before lifting the tape to its feet, the power cord must be removed, in time the power socket will fail (it is attached to 2 very short screws), I returned the tape because it was in a screw, one had already come loose
*This is the second Treadmill friend I've owned **** t was easy to assemble and easier to fold than my last one. The controls are a lot better as well. I give it 5 stars!*
Mami cara atur kecepatanya supaya dia g nambah secara otomatis bagaimana ya krn sy sudah beli tredmill untuk ayah sy untuk terapi jantung sy klik yg 3Km tp perlahan malah naik trus ya mami.mohon bantuannya
before lifting the tape to its feet, the power cord must be removed, in time the power socket will fail (it is attached to 2 very short screws), I returned the tape because it was in a screw, one had already come loose
what do you mean
Tolong info nya dong,dimana jual safet key kingsmith k15
Soalnya punya saya hilang jadi ga bisa jalan
*This is the second Treadmill friend I've owned **** t was easy to assemble and easier to fold than my last one. The controls are a lot better as well. I give it 5 stars!*
Safety keynya kalo ilang ga bisa jalan treadmillnya ka?
Soalnya punya ku gitu juga cuman hilang safety keynya jadi ga bisa jalan
Mami cara atur kecepatanya supaya dia g nambah secara otomatis bagaimana ya krn sy sudah beli tredmill untuk ayah sy untuk terapi jantung sy klik yg 3Km tp perlahan malah naik trus ya mami.mohon bantuannya
dapat menempatkan ipad pro 12.9in pada dudukan telepon?
Masih awet ga barang setelah 1 tahun? Dgr2 rusak ga bsa di perbaikin
Kingsmith k15 and kingsmith 15s is same model ? If different then what is the difference ?
Mommy ini gak ada incline nya yaah...??
Setelah 1 tahun gimana ya,
wifi app nya bisa connect?
this is the K15...the"T1" is the "K15s"
Momi ini artis ya
Pertama yes
mommy wattnya brp ya
900-920 watt