is the opposite. Her Mars squares her moon and she seems to be oblivious of her surroundings which makes me worry for her safety. I have been considering some sort of mental exercise for her to help her become more aware.
Recently I had her eyes checked and they said she had a stigma in that she could not refocus from one thing to another at the speed one is suppose to. Its a struggle for her . It seems she has the same trouble moving from one subject to another in school work as well. I wonder if the eye refocus is just a reflection of the minds ability to refocus . her moon does make a grand trine to Mercury in Gemini and Neptune in Aquarius and she is very intuitive.
Judy Choosa I'm also oblivious to my surrounding and shutting things of emotionally or other wise but I have Moon opposite Mars
Trines are not irritative. It is the opposites that he is talking about here.
Thank you so much for your video, it is great interpretation 👍👍 I have natal Moon in Scorpio sextile Mars in Virgo. I love fast walks both with deep relax. My mother would always teach me to do things right here, right now. Also I have been in some interpersonal relationships where people openly discarded me and it was very heavy, so would use the energy of Mars to get myself busy, but emotions often prevail. I did do a project once that took a lot of fast improvisation and decision making, I like it a lot but was having health problems so would take a lot of my energy.
Ohm Narayan Namo Namo Ohm Namo Bhagwate Vashudevai Namah
Saturn and Mars conjunct and both aspecting Moon in Aries... Mom is so strict... And yes I can normally think while rollerblading.
Mars in cancer and moon in scorpio
I have MARS in Scorpio (With RAHU) and MOON in Taurus (With KETU).
I DO KRIYA YOGA. And I am more aware EVERY moment than anybody I know in life.
Its like having the SPIDY SENSE - every movement in your body and outside, I NOTICE.
I have this aspect but my mom really love me and take my time with me. I guess its because i have moon conjunct venus
So strange. It doesn't describe my mom at all. I have moon in scorpio 29th degree 3rd house and Mars directly opposite in Gemini 10th. My mother was extremely passive. She didn't support me much at all, but she certainly didn't push me to succeed in anything either. She did and thought whatever her husband told her to do and think.
Example mars in 6th house moon in 12th house
@Oliv Trees Probably late but opposite of scorpio is taurus, not gemini.
No it's not a mutual aspect.. this video is not about your planetary placement
yes move, move, move. yes mediation is aware of senses, moon in 10th in cancer
Moon in Aries and mars in Libra Here
Elaine Gomez ....same here ....are you taurus ascendant
P Manish no I'm asc in Aquarius but nice to meet you:)
Elaine Gomez ..woh Aquarius is Saturn placed
Elaine Gomez ...I have saturn (R) in Aquarius in 10th and sun in Leo in 4th
P Manish wow interesting :) I have a stellium Jupiter, sun, Neptune in capricorn 11th house
Saturn in Aries
Moon in Aries
Uranus in Aquarius
Mars in libra
What do you think?
Does it not form the Chandra mangal mahalaxmi Yog?
My son has Moon in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio. Holy shit! :-D
Lady of the Galadhrim .....excellent
Lady Galadriel me too and moon in the 11H and mars in the 5H
Your a devil 👹
KRS.. Hope someday I'm gonna meet you 🥰
Gurudev pranaam🙏🙏
Moon in scorpio (in lagna ) and mars in cancer (9th house)😊
Wow you are very different astrologer!
mutual aspect videos are the funniest
Thank you Kapiel!
i have moon in taurus and mars in scorpio, my mom is an aries and since aries is ruled by mars is there any correlation there ? she always pushed me to do my best and was also very comforting as well
My mom is an aries too!
since she’s marsian, the marsian goals passed to you too with this mutual aspect but like you said she’s comforting. that sounds like a taurus attribute. a common component of mars ppl is there’s lack of emphasis on comfort and emotions. it’s their physical being and “survival” in the outside world that takes center stage. It’s natural for them to want the best. It’s cool because mars is looking at your moon but it’s not together so you have the effects of marsian-ness without being an outright marsian the way she is. You have a strong mind and a strong will. She is good at these things or guiding you through these things. I hope you get what I mean 😅 that was longgg
Hi kapeil bro well explained I have post comment on Facebook about my son it's like I am dealing with Mars energy from 28 years he is 28 years old you r so perfect well explained . Thanks
Hey kapiel can u do a mars and saturn mutal aspecting vedio..? If u find time. .. your vedios are great resource and thoroughly enjoy watching them..
Sagittarius ascendant.. Mars in 5th house and moon in 11 house.. 174 degrees apart
virgo mars aspects Pisces moon conjunct with saturn
My moon's in taurus in the 8th, trined by my mars in virgo, positioned towards the end of the 12th.
I am the one moon scorpio(2) venus taurus(8)
Moon - Sagi / Mars - Aqua 😫🔥🌪️
Hello, What's the meaning of listening to all about the lecture, when no one even taking care of my Questions.May every god bless every body.
mars conjunct mercury and saturn in 5th house, all of them mutal aspect moon in 11th house. The situation in my chart is just so complicated
I'm moon in cancer Mars in Scorpio
A lot of things is truth, moon in sag 5 and mars in gemini 11
Moon in Aries in 4th house
Mars in libra in 10th house
All this time I thought I'm just stubborn cause I'm a triple Leo
Taurus Moon in VIII
Leo Mars in X MC
Scorpio Moon in 10th house & Taurus in Mars in 4th house.
aquarius mars and leo moon
does this explain why i have trouble sleeping half the time? moon aquarius 5th house trine mars scorpio 1st house here. sometimes literally there has to be complete silence for me to sleep. That includes cars driving outside, smallest creak, whisper, even breathing. My mind is constantly on overdrive.
rowd runar Hello! If you want to know more visit:
+rowd runar Watch ASMR videos. It helped my restless mind lol.
