The Jews Are Waiting For The Anti-Christ / False Messiah So They Can Rule The World 👁

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

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  • @iamthewarner
    @iamthewarner  Год назад +17

    ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️видео.html

  • @AjfromWickcity
    @AjfromWickcity Год назад +680

    I rock with this man even tho I am not a Muslim

    • @iamthewarner
      @iamthewarner  Год назад +71


    • @akanbikolawole9646
      @akanbikolawole9646 Год назад +15

      Everyone on earth is born to surrender to the will of God Mathew 7:21, like Jesus Christ pbuh, John 4:34, John 5 vs 30, John 6:38, John 13 vs 16, John 14 vs 28, , John 17 vs3 and John 20 vs 17, etc

    • @AjfromWickcity
      @AjfromWickcity Год назад +20

      @@akanbikolawole9646 I agree to surrender to the will of God

    • @akanbikolawole9646
      @akanbikolawole9646 Год назад +4

      @@AjfromWickcity then you should accept to be a slave to the only one true God Roman 6 vs 16-22..
      N.I.V and the Gideon bible

    • @AjfromWickcity
      @AjfromWickcity Год назад +3

      @@JohnBanks-er9fg I don’t believe in being a slave either I wish you the best brother may Allah bless you

  • @CG-xr5bz
    @CG-xr5bz Год назад +281

    Their acts now against the Palestinian's prove one of the great sin's.

    • @ShivamGupta-qh8go
      @ShivamGupta-qh8go Год назад

      Palestinians themselves want to erase Israel. Israel has many a times offered a 2 state solution

    • @waliavelithedon
      @waliavelithedon Год назад +8

      Yesssss I agree

    • @CG-xr5bz
      @CG-xr5bz Год назад +1

      They act like arrogant fools. Cowards.

    • @arielpartook
      @arielpartook Год назад +7

      You pepole have no idea what you talking about we are not even doing a %1 of what they doing and done to the people of isreal as a jew my self i living it evry day (not saying all arabs are bad)

    • @CG-xr5bz
      @CG-xr5bz Год назад

      @@arielpartook You are not Israelites. You are European. Check your DNA. Murder is murder.

  • @mohamedraffibinamin9942
    @mohamedraffibinamin9942 Год назад +45

    Jesus son of Mary coming back. The true Messiah.

    • @ViralLaughDaily
      @ViralLaughDaily Год назад +8

      Son of God and his unique son.

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад +6

      God is so powerful that we could never understand his power. We are not even as smart as an ant compared to him. If God put all of himself into a man our mouths would drop in the floor with ahhhh. That is not what he wanted. He wanted to be humble and to teach us as man so we could learn. He put a small part of himself into a child so it could grow and be human and teach us. Only God knows how all this works. Not our place to question the Jesus our Lord Almighty. It's blastfamy to even do so.

    • @ViralLaughDaily
      @ViralLaughDaily Год назад +2

      @@mattadin533 you obviously dont know jesus. And there where more than 300 prophecy that hes accomplished. Read isaiah

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад +3

      @@ViralLaughDaily You are absolutely right. He has done so many. He is our true lord and savior. Jesus is God and holy spirit!!

    • @ViralLaughDaily
      @ViralLaughDaily Год назад +2

      @@mattadin533 amen

  • @TheN-word.
    @TheN-word. Год назад +477

    The Dajal, right ?

    • @darkknight-xm5cj
      @darkknight-xm5cj Год назад +39


    • @iamthewarner
      @iamthewarner  Год назад +167

      Yes the Jews are waiting for the DAJJAL (False messiah) the one eyed one 👁

    • @stephaneamani6476
      @stephaneamani6476 Год назад +8

      The Dajal and the Mahdi are one and the same, because all oppose GOD's divine message of Salvation extended to all through Christ.

    • @kabayanpets
      @kabayanpets Год назад

      ​@@stephaneamani6476 just get out of here man 😅

    • @venommaster534
      @venommaster534 Год назад +60

      ​@@stephaneamani6476the Mahdi will team up with isa (pbuh) to defeat the dajal so how can they be the same?

  • @Elcommandante5
    @Elcommandante5 Год назад +241

    Thank you for these videos, I grew up Catholic. Siince I was a child, I am 22 right now, as a child I read a few books the Bible out of curiosity & the things they taught us in the catholic church didn't even align with the teachings of the Bible. My big red flag is the worshipping of idols. This began my journey to find the "truth" of the word. Over the years I have delved into Christianity, which felt "true" until, I started learning more about Islam. I am trying to rid myself of bad habits & get my head right before I delve into Islam. This is because I believe the Muslim people lead a whole life in spirit & body. I would like to cleanse my mind of false teachings. Thank you for your willingness to engage in open conversation about these topics as it definitely reaches & touches more people than you see or know about. God bless 🙏

    • @thetruth1972
      @thetruth1972 Год назад +14

      Message Sam Shamoun an Ex Muslim to teach you about Islam and it’s so called beauty. Also read Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, 5134; Book 67, Hadith 70 to find Muhammads child predator like actions.

    • @mreyecanreal8170
      @mreyecanreal8170 Год назад +20

      ​@@thetruth1972you do know that the legal age of marriage for women in 1600AD England was 12 years old right ? A whole 1 thousand years after the prophet Muhammad PBUH.
      While its vile to todays standards. Life expectancy and life in general was very different, even in England 1600AD.
      Not to mention, many Muslims believe that the Hadith shouldn't be taken seriously.

    • @thetruth1972
      @thetruth1972 Год назад

      @@mreyecanreal8170 If I commit murder 1000 years ago does that make it ok? Same with child marriage just because it’s recent doesn’t mean it’s not ok so stop trying to justify ur pedophiles prophets actions.

    • @mreyecanreal8170
      @mreyecanreal8170 Год назад +13

      ​@@thetruth1972in mediaeval times, women could get married as soon as they hit puberty. This isnt a Islamic thing or a prophet thing, this is just a part of world history. Which isn't short on disturbing for our current standards. Be fair in your argument.

    • @johnmustapa7034
      @johnmustapa7034 Год назад +1

      MasyaAllah,u are great

  • @zachdickerson5636
    @zachdickerson5636 Год назад +54

    I’m gonna be completely honest as a Christian and someone who grew up in a Christian home. The Muslim religion has really been catching my eye and intriguing me.

    • @truthdoesntcomeeasy743
      @truthdoesntcomeeasy743 Год назад +4

      Thank you very much for your honest comment. Here is something which will definitely increase your intrigue in Islam. I'm a Muslim. Nothing in life happens as a coincidence. You and I cr-o-ss-ing paths on this video hasn't come about by a random chance. It has a purpose. God Almighty in His mercy and love for you had DESTINED that all this knowledge of the truth came to you. What you do after knowledge of the truth has come to you is up to you.
      One of the names of The Quran is The Reminder. It calls the people of the previous scriptures BACK to the straight path - the path which they have abandoned / forgotten / corrupted.
      *Do YOU realize that the ONLY people on the face of the earth who practice and uphold and preach and defend the doctrine and honor of Jesus OF THE BIBLE are the Muslim* ?????
      It's an amazing situation really. On each and every fundamental doctrine, Christianity (overwhelming) is AGAINST Jesus of their very own scriptures BUT the Muslim is calling the Christians to go by what Jesus precticed and preached. 🤗
      👉 Jesus gave the Trinity-DESTROYING testimony that THE FATHER (SINGLE PERSON) IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD but the Christians (overwhelming) testify that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (The Trinity) is the true God.
      👉 John 4:21-22
      Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, *WORSHIP THE FATHER* .
      Ye worship ye know not what: *WE* know what *WE WORSHIP* : for salvation is of the Jews.
      Have another look:
      *WE WORSHIP*
      (The J-E-W nation INCLUDING ME - Jesus)
      👉 “And this is life eternal, that they might know *YOU THE ONLY TRUE GOD* , and Jesus Christ, whom *YOU* have sent.”
      John 17:3
      👉 John 20:17: “Jesus saith unto her, ...I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and TO MY GOD, AND YOUR GOD.”
      Have another look!
      ".... *TO MY GOD and YOUR GOD* "
      ME and YOU 👉 *WE*
      *WE WORSHIP*
      👉 And Jesus answered him, THE FIRST OF ALL the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord *OUR GOD* is one Lord
      Mark 12:29
      👉 Jesus teaches: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and *HIM ONLY* shalt thou serve” Luke 4:8. Notice the words: “HIM ONLY.” Jesus did not say “US only,” or “Him and I only.” How could he possibly i it more clear than that? Jesus told to worship ONLY THE FATHER - who is THE GOD of Jesus too.
      👉 NEVER preached about Original Sin
      👉 NEVER preached that for salvation, people needed to believe that Jesus died (will die) for their sins
      👉 NEVER preached that the wages of sins is death
      👉 PREACHED that for the forgiveness - NO payment needed, NO sacrifice of Jesus, NO Jesus paid for us
      👉 PREACHED that just turn away in sincere repentance and the Merciful God forgives
      👉 PREACHED adherence to the comprehensive Law Code as the path to salvation
      👉 PREACHED that for certain transgression (like mur-der) on the Law Code, CAPITAL punishment - PUTTING the transgressors to DE ATH - needed to be administered
      👉 PREACHED that his followers SHALL IN NO WAY ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN if they do not keep the comprehensive Law Code even better and moreso than the Scribes and the Pharisees
      👉 DID NOT eat p.i.g
      👉 Greeted with the phrase "peace be with you"
      👉 Jesus was CIRCUMCISED. AN EVERLASTING COVENANT IN FLESH for the believers till the end of times
      👉 PREACHED that his followers follow the comprehensive Law Code which the Scribes and the Pharisees tell people to follow - that includes oblution / washing of the hands and feet before worship or entering a place of worship
      Of course the term the Father in the Jewish context. NOT that God has a Son.

    • @truthdoesntcomeeasy743
      @truthdoesntcomeeasy743 Год назад

      I'd love to hear back from you at your own convenience. God Almighty addresses the Christians in His FINAL Revelation to mankind.
      “O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three" (Trinity) ; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” [Qur'an 4:171]

    • @truthdoesntcomeeasy743
      @truthdoesntcomeeasy743 Год назад +2

      Allah in Arabic.
      Alaha in Aramaic (the language of Jesus)
      Sister languages.
      Jesus and Muhammed (peace be upon them both).
      Jesus testified:
      As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me (Jesus), 👉 *A MAN who has told you the truth that I (Jesus) heard from God* .......
      John 8:40
      The Trinity-DESTROYING testimony of Jesus:
      “And this is life eternal, that they might know *YOU THE ONLY TRUE GOD* , and Jesus Christ, whom *YOU* have sent.”
      John 17:3
      Say, O [Muhammad], "I (Muhammad) am only *A MAN* like you to whom it has been revealed that your god is but one God; so take a straight course to Him and seek His forgiveness." And woe to those who associate others with Allah
      Quran 41:6
      2 Men. 1 Message. 1 Chain of the Brotherhood of Prophethood.

