Congrats on being the first one to find the hidden CD in Ina's dungeon. Also, congrats on finally getting your hat. And it's nice that you got it after working hard at the fields, farming for beets and carrots, and cooking a ton of potato salad. The moai you built also looks quite spectacular.
*ALL TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 2:12 / Hat: 6:15:15) ------- (Finding the Violet Disc! 5:22:50) *[FARMER BIBOO VS GACHA]* 3:13 Gacha *1:* Fail… 3:44 Gacha *2:* Fail… 4:08 Gacha *3:* Fail… 46:51 Gacha *4:* Fail… 2:37:39 Gacha *5:* Fail… 2:37:49 Gacha *6:* Fail… 2:37:59 Gacha *7:* Fail… 3:49:34 Gacha *8:* Fail… 3:49:59 Gacha *9:* Fail… 3:50:09 Gacha *10:* Fail… 3:59:12 Gacha *11:* Fail… "The Tax is used for a good cause" 3:59:36 Gacha *12:* Fail… 4:25:38 Gacha *13:* Fail… 5:30:18 *Playing Music Disc:* *VIOLET~* 5:31:09 Gacha *14:* Fail… 5:31:36 Gacha *15:* Fail…. 5:33:29 Gacha *16:* Fail... 5:36:42 *Playing Music Disc: RIP~* 5:36:51 Gacha *17:* Fail…. 5:51:26 *FARMER BIBOO STONKS BEGINS...* 6:14:01 *Playing Music Disc:* REFLECT~ 6:14:06 Gacha *18:* Fail… 6:14:18 Gacha *19:* Fail… 6:14:23 Gacha *20:* Fail... 6:14:31 Gacha *21:* Fail... 6:14:41 Gacha *22:* Fail... 6:14:47 Gacha *23:* Fail... 6:14:55 Gacha *24:* Fail... 6:15:01 Gacha *25:* Fail... 6:15:08 Gacha *26:* Fail... 6:15:15 Gacha *27:* *BIBOO GETS A HAT!!!!* *(8100 Gold)* 6:58:51 *Playing Music Disc:* VIOLET~ 6:59:13 Gacha *28:* Fail... 6:59:20 Gacha *29:* Fail... 6:59:24 Gacha *30:* Fail... 6:59:30 Gacha *31:* Fail... 6:59:35 Gacha *32:* Fail... 6:59:39 Gacha *33:* Fail... 6:59:44 Gacha *34:* Fail... 6:59:49 Gacha *35:* Fail... 6:59:54 Gacha *36:* Fail... 6:59:59 Gacha *37:* Fail... 7:00:04 Gacha *38:* Fail... 7:00:09 Gacha *39:* Fail... 7:00:13 Gacha *40:* Fail... 7:00:19 Gacha *41:* Fail... 7:00:23 Gacha *42:* Fail... *TOTAL MONEY SPENT: 12600* -> *TOTAL HATS OBTAINED: 1* *(COMPILATIONS BELOW, FULL TIMESTAMPS IN THE REPLIES)* *[MAIN SECTIONS]* 7:26 - FaunaMart _ISN’T_ a SCAM?? 25:25 - INFINITE MONEY? -> 27:25 The devs Are listening.. 38:40 - BIBOO’S DEATHS TRIGGER ADS 1:04:33 - *NTR:* Biboo’s wife Shiori is Stolen? 1:36:56 - OFFICIAL NTR BETRAYAL! 2:24:38 - GAMBLING: Colo Cannon 2:48:31 - DRAMA AT DIVORCE DINER 3:11:05 - ELDRITCH DUNGEON (1) 4:01:08 - UNDERWORLD DUNGEON (2) 4:18:46 - BIG CAT VS BIG ROYALTY 4:30:27 - ELDRITCH DUNGEON (2) 5:29:28 - PRE- EXPLOIT GACHA TIME 5:51:30 - FARMER BIBOO STONKS 6:14:01 - POST- EXPLOIT GACHA TIME 6:18:52 - GAMBLING: Color Cannon 6:58:51 - FINAL GACHA OF THE DAY 7:06:34 - BUILDING A MOAI STATUE! 7:47:37 - Build Complete!f! 7:58:02 - 2am… / ENDING *[DEATHS]* 38:40 *BWEH:* Slain by Stains.... 42:12 *BWEH:* Behind you! (Was behind both of them) 4:03:05 *BWEH:* “I will follow you” _“FARE THEE WELL"_ 4:16:24 *BWEH:* Breaking their legs! 4:48:27 *BWEH:* Sanity back to 25” 4:49:31 *BWEH:* Low Sanity 4:51:22 *BWEH:* Low Sanity 4:53:24 *BWEH:* Low Sanity 4:55:22 *BWEH:* Low Sanity 4:57:35 *BWEH:* Low Sanity 5:01:50 *BWEH:* Low Sanity 5:16:45 *BWEH:* Wrong flower.. 5:17:33 *BWEH:* Wrong flower.. ------- *NTR: RELATIONSHIP DRAMA* *[NTR: Biboo’s wife Shiori is Stolen?]* 1:04:33 Shiori Logs In But… 1:05:21 *Biboo:* “Did she consummate like we did?” *Shiori* “No I gave her none of my SEED” 01:10:54 SEED and Egg Exchange : 1:11:18 *Shiori is in Demand!* 1:26:32 *Biboo sneaks in on NTR in progress?:* "Hey, it’s my wife! Oh CR@P! It’s both of my wives..” - Shiori *[NTR BETRAYAL CONFIRMED!]* 1:36:51 *Biboo overhears The NTR....* “I've been betrayed!!!!” 1:38:18 MOther! I've been betrayed!" 1:39:46 *Shiori in chat:* WAIFU! It's not what you think! 1:40:24 *Shiori’s defense:* "I was giving her a sword! Helping a random Comer!" 1:41:00 *Shiori:* “My beloved.. That woman is jealous of your Rock hard Body...." 1:41:27 *ERB* ”You know daughter, you should fight her in the arena! 1:41:38 *CC stokes the flames of jealousy!* "But You agreed! I heard you!” 1:41:52 *Witnesses to Consummation:* *Shiori:* “That is true, I Gave her my SEEDS!” *Biboo:* “And I gave her my egg!” 1:44:00 *Shiori:* “If there’s any more discord, that hat on your head will become *flaccid.."* *[THINGS GET COMPLICATED / Nerissa’s F@KE B00BA?]* 1:44:41 *GIGi has **_also_** heard Shiori was married to Nerissa..* 1:45:27 “I Will allow you to have her for the night, but I will come back for you” - Nerissa allegedly 1:45:59 *COMPLEX DRAMA* 1:46:33 *SCANDAL!* *FAKE B00BA!* “We will have to take a picture of her Badongas!” - Shiori 1:49:09 *Gigi:* “I watched you consummate!" "That is true" 2:21:15 "I think the blue lady with the *FAKE B00BS.."* ------- *HAT JEALOUSY:* *[Everyone has a Hat Except Biboo..]* 2:24 Biboo Resents *Nerissa…* 44:45 *Calli* has a hat Too!? 48:45 *Saying bye to CC* “May next Time we meet, may we have our own Hats" -> 56:51 *CC* returns With a hat!? 49:13 *BIboo:* I JUST WANT ANY HAT AT THIS POINT!! HATS!!!!! HAAAAATS!!!" 1:32:22 Gigi is selling a disg*sting amber coin hat 1:36:02 Biboo will not purchase a hat, she will get *a hat of her own will!* 1:44:25 *Gigi gets a hat:* 2:35:17 *Gigi gets more hats:* “Excuse me? Did you just get two hats!? 3:48:50 Meanwhile.. *Gigi gets another hat…* *[’BIJOU TAX FOR GACHA…]* 3:56:27 Learning Gigi needs to pay her Dues to both FaunaMart and The Divorce Diner… 3:57:13 *Biboo:* You know what? You owe me Money. *600 Coins.* 3:58:00 Totally Not lying: “Because your wife Said so” 3:58:17 *”BIJOU TAX”* 3:58:55 “Hehehehehe…” 3:59:10 Gacha *11:* Fail… "The Tax is used for a good cause…" *[When The Tax wasn’t Enough]* 4:01:14 Biboo’s Crying… with _“Empathy”_ 4:01:50 No material things needed 4:02:25 "I totally don't: want to kill or murder” 4:03:05 “I will follow you” / “FARE THEE WELL" 4:03:38 *Biboo:* “But I'm not human” *GIgi:* "You are something. And that's enough” 4:05:30 “If you complete the puzzle you will get a hat!” 4:06:22 Solved! HUZZAH! *[Getting Help From a big cat, and “honest Work”]* 5:27:14 *NIce cat!* (Raora Agrees to trade her 900 Coins for tries at the HAT!) 5:55:53 *Farmer Biboo:* “I’ll stop when Hat, Ok?” 6:15:15 Gacha *27:* *BIBOO GETS A HAT!* ------- *”HONEST” WORK* 5:51:30 Farmer Biboo’s First Time Discovering The potential… 5:53:05 *it will get Patched?* “Ok I’m gonna be here All night!” - Biboo 5:54:28 *”Eheh.. eheh.. Ehee….”* 5:56:22 “IT’s not cheating! IT’s in the game!” 5:56:52 *Dev watch:* “I bet they're’ Watching the stream and shaking their head at me.. 5:58:25 “Gigi is doing the Exact Same Thing!” 