Aren't there Brioche in France, Panini Rustico in Italy and the Hotdog in the US? There must be something like Brötchen (which is, BTW, a general term) all over the western culture, at least.
Iwer Sonsch I think its a culture thing, even if they have it, they dont need to essentially eat it very often. Like, i know many people here who eat it every morning. My Family is a example of this. And thats common here i guess, while in most or any other countries it is different Oo,
People, believe me: You do not know what you are missing with our great bread. Really your white, sweet Paper-Bread is bullshit compared to a good Graubrot (literally: Greybread).
Im from germany and you sir did a very good job on this video. Im suprised how good you can pronounce our words. For most of the people i met outside germany it was pretty much impposible to pronounce the words i told them. So congratz to you. nicely done. you got yourself a thumbs up and a new subscriber (checked on you channel and rly liked it). Keep up the great work. Im excited to see what comes next.
As a German I'm surprised by how well you pronounced our words. I know people whose language is close to German and even they can't pronounce our words.
+Highretrogamelord My grandfather was from Germany (he came to South Africa before WW2 as a dissident), and we still speak German in the family, but our pronunciation (and vocabulary) is nowhere near as good as the guy in this video :) I don't think people from Germany would even understand some of what we say >.> A sample of South African German: "Ach nee, der Fleisch ist zu gar geworden! Ich hab dich ja gewaarsku't, dass du es gut dophalten musst!"
I'm born in Germany but I live in the uk and I couldn't live without brötchen and now I'm in the UK and i eat bread every single day 😂 lol (don't judge me 😐)
Oh and btw really nice video I love it :) but one little "mistake" or better a little detail about the "states" cities like Berlin & Hamburg aren't states in the classic sense. They are something called Freistädte (free cities) in the old times these regions were allowed to have their own laws & being free from the bigger states their are in it. and that didn't changed at all until today.
+Onepidia Du meintest den sogenannten Stadtstaat, wie Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen.... Themenwechsel.... Und ich dachte wir wären alle in echt Weißwürschte xD ... obwohl ich die nicht mag, aber jagut...hab ich gesagt.... ... ... jap
+Captain Davy Jones Wir sind keine Weißwürste...wir sind "Krauts". Weil die Bayern so viel Sauerkraut essen (da sieht man mal wieder was einem die Bayern bringen ;P ) Find ich aber schon dämlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass grad die Amis sich tonnenweise Sauerkraut selbst auf ihr so geliebtes FastFood klatchen... DA MUSS SPECK AUF DEN BURGER, kein Sauerkraut!
The comments are about 70% Germans saying "Hey look at me! Iam german", "I knew all these things" or "Your pronounciation is very good" 15% Guys saying Eichhoernschwanz means Squirrel tail and not squirrel (It doesnt make a difference in the Video, because the sense hes wanting to say, stays the same) 5% random guys saying random stuff (pls do this and this) 10% Guys really commenting on the things said in the video
+Top Lists I have to say that the german word for squirrel is just Eichhörnchen. Eichhörnchenschwanz would be its tail. im proud to be german and i can confirm all these facts.
In your video Martin Luther seems to be a bad person, but actually he did many great things. He was the first person how translated the bible into high German, that was the moment high German was born and every common man could understand the bible. He also let the Bible print by Guttenberg and this is i believe the oldest printed book, the Guttenberg Bible. Of course Luther caused a big war and many people died, but that isn't what he wanted. He wanted everybody to understand Christianity and the Word of god by them selfs. Nobody should pay money for Rome to get rid of there sins. He wanted to change the Church not split it. And he wanted that priests can marry and have a family because that is want humans do and God is greatful. Just wanted that to say peace ✌️🏻
Yea, but nowadays we still have too many people who can't think of their own system for once and blindly follow a religion cause that's, ya know, much easier than thinking and living in fear of death what they would do if they wouldn't think for once. A shame
The narrator actually praised Martin Luther for his doings. He didn't say any bad word about him. o: Also, Martin Luther didn't translate the Bible into Hochdeutsch, but simply from Latin to German. Since he was from the East of Germany he actually translated it into Sächsisch! ;) (At least that's what they told us at the Wartburg.)
+MusicKiimi is immer wieder interessant andere leute über deutschland reden zu hören, oder mal deutsche wörter sagen zu hören. XD Is immer ein highlight sowas in ner englischen serie zu hören. XD Und ja, brötchen sind absolut lecker. X3 am meisten mag ich schinken-käse-brötchen ^^
Garanty Nan Brötchen sind ekelhaft aber Deutsche sind zu hohl um sich mit anderen Kulturen auseinander zu setzen . Müsli oder Speck und Eier ist ein besseres und bekannteres Frühstück
As a german i must say: this Video is perfect. It Shows so many aspects people from other countries didnt know about, that i, as a german, kinda feels beeing more understood than before.