    • @truthdoesntcomeeasyyes4968
      @truthdoesntcomeeasyyes4968 Год назад +2

      If we were to ask a random Christian off the street: “What was the religion of Jesus?”
      They would probably unhesitantly respond: “Christianity.” If we were then to ask: “Did Jesus
      himself ever use this word? Did he ever call his religion ‘Christianity’ or call his followers ‘Christians’?” If this Christian knows his Bible, he will say, “No.”
      “So,” we would continue, “once again, what was his religion?” If this Christian knows his Bible he will now respond “Judaism.” “That’s right!,” we would affirm, “Jesus was a Jew! He followed the religion of Moses”. “According to the Bible, Jesus lived and died never having violated a single aspect of the true Jewish religion. He fasted when they fasted. He prayed as they prayed. He observed the Sabbath as the Jews did. He never in his life tasted pork. He was circumcised like all faithful Jews, and he repeatedly ordered his followers to keep the commandments of the God ‘till heaven and earth pass’ (Matthew 5:17-18).” So Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew! He followed the religion of Moses (pbuh). The word “Christianity” was not invented till long after the temporary departure of the messenger Jesus (pbuh) from earth.
      Jesus (pbuh) observed the laws and the commandments throughout his life and commanded his followers to observe “TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS” and WARNED of the dire consequence if not obeyed (LEAST in the kingdom of heaven".... "YOU shall in NO CASE enter the kingdom of heaven"
      Now, we will ask: “If Jesus was a Jew, then where did ‘Judaism’ come from?” Once
      again, this Christian will most likely jump up and say: “From Moses!” “So Moses
      introduced Judaism?” we would ask. “Of course!” he would reply. We would then ask:
      “Was prophet Abraham a Jew?” Again, this man would more than likely respond “Of
      course!” We would now ask “was prophet Adam, the first human, a ‘Jew’? “Were all of the prophets of God Jews?” He would not be sure.
      We would respond: “Well then, did Moses ever call his religion ‘Judaism’?” Once
      again, if this person knows their Bible then they will respond: “No.” So, we would
      continue: “Where does the word ‘Jew’ come from then?” If he does not know, then we would explain that it comes from “Judah.” Judah was the son of Jacob (Israel), who was the son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham (pbuh).
      So, if neither Abraham nor Moses (pbut) introduced “Judaism,” and it was named after prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) great grandson, then it is only logical to ask: what was prophet Abraham’s religion? What was prophet Adam’s religion? In general, what was it that all of the prophets from Adam through Jesus (pbut) preached? The Qur’an has the answer, but it needs a little explanation.
      Since we have now found the origins of “Christianity” and “Judaism,” it is only fair to do the same with “Islam.” “Islam” is an Arabic word which simply means “Submission to the will of God (alone).” The word “Muslim” is derived from this word. “Muslim” means “one who has submitted to the will of God."
      "O People of the Scripture, why do you argue about Abraham while the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed until after him? Then will you not reason?
      Here you are - those who have argued about that of which you have [some] knowledge, but why do you argue about that of which you have no knowledge? And Allah knows, while you know not.
      Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah ]. And he was not of the polytheists.
      Indeed, the most worthy of Abraham among the people are those who followed him [in submission to Allah ] and this prophet, and those who believe [in his message]. And Allah is the ally of the believers."
      (The Qur’an, A’al-Imran(3):65-68.)
      Say, "Indeed, my Lord has guided me to a straight path - a correct religion - the way of Abraham, inclining toward truth. And he was not among those who associated others with Allah ."
      Say, "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , Lord of the worlds.
      No partner has He. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first [among you] of the Muslims."
      (The Qur’an, Al-Ana'am(6):161-163)
      The testimony of Jesus Christ himself in the Bible:
      “And this is life eternal, that they might know YOU THE ONLY TRUE God, and Jesus the Christ, whom YOU have sent.” The Bible, John 17:3.
      Notice the above words of Jesus in the Bible: “YOU the only true God.”
      Jesus (pbuh) is obviously talking to a distinctly different entity than himself, the Father, and testifying that The Father ALONE IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD. Jesus Christ (pbuh) was a muslim because he submitted to the will of God.
      Matthew 26:39 “And he (Jesus) went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
      I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. John 5:30

    • @truthdoesntcomeeasyyes4968
      @truthdoesntcomeeasyyes4968 Год назад +1

      There is a lot more but I don't want to overwhelm you. Read very thoroughly. No need to rush. Just focus on the subject of God to begin with. The rest will fall in place once the top most subject is settled. Keep asking God Almighty to guide you to the truth.

  • @sarcophagus2262
    @sarcophagus2262 Год назад +75

    As a Christian he’s right about that

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      ⛔️ INCORRECT - The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

    • @frankly.speaking
      @frankly.speaking Год назад

      Since the title "al-masih" is ascribed only to isa in the quran, what is it's significance, and purpose in the quran?

    • @keithkelso9872
      @keithkelso9872 Год назад


    • @frankly.speaking
      @frankly.speaking Год назад +1

      @@keithkelso9872 if your a christian figure it out

    • @jjs8426
      @jjs8426 10 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus and Paul were both Jewish, both rabbis, both Pharisees, and both preserved their Jewish qualities throughout their lives

  • @GarlicMonoxide
    @GarlicMonoxide Год назад +19

    About time somebody threw it down for everybody to hear. I'm not even Muslim, and I love this man

  • @Dmm314
    @Dmm314 Год назад +8

    The messiah is the one thing that separates all religions. Ask someone if they believe in god, most people will say yes, now ask people if they believe in Jesus, Yashua, Yeshua, The messiah, isa etc and watch how divisive people get. It really is fascinating.

    • @ChristIsMuslim
      @ChristIsMuslim Год назад +2

      because for money, churches and pastors will go bankrupt if there is no tithe and all christians accept islam

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      Jewish Hatred Is A Religious Mandate Under Islam. Islam Not A Religion The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed. The Qur an, the Hadiths, and the events in Mohammed s life will explain the hatred that began with Mohammed and continued in his followers to this day. Mohammed was incensed that the Jews did not accept him as a prophet.. They were allowed to leave with their lives but had to turn over all their property and wealth to Mohammed. Can you imagine the gain that the Muslims got from this? And Mohammed accused the Jews of being greedy! Mohammed s idea of killing all the Jews is more than genocide. It is to attempt to abrogate the promise of Yahweh. Trying to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth seems like a strategy that the Devil would try in nullifying the words of Yahweh. The question is: who is God? Yahweh or Allah? It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, beheadings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the Jews and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull stories. Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, of Jews one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was 1000 Jews killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. ISLAM NOT A RELIGION Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph. The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war... And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam! Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

    • @demitrichali667
      @demitrichali667 5 месяцев назад

      I know I watch Rabbi Tovia Singer on RUclips and I believe the messiah that the Jews are waiting for

  • @Jack-1994
    @Jack-1994 Год назад +18

    Sincere question here from an Atheist/Agnostic who is researching religiona. If Muslims believe Jesus is the messiah then why is Muhammed more revered than him??

    • @Ntallarna
      @Ntallarna Год назад +10

      Because he is the last profet

    • @techdriodiosauthority8927
      @techdriodiosauthority8927 Год назад +13

      Replying as a Christian🙌
      Well my brother I am yet to ask my Muslim friends this but from what I know so far its because Muhammed was one of the last true prophets and basically the founder and foundation builder of Islam but he's just a very highly recognized prophet of Allah any of my Muslim brothers can correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I understand, Muhammed did talk about Yeshua (Jesus) though but only as a prophet as well, peace and blessings be upon you my brother🙏♥️

    • @Jack-1994
      @Jack-1994 Год назад +3

      @@techdriodiosauthority8927 thank you for your insight! :)

    • @Jack-1994
      @Jack-1994 Год назад +1

      @@Ntallarna thank you !

    • @khalidbinwalid3352
      @khalidbinwalid3352 Год назад +13

      Since you are researching religions. Quran teaches muslims to regard and respect every Prophet and messenger Allah sent to the world to guide people. We should not make any distinction between them. Muslims love Their prophet because they know him the firsthand, they read his teachings, they read Quran everyday, which was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh). Yeshua is loved and respected the same way as John The baptist, Mary, Zachariah, Daniel, Solomon, David, Aaron, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, Ishmael, Abraham, Noah, Enoch, Adam etc. in Quran, 25 prophets are mentioned, whole its believed there are 124k prophets were sent during the course of the history. And they all had one main message, To serve our Creator without associating partners, and to guard ourselves from satan the accursed.

  • @alberxenos
    @alberxenos Год назад +28

    Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

    • @J3lack-J3erry
      @J3lack-J3erry Год назад +1

      وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    • @christiano7-g4f
      @christiano7-g4f 10 месяцев назад

      Wa alaikumasalam brother 🤝🏻

  • @uphill248
    @uphill248 Год назад +53

    Keep teaching the truth brother

    • @pankaj001gupta
      @pankaj001gupta Год назад +4

      Truth' lol my ass

    • @alzicario3466
      @alzicario3466 Год назад

      @@pankaj001guptais eating cow poop and worshiping monkeys and not showering the truth ?

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      The quarn was changed over 30 times and WHY FOLLOW MUHAMMAD TEACHING? He is a man that sins beyond belief. He had 11 wife's one was 6. he tried to genoside the Jews by beheading them because they did not believe in his teaching on one campaign. This was not his first campaign he was in, he had 65 others all after he said he saw st. Gabriel in the cave. . He raped women and kidnapped children to sell as slaves. . He was a known lier and stole from other writers. This is no way to honor or follow God almighty. Jesus did not sin ever, he helped people by miracles and feeding them. He died for all of us and rose from the dead. He asked nothing but for us to follow god and worship him. This is the one I would follow. Not a man that kills and ensites more violence in the name of God. Also the quarn said Jesus never was killed. There is 100s of non religious books to prove this fact. This is how inconsistent the quarn is.

    • @Someone_KhabibbeatsJonesEASILY
      @Someone_KhabibbeatsJonesEASILY Год назад

      ​@@pankaj001guptaHAHAHAHAHAHA u poor Jahil, one day u will see anyways, keep living in ignorance.

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      @@Knight_riderxyz ⛔️ INCORRECT - The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

  • @dreadfullguppy19
    @dreadfullguppy19 Год назад +38

    I'm a Christian and I believe the truth in the words of this man

    • @youhavenoidea1516
      @youhavenoidea1516 8 месяцев назад +1

      The first ones who believed in Jesus were the Jews not the most but those one who saw his miricales .the messianic Jews

    • @joshishere96
      @joshishere96 8 месяцев назад

      The Quran already mentioned that allah is the greatest of the deceivers. Even Jesus Christ himself already mentioned the Devil has been a liar from the beginning. The thing about islam is that people feel forced to reject Jesus Christ as lord and Savior because the Quran says it is "Haram" to worship the son of man. Jesus Christ also said "the father and I are one". Which means the holy Trinity is one being in separate forms. The holy spirit is for God to commune with man's hearts, Jesus Christ is to forgive your sins and help you reconcile with Yahweh, God the father. Without baptism accepting Jesus Christ as lord and Savior no one goes to the father. The Quran contradicts itself because Jesus Christ has absolute power and authority over all creation. Mohammed was possessed, he was grabbed forcefully by the evil spirit communing with him. That's demonic energy. God bless you all man, Christianity is not a fake "European" religion that people think. Christianity comes from Jesus Christ himself and his 12 apostles from Jerusalem within the middle east. Follow the source of the Lord's truth and righteousness. Don't follow the teachings of man. Those who profess to be christians and yet live ungodly hypocritical lives of pride and greed. Do not belong to the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    • @user-oi1ul5qu1g
      @user-oi1ul5qu1g Месяц назад

      Then you need to open that bible and read it, because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

  • @danielwilkinson1024
    @danielwilkinson1024 Год назад +5

    The issue we have as Christians with the muslim version of Jesus the messiah is that they believe Jesus was rescued at the last moment from the cross.
    If Christ never fully died on the cross, never actually went to hell in your place, then there is not an actual sacrificial atonement for your sins.

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      Amen 🙏 This street preacher is trying to give false common ground between Muslims and Christians. The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

    • @mumuzeze
      @mumuzeze Год назад +1

      Correct. Nobody is accountable for my sins. My deeds and sins are mine and I will be judged accordingly on the day of judgement. Original sim does not exist in Islam. Why would God have a son? Why not a daughter then? It just doesn’t make any sense. There is no need. God is One!

    • @danielwilkinson1024
      @danielwilkinson1024 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@mumuzeze "My deeds and sins are mine and I will be judged accordingly on the day of judgement."
      You don't want that. Why? Because unlike you are led to believe your good works will never be enough to somehow outweigh your sin. In the end there is not a scale that can be brought out to somehow balance your good with your evil.
      Look to man's law and court for example of this, say you had a fit of rage smacked someone, and that somehow caused the other person's death, through a subsequent injury, fall, etc. it is not murder per se, but it is still a wrongful death caused by you. Now lets say you felt really bad and repented, never had another fit of rage or hit someone again, and then went to become a doctor to start saving lives. So, now your previous misdeed came to be known, you were arrested, brought in front of a judge.
      Would it matter to the judge if afterwards did all that 'good' to overcome that 1 time of 'evil'? No, it would not. You know this to be true with man's law/courts, so why would anyone think they could get by with a Higher court, God's court?
      God is ultimately just. Every thing is going to get judged and sentenced accordingly. If no one has atoned for any wrong doing from your life, guess what. you will have to pay the price. And according to the Bible, "the wages of sin is death"
      Plainly said, you will be paid in death for your sin, you will have earned the death sentence.
      The only way you can get out of this is for someone else to *WILLINGLY* pay the price for your sin, in your stead, in your place.
      That is why Christ went to the cross, died, went to hell ( *IN YOUR PLACE* ), and then was raised 3 days later. Jesus *WILLINGLY* was sacrificed for your sin.
      This is The Gospel, The Good News Christians preach.
      If you use your own books statements, then you have been lied from your own people about you paying for your own sin when you die. Your own book states that on the day of judgement your transgression is placed on the heads of Jews or Christians. Search here on this site for 'who pays for your sin in islam'. Watch the vids, get the references used, and then look YOURSELF to see if it is true.

