What does the FE2 Community actually want?

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 77

  • @just_ducky
    @just_ducky  3 месяца назад +1

    I know this is a bit late but the RUclipsr responses were conducted before V62.1 so if they say anything that's been rectified in that update you can ignore it.

  • @Ev_nlol
    @Ev_nlol 3 месяца назад +12

    Glad I could participate in this !!
    You are genuinely the only one in this community willing to throw together the actual issues in the game itself, instead of shining a bad light on this community. Focusing on the actual game that we surround itself is such a great move, props to you ducky!

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Yeah, taking a more neutral stance is very refreshing and is much needed.
      Also, you're welcome :)

    • @ttmackb
      @ttmackb 3 месяца назад

      fr though

  • @pixelatedluisyt
    @pixelatedluisyt 3 месяца назад +9

    humble jungle and no light being added would be cool-

  • @BlazeWinglol
    @BlazeWinglol 3 месяца назад +4

    Thanks for letting me take part in this video, I love expressing my thoughts about the game lol

  • @backjump
    @backjump 3 месяца назад +8

    Thanks for letting me take part!!!!!!!!!!! Duck emoji.

  • @ttmackb
    @ttmackb 3 месяца назад +2

    I only had a few arguments for the return of chaos........

  • @HKip
    @HKip 3 месяца назад +1

    I love this video! Although i wouldnt consider a handful of people enough voice to speak as the entire community, this is defintiely a healthy way of gattering people to voice an opinion. Kuddos to everyone involved!

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, I can understand that, which is why I did acknowledge it briefly :)

    • @HKip
      @HKip 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@just_ducky if you plan on doing something similar in the future, hopefully you can get a bigger sample of people. Id recommend giving people in the forms more space for open answers, it'll definitely help put better into perspective what the community wants (this would probably make it hard to put in a RUclips video, but you could also make a doc. Gathering results). Hopefully this video can reach Crazyblox.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад +1

      @@HKip Yeah, that would be a good idea.
      I probably won't do this as I mentioned at the end of the video I want to make less content that revolves around critiquing the game or the community, but if you want to do this (or propose it to another creator) you have my permission!

  • @Meow712
    @Meow712 3 месяца назад +1

    all of these are super good points! honestly the intensity system is the biggest offender for me, SaberSift perfectly worded my opinion that normal is way too skewed towards easier maps and pro mode focuses too much on crazy+. insanes and crazys totally get drowned out which sucks because they're really important for building skill imo, especially with the intensity reset where if you're lucky enough to make it to insane on a normal server you'll lose the intensity within a round or two. being able to cruise at an intensity that matches/is just above your skill level just isn't possible anymore with the reset, and not being able to boost on easy just wastes precious time to get up the intensity before you're back to easy again. great work on this video, i really hope it sparks some needed changes in the game!

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Yeah, that was a point that really stuck out to me when actually getting all the responses from the 9 people who took part. I also mentioned it in my Suggestions Part 3 video, about how Normal servers should focus on Hard and Insane while Pro Servers focus on Crazy and Crazy+, with Chill being reinstated to cover Easy and Normal.

  • @Anshelooo
    @Anshelooo 3 месяца назад

    Interesting and entertaining video ngl. I think you didnt miss anything, adding the youtubers response was great so the video could be a little longer. Overall love the video!

  • @ARegularPersom
    @ARegularPersom 3 месяца назад +1

    I want my beloved chais and chill servers back!
    Please, crazyblox!!

  • @kaylabridget1112
    @kaylabridget1112 3 месяца назад

    As a veteran in the FE2 Community I HATE having the game physics getting reworked EVERY SINGLE MONTH. That's a common grudge a lot of us have because it leads to some of our maps becoming impossible or needing to have it reworked / updated
    The intensity system and how map voting is limited to 8 maps makes it REALLY hard for me to play a specific map I wanted. In fact, I timed how long it takes for me to play a map I wanted (Concrete Jungle) in my other channel (RichardiOS275) and it took about 12-13 minutes just to play that specific map once.
    It makes recording content for that map very difficult and it made me quit speedrunning the game

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      The physics changes, while annoying, are more annoying when they are not properly changed. Sometimes physics changes are justified but they're certainly not when Crazyblox "fixes" them, then needs to make another adjustment a few weeks later. If they were thoroguhly tested then sure, the occasional map might break, but it would be no where near as bad as it actually is. Overall I agree.
      I 100% agree with you with the Intensity System though, the map voting pool cannot keep up with the amount of maps on any difficulty now (other than Crazy+) and trying to get footage of a specific map outside of Easy (as you can reset a bunch of times in a VIP) is super annoying now. I didn't bother getting specific map footage for this video, and I'm not bothering in my next video either.

