it sounds harsh but i think it's basically an expression of him having sky-high standards - in other words i think it's why his works are so good in the first place. reassuringly, this attitude of dispassionately critiquing his own work and never being satisfied means every subsequent project he attempts will be better than the last.
I really hope that Yoko-san gets to create something that even he is proud of, it is kinda sad that he doesn't think his own works are interesting!
it sounds harsh but i think it's basically an expression of him having sky-high standards - in other words i think it's why his works are so good in the first place. reassuringly, this attitude of dispassionately critiquing his own work and never being satisfied means every subsequent project he attempts will be better than the last.
I travelled 10 years to the future. Yoko-san fucked up again.