5:58:54 I’m doing *_Honest Work!_* I'm gardening!" 6:06:45 *Kaela in chat:* if the game agrees with this method, it will give you the hat later on. but if you still don't get it... well............. 6:07:26 *“hehehehe..”* 6:08:19 “I’m starting to really like this game…” 6:09:12 *Greedy Biboo Laughter~* 6:09:55 "so, Is everyone having a Good Night? My night just got so much better..” 6:10:28 _Should Biboo Say anythingTo anyone?_ 6:11:33 *Kaela in chat:* regret always comes last. if it came at the start, its called registration. so its ok 6:36:45 *Biboo:* “I got this hat of my Own... *_Honest_* Working hands... “ 6:43:11 "I must continue my *Honest Work"* 6:43:20 It is *honest* work! I am *honest* farmer Bijou!" 6:44:55 “Very *honest,* very demure” 6:45:31 *Biboo:* I keep getting notification and I'm scared It's people Bonking Me... 6:45:56 *So Honest, she’s Feeling Guilty:* “oh yeah.. i should not feel guilty because it is honest work” 6:48:42 After This Round Biboo will not use this method... 6:51:44 Can you believe this is 6500 kay? 6:53:51 Biboo Revokes her *Biboo Tax on GIgi* ------- *MORE COMPILATIONS* *[WHEN FAUNAMART TARGETED ADS WORK...]* 38:40 BWEH... 39:07 *TARGETED AD 1:* "I noticed You’ve been slain, if you want to Buy bones..." - Fauna 42:12 BWEH… 42:47 *TARGETED AD 2:* Fauna calls again! 55:41 *It worked:* Biboo Calls Faunamart to Buy 2 Stained Bones 59:11 Buying 2 Stained bones for *160 Gold!* *[HUZZAH!]* (2:17:32 /3:07:11 /3:10:27 /3:11:55 /3:45:06 /3:59:45 /4:50:00 /4:06:22 /7:57:53) *[PETTING RAORA]* 50:06 Cute Kitty! Heapatting Waowa! 3:50:28 Crying while Petting the therapy Cat.... 4:22:23 *Biboo:* I kinda like this cat… 4:22:48 *Raora Uses CUTE! It is very effective.* 4:23:20 She's _Purring!_ *Kronii:* “Stay back! Stay back!” ------- *ALL DUNGEONS* *[ELDRITCH DUNGEON!]* (1) 3:12:32 Start! 3:13:27-3:15:30 *Game 1:* Smashing pots 3:15:46-3:18:10 *Game 2:* House maze 3:18:24-3:19:29 *Game 3:* Find lilies of the Valley 3:12:37 Reading Lore *1* 3:16:20 Reading Lore *2* 3:19:05 Reading Lore *3* 3:20:20 *MEMORY* Ina’s Lore *[UNDERWORLD DUNGEON]* (2) 4:01:08 Start! 4:01:14 *Section 1:* Parkour / Platforming 4:04:20 *Section 2:* Fighting through The maze 4:05:30 *Section 3* Puzzle 4:07:06 *VS* Laser Skull 4:07:38 *Section 4:* Climb up! 4:16:02 *MUSIC DISC FOUND! RIP!* 4:17:43 *Complete!* “QUick to the Queen!” *[ELDRITCH DUNGEON]* (2) 4:30:48-4:35:00 *Puzzle 1:* Smash the pots 4:36:54 *Puzzle 2:* House Maze 4:38:44 Giving up *[ELDRITCH DUNGEON]* (3) 4:40:19 *Puzzle 1:* Smash the pots 4:42:35 *Puzzle 2:* House Maze 4:42:40 Nice. 69 Sanity 4:45:20 *Searching the bridge* 4:46:27 Biboo N0ises~ 4:46:46 Jumpscare! 4:54:19 _TENSAI BIBOO!_ 4:54:57 Falling (CLOSE!) 5:01:22 Biboo sees a wall… 5:03:30 Biboo will come back here later if this is not it… 5:04:57 *Puzzle 3:* Find The lilies of the valley 5:16:45 What if I offer all the flowers? _“0W!!”! I'm SORRY!”_ 5:18:46 *Dungeon Cleared, But no disc…* *[ELDRITCH DUNGEON]* (4) 5:19:21 *Puzzle 1:* Smash the pots 5:21:16 *Puzzle 2:* House Maze 5:22:50 *FINDING THE VIOLET DISC!!* 5:24:46 Biboo gives Raora a Hint: Maze ------- *FULL TIMESTAMPS IN THE REPLIES* ------- o7
*FULL TIMESTAMPS PART 1* ------- *[Starting off With Gacha!]* 2:12 *Bon Bijou~!* 2:24 Biboo Resents Nerissa for not having any hats… 3:13 Getting *Nerissa’s Blessing!* 3:28 Gacha *1:* Fail… 3:41 Gacha *2:* Fail… 4:08 Gacha *3:* Fail… 5:54 *Nohatseki…* *[FaunaMart **_ISN’T_** a SCAM??]* 7:52 *Mococo Won! Here's her Quote:* BAU BAU! Faunaamrt is not a sc@m! I won big! BAu BAu BAu! 10:16 Biboo Buys 10 -SCAM- Lottery tickets! 11:01 Biboo's custom Number: *321* 13:13 *Cecelia* arrives! 14:18 Bones are for sale! 15:17 Lottery will be drawn *5pm Pst tomorrow!* 15:45 Saying hello to *Raora!* *[CC!]* 20:40 Biboo Takes CC to The Cerulean Guild 23:05 Biboo's Revelation! 23:39 CD’s Revelation! *[INFINITE MONEY?]* 25:27 Nerissa Calls Biboo about an infinite money gitch! 27:25 THe DEVS FIXED THE GLITCH… *[ERB = Biboo’s Mother]* 34:46 ERB will Protect Biboo *[BIBOO’S DEATHS TRIGGER ADS]* 38:25 Fighting: Revelation! 38:40 *BWEH:* Slain by Stains.... 39:07 *TARGETED AD 1:* "I noticed You died, if you want to Buy bones..." - FuanaMart 41:02 Fighting with CC 42:01 1 HP and a dream! 42:06 Success! 42:12 *BWEH:* BEhind you! (Was behind both of them) 42:47 *TARGETED AD 2:* Fauna calls again! 44:45 Calli has a hat Too!? *[Biboo’s a HATLESS Gacha Addict…]* 46:07 Gambling addict Bijou gets money for food from Gigi But.... 46:34 Will buy Food (HAT) 46:51 Gacha *4:* Fail… 48:45 *Saying bye to CC* “May next Time we meet, may we have our own Hats" 49:13 *BIboo:* I JUST WANT ANY HAT AT THIS POINT!! HATS!!!!! HAAAAATS!!!" 49:41 *Quest Complete”* “+300 Coins!? Hehehe....” 50:06 Cute Kitty! Heapatting *Raora!* *[PR00F ADS WORK:]* 55:41 Biboo Calls Faunamart to Buy 2 Stained Bones 56:51 Cecilia returns With a hat!? 59:11 Biboo Buys 2 Stained bones for 160 Gold! (The ads work!) 59:59 FREE lottery ticket! WHAT A DEAL! *[GAMBLING: Color Cannon]* 1:02:30 Start! 1:02:43 "I Believe in the comments in my Mind.." 1:03:13 *Round begins*! 1:03:49 Did I win? (L0sing 10 coins..). ------- Continued Below
*FULL TIMESTAMPS PART 2* ------- *NTR TIME…* *[NTR: Biboo’s wife Shiori is Stolen?]* 1:04:33 BIBOO’S WIFE logs in! 1:05:00 She has another wife??!? 1:05:21 *Biboo:* Did she consummate like we did?” *Shiori* “No I gave her none of my SEED” 01:10:54 SEED and Egg Exchange : 1:11:18 *Shiori is in Demand!* *[Talking with More Members]* 1:12:45 Call With Gonothan! / calling to do the dungeon! 1:12:46 Meeting *Mococo* 1:14:30 *Fauna* meets With biboo 1:18:25 Biboo calls Fauna if they have beetroot in stock 1:20:24 Biboo's Call with *Calli* 1:21:20 Calli's divorce Diner 1:22:54 Making a potato salad "Let me cook!" *[NTR suspicions continue…]* 1:26:32 *Biboo sneaks in on NTR in progress?:* Hey, it’s my wife! Oh CR@P! It’s both of my wives..” - Shiori 1:27:55 Wife and Wife 1:29:08 GIVING EGG 1:29:24 Fanart! 1:30:04 *Tam Tander’s Scamdelus marriage to the King* 1:32:22 Gigi is selling a disg*sting amber coin hat 1:36:12 Biboo will not purchase a hat, she will get a hat of her own will! *[OFFICIAL NTR BETRAYAL!]* 1:36:51 *Biboo overhears The NTR...*. "I've been betrayed!!!" 1:38:18 MOther! I've been betrayed!" 1:38:43 The blue bird lady! She took my hat! 1:39:06 Receiving a call From Gigi 1:39:46 *Shiori in chat:* WAIFU! It's not what you think! 