I am Scorpio ascendant, mars in 1st house aspect 7th house of Taurus.. I have the same problem, need complete silence and total darkness for me to sleep . And i am good at taking instant decisions. One thing i disagree here is i am physically lazy but mentally very active.
Thank you!!! 🙏💞 I have Mars 🌕 Moon, & Pluto in the first house (with Neptune on cusp of 12th& 1st house (also have a a Pisces rising, Pisces North Node,Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Saggitarius, Sun in capricorn, etc (if I haven't already bored you to death, sorry lol..)
moon in scorpio is hell ! mars in taurus as well lol
why moon in scorpio is hell? can you please explain?
Moon in Aries in 6th house, mars in libra in 12th house
I have both planets in the same house with Venus in 12th house in Cancer.
Is this conjunction too? Great video!! :) Thank you!!
mars sqaure moon and my mars is in airies and my moon in cancer so there both at home
What if Moon and Mars are opposite each other (only 2 degrees apart), but in different signs? Is it still a mutual aspect in vedic?
I have moon in 28 degrees Cancer and my mars In Sagittarius. I have moon trine mars in my natal chart. Mars in 3rd house and moon in the 11th house.
Thankyou so much sir.
Mars in capricorn in tenth house opposite moon in 4th house cancer by 3 degrees for pisces rising
Can u explain it with gemini moon (12th house) and Sagittarius mars (6th house) mutual aspect video or something on your website
Truth 💯 percent
Thankyou so very much
Good knowledge video sir
What's if moon is in capricorn and mars is in cancer?
my moon in aries and mars in libra
Moon(Cancer) Mars(Capricorn) 1- 7 axis
Domination War 😂😂😂
Facts on mars scorpio ♏️ moon and taruas mars 😩😩😩
I’m not explosive must be because of other influences in my chart like my mars 10th house is conjuct with many planets and rahu and moon 4th house is with ketu.
nthg conjunct mars/moon
moon uttaraphalguni 2nd house
mars dhanista 8th house
im trying to learn about it
I have this in my second house moon opesiting Mars in tarus 8th house🤣
my mars is in 1st house in cancer ascend. and moon in 4th house .. i get flustered.. and jupiter 6th house
What about when mars is retrograde
Hello Sir I have been following your channel, I have a doubt that if planet aspect a house which does not have any planet in it so how to interpret like jupiter in 6 house will aspect 10 house but no planet in 10 house for gemini ascendant. Please respond.
Moon in Sagittarius and mars in Scorpio...!!
This is a chandra mangal yog
Good re.. Mother
Can u do a video on Moon Trine Mars.
Mother thing is correct
Actually both of my parents are verbally abusive
Shitty homie life. I feel butt uncomfortable at my own home only😑😫😖😣😩😰
hi kapeil,
You explain all the type of combinations!!! every thing!!!
Instead why dont you tell us the way of making out aspects rather than doing each aspect.
my "mother" is bad. :)but MINE, others are just good. :) mars virgo opp pisces moon.
and anything said I don't find myself in that.
also could you do a moon-pluto aspect video please?
Uh not to disagree with your comments on meditation, getting in touch with the present is without a doubt extremely important but isn't hypnosis and past regression proven just as important expecially for those who need to let go of deep rooted anxieties. They may have an easier time getting in touch with the power of now if they dive deeper once in awhile?
I would say meditAtion is about connecting to our "Inner Self"...How are we going to have the deep connection if we are aware of the surrounding??? If we look deeply, the external surroundings are just an Illusion and meditation is the process that helps someone to Connect with Eternal Truth...If we are aware with the surroundings are we really connected to the "Source"...I would say no...
We want to go technical, yes we can...When a person in a deep sleep, he goes beyond Delta Level, where he or she experiences no dreams at all...After a deep sleep, when the person wakes up, the body and mind will be very fresh....
Similarly, when the person involved in deep meditation, he or she would experience wonders...Being aware of surroundings will meditating is something like doing half away only...Therefore, when doing meditation, the mind has to involve deeply....
That's why Patanjali brought these steps like Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana and finally Meditation(Dhyana)...
To make it simple, Meditation is one part of the Process in Yoga(Union), and in order to become Union with God, you must forget the Surroundings.....
This is my Humble Opinion :-)
My God this is my son's placement. sooo true. I push him to reach the stars, stay away from bad crowd. He is joining the military. "dog scratching his ass😂😂 nice"
I have moon in Taurus first house opposite to Mars in Capricorn seven house, what does it mean? Can anybody help me? I’m a Capricorn ascendent Gemini
Mars, venus, sun conjunction opposite to moon 😱
can anyone enlighten me ab my birth chart which shows moon in pisces and mars in virgo, also mars is my atmakaraka.
hope u hv a grt day:)
1 mars in 4th house and moon in 1st house is any aspectsion
I have this but this is not true for me . Mars in Pisces 4th, Moon Virgo 10th mutual aspect
How can you be so true about mother? true after breakup i moved on and he kept chasing me coz of his mars ven merc conjunction..
i have this very tight but i dont resonate with this video. Moon in Virgo Mars in Pisces
Hey, what if moon rules 8th house oppose mars rules 5th?
Moon is square mars 🤷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️😝😂🥺🥺