I've long respected Germany, not only the frankness and openness with which it treats the less than glorious parts of its past, but also how it always rose back to being a major power after setbacks. The USA benefitted from not being the battleground of either world war, but Germany successfully rebuilt itself despite physical destruction of its infrastructure and being limited by the terms of surrender.
already the first point is bullshit. we need the EU not because of our "nazi vergangenheit" and our reputation (nonsense!!!) but because of the "binnenhandel"! we trade with all those countries and have wonderful rules and regulations for doing so. watch as UK exits the EU, watch what happens. we are not stuck between a rock and a hard place. we look forward and fear all the things the UK, US, Canada and all the others do too.
That are thougts of a degenerated, strongly world-police and empireing, not human thinking person! Germany learned about these "kiddy" tings! You, too? Be "grown up" and we`ll speak later again...
Well, any country can leave the EU anytime. If you take a closer look, you will find that there are some similarities between NAFTA and the EU, even though the EU has a more centralized approach to regulation. And please do not get back to that bullshit about EU-officials being unelected, as it is simply not true. You may read up on the EU and the mechanisms involved. If there is a country in the western world that does not have real elections anymore, it is the USA. You need but 13 percent of all the votes to become President of the USA. (50 percent voters do not vote, so you need but 51 percent of all states and 51 percent of votes in those states). What is more, you cannot get elected without kissing the boots of big money. So please do not preach about "freedom and democracy".
Pretty cool video. But it sucks that Americans ( not everyone but every video that i saw ) show pictures of the old traditional houses. The problem is that the minority of our german houses looks like that.But everyone got that in mind.Okay its just a little thing but really.I hate it.
those houses look better than all modern houses could be in the USA. They have culture and history in it, and a cultural identity. Like the traditional houses or architecture in the skandinavic countries, france, italy and so on.
1: Rightwing and leftwing groups are strong in east Germany 2: The word on the video Eichhörnchenschwanz means squirrel's tail, not squirrel 6: The Reinheitsgebot was put in place to stop cheap brewed beer from poisoning people
Why came everybody always with the Free State of Bavaria example? Baveria is not the only Freistaat in Germany. There are also the ... Freie Hansestadt Bremen Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg Freistaat Thüringen and the Freistaat Sachsen
squirrel doesnt mean Eichhönrchenschwanz, its just Eichhörnchen. Eichhönrchenschwanz would be the tail of a squirrel. Source: I am german. Orchkatzelschword is correct though
Das schönste Land in Deutschlands Gaun, Das ist mein Badnerland Es ist so herrlich anzuschaun Und ruht in Gottes Hand. Drum grüß ich dich mein Badnerland, Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land, Der Schwab muss raus; Der Schwab muss raus; Der Schwab muss aus mein Badnerland! In Karlsruh' ist die Residenz, In Mannheim die Fabrik, In Rastatt steht die Festung und das ist Badens Glück. Drum grüß ich dich mein Badnerland, Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land, Der Schwab muss raus; Der Schwab muss raus; Der Schwab muss aus mein Badnerland! Alt Heidelberg du Feine, Du Stadt an Ehren reich, Am Neckar und am Rheine Keine andre kommt dir gleich. Drum grüß ich dich mein Badnerland, Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land, Der Schwab muss raus; Der Schwab muss raus; Der Schwab muss aus mein Badnerland!
not true, i live in rhineland- palatine (Rheinland-Pfalz) and we have an Oktoberfest in nearly every village! (ofcourse it might not be as big of a festival as in bavaria but we dress up in Dirndls and Lederhosen as well) idk about the rest of germany though
+LORD ALXWAS Yeah meanwhile Oktoberfest is everywhere even in Amerika :D but you are probably right about Squirrel I hear nobody saying Eichhörnichenschwanz to an Eichhörnchen
+Pia S Ich habe in Rheinland-Pfalz gelebt und ich habe niemals das Oktoberfest gesehen, in Speyer wir haben das Bretzel fest wobei sehr ähnlich aber nicht das selbe
Eichhörnchen means squirrel. Eichhörncbenschwanz means squirrel tail. Some villages got there own dialects, in my region many villages got their own dialect.
All my respect for your speaking in German. For me it's hell to write and sometimes to speak englisch words, so I don't know, how long you had to practice to say words like "Brötchen" with a "ö" ore our 16 "Bundesländer"! (Only funny was the "Oktoberfest". It sounds like "Oktobafest".) But everything else was spoken right and all the information were correct.