1:40:24 *Shiori’s defense:* I was giving her a sword! Helping a random Comer!" 1:41:00 *Shiori:* “My beloved.. That woman is jealous of your Rock hard Body...." 1:41:27 *ERB* ”You know daughter, you should fight her in the arena! 1:41:38 *CC stokes the flames of jealousy!* "But You agreed! I heard you!” 1:41:52 *Witnesses to Consumation:* *Shiori:* “That is true, I Gave her my SEEDS!” *Biboo:* “And I gave her my egg!” 1:43:09 Calling Gonothan to invite her wife to the party 1:44:00 *Shiori:* “If there’s any more discord, that hat on your head will become *flaccid.."* 1:44:25 GIGI has a hat now TOO!!! *[THINGS GET COMPLICATED / Nerissa’s F@KE B00BA?]* 1:44:41 *GIGi has **_also_** heard Shiori was married to Nerissa…* 1:45:22 *H0E'ing Shiori out?* “I Will allow you to have her for the night, but I will come back for you” - Nerissa allegedly 1:45:59 *COMPLEX DRAMA* 1:46:33 *SCANDAL!* *FAKE CHEST!* “We will have to take a picture of her Badongas!” - Shiori 1:48:57 They're in A Complex Quadrehegon 1:49:09 *Gigi:* “I watched you consummate!" "That is true" 1:58:54 Age of 30 2:03:56 Fighting Stain 2:17:24 Trading for Money 2:17:32 "HUZZAH!" 2:20:00 Nerissa Tells Biboo about The dungeon 2:21:15 "I think the blue lady with the *FAKE B00BS.."* *[GAMBLING: COOR CANNON]* 2:24:38 Gamble Time... 2:30:42 *GAMBLE MATH:* “MY HEAD!! IT HURTS!!!” - Biboo 2:32:21 Biboo's bet! 2:33:34 Blue wins... Biboo l0ses everything... 2:33:47 Maybe g@mblins is not my thing... 2:35:17 *Biboo:* Excuse me? Did you just get two hats!? 2:36:46 Yellow.. Biboo l0ses 2:41:55 Biboo is almost ready to go to the dungeon ------- Continued Below
*FULL TIMESTAMPS PART 3* ------- *THE QUEEN RETURNS! / DINER DRAMA* 2:42:18 *ERB X KRonii?* WHat is with mother's reaction to the Queen.... 2:43:37 The Queen is here! *[DRAMA AT DIVORCE DINER]* 2:48:31 Biboo heard calli's tacos are of questionable nature... 2:50:13 200 Gold cost.. 2:51:02 A Dairy Free Milkshake? 2:51:16 “IF the Queen gets sick, we can sue!” 2:51:38 Calli bows in apology 2:52:09 *Shiori* arrives and Gifts Biboo a flower! 2:52:09 *Kronii:* Do you have… _loneliness?”_ 2:55:44 Calli admits to giving SPECIAL TREATMENT?! 2:57:06 *Good marriage? Shiori spoke too Soon:* / *Gambling Addiction EXPOSED....* 2:57:49 The Queen has 8000 COINS!? 2:58:40 Gigi admits To giving Fauna Mart *2000 COins!* 2:59:07 IS the Queen aware of the library? *Kronii:* I just woke up..." 2:59:34 *Kronii:* _”The Scarlet Wand!? more like THE HARLOT WAND!”_ -> 2:59:56 *NOT THE WIFE:* "She doesn't mean you Wife!’ Biboo 3:00:18 *Shiori:* “I forgive you for your SASS..” *Kronii:* “I take my apology back” 3:00:40 The queen can never retract her statement 3:03:31 The queen leaves 3:04:48 The queen returns from her idle meeting! 3:06:50 *”HUZZAH!”* The Queen buys Milkshakes for everyone! 3:07:40 *The Queen’s 8000 Coins!* The overflowing coins of THousands!* 8000 Coins!* *[Fighting for the queen / Heading to the dungeon]* 3:10:03 REVELATION! 3:10:11 *Shiori* “You have become so strong my wife! Rock hard!" 3:10:27 *”HUZZAH!”* 3:11:24 Gigi can’t remove the *HOT pink one* for her mind! *Biboo”* “She must live rent free” 3:11:55 “HUZZAH” ------- Continued Below
*FULL TIMESTAMPS PART 4* ------- 3:11:05 *ELDRITCH DUNGEON!* (TAKE 1) 3:12:17 Start! 3:12:37 *Reading Lore Book 1* *[Game 1: Smashing pots]* 3:13:27 Talking with *???* 3:14:00 Start! 3:15:30 Solved! *Game 2: House maze]* 3:15:46 Talking with *???* 3:16:10 *Start!* 3:16:20 *Reading lore book 2* 3:18:10 Solved! *[Game 3 Find lilies of the Valley]* 3:18:24 Talking with ??? 3:19:05 *Reading lore Book 3* 3:19:29 Reaching the end! 3:20:20 *MEMORY* Ina’s LORE 3:23:34 Revelation! ------- *POST DUNGEON* *[Finishing the Quest]* 3:24:30 Searching for more revelations! 3:24:24 HAHAHAHAHA 3:25:05 They will be rewarded with a special place in the kingdom! 3:26:21 DISG*STING! 3:28:23 “TAKE MY SEED “ 3:29:12 Talking with @mber Coin’s *Auren* 3:34:00 Benevolent Queen is so kind! And rich! 3:34:47 A nice Peasant Experience! EmEMPATHY… *[(WIFE) Shiori Leaves]* 3:46:57 Shiori must rest her Heroing Body for today….. 3:36:43 Biboo names her Sword… *TOMATO* 3:37:20 Revelation! 3:37:38 _SHOIRI RAID_ 3:42:91 Biboo Will Solo THe Dungeon for the Disc 3:42:26 Shiroi’s back? (She left) *[Who Will Join Biboo in the dungeon?]* 3:42:45 Telepathic Phone Call 3:43:37 The queen must continue her duties constructing the _Humble Cabin,_ For the peasants… 3:44:32 Gonathan Fears She will V0mit! 3:45:06 24/7 RIP! HUZZAH!! 3:45:30 *GACHA ADDICT BIBIOO BEGINS RAPPING* 3:46:16 Gigi gifts *[The Queen **_IS_** the Economy]* 3:46:44 The Queen has *800 BILLION COINS,* She's the richest in the kingdom and has no need for handouts! 3:47:30 Humble Queen! 3:47:69 She is th Entire Economy! 3:48:18 The Queen needs a Moment *[GACHA CONTINUED…]* 3:48:50 Meanwhile.. Gigi gets another hat… 3:49:34 Gacha *8:* Fail… 3:49:59 Gacha *9:* Fail… 3:50:09 Gacha *10:* Fail… 3:50:28 *Waowa is here! Petting the therapy Cat*.. 3:52:24 Biboo teaches Raora how to throw things away! 3:52:58 Call From *Gigi!* *[BIJOU TAX FOR GACHA…]* 3:56:27 Learning Gigi needs to pay her Dues to both FaunaMart and The Divorce Diner… 3:57:00 *Biboo whisper: * “It’s a Sc@M..” 3:57:13 *Biboo:* You know what? You owe me Money. *600 Coins.* 3:58:00 Not lying: “Because your wife Said so” 3:58:17 *BIJOU TAX* 3:58:55 “Hehehehehe…” 3:59:12 Gacha *11:* Fail… "The Tax is used for a good cause… " 3:59:36 Gacha *12:* Fail… 3:59:45 HUZZAH! ------- Continued Below
*FULL TIMESTAMPS PART 5* ------- 4:01:08 *UNDERWORLD DUNGEON* (TAKE 2) *[Parkour / Empathetic banter]* 4:01:14 Biboo’s Crying… with “Empathy” 4:01:50 No material things needed… 4:02:30 "I totally don't: want to kill or murder” - biboo 4:02:43 Biboo Mean, you can try..” “,...” 4:03:05 *BWEH* “I will follow you” - Biboo / “FARE THEE WELL" - Gigi 4:03:38 *Biboo:* "But I'm not human” *GIgi:* "You are something. And that's enough" *[The castle: Fighting throughThe maze! ]* 4:04:20 Entering! 4:50:00 HUZZAH! 4:05:20 Checkpoint! *[Puzzle]* 4:05:30 “If you complete the puzzle you will get a hat!” 4:06:22 Solved! HUZZAH! At hat! HUZZAH! 4:06:44 “YOu have duplicates!?” 4:07:06 *VS* Laser Skull! *[Slay the skeletons, Climb up!]* 4:07:38 Start! / searching for the disc 4:09:07 RIP GOnothan! 4:10:01 Biboo is dying 4:10:32 *Biboo N0ises!* 4:14:63 Gigi is Summoned by the Wueen! 4:15:38 “FOR THE QUEEN! - Igig 4:16:02 *MUSIC DISC FOUND! RIP!* 4:16:24 *BWEH*: Breaking their legs! 4:17:43 *Complete!* “QUick to the Queen!” ------- *BIG CAT VS BIG ROYALTY* 4:18:46 “WHERE IS SHE!?” 4:19:24 Raora claims to be the true royal 4:19:59 Biboo Challenges *MS pink hat* to a duel! 4:20:40 *Raora:* Duel? Touch you? DISGUSITNG..” 4:21:07 *Kronii:* YOur peasant! You plebian!” 4:21:22 yout need two gremlins and a rock? 4:22:08 *Kronii:* “I _STOMP_ on the ground here!” *[IF EVIL, WHY CUTE?]* 4:22:26 *Biboo:* I kinda like this cat… 4:22:48 *Raora Uses CUTE! It is very effective.* 4:23:20 SHe's _Purring!_ *KronIi:* “Stay back! sTay back!” 4:23:441 Feeding the Cat the bread! 4:24:52 *Biboo:* I talked to the cat! She gave me 300 Gold for a Box! “ *Gigi / Kronii:* NOO!!! *[Back to GACHA…]* 4:25:38 Gacha *13:* Fail… “ This one had two last time..” 4:29:12 Biboo Calls and asks *Raora* If she found the *disc* in the Ina Dungeon yet ------- Continued Below
