Hi Leigh, there was one day with fair GHz ducting up to 446 km (Lithuania) in the morning, but nothing more spectacular. It seems that I'm stuck with my current records for years or maybe forever… Microwaves are very challenging in terms of DX, especially with Wi-Fi modulation (sensitivity a little better than -90 dBm).
Jedna z wielu pirackich stacji w Krakowie. Ładny zasięg.
Dobry odbiór! 73
Hi Konrad was there any good Wifi DX in this last tropo opening ?
Hi Leigh, there was one day with fair GHz ducting up to 446 km (Lithuania) in the morning, but nothing more spectacular. It seems that I'm stuck with my current records for years or maybe forever… Microwaves are very challenging in terms of DX, especially with Wi-Fi modulation (sensitivity a little better than -90 dBm).
Daleki odbiór jak na pirata, ciekawe jaką mocą nadają.
To tropo. Prosto mówiąc - Dalej odbiera radio