    • @danielwilkinson1024
      @danielwilkinson1024 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@WarriorX-xq8nn I apologize for taking a little while before responding back to you. I have a job, multiple other comments I respond to, and a life besides focusing only on commenting on this site.
      You wrote, "The only thing that atones for one's sins is repentance (abstinence from those sins)."
      How would that hold up in mankind's corrupt court of law, let alone in God's incorruptible court? You know the obvious answer to this question.
      Here is how that would look, "I'm sorry your honor. I know I had 1 fit of rage and lashed out and that ended up in the guys accidental death, but I have since reflected on my action and have never done it again. In fact I felt so guilty, that I started doing that and that charity to make up for it...."
      This is the kind of response you can expect from the judge, "What does you doing this or that charity have anything to do with the crime you committed?"
      You wrote, "Do you think your God is unjust that he would hold someone else accountable for our evil deeds?"
      Yes, I would if He arbitrarily did it against people's will. I would say no *IF* the other person had *VOLUNTEERED* to pay for and take another's crime/sin. This is the whole point and Good News about Christianity. Jesus, a sinless Man, *WILLINGLY* died and went to the grave in yours and my place. He took that punishment *FOR* us.
      This is the lie that islam perpetuates, that Jesus never went to the cross, grave, or hell.
      Stop and think about this for a while. This is a *BIG* *HUGE* thing. Can someone else pay for your crime/sin? *IF YES* then why would islam change the way for people to obtain forgiveness? *IF NO* then why does islam say that the sins of muslims will be placed onto the heads of a Christian or Jew at the day of judgement? Kind of ironic that you and muslims say along the lines of, "I pay for my own sins" yet their very book says otherwise in multiple places.
      Do you want to know where it is at? Search for a vid titled, who pays for sin in islam. This will point you to your very own scripture that you can go look up for yourself. Don't be blinded by falsehoods or attempting to explain it away. Read it at face value.

  • @lamaansyed5953
    @lamaansyed5953 7 месяцев назад +3

    *A one eye freak can make a blind go crazy .*
    Dajjal's entire description

  • @fuadtaher872
    @fuadtaher872 Год назад +7

    He has at the nail on the head well said brother Alhamdullah this has been said out loud 😁

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      The quarn was changed over 30 times and WHY FOLLOW MUHAMMAD TEACHING? He is a man that sins beyond belief. He had 11 wife's one was 6. he tried to genoside the Jews by beheading them because they did not believe in his teaching on one campaign. This was not his first campaign he was in, he had 65 others all after he said he saw st. Gabriel in the cave. . He raped women and kidnapped children to sell as slaves. . He was a known lier and stole from other writers. This is no way to honor or follow God almighty. Jesus did not sin ever, he helped people by miracles and feeding them. He died for all of us and rose from the dead. He asked nothing but for us to follow god and worship him. This is the one I would follow. Not a man that kills and ensites more violence in the name of God. Also the quarn said Jesus never was killed. There is 100s of non religious books to prove this fact. This is how inconsistent the quarn is.

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      ⛔️ INCORRECT - The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

    • @frankly.speaking
      @frankly.speaking Год назад

      What is difference between those who even after 1400 years have no knowledge whatsoever about the promised King Messiah and his mission yet deceitfully claim to believe in Jesus as the Messiah...
      And those who knowingly and prayerfully awaited the promised Messiah yet despitefully continued to reject him for 2000 years?

  • @thomascharette3422
    @thomascharette3422 Год назад +45

    Didn’t realize the amount of common ground Muslims and Catholics share.

    • @FireIce508
      @FireIce508 Год назад +3

      Indeed Muslims love mighty prophet Jesus(peace be upon him) its the evil people try to give wrong idea and create hatred

    • @thomascharette3422
      @thomascharette3422 Год назад +1

      @@FireIce508 I don’t agree with the creating hatred part, no matter the religion. However is it not the job of the people, the followers, to share the word, regardless of who decides to follow and believe. We cannot make anyone believe, we can only hope to show the way. And if they do not find it, then they will ultimately find what they are missing at the gates of righteousness and eternal rest. There is evil, but a person who does not follow immediately is not evil, they’re merrily misunderstood and confused.

    • @AmirMallouli-bm2wz
      @AmirMallouli-bm2wz Год назад

      @@thomascharette3422Bro muslims are not allowed to convert. You know that right?

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад +7

      @@thomascharette3422 Yes, Muslims and Catholics have a lot in common. They both live by a system of good works to get into heaven. This is the opposite of what the Bible says. You cannot rely on your good works or sacraments to enter The Kingdom of God. Only by the blood of Jesus are we washed clean and reconciled to The Father. A works based salvation is a demonic system of lies.

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад +5

      The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

  • @kickdragon
    @kickdragon 29 дней назад

    Show them Isaiah 53 from the septuagint
    1Who has believed our message?
    And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?a
    2He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
    and like a root out of dry ground.
    He had no stately form or majesty to attract us,
    no beauty that we should desire Him.
    3He was despised and rejected by men,
    a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.
    Like one from whom men hide their faces,
    He was despised, and we esteemed Him not.
    4Surely He took on our infirmities
    and carried our sorrows;b
    yet we considered Him stricken by God,
    struck down and afflicted.
    5But He was pierced for our transgressions,
    He was crushed for our iniquities;
    the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
    and by His stripes we are healed.c
    6We all like sheep have gone astray,d
    each one has turned to his own way;
    and the LORD has laid upon Him
    the iniquity of us all.
    7He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet He did not open His mouth.
    He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,
    so He did not open His mouth.
    8By oppression and judgment He was taken away,
    and who can recount His descendants?
    For He was cut off from the land of the living;e
    He was stricken for the transgression of My people.

  • @ahmadibrahimdiallo
    @ahmadibrahimdiallo Год назад +22

    Perfect breakdown

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      ⛔️ INCORRECT - The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

    • @jaydengarcia6509
      @jaydengarcia6509 Год назад

      Dogshit break down. Muslims are wrong

  • @christdiedforoursins1467
    @christdiedforoursins1467 8 месяцев назад +2

    1 JOHN 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denieth the Father and the Son.

  • @swiftplayz5906
    @swiftplayz5906 Год назад +23

    Take your time and say this
    10x SubhanAllah
    10x Alhumdulillah
    10x Astaghfiru'llah
    10x Allahu Akbar
    Good deeds for you and me❤️🤲🏻

    • @bj-hc2vs
      @bj-hc2vs Год назад +2

      Thank you brother

    • @DaTruth1017
      @DaTruth1017 Год назад +1

      Please show a reference to your words.
      Tasbih of Lady Fatima (as).
      Observation of number and sequence: first, Allah Akbar (God is the greatest) for 34 times, then, al-Hamd li Allah (Praise be to God) for 33 times, and Subhan Allah (Glory be to God) for 33 times;
      (This is recorded in Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: *3113 and 6318* )

  • @sppro994
    @sppro994 7 месяцев назад +1

    This the first time i ever heard muslim claiming Jesus as a Messiah instead of a prophet...

  • @Giant_Original
    @Giant_Original Год назад +4

    This guy is SMART, back then Jews wanted Jesus to come with glory on the sky but no he didn't and that's why most didn't believe him back then if he was truly a Messiah.

    • @RobertK1993
      @RobertK1993 10 месяцев назад

      Jews misinterpreted Messiah texts Christian claim

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      Neither of you understand what the concept of the Jewish messiah is.…

    • @Giant_Original
      @Giant_Original 9 месяцев назад

      @@esthersteier6840 wat i know is that they don't believe in Christ who come 2000 years ago... They are still waiting for another Messiah

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      @@Giant_Original and that is true
      We are waiting for G-d to send the messiah.

    • @aliali-dx5gl
      @aliali-dx5gl 9 месяцев назад

      The Jews say, "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture. Thus do those who know not [i.e., the polytheists] speak the same as their words. But Allāh will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ.And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allāh from being mentioned [i.e., praised] in His mosques and strive toward their destruction. It is not for them to enter them except in fear. For them in this world is disgrace, and they will have in the Hereafter a great punishment. And to Allāh belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allāh. Indeed, Allāh is all-Encompassing and Knowing. They say, "Allāh has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him, Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. Those who do not know say, "Why does Allāh not speak to us or there come to us a sign?" Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith]. Quran 118

  • @erasedfromgenepool.4845
    @erasedfromgenepool.4845 2 месяца назад

    Very well said sir! I am with you 100%

  • @aldamas3500
    @aldamas3500 Год назад +5

    AllahuAkbar.. Allahumma Sholli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa'ala Ali Sayyidina Muhammad

  • @encryptlakegames5328
    @encryptlakegames5328 7 месяцев назад

    Bro this breaks my brain. I have had muslims of all backgrounds tell me they dont believe in Jesus as the messiah. That he didnt fulfill the prophecy set before. Make this make sense.

    • @aaronmason9332
      @aaronmason9332 2 месяца назад

      Simple. He's lying. It's only Christians who believe jesus was messiah. The rest believe he is the false messiah. Dajjal as they call him is their real messiah.

  • @cherylboyd8085
    @cherylboyd8085 Год назад +9

    Muslim is correct 💯

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      Jewish Hatred Is A Religious Mandate Under Islam. Islam Not A Religion The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed. The Qur an, the Hadiths, and the events in Mohammed s life will explain the hatred that began with Mohammed and continued in his followers to this day. Mohammed was incensed that the Jews did not accept him as a prophet.. They were allowed to leave with their lives but had to turn over all their property and wealth to Mohammed. Can you imagine the gain that the Muslims got from this? And Mohammed accused the Jews of being greedy! Mohammed s idea of killing all the Jews is more than genocide. It is to attempt to abrogate the promise of Yahweh. Trying to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth seems like a strategy that the Devil would try in nullifying the words of Yahweh. The question is: who is God? Yahweh or Allah? It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, beheadings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the Jews and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull stories. Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, of Jews one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was 1000 Jews killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. ISLAM NOT A RELIGION Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph. The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war... And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam! Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      Jewish Hatred Is A Religious Mandate Under Islam. Islam Not A Religion The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed. The Qur an, the Hadiths, and the events in Mohammed s life will explain the hatred that began with Mohammed and continued in his followers to this day. Mohammed was incensed that the Jews did not accept him as a prophet.. They were allowed to leave with their lives but had to turn over all their property and wealth to Mohammed. Can you imagine the gain that the Muslims got from this? And Mohammed accused the Jews of being greedy! Mohammed s idea of killing all the Jews is more than genocide. It is to attempt to abrogate the promise of Yahweh. Trying to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth seems like a strategy that the Devil would try in nullifying the words of Yahweh. The question is: who is God? Yahweh or Allah? It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, beheadings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the Jews and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull stories. Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, of Jews one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was 1000 Jews killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. ISLAM NOT A RELIGION Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph. The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war... And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam! Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

  • @hassanabdur-rahman1559
    @hassanabdur-rahman1559 2 месяца назад

    As a Muslim. I completely disagree with the brother.

  • @CA.state.corruption.fraud.
    @CA.state.corruption.fraud. Год назад +4


  • @rexpowell7349
    @rexpowell7349 3 месяца назад

    I have never heard one Muslim that believes Jesus is the Messiah. Cause the Muslims don't believe Jesus is the son of God. Every one of them say God had no son.

  • @habiba419
    @habiba419 Год назад +4

    Beautiful explanation

  • @frankly.speaking
    @frankly.speaking 9 месяцев назад

    Though the "PROPHESIED MESSIAH" was a Jewish concept, yet Muslims don't consider the quranic "al masih isa" to be either the Messiah that Jews were longing for or the one that followers of the Messiah continue to folllow?

  • @akashhazarika2782
    @akashhazarika2782 Год назад +5

    I've seen this guy disrespecting Christian beliefs, Hindu Beliefs, Jewish Beliefs.... i mean is this what islam all about? if the preachers are like this hust think what the normal peo
    will he like

    • @akashhazarika2782
      @akashhazarika2782 9 месяцев назад

      @@WarriorX-xq8nn Calling someone else gods and beliefs as false is very disrespectful and blasphemy at best...what if someone else calls u that?