Ich staune immer wieder, wie wunderschön die Architektur und die Bauten an sich sind, genau so auch die Landschaft. Wenn man das jeden Tag sieht, dann stumpft man ab, aber in solchen Videos merkt man es dann schnell.
i only very recently learned the fact that our bread doesn't even exist in most parts of the world and i'm honestly shocked. my sister told me australians eat what we call "toast" (the white wobbly sandwich bread you put in the toaster) bread, and that they eat it raw. wich ist absolutely disgusting tbh. toast is literally the most shit-tier kind of bread out there.
i am, once again, impressed just how well researched, thought out, edited and presented these videos are .. exept for the :^) parts, i fell for before. fun fact: the reinheitsgebot was put into place to prevent the adulteration of beer with "witches plants" of the night shade family, and "bierpanscherei"= adulteration/cutting of beer was punishable by death.
Eichhörnchenschwanz is "Squirrel's Tail", not Squirrel itself. And not even Bavarian's like me say "Oachkatzlschwoaf" all the time(I am Bavarian), it is just a popular test to see if foreigners can pronounce it.
+Yakusoku no Ji Nope, nicht jeder. Ich komme von der bayerischen Grenze zu Hessen und spreche eine Kombination Hochdeutsch, Fränkisch und Hessisch. Vom bayerischen Dialekt habe ich leider nichts.
You're so good at speaking German that I thought you'd be bilingual or something. But then you said "Eichhörnschenschwanz" (squirrel tail) means squirrel 😂
greetings from germany. :D And Brötchen are really a total german thing? No wonder I can barely find any english words for them. You really missing out guys, they are freakin delicious, specially to breakfast. Try one baked with cheese and bacon pieces on top of it. It taste just great. X3 Also the german word for squirrel is just Eichhörnchen. Eichhörnchenschwanz would be squirrel tail....
kwanda Ngubane Very close. I can read Dutch newspapers and understand everything. Dutch people always understand German. It's more like two dialects than two languages. It's like comparing Spanish with Portuguese.
+Luey Er hat seit seinem ersten Lebensjahr geübt nur um dieses Video machen zu können. Das steht sogar in der Bibel. Wie du weißt nichts davon? Was bist du nur für ein Christ um das nicht zu wissen?! :D
+shellsbignumber2 I think that what many people don't realise is that Germany shouldn't have to pay for what has been done in the past. The national socialist party is finished, and the grand majority of the people associated with it are dead. The population of Germany alive today is innocent in regards to what happened during WW2. In fact, many people alive during WW2 were innocent, choosing not to speak up only to protect their families, even most of the soldiers were innocent, and didn't necesseraly agree with the decisions made. Germany was also a victim of it's own government. There are no winners in a war, only losers.
der dendunichtkennst Yes I did, I learned how to properly speak english before I learned fully learned german, and the "th" is pronounced similarly to the soft "ch" but with a few key differences. So long story short I had to have speaking lessions in my mother tongue
TheoneandonlyDrops bin in ohio aufgewachsen und hatte trotzdem kein problem "ch" auszusprechen. Wann hast du angefangen deutsch zu lernen? Meine eltern haben angefangen mir deutsch beizubringen als ich 4 war. Bin also quasi bilingual aufgewachsen.
You would be better of, without the € and a debt-cut, but within a federal europe. Sadly, a debt cut of yours will hurt the Germans, French and Swedes directly, since we are now the major debt owner. Mr. Schäuble must have got some nice payments from thoose private former DebtOwner...
+Max Mustermann Ja...dachte immer Bayern gehört nicht zu Deutschland ;) Und "squirrel" heißt doch nur Eichhörnschen und nicht Eichhörnchenschwanz...verwirrender Tag.
your pronounciation of german words are superb! I´m german and sometimes I cannot hear the difference between someone who say´s "Eichhörnchenschwanz" who is german and you! Great work, thumbsup!
+Jason Frontor u know the KKK? we got the same thing here in germany, if we dont illegalize them, they take over. Note on the video: Great pronunciation, much better than everything i would have expected from a english speaker
Jonas Schrippe ist aber auch die Bezeichnung für ein ganz bestimmtes Brötchen, ein Längliches mit Ausbund. Ich glaube Keines der gezeigten Brötchen ist eine Schrippe, jedes davon ist aber dennoch ein Brötchen :P
Of course no one know these! The only time we hear about Germany is when a world war documentary show up on TV, and you are known in football and finally cars!
