Red Army Choir - Three Sisters / Три сестры (Russian, Ukrainian & Belarusian Subtitle)

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • Thanks to Andriy Prychodko for the Ukrainian translation and Maria Melnik for the Belarusian translation.
    This video is something that you don't see everyday. I mean, Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian language in this song, it's so perfect. Hope you enjoy!
    Russian Text (Lyrics):
    Стали сёстры нежней и красивей,
    Когда каждая в косы вплела -
    Беларусь, Украина, Россия,
    Православных церквей купола.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    И тревожная, тихая грусть.
    Три славянских народа сплотила
    Православная светлая Русь.
    Вместе радость и горе встречали
    И грядущего строили храм,
    Разудалые песни звучали
    От Непрядвы до хвылей Днепра.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    И тревожная, тихая грусть.
    Три славянских народа сплотила
    Православная светлая Русь.
    Если слышались грома раскаты
    И к защите Земля-Мать звала,
    Колокольным взрывались набатом
    Православных церквей купола.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    И тревожная, тихая грусть.
    Три славянских народа сплотила
    Православная светлая Русь.
    Возрождали величье и славу,
    Да сожжённые хаты дотла.
    И могучую духом Державу
    Освящали церкей купола.
    Но опутала тёмная сила,
    И судьба трёх сестёр развела -
    Беларусь, Украину, Россию...
    И в надежде грустят купола.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    И тревожная, тихая грусть.
    Три славянских народа сплотила
    Православная светлая Русь.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    И тревожная, тихая грусть.
    Три славянских народа сплотила
    Православная светлая Русь. (2 раза)
    Ukrainian Translation:
    Стали сестри ніжніш і гарніш,
    Коли кожна в коси вплела -
    Білорусь, Україна, Росія,
    Православних церков купола.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    І тривожний, тихий сум.
    Три слов'янських народи згуртувала
    Православная світлая Русь.
    Разом радість і горе зустрічали
    І майбутнього будували храм,
    Розудалі пісні звучали
    Від Напрядви до Дніпровських хвиль.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    І тривожний, тихий сум.
    Три слов'янських народи згуртувала
    Православная світлая Русь.
    Якщо чувся грому гуркіт
    І до захисту Земля-Мати кликала,
    Дзвіночним вибухали набатом
    Православних церков купола.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    І тривожний, тихий сум.
    Три слов'янських народи згуртувала
    Православная світлая Русь.
    Відроджували велич і славу,
    Та спалені хати вщент.
    І могутню духом Державу
    Освячували церков куполи.
    Але опутала темная сила,
    І доля трьох сестер розвела -
    Білорусь, Україну, Росію...
    І в надії сумують купола.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    І тривожний, тихий сум.
    Три слов'янських народи згуртувала
    Православная світлая Русь.
    В них небес благодатная сила
    І тривожний, тихий сум.
    Три слов'янських народи згуртувала
    Православная світлая Русь. (2 раза)
    Belarusian Translation:
    Сталі сёстры пяшчотней і прыгожей,
    Калі каждая ў косы заплятала -
    Беларусь, Украіна, Расія,
    Праваслаўных цэркваў купалы.
    У іх нябёс жыватворная моц
    І трывожны, ціхі сум.
    Тры славянскіх народа спаліла
    Праваслаўная светлая Русь.
    Разам радасць і сум сустракалі
    І будучага будавалі храм,
    Зухаватыя песні гучалі
    Ад Непрядвы да хвылёў Дняпра.
    У іх нябёс жыватворная моц
    І трывожны, ціхі сум.
    Тры славянскіх народа спаліла
    Праваслаўная светлая Русь.
    Калі чуліся грымоты
    І да абароны Зямля-Маці клікала,
    Звонам выбухавалі звоны
    Праваслаўных цэркваў купалы.
    У іх нябёс жыватворная моц
    І трывожны, ціхі сум
    Тры славянскіх народа спаліла
    Праваслаўная светлая Русь.
    Аднаўлялі веліч і славу,
    Да спаленыя хаты дашчэнту.
    І магутную духам Дзяржаву
    Асвятлялі цэркваў купалы.
    Але аблытала цёмная сіла,
    І лёс трох сясцёр развяла -
    Беларусь, Украіну, Расію...
    І ў надзеі сумуюць купалы.
    У іх нябёс жыватворная моц
    І трывожны, ціхі сум.
    Тры славянскіх народа спаліла
    Праваслаўная светлая Русь.
    У іх нябёс жыватворная моц
    І трывожны, ціхі сум.
    Тры славянскіх народа спаліла
    Праваслаўная светлая Русь. (2 разы)

