Zahi izz o jalal-e- buturab |Manqabat | Shah Niyaz Barelvi| Ateeq Bandanawazi|Echoes from the Tavern

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Echoes from the Tavern is an initiative focused on showcasing curated traditional artists, compositions and performances from the Deccan, in languages as diverse as Urdu, Persian, Hindi and Telugu. Echoes from the Tavern attempts to provide detailed, annotated notes and translations that can help connoisseurs better understand the richness of poetic compositions and their continued relevance and popularity in modern settings. For enquiries, please contact Adhiraj Parthasarathy.
    This video is a Persian language ghazal in the style of a manqabat (in praise of Imam Ali’s virtues) that is attributed to Hazrat Shah “Niyaz” Ahmed Barelvi (d. 1834), a prominent Sufi who is buried in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. It is in Persian, with interspersed girahs by other writers. This manqabat, sung in praise of Imam Ali was performed by Ateeq Hussain Bandanawazi and Party on the 9th of July, 2023 at Film Nagar, Hyderabad.
    Ali is my Imam and leader, I am a servant of Ali
    علی امامِ من است و منم غلامِ علی
    `Ali imam-e man ast o man-am ghulam-e `Ali
    Let a thousand souls be sacrificed for the sake of Ali
    ہزار جانِ گرامی فدا بہ نامِ علی
    Hazar jan-e girami fida bi nam-e `Ali
    Such majesty and might has "The Man of Dust," the best of humanity
    زہی عزّ و جلالِ بو ترابِ فخرِ انسانے
    Zahi `izz o jalal-e bu turab-e fakhr-i insani
    Ali Murtaza, the ever-contented, remover of obstacles, lion of divinity
    علیّ ِ مرتضےٰ مشکل کشائے شیرِ یزدانے
    `Ali-ye murtaza mushkil-kusha’i sher-e yazdani
    The saint of God, inheritor of Muhammad, ocean of benediction
    ولیٴٴٴ حقّ وصی مصطفےٰ دریائے فیضانے
    Vali-ye Haqq, vasi-ye Mustafa, darya-ye fayzani
    He is Imam of both worlds, the focus of true faith and religion
    امامِ دو جہانے قبلہٴ دینے و ایمانےٴ
    Imam-e do jahani, qibla-ye dini o Imani
    Ruler of the realm of renunciation, king of the land of spirituality
    امیرِ کشورِ فقرے شہِ اقلیمِ عرفانے
    Amir-e kishwar-e faqri, shah-ye iqlim-e `irfani
    He speaks with God, knows God, sees God, shows God in his activity
    خدا گوئے خدا دانے خدا بینے خدا شانے
    Khuda go’i, khuda dani, khuda bini, khuda shani
    The Prophet sat upon the minbar and proclaimed him leader
    پیامبر بر سرِ منبر نشست و خوان مولائیش
    Payambar bar sar-e minbar nashist o khwan maula-yash
    So he would be the people’s leader and proof of the truth
    کہ تا مولای اشرا باشد اندر خلق و برہانی
    Keh ta maula-ye ashra bashad andar khalq o burhani
    Have no fear about your honor and merit on judgment day, Niyaz
    نیاز اندر قیامت بے سر و ساماں نہ خواہی شد
    Niyaz, andar qiyamat be-sar o saman na-khwahi shud
    For in your enraptured love for Ali you have all that you may need
    کہ از حبّ و تولّائے علی داری تو سامانے
    Keh az hub o tawalla-ye `Ali dari tu samani
    Lead Vocals: Ateeq Hussain Bandanawazi
    Harmonium: Shafiullah Khan
    Tabla: Mohammed Ifteqar
    Dholak: Naveed Khan
    Chorus: Salman Hussain Khan and Baqar Khan
    Camera, Sound and Editing: Subramanya Maha Teja and Mohammed Shafaullah
    Translation: Scott Alan Kugle
    Logistics, Venue and Production: Adhiraj Parthasarathy
    Lyrics attributed to Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi
    #PersianKalam #SufiQawwali #GhazalPersian #Bareilly #Niyaz #ShahNiyaz #AhleBait #ImamAli #Manqabat #Qawwali #LovePoetry #SufiMusic #FarsiKalam #PersianIndia #farsikalam #ayyari #fotovat #javanmardi

Комментарии • 17