Another thing is that you shouldn't copy and paste glow objects to make them brighter, just increase the brightness in the hsv. Seriously, waboo. What are you doing.
Imagine Voxi (ispy creator), who commented on this video, clicking on it and IMMEDIATELY hearing this dogshit content farm tell them “yOurE gEomETrY dASh bUiLdS aRe hORrIbBLe” like SHUT THE HELL UP BRO ON GOD 😭
@@DarkMusic110 It has so many redundancies, generally bad tips, moments were it sounds like he has no idea what is going on but he has to make video, etc. ChatGPT is infamous for this kind of stuff.
@jelarikaIm a gd creator since 8 years with creator points currently working on 3 different collabs one of them being a top 10 level. And I have no idea if this is a joke video or.
@jelarika If this isn’t sarcasm, I’d like to inform you that GD released on August 13th, 2013. It’s literally impossible to “have been playing since 2012.” Don’t trust everything this content farm says, whether or not it’s a joke.
As a creator who has sunk over 785 hours into a single solo level (which I am still working on), I find this video deeply offensive as, not only is it a complete nothing burger, but it also goes out of its way to misinform the public about level creation. I watched the entire video and listed every single “hack” in this video and debunked them along with explaining how they are wrong (along with giving some tips for incorrect hacks). Also, please work on your crediting skills. Out of all the levels shown in the video, only 3 of them were credited properly. I tried to credit the levels that I knew about, though a large majority of them I did not know about. For the levels that I did not know, I ask that anyone who is reading this comment reply to it with knowledge of any level that is uncredited and unknown. It is also noteworthy that I heard from a comment on this very video that Waboo did ask people for creating tips in his server (with some of them being decent), though all of them ended up being uncredited and transformed into whatever this is. (I do wish to credit any ideas that were said in the video, though I believe that is impossible due to how divorced they are from their origins). Also, with the way this video was scripted, it leads me to believe artificial intelligence was used to create it. Cannot confirm though. Before I start with this list, the thumbnail is clickbait. There is no vine nor 6 object lightbulb that will be created at all. (Also, this list is from the viewpoint of someone who is still in 2.1 as I have not updated to 2.2 yet thanks to working on my solo). 1. Does not work when the music is turned on. The orb will be smaller than the circle. 2. Depends on what kind of level you are creating. If you are creating an effect level, then have these turned off as the enter/leave objects in the trigger category rely on these checkboxes being off. 3. Not a hack. Also, if you want the blocks to have a gradient then place the individual glow object inside of the block itself rather than having the glow mess with the foreground. Also, the level shown here is “Lonely Travel” by FunnyGame and it does not have the gradient as shown in the video. 4. One, you need to buy the setting in one of the shops first. Second, just use a StartPOS to test out level sync or test out the sync in the editor using the music play button. I cannot identify the level shown here, so can someone comment what level is shown here so that I can give the creator credit? 5. Doing this will make the music in the level desync along with it not being practical by both gameplay and decoration standards. The only level that I can think of that uses speed portals as obstacles is “Dear Nostalgists” by TriAxis, though the level only does it for one section and if you hit a speed portal you fly into a wall which is a different mechanic than shown in the video. I also don’t know what level is shown here, though I believe it is the same level as the one in “hack” 4 thanks to the decoration style. 6. This is not a hack. In fact, doing this is useless. Don’t waste your time on doing this. Also, it is not called a warp trigger, it is just called warp. 7. This is not a hack. You can also do this with a color trigger set to change the background color and using the color trigger button on it to change the background color in the trigger. 8. This is not a hack. This is just using the text object to create decoration. It may save some objects, but if your level isn’t going to be object heavy just use the normal chain objects. Ocular Miracle by GaidenHertuny, Davphila, and Zero uses text objects in at least one section in it, so this idea isn’t new. The level shown here is “Change of Scene” by Bli, which is one of the few levels to be credited properly in this entire video. 9. Do not do this unless you have another block on top of the block that is invisible. Shrinking the block shrinks its hitbox so you will need an invisible block on top of it to make sure the hitbox is still the same. You can also see that in the video one side of the block does not meet the edge of the circle objects. Also, this block design does not work for every level. 10. The level shown once this fact appears on screen is an amalgamation of all the “tips” shown previously besides fact #2 as you can see the objects fade in on the right. Onto the fact itself, this is not a hack and is just lazy creating. Shrinking (or enlarging) your structures does not solve the problem of repetitiveness; you need to create new structures to solve that. 11. This is not a hack. If you want to use this hack though, the invisible blocks will have to be behind all the other blocks for the effect to be there and you must have the “NoTouch” checkmark enabled on the blocks, so it does not interfere with the hitbox of the original block, not to mention this effect is barely noticeable in the first place. You cannot use this for structures though as the fade times for each block are different so it will look serrated. Also, these are not “shiny objects,” these are the same objects used in Clubstep. 12. DO NOT USE SQUARES LIKE HOW IS DONE IN THE VIDEO!! USE CIRCLE OBJECTS TO NOT WASE OBJECTS!! 13. For the 2nd half of the hack (which was split into two instead of being a “double whammy” as was implied in the video), use the “Edit Special” button instead of the rotate trigger. Using only the rotate trigger will not affect the sawblade as the default rotational speed of the sawblade will override the trigger. If you do want to use the rotate trigger, you have to disable the saw rotation in the “Edit Special” menu, though I advise only doing this if you are going to have an easing be put onto your gears or have them rotate at different speeds. 14. This is not a hack. The lamp shown at the beginning of the hack is never made. Instead, a floor light is made. There are multiple ways to create a floor light, however the way Waboo made it here lacks the light. Also, he did not come up with this idea, G4lvatron did (even though it is implied in the level, I just wanted to say it here). This is basically just telling you to steal level assets from other creators, which is an ABSOLUTE NO IF YOU WANT TO BE ORIGINAL!! 15. This isn’t even a hack, in fact, nothing here of not was even said. The only thing that was said is “Oh, these particle wires made by G4lvatron look cool!” and nothing of value came of it, not even a small tutorial. This shouldn’t have even been in the script! (Level is Speedtek by G4lvatron, another level that was credited.) 16. This hack will only work if NoTouch is enabled, making this hack useless for rotating the hitboxes of objects. Also, if you exit and then reenter the level, the rotation is reset. 17. This is not a hack as the in-game level pulsing will make it not look like a “flower” anymore. I suspect that this hack was created just to make a useless transition into more “interesting” hacks, though they are all the same. A better transition could have also been created here. 18. I’m actually laughing at how bad this hack is. Just use the in-game 3D objects if you want to create a 3D effect. This also messes up the hitbox of the object in question. You call hack 17 bad, but what about this one? Incredibly lazy with an end product that doesn’t even look good. 19. The beginning of this hack leads into the usage of 3D objects, but then it smacks you in the face telling you to use a glitch trigger instead. Just when I thought a hack would contradict a different hack, this just happens. Also, I should specify that a glitch effect is not a 3D effect; it’s just a glitch effect. 20. This is not a hack. This is just common sense. 21. This is not a hack but is rather asset stealing. Some levels don’t even need cloud trees for them but rather a more specific way of tree making. Also, the reason why your leaf looks bad is because it is unfinished. Heck, there are even unfilled spots in the leaf along with the outline being jagged and messy. The level this hack steals from is Magic Journey by Bli. 22. The way the door is made is different to how the original door was made. You just need a white square, a black square on top of the white square, a glow piece, and a corner glow piece to create that door (EXIT sign not included). Again, not a hack and is instead asset stealing. The level which has the door in it is "The Block Factory" by Pocke which was found by both SentientMicrowave and orsomethinglikethat (the latter sent their comment after SM did, though I included it because I hadn't edited the comment yet). Also, if anyone was wondering, the door in the level is made up of 7 objects: 2 corner glow, 1 enlarged glow, 2 white squares, and 2 normal sized glow. For some reason, the door is tilted slightly. I should note that Waboo copied the door design object-for-object since he includes the 2 corner glow on the door when in the level only one corner glow is visible. Comment is continued in the replies thanks to RUclips's character limit.