That is really true. When I was a kid and my Aunt was still alive (She and her husband lived in Munich) and they visited us in the Heimat I would not understand a single word what her bavarian husband was talking although it is still German. Today I speak and understand bavarian in addition to the Swiss dialects (lived some time there) which is like a ticket to the worlds leading offices or something like that xD
So I also know these struggles because i´m coming from Potsdam (near Berlin) and it´s very difficult to understand the parents of the new wife of my father wich are from vienna but it´s similar to bavarian. :)
+Fishmachtdas Yupp. Eichhörnchenschwanz means sqirrel´s tail, same as ohrkatzelschwoaf (don´t nail me on the correct spelling with this one)sqirrel means eichhörnchen or Ohrkatzel ;) But you did a great job on that video
Wenn es irgendein Land hinbekommt Kulturen friedlich nebeneinander leben zu lassen dann doch wohl wir. Und dann gibts Leute die sich darüber aufregen dass wir so menschlich sind und Leuten helfen die größtenteils ohnehin wieder in ihr Land wollen wenn der Krieg vorbei ist...
Sean Krug Ein Großteil der Flüchtlinge hat Familie dort. Nach dem Krieg muss das Land wieder aufgebaut werden, aber ich habe die dunkle Vorahnung dass die USA nicht allzuviel Wohlstand nach Syrien kommen lassen...
+Koala Koala Syrien wird nie wieder so sein wie früher und das ist vielen klar. Die Familien werden auf die ein oder andere Weise nach Deutschland geholt und hoffentlich wird dann den Leuten klar das das Problem von Anfang an an der Wurzel zu lösen war.
As a German I have to say that it was overall a good video, but you made two mistakes: 1. It is wrong that Germany supports Greece and other states with high debts, because of the German history. We are supporting them, because Germany's economy is profiting the more than all the other European countries of the EU and furthermore the idea of a united Europe is outranking the negative aspects economy-wise. 2. Eichhörnchenschwanz means squirrel-tail ;)
I can only approve this, in fact I also wanted to point that out. I want to add though, that the money we send to greece doesn't really support it, and isn't really liked by most greek people. Thus, it's not the great "help" politicians try to claim it was/is. It's more complex than that, and just not as "nice" as it may seem.
wait wait wait wait wait!
other countrys don't have broetchen!? thats like the most basic food here o_o
ö_ö Cän nöt believe it!!
In Switzerland they have, was there on vacation. At least there... OO
But i could not belive that they dont know broetchen.
Aren't there Brioche in France, Panini Rustico in Italy and the Hotdog in the US? There must be something like Brötchen (which is, BTW, a general term) all over the western culture, at least.
A Hotdog bread is way to soft to be a Brötchen
Iwer Sonsch
I think its a culture thing, even if they have it, they dont need to essentially eat it very often.
Like, i know many people here who eat it every morning. My Family is a example of this. And thats common here i guess, while in most or any other countries it is different Oo,
Finally someone who's native tongue is English that pronounced German words almost perfectly
Ja! Fühlt sich richtig gut!
Thomas WernerThomasW Da ist jemand mit dem flaschen Fuß aufgestanden. Geh lieber wieder, dich mag hier sowieso keiner.
+Thomas WernerThomasW 1) Beruhig dich mal 2) Glaub mir, das hat er gut ausgesprochen, hab schon mal versuche gehört, da versteht man kein wort.
Ist er wirklich englisch ?
kein problem
Eichhörnchenschwanz doesn't mean squirrel, it would be the tail of the squirrel. Eichhörnchen means squirrel...
Na ja, war ja fast richtig. Immerhin hat er den Schwanz erwähnt. :D
True that
DennisTheGamer oachkatzlschwoaf
true because I am german
Eichhörnchenschwanz means squirrel's tail. It's called Oachkatzlschwoaf in Austrian dialect.
Eichhörnchen means squirrel. Eichhörncbenschwanz means squirrel tail. :D
Yeah I wondered about that too :,D
Yuno Gasai Immer wieder○_○
+Majoras_Bros :)
Yuno Gasai Ich habe Angst*_*
+Majoras_Bros Senpai... ^_^
Who comes from Germany:D?
Tim Kieninger iiich
Niedersachsen bestes Bundesland
jo, dor binnen lücht Ostfreesland
Cheesecake ikr
Cheesecake Brötchen are horrible im German their Hard As fuck
+Creeperkiller12n only if you leave them out exposed to air for too long, well made brötchen are delicious
Cheesecake yes some but be honest Most Are really hard
Natürlich haben wir in Österreich Brötchen :D
People, believe me: You do not know what you are missing with our great bread. Really your white, sweet Paper-Bread is bullshit compared to a good Graubrot (literally: Greybread).