    • @akashhazarika2782
      @akashhazarika2782 9 месяцев назад

      @@WarriorX-xq8nn bro what the hell you talking about? I would never support someone disrespecting your beliefs and your religion. and hence why do you think i will allow and okay if someone else tries to disrespect my beliefs and my religion... keep your beliefs to yourself and let me keep mine

    • @gold_friday
      @gold_friday 9 месяцев назад +1

      Disrespecting what? That all are what you belief. Just because he is reveal everything in your religion and his religion "corrected" it, doesn't mean he is disrespecting your belief. Have you ever learn all religions and compare them? This is what it is. If you have something like holding you back from what is he saying by your heart (not logic), then something in your heart feels like uncomfortable to listen to him, this called "criticism".
      "Calling someone else god is wrong" is the nature of religions, all of them claim as the truth but the truth is only be the one. This is not disrespectful, you must think again about your religion, is this the truth? How can it will be the truth? What if it is not the truth? You will thinking about your religion and learn it really well to prove he is not correct, instead of saying "This man is disrepectful"
      and.. if you want to learn any religions, don't come to youtube, come to the book or their shrine, obviously with humble heart (turn yourself down to understand the basic).

    • @akashhazarika2782
      @akashhazarika2782 9 месяцев назад

      @@gold_friday I agree only one can be true, and i believe it to be Sanatan... I believe islam to be a false religion, a political movement disguised as religion. but won't say that to a muslim because that will hurt his feeling , even if what I said is true. so have some respect for others

  • @QURAN-GOD-Guidance
    @QURAN-GOD-Guidance 11 месяцев назад

    The Holy Quran itself reveals about the purpose of its revelation in the following words
    "A guidance and mercy for the righteous ones." (Surah Luqman Verse 3)
    Who are the righteous ones?
    This is also answered in Surah Baqarah, Verse 3 and 4
    "Those who guard against evil, believe in the unseen, are steadfast in their prayers, spend out of what Allah have provided for them and who believe in that which was revealed upon Prophet Muhammad and that which was revealed before him, and are certain of the hereaftar".

  • @whoami0x
    @whoami0x Год назад +7

    Anti Chris means DAJAL

  • @penoge
    @penoge 3 месяца назад

    The Dajjal of the Islam (meant in Sure 27:83 of the Quran) refers to the beast coming from the earth in Revelation 13:11 ff. in the Bible which is the symbol of the Antichrist. According to Revelation 13:17 f. the number of his name is 666. This refers to the value of his name when the letters were taken as numbers and these were summed up. In the Bible two names occur which have the value 666, Jerimoth and Sethur, and both were Jews. Therefore it is very probably that the Antichrist (Dajjal) is also a Jew.
    According to Revelation 13:12 the Antichrist exercises all the (military, see below) power of the first beast from the sea of Revelation 13:1 ff. before him and causes the whole world to worship the beast. This beast is the fourth world empire already described in Daniel 7:7. The four world empires of Daniel 7:4 ff. are:
    • Babylonia,
    • Media,
    • Persia
    • and Greece.
    The last empire is mostly interpreted to mean Rome, but Revelation 17:8 excludes this interpretation:
    the beast (= the fourth world empire)
    • was (= the historical Greek world empire)
    • and is not (= at the time of the Roman Empire when the Revelation was written!)
    •and will be there (= in our times).
    In Revelation 13:2 details are given which show that it has characteristics of the three world empires before it which allows to understand which country of our times is meant:
    • It is like a leopard, the image of the third world empire of Daniel 7:6 = the USSR. The equality is that this fourth world empire, like the USSR (the fall of which was foretold in Daniel 8), dominates almost an entire continent.
    • It has a bear's feet. The bear is the image of the second world empire in Daniel 7:5 = the Tsarist Russia. The feet represent movement and development. What is meant is that the fourth world empire, like the tsarist Russia, wages many wars (compare Daniel 7:5) and that its internal development is similar to that of the tsarist Russia, which led to the revolution.
    • It has the mouth of a lion. The lion is the image of the first world empire in Daniel 7:4 = the British Empire. The mouth here stands for the language, so the fourth world empire speaks the same language as the first one: English.
    It is therefore clear that this fourth world empire, depicted as a beast, can only mean the USA which in reallity is the last remaining superpower.
    For these reasons it already makes sense to see the G7 states in the seven heads of the beast. This is confirmed by Revelation 17:9, according to which the seven heads are seven mountains (= prominent states). They are part of the beast = the fourth world empire, so they are connected to it for the better or for the worse.
    But according to Revelation 17:10 the seven heads are also seven kings (= rulers) which rule one after another. Therefore they, like the ten horns in Daniel 7:24 (in Revelation 17:12 they differently represent allies of the beast), must mean presidents of the USA (the eleventh of Daniel 7:24 must be equal to the eighth of Revelation 17:10). This includes a head with a mortal wound that has been healed. But if the mortal wound could be healed, it cannot be meant the physical death. I interprete it to mean the political death, for which also the "eighth" ruler of Revelation 17:11 speaks (which must be identical to the eleventh of Daniel 7:24), which is from the seven and appears after the seventh, which "should stay for a little while" (just one term?).
    But Revelation 13:2 also says that this fourth world empire is the kingdom of Satan, because the dragon there refers to Revelation 12 and according to Revelation 12:12 he represents the devil.
    So, the Antichrist belongs neither to the fourth world empire nor to the G7, but according to Revelation 13:12 he exercises the entire (military, otherwise he would be one of the seven heads) power of the fourth world empire and, according to Revelation 13:13, he even let fire fall from the sky. Whom could that possibly mean?
    Now, according to Revelation 17:3, the Whore Babylon also sits on a scarlet beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. Despite the color, which is only mentioned there, this refers to the above described and interpreted beast from the sea of ​​Revelation 13:1 ff. which itself points back to the fourth beast of Daniel 7:7 which means the last world empire. The sitting on this beast can be interpreted in two ways:
    • it may mean that she is a resident in that country and/or
    • that she rides the beast and therefore exercises political influence.
    Because of the interpretation of the first beast of Daniel 7:4 as referring to the British Empire (which colonized North America), I initially interpreted the Whore Babylon as referring to this empire, but then I came to a different interpretation based on 1. Peter 5:13, which fits better with the other statements: the Whore Babylon means Jerusalem!
    In the New Testament, the name Babylon only appears in four books:
    • In the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1,
    • in a quote from Amos 5:27 in Acts 7:43 (in Amos it reads ''Damascus''),
    • in 1. Peter 5:13 (where it can only mean Jerusalem)
    • and in various places in Revelation.
    But what is crucial is the statement in Revelation 18:24 (compare also Revelation 16:6; 17:6). This makes no sense in relation to Great Britain, but it does make sense in relation to Israel, which is consistent with Matthew 23:32 ff. and Luke 11:49 ff. and 13:34 and Revelation 13:7 ff.
    BUT: Despite the fact that Jerusalem is the only city which in the Bible is accused of having killed it's prophets and holy people, the Whore Babylon cannot mean the historical Jerusalem! According to Revelation 17:3, the Whore Babylon sits on the beast from the sea of ​​Revelation 13:1 ff. which represents the USA and according to Revelation 17:9 on the seven hills which represent the G7. So she is a resident of the USA and of the G7 states. Therefore the Whore Babylon must refer to the Jews living in the USA and in the G7 states.
    But according to Revelation 17:18 she is also a "big city" and has "the kingship over the kings (= the governments) of the earth" and according to Revelation 18:3 "the merchants of the earth became rich through the power (!) of her lushness". Moreover Revelation 17:15 (compare 18:17) shows it as a port city! So what must therefore be meant? The port city of New York, which is the seat of the UNO (compare Revelation 17:18) and the seat of the stock exchange (compare Revelation 18:3)!

  • @barbaroslar2235
    @barbaroslar2235 Год назад +8

    Ad-Dajjal was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah is not hidden from you; He is not one-eyed," and pointed with his hand towards his eye, adding, "While Al-Masih Ad- Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a protruding grape."

    • @frankly.speaking
      @frankly.speaking Год назад

      The anti-christ according to NT sources is not identified by his appearance but his deceitful message, counterfeit works which are evil and destructive in nature against the Messiah.

  • @wakeupJacobs1
    @wakeupJacobs1 Год назад +1


  • @rathernot6660
    @rathernot6660 Год назад +10

    Say it as it is. Marsha'Allah brother

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      ⛔️ INCORRECT - The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

  • @SomeKindOfTease
    @SomeKindOfTease Год назад +14

    Jews don't speak about Muslims and Christians 24/7 obsessively like this guy.

    • @whatevermeh776
      @whatevermeh776 11 месяцев назад

      Jews serve themselves and Satan first and foremost. Kind of tough to do that when getting into arguments they can't win.

    • @RobertK1993
      @RobertK1993 10 месяцев назад +2

      Neither do other 2 about Jews

    • @yaznhanfi9090
      @yaznhanfi9090 10 месяцев назад

      They are too busy killling them

    • @permanlegend
      @permanlegend 10 месяцев назад

      I'm Christian I don't like him

    • @alakbar7870
      @alakbar7870 10 месяцев назад

      Are you kidding me. Jews are the ones who MORE THAN ANY OTHERS try to bad mouth other religions, even though God has forsaken them for their betrayal, and singled them out for the worst kind of punishment! 😆😎

  • @ronnieofnewyork7393
    @ronnieofnewyork7393 Год назад +2

    Jesus christ is the resurrection of life and truth. Islam is death and condemnation. Islam denies the blood sacrifice of Jesus christ. Without the Shedding of Blood, There is No Forgiveness of Sins (Heb 9:22) The purpose of the class is to create a big-picture understanding of the Bible regarding sin and death; sacrifice and atonement; and redemption and mercy.

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      Amen. It baffles me how you can follow a man that kills if you don't follow his teachings. He told the Jews if they didn't follow him they would have to give up all there land or die. They refused and over 1000 got behead. It's because of power he got to be a profit. Then after he died they all saw this is a way to get more land and power so they created this religion. Pray for them that they will find the light and keep Tring to treach them.

    • @ronnieofnewyork7393
      @ronnieofnewyork7393 Год назад

      @@mattadin533 they don't have the Holy Ghost bro . They are dead flesh walking around only the God of isreal can open there eyes . All my life i thought i believed in God . I didn't read the bible i had no desire for obedience. Until i was actually born again by the Holy Ghost. Only God can give life.

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      @@ronnieofnewyork7393 That's right only God can do this. His name is Jesus Christ. God is Jesus and holy spirit all in one. The godhead. Only threw Jesus our Lord can you enter into his kingdom.
      Think of God is so powerful that if he tried to put all of him in one human body to teach us we would have been in shock. He wanted to walk among us and show us the truck of him. He does not force but thru love and kindness. We are not even a micro of an ant as smart as God. We could never fully understand his power of plan. He give us what we need. And it's blastfamy to question him. Jesus died on the cross and the quarn chapter 4 verses 157 and 158 says he didn't. But hundreds of religous and non religious documents say he did die on a cross. This puts the quarn into question on its accuracy. The Quran was changed over 30 times and Muhammad was a murderer, rapist, kidnapped women and children to gain land and power. Then his followers saw this was good and continued there conquest in the name of God. This is not what God would ever want. Can't fathom anyone would think this is ok. But your life. Me I would really dig deep into facts if my imortal soul was on the line.
      My proof from dozens of scrollers from all over the globe.
      I have been researching most religions for over 60 years. In my finding with other researchers we find some truth and some not. With our imortal soul on the line we need to forget what was told and find the truth ourselves. There are to many of us that passed down what was tought as right. This is not always the case. We need to bypass our emotions and look for facts.
      Starting off the quarn was changed over 30 times and the Sahih Bukhari Hadith Lacks Consistency. Lastly Muhammad was a very interesting man. Here are some articles on him. He created a religion on fear and money to rule in gods name. His close follows like the power they got and continued his ways.
      My evidence is as followed and have much more. Left it to videos so it's not so dry. But ask and I can provide documents and eye witness testimonys. Enjoy my brother in god.
      Quarn changes 1st
      Quarn changes 2nd
      Sahih Bukhari Hadith Lacks Consistency. 3rd
      Muhammad rule and power over Europe
      Jewish Hatred Is A Religious Mandate Under Islam. Islam Not A Religion The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed. The Qur an, the Hadiths, and the events in Mohammed s life will explain the hatred that began with Mohammed and continued in his followers to this day. Mohammed was incensed that the Jews did not accept him as a prophet.. They were allowed to leave with their lives but had to turn over all their property and wealth to Mohammed. Can you imagine the gain that the Muslims got from this? And Mohammed accused the Jews of being greedy! Mohammed s idea of killing all the Jews is more than genocide. It is to attempt to abrogate the promise of Yahweh. Trying to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth seems like a strategy that the Devil would try in nullifying the words of Yahweh. The question is: who is God? Yahweh or Allah? It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, beheadings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the Jews and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull stories. Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, of Jews one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was 1000 Jews killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. ISLAM NOT A RELIGION Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph. The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war... And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam! Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
      Muhammad and the Jews war 5th
      Muhammad and wars and biography.
      In the Quran Jesus was not crucified chapter 4 verses 157 and 158
      Jesus was crucified in all non religious and religious documents from all over the world. Thousands of eye witnesses. See below for a few.