23. This is not an optical illusion at all. This is just a deco piece that is animated and has been in the game since 2.0. Not a hack. The level in this hack is the same level that was seen in hack 22. 24. According to Napo117, "[This tip] doesn't work if you copy what [Waboo] did step by step because that's not how to do it. It just remains white. The actual way to do it is setting saturation for both colors to be 2x, and changing the hue for one color to not be 0. The farther hue you put, the faster it changes colors, but make sure "legacy HSV" is turned on (as it also works in 2.1 but it was a bug). A level that uses this is "wheres the triggers" which is rated. That being said, tip 80 contradicts what is being said here." Thank you for sharing your knowledge in the replies! Still, I believe the footage here is not Waboo’s due to the quality of it along with the cat cube being in it. 25. This is not a hack. This is just basic decoration skills. Also, sometimes a portal on its own is good without the use of a background. 26. This is not a hack, and, just like hack 15, nothing was said about it: not how to make it move with the player (which is done using a move trigger set to lock to player X and Y or a follow player Y trigger with a move trigger locked to player X), not how to make it change color depending on how close you were to an obstacle… Nothing of value was said and this video didn’t need this nothing burger of a hack. 27. Not a hack (and also not mobile friendly) but please CREDIT THE CREATORS OF THE MOD!! 28. This is not a hack. This is just basic creator work and common sense to amateur creators. The level shown here is "Well Rested" by Cometface/Overdefo. Thanks to Napo117 for figuring this out! 29. Do not do this hack. This is not a waterfall and trying to turn it into one is useless. Also, waterfalls in real life do not behave like this. 30. If this hack is a “joke” then why was it included in the first place? I doubt that any level that sends you to an inescapable box will be rated due to the annoyance of having to reset the level every time you “die.” In the same vein, if you put a crash trigger in your level then the level will never be rated (Sonic Wave Infinity was unrated for a brief moment thanks to it having a crash trigger in it fun fact). Just like hack 15 and 26, this is also a nothing burger. Also, of the 4 levels shown in the beginning of this hack, the only one that I can identify is “Golden Hope” by Magpipe which is the level tagged as having a “MLG” theme. The level tagged with having a "3D" theme is "Third Axis" by Funwolf7 and the 4th level that was not tagged at all is "Heaven and Hell" by Cranqles (which is somehow rated). Thank you Extreme Meowman! for identifying these levels! The "1D" tagged level is "1d gd" by NepciTami, though the level is impossible to search for in GD due to it starting with a number. The I.D. for this level is 668833718. Thanks again to Napo117 for finding this out! 31. Do not do this. This is not a hack but is rather a guaranteed way to make your game lag unforgivably. Just use the HSV slider to make your glow brighter. (Though if you need your glow to be bright around the core and darker around the edges, it is ok to use one or two stacked glow pieces to do that, just don’t do it excessively like how Waboo did it.) 32. This is the first hack in this entire video that is actually a useful hack, however it should only be used for small outlines and not scaled up to x5.00 size. This also applies to other objects i.e. you can create shapes using rotated and scaled squares and triangles. The rock objects are mostly useful for small details. 33. Not a hack. This is basic knowledge for anyone who wants to make animated jump indicators with particles. The level in the beginning of the hack I can’t identify so please comment if you know what it is. 34. Again, not a hack and is basic knowledge. 35. Not a hack. CTRL+Z (and the undo button) is common knowledge for literally ANYTHING THAT UNDOS SOMETHING!! Also, if you have swiped a bunch of objects by accident in a blank space, just click the “swipe” button and swipe over the accidental objects while in the edit tab. 36. Not a hack. This is basic knowledge for everyone who plays on a computer. Why do I say computer? It’s because this “hack” does not exist on mobile devices due to the lack of a physical keyboard and key binds. 37. Not a hack and is basic editor knowledge. 38. Not a hack, in fact, what the hell is this even used for?! The squares aren’t even centered! You would not use this “hack” in any serious level, period! 39. You called them bushes first, then called them clouds when combined? Also, not a hack and I fail to see anyone who would use this in an actual level. 40. Basic editor knowledge; not a hack. 41. Again, not a hack. 42. Not a hack and you did not show us the end result. 43. Not a hack and you do not show us an example of where it can be placed. 44. Not a hack. This is basic creator knowledge and only works depending on the theme and style of your level. 45. Level here is unknown to me, please identify in the comments. Also, you did not explain how to create this effect. You just showed a video of it and did not explain it any further. Nothing burger hack. 46. The second actual hack of the entire video! Yay! 47. Not a hack; basic editor knowledge. 48. You can do this without the particle objects. Using this asset is also not creative whatsoever and should be counted as asset stealing. Not a hack also. 49. Not a hack; basic creator knowledge. 50. The 50th hack in the video!... It’s basic editor knowledge! Woo hoo! 51. Out of all the “hacks” in this video, this one pissed me off the most. This isn’t even a hack in the slightest, this is just piracy. Do not use this mod for your own levels, they will never be rated. Also, way to not credit the mod creators and circling the wrong button. And, if you were wondering, there is a way to add more stuff to your level without resorting to using this mod; creators have been doing so without the mod for the past 10 years. If you use this mod in your level, you are just lazy. 52. Not a hack and is instead a “bait and switch” tactic. Everyone knows how to do this, even non-creators. Also use the 45 degrees rotate rather than free rotate; makes the portal easier to align with gameplay later. 53. Not a hack; basic editor knowledge. 54. Not a hack, plus it’s more useful to have it be smaller rather than one object as with it being multiple small objects you can get more creative with the opacity and color and movements. 55. This is not a hack. You can record the level instead and check for errors since platformer mode will most likely break some triggers, especially triggers that move constantly with the player. Also, I can’t identify the level so can someone comment what it is? 56. Not a hack and there are better ways to make a circle that does not use the text object, most notably the circle outline object and the rotate trigger. 57. The level shown in the beginning is “B E P I S” by Wulzy. Also, this isn’t a hack but is basic editor knowledge. 58. Not a hack. This can be done with multiple other objects, not just moons. (Level shown- which is a main level -is Dash by the way.) 59. Not a hack and using this type of gameplay depends on what level you are creating and the theme of it. 60. Not a hack and this is not even a good reflection on water effect. 61. Not a hack. Basic decoration knowledge is in play here plus if you just have it on the default rotation without doing anything at all then the scythe gears will always be out of sync with each other. 62. Not a hack and… No… Just no… This is not how you create (unless you are using it as an outline for structures but be sure to remove them once you have the structures in place). 63. What the actual Kentucky fried f@%$ did I just see? First of all, both levels shown here are not credited (though one is most likely a Sonic Wave remake) but ENCOURAGING people to put secret ways into their levels?! Secret ways will NEVER let your level be rated! They will be found, and it is just a lazy way to publish a level onto the servers! Also, instead of the secret way you can just, oh, I don’t know, pass the verification off to someone else, nerf the level, or continue to play the level till you verify it legitimately. 64. Not a hack and there are different ways of making grass compared to using a still frame of an animation. 65. Not a hack and as a person who has spent 785+ hours on their own solo, I can tell you not all creators use HSV to create structures. Also, people are more likely to choose the color of a structure based on theming and not the HSV sliders (and you forget that structures can have multiple colors). Also credit iLogistics who made the block design in a glow block design tutorial. (Thank you to RiceCake420 for telling me my initial crediting of Vit12 was incorrect!) 66. This hack, just like “hack” 12, absolutely DO NOT DO THIS!! THIS WILL BE HELL FOR YOUR LEVEL AND WILL CAUSE IT TO LAG SEVERLY!! 67. Hack 67 is just putting saws in the ground. That’s it and is not a hack at all. 68. This “hack” is the exact same “hack” as “hack” 13. Also, I feel like the video was slowed down here instead of the saw moving slowly. 69. Ayyy this “hack” contradicts “hack” 56! And you STILL didn’t manage to make a proper circle! (The rotating objects can desync just like the scythe saws in “hack” 61.) 70. Not a hack. Plus no one creates like this. No one starts from the end and works till the level is at the beginning. This does not help with lag and instead just makes trigger work confusing. Also, the level shown is Glowy by RobBuck. Continued in another reply.
71. Not a hack and only useful in certain situations (effect levels most notably). 72. Not a hack and is not useful for any level. 73. Not a hack and is not useful in any level. Also, the eyes and mouth are not aligned with the cube; just put a solid color block behind the cube if you really want it in your level. 74. This has got to be one of, if not, the WORST “hack” in this video. Absolutely DO NOT DO THIS!! NO ONE CREATES BACKGROUNDS LIKE THIS AND IT IS OBJECT HELL!! Also, the lines are the worst object to create a “canvass” out of. Your best bet is to just create a background like how you would normally do so: With glow and shapes. 75. Level shown here is “Collab Level” by Mindcap. Not a hack and you can create custom claw marks by just using varied line objects instead of an animation on a freeze frame. 76. Finally! A hack that is useful for once! The 3rd one out of this entire video! 77. Not a hack and you do not show us how to create the orb. Also, I believe that this is a stolen asset from a level. I can’t pinpoint what level it might have been stolen from, but it feels like it could have been from Emerald Realm. Also, the orb shown at the end is paler in color compared to what was shown first. 78. Not a hack and is common sense. The laser that was shown in the beginning is not what was recreated but is rather something completely different. Also, I do not know what level was shown, so can someone please comment it? 79. I feel like you are just trying to intentionally tick us creators off with this one. This is not a hack and is just using an explosion object to create “detailed leaves.” Seriously? Cmon! 80. Not a hack and you can create this with a loop rather than spamming pulse triggers. Also, I have no clue on what level is shown here, though I believe it is a Waboo level ironically enough. 81. Not a hack and the saw does not look epic. It isn’t even an optical illusion. It’s just 3 boxes placed beneath a saw that are barely visible. 10/10 decoration skills! (Sarcasm, obviously.) 82. Not a tip and is asset stealing. You just copy a set of instructions rather than figuring it out on your own. That’s copying not creating! 83. Ah, sub bait. Not a hack at all. Waboo, please fact-check your future videos to make sure that hodgepodges of videos like this will never be made again, as this was extremely painful to watch and correct. I spent 5+ hours correcting your mistakes that were so easy to fact-check. Do better and ask us creators if you want to make a video like this again. You may have 9 creator points, though you are no creator at all if this is what you consider to be useful “hacks.”
Thank you so much for shedding more light onto these so called “hacks”! Some of them can be straight up disastrous if not addressed properly, as there were so many misleading things in this video that can hurt creators more than help them.
Also for tip 65 the glow design is made by iLogistics. It's one of the first tutorials that comes up when you search "geometry dash glow style tutorial"
You know tips are bad when one of my favorite creators out there straight up call them the worst tips Honestly, it's an achievement to piss this many people off
gradient hack at 0:45 if you scale it that big its eventually gonna have issues with the textures and lag from overscaling, so just use the gradient trigger itself (one colour black, the other one of your choice)
someone said that "generation retro doesnt suck that much" and got some dislikes, meanwhile someone insulting generation retro and getting lots of likes
foolish being, you must do it the way waboo intented or you will be send to *the hole* (you dont, i actually have no clue what this guy was talking about sometimes)
9:59 that mod is not for importing images in the level it just adds the image as a reference for when making art in gd. The image added from the mod wont appear when you play the level
4:42 that does not LOOK like "HUNDREDS of objects" | "1, 10, 20, 30, 40..." ????? this video has alot of issues XD, the younger audience is okay with it tho :(
and btw I made it with 5 objects instead of 6 like how he said looked when he made it he used a triangle glow weird thing at the bottom too for some reason.
yeah there are always a lot of mistakes in waboo's videos. at 0:26 , he says to just turn on dont fade and dont enter on literally everything in your level. which isnt a bad idea on its own usually. but this means missed potential to use custom enter triggers to make really cool enter effects? they dont have to be working on the entire level either, they can just affect specific objects only if you want at 2:55 he says you can use rotate trigger to make saw rotate slower, but you can just click edit special to do that??? at 4:40 he says that exit door looks like it takes "hundreds of objects" but i cannot possibly imagine anyone saying that, it literally looks so simple i have no idea why he included this in the video. and even then, when he shows how to build the door, he says to use two white blocks, although you can just scaleY one white block 2.00x for one less object? isnt THAT a "build hack"? smh the "build hack" #70 at 14:00 is a terrible idea, period build hack #73 at 14:35 has mistake too, he uses that cube object, but to fill in the eyes and mouth, for some bizarre reason instead of just putting a square behind the cube he tries to use that weird face object 💀 15:40 why do you need 8 objects for that?! surely with the correct settings you only need a single glow object, not 5?? 16:15 it doesnt look any better to me? and where's the optical illusion youre talking about? i dont see it
Do not follow tip 63, as a creator myself, that is a horrible idea to just put a secret way in your level, if you can’t beat your own level, either nerf it, or let someone else verify it, never do what waboo just said
Correct! The only time you need rotate trigger to make saws spin is when you need the saw speed to change (for example in "the cellar path" by jamattack)
As someone who has spent thousands of hours in the GD editor there are a lot of things in this video that are just not good tips for beginners in the editor so i pointed out some things below. 12: Theres literally already an interface for changing the rotation speed of saws in edit special menu. 17: Theres already flower blocks if you dont want to make your own and if you do want to make your own you probably want something that actually looks like a flower, not that. 22: Can be done with two objects. 26: Please dont do this. At least this way. It is definitely a unique idea to have an indicator that follows you but it should be graphically interesting and make sense for the level imo. 28: Thats literally what the blocks are for?? 30: Again, please dont do this 38: So many better ways to do this 56: And so many better ways for this too. 62: please dont use these arrows just make your own please i beg you 64: Again this really doesnt work there are so many better options 67: there are white saws for a reason and you can better customize them so they actually look good 74: There are an infinite number of options for making cool backgrounds but this one just hurts to see. So many objects. And for what?