Комментарии • 115

  • @HermosFlutter
    @HermosFlutter  Год назад +17

    English translation by Tulitanir and Russian Comrade.
    The sisters became gentler and more beautiful,
    When each wove into a braid:
    Belarus, Ukraine, Russia,
    Domes of Orthodox churches.
    There's a blessed power of heavens in them
    And a restless, silent sorrow.
    Three Slavic peoples were united
    By Orthodox bright (holy) Rus.
    They met joy and grief together
    And built a temple of the future;
    And the happy songs were sung
    From Nepryadva to the Dnieper River.
    There's a blessed power of heavens in them
    And a restless, silent sorrow.
    Three Slavic peoples were united
    By Orthodox bright (holy) Rus.
    If the rumble of thunder was heard
    And Mother Earth called for protection,
    The bells rang out
    From the domes of Orthodox churches.
    There's a blessed power of heavens in them
    And a restless, silent sorrow.
    Three Slavic peoples were united
    By Orthodox bright (holy) Rus.
    They revived their majesty and strength,
    And rebuilt completely burnt-down homes.
    And strong in spirit State
    Was sanctified by the church domes.
    But suddenly a dark force,
    And fate separated the three sisters:
    Belarus, Ukraine, Russia...
    And the domes grieve in hope.
    There's a blessed power of heavens in them
    And a restless, silent sorrow.
    Three Slavic peoples were united
    By Orthodox bright (holy) Rus.
    There's a blessed power of heavens in them
    And a restless, silent sorrow.
    Three Slavic peoples were united
    By Orthodox bright (holy) Rus. (2 times)

  • @lukestrana9921
    @lukestrana9921 Год назад +20

    Я не мог сдержать слез, слушая песню. Братья и сестры могут ссориться, но братья всегда братья, несмотря ни на что!

  • @JIuHb-_-_-
    @JIuHb-_-_- Год назад +32

    Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians have always been fraternal peoples, from time immemorial. Soon the war that began in 2014 will end and we will begin to live peacefully. Nazism will be eradicated, and those who remain human will breathe a sigh of relief.

    • @sheriff-199
      @sheriff-199 26 дней назад

      Именно поэтому москали лежали под Оршей из-за Константина Острожского?

  • @captainVietnam137
    @captainVietnam137 Год назад +31

    God bless Russia, Ukraine and Belarus!

  • @FlySoGood
    @FlySoGood Год назад +70


    • @TheCornFarmer1989
      @TheCornFarmer1989 Год назад +2

      There are no brothers here. Only an abusive master (russia), a dog (Belarus) and one smart enough to want to escape the centuries of imperialistic abuse from russia (Ukraine).
      If I treated my brothers the way russia treated and treats Belarus and Ukraine I would not expect them to call me brother. Not to mention how obvious it is russia does not seek "brothers", it seeks to destroy the Ukrainian and Belarussian people to replace them with russians. Why else would russia spend to long banning their languages and other aspects of their cultures as well as deporting them, only to then influx the area with ethnic russians. They do not desire brotherhood, they desire servitude at the very best.

    • @kinsumandal2467
      @kinsumandal2467 Год назад +3

      @Putler Jugend ⚡⚡ No Russian won't , and that wasn't their intention .

    • @HanifAbdurrahman
      @HanifAbdurrahman Год назад +4

      I hope that so, *no more brother wars!!*

  • @Alexey_Poruchik
    @Alexey_Poruchik Год назад +21

    Это великолепно, спасибо!

  • @aramsourouzian9598
    @aramsourouzian9598 3 месяца назад +3

    Such a beautiful yet sad song. It really is a shame how the great powers of the world always manage to tear fraternal people apart and turn them against each other for their own benefit.
    I wish the best to those three nations. May the three sisters reunite again! 🇧🇾🇺🇦🇷🇺

  • @SolevayaRey
    @SolevayaRey Год назад +36

    Слушаю и чувствую депрессию как панславист, сколько себя помню

  • @ImperialAIcovers
    @ImperialAIcovers Год назад +9

    That moment when all the sisters went crazy...

  • @kinsumandal2467
    @kinsumandal2467 Год назад +8

    This channel always have some rare beautiful songs, that's very hard to find elsewhere .

  • @artembober286
    @artembober286 Год назад +10

    На мой день рождения самое то.