  • @Void_galaxy
    @Void_galaxy 3 месяца назад

    We want EVERYTHING

  • @AgarSlade
    @AgarSlade 3 месяца назад

    Reading their responses made me want to speak my own so here goes:
    1) I don't really mind more maps being added but damn its hard to get used to playing so many of them, some suffer from bugs, some suffer from gameplay design (it would be nice if these maps actually had atleast small shortcuts that you could make use of for corner cutting atleast. Or do what Ducky Hills did and add some difficult secondary route for a map that skips a chunk of the map by having a higher risk of death but also a higher reward if u succeed.
    2) Personally, I don't see much of a reason to rework any gameplay related mechanics, I would rather say maps that use specific types of platforming could maybe update it to match the consistency of physics (main example is the truss walljumps, where you jump onto a truss which leads directly into a wall jump) another example being long jumps, currently FE2's jump power is lacking on crazy+ maps.
    3) I'll be blunt on this one, I didn't like either gamemode out of these 2, chill mode was a pain in the neck to deal with because of the daily challenges which forced me to play in it, chaos mode was a bit better because I could have as many people join me as i wanted, it was great for rebirth parties, for gameplay itself however, I didn't really like chaos at all, because there isn't any teamwork in chaos, sbs did say that the gamemode improved teamwork but i wouldn't think so, a lot of players there are way too slow to go for buttons and there is insane lag while at it. but then again i guess people did find chaos much more fun regardless because u could get an infinite amount of attempts at crazy maps, get gifted lots of gems and so on, however the general truth is that... chaos servers were no longer reaching as high of a number as it used to, which takes away all the joy of the gamemode.
    4) Some bugs have to be fixed quickly, or else they'll get forgotten and stay about in the game for years like speed glitch and 0 xp bug. The longer such a bug isn't fixed for the more people think of it as intentional, and if they start feeling that way, people will be very mad when the bug is finally patched after years of it just being around.
    5) Contrary to popular belief, I must say that smaller updates are actually genuinely better for the game, here's why:
    first of all, smaller updates make it easier to find and fix bugs faster, content updates usually don't contain any bugs, its those smaller changes that are the main cause for bugs and glitches, so if those get done as parts of smaller updates, there's more room for a bigger content update to be bug free upon release. So my final answer would really just be a bit of both, big content updates can happen like once in a few months, smaller changes are generally up to crazyblox himself to decide when to release, it helps him out a bunch that he doesn't have to rush for deadlines on stuff as well.
    6) I'm pretty sure he already does plenty of this, the community working together is truly amazing to see, I pitch in too whenever I can.
    7) I don't think voting is all that necessary for every new feature but I would say instead of having rigged voting sessions, let's just take a better look at the feedback forms instead, I guess voting could still be done for changes that may be controversial, like the intensity reset or the vote kick system, but regardless even if those changes aren't perfect upon release, usually they get patched up within a few days or weeks after addition after looking at feedback presented in the feedback forms.
    that's about it I believe.
    also the 8th question: I genuinely believe that we should let crazyblox be creative since he does come up with interesting solutions, after all without his creativity we would never have had such an amazing game where the whole community is working together to make something big and great. I'm glad to see that he succeeded in having map makers produce maps for the game, composers to make music, ugc creators who make shop items for the game, moderators who look after the game's well being regarding exploiting, and us players who play this game and who give them more ideas to work with and continue improving FE2. This is the only game on Roblox that's like this, there is no other. So let's make FE2 as great as it can be for the future.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      For Chill Mode, I would say you're neglecting the mode itself because of the challenges. And I don't disagree for a second, having to go to Chill or Chaos to do challenges was annoying, but I don't think its fair to blame the mode itself for that (especially as neither mode had the annoying challenges when they were first introduced to the game).