    • @ronnieofnewyork7393
      @ronnieofnewyork7393 Год назад

      @@mattadin533 wow thank you so much for all these details ❤. Peace and grace be with you. Amen thank you brother. Very good information

  • @marksigler5351
    @marksigler5351 Год назад +3


  • @ShainaODonnell-zo1om
    @ShainaODonnell-zo1om Месяц назад

    I am The Biblical Jewish Messiah Shaina ODonnell. God Lord Almighty Yahweh showed up in my room December 4 th 2020.

  • @alipalestine3493
    @alipalestine3493 Год назад +4

    May Allah bless you and guide you to the right path brother

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      The quarn was changed over 30 times and WHY FOLLOW MUHAMMAD TEACHING? He is a man that sins beyond belief. He had 11 wife's one was 6. he tried to genoside the Jews by beheading them because they did not believe in his teaching on one campaign. This was not his first campaign he was in, he had 65 others all after he said he saw st. Gabriel in the cave. . He raped women and kidnapped children to sell as slaves. . He was a known lier and stole from other writers. This is no way to honor or follow God almighty. Jesus did not sin ever, he helped people by miracles and feeding them. He died for all of us and rose from the dead. He asked nothing but for us to follow god and worship him. This is the one I would follow. Not a man that kills and ensites more violence in the name of God. Also the quarn said Jesus never was killed. There is 100s of non religious books to prove this fact. This is how inconsistent the quarn is.

    • @christoffesedao3579
      @christoffesedao3579 Год назад

      The Muslims and Christians DO NOT believe in the same Messiah. Yeshua is the Son of God who will return to Judge all mankind and reign over His Kingdom for the Millennial Kingdom. Muslims only believe Yeshua was a profit. Just because the Jews will be deceived by the false messiah, DOES NOT mean Muslims and Christians believe the same about Yeshua the King. This Muslim street preacher is led by passion, aggression, and pride. He does not know the truth.

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      This is why I said that and here is my proof. You need to know. Dont be blinded because I said so or someone else. Look at the facts.
      I have been researching most religions for over 60 years. In my finding with other researchers we find some truth and some not. With our imortal soul on the line we need to forget what was told and find the truth ourselves. There are to many of us that passed down what was tought as right. This is not always the case. We need to bypass our emotions and look for facts.
      Starting off the quarn was changed over 30 times and the Sahih Bukhari Hadith Lacks Consistency. Lastly Muhammad was a very interesting man. Here are some articles on him. He created a religion on fear and money to rule in gods name. His close follows like the power they got and continued his ways.
      My evidence is as followed and have much more. Left it to videos so it's not so dry. But ask and I can provide documents and eye witness testimonys. Enjoy my brother in god.
      Quarn changes 1st
      Quarn changes 2nd
      Sahih Bukhari Hadith Lacks Consistency. 3rd
      Muhammad rule and power over Europe
      Jewish Hatred Is A Religious Mandate Under Islam. Islam Not A Religion The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed. The Qur an, the Hadiths, and the events in Mohammed s life will explain the hatred that began with Mohammed and continued in his followers to this day. Mohammed was incensed that the Jews did not accept him as a prophet.. They were allowed to leave with their lives but had to turn over all their property and wealth to Mohammed. Can you imagine the gain that the Muslims got from this? And Mohammed accused the Jews of being greedy! Mohammed s idea of killing all the Jews is more than genocide. It is to attempt to abrogate the promise of Yahweh. Trying to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth seems like a strategy that the Devil would try in nullifying the words of Yahweh. The question is: who is God? Yahweh or Allah? It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, beheadings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the Jews and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull stories. Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, of Jews one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was 1000 Jews killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. ISLAM NOT A RELIGION Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph. The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war... And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam! Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.
      Muhammad and the Jews war 5th
      Muhammad and wars and biography.
      In the Quran Jesus was not crucified chapter 4 verses 157 and 158
      Jesus was crucified in all non religious and religious documents from all over the world. Thousands of eye witnesses. See below for a few. iny-evidence-for-jesus-outside-the-bible/

  • @trishaortiz
    @trishaortiz 2 месяца назад

    I don't think all Jews deny the Messiah Who Has Already Come and will come again.

  • @ayajuk1_vr
    @ayajuk1_vr Год назад +25

    Allahu Akbar, I am first!

    • @siamgliv2317
      @siamgliv2317 Год назад +2

      Allahumma Barek ...

    • @Triebwerkstoerung
      @Triebwerkstoerung Год назад

      Me, myself and I.
      The doctrine of the devil.

  • @innerknowledge888
    @innerknowledge888 10 месяцев назад

    He's right we can all see your man is a false messiah...I believe they reject him because of the shame in history. You all need to accept him and pray to him.

  • @hunkysdorys
    @hunkysdorys Год назад +3

    Could you imagine having one life on a spinning Rock and spending your whole time LARPing some thousand-year-old fanfiction

    • @sidimouhamed7727
      @sidimouhamed7727 Год назад

      Yeah then spending our life in the traps of pleasure and following fancy is the ways we should choose and the dying what a boring story and life , we will be having eternal happiness in the hereafter when you live 60~80 years of suffering with work and trouble and seeking , short of comfort and dies helpless , is that the ending , boring life with limited resources and happiness pain come and go .
      If your believe in no afterlife your hiding the facts that you will die in the close future and your the life you lived was meaningless .

    • @hunkysdorys
      @hunkysdorys Год назад

      @@sidimouhamed7727 yeah because yours is the only morality that's possible you arrogant excuse for a human. If someone doesn't believe in the prophet Muhammed they must just be pleasure seekers. You know why no one listens to your crap it's because the hypocrisies so

    • @mannythamachinemanny6915
      @mannythamachinemanny6915 7 месяцев назад

      Brother trust me these are not fairy tales I seen things with my two eyes I can’t disclose Islam is the truth ☪️

  • @Noneofyourbizness247
    @Noneofyourbizness247 6 месяцев назад

    Finally, someone speaking Facts!! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @pisbiak2028
    @pisbiak2028 Год назад +3

    Jesus is not Isa. Isa did not die on the cross.

    • @Ismail-AH2000
      @Ismail-AH2000 Год назад

      Dah ofc he didn't

    • @pisbiak2028
      @pisbiak2028 Год назад +3

      @@Ismail-AH2000 Jesus died on the cross and Isa did not. If two entity have different attribute, then it is not the same entity.

    • @pisbiak2028
      @pisbiak2028 Год назад +2

      @@Ismail-AH2000 you say ofc he did not. It is obvious you don't know about Jesus. You just knew about Isa. Jesus is not isa

    • @shariii3
      @shariii3 Год назад +1

      in arabic he called isa
      And In English he called jesus
      Which means isa=jesus they are the same person
      And no jesus/isa did not die on the cross
      Allah raised him to the heaven
      He still alive

    • @pisbiak2028
      @pisbiak2028 Год назад +3

      @@shariii3 if someday in Japan they found a buried historic book about a person named mohammeddo and it is said that this person was born in mecca, hate green color and loves dogs, he even sleep on the same bed with his dogs. He named one of his dog muezza.
      Would you agree this historical book written about your prophet?
      Ofc not right? although the people in Japan claims that this book about your prophet.
      How do you know? By comparing the Characteristics between your prophet and mohammeddo. Right?.

  • @HalaMadrid_club
    @HalaMadrid_club 5 месяцев назад

    I am a Jew who believes the massiah is the Rebbe and I love and respect Islam

  • @frogs_under_your_bed
    @frogs_under_your_bed Год назад +3

    muslims don't believe jesus is the messiah because they don't believe he is the godhead. they believe he was just a prophet, a man who lived and died.

    • @Clpfv
      @Clpfv Год назад +13

      we dont believe he died he was taken by God and will return

    • @VegBeefSoup
      @VegBeefSoup Год назад +1

      @@Clpfvso what’s the difference between Christians Jesus and Muslims Jesus

    • @trevoriscringe5484
      @trevoriscringe5484 Год назад +10

      @@VegBeefSoupwe believe Jesus (A.S) was the messiah and a prophet. When he was about to be killed God saved him and be rose to heaven. Jesus (A.S) never died, and he will come back to fight the Dajjal (Christians call him the AntiChrist).

    • @VegBeefSoup
      @VegBeefSoup Год назад

      @@trevoriscringe5484 christians believe Jesus to be the bad guy? Or are you saying the Antichrist is dajjal? So y’all believe Jesus to be the same thing as Christian’s do

    • @noors3550
      @noors3550 Год назад +4

      @@VegBeefSoupwe Muslims believe Jesus is the messiah and will come back because he never died in the first place.
      God elevated him to the sky when the jews were trying to crucify him.
      Wheras the Christian believe Jesus died on the cross, got buried, came back alive after 3 days and i don’t know how he disappeared again. Better ask a Christian for this part

  • @LightSeekers777
    @LightSeekers777 8 месяцев назад

    Scripture says it will be easier for the original BRANCHES to be grafted back on. Christians, who were Gentiles, are the wild branches that are hard to graft on. If both Messianic Jews and Christians believe in Jesus, why do these 2 religions look soooo different? Messianic Jews still worship AND hold to Torah. Most Christians are following a Lawless Jesus, problem is Jesus was a PERFECTLY OBEDIENT SAVIOR. Most Christians don't obey God, but claim to be His children. Most Christians follow their father, who was a liar and murderer from the BEGINNING. He disguises himself as an ANGEL OF LIGHT and deceives them to SIN against God. He is called the LAWLESS ONE and his children are called SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE. You can't FOLLOW a perfectly OBEDIENT Savior by being DISOBEDIENT.

  • @aabidali7921
    @aabidali7921 Год назад +3


  • @kennethdibenedetti1817
    @kennethdibenedetti1817 Год назад +2

    They are waiting for SOMEONE who was here already.

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      No the one we are waiting for has not come yet.
      If you are making that claim - than you do not understand what we are waiting for

  • @r_vis_nghani9981
    @r_vis_nghani9981 Год назад +2

    Listening to this shit. I want to start my own cult.

    • @bruceolga3644
      @bruceolga3644 8 месяцев назад

      Ewe huemans are fixed ribosome waiting for mRNA data programming to copy paste and DNA 🧬 y transmit the data given... albeit corrupted; the virus has infected many, so purge/transfusion...👁️

  • @Jay-bf3fx
    @Jay-bf3fx 9 месяцев назад

    I didn't know that ? I thought Muslims believed Jesus was a Prophet, a messager of God not the Messiah ,,, l need to look up on this ,, thanks for sharing brother,,,

    • @cd5074
      @cd5074 8 месяцев назад +1

      The Muslims believe he is the Messiah and a prophet of God, but they do not believe that he is the Son of God, nor do they believe that he died on the cross. They say that the God of Islam took Jesus in the heaven before his crucifixion and made someone else look like him to die instead. (A very antichrist spirit, as the Muslims do not believe in the truth)
      But if you look even more, you’ll see that this is very bizarre because they also believe he’ll come back before the end of the world and I quote, that their Jesus (Isa) which is the false Christ will come back on earth and “break the cross and kill the pigs”. That short sentence should speak for itself. Don’t be deceived by them for they are wolves in sheep clothing.

  • @atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891
    @atidfelixcastillo-najerala6891 Год назад +11

    עם ישראל חי

  • @TreyeParker
    @TreyeParker Год назад +2

    Correction not the original Jews but European jews. The original Jews were Safari and Ethiopians. The jews today inIsrael are just people from European descent who inherit the religion., But changed so much drastically... Just going based on the historical and biblical

    • @jimjump7953
      @jimjump7953 Год назад +4

      That's ridiculous. Ethiopians come from the Lineage of Ham, not Shem. They are not and will never be the "Israelites" spoken about in the scriptures. You ever had an Ethiopian attempt to explain how they're the "Seed" of Israel? Turns into stuttering and babbling.

