SXSW Panel - How We Changed Our Minds About Psychedelics Sneak Peek

  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 59

  • @coleandrew1754
    @coleandrew1754 Год назад +22

    The psychedelic experience is temporary but many people have permanent results.

    • @EmilyLewis-lg5bn
      @EmilyLewis-lg5bn Год назад

      Psychedelic's definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it's just so hard to source here.

    • @annajones205
      @annajones205 Год назад

      My first shrooms trip was really awesome, it felt like i was deep into the sea

    • @Philip36075
      @Philip36075 Год назад

      Got psychs

    • @Marilyn208
      @Marilyn208 Год назад

      Last year, I took shrooms at Las Vegas thinking it was going to hit like an edible or something. Shit was scary at first but amazing once you start getting deeper into your thoughts

    • @Lucid300
      @Lucid300 Год назад +3

      Psilocybin being illegal is a crime against humanity!

  • @Jerryberger9235
    @Jerryberger9235 Год назад +7

    Psychedelics are great, one time I was trippin on too much acid and I was staring at a fire pit and the fire pit turned into a mini world with little people and buildings, that was 2 years ago and it's such an experience to remember. would love to try out the psilocybin mushrooms next, just don't know where to get them, so hard to come by

    • @sarahh321
      @sarahh321 Год назад +2

      Ships psychedelics

    • @Jerryberger9235
      @Jerryberger9235 Год назад

      @@sarahh321 where to search?? Is it IG?

    • @sarahh321
      @sarahh321 Год назад

      @@Jerryberger9235 yeah, He has variety of stuffs like mushrooms, Isd, DMT even the chocolate bars

    • @hannahanderson5881
      @hannahanderson5881 Год назад

      Shrooms are where it's at. If you've experienced LSD start with 2.5 grams of shrooms. Love them.

    • @Jerryberger9235
      @Jerryberger9235 Год назад

      @@sarahh321 thanks, I’ll get some right away

  • @Celldroid
    @Celldroid Год назад +1

    Thank you Paul for all that you do to care for our wonderful blue marble planet !

  • @archaicsage4803
    @archaicsage4803 Год назад +4

    Not all boundaries are supposed to be crossed. Strive for great innovation, yes, but understand and respect Nature's intended harmony. Otherwise... 🙉🙊🙈 Karma will find you.

  • @5upe3
    @5upe3 Год назад +11

    What do sexual minorities have to do with innovation ?

    • @SW-ii5gg
      @SW-ii5gg Год назад


    • @babaganoush1775
      @babaganoush1775 Год назад +2


    • @spectatrix5003
      @spectatrix5003 Год назад +1

      All sorts of minorities pioneered the use of psychedelics…

    • @chuckheppner4384
      @chuckheppner4384 Год назад

      FYI, Bacteriologist Mary Hunt spent her days in shops searching for moldy items she could test in the lab. Her persistence and interesting shopping habit earned her the flattering nickname #MoldyMary, led to the purchase of one particular cantaloupe and the discovery of Mold No. 72.
      The fungus needed to mass-produce penicillin was successfully isolated in a moldy cantaloupe from a Peoria grocery store. The discovery of penicillin by Scotsman Alexander Fleming more than a decade ago received limited attention at the time.
      Although Fleming's mold is famous as the original source of penicillin, industrial production quickly moved to using fungus from moldy cantaloupes in the US. From these natural beginnings, the Penicillium samples were artificially selected for strains that produce higher volumes of penicillin.

  • @aaron8171
    @aaron8171 Год назад +2

    Paul scamits at it again

  • @tutupuff6359
    @tutupuff6359 Год назад +2

    Federal legalization now!!!

  • @philosphorus
    @philosphorus Год назад

    I heard Terence Mckenna say something like this too. Something like "if it weren't for the psychedelic people on the fringes holding everything together... everything would fall apart" but his was much more eloquent and made more sense