Pff. "Vollkornbrot" is so much better than Toast. (and HEALTHIER)
And don't forget Vollkornbrötchen. The taste of a Brötchen but the health factor of Vollkorn
in south Germany its "Weckle"
Or "Semmel"
aber in italien gibt es auch semmelm
Wow! Your German is really good!
Lucas Möncher is halt bisschen überdeutlich
+Benedikt Bauer Na ja kommt auf den Akzent an Es klingt ganz gut meiner meinung
Lucas Möncher
Deutsche sind da wohl überkritisch
lala lu hey ich bin auch deutsch und finds gut :(
Lucas Möncher Find ich auch. I think so too.👍
I'm from germany and once I wanted to taste an american beer and I almost had to puke. :)
mr. deftig :)
heftig deftig
Mr. Deftig
Same for us on the Balkans for you meat (at least that's what my father says)
Miloš Štrbac German meat is really good. Especially pork
Germany is my favorite European country. I have been there twice
Sazzandara 1996 rlly haha I live there.
Mrs Zet I went to Berlin last year and Stuttgart last June
glad that you like it here
Sazzandara 1996 i live next to stuttgart XD
@@zora73 me too...haha
Im from germany and you sir did a very good job on this video. Im suprised how good you can pronounce our words. For most of the people i met outside germany it was pretty much impposible to pronounce the words i told them. So congratz to you. nicely done. you got yourself a thumbs up and a new subscriber (checked on you channel and rly liked it). Keep up the great work. Im excited to see what comes next.
Your German accent is so perfect (if you aren't already German)
As a German I'm surprised by how well you pronounced our words. I know people whose language is close to German and even they can't pronounce our words.
ich auch
+Highretrogamelord ich bin me
My grandfather was from Germany (he came to South Africa before WW2 as a dissident), and we still speak German in the family, but our pronunciation (and vocabulary) is nowhere near as good as the guy in this video :)
I don't think people from Germany would even understand some of what we say >.>
A sample of South African German: "Ach nee, der Fleisch ist zu gar geworden! Ich hab dich ja gewaarsku't, dass du es gut dophalten musst!"
Wolfie Inu I guess "gewaarsku't" is "gewarnt" (warned). Not sure what "dophalten" can mean though.
Highretrogamelord Genau :) "Dophalten" is to keep an eye on something ... I don't know how it's said in normal human German :P
Your German is good!!! Very interesting to watch this Video as an German!!
Gerizilla ich glaube das 80% der Zuschauer deutsche sind. 😂
greetings and respect to Germany from Saudi Arabia.
Yes you wanted Germany to win WW2.
@@semsemeini7905 No one asked you
@@semsemeini7905 what's wrong with you?
I'm born in Germany but I live in the uk and I couldn't live without brötchen and now I'm in the UK and i eat bread every single day 😂 lol (don't judge me 😐)
There is bread in the UK?
i wouldn´t call it bread. i hated english "bread".
Uh... Scones ? Are they called like this ?
Wait, wait, wait for moment! Are you serious? Other countries don't have Brötchen? I couldn't live without this!
Oh and btw really nice video I love it :) but one little "mistake" or better a little detail about the "states" cities like Berlin & Hamburg aren't states in the classic sense. They are something called Freistädte (free cities) in the old times these regions were allowed to have their own laws & being free from the bigger states their are in it. and that didn't changed at all until today.
+Onepidia blew my mind
+Onepidia Du meintest den sogenannten Stadtstaat, wie Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen....
Themenwechsel.... Und ich dachte wir wären alle in echt Weißwürschte xD ... obwohl ich die nicht mag, aber jagut...hab ich gesagt.... ... ... jap
+Onepidia er sagte ja auch dass sie nur "rarely" in anderen Ländern gefunden werden!:)
+Captain Davy Jones Wir sind keine Weißwürste...wir sind "Krauts". Weil die Bayern so viel Sauerkraut essen (da sieht man mal wieder was einem die Bayern bringen ;P )
Find ich aber schon dämlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass grad die Amis sich tonnenweise Sauerkraut selbst auf ihr so geliebtes FastFood klatchen... DA MUSS SPECK AUF DEN BURGER, kein Sauerkraut!
The comments are about
70% Germans saying "Hey look at me! Iam german", "I knew all these things" or "Your pronounciation is very good"
15% Guys saying Eichhoernschwanz means Squirrel tail and not squirrel (It doesnt make a difference in the Video, because the sense hes wanting to say, stays the same)
5% random guys saying random stuff (pls do this and this)
10% Guys really commenting on the things said in the video
+Zelop 1% Meta commentary comments like yours.