Yeah a lot of these tips could be explained better, aswell as some being inaccurate, untrue, or inefficient. I recommend asking creators if ur gonna make a creating video, since that will make the best advice. I'm not trying to sh*t on waboo btw, just some criticism. Pls research your topic more waboo 😭
As a decently good creator who mades a level under 9000 obiects, i can comfirm most of the tips are straight up out of the question, almost like theyre chatgpt made Especially 74 which give me severe brian dmge
yeah i genuinely cant tell if this is a joke video or not. also why is the number of 'tips' so specific, i definetally think theres something suspicious going on behind the scenes lol
This is a problem with a lot of waboo videos, unfortunately. A lot of these fact videos are full of misinformation, and it's honestly just kinda sad that he doesn't just spend a little more time actually checking if the stuff is true or not :/
yeah there are always a lot of mistakes/crappy stuff in waboo's videos. at 0:26 , he says to just turn on dont fade and dont enter on literally everything in your level. which isnt a bad idea on its own usually. but this means missed potential to use custom enter triggers to make really cool enter effects? they dont have to be working on the entire level either, they can just affect specific objects only if you want at 2:55 he says you can use rotate trigger to make saw rotate slower, but you can just click edit special to do that??? at 4:40 he says that exit door looks like it takes "hundreds of objects" but i cannot possibly imagine anyone saying that, it literally looks so simple i have no idea why he included this in the video. and even then, when he shows how to build the door, he says to use two white blocks, although you can just scaleY one white block 2.00x for one less object? isnt THAT a "build hack"? smh the "build hack" #70 at 14:00 is a terrible idea, period build hack #73 at 14:35 has mistake too, he uses that cube object, but to fill in the eyes and mouth, for some bizarre reason instead of just putting a square behind the cube he tries to use that weird face object 💀 15:40 why do you need 8 objects for that?! surely with the correct settings you only need a single glow object, not 5?? 16:15 it doesnt look any better to me? and where's the optical illusion youre talking about? i dont see it many of the other ideas are either dumb, weird, could be explained better or just done differently. but this is a common thing with waboo's vids unfortunately. i really hope he improves his content someday because it hurts me physically whenever i see a new waboo upload because there's always gonna be some dumb shit in it
"This mod adds BPM information about every song in Geometry Dash!" *Doesn't name mod* just why. I could use this as I have absolutely zero clue how to determine the BPM. I know there is this BPM finder feature which lets you click to the BPM but I don't actually know when to click lol
@@Nwo5-TRG yeah but what exactly is the beat? That's what I don't knoe and therefore I can't click to it. Some people say a beat is constant others say it changes throughout the song. I have no clue how to determine the beat from the rest
@@Z38_US i try to find a consistent pattern or noise throughout the song, it shouldnt matter if it changes tho cuz u can just record different bpm for different parts of the song
@@Nwo5-TRG I mean that's one way of going about it but being able to find the actual BPM would be helpful to sync pulses better. I usually just wing it and test it over and over again to make sure it's synced which works relatively well. On my end it's usually always perfectly synced but playing the level on another device like my phone puts it ever so slightly off sync. It's not much and barely noticeable but since I built it I do notice and it annoys me a lot.
1: don’t use different colors, make the level sightreadable 2: don’t enter isn’t used for fading 3: just used a gradient trigger, it won’t work unless u scale it a lot 4: if u have to use practice mode to verify ur levels, nerf it 5 & 6: no comment… just please don’t do this 7: literally everybody knows this 8: this was actually good on bli’s part, please be careful how u use it 9: there are easier ways to do that… i think it’s actually in the object section of the editor 10: it’s good if it’s used sparingly, just don’t overdo it (i don’t trust waboo did the same) 11: just use glow… 12: that’s a huge waste of objects 13: edit special can change the rotation speed 14: no one is going to use this… 15: no tutorial on the particle effect… ok… 16: or… u can use the rotation buttons on the edit tab 17: he’s right… it looks bad 18: if u really want to do this, put no touch on the bottom block… this looks really ugly so how about u don’t do this at all 19: there are better ways to achieve the intended design, shader would go crazy as well 20: don’t do this if there are specific objects u can’t find 21: this probably takes forever to implement, knowing waboo it’s going to take hours to finish 22: there’s almost no way to make this fitting at all 23: it’s just plain lazy and boring 24: great, if u want to give others epilepsy 25-26: this won’t make ur level look better 27: use the bpm trigger 28-29: over-extended warp triggers will break the game 30: don’t do this unless u want to become the most hated gd creator in history 31: don’t waste glow like this… if ur glow object uses more than 2 glow then redo it 32: there are better ways to make shapes 33: thanks for the tutorial… now we know the particle trigger exists 34: it’ll look bad on bigger structures, trust me i’ve done it before 35-36: mobile players are screaming 37: this was intended for platformer creators so thanks… i guess? 38: this looks extremely unpolished 39: this does not look like a cloud at all 40-41: everybody knows this… 42: don’t… do this… please 43: yea… use animated objects for its intended purpose, there are some in the editor that look the same and aren’t animated 44: thanks… this does not provide any new info 45: make sure to change the speed of the lava as well as moving the actual platforms… or just don’t do this 46: i guess this looks nice… but a lot of layering is involved 47: this would be great advice if everyone had no idea about it already 48: thanks for the settings… (use quick start) 49: it’s not always going to fit so use it sparingly 50: this is a terrible way to playtest ur level… use timewarp and slow it down to test if its possible 51: that dog is not stupid :( all jokes aside if u really need to use it… use it for a background and that’s it 52: did u really dislike a level just to make this tip? also that’s not what u call a transition 53: u don’t need waboo to tell u that 54: i guess this looks good… it might also be extremely overused so i guess its only purpose is to use it once (layering issues) 55: no… just don’t do this… they don’t work the same way 56: why would anyone do this? 57: okay… this one is actually a good tip that not everyone will know about 58: this will take u forever to finish… heavy object count as art is not for the faint hearted 59: bad gameplay… 60: backgrounds don’t have just 2 blocks in them… 61: that looks terrible 62: if u don’t know to do this in ur levels then ur not ready for creating 63: why?! why would anyone do this? 64: repeating this will make the level look choppy so there’s no reason to do this 65: there’s no reason for it to be that specific, but yes make sure to use these for better block design 66: no… that doesn’t look good and nothing will look good when u do that, also this is extreme high object abuse 67: wow, no one could have figured to do that! 68: where is tip 68? 69: opacity be like… 70: levels will have high objects in them, but yes please use start positions 71: he didn’t tell u this but use easing to make it look better, why did he forget to tell u this we all know the move trigger exists 72: that is literally the ugliest thing i ever seen, delete ur level if u do this 73: again… we have eyes, we can see these new features 74: unarguably the worst tip in the entire video, unless u like lag… 75: cool, i guess… but the bottom part will be a problem 76: another obvious tip that needed no explanation 77: this can be recreated in way less than 8 objects… 78: i wanted to see that first effect… but seriously, it’s going to be a lot worse than it looks 79: layering issues once again 80: “don’t use it on too many objects” also don’t leave it on one structure only… there’s no purpose for this 81: no, it does not look more ‘epic’ 82: make sure not to do this on classic levels bc the sightreadability will not work with it 83: the best tip in the game… just kidding overall, don’t listen to waboo about level creation criticism since by the looks of things he has never created a level in his life, as someone who has been creating levels for nearly 10 years… i’ve learnt many things whether or not it’s been obvious from the beginning, it’s very important to study the editor which is something he can’t do… terrible tutorial, wtf is this waboo? i expected better from u, man
6:03 theres a thing called a "BPM Trigger" 6:16 thats what they were meant for 7:27 robtop did that in Dash 7:40 average 2019 glow design level structing be like: 7:44 everyone knows "Ctrl Z" 7:56 everyone knows that, and people on mobile cant do it 8:06 first building is misaligned (move squares to the left) 8:56 only good tip in this whole video 9:46 everyone knows this and it sucks bcuz playtesting gameplay (gameplay>deco)
If anyone is craving more tips, I came up with ten more original tips. I put a lot of thought into this. Certainly! For more experienced creators, here are some advanced tips to take your Geometry Dash level building to the next level: Master the Editor Shortcuts: Learn and utilize keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow. This includes shortcuts for copying, pasting, rotating, and flipping objects. Experiment with Custom Objects: Explore the use of custom objects created with the editor's advanced features. Custom objects can add unique mechanics and visual flair to your levels. Utilize Trigger Systems: Dive into trigger systems to create dynamic events and interactive elements in your level. Experiment with triggers to activate moving platforms, change gravity, or trigger special effects. Create Engaging Gameplay Mechanics: Think outside the box and invent new gameplay mechanics using triggers, portals, and object interactions. Surprise and challenge players with innovative gameplay twists. Master Timing and Rhythm: Perfect your level's timing and rhythm by meticulously aligning obstacles, jumps, and other elements with the music. Pay attention to sync points and beat patterns for a seamless experience. Explore Layering and Depth: Experiment with layering objects and decorations to create a sense of depth and dimension in your level. Use foreground and background elements to enhance visual interest. Customize Effects and Animations: Take advantage of the editor's effects and animation features to create stunning visual effects. Customize particle effects, animations, and color schemes to add polish to your level. Optimize Performance: Optimize your level for performance by minimizing lag-inducing elements and optimizing object placement. Consider the impact of complex geometry and effects on gameplay performance. Tell a Compelling Story: Craft a captivating narrative or visual theme for your level to engage players on a deeper level. Use environmental storytelling and visual cues to immerse players in your world. Collaborate and Share: Collaborate with other creators and share your knowledge and expertise with the community. Participate in level-building contests, exchanges, and forums to learn from others and showcase your work. By incorporating these advanced techniques into your level building process, you can create truly memorable and engaging experiences for players in Geometry Dash.
For number 16, if you re-enter the level, it will not work. And if your object as no-touch, then rotate it, then un-touch it. After re-entering, it's a freaking mess, especially for block designs.
"Your Geometry Dash builds look horrible, but with these 83 building hacks I'm about to give you, you can easily transform your build into something way worse and make everyone hate you and your level."
3:58 you can use blur trigger,make intensinity * so big number * and use color channel that is white. And shader trigger use all T layers and but the block in any T layer. You will get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool effect. And it will have parralax. Also it will affect player icon,and all particles such as death particles or trail idk. Hope this helped.
5:45 “I am too lazy to copy + paste one arrow a few times so: I will use pulse triggers and I will make it less sidereadable! (Welkome to 5 min crafts)
yeah and it uses the same amount of objects anyway 😭 plus ur just copy + pasting the pulse triggers anyway, which is the same thing as copy and pasting indicators
I have a lot of beef with this video. here you can see a mans descent into madness: 0:00 no they don't, i just can't finish them. 0:26 this is sometimes useful, but keep in mind there are special objects to change the way it enters which looks cool. 1:11 ???????????????????????? 1:32 Good tip 👍 2:03 this is so inefficient to the point where i don't even get why anyone would use this. 2:54 ??? there's literally a button called "EDIT SPECIAL" where you can just directly control the speed of the saw instead of using an entire group. 3:33 if it looks bad, why is it in the video? watchtime? 5:47 WHY? i mean you have to use an extra group, and you have to put extra triggers for it where you have to jump anyway. nobody does this. 6:00 geometry dash already has a bpm recorder 6:24 more watchtime extraction. 6:41 why not just use the hsv slider or change the color/channel instead of wasting objects? 7:32 they call it a LAYOUT for a reason 8:02 inefficient. 8:06 looks more like a bush than clouds. for better clouds you can use scaled up noise blocks from the symbols tab for more realism. 9:18 you only need one. posVarX & posVarY set to max. set the speed to 0 duration to 15. max particles very high, play around with color variation, fade in/out to 3. 9:31 use blending on a slightly desaturated version via the hsv slider PLEASE 10:31 you can also use hold shift or press F to toggle. 10:46 👍☁️ 11:14why even do this if you tell us not to do it later in the video? seems like you're trying to get more watchtime. 12:00 this looks kinda bad ngl 12:13 this doesn't make it any more "dangerous", but can actually look good if you do it right. 12:21 first of all, you can make better looking arrows out of triangles, second, if your ship part looks empty, it's probably because you didn't add anything to it. 12:37 if the level is meant to be in normal mode but the secret way only works in platformer. why bother? also secret ways are a big no-no if you want rate. 13:22 *internal screaming* (very inefficient, looks bad, and just why (bad advice imo)) 13:33 there's nothing wrong with it bro 😭 if it looks good it looks good. 13:53 THERES ALREADY CIRCLE OBJECTS IN THE EDITOR 😭😭😭💀💀💀 13:57 bro is actually just 5 minute crafts but geometry dash. don't do high objects in the first place. learn to optimize. 14:12 how is this a "hack"? 14:28 did you mention it for more watchtime? 14:44 ☝️...............✊................🚶♂️.............. IM DONE 15:16 use the other blocks in this tab, these ones are good for textures like concrete, not leaves. 16:15 "epic" saws... smh 16:35 I've lost faith in humanity.