  • @boomerswithoutborders1488
    @boomerswithoutborders1488 5 месяцев назад +3

    Слава Руси. Слава России, Украине и Беларуси

  • @Lavrushka0812
    @Lavrushka0812 Год назад +6

    I hope, after Putin, relationships Russia and Ukraine will be fine.. not be soon, but in future

  • @Konnichiwa_Chan_UwU
    @Konnichiwa_Chan_UwU Год назад +7

    Wow I love this song it's so beautiful u-u

  • @andriyprychodko9697
    @andriyprychodko9697 Год назад +4

    Thank you!

  • @duongthienbao8782
    @duongthienbao8782 Год назад +20

    God bless Russia!

    • @arctrix5031
      @arctrix5031 Год назад +2

      God bless our три сестры

  • @randomabsolute4107
    @randomabsolute4107 Год назад +5

    Хорошая песня

  • @nesluhohol
    @nesluhohol 11 месяцев назад +1

    Автор текста генерал-полковник Ивашов Леонид Григорьевич

  • @josevini_2010
    @josevini_2010 Год назад +4

    Three soviets republics🚩♥️

  • @EricSeltnerFabian129
    @EricSeltnerFabian129 Год назад +1

    As I'm Austrian-Belarusian This Song is Based

  • @kristijanveljaca1687
    @kristijanveljaca1687 Год назад +12

    Soon to be reunited!

  • @陳大偉-g8j
    @陳大偉-g8j Год назад +3

  • @senkhatrf
    @senkhatrf 11 месяцев назад +2

    Только не понимаю что забыла Грузия в составе России 😅
    А так шикарно!

    @PLARCK Год назад +3

    NOOO I WILL BE AT SCHOOL when this are going to Start :((((((

  • @Schvedo
    @Schvedo Год назад +24

    if only the Ukrainian nationalists did not quarrel the sisters....

    • @lightninggames5614
      @lightninggames5614 Год назад +2

      yeah, it's the 'ukranian nationalists' who's bombing civilian population in Ukraine right as we speak

    • @TheCornFarmer1989
      @TheCornFarmer1989 Год назад +1

      If only its "sisters" didnt spend centuries treating it as a second class alien in their own native lands, banning their cultural expressions (e.g language), invading, genociding amongst other things. Ukrainians have plenty reason to hate russia both in centuries past and in recent years.
      How victim blaming it is to blame the younger "sister" for the actions of the abusive older "sister". This idea of siblinghood between these states is nothing more than an imperialist romanticisation so that those in favour of russian imperialists can pretend they are simply looking after a sibling and feel justified in their imperialism. It is no different to when nations like the UK and France claimed they were "civilising" the peoples of America and Africa in the age of imperialism.

  • @pavolp.6527
    @pavolp.6527 Год назад +5

    Someone, somewhere does not want united eastern orthodox slavic nations. Wonder who...

  • @tulitanir
    @tulitanir Год назад +19

    "Не тратьте слова
    на братство славян.
    Братство рабочих -
    и никаких прочих!"

  • @KukazetheKitsune
    @KukazetheKitsune Год назад +2

    Might be the last one to comment here

  • @40scwalfasgamer67
    @40scwalfasgamer67 Год назад +5

    1st Comments

  • @gnat3239
    @gnat3239 Год назад +4


    • @gnat3239
      @gnat3239 Год назад +1

      Would be even better with a different Belarusian flag.

    • @HermosFlutter
      @HermosFlutter  Год назад +1

      @@gnat3239 Well, this song was made in 2000.

  • @khiemnguyen5727
    @khiemnguyen5727 Год назад

    Now they fight

  • @tweazle7234
    @tweazle7234 Год назад +5

    Вітаю усе' беларусав я счытаю што оне доліжны быть сабземі кто такше счітает сюды все такі мы былі вмісті і построіле СССР вместе!

  • @im_mari
    @im_mari Год назад +2

    Belarus is so small, ahah (only now I understand that it is so small uuwww)

  • @Archduke_Astatos
    @Archduke_Astatos Год назад +3

    Ah, isn't it nice to wake up on a cold February day to find out that one of the sisters is beating the absolute shit out of another one (or atleast trying to)?