    • @TreyeParker
      @TreyeParker Год назад

      @@jimjump7953 are you sure about that? Because the Bible says otherwise including history. According to history there was never any European enslave in Egypt.. what you're telling me is that European people were put to slavery in Egypt and ....they travel towards the f****** Middle East? Use some common sense... Plus in the Bible it also states that many of them don't even know that they are.. by the way they came from the tribe of Judah... SMH..
      Egyptians were enslaving Ethiopians and other race of people in Africa.... Now if all the stuff took place when the Roman empire was invading Egypt then you have a strong argument. People like you are the problem ... Because to you it is very very problematic that..... It's the same thing about my friend... when I told her to read a passage in the Bible about Jesus... Did you know... the Bible gives you the description of what Jesus actually looks like... Totally different from what we see today... So some person for the Vatican church saw that scripture and got mad and change the way he looks.. AKA race swapping.... I don't see people up in arms about that. Even the Bible says that the people in Israel today who claimed to be the original Jews but they are not but synagogue of Satan while the real Jews live in poverty. If you don't like it then take it up with god.... It the real reason why people in Israel today did not like the New testament because it expose the truth about them. Also found out that people are trying to hide the fact who the real Israelites were... If you combine the Bible and tells you who they were and where they're all at now

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      Even if this claim was true
      Judaism accepts converts
      And the practices agskanzim oractice are the same as the mizrahi and Sephardi Jews
      Never mind the fact that there is documentation of communication between the two groups
      And communication with the khazars…
      (Which took place a lot later than you realize)

    • @TreyeParker
      @TreyeParker 9 месяцев назад

      @@esthersteier6840 take a min to think about this, what does the Bible say and what do history say... Both point to a different group of people who now have descendants scattered across the Nations...

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      @@TreyeParker take a minute? Dude where in the Bible does it say that a different group is spread out among the nations?
      Please do tell
      Or that converts arnt accepted??

  • @ridds777
    @ridds777 Год назад +3

    So wrong... the jews are waiting for the messiah, not the anti christ...

    • @Adamjames175
      @Adamjames175 9 месяцев назад +1

      No brother there messiah is the false one is what we believe.

    • @ridds777
      @ridds777 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@Adamjames175 "their" and they are waiting for the messiah..

    • @Nechama_Miriam
      @Nechama_Miriam 9 месяцев назад

      We do not believe in Jesus because if he was the messiah, things would be better, right?

  • @kickdragon
    @kickdragon 29 дней назад

    Christians also believe that Yeshua died and rose from the dead. If He didn't, He would not have been the Messiah

  • @Xsnrg3
    @Xsnrg3 Год назад +14

    Islam is confused....they don't know what the Messiah is

    • @junaidhassan7091
      @junaidhassan7091 Год назад +9

      Yes your christians knows who the messiah is... We are confused because we say god is one and you are crystal clear in trinity which says god is a person and jesus is aperson and holy spirit is a person but they are not three persons they are one and jesus doesn't know the hour nor the holy spirit only the father knows the hour and does god knows everything the christians says yes god knows everything thing. Jesus knows the answer christians say no he doesn't know the hour so jesus is not god . Christian says no he is god. Who is confused muslims or christians. Ok man explain me what is trinity

    • @pavlekovacevic1676
      @pavlekovacevic1676 Год назад +2

      ​@@junaidhassan7091from this comment i clearly see that you are confused one. First of all we believe in one being God who shows represents himself in form of three distinct persons who have same will and same essence. Jesus didn't knew the hour because while he was on earth he had human body. Jesus currently next to father indeed knows the hour. Also holy spirit always knew the hour , idk where you got it that it didn't.

    • @Xsnrg3
      @Xsnrg3 Год назад

      @@pavlekovacevic1676 don't cast your pearls before the swine...if I was wrong he would have pointed it out instead of just going on an unhinged rant...but alas .. islam is like a is white washed on the outside, but the inside is a dead man.
      God said he is in unity..tri-unity
      God did not say he is wahid...unless you are correcting God then go on ahead ya rasul

    • @ChristIsMuslim
      @ChristIsMuslim Год назад +8

      messiah is not God

    • @Desertrose77731
      @Desertrose77731 Год назад

      Stick with your call of duty and.
      Leave this subject for the grown up

  • @Nahren._.00
    @Nahren._.00 10 месяцев назад

    As a Christian,I truly respect this man so much...He stood up not only for Muslims,but also Christians too...Thank you❤

    • @Nahren._.00
      @Nahren._.00 9 месяцев назад

      @@WarriorX-xq8nn No.He was Jewish

  • @demoanddestroy
    @demoanddestroy Год назад +11

    Whatever happened to just being a good person?

    • @robust5615
      @robust5615 Год назад +16

      on what basis (fundamental, principle )...??? brother

    • @F-A7
      @F-A7 Год назад

      What about those who arent? What about those who are better than others? Would humans have moral guidelines without God?

    • @masterpopeyoda3290
      @masterpopeyoda3290 Год назад +1

      ​@@F-A7yes, because many eastern societies don't believe in God and have moral principles. Unless however you were loosing the term loosley, abd mean whatever the religous struture of the region is.

    • @mreyecanreal8170
      @mreyecanreal8170 Год назад

      Define the term "good person" ? dont forget at one stage in our dark history, the Germans believed and supported their definition of a good person/leader (WW2).
      There has to be a baseline to refer back to, a lot of people think they're good when in reality theyre as s holez.

    • @babyvaso3855
      @babyvaso3855 Год назад +3

      You cannot just be a good person, you must believe and in his name do good deeds. You say "Just be a good person" so you can be lazy, you are not worthy of blessings.

  • @eliezercohn358
    @eliezercohn358 Месяц назад +1

    Obviously Jesus is not messiah because if he was there would be peace

  • @oliverpalomares398
    @oliverpalomares398 Год назад +6

    Jesus is God

    • @a.d2019
      @a.d2019 Год назад +6

      The antichrist will say that he’s god aswel. We Muslims are save from that since no human can be god. But you Christian’s will have a problem with that.

    • @oliverpalomares398
      @oliverpalomares398 Год назад

      @@a.d2019 we have different Jesus Christ
      my Jesus Christ is God
      your jesus christ is humam birth by mary and i dont knoe who touch mary and he born

    • @a.d2019
      @a.d2019 Год назад

      @@oliverpalomares398 you will fall for the anti christ his lies. As will many others except for the Muslims.

    • @slightlyopinionated8107
      @slightlyopinionated8107 Год назад

      Jesus is a human you donut

    • @ChristIsMuslim
      @ChristIsMuslim Год назад +7

      God is not human/jesus and no one has ever seen God.
      -Numbers 23:19
      God is not human
      -1 John 4:12
      No one has ever seen God.

  • @sksoni8022
    @sksoni8022 Год назад +3

    Jews messiah is a real messiah❤

  • @Treesinus
    @Treesinus Год назад

    They will wait/weight forever until each of them weights/wayts correctly and recognize who went the distance and who Sits judging and weighting .

  • @iananderson3799
    @iananderson3799 Год назад +1

    I rather think Jainists, Hindus, Sikhs, Pagans, and many others also do NOT believe Jesus was the messiah

  • @ArnoldMaglalang-bb2oe
    @ArnoldMaglalang-bb2oe Год назад +3

    If you deny the divinity of Christ you also deny the father..and you are the anti Christ

    • @yaznhanfi9090
      @yaznhanfi9090 10 месяцев назад +2

      That is too far lol.

    • @aliadanabdi8602
      @aliadanabdi8602 10 месяцев назад

      Entire city of Jerusalem will not believe the father as well as all the people in the bible then.
      When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” 11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
      To add all the people since Jesus ask who do people think I am .
      All they said a prophet.
      In short everyone

    • @joehitlerLaden
      @joehitlerLaden 10 месяцев назад

      just like humans propaganda so this means every humans doesn't have the Rights to choose religion and have different god? this is why I don't believe in human gods especially the one always forced u to believe on them

  • @gilmarr23
    @gilmarr23 Год назад

    Crazy thing is the Tenach never spoke about Jesus nor Muhhamed.
    These days you can become a Christian or a Muslim. 🤔
    ‘And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, to keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?’
    ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭10‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    ‘Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.’
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • @Estbels
    @Estbels 4 месяца назад

    Muslims say Jesus didn’t die in the Cross even though it’s written by His apostles He did and it’s foretold on the Old Testament

    • @maxwellmaxwell3042
      @maxwellmaxwell3042 4 месяца назад

      1) Jesus dying on the cross is NOT foretold in the Old Testament.
      2) The Apostles did not write about Jesus.

    • @HynniewTrep473
      @HynniewTrep473 2 месяца назад

      Psalm 91
      Prophecy of Jesus, that he will be save and won't be harm in any way....

  • @will4evermoore
    @will4evermoore 11 месяцев назад

    He nailed it. As soon as the false shows up he with sit in the temple of God proclaiming to be the real and the whole world will wonder after him. So these people are setting up themselves to be led falsely

  • @raimiranda126
    @raimiranda126 10 месяцев назад

    Well as A Christian/Messianic we have something in common with the Muslims and Yes this is what Yeshua/Isa and Jesus said on
    John 5:43 (WEB) I have come in my Father’s name, and you don’t receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.
    GOD Bless you

  • @user-wj8dk3zd6x
    @user-wj8dk3zd6x Год назад +2

    Muslims really don't believe Jesus is the Messiah. For if they did, they would acknowledge Jesus is God manifest in the flesh.
    Why in the gospels the Jews sought Pilate to put Jesus to death?
    If Jesus claimed to be Christ, the Jews knew he was saying he was God manifest in the flesh.
    Muslims agree Jesus to be a prophet, which of course he was, but Islam fails to go beyond that. To which Jesus says (and to anyone else); I am he, if ye don't believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.

    • @a.d2019
      @a.d2019 Год назад

      We are not pagans, simple as that. A individual who eats, drinks and takes a shit. Is not the almighty creator. Jesus was dying of thirst in the desert. He got tempted by Satan. Called the gentile woman a dog. This is according to your scripture though, as I don’t believe in that. But even according to your believe. It’s irrational and not logical that, that is the almighty creator. Doesn’t make any sense.

    • @langstonreece7215
      @langstonreece7215 Год назад

      This is interesting because Messiah merely means savior. Christians believe that Christ saved believers metaphysically already, and most agree he will return physically to save believers, at least in the very end. Muslims believe that Christ will come physically to defeat the Dajjal.

    • @pavlekovacevic1676
      @pavlekovacevic1676 Год назад

      ​@@a.d2019 your "allmighty" can't enter his own creation lol. What a weak ass God

    • @djfasidjecks4815
      @djfasidjecks4815 10 месяцев назад

      With you on that my brother!!

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      @@langstonreece7215messiah means anointed

  • @samanthatorres3480
    @samanthatorres3480 4 месяца назад

    The false messiah may help them in this life but the after life Jesus is the one who truly saves ❤

  • @liagoldstein3842
    @liagoldstein3842 11 месяцев назад

    Just because other people believe that Jesus is the messiah, doesn’t mean that everyone believes it, and that ok! It doesn’t mean that someone else’s messiah is fake. Besides, Jews believe that the messiah had not come yet

  • @robertlane7387
    @robertlane7387 2 месяца назад

    That's who the Christian will receive also, the false one because they think he is the Creator and that's false!!!

  • @priscacanares-bp8iy
    @priscacanares-bp8iy 9 месяцев назад

    my God! the world is already old. how come there is still a lot of people around the world who do not understand their true existence. parents are to be blamed. may I just remind that the bible is the word of God. please read the bible. It is everyone's responbility to read the bible since it is the food for our soul. [Matthew 4:1-4] says "man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." 🙏🙏🙏

  • @sylviajantjies2101
    @sylviajantjies2101 Год назад

    The Muslims may be right about Yeshua but they say Jesus never die on the cross and Yeshua is not God.

  • @jamiemason2069
    @jamiemason2069 6 месяцев назад

    Jews have a criteria that a Messiah must meet for them to be the messiah. I forget the exact criteria you can Google it. But if an individual fails to meet one requirement in the criteria, then they cannot be the Messiah. Jesus does not meet all of the criteria.