The funny thing is after "hack" 70 he says to create a large block design and to then scale it down. He also said to create a canvas of 1000s of line objects and to then turn it into a background. Like, what? Also you're not the only one who went insane while watching this.
this is extremely helpful. Before my levels all looked like the towerverse and pixelpath II. now they look like stuff out of the recent tab. Thank you so much Waboo you really have changed my the way I make my levels!
5:45 first of all, most people sightreading levels dont look at the icon, but in the front of the icon to see whats coming. Second of all, you'll be using the same amount of objects by using pulse triggers to change the color
That would be me. I never look at my icon while playing a level lol. Also yes, they would end up using up just as much objects. Plus, it would be easier just to leave out indicators near the jumps instead of a flickering arrow that doesn't give you much time to react to.
Original comment by gd colon. 2: Don't fade/enter isn't even needed anymore - there's a transition trigger that automatically applies this to every object now. (the red circle with an X inside) 4: Enable normal music editor doesn't need to be purchased with diamonds, that was actually true. But yeah just play in the editor 7: This also works with selected color and pulse triggers!! Nobody talks about this 8: Text objects are kind of unoptimized since it needs to render text, so best to avoid entirely. Treat each character as one object 15: People often forget that the particle trigger can be used for so much more than particles, e.g. the moving arrows in Dash that would normally take a ton of objects. It's so awesome 16: Commonly known but solid objects can be rotated if they have their hitboxes turned off. Then just hide a slope underneath or somethin 18: There are some ways to make this work. This is not one of them. Best to just peep some 1.0 styled levels for inspiration 24: I hate this one because he should have just... taught people how to use Copy Color. It's so important for preparing a good palette for your level 26: This is literally that one test from Human Benchmark where you have to press when the light turns green 💀 30: From a gamedev perspective, softlocking a player (or being teleported back somewhere) usually hurts more than just dying and restarting. 35/36: who does this man take us for 43: animate on trigger is op btw 47: IIRC linked objects are also treated as a single object for area triggers, enter triggers, etc (this can be toggled) 51: Not only is the image mod stealing but it's also HORRIBLY unoptimized. Absolutely not worth it for how many objects they use - also it just kind of goes against what makes GD levels special 54: why is bro obsessed with clouds 55: Playing a classic level in platformer is a bad idea because you'll fall behind all the triggers and everything will be wrong 57: Try and use spawn remapping over build helper 63: If your level is too hard, yes you should nerf it. But also get playtesters to identify the points where people struggle the most 66: The amount of objects that go into a detail should usually be proportional to how much you'll actually notice it 71: Area/enter triggers can do this now, 0 groups 73: Literally any human being who sees that object would know this 76: Changing HSV of objects is useful but if you're reusing the same configuration multiple times just make a copy color channel for it Overall, the pattern with Waboo's video is that most of these aren't actually tips. You could tell he was just looking at random objects in the editor and going "what's an unconventional way to use this"
subscribe for sheep
I am subbed
Edit: I subbed you waboo, now wheres the SHEEP
I subbed, where sheep
Waboo, the actual content of the video is arguably more important than editing / script writing. Please spend more time on it
Waboo just made one of the worst geometry dash levels I have been is a long time
This would be such a good April fools video, shame he didn't save it
Waboo the misinformator
@@Username23542You edited your comment and I still have no clue what you were trying to say
@@Username23542 r/ihadastroke
DISCLAIMER: do NOT EVER free scale objects as huge as waboo did, try to keep it under 5x scale as bigger objects can get EXTREMELY laggy
You also shouldn't fill sawblades with squares, just use a circle
Another thing is that you shouldn't copy and paste glow objects to make them brighter, just increase the brightness in the hsv. Seriously, waboo. What are you doing.
Don't make a huge detailed block and scale it down, it'll waste objects
@@carrotyspice9550there are many more crappy "tips" in the video besides just these. and even in his other videos there are a lot of similar issues
the way he scaled down 100 objects into a 1x1 is kinda hot tho@@carrotyspice9550
accidentally rotated my saw 3501 degrees in 15 seconds and it cut off my hand
youre a jam of jar you dont have hands silly
jar of jam*
jam and jar dont feel like real words anymore help me
Hope you get a new hand Mr. Jam
where tf did my first reply go now it just looks like im a schizo
I cant believe he starts with "Your GD levels look horrible" like bro, if we use these tips maybe it will.
fr man
Imagine Voxi (ispy creator), who commented on this video, clicking on it and IMMEDIATELY hearing this dogshit content farm tell them “yOurE gEomETrY dASh bUiLdS aRe hORrIbBLe” like SHUT THE HELL UP BRO ON GOD 😭
He forget the will on that sentence
"Your GD levels look horrible? here are some tips to make them look even worse!"
yeah, your level is bad already so make it seem like a joke level by following my tips!
I'm suprised he didn't even say "as an ai language model" throughout the video
underrated comment
Was this video written by ChatGPT bro what the actual hell is this
@@DarkMusic110 yea why
@@DarkMusic110because it has so much misinformation
@@Mitch01115 oh
@@DarkMusic110 It has so many redundancies, generally bad tips, moments were it sounds like he has no idea what is going on but he has to make video, etc. ChatGPT is infamous for this kind of stuff.
Bros becoming the 5 minute crafts of Geometry Dash lmao
5 minute dash 💀
becoming?? hes always been this shit
more like troom troom because at least he narrates
you’re a little over a month late to april fools
best comment as of may 2021
banger comment
this actually made me cackle
added "view dislikes" extension just for this video, can't say im too surprised
@@CubeUUdislike extensions aren't accurate
So that's how map pack creators uses his tips
yes 😂
Nah map packs better than that
"Plants don't feel pain"
"Waboo is on cocaine"
"This man is insane"
"My Brain Is In Pain"
This kids
His video hurts my brain
He does not know no games
dont enter isnt used for the fading 😭why does everyone think that
Yea I meant dont fade, dont enter I just added as an extra, since the transition effect looks ugly in most levels
as a builder for 5 years on gd, i cant tell if this video is a joke or not
It definately isn’t. Just look at his other videos
@jelarikaIm a gd creator since 8 years with creator points currently working on 3 different collabs one of them being a top 10 level. And I have no idea if this is a joke video or.
@jelarika that just makes me judge him more
@jelarika If this isn’t sarcasm, I’d like to inform you that GD released on August 13th, 2013. It’s literally impossible to “have been playing since 2012.” Don’t trust everything this content farm says, whether or not it’s a joke.
@jelarikathese hacks are inefficient mostly, there are literally rounded blocks
As a creator who has sunk over 785 hours into a single solo level (which I am still working on), I find this video deeply offensive as, not only is it a complete nothing burger, but it also goes out of its way to misinform the public about level creation. I watched the entire video and listed every single “hack” in this video and debunked them along with explaining how they are wrong (along with giving some tips for incorrect hacks).
Also, please work on your crediting skills. Out of all the levels shown in the video, only 3 of them were credited properly. I tried to credit the levels that I knew about, though a large majority of them I did not know about. For the levels that I did not know, I ask that anyone who is reading this comment reply to it with knowledge of any level that is uncredited and unknown.
It is also noteworthy that I heard from a comment on this very video that Waboo did ask people for creating tips in his server (with some of them being decent), though all of them ended up being uncredited and transformed into whatever this is. (I do wish to credit any ideas that were said in the video, though I believe that is impossible due to how divorced they are from their origins). Also, with the way this video was scripted, it leads me to believe artificial intelligence was used to create it. Cannot confirm though.
Before I start with this list, the thumbnail is clickbait. There is no vine nor 6 object lightbulb that will be created at all. (Also, this list is from the viewpoint of someone who is still in 2.1 as I have not updated to 2.2 yet thanks to working on my solo).
1. Does not work when the music is turned on. The orb will be smaller than the circle.
2. Depends on what kind of level you are creating. If you are creating an effect level, then have these turned off as the enter/leave objects in the trigger category rely on these checkboxes being off.
3. Not a hack. Also, if you want the blocks to have a gradient then place the individual glow object inside of the block itself rather than having the glow mess with the foreground. Also, the level shown here is “Lonely Travel” by FunnyGame and it does not have the gradient as shown in the video.
4. One, you need to buy the setting in one of the shops first. Second, just use a StartPOS to test out level sync or test out the sync in the editor using the music play button. I cannot identify the level shown here, so can someone comment what level is shown here so that I can give the creator credit?
5. Doing this will make the music in the level desync along with it not being practical by both gameplay and decoration standards. The only level that I can think of that uses speed portals as obstacles is “Dear Nostalgists” by TriAxis, though the level only does it for one section and if you hit a speed portal you fly into a wall which is a different mechanic than shown in the video. I also don’t know what level is shown here, though I believe it is the same level as the one in “hack” 4 thanks to the decoration style.
6. This is not a hack. In fact, doing this is useless. Don’t waste your time on doing this. Also, it is not called a warp trigger, it is just called warp.
7. This is not a hack. You can also do this with a color trigger set to change the background color and using the color trigger button on it to change the background color in the trigger.
8. This is not a hack. This is just using the text object to create decoration. It may save some objects, but if your level isn’t going to be object heavy just use the normal chain objects. Ocular Miracle by GaidenHertuny, Davphila, and Zero uses text objects in at least one section in it, so this idea isn’t new. The level shown here is “Change of Scene” by Bli, which is one of the few levels to be credited properly in this entire video.
9. Do not do this unless you have another block on top of the block that is invisible. Shrinking the block shrinks its hitbox so you will need an invisible block on top of it to make sure the hitbox is still the same. You can also see that in the video one side of the block does not meet the edge of the circle objects. Also, this block design does not work for every level.
10. The level shown once this fact appears on screen is an amalgamation of all the “tips” shown previously besides fact #2 as you can see the objects fade in on the right. Onto the fact itself, this is not a hack and is just lazy creating. Shrinking (or enlarging) your structures does not solve the problem of repetitiveness; you need to create new structures to solve that.
11. This is not a hack. If you want to use this hack though, the invisible blocks will have to be behind all the other blocks for the effect to be there and you must have the “NoTouch” checkmark enabled on the blocks, so it does not interfere with the hitbox of the original block, not to mention this effect is barely noticeable in the first place. You cannot use this for structures though as the fade times for each block are different so it will look serrated. Also, these are not “shiny objects,” these are the same objects used in Clubstep.