  • @chuckheppner4384
    @chuckheppner4384 Год назад

    "The tension in the world is the tension between the ego and the feminine, not between the masculine and the feminine." ~ Terence McKenna
    "Difference is not equated with superiority or inferiority, dominating or being dominated, being served or serving. Unlink masculinity from domination and violence and femininity from subordination and obedience.
    We humans are wired for empathy by evolution, but when children grow up in dominator families they internalize this male over female template for relations early on. They then automatically apply it to other differences, whether based on race, religion, sexual orientation, and so forth.
    People from authoritarian, male-dominated, punitive families tend to vote for "strongman" leaders and for "hard" punitive policies (prisons, wars) rather than "soft" caring policies (healthcare, childcare). Not everyone from this background does. But many people do. And this conditioning can be exploited, as Trump's campaign did, especially in times like ours of economic, social, and technological upheaval.
    What happened in the US is a regression to the domination side of the social scale. Trump claimed that he, as a "strongman," would solve all our problems, and was elected by fanning fear, hate, scapegoating, the debasement of women.
    That both Muslim fundamentalists and the Christian right are today focusing their attempts to regain control in a rapidly changing world on frantic efforts to maintain control over women, particularly over women's sexuality. Moreover, given their mythologies about "holy wars," it is also understandable that they should use "divinely approved" violence to do so.
    The only life many of the leaders of the anti-family planning movement seem to care about -- indeed obsess about -- is life before birth and after death.
    If we look at the last decades, we see that the US rightist-fundamentalist alliance demonized partnership-oriented families and painted women's rights as a threat to "tradition" - which of course it is to traditions of domination. These people had an integrated political agenda that recognizes that a "traditional" authoritarian, male dominated, punitive family is foundational to an authoritarian, male dominated, punitive politics. We can see this connection in sharp relief in brutal top-down regimes, be they secular like Nazi Germany or religious like ISIS in the Middle East.
    This notion that man can, and should, have absolute dominion over the "chaotic" powers of nature and what ultimately lies behind man's famous "conquest of nature" - a conquest that is today puncturing holes in the earth's ozone layer, destroying our forests, polluting our air and water, and increasingly threatening the welfare, and even survival, of thousands of living species, including our own.
    To heal ourselves we also have to heal society. We can't just tack on environmental balance to a fundamentally imbalanced system. For as long as human beings are forced to live in a system that at every turn impedes the fulfillment of their basic human needs - not only for love but for creative and spiritual expression - they will try to compensate for this in other ways, including the compulsive acquisition of ever more material goods.
    Can we really expect adequate funding for programs to clean up our environment and care for people's basic needs as long as the socially essential work of caretaking and cleaning is relegated to women for little or no pay? When the status and power of women is greater so also is the nation’s general quality of life; when they are lower, so is the quality of life for all.
    Rather than being any longer a threat to the established androcratic order, Christianity became what practically all this earth's religions, launched in the name of spiritual enlightenment and freedom, have also become: a powerful way of perpetuating that order.
    For new ideas to be translated into new realities requires not only clarity of vision but also the opportunity to change old realities. To change our realities, we also have to change our myths. As history amply demonstrates, myths and realities go hand in hand.
    Both the mythical and archaeological evidence indicate that perhaps the most notable quality of the pre-dominator mind was its recognition of our oneness with all of nature, which lies at the heart of both Neolithic and the Cretan worship of the Goddess.
    Increasingly, the work of modern ecologists indicates that this earlier quality of mind, in our time often associated with some types of Eastern spirituality, was far advanced beyond today's environmentally destructive ideology.
    Indeed, if we look closely at the art of the Neolithic, it is truly astonishing how much of its Goddess imagery has survived-and that most standard works on the history of religion fail to bring out this fascinating fact.
    The Cretans’ more natural attitudes toward sex would also have had other consequences equally difficult to perceive under the prevailing paradigm, wherein religious dogma often views sex as more sinful than violence. As Hawkes writes, “The Cretans seem to have reduced and diverted their aggressiveness through a free and well-balanced sexual life.”
    Along with their enthusiasm for sports and dancing and their creativity and love of life, these liberated attitudes toward sex seem to have contributed to the generally peaceful and harmonious spirit predominant in Cretan life.
    The Goddess-centered art we have been examining, with its striking absence of images of male domination or warfare, seems to have reflected a social order in which women, first as heads of clans and priestesses and later on in other important roles, played a central part, and in which both men and women worked together in equal partnership for the common good.
    If there was here no glorification of wrathful male deities or rulers carrying thunderbolts or arms, or of great conquerors dragging abject slaves about in chains, it is not unreasonable to infer it was because there were no counterparts for those images in real life.
    And if the central religious image was a woman giving birth and not, as in our time, a man dying on a cross, it would not be unreasonable to infer that life and the love of life-rather than death and the fear of death-were dominant in society as well as art
    The main take-home lesson from a careful study of nomadic forager partnership societies, re-enforced by the recent Nordic experience, is that humans are capable of living in egalitarian social systems where neither dominates the other, where violence is minimized, and where prosocial cooperation and caring typify social life. This image is not a utopian fantasy but rather a set of potentials, if not inclinations, stemming from our evolutionary heritage.
    When we look closely, not only at what Jesus taught but at how he went about disseminating his message, time and again we find that what he was preaching was the gospel of a partnership society. He rejected the dogma that high-ranking men - in Jesus' day, priests, nobles, rich men, and kings - are the favorites of God. He mingled freely with women, thus openly rejecting the male-supremacist norms of his time. And in sharp contrast to the views of later Christian sages, who actually debated whether woman has an immortal soul, Jesus did not preach the ultimate dominator message: that women are spiritually inferior to men.”
    Riane Eisler, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future.
    Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future.