+Top Lists xD yeah, might be xDD
+Top Lists I have to say that the german word for squirrel is just Eichhörnchen. Eichhörnchenschwanz would be its tail. im proud to be german and i can confirm all these facts.
+Top Lists Why did you read out some of the ferderal state's names in English and some in German?
+Arne Krug Because that's what they're called in english. Some stayed in their original form.
And there isn't a speedlimit on the Highway :D
that is an old tale, but not true. some parts of some highways.
There is no general speed limit (except for an optimal speed of 130 kmh), however most parts of the road are regulated via signs.
MrGarlic of Course
Ekuah Martreb actually only on 40%
Not yet.... as soon as our government change to the fkng leftis or right-wing... everything is going to change.... pray for angela merkel
In your video Martin Luther seems to be a bad person, but actually he did many great things. He was the first person how translated the bible into high German, that was the moment high German was born and every common man could understand the bible. He also let the Bible print by Guttenberg and this is i believe the oldest printed book, the Guttenberg Bible.
Of course Luther caused a big war and many people died, but that isn't what he wanted.
He wanted everybody to understand Christianity and the Word of god by them selfs. Nobody should pay money for Rome to get rid of there sins.
He wanted to change the Church not split it. And he wanted that priests can marry and have a family because that is want humans do and God is greatful.
Just wanted that to say peace ✌️🏻
Nick he didnt translate it into high german but an ancestor of the nowadays german. go read the luther bible and you will see what I mean.
West Zar i wouldnt call it nowadays german, but maybe modern german
Yea, but nowadays we still have too many people who can't think of their own system for once and blindly follow a religion cause that's, ya know, much easier than thinking and living in fear of death what they would do if they wouldn't think for once. A shame
The narrator actually praised Martin Luther for his doings. He didn't say any bad word about him. o:
Also, Martin Luther didn't translate the Bible into Hochdeutsch, but simply from Latin to German. Since he was from the East of Germany he actually translated it into Sächsisch! ;) (At least that's what they told us at the Wartburg.)
SidMaron are you german?
I am german and it's amazing how you say that german words :D
+☛ SaayL ☚ Ich frage mich, ob er eine zeitlang in Deutschland gelebt hat, da er die deutschen Wörter fast akzentfrei gesagt hat.
Bobby Punkt Vielleicht vorher beim übersetzer angehört wie das ausgesprochen wird
same here :D
+☛ SaayL ☚ true
is einfach so :D
A Brötchen is really just a bun... But better. :D
I was waiting fot this, as a german girl I'm so happy about this video, thank you.
+MusicKiimi No, thank *you* for watching! I had a very nice time learning about your country.
+Top Lists You pronounced everything perfectly, how long did you practice? :)
sounds yummy!
+MusicKiimi is immer wieder interessant andere leute über deutschland reden zu hören, oder mal deutsche wörter sagen zu hören. XD Is immer ein highlight sowas in ner englischen serie zu hören. XD
Und ja, brötchen sind absolut lecker. X3 am meisten mag ich schinken-käse-brötchen ^^
No Brötchen in other Countrys?! Dafuq?! I didnt Know that! What do you eat? Xd
Garanty Nan rice? Nudel?
Garanty Nan Brötchen sind ekelhaft aber Deutsche sind zu hohl um sich mit anderen Kulturen auseinander zu setzen . Müsli oder Speck und Eier ist ein besseres und bekannteres Frühstück
+Creeperkiller12n raus
Helix-sama Ja des stimmt echt😂😂😂
Garanty Nan we have Brötchen (Chifle) I'm from Romania
As a german i must say: this Video is perfect. It Shows so many aspects people from other countries didnt know about, that i, as a german, kinda feels beeing more understood than before.
Eichhörnchenschwanz = Squirreltail
Eichhörnchen = Squirrel
tail - pervert ;-)
I've long respected Germany, not only the frankness and openness with which it treats the less than glorious parts of its past, but also how it always rose back to being a major power after setbacks. The USA benefitted from not being the battleground of either world war, but Germany successfully rebuilt itself despite physical destruction of its infrastructure and being limited by the terms of surrender.
"Eichörnchenschwanz" is the german word for the tail of a squirrel. The word for squirrel is just "Eichhörnchen".
Oder auf bayerisch oachkatzlschwoaf ^^
Ich komme aus Deutschland
+Adam Knabe hi ich auch
8:45 is wrong. A Squirrel doesn't "Eichhörnchenschwanz" its only "Eichhörnchen". the "schwanz" part means tail.
already the first point is bullshit. we need the EU not because of our "nazi vergangenheit" and our reputation (nonsense!!!) but because of the "binnenhandel"! we trade with all those countries and have wonderful rules and regulations for doing so. watch as UK exits the EU, watch what happens. we are not stuck between a rock and a hard place. we look forward and fear all the things the UK, US, Canada and all the others do too.
the stolpersteine are awesome though. i have stolpered over several of them.