  • @TheRealPrivate
    @TheRealPrivate 8 месяцев назад

    I am Christian and I received and agree with everything he said that’s correct my brother

  • @ImNotYourDad94
    @ImNotYourDad94 Год назад +1

    If he believes Jesus is the messiah then what was the point of Muhammad? Genuinely asking

    • @RexFaceLess
      @RexFaceLess Год назад +1

      "He" doesn't, we all Muslims do.
      We believe that Jesus (PBUH) was a Prophet of Allah and the Messiah.
      He conveyed God/Allah's message to us humans just as Prophets before and after him did. The reason we also regard him as a Messiah is because the term "Messiah" means "A leader regarded as the saviour of a particular country, group, or cause." Jesus to us is that saviour annointed by God/Allah to save us from the Antichrist in due time.
      Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) much like Jesus (PBUH) was a Prophet, he was the final Prophet sent by God/Allah to us, he delivered God's final message to us, the reason we don't believe him to be the messiah is because Allah did not annoint him any such duties. His role was to convey and spread God's final message, which was for the entirety of both Humankind and the Jinnkind. Through Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allah sent us the most comprehensive, important and all encompassing message. And the guidelines to live our lives by for the remainder of our time on this earth.
      Both of them though, are equally important and loved by us Muslims. Hope that answered your question.

    • @ImNotYourDad94
      @ImNotYourDad94 Год назад +1

      @@RexFaceLess I appreciate the response :)

    • @RexFaceLess
      @RexFaceLess Год назад

      @@ImNotYourDad94 No problems at all my friend, feel free to ask if you have any other questions. I'm no scholar or anything but I like to share as much as I know, haha

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      Messiah simply means annointed
      All kings and priests were anointed in scripture.
      Some of islams beliefs about the messiah do align with Judaism
      Of course we do disagree that j was the messiah

  • @lightwarriorawakened
    @lightwarriorawakened Год назад +1

    Incorrect. Isa and Jesus are not the same. Jesus, the Son of God died on a cross. Isa did not.

  • @aakash.pradhan
    @aakash.pradhan 10 месяцев назад

    Everyone has their own theory. Relegion is not really required for survival.

  • @JkSB3
    @JkSB3 Год назад +1

    What do you do if you know becoming Muslim will breakdown your relationships with family kids partner etc? Honestly it’s tough when you grew up in a white uk London background

    • @Ismail-AH2000
      @Ismail-AH2000 Год назад +4

      when you in the right path nothing else matter

    • @annoraboketto523
      @annoraboketto523 Год назад

      In Islam it’s permissible to hide your faith if there’s a reasonable fear, so you can be a Muslim privately if you wish. There are also so many submarine Muslims around who couldn’t reveal their Islam out of fear they might lose their jobs, marriages, or even their lives.
      I don’t know what’s your situation exactly but one situation I’m sure of: is no one ever knows when will it be their last breath. So make the right choice and don’t delay.
      May Allah guide you to the truth and make it easy for you. 🤲🏻

    • @shariii3
      @shariii3 Год назад +3

      This world doesn’t matter. No family no any one else
      Because all of the people that are around you will die
      If you just ignore the truth after death you can’t do anything about it you’ll be regretful
      But the only thing that will continue even after death is your belief
      If you know the truth you should avoid the things that are wrong and coming closer to Allah
      Everything will be okay it just need a little time
      Allah will help you and make it easier to you inshaAllah💗

    • @slightlyopinionated8107
      @slightlyopinionated8107 Год назад +1

      Why does it have to? No one needs to know. You can also do it in a way someone I knew converted. He told his family that he prays with his boss in the Muslim way and found peace in it hence he does it at home. He told his family he prays for the peace factor but doesn’t believe when he truly does

    • @JkSB3
      @JkSB3 Год назад +1

      @@shariii3 Thank you so much

  • @laurentmangari2848
    @laurentmangari2848 10 месяцев назад

    Eloim/Yahwe/Yehova/YHWH talks about the genetics/DNA of the Israelites in the era of Ezekiel (593 BC - 571 BC)
    Ezekiel 16 : 3 (King James version)
    3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.
    Off course ! except Jesus Christ our Lord
    How is it possible for modern Israelites to claim to be related by blood/genetics/DNA to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from their paternal/fatherly lineage?

  • @ComeForMeDaddy
    @ComeForMeDaddy Год назад +1

    Do you have a problem? Everyone is special
    Not only jesus
    In Judaism, the Messiah is a human being who never sinned

    • @yaznhanfi9090
      @yaznhanfi9090 10 месяцев назад

      Is it the Samri?

    • @esthersteier6840
      @esthersteier6840 9 месяцев назад

      No that’s not true
      In Judaism the messiah is a regular human
      Who quite possibly may have sinned

  • @shanewoody4232
    @shanewoody4232 8 месяцев назад

    Revelations doesn't make sense chapter 10 clearly states the beast represents a group of people. If this false Messiah tells the Jews to worship people they would accusing him of being a false Messiah because in the Jewish Bible when the Messiah comes everyone will worship God and god alone not a person

  • @mdarraafi5550
    @mdarraafi5550 10 месяцев назад

    Muslims and Christian believe the coming of jesus not the jews.

  • @dilipgn9007
    @dilipgn9007 10 месяцев назад

    Among the group of Blind, he who touches the Leg says that Elephant is like a pillar & for the one who touches the tail Elephant is a snake, so dear Blind keep fighting till the messaih comes, & wait wait the story will not end here, i am 100% sure that the messaiah will runaway as you people will suspect him also😂

  • @profyt3579
    @profyt3579 Год назад

    This is how easy the devil deceived ppl, Muslim saying they believe jesus is messiah knowing that’s a lie. They don’t believe that

    • @EV-EV-EV
      @EV-EV-EV Год назад

      You clown, the Qur'an literally calls Jesus the Messiah. Anyone who denies Jesus being the Messiah gets excommunicated from Islam.

    • @tj-nm4xh
      @tj-nm4xh Год назад +1

      We do believe.Every muslims believe.

  • @JesusisaMuslim
    @JesusisaMuslim Год назад

    Prophet Muhammad said regarding the Antichrist:
    "From the time of the creation of Adam until the Hour begins, there will never be a bigger creation than the Dajjal.’” (Muslim, 5239).
    "The false messiah (al-Masih al-Dajjal) is one-eyed, blind or defective in his right eye, with his eye looking like a floating grape…” ( al-Bukhari, no. 3184).
    “I have told you so much about the Dajjal that I fear you will not understand. The Dajjal will be a short man, pigeon-toed, with curly hair. He will be one-eyed, with his eye neither prominent nor sunken. If you become confused about him, then remember that your Lord is not one-eyed.” (Abu Dawud, no. 3763.
    ‘… as for the false messiah, he will be one-eyed, with a wide forehead and broad upper chest, and he will be hunchbacked…’” (Ahmad, no. 7564).
    ‘The Dajjal will be one-eyed, blind or defective in his left eye, with thick hair. He will have with him a paradise and a hell, but his hell will be a paradise and his paradise will be a hell.’” (Muslim, no. 5222).
    “No Prophet was sent but he warned his people about the one-eyed liar. He is one-eyed, but your Lord is not one-eyed, and between his eyes will be written ‘kafir.’” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, no. 6598). According to another report: “Written between his eyes will be ‘kaf fa ra.’” (Muslim, no. 5219)
    “The Dajjal will emerge from a land in the east called Khurasan.” (al-Tirmidhi, no. 2163.
    ‘The Dajjal will emerge from among the Jews of Isfahan, and with him will be seventy thousand Jews, wearing crowns.’” (Ahmad, no. 12865).
    “The followers of the Dajjal from among the Jews of Isfahan will number seventy thousand, wearing heavy, striped garments.” According to a report narrated by Imam Ahmad, “Seventy thousand Jews, wearing crowns.” (12865).
    “He will be followed by people with faces like burnished shields.” (al-Tirmidhi, no. 2136).
    "Son of Maryam (Mary) will kill the Dajjal at the door of LUD." Imam Tirmidhi(d.279/857)

    • @mattadin533
      @mattadin533 Год назад

      Jewish Hatred Is A Religious Mandate Under Islam. Islam Not A Religion The immense hatred of the Jews began in the time of Mohammed, by Mohammed. The Qur an, the Hadiths, and the events in Mohammed s life will explain the hatred that began with Mohammed and continued in his followers to this day. Mohammed was incensed that the Jews did not accept him as a prophet.. They were allowed to leave with their lives but had to turn over all their property and wealth to Mohammed. Can you imagine the gain that the Muslims got from this? And Mohammed accused the Jews of being greedy! Mohammed s idea of killing all the Jews is more than genocide. It is to attempt to abrogate the promise of Yahweh. Trying to wipe the Jews from the face of the earth seems like a strategy that the Devil would try in nullifying the words of Yahweh. The question is: who is God? Yahweh or Allah? It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, beheadings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the Jews and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull stories. Mohammed clearly approved of the entire slaughter of all Jewish males over puberty who belonged to the Banu Qurayza and he just sat back and watched the beheadings, of Jews one after one, into the hundreds, and eventually every Jewish male over puberty was 1000 Jews killed for remaining loyal to Judaism. ISLAM NOT A RELIGION Muhammad said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger." In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that. Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured loot, sex and a gluttonous paradise as incentives. He beheaded captives, enslaved children and raped women captured in battle. Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad. After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered. All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions. The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned). The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth. The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons. The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph. The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time. Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war... And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam! Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under submission to Islam. Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

  • @lowiemontes4724
    @lowiemontes4724 10 месяцев назад

    God is the Father. Lord is the son. Jehovah was the word. the word was made flesh. meaning Jehovah became Yeshua AKA Jesus Christ. the jew glorify the Lord but jew did not comprehend The coming of their own God

  • @YehovaSapavovt.HolyOneOfIsraeL
    @YehovaSapavovt.HolyOneOfIsraeL 10 месяцев назад

    Behold, I Will Give You Those Who Are Of
    [the satanic congregation],
    Who Will Say That They Are JEWS And Are Not,
    But They Will Tell A Lie.
    I Will Make Them Come And Worship At Your Feet
    And Know That I HAVE LOVED You:
    ~ REVELATION 3:9

    • @hez5354
      @hez5354 9 месяцев назад

      Who are you referring to by “satanic congregation”

    • @YehovaSapavovt.HolyOneOfIsraeL
      @YehovaSapavovt.HolyOneOfIsraeL 9 месяцев назад