  • @evgeha7776
    @evgeha7776 Год назад +15

    Печально что из за идиотов в кремле братские отношения придется восстанавливать десятилетиями(
    So sad that because Kreml idiots we need to repair brothers nation relationship for a lot of decade

    • @profanmlbb1077
      @profanmlbb1077 Год назад +1

      Идиоты в Украине всë-таки

  • @AlxzAlec
    @AlxzAlec Год назад +16

    Ukraine stops genociding and trying to be a Western Puppet, Russia leaves Ukraine, and they all 3 ally. That would be amazing.

    • @crynaek1454
      @crynaek1454 Год назад +1


    • @TheCornFarmer1989
      @TheCornFarmer1989 Год назад +7

      Bro stopped taking his normal pills and now is in an alternate reality where Ukraine invaded russia

    • @portal_-xp7jl
      @portal_-xp7jl Год назад +5

      @@TheCornFarmer1989 он про Донбасс

    • @TheCornFarmer1989
      @TheCornFarmer1989 Год назад +2

      @@portal_-xp7jl Yeah. Donbass - Ukraine.

    • @camaradatrotsky5584
      @camaradatrotsky5584 Год назад +1

      ​@@TheCornFarmer1989 Even though Donbass were from Ukraine, the people there are Russians and are suffering from the hand of the Ukrainian government, Russia had an obligation to act, an attack against Russians is an attack against Russia

  • @MonsieurWeevil
    @MonsieurWeevil Год назад +3

    Glory to Ukraine, live Belarus, freedom for Russia!

    • @benmm01
      @benmm01 6 месяцев назад

      Russia already free

  • @uzumakihimawari1
    @uzumakihimawari1 Год назад +2

    3rd to comment

  • @KoeppenLP
    @KoeppenLP Год назад +13

    What a shame that the Putin-Regime destroy the Relationship between those States.

    • @boris335
      @boris335 Год назад +9


    • @sovkinen
      @sovkinen Год назад +17

      Belarus and Russian relationship is fine.
      Ukraine is the only outlier, they don't want to be a power. They want to be a minor European member.

    • @KoeppenLP
      @KoeppenLP Год назад +2

      @@sovkinen Russia is under the oppression of Putin and Belarus a Hostage of Lukaschenka and Putin. Ukraine is the only Country who fights to be free of that, to be a free and prosperous European Country in the future. Not to end like Russia... which Economy is sucked dry by the Putin-Clique.

    • @sovkinen
      @sovkinen Год назад

      @@KoeppenLP POV : You barely found out these 3 countries existed.
      Also what Putin "Clique" sounds fucking stupid. Jesus, look into things rather than believing everything you hear.

    • @TheCornFarmer1989
      @TheCornFarmer1989 Год назад

      @@sovkinen Ah yes, "a power", so long as it is not choosing what you want for your nation and doing whatever the Kremlin says. Its true, Lukashenko's Belarus is not a "minor European member" because it is worse than that. It is not a "brother" or a "sister" to russia. It is a dog that does as its told to an abusive master in Moscow that ensures it doesnt step out of line.
      Ukraine on the other hand, has ambitions and a desire to chose its path as a nation for itself. Be it in the EU and/or in NATO and for this its the villain? Get a grip on the situation, better a "minor European member" (it would not be "minor" as it is one of the biggest nations on the continent and would not have to suffer the actions of russia which for centuries have stunted the potential of Ukraine for its selfish sake) than a member of russias abusive "family".

  • @larissapopovych6551
    @larissapopovych6551 Год назад

    Never again. Good bye.

  • @Kraneberger
    @Kraneberger Год назад +8

    Ukraine will never ever have a good view on Russia ever again, as long as the Ukrainian people persist. Russia's own fault.

    • @адмиралКолчак-е9и
      @адмиралКолчак-е9и Год назад +25

      But don’t you think that the Russophobic policy of the top of Ukraine brought this war to a head?

    • @crynaek1454
      @crynaek1454 Год назад +4

      @@адмиралКолчак-е9и No

    • @Kraneberger
      @Kraneberger Год назад +1

      @@crynaek1454 Admiral Kolchaks argument falling apart after Crynaek comments no

    • @Kraneberger
      @Kraneberger Год назад +1

      @@адмиралКолчак-е9и Yes and no, Russia always was quite harsh to Ukraine and especially in the last years Russia did not treat Ukraine so well and blocked its plans for turning to the west, so no surprise the Ukrainians became less fond of Russians

    • @sovkinen
      @sovkinen Год назад

      Funny enough, romanians, Moldovans all say that ukranians come into their country for refugee help, and they're all angry at the United States. Isn't that something, or let me guess, it's propaganda and they're paid.