Thank you for today's fun ENigmatic collaboration stream and congratulations for finally getting a *HAT,* Biboo! And the new Moai statue is looking good! *And most importantly (that I almost forgot about), congratulations for getting a new mom in the form of Queen ERB!
Got a new mom, got Violet, got a new hat, got memories back, and a second new hat. Overall, a productive day. Now, you can teach mom how to get a hat. Because she's the hatless one. And you can tell her "If you want it, then you'll have to take it. But you already knew that."
The color gamble is a bad bet no matter what you do assuming equal chance of each square being chosen by the cannon. Blue 12/25 48%:x2 payout Green 8/25 32%:x3 payout Yellow 4/25 16%:x5 payout Red 1/25 4%:x10 payout Green is closest to breaking even and is the best bet, but it's still short of the 33.3% you'd need just to break even. Blue is similar but slightly worse. However Yellow is bad and Red is absolutely horrible and it will eat your money.
Lol, the hidden CD thing is so funny! I never thought there'd be treasure hunting in a Minecraft stream 😂. Can't wait to see what else Biboo finds 🕵️♂️! So much fun watching her journey! Keep it up! 🌟
Thanks for the long EnReco stream today also congrats for finally getting a hat and it's the one you wanted Had lots of fun moments here today with your gamba, your honest work, and just adventuring with others See you again soon
Thanks for the amazing time, oh fair honest NO MORE HATLESS farmer! It is tooo late, but as always, glad to be here, glad to watch you having fun, and glad to see that the moai is looking FIRE. See you tomorrow, thanks for the amazing time, dear princess! Now.. I must eep, or nap, before worktime huhhhhhhhh!!!! Love you as always!!! MILK!
Thanks for the great stream, Bijou! Liked the whole prep stage, dungeon runs, farming, gamba, 🗿building, the moments between with all the other holomems, and of course Congrats on the hat!🎉
Congratulations Biboo! 🎉 Finally the hat you dream about came to your hand. 👍✨ That means you HAZUSHI WA SHINAI ✨ The ENrecro is really really fun 😊, seeing you have some toxic relationships and yapping together make me laugh a lot 😂. Can't wait to see how your adventure goes in the future
Congrats on getting your first hat, Koseki Bijou Bloodflame!!!! That damn birb lady... how there she get between you and your cow?? Don't worry, I'm sure your waif will choose you, how can she refuse such a honest hardworking gem?
I want to say how incredibly proud I am of Koseki Bijou Bloodflame on how she deescalated the situation between Raora and Tam. I don't know what started it but that 3 v 1 confrontation made me a bit uncomfortable, and it didn't look like Raora was having fun. That was an amazing show of real empathy, to take a bit of the heat from her team to shield Raora.
Since the math for gambling was actually requested, I have done it! Short answer is: only bet on blue and green, in a 13:12 or 16:9 split ratio Long answer: Blue and Green both have an expected yield of 96%, meaning if you only bet on one of them, you’ll only loose 4% in the long run. You can also achieve this expected value by betting in a ratio totaling 25 across the two colors. If you bet with a 13-16 on blue and match it with a 9-12 on green, you’re guaranteed to win at least some coins on either color, meaning you win some 80% of the time.
A new day in isekai minecraft !Many things evolved ! Faunamart, oh nyo, is Bijou getting scammed ?ERB-mama !! There were many troubles with Shiori WAIF and Nerissa fair maidenand the long quest for hat continues... Waiting for the QUEEN TAM TENDER before going to the next dungeon ! Awwww, she gave a headpat to the rockthanks o v o LMOAI, Calli doing the "but of course" NPC thing to KroniiAnd Bijou being karen for Shiorin ! Ina dungeon IKZZZ ! Very pretty ! Sanity ?Smashing pots, yeaahTHE LORE !!! It was very cute Moar power ! Moare YEET !And the diamond sword is deadly... IT'S THE TOMATOOOO ! Oh nyo, Gonathan got another hat ! Bijou couldn't believe itWe need coin strats ! The queen was in danger !! Waowa was very savage, haha Bijou found VIOLET CD !! JJ !!And Waowa gave moni for hat ! Nice buff ! But oh nyo, no hat Potato salad for moni ?Bijou the farmer ! KAELAAAA, ELP ! IT'S WORKING ! Quick, before they patch it, lmoai !!Thank you for the cute DAHLAH hat, KaelaBijou's evil laugh when getting moar and moar moni GURA SONG BUFF IKZZZZ !! WOOOOOOOOO SHE GOT A HAT !!!! YEAAAH, CONGRATS !!Take my luck for gamba !! Bijou building a moai !🗿Very nice, very demure ! Oh nyo, maintenance !It's Bijouver ! Thank you for the stweam, little goddess ! Bijou later~
My understanding of the story so far. Amber Coin attacks the Cerulean Cup, and draws first blood. Amber Coin also spread false information about Scarlet Wands, their lottery is a legit business. Jade Sword are in a supporting alliance with Cerulean Cup, it's not a mutually beneficial alliance, but they do support the Cerulean Queen. Scarlet Wands are neutral, and doesn't support anyone's claim to the throne, they also don't seek the throne, Scarlet Wands hold the most amount of coin, and want to rule the economy rather than the crown. And in regards to Amber Coin, they do have a legit claim to the throne, but it's a cat, meaning it's not as strong as the Cerulean's claim.
Biboo needs to quit gacha. Her luck is TERRIBLE! 4 hats with 27 different spots is 14.8% chance of getting a hat. 42 tries this stream alone should have gotten her 6... Then again. CONTENT!!!