You're right with the nazi past preventing germany to leave the uneffective Eurozone, but the brexit will show us the way out.
That are thougts of a degenerated, strongly world-police and empireing, not human thinking person! Germany learned about these "kiddy" tings! You, too?
Be "grown up" and we`ll speak later again...
Well, any country can leave the EU anytime.
If you take a closer look, you will find that there are some similarities between NAFTA and the EU, even though the EU has a more centralized approach to regulation.
And please do not get back to that bullshit about EU-officials being unelected, as it is simply not true. You may read up on the EU and the mechanisms involved.
If there is a country in the western world that does not have real elections anymore, it is the USA. You need but 13 percent of all the votes to become President of the USA. (50 percent voters do not vote, so you need but 51 percent of all states and 51 percent of votes in those states). What is more, you cannot get elected without kissing the boots of big money. So please do not preach about "freedom and democracy".
Snoopy Doopy Wie alt bist du?
That's not squirrel, it is "squirrel-tail"
Thank you
And Oktoberfest is also celebrated in the other states as well
+Flameclaws 0811 yeah, but it was "created" in germany :D
can't like in the RUclips app, so: Yes, *like*
Pretty cool video. But it sucks that Americans ( not everyone but every video that i saw ) show pictures of the old traditional houses. The problem is that the minority of our german houses looks like that.But everyone got that in mind.Okay its just a little thing but really.I hate it.
I know this feeling. I´m living near too Berlin and there are very unusual in this region. :)
You may be right i dont know much about the west german cities
The western cities are very modern
Ja,kann sein.Kenne nur NRW so gut.
those houses look better than all modern houses could be in the USA. They have culture and history in it, and a cultural identity. Like the traditional houses or architecture in the skandinavic countries, france, italy and so on.
1: Rightwing and leftwing groups are strong in east Germany
2: The word on the video Eichhörnchenschwanz means squirrel's tail, not squirrel
6: The Reinheitsgebot was put in place to stop cheap brewed beer from poisoning people
i didnt know "brötchen" wasn't a thing in the rest of the world :D
Die verpassen was xD
+2ndHandSoldier scheiße :)
rekt 420 get rekt
Aber des hoaßt doch Semmeln, zefix.
The word for squirrel is Eichhörnchen. Eichhörnchenschwanz means squirreltail
+Nightshade was laberst du für nen scheiss dein satz ist vorallem falsch auf englisch hahah
+Gametesterboy Cooles Bild! :D
mjacksonfan123 .:D :D danke danke du hast aber auch einen sehr hübschen typen auf deinem profilbild haha
+Gametesterboy haha xD
I'm german and I couldn't live without bread xD
+Noodlezz cup oder wies in berlin heißt schrippe... ich lieb meine Brötchen vom Bäcker Eifler :D Hesseee!
+Devil Ryu jo ein bakkes ist schon etwas schenes
+Devil Ryu brot meh. lieber wurst und schnitzel :D
TheVideogucker333 ja aber stell dir vor in den USA zu leben wo du ausschließlich toast/weißbrot essen kannst..
Devil Ryu
dann esse ich meine wurst halt auf pizza :D
Why came everybody always with the Free State of Bavaria example? Baveria is not the only Freistaat in Germany. There are also the ...
Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Freistaat Thüringen
and the Freistaat Sachsen
Because it's nice to be a preiß, but it's higher to be a bayer... and it's top to be a schwob ;-)
Oh mein Gott größter Lachflash meines Lebens :D
At least, Freistaat Bayern is correct. But I do not live in a Country named Baden-Wüdnbähg.
***** Ik verstol dei sprok nech.
squirrel doesnt mean Eichhönrchenschwanz, its just Eichhörnchen. Eichhönrchenschwanz would be the tail of a squirrel. Source: I am german.
Orchkatzelschword is correct though
its not. its "oachkatzlschwoaf. its not a sword.
source? im from bavaria.
Oachkatzlschwoaf still means Eichhörnchenschwanz. It should be just Oachkatzl.
well I am not from Bavaria, I always just heard oachkotzelschwoarf, sorry bout that
Noggix it was a typo. i meant to say swoaf or schwoarf or what ever, I am not bavarian
Damn that german pronounciation is on point.
(Im german btw)
Since beer literally is called "Liquid bread" here in germany, you are not exactly missing out on bread.
+InsaneCommunity lol!