13. For the 2nd half of the hack (which was split into two instead of being a “double whammy” as was implied in the video), use the “Edit Special” button instead of the rotate trigger. Using only the rotate trigger will not affect the sawblade as the default rotational speed of the sawblade will override the trigger. If you do want to use the rotate trigger, you have to disable the saw rotation in the “Edit Special” menu, though I advise only doing this if you are going to have an easing be put onto your gears or have them rotate at different speeds.
14. This is not a hack. The lamp shown at the beginning of the hack is never made. Instead, a floor light is made. There are multiple ways to create a floor light, however the way Waboo made it here lacks the light. Also, he did not come up with this idea, G4lvatron did (even though it is implied in the level, I just wanted to say it here). This is basically just telling you to steal level assets from other creators, which is an ABSOLUTE NO IF YOU WANT TO BE ORIGINAL!!
15. This isn’t even a hack, in fact, nothing here of not was even said. The only thing that was said is “Oh, these particle wires made by G4lvatron look cool!” and nothing of value came of it, not even a small tutorial. This shouldn’t have even been in the script! (Level is Speedtek by G4lvatron, another level that was credited.)
16. This hack will only work if NoTouch is enabled, making this hack useless for rotating the hitboxes of objects. Also, if you exit and then reenter the level, the rotation is reset.
17. This is not a hack as the in-game level pulsing will make it not look like a “flower” anymore. I suspect that this hack was created just to make a useless transition into more “interesting” hacks, though they are all the same. A better transition could have also been created here.
18. I’m actually laughing at how bad this hack is. Just use the in-game 3D objects if you want to create a 3D effect. This also messes up the hitbox of the object in question. You call hack 17 bad, but what about this one? Incredibly lazy with an end product that doesn’t even look good.
19. The beginning of this hack leads into the usage of 3D objects, but then it smacks you in the face telling you to use a glitch trigger instead. Just when I thought a hack would contradict a different hack, this just happens. Also, I should specify that a glitch effect is not a 3D effect; it’s just a glitch effect.
20. This is not a hack. This is just common sense.
21. This is not a hack but is rather asset stealing. Some levels don’t even need cloud trees for them but rather a more specific way of tree making. Also, the reason why your leaf looks bad is because it is unfinished. Heck, there are even unfilled spots in the leaf along with the outline being jagged and messy. The level this hack steals from is Magic Journey by Bli.
22. The way the door is made is different to how the original door was made. You just need a white square, a black square on top of the white square, a glow piece, and a corner glow piece to create that door (EXIT sign not included). Again, not a hack and is instead asset stealing. The level which has the door in it is "The Block Factory" by Pocke which was found by both SentientMicrowave and orsomethinglikethat (the latter sent their comment after SM did, though I included it because I hadn't edited the comment yet). Also, if anyone was wondering, the door in the level is made up of 7 objects: 2 corner glow, 1 enlarged glow, 2 white squares, and 2 normal sized glow. For some reason, the door is tilted slightly. I should note that Waboo copied the door design object-for-object since he includes the 2 corner glow on the door when in the level only one corner glow is visible.
Comment is continued in the replies thanks to RUclips's character limit.
23. This is not an optical illusion at all. This is just a deco piece that is animated and has been in the game since 2.0. Not a hack. The level in this hack is the same level that was seen in hack 22.
24. According to Napo117, "[This tip] doesn't work if you copy what [Waboo] did step by step because that's not how to do it. It just remains white. The actual way to do it is setting saturation for both colors to be 2x, and changing the hue for one color to not be 0. The farther hue you put, the faster it changes colors, but make sure "legacy HSV" is turned on (as it also works in 2.1 but it was a bug). A level that uses this is "wheres the triggers" which is rated. That being said, tip 80 contradicts what is being said here." Thank you for sharing your knowledge in the replies! Still, I believe the footage here is not Waboo’s due to the quality of it along with the cat cube being in it.
25. This is not a hack. This is just basic decoration skills. Also, sometimes a portal on its own is good without the use of a background.
26. This is not a hack, and, just like hack 15, nothing was said about it: not how to make it move with the player (which is done using a move trigger set to lock to player X and Y or a follow player Y trigger with a move trigger locked to player X), not how to make it change color depending on how close you were to an obstacle… Nothing of value was said and this video didn’t need this nothing burger of a hack.
27. Not a hack (and also not mobile friendly) but please CREDIT THE CREATORS OF THE MOD!!
28. This is not a hack. This is just basic creator work and common sense to amateur creators. The level shown here is "Well Rested" by Cometface/Overdefo. Thanks to Napo117 for figuring this out!
29. Do not do this hack. This is not a waterfall and trying to turn it into one is useless. Also, waterfalls in real life do not behave like this.
30. If this hack is a “joke” then why was it included in the first place? I doubt that any level that sends you to an inescapable box will be rated due to the annoyance of having to reset the level every time you “die.” In the same vein, if you put a crash trigger in your level then the level will never be rated (Sonic Wave Infinity was unrated for a brief moment thanks to it having a crash trigger in it fun fact). Just like hack 15 and 26, this is also a nothing burger. Also, of the 4 levels shown in the beginning of this hack, the only one that I can identify is “Golden Hope” by Magpipe which is the level tagged as having a “MLG” theme. The level tagged with having a "3D" theme is "Third Axis" by Funwolf7 and the 4th level that was not tagged at all is "Heaven and Hell" by Cranqles (which is somehow rated). Thank you Extreme Meowman! for identifying these levels! The "1D" tagged level is "1d gd" by NepciTami, though the level is impossible to search for in GD due to it starting with a number. The I.D. for this level is 668833718. Thanks again to Napo117 for finding this out!
31. Do not do this. This is not a hack but is rather a guaranteed way to make your game lag unforgivably. Just use the HSV slider to make your glow brighter. (Though if you need your glow to be bright around the core and darker around the edges, it is ok to use one or two stacked glow pieces to do that, just don’t do it excessively like how Waboo did it.)
32. This is the first hack in this entire video that is actually a useful hack, however it should only be used for small outlines and not scaled up to x5.00 size. This also applies to other objects i.e. you can create shapes using rotated and scaled squares and triangles. The rock objects are mostly useful for small details.
33. Not a hack. This is basic knowledge for anyone who wants to make animated jump indicators with particles. The level in the beginning of the hack I can’t identify so please comment if you know what it is.
34. Again, not a hack and is basic knowledge.
35. Not a hack. CTRL+Z (and the undo button) is common knowledge for literally ANYTHING THAT UNDOS SOMETHING!! Also, if you have swiped a bunch of objects by accident in a blank space, just click the “swipe” button and swipe over the accidental objects while in the edit tab.
36. Not a hack. This is basic knowledge for everyone who plays on a computer. Why do I say computer? It’s because this “hack” does not exist on mobile devices due to the lack of a physical keyboard and key binds.
37. Not a hack and is basic editor knowledge.
38. Not a hack, in fact, what the hell is this even used for?! The squares aren’t even centered! You would not use this “hack” in any serious level, period!
39. You called them bushes first, then called them clouds when combined? Also, not a hack and I fail to see anyone who would use this in an actual level.
40. Basic editor knowledge; not a hack.
41. Again, not a hack.
42. Not a hack and you did not show us the end result.
43. Not a hack and you do not show us an example of where it can be placed.
44. Not a hack. This is basic creator knowledge and only works depending on the theme and style of your level.
45. Level here is unknown to me, please identify in the comments. Also, you did not explain how to create this effect. You just showed a video of it and did not explain it any further. Nothing burger hack.
46. The second actual hack of the entire video! Yay!
47. Not a hack; basic editor knowledge.
48. You can do this without the particle objects. Using this asset is also not creative whatsoever and should be counted as asset stealing. Not a hack also.
49. Not a hack; basic creator knowledge.
50. The 50th hack in the video!... It’s basic editor knowledge! Woo hoo!
51. Out of all the “hacks” in this video, this one pissed me off the most. This isn’t even a hack in the slightest, this is just piracy. Do not use this mod for your own levels, they will never be rated. Also, way to not credit the mod creators and circling the wrong button. And, if you were wondering, there is a way to add more stuff to your level without resorting to using this mod; creators have been doing so without the mod for the past 10 years. If you use this mod in your level, you are just lazy.
52. Not a hack and is instead a “bait and switch” tactic. Everyone knows how to do this, even non-creators. Also use the 45 degrees rotate rather than free rotate; makes the portal easier to align with gameplay later.
53. Not a hack; basic editor knowledge.
54. Not a hack, plus it’s more useful to have it be smaller rather than one object as with it being multiple small objects you can get more creative with the opacity and color and movements.
55. This is not a hack. You can record the level instead and check for errors since platformer mode will most likely break some triggers, especially triggers that move constantly with the player. Also, I can’t identify the level so can someone comment what it is?
56. Not a hack and there are better ways to make a circle that does not use the text object, most notably the circle outline object and the rotate trigger.
57. The level shown in the beginning is “B E P I S” by Wulzy. Also, this isn’t a hack but is basic editor knowledge.
58. Not a hack. This can be done with multiple other objects, not just moons. (Level shown- which is a main level -is Dash by the way.)
59. Not a hack and using this type of gameplay depends on what level you are creating and the theme of it.
60. Not a hack and this is not even a good reflection on water effect.
61. Not a hack. Basic decoration knowledge is in play here plus if you just have it on the default rotation without doing anything at all then the scythe gears will always be out of sync with each other.
62. Not a hack and… No… Just no… This is not how you create (unless you are using it as an outline for structures but be sure to remove them once you have the structures in place).
63. What the actual Kentucky fried f@%$ did I just see? First of all, both levels shown here are not credited (though one is most likely a Sonic Wave remake) but ENCOURAGING people to put secret ways into their levels?! Secret ways will NEVER let your level be rated! They will be found, and it is just a lazy way to publish a level onto the servers! Also, instead of the secret way you can just, oh, I don’t know, pass the verification off to someone else, nerf the level, or continue to play the level till you verify it legitimately.
64. Not a hack and there are different ways of making grass compared to using a still frame of an animation.
65. Not a hack and as a person who has spent 785+ hours on their own solo, I can tell you not all creators use HSV to create structures. Also, people are more likely to choose the color of a structure based on theming and not the HSV sliders (and you forget that structures can have multiple colors). Also credit iLogistics who made the block design in a glow block design tutorial. (Thank you to RiceCake420 for telling me my initial crediting of Vit12 was incorrect!)
66. This hack, just like “hack” 12, absolutely DO NOT DO THIS!! THIS WILL BE HELL FOR YOUR LEVEL AND WILL CAUSE IT TO LAG SEVERLY!!
67. Hack 67 is just putting saws in the ground. That’s it and is not a hack at all.
68. This “hack” is the exact same “hack” as “hack” 13. Also, I feel like the video was slowed down here instead of the saw moving slowly.
69. Ayyy this “hack” contradicts “hack” 56! And you STILL didn’t manage to make a proper circle! (The rotating objects can desync just like the scythe saws in “hack” 61.)
70. Not a hack. Plus no one creates like this. No one starts from the end and works till the level is at the beginning. This does not help with lag and instead just makes trigger work confusing. Also, the level shown is Glowy by RobBuck.
Continued in another reply.