  • @CherryColaCake
    @CherryColaCake 3 месяца назад +1

    power = voltage * current

  • @KingFireLOL97
    @KingFireLOL97 3 месяца назад

    15:23 commenting on this part because i found it interesting, as i've also wanted a map choosing feature in this game since september 2023 (aka when i first tried to solo crazy maps in the main game and i experienced true suffering). it's such a pain for me to waste my gems just to play a crazy map faster, and if i don't use gems, it's just a bunch of waiting until i get the map i want.
    i will say that i think the feature should only be in private servers, just because it's way less of a hassle in public servers to get a specific map, and i also don't think there should be a cooldown. if there was a cooldown, that would just be more waiting.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      I feel like this feature would work best in Chaos Mode, if that was reinstated of course.
      For private servers I would rather the ability to load all ingame maps at will like its CM.

    • @KingFireLOL97
      @KingFireLOL97 3 месяца назад

      @@just_ducky but then you'd prolly get players saying "ewww!!! easy!!!!" when someone chooses an easy map lol
      also how would "load all maps" work? how would they fit 80+ maps in a single voting session LOL

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      @@KingFireLOL97 IMO Chaos Mode doesn't really need to represent any difficulty and if anything the ability to pick maps would help shape that, but that's just me (who barely played Chaos) so maybe I can't talk.
      For the 2nd point, you would load maps exactly like you would in CM so if you load a bunch of maps the voting acts identically to the base game.

    • @KingFireLOL97
      @KingFireLOL97 3 месяца назад

      @@just_ducky fair enough.
      you are right about chaos not needing to represent any difficulty, though i used to play chaos servers a lot and from my experience i have seen people complain when the server dropped to hard difficulty, but at the same time if you don't want that, either switch servers or go to pro lol

  • @KitLmaoo
    @KitLmaoo 3 месяца назад +2

    thank for let me participate

  • @sunshineplayz5575
    @sunshineplayz5575 3 месяца назад +1

    The game has been extremely stale and repetitive with the constant barrage of maps getting highlighted in recent months. I don't think I could have kept up with them if I didn't lose my account and retire from the game. Anyways, we could really benefit from the slowing down of updates and more vision on creative or unique events that bring more life to the game. The reason why the end of 2022 was so special was because Crazyblox didn't churn out the same updates over and over again. Rather he did something different over the course of time, adding Sandswept Ruins, Satomi Springs, Ignis Peaks, introducing the highlight system, etc. Nowadays, it's either highlighted maps or some other update that changes some things in the game. It feels extremely empty. Crazyblox can do some events like where the community participates in making maps under the same theme/concept, with the best one getting added to the game. Or he can host another event where a mass of map makers is required to make a map under a certain amount of time, basically Castle Of Calamity if you have heard of it. As for the normal players, Crazyblox can even change some of the existing maps' layout to introduce different routes and pathways to play the map, like the Forgotten Tombs Labyrinth event, but again, the lock-in policy needs to change. So many unique things Crazyblox can be doing but he just keeps relying on the same highlighting program to keep the game alive, which is probably not going to be the same anytime soon considering some players are already quitting due to the overwhelming amount of maps getting highlighted and the stress of beating extremely difficult Crazy+ maps.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Yeah, I really liked the 2022 updates (even if there were no updates from April-October) as they felt different from each other. At the time we needed more Crazy Maps and hate Fallen all you want but playing through a revamped map was really cool.

    • @sunshineplayz5575
      @sunshineplayz5575 3 месяца назад

      ​@@just_duckyYeah, it was nice seeing Crazyblox make another map again after an eternity. Sadly, what is likely to be his last map in the game is a mediocre revamp of a worse map. Still, I won't give up that he will eventually return to map-making after Flood Escape: Hybrid. And we really need more maps in the game to be revamped, especially with the 2017-2018 ones. They don't look on par with the recent highlighted ones. The contrast is insane (no pun intended). That is, if the original map's creators allow their maps to revamped.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      @@sunshineplayz5575 Oh yeah, an underlying theme in the FE2 Rehydrated Ranking you've been patiently waiting like a year for, will be the fact this project should be in the actual game.
      Still waiting for Axiom...

    • @sunshineplayz5575
      @sunshineplayz5575 3 месяца назад

      ​@@just_ducky Nice to know that. And I'm sorry about the recent drama too.
      (But yeah, Axiom is now ported.)