    • @chuckheppner4384
      @chuckheppner4384 Год назад

      "The parallel between antifeminism and race prejudice is striking. The same underlying motives appear to be at work, namely fear, jealousy, feelings of insecurity, fear of economic competition, guilt feelings, and the like. Many of the leaders of the feminist movement in the nineteenth-century United States clearly understood the similarity of the motives at work in antifeminism and race discrimination and associated themselves with the anti slavery movement." ~ Ashley Montagu

  • @spocksdaughter9641
    @spocksdaughter9641 Год назад +2

    Oh boy!!

  • @AJScraps
    @AJScraps Год назад +4

    Keep paving the way for people Paul! Thank you 🙏

  • @kthearcher3357
    @kthearcher3357 Год назад

    I needed to hear that today.

    • @doloresmitchell6267
      @doloresmitchell6267 Год назад

      I know of someone that sells quality shroommmmsssss with discrete delivery

  • @bruhman8005
    @bruhman8005 Год назад +13

    Managed to get all the virtue points in the clip good job Paul 🤣
    Other than that psilocybin is a blessing many can agree

    • @NewEnglandDirtRoadie
      @NewEnglandDirtRoadie Год назад

      repeat after me, minorities = good, straight white men = bad

    • @Obligatory_mime
      @Obligatory_mime Год назад +3

      Totally agree!! 👏

    • @RuiRato0
      @RuiRato0 Год назад +2

      Yes, very disappointing. I guess it's true what they say: if you keep your mind too open, your brain can fall off.

  • @cameronameri
    @cameronameri Год назад

    I wanted to attend this but couldn't afford any of the passes they were selling 😢

  • @justinheath8576
    @justinheath8576 Год назад +1

    Love all your work Paul

  • @themyceliumnetwork
    @themyceliumnetwork Год назад +10

    huge name in the mycology world, puts out 45 second to 4 minute videos about nothing......
    sorry dude, i just unsubbed!

  • @lotsageorges
    @lotsageorges Год назад

    Neuroregenerative is a no-brainer.

  • @Lpp360
    @Lpp360 Год назад +2


  • @multi_misa72
    @multi_misa72 Год назад

    He's a giant.✌👌

  • @VanzSolo
    @VanzSolo Год назад

    Wish I'd had know you were going to be here;

  • @Davi.Abraham.Millman
    @Davi.Abraham.Millman Год назад

    Itaú- Brazil!!

  • @MrHiggsrocks
    @MrHiggsrocks Год назад +5

    WTF ... no don’t even go there!! 🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @billthorne1
    @billthorne1 Год назад

    Nicely spoken, Paul.

    • @doloresmitchell6267
      @doloresmitchell6267 Год назад

      I know of someone that sells quality shroommmmsssss with discrete delivery

  • @johnjohnson1657
    @johnjohnson1657 Год назад +1

    This is a Prime example of someone who "get's it"...

  • @Ahs_Ska
    @Ahs_Ska Год назад +8

    Why does race and sexualism have to be brought into every aspect of science and debate nowadays? Can't we just eat psychedelics and know we are are blend of the infinite without this surface level political BS. Paul you one of my heroes, but you definitely drank the kool-aid on this one.

  • @eerievibes6854
    @eerievibes6854 Год назад

    Where did your pp tip hat go?

    • @Davewheelz
      @Davewheelz Год назад

      @ psychedtripx
      They have all kinds Of mushroom and
      Psychedelic stuff
      They are highly

  • @Obligatory_mime
    @Obligatory_mime Год назад +13

    You'll be pushing critical race theory next..... paul that speech just seriously ruined it for me..... what about psilocybin?

  • @The_Terridax
    @The_Terridax Год назад +1


  • @wildedibles819
    @wildedibles819 Год назад

    💞Much love xoxox 💞

  • @SW-ii5gg
    @SW-ii5gg Год назад +2

    Should have stopped a little sooner.

  • @JanoschNr1
    @JanoschNr1 Год назад

    Great ... now every woke who hears this bullcrap things he's an genius and inventor ...

  • @yeetboah1603
    @yeetboah1603 Год назад

    very very sad to see Paul Stamets supporting LGBT

  • @lordpain1128
    @lordpain1128 Год назад

    Well, now that I know you're only here to manipulate us and be part of the pick-me culture, i shall proceed to unsub. Thank you for showing your true colours, Paul.

  • @jellojoe00
    @jellojoe00 Год назад +1

    Please never post a video longer than 90 seconds.