71. Not a hack and only useful in certain situations (effect levels most notably).
72. Not a hack and is not useful for any level.
73. Not a hack and is not useful in any level. Also, the eyes and mouth are not aligned with the cube; just put a solid color block behind the cube if you really want it in your level.
74. This has got to be one of, if not, the WORST “hack” in this video. Absolutely DO NOT DO THIS!! NO ONE CREATES BACKGROUNDS LIKE THIS AND IT IS OBJECT HELL!! Also, the lines are the worst object to create a “canvass” out of. Your best bet is to just create a background like how you would normally do so: With glow and shapes.
75. Level shown here is “Collab Level” by Mindcap. Not a hack and you can create custom claw marks by just using varied line objects instead of an animation on a freeze frame.
76. Finally! A hack that is useful for once! The 3rd one out of this entire video!
77. Not a hack and you do not show us how to create the orb. Also, I believe that this is a stolen asset from a level. I can’t pinpoint what level it might have been stolen from, but it feels like it could have been from Emerald Realm. Also, the orb shown at the end is paler in color compared to what was shown first.
78. Not a hack and is common sense. The laser that was shown in the beginning is not what was recreated but is rather something completely different. Also, I do not know what level was shown, so can someone please comment it?
79. I feel like you are just trying to intentionally tick us creators off with this one. This is not a hack and is just using an explosion object to create “detailed leaves.” Seriously? Cmon!
80. Not a hack and you can create this with a loop rather than spamming pulse triggers. Also, I have no clue on what level is shown here, though I believe it is a Waboo level ironically enough.
81. Not a hack and the saw does not look epic. It isn’t even an optical illusion. It’s just 3 boxes placed beneath a saw that are barely visible. 10/10 decoration skills! (Sarcasm, obviously.)
82. Not a tip and is asset stealing. You just copy a set of instructions rather than figuring it out on your own. That’s copying not creating!
83. Ah, sub bait. Not a hack at all.
Waboo, please fact-check your future videos to make sure that hodgepodges of videos like this will never be made again, as this was extremely painful to watch and correct. I spent 5+ hours correcting your mistakes that were so easy to fact-check.
Do better and ask us creators if you want to make a video like this again. You may have 9 creator points, though you are no creator at all if this is what you consider to be useful “hacks.”
Let's hope he sees this
It needed to be said
Thank you so much for shedding more light onto these so called “hacks”!
Some of them can be straight up disastrous if not addressed properly, as there were so many misleading things in this video that can hurt creators more than help them.
Also for tip 65 the glow design is made by iLogistics. It's one of the first tutorials that comes up when you search "geometry dash glow style tutorial"
Bro cooked and gave us food poisoning 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
he didn't cook at all we just ate raw meat and fuckign died
14:46 This “hack” is probably the most brainrot advice in the entire video
13k objects btw
@@shamsukst I know😭
i don’t think i need to spell this out but i’ll do it anyway
this is probably not nearly as bad as fucking *tracing* 9:49
@@adriangd5040 Oh yea that one also
I actually saw its 28k, dear@@shamsukst😭😭😭😭
Some of the absolute WORST building “hacks” I’ve ever seen bro never cook again 😭
You know tips are bad when one of my favorite creators out there straight up call them the worst tips
Honestly, it's an achievement to piss this many people off
5 minute crafts
BrainETR spotted
@@BeccaLynn79 5 minutes dash
yo hi you made my favourite non-demon (brainwave)
gradient hack at 0:45 if you scale it that big its eventually gonna have issues with the textures and lag from overscaling, so just use the gradient trigger itself (one colour black, the other one of your choice)
and remember to put it on additive!!!
True, even objects like collision blocks breaks from scale over 4x size
Most of these "tips" in the video are either aren't even useful or everyone with common sense already knows about 😭
that explains why my level was laggy
Also it disappears if gets to big
I dont think waboo has ever opened the editor
The funny part is that he has 9cp 😭😭 how tf did he fall off this badly
@@robianny i know and his levels suck😭😭😭😭
I don’t think he has ever played this game
im gonna unsub lol
@twandash I love how the most beautiful thing in the word doesn't gets rated and then...waboo levels.
"Amazing level!"
"Your level is so good!"
Those are NOT the messages gd players send to creators 😭
I actually got a message from a random guy saying my 3rd most low effort level was really cool💀💀
Nah relatable (i got death threat💀💀)
someone said that "generation retro doesnt suck that much" and got some dislikes, meanwhile someone insulting generation retro and getting lots of likes
@@oozychubs5-3 The Minority always loses to the Majority
@@Unzurnaadescribes my school
3:45 I CANT STOP LAUGHING “it looks so much better 😮”
..or you can go to edit special?? 2:55
@ToyotaANTIGD agreed
@ToyotaANTIGDdo you like to spread misinformation?
foolish being, you must do it the way waboo intented or you will be send to *the hole* (you dont, i actually have no clue what this guy was talking about sometimes)
you can do it with 1 object too : /
9:59 that mod is not for importing images in the level it just adds the image as a reference for when making art in gd. The image added from the mod wont appear when you play the level
Aarxy?? 🤯
Dude you're on RUclips comments too?
Sup Aarxy?
it will only appear in the editor? Sad I cant do tracing:(
3:47 it looks bad ☠
yes but it's an example
it works he just used the worst possible objects for it, also generally the back one should be darker or brighter than the one in front
i barely held back my laughter when i saw that part
thats he funniest shit ever
and presumably should not be partially transparent in the specific way that the default block is?
Even me as a none GD player, i see how bad this tips are .
I bet you could make a better tips video as a non player lol
@@Seannn. lmao maybe
level maker
@@jbap true reference
3:48 bro slapped 2 blocks on top of each other and said it looked so good 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Bro even called it a tip aswell 💀
"It looks so much better"
@@Red_Chicken_Gaming *interrupts* baHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHA... me when i put a block behind the other:
I like how half of these can be done more efficiently or juzt be done way better with easier steps
and the other half just just sucks or is his subjective opinion
4:42 that does not LOOK like "HUNDREDS of objects" | "1, 10, 20, 30, 40..." ?????
this video has alot of issues XD, the younger audience is okay with it tho :(
and btw I made it with 5 objects instead of 6 like how he said looked when he made it he used a triangle glow weird thing at the bottom too for some reason.
@@SlimeDavid yeah loll
No it's not ok for the younger audience, in fact they're the ones that are going to be misinformed the most by this video
@@vegtam2869 yeah i meant that *they* are okay with the video... lemme correct that
it can be do with 3 objects
I'm sorry, but bro does NOT know what he's talking about lol.
You’re basically telling us to use 15k objects in ONE square
@GalaxPVP the...
@@LocalwaterCreeper do terrible things to yourself
As a glow designer, that hurts my feelings 😭
as a creator, this video physically and mentally hurts me
real not fake
Nu uh
@@Jack-fh3wm hu un
@@whoamiatthispoint go go gadget pixel reducer
@@Jack-fh3wm divine device obliterater
Actually, you can just low the rotation speed of a saw in edit special... 2:56
yeah there are always a lot of mistakes in waboo's videos.
at 0:26 , he says to just turn on dont fade and dont enter on literally everything in your level. which isnt a bad idea on its own usually. but this means missed potential to use custom enter triggers to make really cool enter effects? they dont have to be working on the entire level either, they can just affect specific objects only if you want
at 2:55 he says you can use rotate trigger to make saw rotate slower, but you can just click edit special to do that???
at 4:40 he says that exit door looks like it takes "hundreds of objects" but i cannot possibly imagine anyone saying that, it literally looks so simple i have no idea why he included this in the video. and even then, when he shows how to build the door, he says to use two white blocks, although you can just scaleY one white block 2.00x for one less object? isnt THAT a "build hack"? smh
the "build hack" #70 at 14:00 is a terrible idea, period
build hack #73 at 14:35 has mistake too, he uses that cube object, but to fill in the eyes and mouth, for some bizarre reason instead of just putting a square behind the cube he tries to use that weird face object 💀
15:40 why do you need 8 objects for that?! surely with the correct settings you only need a single glow object, not 5??
16:15 it doesnt look any better to me? and where's the optical illusion youre talking about? i dont see it
is this ur first day using the editor
He has 9 creator points yet he still flopped so bad😭
nah i actually refyse to beleive that, how is that even possible @@LazySkeleton74
@@photonbee1932 I'm serious af
@@fewbronzegames I dunno man
7:35 rare footage of a good creator tip
Yeah, only cuz he didn't add decoration to those structures lol
@@maxybgNah, he can't lmao 😭
This only works in some level dynamics btw
Doesn’t work all the time
We got GD 5 minute crafts before GTA 6.
Might as well get 2.3 now and get GD 10 minute crafts
8/10 bait
at first i thought this video was gonna give actual tips but most of these just make your level look worse.. no way this isnt satire
I don’t think it is sadly. Just look at his other videos
@@ThreeletterIGN I like his other videos ($ related), just me?
Do not follow tip 63, as a creator myself, that is a horrible idea to just put a secret way in your level, if you can’t beat your own level, either nerf it, or let someone else verify it, never do what waboo just said
I agree
I 100% agree with this. Dont put a secret way in ur level
Yeah just verify hack it
@@tlachersRobtop doesn't rate hack verified levels
@@MjAdrianz who cares im not trying to get my level featured
2:57 you can already change saw rotation speed without rotate teigger wdym 😭
Correct! The only time you need rotate trigger to make saws spin is when you need the saw speed to change (for example in "the cellar path" by jamattack)
@@marmaladetoast2431 or like in "omg aliens" by danzmen
14:57 ah yes phone destroyer 3000
@@_randommmit’s actually 25k, slow the video down to 0.25x, and watch the object count
POV, you wanted to play waboo’s levels on your Samsung galaxy J1
I think my phone stopped working
@@keereus-gk7zj holy shit youre right
“Your Geometry Dash builds right now look horrible”
*proceeds to list the most horrible editor tips known to man*
yoooooooooooooo red
4:42 brother... it looks like it takes 4 objects... how would anyone think it takes more than that 💀
you can actually only make that in 2 objects lmao
You can do it in 3 lmao
@@ThreeletterIGN no, 2
i got so used to 2.1 it looks like it can be made in like 5 objects
@@shamsukst in 2.2 u can do it in only 2 objects, just use warp
As someone who has spent thousands of hours in the GD editor there are a lot of things in this video that are just not good tips for beginners in the editor so i pointed out some things below.
12: Theres literally already an interface for changing the rotation speed of saws in edit special menu.
17: Theres already flower blocks if you dont want to make your own and if you do want to make your own you probably want something that actually looks like a flower, not that.
22: Can be done with two objects.
26: Please dont do this. At least this way. It is definitely a unique idea to have an indicator that follows you but it should be graphically interesting and make sense for the level imo.
28: Thats literally what the blocks are for??
30: Again, please dont do this
38: So many better ways to do this
56: And so many better ways for this too.
62: please dont use these arrows just make your own please i beg you
64: Again this really doesnt work there are so many better options
67: there are white saws for a reason and you can better customize them so they actually look good
74: There are an infinite number of options for making cool backgrounds but this one just hurts to see. So many objects. And for what?