What an eventful day, It was so much fun to crack the secret of Ina's dungeon and see it all unfold and the quest for a hat is finally over! Bijou is no longer hatless and we found a method of making easy money in the process with the power of "honest" work Here's hoping it won't get patched. Otsu Bijou!
Faunamart Experience
7:24 Welcome to Faunamart
39:00 1º Spam Call
42:45 2º Spam Call
55:25 Need More Stain Bones, call Fauna
59:07 Faunamart Experience
Congrats on being the first one to find the hidden CD in Ina's dungeon. Also, congrats on finally getting your hat. And it's nice that you got it after working hard at the fields, farming for beets and carrots, and cooking a ton of potato salad. The moai you built also looks quite spectacular.
i’m gonna miss this series once it ends on Saturday 😭😭😭
*ALL TIMESTAMPS* (Start: 2:12 / Hat: 6:15:15)
------- (Finding the Violet Disc! 5:22:50)
3:13 Gacha *1:* Fail…
3:44 Gacha *2:* Fail…
4:08 Gacha *3:* Fail…
46:51 Gacha *4:* Fail…
2:37:39 Gacha *5:* Fail…
2:37:49 Gacha *6:* Fail…
2:37:59 Gacha *7:* Fail…
3:49:34 Gacha *8:* Fail…
3:49:59 Gacha *9:* Fail…
3:50:09 Gacha *10:* Fail…
3:59:12 Gacha *11:* Fail… "The Tax is used for a good cause"
3:59:36 Gacha *12:* Fail…
4:25:38 Gacha *13:* Fail…
5:30:18 *Playing Music Disc:* *VIOLET~*
5:31:09 Gacha *14:* Fail…
5:31:36 Gacha *15:* Fail….
5:33:29 Gacha *16:* Fail...
5:36:42 *Playing Music Disc: RIP~*
5:36:51 Gacha *17:* Fail….
6:14:01 *Playing Music Disc:* REFLECT~
6:14:06 Gacha *18:* Fail…
6:14:18 Gacha *19:* Fail…
6:14:23 Gacha *20:* Fail...
6:14:31 Gacha *21:* Fail...
6:14:41 Gacha *22:* Fail...
6:14:47 Gacha *23:* Fail...
6:14:55 Gacha *24:* Fail...
6:15:01 Gacha *25:* Fail...
6:15:08 Gacha *26:* Fail...
6:15:15 Gacha *27:* *BIBOO GETS A HAT!!!!* *(8100 Gold)*
6:58:51 *Playing Music Disc:* VIOLET~
6:59:13 Gacha *28:* Fail...
6:59:20 Gacha *29:* Fail...
6:59:24 Gacha *30:* Fail...
6:59:30 Gacha *31:* Fail...
6:59:35 Gacha *32:* Fail...
6:59:39 Gacha *33:* Fail...
6:59:44 Gacha *34:* Fail...
6:59:49 Gacha *35:* Fail...
6:59:54 Gacha *36:* Fail...
6:59:59 Gacha *37:* Fail...
7:00:04 Gacha *38:* Fail...
7:00:09 Gacha *39:* Fail...
7:00:13 Gacha *40:* Fail...
7:00:19 Gacha *41:* Fail...
7:00:23 Gacha *42:* Fail...
7:26 - FaunaMart _ISN’T_ a SCAM??
25:25 - INFINITE MONEY? -> 27:25 The devs Are listening..
1:04:33 - *NTR:* Biboo’s wife Shiori is Stolen?
2:24:38 - GAMBLING: Colo Cannon
3:11:05 - ELDRITCH DUNGEON (1)
4:30:27 - ELDRITCH DUNGEON (2)
6:18:52 - GAMBLING: Color Cannon
7:47:37 - Build Complete!f!
7:58:02 - 2am… / ENDING
38:40 *BWEH:* Slain by Stains....
42:12 *BWEH:* Behind you! (Was behind both of them)
4:03:05 *BWEH:* “I will follow you” _“FARE THEE WELL"_
4:16:24 *BWEH:* Breaking their legs!
4:48:27 *BWEH:* Sanity back to 25”
4:49:31 *BWEH:* Low Sanity
4:51:22 *BWEH:* Low Sanity
4:53:24 *BWEH:* Low Sanity
4:55:22 *BWEH:* Low Sanity
4:57:35 *BWEH:* Low Sanity
5:01:50 *BWEH:* Low Sanity
5:16:45 *BWEH:* Wrong flower..
5:17:33 *BWEH:* Wrong flower..
*[NTR: Biboo’s wife Shiori is Stolen?]*
1:04:33 Shiori Logs In But…
1:05:21 *Biboo:* “Did she consummate like we did?” *Shiori* “No I gave her none of my SEED”
01:10:54 SEED and Egg Exchange :
1:11:18 *Shiori is in Demand!*
1:26:32 *Biboo sneaks in on NTR in progress?:* "Hey, it’s my wife! Oh CR@P! It’s both of my wives..” - Shiori
1:36:51 *Biboo overhears The NTR....* “I've been betrayed!!!!”
1:38:18 MOther! I've been betrayed!"
1:39:46 *Shiori in chat:* WAIFU! It's not what you think!
1:40:24 *Shiori’s defense:* "I was giving her a sword! Helping a random Comer!"
1:41:00 *Shiori:* “My beloved.. That woman is jealous of your Rock hard Body...."
1:41:27 *ERB* ”You know daughter, you should fight her in the arena!
1:41:38 *CC stokes the flames of jealousy!* "But You agreed! I heard you!”
1:41:52 *Witnesses to Consummation:* *Shiori:* “That is true, I Gave her my SEEDS!” *Biboo:* “And I gave her my egg!”
1:44:00 *Shiori:* “If there’s any more discord, that hat on your head will become *flaccid.."*
1:44:41 *GIGi has **_also_** heard Shiori was married to Nerissa..*
1:45:27 “I Will allow you to have her for the night, but I will come back for you” - Nerissa allegedly
1:46:33 *SCANDAL!* *FAKE B00BA!* “We will have to take a picture of her Badongas!” - Shiori
1:49:09 *Gigi:* “I watched you consummate!" "That is true"
2:21:15 "I think the blue lady with the *FAKE B00BS.."*
*[Everyone has a Hat Except Biboo..]*
2:24 Biboo Resents *Nerissa…*
44:45 *Calli* has a hat Too!?
48:45 *Saying bye to CC* “May next Time we meet, may we have our own Hats" -> 56:51 *CC* returns With a hat!?
1:32:22 Gigi is selling a disg*sting amber coin hat
1:36:02 Biboo will not purchase a hat, she will get *a hat of her own will!*
1:44:25 *Gigi gets a hat:*
2:35:17 *Gigi gets more hats:* “Excuse me? Did you just get two hats!?
3:48:50 Meanwhile.. *Gigi gets another hat…*
3:56:27 Learning Gigi needs to pay her Dues to both FaunaMart and The Divorce Diner…
3:57:13 *Biboo:* You know what? You owe me Money. *600 Coins.*
3:58:00 Totally Not lying: “Because your wife Said so”
3:58:17 *”BIJOU TAX”*
3:58:55 “Hehehehehe…”
3:59:10 Gacha *11:* Fail… "The Tax is used for a good cause…"
*[When The Tax wasn’t Enough]*
4:01:14 Biboo’s Crying… with _“Empathy”_
4:01:50 No material things needed
4:02:25 "I totally don't: want to kill or murder”
4:03:05 “I will follow you” / “FARE THEE WELL"
4:03:38 *Biboo:* “But I'm not human” *GIgi:* "You are something. And that's enough”
4:05:30 “If you complete the puzzle you will get a hat!”
4:06:22 Solved! HUZZAH!
*[Getting Help From a big cat, and “honest Work”]*
5:27:14 *NIce cat!* (Raora Agrees to trade her 900 Coins for tries at the HAT!)
5:55:53 *Farmer Biboo:* “I’ll stop when Hat, Ok?”
6:15:15 Gacha *27:* *BIBOO GETS A HAT!*
5:51:30 Farmer Biboo’s First Time Discovering The potential…
5:53:05 *it will get Patched?* “Ok I’m gonna be here All night!” - Biboo
5:54:28 *”Eheh.. eheh.. Ehee….”*
5:56:22 “IT’s not cheating! IT’s in the game!”
5:56:52 *Dev watch:* “I bet they're’ Watching the stream and shaking their head at me..
5:58:25 “Gigi is doing the Exact Same Thing!”