      U are waiting antichrist satan matan batan. Good luck .
      Before Apraham I AM:
      because HIS YEHOVA:
      ~ John 8:59
      Our SAVIOR Is Not A Religion,
      But THE SALVATION Of All The Inhabitants Of The World.
      Come Out Of Babylon!!!
      Then I Heard Another VOICE From HEAVEN SAY:
      “’Come Out Of her, MY People,’ So That You Will Not Share In her sins, So That You Will Not Receive Any Of her plagues;
      ~ Revelation 18:4
      Read Jeremiah 51:1-14
      YEHOVA’S Judgment On Babylon:
      The SON Came In The NAME Of HIS FATHER:
      And The FATHER With 10 Commandments:
      AND This NAME Is Written In The HOLY BIBLE Of Armenian:
      ~ Isaiah 42:8
      This Is Proof From My Armenian HOLY BIBLE.
      Judgment Of Babylon:
      And I Will Not Accept Anyone's Mediation:
      “The NAME Of Our SAVIOR Is
      HE Is The HOLY ONE Of Israel:”
      ~ Isaiah 47:3-4
      “HE Poured Out HIS Life Into Death…
      HE Bore The Sins Of Many,
      And Made Intercession For The Transgressors”.
      ~ Isaiah 53:12
      But HE Was Pierced For Our Transgressions;
      HE Was Crushed For Our Iniquities;
      Upon HIM Was The Chastisement That Brought Us Peace,
      And With HIS Wounds We Are Healed.
      ~ Isaiah 53:5 read all verse. 1-13
      They Have Led People Astray With Various Names!
      They Changed [THE NAME OF YEHOVA SAVIOR]
      To Mislead People!
      People Look At Us With Dirty Eyes When They Hear THE NAME OF YEHOVA From Us!
      People Like You Have No Place In THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN:
      * the devil kept THE NAME YEHOVA THE FATHER And THE SON:
      And You Have Rejected ME.
      Yet If Others Come In Their own name,
      You Will Accept him:
      ~ John 5:43
      And With HIM 144,000
      Written On Their Foreheads:
      ~ Revelation 14:1
      WHO HAS Ascended To Heaven And Come Down?
      WHO HAS Gathered The Wind In HIS Fists?
      WHO HAS Wrapped Up The Waters In A Garment?
      WHO HAS Established All The Ends Of The Earth?
      What Is HIS NAME And HIS SON’S NAME?
      If You Know, Tell Me.
      ~ Proverbs 30:4
      “See, I AM Sending AN ANGEL Ahead Of You
      To GUARD You Along The Way And To BRING You To The PLACE I HAVE PREPARED.
      Pay Attention To HIM And LISTEN To What HE SAYS. Do Not Rebel Against HIM;
      HE Will Not FORGIVE Your Rebellion,
      Since MY NAME IS IN HIM.
      ~ Exodus 23:20-21
      * Announced the names of his idols And Deceived People:
      * god , mod, lod, lord, jesus mesus:
      “Be Careful About Everything I'VE Told You,
      And Don't Mention ‘the name of other elohims.’
      Don't let them Be Heard In Your Mouth!”.
      ~ Exodus 23:13
      Go And Cry Out To ‘the elohims’ You Have Chosen. let them Save You When You Are In Trouble!”
      ~ Judges 10:14
      Who Are Called By MY NAME.
      Humble Themselves,
      And Pray And Seek MY FACE,
      And Turn From Their Wicked Ways;
      Then I WILL HEAR From HEAVEN,
      And WILL FORGIVE Their Sin,
      And Heal Their Land.”
      2 Chronicles 7:14,
      And [MY GLORY] WILL I NOT GIVE To another,
      Neither [MY PRAISE] To graven images.
      ~ Isaiah 42:8
      * The Sabbath And YEHOVA’S NAME Has Been Removed From Us So That We Have No Salvation: The Sign Between Us And ELOHIM YEHOVA AND SAVIOR Is The HOLY SABBATH:
      Most HigH YEHOVA'S Will And Man's Rejection:
      (16) Because They Rejected MY LAWS And Did Not Follow MY Decrees And Desecrated
      MY SABBATHS. For Their Hearts Were Devoted To Their Idols.
      (19) I AM YEHOVA Your CREATOR;
      Follow MY Decrees And Be Careful To Keep MY LAWS.
      (20) Keep My SABBATHS HOLY, That They May Be A Sign Between US. Then You Will Know That I AM YEHOVA Your CREATOR.
      ~ Ezekiel 20: 16, 19, 20
      Their Pains Will Increase, Who Prefer Another god. [Because Of Their idolatry];
      I Will Not Give Their BLOOD Offerings
      And I Will Not Take Their Names ON MY LIPS.
      ~ Psalms 16:4
      * It Is Very Clear What Our SAVIOR YEHOVA SAYS About The Commandments Of HIS FATHER.
      Think Not That I AM COME To Destroy THE LAW, Or The prophets: I AM Not COME To Destroy,
      But To FulFil.
      For Verily I SAY Unto You,
      Till HEAVEN And Earth Pass, One Jot Or One Tittle Shall In No Wise Pass FROM THE LAW,
      Whosoever Therefore Shall Break One Of These Least CommandmentS, And Shall Teach Men So, He Shall Be Called The Least In THE KINGDOM Of HEAVEN: But Whosoever Shall Do And Teach Them, The Same Shall BE CALLED GREAT IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
      For I SAY Unto You, That Except Your Righteousness Shall Exceed The Righteousness Of The Scribes And Pharisees, Ye Shall In No Case ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
      ~ Matthew 5:17-20
      * he transferred THE HOLY Sabbath to Sun day
      And He Brought me into the inner court of THE ELOHIM’S HOUSE, and, behold, at the Door Of The TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, between The Porch and The Altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward THE TEMPLE Of The ELOHIM, and their faces toward the east;
      and [they worshipped the sun] toward the east.
      ~ Ezekiel 8:16
      The 144,000
      Mysteries Of The Chosen & Sealed Ones!!!
      YEHOVA Is Our Salvation:
      (The 144,000 And YEHOVA’S Special Mark;)
      What Else Does “Sealed” Mean? In Holy Bible Times,
      People Put A Seal On Something To Show They Owned It.
      So, When The New Testament Talks About YEHOVA’S Seal,
      It Is A Word Pic- Ture That Helps Us Understand An Important Truth: “ ‘The ELoHIM Knows Who HIS Own People Are’
      ” (2 Timothy 2:19 ). YEHOVA “Writes” HIS NAME On HIS People’s Hearts When HE Pours HIS Spirit On Them
      (Ephesians 1:13, 14; Ephesians 4:30).
      That Is What YEHOVA’S Seal Means. In The End Time,
      YEHOVA Will Put A Seal On HIS People Above Their Eyes To Show That They Obey HIS LAW (Revelation 14:1, 12). YEHOVA’S Seal Is Not A Real Mark.
      It Is A Word Picture That Shows How YEHOVA’S People
      “Grow More Loyal To The Truth In Their Minds And Hearts So That Nothing Will Change Them.”
      At Different Times In History,
      YEHOVA Tested HIS People’s Loyalty. In The Old Testament,
      YEHOVA’S People Showed Their Loyalty To YEHOVA
      By Keeping The HOLY Sabbath
      (Exodus 31:12-17; Ezekiel 20:12, 20).
      The Sabbath Also Will Be The Test At The End Of Time
      That Shows Who Is Loyal To YEHOVA
      (Revelation 12:17; Revelation 14:12).
      YEHOVA’S Seal Also Shows Us That YEHOVA Will Protect
      HIS People From The Seven Last Troubles.
      “I Revealed MYSELF To Those Who Did Not Ask For ME;
      I Was Found By Those Who Did Not Seek ME.
      To A Nation That Did Not Call On MY NAME,
      I SAID, ‘Here AM I, Here AM I. ‘
      ~ Isaiah 65:1
      Their Pains Will Increase,
      Who Prefer Another god.
      [Because Of Their idolatry];
      I Will Not Give Their BLOOD Offerings
      And I Will Not Take Their Names ON MY LIPS.
      ~ Psalms [ Սաղմոս] 16:4
      I Will Destine You To The Sword,
      And All Of You Shall Bow Down To The Saughter, Because, When I Called,
      You Did Not Answer; When I Spoke,
      You Did Not Listen,
      But You Did What Was Evil In MY EYES
      And Chose What I Did Not Delight In.”
      ~ Isaiah 65:12
      * Aurora: The Northen Lights:
      I Beheld Till THE THRONES Were Cast Down,
      And THE Ancient Of Days DID SIT,
      A Fiery Stream Issued And Came Forth From Before HIM: Thousand Thousands Ministered UNTO HIM,
      And Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand Stood BEFORE HIM:
      The Judgment Was Set, And THE BOOKS WERE OPENED.
      ~ Daniel 7:9-10
      Then The SPIRIT OF ELOHIM Clothed Zechariah The Son Of Jehoiada The Priest,
      And He Stood Above The People And Said To Them,
      ‘Why Do You Transgressing THE COMMANDMENTS OF YEHOVA?
      You Will Never Find Succeed.
      Because You Rejected YEHOVA ,
      HE Will Also Reject You.’ ”
      ~ 2 Chronicles 24:20
      YEHOVA’S EYES WATCH All The Earth.
      So That Those Who Follow HIM With A Straight Heart, Will Be Strengthened.
      ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9
      [YEHOVA'S Judgment To The Nations]
      “Then Tell Them,
      ‘THIS IS WHAT The YEHOVA Almighty, The ELoHIM Of IsraeL, SAYS:
      Drink, Get Drunk And Vomit,
      And Fall To Rise No More Because Of The Sword I WILL SEND Among You.’
      But If They Refuse To Take The Cup From Your Hand And Drink,
      Tell Them,
      ‘THIS IS WHAT The YEHOVA Almighty SAYS:
      You Must Drink It!
      I AM Beginning To Bring Disaster On The City That Bears MY NAME,
      And Will You Indeed Go Unpunished? You Will Not Go Unpunished,
      For I AM CALLING Down A Sword On All Who Live On The Earth,
      Declares The YEHOVA Almighty.’
      ~ Jeremiah 25:27-29
      “When SEVENTY YEARS [70] Are COMPLETED For Babylon,
      For I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE For You,”
      “PLANS To PROSPER You And NOT To HARM You,
      THEN You Will Call On ME And Come And Pray To ME, And I WILL LISTEN To You.
      You Will Seek ME And FIND ME When You Seek ME With All Your Heart.
      ~ Jeremiah 29:10-14
      For This Is What THE YEHOVA SAYS:
      “To The EUNUCHS Who Keep MY SABBATHS,
 And Hold Fast TO MY COVENANT;
      And A NAME BETTER THAN Sons And Daughters;
      ~ Isaiah 56:4-5
      “You Are MY Witnesses,” SAYS THE YEHOVA, “And MY Servant Whom I HAVE CHOSEN, That You May Know And Believe ME, And Understand That I’M THE SAME:
      Before ME There Was No Elohim Formed, Nor Shall There Be AFTER ME:
      ~ Isaiah 43:10

  • @prodigalsun1069
    @prodigalsun1069 8 месяцев назад

    I'm not Jewish, but Christ in Greek, and Messiah in Hebrew are the basically the same. The annointed one. Jews reject Jesus because he did not fulfill prophecy according to the hebrew Bible . Not the new testament written in Greek, and tied to the old testament a Hebrew book. The Messiah was supposed to be a literal annointed King(as kings are annointed) from the line of David to lift up Israel, and rebuild the temple. In comparison Jesus was killed on the cross which was never suppsed to happen to the Messiah.. I could be wrong, so please don't be offended. This was my understanding.

  • @soymanulitogamer9093
    @soymanulitogamer9093 10 месяцев назад +1

    christianity comes from judaism though. so in any case, your jesus is the anti-messiah

  • @YehovaSapavovt.HolyOneOfIsraeL
    @YehovaSapavovt.HolyOneOfIsraeL 10 месяцев назад

    who is he to speak and have his words fulfilled,
    If The YEHOVA ELoHIM Has Not Commanded?
    ~ Lamentations Jeremiah 3:37
    HIS NOT: lord god mod jesus mesus:
    They Will Call On MY NAME,
    And I Will ANSWER Them:
    I Will Say, ‘They Are MY People,’
    And They Will Say, The YEHOVA Is Our ELoHIM.
    ~ Zechariah 13:9
    HIS ELoHIM The Most HigH Our Mighty Creator:
    Glory To The Alpha And Omega:
    Glory In The Highest Our ELoHIM And Savior:
    Glory To The Lion Of Judah:
    Praise YAH, YEHOVA, HalleluYAH:
    Moreover Most HigH Said To Moses,
    “ Thus You Shall Say To The Children Of Israel:
    ‘ The YEHOVA ELoHIM Of Your Fathers,
    The ELoHIM Of Abraham,
    The ELoHIM Of Isaac,
    And The ELoHIM Of Jacob,
    Has Sent Me To You.
    This Is MY NAME Forever,
    And This Is MY Memorial To All Generations.
    ~ Exodus 3:15
    Because He Has Affection For ME,
    I Will Rescue Him. I Will Protect Him
    Because He Knows MY NAME. ~ Psalm 91:14
    The Wise Will See YOUR NAME; ~ Micah 6:9
    Be Proud Of HIS Holy Name: ~ Psalm 105:3
    “You Must Not Take Up The Name Of YEHOVA Your EloHIM In A Worthless Way,
    For YEHOVA Will Not Leave Unpunished The One
    Who Takes Up HIS Name In A Worthless Way.”
    ~ Exodus 20:7
    I Have Been "YEHOVA" Your CreatoR
    Ever Since The Land Of Egypt;
    You Know No CreatoR But ME,
    And No SavioR Exists Besides ME.
    ~ Hosea 13:4
    And Everyone Who Calls On The Name Of YEHOVA Will Be Saved.”’
    ~ Acts 2:21
    There Is No One Who Calls YOUR NAME;
    To Wake Up And Find Strength In YOU.
    ~ Isaiah 64:7
    YEHOVA Is The Same Forever:
    ELOHIM NAME Can’t Translated:
    >Names Never Translate.
    Your Name Is The Same In Every Language In The World.

  • @youhavenoidea1516
    @youhavenoidea1516 8 месяцев назад

    The first ones who believed in Jesus were the messianic Jews, which saw his miracles, they are becoming more. The Muslims are not believing in Jesus as the Messiah ,its a normal Prophet in Islam if they would they would not follow or believe in the words of Mohammed .Jesus cant be your Savior if you are denialng his crucifixion and resurrection .the holy land of God is Israel and chosen people are the Jews, end the end all Jews will assume Jesus to 100% as their Messiah Gods word