It's the person who made rosegold.
yes i totally agree ty for commenting this ❤ waboo just has no idea what he's talking abt 🤦♂️
LET HIM COOK🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I AINT EATIN🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
THESE TIPS ARE FIRE (in the hole)🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 PUT IT OUT 🔥🔥🔥🔥🚒🧯
BRO ATE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 OUT OF 100 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bro set the whole damn kitchen on fire while cooking this shit up
Damn these people ain’t cooking they’re burning
bro gonna get hired by 5-minute crafts 💀💀💀
this is the gd equivalent of those pointless 5 minute craft lifehack videos
at least 5 minute crafts doesn't suggest to commit tracing
Yeah a lot of these tips could be explained better, aswell as some being inaccurate, untrue, or inefficient.
I recommend asking creators if ur gonna make a creating video, since that will make the best advice.
I'm not trying to sh*t on waboo btw, just some criticism.
Pls research your topic more waboo 😭
As a decently good creator who mades a level under 9000 obiects, i can comfirm most of the tips are straight up out of the question, almost like theyre chatgpt made
Especially 74 which give me severe brian dmge
As a decently good creator most of these tips are either really simple, can be done easier, and #63 is not really a creating tip
yeah i genuinely cant tell if this is a joke video or not. also why is the number of 'tips' so specific, i definetally think theres something suspicious going on behind the scenes lol
This is a problem with a lot of waboo videos, unfortunately. A lot of these fact videos are full of misinformation, and it's honestly just kinda sad that he doesn't just spend a little more time actually checking if the stuff is true or not :/
yeah there are always a lot of mistakes/crappy stuff in waboo's videos.
at 0:26 , he says to just turn on dont fade and dont enter on literally everything in your level. which isnt a bad idea on its own usually. but this means missed potential to use custom enter triggers to make really cool enter effects? they dont have to be working on the entire level either, they can just affect specific objects only if you want
at 2:55 he says you can use rotate trigger to make saw rotate slower, but you can just click edit special to do that???
at 4:40 he says that exit door looks like it takes "hundreds of objects" but i cannot possibly imagine anyone saying that, it literally looks so simple i have no idea why he included this in the video. and even then, when he shows how to build the door, he says to use two white blocks, although you can just scaleY one white block 2.00x for one less object? isnt THAT a "build hack"? smh
the "build hack" #70 at 14:00 is a terrible idea, period
build hack #73 at 14:35 has mistake too, he uses that cube object, but to fill in the eyes and mouth, for some bizarre reason instead of just putting a square behind the cube he tries to use that weird face object 💀
15:40 why do you need 8 objects for that?! surely with the correct settings you only need a single glow object, not 5??
16:15 it doesnt look any better to me? and where's the optical illusion youre talking about? i dont see it
many of the other ideas are either dumb, weird, could be explained better or just done differently. but this is a common thing with waboo's vids unfortunately. i really hope he improves his content someday because it hurts me physically whenever i see a new waboo upload because there's always gonna be some dumb shit in it
We got 5 minute crafts in GD. With of course the same quality as that channel.
"This mod adds BPM information about every song in Geometry Dash!"
*Doesn't name mod*
just why. I could use this as I have absolutely zero clue how to determine the BPM. I know there is this BPM finder feature which lets you click to the BPM but I don't actually know when to click lol
pretty sure you can probably just find a website or two on google for finding bpms of songs
you just click to the beat and it calculates it for you
@@Nwo5-TRG yeah but what exactly is the beat? That's what I don't knoe and therefore I can't click to it.
Some people say a beat is constant others say it changes throughout the song.
I have no clue how to determine the beat from the rest
@@Z38_US i try to find a consistent pattern or noise throughout the song, it shouldnt matter if it changes tho cuz u can just record different bpm for different parts of the song
@@Nwo5-TRG I mean that's one way of going about it but being able to find the actual BPM would be helpful to sync pulses better.
I usually just wing it and test it over and over again to make sure it's synced which works relatively well.
On my end it's usually always perfectly synced but playing the level on another device like my phone puts it ever so slightly off sync.
It's not much and barely noticeable but since I built it I do notice and it annoys me a lot.
1: don’t use different colors, make the level sightreadable
2: don’t enter isn’t used for fading
3: just used a gradient trigger, it won’t work unless u scale it a lot
4: if u have to use practice mode to verify ur levels, nerf it
5 & 6: no comment… just please don’t do this
7: literally everybody knows this
8: this was actually good on bli’s part, please be careful how u use it
9: there are easier ways to do that… i think it’s actually in the object section of the editor
10: it’s good if it’s used sparingly, just don’t overdo it (i don’t trust waboo did the same)
11: just use glow…
12: that’s a huge waste of objects
13: edit special can change the rotation speed
14: no one is going to use this…
15: no tutorial on the particle effect… ok…
16: or… u can use the rotation buttons on the edit tab
17: he’s right… it looks bad
18: if u really want to do this, put no touch on the bottom block… this looks really ugly so how about u don’t do this at all
19: there are better ways to achieve the intended design, shader would go crazy as well
20: don’t do this if there are specific objects u can’t find
21: this probably takes forever to implement, knowing waboo it’s going to take hours to finish
22: there’s almost no way to make this fitting at all
23: it’s just plain lazy and boring
24: great, if u want to give others epilepsy
25-26: this won’t make ur level look better
27: use the bpm trigger
28-29: over-extended warp triggers will break the game
30: don’t do this unless u want to become the most hated gd creator in history
31: don’t waste glow like this… if ur glow object uses more than 2 glow then redo it
32: there are better ways to make shapes
33: thanks for the tutorial… now we know the particle trigger exists
34: it’ll look bad on bigger structures, trust me i’ve done it before
35-36: mobile players are screaming
37: this was intended for platformer creators so thanks… i guess?
38: this looks extremely unpolished
39: this does not look like a cloud at all
40-41: everybody knows this…
42: don’t… do this… please
43: yea… use animated objects for its intended purpose, there are some in the editor that look the same and aren’t animated
44: thanks… this does not provide any new info
45: make sure to change the speed of the lava as well as moving the actual platforms… or just don’t do this
46: i guess this looks nice… but a lot of layering is involved
47: this would be great advice if everyone had no idea about it already
48: thanks for the settings… (use quick start)
49: it’s not always going to fit so use it sparingly
50: this is a terrible way to playtest ur level… use timewarp and slow it down to test if its possible
51: that dog is not stupid :( all jokes aside if u really need to use it… use it for a background and that’s it
52: did u really dislike a level just to make this tip? also that’s not what u call a transition
53: u don’t need waboo to tell u that
54: i guess this looks good… it might also be extremely overused so i guess its only purpose is to use it once (layering issues)
55: no… just don’t do this… they don’t work the same way
56: why would anyone do this?
57: okay… this one is actually a good tip that not everyone will know about
58: this will take u forever to finish… heavy object count as art is not for the faint hearted
59: bad gameplay…
60: backgrounds don’t have just 2 blocks in them…
61: that looks terrible
62: if u don’t know to do this in ur levels then ur not ready for creating
63: why?! why would anyone do this?
64: repeating this will make the level look choppy so there’s no reason to do this
65: there’s no reason for it to be that specific, but yes make sure to use these for better block design
66: no… that doesn’t look good and nothing will look good when u do that, also this is extreme high object abuse
67: wow, no one could have figured to do that!
68: where is tip 68?
69: opacity be like…
70: levels will have high objects in them, but yes please use start positions
71: he didn’t tell u this but use easing to make it look better, why did he forget to tell u this we all know the move trigger exists
72: that is literally the ugliest thing i ever seen, delete ur level if u do this
73: again… we have eyes, we can see these new features
74: unarguably the worst tip in the entire video, unless u like lag…
75: cool, i guess… but the bottom part will be a problem
76: another obvious tip that needed no explanation
77: this can be recreated in way less than 8 objects…
78: i wanted to see that first effect… but seriously, it’s going to be a lot worse than it looks
79: layering issues once again
80: “don’t use it on too many objects” also don’t leave it on one structure only… there’s no purpose for this
81: no, it does not look more ‘epic’
82: make sure not to do this on classic levels bc the sightreadability will not work with it
83: the best tip in the game… just kidding
overall, don’t listen to waboo about level creation criticism since by the looks of things he has never created a level in his life, as someone who has been creating levels for nearly 10 years… i’ve learnt many things whether or not it’s been obvious from the beginning, it’s very important to study the editor which is something he can’t do… terrible tutorial, wtf is this waboo? i expected better from u, man
Tip 68 is the literally tip 13, it’s hidden sneakily though
@@JaymcJefty lol didn’t catch that
74 actually killed my brain when i watched it for the first time
On to something ❌
On something ✅
what 7000 hours on gd does to a mf
completely destroys them mentally
the worst part is, he actually has 9 creator points
the rated levels in question are unsurprisingly mid
@@deadsdeadsok go get 9 creator points
@@deadsdeads as a person with 16 creator points I can conclude these tips did NOT help me either buddy DW
@@flakeygdumm, get 16 more
@@tlachers why?
Optical allusion my ass the block just moves💀 4:59
fr its an animated object not an optical illusion💀
You can create an optical illusion by using this but it won't work because everyone got blinded by this
This comment had me cracking up fr 😂
@@David280GG0 iq
some facts are so unhinged in waboo's videos: like 4:42 | "it takes tons of objects"
@ToyotaANTIGD probably true...
@ToyotaANTIGD yeah you probably right
he has 9 cp
@@CrystalsOnFireGD 9 cp isnt enough to give this many advices to a bunch of children
@@CrystalsOnFireGD but... he doesnt know about the warp feature, optimization, AND HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO ROTATE SAWS WITH A TRIGGER
Bro started at the bottom🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥And started digging🔥🔥🗣🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🔥🔥
Let him cook 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️
It's burnt 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
2% good tips
98% late for arpil fools
6:03 theres a thing called a "BPM Trigger"
6:16 thats what they were meant for
7:27 robtop did that in Dash
7:40 average 2019 glow design level structing be like:
7:44 everyone knows "Ctrl Z"
7:56 everyone knows that, and people on mobile cant do it
8:06 first building is misaligned (move squares to the left)
8:56 only good tip in this whole video
9:46 everyone knows this and it sucks bcuz playtesting gameplay (gameplay>deco)
@@darrisguy948it just sucks if you have amazing deco but the gameplay is really awful in my opinion
@@darrisguy948 kinda meant that you still need deco,but think about the gameplay and make it not unfair
Waboo the misinformator
Ngl I been creating for atleast a year in total but I never knew that ctrl+z exists lmao
Not everyone knows the keybinds, stop shitting on the only 2 or 3 good tips in the entire video lol
If anyone is craving more tips, I came up with ten more original tips. I put a lot of thought into this.
Certainly! For more experienced creators, here are some advanced tips to take your Geometry Dash level building to the next level:
Master the Editor Shortcuts: Learn and utilize keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow. This includes shortcuts for copying, pasting, rotating, and flipping objects.
Experiment with Custom Objects: Explore the use of custom objects created with the editor's advanced features. Custom objects can add unique mechanics and visual flair to your levels.
Utilize Trigger Systems: Dive into trigger systems to create dynamic events and interactive elements in your level. Experiment with triggers to activate moving platforms, change gravity, or trigger special effects.
Create Engaging Gameplay Mechanics: Think outside the box and invent new gameplay mechanics using triggers, portals, and object interactions. Surprise and challenge players with innovative gameplay twists.
Master Timing and Rhythm: Perfect your level's timing and rhythm by meticulously aligning obstacles, jumps, and other elements with the music. Pay attention to sync points and beat patterns for a seamless experience.