5:58:54 I’m doing *_Honest Work!_* I'm gardening!"
6:06:45 *Kaela in chat:* if the game agrees with this method, it will give you the hat later on. but if you still don't get it... well.............
6:07:26 *“hehehehe..”*
6:08:19 “I’m starting to really like this game…”
6:09:12 *Greedy Biboo Laughter~*
6:09:55 "so, Is everyone having a Good Night? My night just got so much better..”
6:10:28 _Should Biboo Say anythingTo anyone?_
6:11:33 *Kaela in chat:* regret always comes last. if it came at the start, its called registration. so its ok
6:36:45 *Biboo:* “I got this hat of my Own... *_Honest_* Working hands... “
6:43:11 "I must continue my *Honest Work"*
6:43:20 It is *honest* work! I am *honest* farmer Bijou!"
6:44:55 “Very *honest,* very demure”
6:45:31 *Biboo:* I keep getting notification and I'm scared It's people Bonking Me...
6:45:56 *So Honest, she’s Feeling Guilty:* “oh yeah.. i should not feel guilty because it is honest work”
6:48:42 After This Round Biboo will not use this method...
6:51:44 Can you believe this is 6500 kay?
6:53:51 Biboo Revokes her *Biboo Tax on GIgi*
38:40 BWEH...
39:07 *TARGETED AD 1:* "I noticed You’ve been slain, if you want to Buy bones..." - Fauna
42:12 BWEH…
42:47 *TARGETED AD 2:* Fauna calls again!
55:41 *It worked:* Biboo Calls Faunamart to Buy 2 Stained Bones
59:11 Buying 2 Stained bones for *160 Gold!*
(2:17:32 /3:07:11 /3:10:27 /3:11:55 /3:45:06 /3:59:45 /4:50:00 /4:06:22 /7:57:53)
50:06 Cute Kitty! Heapatting Waowa!
3:50:28 Crying while Petting the therapy Cat....
4:22:23 *Biboo:* I kinda like this cat…
4:22:48 *Raora Uses CUTE! It is very effective.*
4:23:20 She's _Purring!_ *Kronii:* “Stay back! Stay back!”
3:12:32 Start!
3:13:27-3:15:30 *Game 1:* Smashing pots
3:15:46-3:18:10 *Game 2:* House maze
3:18:24-3:19:29 *Game 3:* Find lilies of the Valley
3:12:37 Reading Lore *1*
3:16:20 Reading Lore *2*
3:19:05 Reading Lore *3*
3:20:20 *MEMORY* Ina’s Lore
4:01:08 Start!
4:01:14 *Section 1:* Parkour / Platforming
4:04:20 *Section 2:* Fighting through The maze
4:05:30 *Section 3* Puzzle
4:07:06 *VS* Laser Skull
4:07:38 *Section 4:* Climb up!
4:17:43 *Complete!* “QUick to the Queen!”
4:30:48-4:35:00 *Puzzle 1:* Smash the pots
4:36:54 *Puzzle 2:* House Maze
4:38:44 Giving up
4:40:19 *Puzzle 1:* Smash the pots
4:42:35 *Puzzle 2:* House Maze
4:42:40 Nice. 69 Sanity
4:45:20 *Searching the bridge*
4:46:27 Biboo N0ises~
4:46:46 Jumpscare!
4:54:19 _TENSAI BIBOO!_
4:54:57 Falling (CLOSE!)
5:01:22 Biboo sees a wall…
5:03:30 Biboo will come back here later if this is not it…
5:04:57 *Puzzle 3:* Find The lilies of the valley
5:16:45 What if I offer all the flowers? _“0W!!”! I'm SORRY!”_
5:18:46 *Dungeon Cleared, But no disc…*
5:19:21 *Puzzle 1:* Smash the pots
5:21:16 *Puzzle 2:* House Maze
5:24:46 Biboo gives Raora a Hint: Maze
*[Starting off With Gacha!]*
2:12 *Bon Bijou~!*
2:24 Biboo Resents Nerissa for not having any hats…
3:13 Getting *Nerissa’s Blessing!*
3:28 Gacha *1:* Fail…
3:41 Gacha *2:* Fail…
4:08 Gacha *3:* Fail…
5:54 *Nohatseki…*
*[FaunaMart **_ISN’T_** a SCAM??]*
7:52 *Mococo Won! Here's her Quote:* BAU BAU! Faunaamrt is not a sc@m! I won big! BAu BAu BAu!
10:16 Biboo Buys 10 -SCAM- Lottery tickets!
11:01 Biboo's custom Number: *321*
13:13 *Cecelia* arrives!
14:18 Bones are for sale!
15:17 Lottery will be drawn *5pm Pst tomorrow!*
15:45 Saying hello to *Raora!*
20:40 Biboo Takes CC to The Cerulean Guild
23:05 Biboo's Revelation!
23:39 CD’s Revelation!
25:27 Nerissa Calls Biboo about an infinite money gitch!
*[ERB = Biboo’s Mother]*
34:46 ERB will Protect Biboo
38:25 Fighting: Revelation!
38:40 *BWEH:* Slain by Stains....
39:07 *TARGETED AD 1:* "I noticed You died, if you want to Buy bones..." - FuanaMart
41:02 Fighting with CC
42:01 1 HP and a dream!
42:06 Success!
42:12 *BWEH:* BEhind you! (Was behind both of them)
42:47 *TARGETED AD 2:* Fauna calls again!
44:45 Calli has a hat Too!?
*[Biboo’s a HATLESS Gacha Addict…]*
46:07 Gambling addict Bijou gets money for food from Gigi But....
46:34 Will buy Food (HAT)
46:51 Gacha *4:* Fail…
48:45 *Saying bye to CC* “May next Time we meet, may we have our own Hats"
49:41 *Quest Complete”* “+300 Coins!? Hehehe....”
50:06 Cute Kitty! Heapatting *Raora!*
55:41 Biboo Calls Faunamart to Buy 2 Stained Bones
56:51 Cecilia returns With a hat!?
59:11 Biboo Buys 2 Stained bones for 160 Gold! (The ads work!)
59:59 FREE lottery ticket! WHAT A DEAL!
*[GAMBLING: Color Cannon]*
1:02:30 Start!
1:02:43 "I Believe in the comments in my Mind.."
1:03:13 *Round begins*!
1:03:49 Did I win? (L0sing 10 coins..).
Continued Below
*[NTR: Biboo’s wife Shiori is Stolen?]*
1:04:33 BIBOO’S WIFE logs in!
1:05:00 She has another wife??!?
1:05:21 *Biboo:* Did she consummate like we did?” *Shiori* “No I gave her none of my SEED”
01:10:54 SEED and Egg Exchange :
1:11:18 *Shiori is in Demand!*
*[Talking with More Members]*
1:12:45 Call With Gonothan! / calling to do the dungeon!
1:12:46 Meeting *Mococo*
1:14:30 *Fauna* meets With biboo
1:18:25 Biboo calls Fauna if they have beetroot in stock
1:20:24 Biboo's Call with *Calli*
1:21:20 Calli's divorce Diner
1:22:54 Making a potato salad "Let me cook!"
*[NTR suspicions continue…]*
1:26:32 *Biboo sneaks in on NTR in progress?:* Hey, it’s my wife! Oh CR@P! It’s both of my wives..” - Shiori
1:27:55 Wife and Wife
1:29:08 GIVING EGG
1:29:24 Fanart!
1:30:04 *Tam Tander’s Scamdelus marriage to the King*
1:32:22 Gigi is selling a disg*sting amber coin hat
1:36:12 Biboo will not purchase a hat, she will get a hat of her own will!
1:36:51 *Biboo overhears The NTR...*. "I've been betrayed!!!"
1:38:18 MOther! I've been betrayed!"
1:38:43 The blue bird lady! She took my hat!
1:39:06 Receiving a call From Gigi
1:39:46 *Shiori in chat:* WAIFU! It's not what you think!
1:40:24 *Shiori’s defense:* I was giving her a sword! Helping a random Comer!"
1:41:00 *Shiori:* “My beloved.. That woman is jealous of your Rock hard Body...."
1:41:27 *ERB* ”You know daughter, you should fight her in the arena!
1:41:38 *CC stokes the flames of jealousy!* "But You agreed! I heard you!”
1:41:52 *Witnesses to Consumation:* *Shiori:* “That is true, I Gave her my SEEDS!” *Biboo:* “And I gave her my egg!”
1:43:09 Calling Gonothan to invite her wife to the party
1:44:00 *Shiori:* “If there’s any more discord, that hat on your head will become *flaccid.."*
1:44:25 GIGI has a hat now TOO!!!