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      @@sunshineplayz5575 :(
      I'm taking a bit of a break from content, and I was in the middle of another video so the video probably won't come out for a little while, but it *should* come out sometime in August.

  • @andrew-pp6cx
    @andrew-pp6cx 3 месяца назад

    Personally I think intensity is the biggest issue in the game and it is not mentioned enough as it's incredibly unbalanced and p2w. The new update made going from 4.0 to 5.0 almost twice as hard, in public pro servers you will rarely see 100% of people survive EVEN IN FAMILIAR RUINS and if

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Yeah I 100% disagree with increasing the Insane difficulty influence from .65 to .8, although I will say nerfing the Crazy influence from 1.6 to .9 makes up for it, at least on Pro Servers.

  • @sohumchatterjee9
    @sohumchatterjee9 3 месяца назад

    This seems to precede the latest update that completely reworked the server setup lol

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Actually that reminds me, forgot to mention that in the video!

  • @goodday643
    @goodday643 3 месяца назад +2


    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      I don't know how often Crazyblox checks the ingame suggestions form.

    • @goodday643
      @goodday643 3 месяца назад

      @@just_ducky yeah and it’s too bad it’s the only way to suggest things😂

    • @kaylabridget1112
      @kaylabridget1112 3 месяца назад

      I need this
      Like even TRIA.os has it now

  • @DoubleDuck2
    @DoubleDuck2 3 месяца назад

    I miss chill mode

  • @sothatsdevintart2562
    @sothatsdevintart2562 3 месяца назад

    SBS is 100% correct when it comes to Chaos Servers, the group buttons aspect in Chaos Servers pushed me to improve my skills at beating Crazy Maps. Also making it out as the last escapee is a full Server is a high few games can give.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад +1

      That's fair, I personally had a negative experience with Chaos Mode as I found it too chaotic (yeah I know that is kind of the name) and it genuinely annoys me when people fail to press buttons either due to laziness or genuine lag in high player servers.

    • @sothatsdevintart2562
      @sothatsdevintart2562 3 месяца назад

      @@just_ducky I mean I also had a Toxic Relationship with Chaos Servers, but it taught me to be a better player, and when the server was great, the game was great. It really was Russian Roulette back in the day.

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      @@sothatsdevintart2562 lol fair

  • @therbxjim
    @therbxjim 3 месяца назад

    how about dont fuck up the physics on a weekly basis

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Admittedly, Crazyblox is in a difficult spot as one camp want an end to physics changes and just keep things how it is, while another camp want Crazyblox to make polished changes to the physics that actually make them better.

  • @Eaethernet
    @Eaethernet 3 месяца назад

    better developer

  • @im_a_duck.
    @im_a_duck. 3 месяца назад

    Bring back chill plz I’m begging crazy rn

    • @im_a_duck.
      @im_a_duck. 3 месяца назад

      it’s a fun way to grind

  • @SaberSift
    @SaberSift 3 месяца назад

    Duck emoji.

  • @Astrojox_
    @Astrojox_ 3 месяца назад


    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      Sorry, but the video would be so long otherwise :(

  • @desig_nated
    @desig_nated 3 месяца назад

    nah we want jumble back

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад


    • @desig_nated
      @desig_nated 3 месяца назад

      @@just_ducky that old hard rigged af crazy

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      @@desig_nated Oh yeah, I think I remember it.

  • @certifiedcnnuyhunter
    @certifiedcnnuyhunter 3 месяца назад

    9:48 No.

  • @Rio_3505
    @Rio_3505 3 месяца назад

    fe2 fucking sucks the physics are bad and crazyblox neglects to fix that and people are gonna come at me saying "oh well hes trying" no he isnt hes just being lazy not bothering and every update the game gets worse. im quitting fe2 because of how shit the physics are on most of the maps especially desert ruins

    • @just_ducky
      @just_ducky  3 месяца назад

      That's fair, although I will say the recent updates since V62 (even if they are very small) have contained more community-suggested feedback (read Ev_n's responses to the last two questions and you'll understand what I mean)

  • @Rosewoodelk
    @Rosewoodelk 3 месяца назад

    For me at least i want free money 🤑🤑🤑

    @SKYWORKARMADA 3 месяца назад


  • @keithplay
    @keithplay 3 месяца назад