Explore Layering and Depth: Experiment with layering objects and decorations to create a sense of depth and dimension in your level. Use foreground and background elements to enhance visual interest.
Customize Effects and Animations: Take advantage of the editor's effects and animation features to create stunning visual effects. Customize particle effects, animations, and color schemes to add polish to your level.
Optimize Performance: Optimize your level for performance by minimizing lag-inducing elements and optimizing object placement. Consider the impact of complex geometry and effects on gameplay performance.
Tell a Compelling Story: Craft a captivating narrative or visual theme for your level to engage players on a deeper level. Use environmental storytelling and visual cues to immerse players in your world.
Collaborate and Share: Collaborate with other creators and share your knowledge and expertise with the community. Participate in level-building contests, exchanges, and forums to learn from others and showcase your work.
By incorporating these advanced techniques into your level building process, you can create truly memorable and engaging experiences for players in Geometry Dash.
honestly these ai generated tips are better than any tips he gives in this video ☠☠☠☠
Still better than Waboo’s tips
What’s funny is the Certainly! tells me it’s ai.
Blud I can tell that ai wrote this but whatever ig
@@thebunGDthat's the joke. he's calling out waboo for using ai to make this video.
Waboo after the lobotomy
After drugs you mean
nah, waboo after getting his head punched by a 4 year old
“Is your level too hard? Make a very secret secret way!” Infamous last words.
9:59 blud what the actual fuck
that’s my honest reaction to 99% of this but i genuinely don’t have any words for this
even it got the mod wrong...
Wait till you see 14:45
7999 objects😭😭😭😭😭😭
its not stealing why is me importing a drawing i made into the game tracing and stealing???
4:49 simple optimization, don't add 2 objects. instead scale the y to 2x
gd creators trying not to optimise their level to 5 objects challenge (impossible)
@@GDTeriettowould you rather a 500k+ objects nice level that lowers your fps to 15 or a 20k+ objects nice level?
@@Virtual_Garbagedont exaggerate it, 2 objects instead of 1 doesn't change anything
For number 16, if you re-enter the level, it will not work.
And if your object as no-touch, then rotate it, then un-touch it. After re-entering, it's a freaking mess, especially for block designs.
7:30 "You like changing values, Don't you?"
Fr what is that set
@@BeccaLynn79 I NEED THAT TEXTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@FisterTm did you find that texture pack? and if u did whats name (asking for a friend ig)
@@bokiyt still didnt
putting the boo in waboo
"wa" in waboo
"Your Geometry Dash builds look horrible, but with these 83 building hacks I'm about to give you, you can easily transform your build into something way worse and make everyone hate you and your level."
10:54 that C: 1 means color channel 1, it being one object is shown by there being no "objects" counter
2:55 You can make a saw spin slower by going in Edit Special and selecting the rotation speed.
6:00 "This mod adds BPM information about every song in geometry dash"
Proceeds to not show what the mod is
plus, you don't even need the mod. you can literally use the BPM trigger that was introduced in 2.2
Man he literally disabled the like count
“You’re Geometry Dash builds right now look horrible”
Because I just followed the tips
DONT, LET, HIM, COOK!!! 🗣️💯🔥💯💯🔥🔥💯🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯🔥🔥💯🔥 🙈🙉🙊🐵🙈🙉🙊🐵🙈🙉🙊🐵
i am watching this wondering if this is satire or not
Never let waboo cook again!! 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🗣️🗣️
you know you’re cooked when an msm youtuber comes to shit on your video (also hi ghosttympa)
you know youre cooked when GHOSTYMPA of all people makes fun of you 😭😭
What are you doing here? 😭
damn waboo's tips are so trash even an MSM guy comes in
3:58 you can use blur trigger,make intensinity * so big number * and use color channel that is white.
And shader trigger use all T layers and but the block in any T layer.
You will get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cool effect.
And it will have parralax.
Also it will affect player icon,and all particles such as death particles or trail idk.
Hope this helped.
5:00 "With these objects that look like they're moving" THATS CAUSE THEY ARE MOVI-
Uh, they are not moving, they are actually animated :)
@@DragonJ555that's the entire fucking point 😭 i can't with this video man
If this was released on april fools, it would've been one of the best pranks of all time. unfortunally, not even that waboo managed to do right.
5:45 “I am too lazy to copy + paste one arrow a few times so: I will use pulse triggers and I will make it less sidereadable! (Welkome to 5 min crafts)
yeah and it uses the same amount of objects anyway 😭
plus ur just copy + pasting the pulse triggers anyway, which is the same thing as copy and pasting indicators
@@Spacemarioeditionno it actually uses an extra one, which is the arrow you will see
I felt physical pain watching this.
this is the megamind 2 of geometry dash
“Hey ChatGPT enter 82 building hacks for me”
When the video is so bad that no other creators are afraid to publicly trash on it
I have a lot of beef with this video.
here you can see a mans descent into madness:
0:00 no they don't, i just can't finish them.
0:26 this is sometimes useful, but keep in mind there are special objects to change the way it enters which looks cool.
1:11 ????????????????????????
1:32 Good tip 👍
2:03 this is so inefficient to the point where i don't even get why anyone would use this.
2:54 ??? there's literally a button called "EDIT SPECIAL" where you can just directly control the speed of the saw instead of using an entire group.
3:33 if it looks bad, why is it in the video? watchtime?
5:47 WHY? i mean you have to use an extra group, and you have to put extra triggers for it where you have to jump anyway. nobody does this.
6:00 geometry dash already has a bpm recorder
6:24 more watchtime extraction.
6:41 why not just use the hsv slider or change the color/channel instead of wasting objects?
7:32 they call it a LAYOUT for a reason
8:02 inefficient.
8:06 looks more like a bush than clouds. for better clouds you can use scaled up noise blocks from the symbols tab for more realism.
9:18 you only need one. posVarX & posVarY set to max. set the speed to 0 duration to 15. max particles very high, play around with color variation, fade in/out to 3.
9:31 use blending on a slightly desaturated version via the hsv slider PLEASE
10:31 you can also use hold shift or press F to toggle.
10:46 👍☁️
11:14why even do this if you tell us not to do it later in the video? seems like you're trying to get more watchtime.
12:00 this looks kinda bad ngl
12:13 this doesn't make it any more "dangerous", but can actually look good if you do it right.
12:21 first of all, you can make better looking arrows out of triangles, second, if your ship part looks empty, it's probably because you didn't add anything to it.
12:37 if the level is meant to be in normal mode but the secret way only works in platformer. why bother? also secret ways are a big no-no if you want rate.
13:22 *internal screaming* (very inefficient, looks bad, and just why (bad advice imo))
13:33 there's nothing wrong with it bro 😭 if it looks good it looks good.
13:57 bro is actually just 5 minute crafts but geometry dash. don't do high objects in the first place. learn to optimize.
14:12 how is this a "hack"?
14:28 did you mention it for more watchtime?
14:44 ☝️...............✊................🚶♂️.............. IM DONE
15:16 use the other blocks in this tab, these ones are good for textures like concrete, not leaves.
16:15 "epic" saws... smh
16:35 I've lost faith in humanity.
The funny thing is after "hack" 70 he says to create a large block design and to then scale it down. He also said to create a canvas of 1000s of line objects and to then turn it into a background. Like, what? Also you're not the only one who went insane while watching this.
My same reaction, like what the fuck are these 'hacks'?!
@GalaxPVP Oh yeah I watched a video about it and a lot, and i mean like half the things in this video are stolen except for the stupid stuff.
14:18 "Okay, time for the final 12 guys, we're almost done"
thank god, my brain cells were dissipating
The downfall of waboo is gonna be crazy
3:28 The block gets normal when you try to play the level
The way he acts as if his creations are obviously better after each “tip” gets me every time lmao
13:25 or you can make this exact block design with 4 OBJECTS
i was about to say that lol
If generation retro was a RUclips video:
Winner of the comment section 🤜🥩
Generation Retro's better then this
even generation retro is afraid of this video
generation retro is actually insanely good if you compare it to this video
You have not win
You died
Bro is not cooking, he just reheating 💀💀💀
Bro microwaved it
7:30 you made me sceenshot 36 boykissers 😭
Don't follow the "tricks" of this video lmao, almost all are trash
Explanation: the white fox thingys are commonly called “boykissers” by the majority
screenshot? you like kissing boys dont you huh
3:27 No you can't, the changes are local
Alternate title: waboo inticing tracing and stealing
this is extremely helpful. Before my levels all looked like the towerverse and pixelpath II. now they look like stuff out of the recent tab. Thank you so much Waboo you really have changed my the way I make my levels!
this dude gotta be an ai 😭
13:25 you can literally make that in 4 objects
@@qaz102 bro used 55x more objects than he needs too 😭
Like the rest of them, he's just an a
5:45 first of all, most people sightreading levels dont look at the icon, but in the front of the icon to see whats coming. Second of all, you'll be using the same amount of objects by using pulse triggers to change the color
That would be me. I never look at my icon while playing a level lol. Also yes, they would end up using up just as much objects. Plus, it would be easier just to leave out indicators near the jumps instead of a flickering arrow that doesn't give you much time to react to.
I made a level using your tips, then got arrested for evasion of tax or something
Original comment by gd colon.
2: Don't fade/enter isn't even needed anymore - there's a transition trigger that automatically applies this to every object now. (the red circle with an X inside)
4: Enable normal music editor doesn't need to be purchased with diamonds, that was actually true. But yeah just play in the editor
7: This also works with selected color and pulse triggers!! Nobody talks about this
8: Text objects are kind of unoptimized since it needs to render text, so best to avoid entirely. Treat each character as one object
15: People often forget that the particle trigger can be used for so much more than particles, e.g. the moving arrows in Dash that would normally take a ton of objects. It's so awesome
16: Commonly known but solid objects can be rotated if they have their hitboxes turned off. Then just hide a slope underneath or somethin
18: There are some ways to make this work. This is not one of them. Best to just peep some 1.0 styled levels for inspiration
24: I hate this one because he should have just... taught people how to use Copy Color. It's so important for preparing a good palette for your level
26: This is literally that one test from Human Benchmark where you have to press when the light turns green 💀
30: From a gamedev perspective, softlocking a player (or being teleported back somewhere) usually hurts more than just dying and restarting.
35/36: who does this man take us for
43: animate on trigger is op btw
47: IIRC linked objects are also treated as a single object for area triggers, enter triggers, etc (this can be toggled)
51: Not only is the image mod stealing but it's also HORRIBLY unoptimized. Absolutely not worth it for how many objects they use - also it just kind of goes against what makes GD levels special
54: why is bro obsessed with clouds
55: Playing a classic level in platformer is a bad idea because you'll fall behind all the triggers and everything will be wrong
57: Try and use spawn remapping over build helper
63: If your level is too hard, yes you should nerf it. But also get playtesters to identify the points where people struggle the most
66: The amount of objects that go into a detail should usually be proportional to how much you'll actually notice it
71: Area/enter triggers can do this now, 0 groups
73: Literally any human being who sees that object would know this
76: Changing HSV of objects is useful but if you're reusing the same configuration multiple times just make a copy color channel for it
Overall, the pattern with Waboo's video is that most of these aren't actually tips. You could tell he was just looking at random objects in the editor and going "what's an unconventional way to use this"