1:44:41 *GIGi has **_also_** heard Shiori was married to Nerissa…*
1:45:22 *H0E'ing Shiori out?* “I Will allow you to have her for the night, but I will come back for you” - Nerissa allegedly
1:46:33 *SCANDAL!* *FAKE CHEST!* “We will have to take a picture of her Badongas!” - Shiori
1:48:57 They're in A Complex Quadrehegon
1:49:09 *Gigi:* “I watched you consummate!" "That is true"
1:58:54 Age of 30
2:03:56 Fighting Stain
2:17:24 Trading for Money
2:17:32 "HUZZAH!"
2:20:00 Nerissa Tells Biboo about The dungeon
2:21:15 "I think the blue lady with the *FAKE B00BS.."*
2:24:38 Gamble Time...
2:30:42 *GAMBLE MATH:* “MY HEAD!! IT HURTS!!!” - Biboo
2:32:21 Biboo's bet!
2:33:34 Blue wins... Biboo l0ses everything...
2:33:47 Maybe g@mblins is not my thing...
2:35:17 *Biboo:* Excuse me? Did you just get two hats!?
2:36:46 Yellow.. Biboo l0ses
2:41:55 Biboo is almost ready to go to the dungeon
Continued Below
2:42:18 *ERB X KRonii?* WHat is with mother's reaction to the Queen....
2:43:37 The Queen is here!
2:48:31 Biboo heard calli's tacos are of questionable nature...
2:50:13 200 Gold cost..
2:51:02 A Dairy Free Milkshake?
2:51:16 “IF the Queen gets sick, we can sue!”
2:51:38 Calli bows in apology
2:52:09 *Shiori* arrives and Gifts Biboo a flower!
2:52:09 *Kronii:* Do you have… _loneliness?”_
2:55:44 Calli admits to giving SPECIAL TREATMENT?!
2:57:06 *Good marriage? Shiori spoke too Soon:* / *Gambling Addiction EXPOSED....*
2:57:49 The Queen has 8000 COINS!?
2:58:40 Gigi admits To giving Fauna Mart *2000 COins!*
2:59:07 IS the Queen aware of the library? *Kronii:* I just woke up..."
2:59:34 *Kronii:* _”The Scarlet Wand!? more like THE HARLOT WAND!”_ -> 2:59:56 *NOT THE WIFE:* "She doesn't mean you Wife!’ Biboo
3:00:18 *Shiori:* “I forgive you for your SASS..” *Kronii:* “I take my apology back”
3:00:40 The queen can never retract her statement
3:03:31 The queen leaves
3:04:48 The queen returns from her idle meeting!
3:06:50 *”HUZZAH!”* The Queen buys Milkshakes for everyone!
3:07:40 *The Queen’s 8000 Coins!* The overflowing coins of THousands!* 8000 Coins!*
*[Fighting for the queen / Heading to the dungeon]*
3:10:11 *Shiori* “You have become so strong my wife! Rock hard!"
3:10:27 *”HUZZAH!”*
3:11:24 Gigi can’t remove the *HOT pink one* for her mind! *Biboo”* “She must live rent free”
3:11:55 “HUZZAH”
Continued Below
3:12:17 Start!
3:12:37 *Reading Lore Book 1*
*[Game 1: Smashing pots]*
3:13:27 Talking with *???*
3:14:00 Start!
3:15:30 Solved!
*Game 2: House maze]*
3:15:46 Talking with *???*
3:16:10 *Start!*
3:16:20 *Reading lore book 2*
3:18:10 Solved!
*[Game 3 Find lilies of the Valley]*
3:18:24 Talking with ???
3:19:05 *Reading lore Book 3*
3:19:29 Reaching the end!
3:20:20 *MEMORY* Ina’s LORE
3:23:34 Revelation!
*[Finishing the Quest]*
3:24:30 Searching for more revelations!
3:25:05 They will be rewarded with a special place in the kingdom!
3:26:21 DISG*STING!
3:28:23 “TAKE MY SEED “
3:29:12 Talking with @mber Coin’s *Auren*
3:34:00 Benevolent Queen is so kind! And rich!
3:34:47 A nice Peasant Experience! EmEMPATHY…
*[(WIFE) Shiori Leaves]*
3:46:57 Shiori must rest her Heroing Body for today…..
3:36:43 Biboo names her Sword… *TOMATO*
3:37:20 Revelation!
3:37:38 _SHOIRI RAID_
3:42:91 Biboo Will Solo THe Dungeon for the Disc
3:42:26 Shiroi’s back? (She left)
*[Who Will Join Biboo in the dungeon?]*
3:42:45 Telepathic Phone Call
3:43:37 The queen must continue her duties constructing the _Humble Cabin,_ For the peasants…
3:44:32 Gonathan Fears She will V0mit!
3:45:06 24/7 RIP! HUZZAH!!
3:46:16 Gigi gifts
*[The Queen **_IS_** the Economy]*
3:46:44 The Queen has *800 BILLION COINS,* She's the richest in the kingdom and has no need for handouts!
3:47:30 Humble Queen!
3:47:69 She is th Entire Economy!
3:48:18 The Queen needs a Moment
3:48:50 Meanwhile.. Gigi gets another hat…
3:49:34 Gacha *8:* Fail…
3:49:59 Gacha *9:* Fail…
3:50:09 Gacha *10:* Fail…
3:50:28 *Waowa is here! Petting the therapy Cat*..
3:52:24 Biboo teaches Raora how to throw things away!
3:52:58 Call From *Gigi!*
3:56:27 Learning Gigi needs to pay her Dues to both FaunaMart and The Divorce Diner…
3:57:00 *Biboo whisper: * “It’s a Sc@M..”
3:57:13 *Biboo:* You know what? You owe me Money. *600 Coins.*
3:58:00 Not lying: “Because your wife Said so”
3:58:17 *BIJOU TAX*
3:58:55 “Hehehehehe…”
3:59:12 Gacha *11:* Fail… "The Tax is used for a good cause… "
3:59:36 Gacha *12:* Fail…
3:59:45 HUZZAH!
Continued Below
*[Parkour / Empathetic banter]*
4:01:14 Biboo’s Crying… with “Empathy”
4:01:50 No material things needed…
4:02:30 "I totally don't: want to kill or murder” - biboo
4:02:43 Biboo Mean, you can try..” “,...”
4:03:05 *BWEH* “I will follow you” - Biboo / “FARE THEE WELL" - Gigi
4:03:38 *Biboo:* "But I'm not human” *GIgi:* "You are something. And that's enough"
*[The castle: Fighting throughThe maze! ]*
4:04:20 Entering!
4:50:00 HUZZAH!
4:05:20 Checkpoint!
4:05:30 “If you complete the puzzle you will get a hat!”
4:06:22 Solved! HUZZAH! At hat! HUZZAH!
4:06:44 “YOu have duplicates!?”
4:07:06 *VS* Laser Skull!
*[Slay the skeletons, Climb up!]*
4:07:38 Start! / searching for the disc
4:09:07 RIP GOnothan!
4:10:01 Biboo is dying
4:10:32 *Biboo N0ises!*
4:14:63 Gigi is Summoned by the Wueen!
4:15:38 “FOR THE QUEEN! - Igig
4:16:24 *BWEH*: Breaking their legs!
4:17:43 *Complete!* “QUick to the Queen!”
4:18:46 “WHERE IS SHE!?”
4:19:24 Raora claims to be the true royal
4:19:59 Biboo Challenges *MS pink hat* to a duel!
4:20:40 *Raora:* Duel? Touch you? DISGUSITNG..”
4:21:07 *Kronii:* YOur peasant! You plebian!”
4:21:22 yout need two gremlins and a rock?
4:22:08 *Kronii:* “I _STOMP_ on the ground here!”
4:22:26 *Biboo:* I kinda like this cat…
4:22:48 *Raora Uses CUTE! It is very effective.*
4:23:20 SHe's _Purring!_ *KronIi:* “Stay back! sTay back!”
4:23:441 Feeding the Cat the bread!
4:24:52 *Biboo:* I talked to the cat! She gave me 300 Gold for a Box! “ *Gigi / Kronii:* NOO!!!
*[Back to GACHA…]*
4:25:38 Gacha *13:* Fail… “ This one had two last time..”
4:29:12 Biboo Calls and asks *Raora* If she found the *disc* in the Ina Dungeon yet
Continued Below
Bijou evolved into Hatted Bijou! She is also first to find the VIOLET cd in the new dungeon! Oh joyous day!
Thanks for the stream Biboo, GRATS ON THE HAT!!! Well earned with some good, honest work. Love the moai too, look forward to seeing it finished
Thank you for today's fun ENigmatic collaboration stream and congratulations for finally getting a *HAT,* Biboo!
And the new Moai statue is looking good!
*And most importantly (that I almost forgot about), congratulations for getting a new mom in the form of Queen ERB!
Got a new mom, got Violet, got a new hat, got memories back, and a second new hat. Overall, a productive day.
Now, you can teach mom how to get a hat. Because she's the hatless one. And you can tell her "If you want it, then you'll have to take it. But you already knew that."
Huzzah! Congrats on the hat. Looking forward to more ENReco tomorrow!
Gigi is the gacha god lol she gets hats left and right
4:02:16 I feel like this whole bit was foreshadowing to the finale
Let's play catch up now... but this was fun, it was great to see posts on reddit and X about everything that happened
The color gamble is a bad bet no matter what you do assuming equal chance of each square being chosen by the cannon.
Blue 12/25 48%:x2 payout
Green 8/25 32%:x3 payout
Yellow 4/25 16%:x5 payout
Red 1/25 4%:x10 payout
Green is closest to breaking even and is the best bet, but it's still short of the 33.3% you'd need just to break even. Blue is similar but slightly worse. However Yellow is bad and Red is absolutely horrible and it will eat your money.
Blue and green are the same no? 0.48*2 = 0.96, 0.32*3 = 0.96
@@tommo4356 Oh I guess they are. Still a bad bet no matter what you do.
Lol, the hidden CD thing is so funny! I never thought there'd be treasure hunting in a Minecraft stream 😂. Can't wait to see what else Biboo finds 🕵️♂️! So much fun watching her journey! Keep it up! 🌟
Thanks for the strim beejoe and Congrats for getting the CD!!!
1:41:50 I'm starting to think Bib- I mean Bijou doesn't know what "consummate" means but I'm also worried that she _does_ know.
Congrats on finally getting your hat along with being the first one to find Ina’s music record from her dungeon Biboo!
Thanks for the long EnReco stream today also congrats for finally getting a hat and it's the one you wanted Had lots of fun moments here today with your gamba, your honest work, and just adventuring with others See you again soon
Thanks for the fun stream Bijou
Congrats on finally getting a hat and being the first to get Ina’s disc!
What an amazing stream thanks blagain biboo❤❤ loved the moai statue and im glad u finally got a hat!
58:36 Green green green green. yes, green
Thanks for the amazing time, oh fair honest NO MORE HATLESS farmer!
It is tooo late, but as always, glad to be here, glad to watch you having fun, and glad to see that the moai is looking FIRE.
See you tomorrow, thanks for the amazing time, dear princess!
Now.. I must eep, or nap, before worktime huhhhhhhhh!!!!
Love you as always!!!
Congratz on getting the hat !!!!
Thanks for the great stream, Bijou! Liked the whole prep stage, dungeon runs, farming, gamba, 🗿building, the moments between with all the other holomems, and of course Congrats on the hat!🎉
30:23 32:49 Artists you know what to do 😏😏😏
The telemarketing Kirin was so funny 😂
Unlike many hololive members, this adorable stone truely glows in collaboration with others.
Congratulations Biboo! 🎉 Finally the hat you dream about came to your hand. 👍✨ That means you HAZUSHI WA SHINAI ✨
The ENrecro is really really fun 😊, seeing you have some toxic relationships and yapping together make me laugh a lot 😂. Can't wait to see how your adventure goes in the future
Congrats on getting your first hat, Koseki Bijou Bloodflame!!!!
That damn birb lady... how there she get between you and your cow?? Don't worry, I'm sure your waif will choose you, how can she refuse such a honest hardworking gem?
Congratulation on finally getting the hat Biboo!
But imagine the content if you still fail after all those golds...
5:56:30 This is why most games have diminished rewards after you complete a repeatable quest for the first time
for Fauna Mart
Her singing "unravel" while spiraling into the hatless abyss had me rollin 😆
I want to say how incredibly proud I am of Koseki Bijou Bloodflame on how she deescalated the situation between Raora and Tam. I don't know what started it but that 3 v 1 confrontation made me a bit uncomfortable, and it didn't look like Raora was having fun. That was an amazing show of real empathy, to take a bit of the heat from her team to shield Raora.
bijou might have been jealous of everyone's hat, but we are jealous of her (i wish i could play with those modes, dang it)
Since the math for gambling was actually requested, I have done it!
Short answer is: only bet on blue and green, in a 13:12 or 16:9 split ratio
Long answer: Blue and Green both have an expected yield of 96%, meaning if you only bet on one of them, you’ll only loose 4% in the long run. You can also achieve this expected value by betting in a ratio totaling 25 across the two colors. If you bet with a 13-16 on blue and match it with a 9-12 on green, you’re guaranteed to win at least some coins on either color, meaning you win some 80% of the time.
Short answer is don't bet, there's no way to get an expected yield above 100%
@@tommo4356 Yes, but if you’re willing to leave things a little bit to luck this is your best bet.
her luck is slowly coming back to her
It’s like the JP staff sapped all of Biboo’s gacha luck and she has to regenerate it
A new day in isekai minecraft !Many things evolved ! Faunamart, oh nyo, is Bijou getting scammed ?ERB-mama !!
There were many troubles with Shiori WAIF and Nerissa fair maidenand the long quest for hat continues...
Waiting for the QUEEN TAM TENDER before going to the next dungeon ! Awwww, she gave a headpat to the rockthanks o v o
LMOAI, Calli doing the "but of course" NPC thing to KroniiAnd Bijou being karen for Shiorin !
Ina dungeon IKZZZ ! Very pretty ! Sanity ?Smashing pots, yeaahTHE LORE !!! It was very cute
Moar power ! Moare YEET !And the diamond sword is deadly... IT'S THE TOMATOOOO !
Oh nyo, Gonathan got another hat ! Bijou couldn't believe itWe need coin strats !
The queen was in danger !! Waowa was very savage, haha
Bijou found VIOLET CD !! JJ !!And Waowa gave moni for hat ! Nice buff ! But oh nyo, no hat
Potato salad for moni ?Bijou the farmer ! KAELAAAA, ELP !
IT'S WORKING ! Quick, before they patch it, lmoai !!Thank you for the cute DAHLAH hat, KaelaBijou's evil laugh when getting moar and moar moni
Bijou building a moai !🗿Very nice, very demure !
Oh nyo, maintenance !It's Bijouver !
Thank you for the stweam, little goddess ! Bijou later~
5:57:27 Kaela's present
Bibou acting like a gas station junkie at 45:33 LMAO
Love your stream Sonaa
Hat & Dahlah fusion
cute stream!
Rest well
1:59:39 age gap…. they marrried when Shiori was a minor?😮😅
Gura did really give you buff thanks " A "
My understanding of the story so far.
Amber Coin attacks the Cerulean Cup, and draws first blood. Amber Coin also spread false information about Scarlet Wands, their lottery is a legit business. Jade Sword are in a supporting alliance with Cerulean Cup, it's not a mutually beneficial alliance, but they do support the Cerulean Queen. Scarlet Wands are neutral, and doesn't support anyone's claim to the throne, they also don't seek the throne, Scarlet Wands hold the most amount of coin, and want to rule the economy rather than the crown. And in regards to Amber Coin, they do have a legit claim to the throne, but it's a cat, meaning it's not as strong as the Cerulean's claim.
11:47 621...Is that... You...?
the hatless maiden is now hatless no more
1:36:58 NTR
All the thumbnail made me think it was an Rpg game but it was just minecraft 😂
8 hours stream, welcome to Koseki Biboo channel😂
the collab was funny, thx for the stream (^▽^)
Come again, how many hours? 🤨
Being a hololive vtuber looks like a hard job
I hope Biboo has time to rest
Biboo the hatless.
When your life is so hard, dahlah
O'Hara Path
45:38 Hoboseki Binbou panhandling for food
Biboo needs to quit gacha. Her luck is TERRIBLE! 4 hats with 27 different spots is 14.8% chance of getting a hat. 42 tries this stream alone should have gotten her 6...
Then again. CONTENT!!!
5:57:00 lol… it’s a “feature” 😅
What an eventful day, It was so much fun to crack the secret of Ina's dungeon and see it all unfold and the quest for a hat is finally over! Bijou is no longer hatless and we found a method of making easy money in the process with the power of "honest" work Here's hoping it won't get patched. Otsu Bijou!