Bier ist flüssiges Brot? Das hab ich noch nie gehört, ich glaub du meinst flüssiges Gold oder?
Pengin "Flüssig Brot"
+InsaneCommunity Hab ich noch nicht gehört, vielleicht üblich in Bayern, ich bin Bremer :D
+InsaneCommunity Das hab ich auch noch gehört aber es wird bei mir in der Heimat als Grundnahrungsmittel angesehen.
Über Baden lacht die Sonne, über Schwaben die ganze Welt.
haha :D
haha ... biste auch a badener ?
Finn Krabbe immer :D
pff... immer diese Badenser..
Das schönste Land in Deutschlands Gaun,
Das ist mein Badnerland
Es ist so herrlich anzuschaun
Und ruht in Gottes Hand.
Drum grüß ich dich mein Badnerland,
Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land,
Der Schwab muss raus;
Der Schwab muss raus;
Der Schwab muss aus mein Badnerland!
In Karlsruh' ist die Residenz,
In Mannheim die Fabrik,
In Rastatt steht die Festung
und das ist Badens Glück.
Drum grüß ich dich mein Badnerland,
Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land,
Der Schwab muss raus;
Der Schwab muss raus;
Der Schwab muss aus mein Badnerland!
Alt Heidelberg du Feine,
Du Stadt an Ehren reich,
Am Neckar und am Rheine
Keine andre kommt dir gleich.
Drum grüß ich dich mein Badnerland,
Du edle Perl' im deutschen Land,
Der Schwab muss raus;
Der Schwab muss raus;
Der Schwab muss aus mein Badnerland!
Without my daily Brötchen I would die... x'D
Brötcheeeen schmeckt scheißee
Itachi Uchiha Waaaaaaaas?!
+Itachi Uchiha wo kriegst du denn deine brötchen her?
bester man!
BIG misconception. Eichhoernchenschwanz means Squirrel's TAIL. And Oktoberfest is almost only in baveria and it's nabours.
not true, i live in rhineland- palatine (Rheinland-Pfalz) and we have an Oktoberfest in nearly every village! (ofcourse it might not be as big of a festival as in bavaria but we dress up in Dirndls and Lederhosen as well)
idk about the rest of germany though
+Pia S Es kommt eben drauf an.
+LORD ALXWAS Yeah meanwhile Oktoberfest is everywhere even in Amerika :D but you are probably right about Squirrel I hear nobody saying Eichhörnichenschwanz to an Eichhörnchen
oktoberfest ist einfach nur ein riesen großes Volksfest. Bei uns in BaWü gibt es auch haufen volksfeste für groß & klein.
+Pia S
Ich habe in Rheinland-Pfalz gelebt und ich habe niemals das Oktoberfest gesehen, in Speyer wir haben das Bretzel fest wobei sehr ähnlich aber nicht das selbe
I really have to admit - being a german - you're pronunciation is really good!
Er kann es auf jeden Fall besser betonen als ein Großteil unsere Jugend :'D
+Top Lists your german pronounciacion is very ood
das ist gut.
Eichhörnchen means squirrel. Eichhörncbenschwanz means squirrel tail.
Some villages got there own dialects, in my region many villages got their own dialect.
You're referring to Family Guy, aren't you? ^^
it is actually almost perfect to be honest
+Lalolauri ja find ich auch
eichhörnchen = squirrel
eichhörnchenschwanz = squirrel tail
Rip there ;D Where yould he get that from? ^^ Well, happens :3
But his pronouncication (or wateva) was pretty dang!
eichhörnchenschwanz = squirrel dick
Jay King bus
The Lunex at 9
as a german i have to say: excellent pronounciation of the german words, kudos!
Dieser Akzent xD
You can pronounce german words very well it sounds kinda funny but its verry impressive ;)
Besser als die meisten amerikaner auf youtube. :D
+Mr. Atomic Annahilation sogar besser als manche deutsche RUclipsr :D
+Stephen Hawking's Beauty Wheelchair
Hm, ich schaue keine deutschen youtuber. Zu viel minecraft und challenges. :D
+Mr. Atomic Annahilation Da hast du recht. Zu viele 8 jährige.
Ich mochte nicht wissen, wie lange die deutschen Wörter geübt wurden.
All my respect for your speaking in German. For me it's hell to write and sometimes to speak englisch words, so I don't know, how long you had to practice to say words like "Brötchen" with a "ö" ore our 16 "Bundesländer"! (Only funny was the "Oktoberfest". It sounds like "Oktobafest".) But everything else was spoken right and all the information were correct.
Ich staune immer wieder, wie wunderschön die Architektur und die Bauten an sich sind, genau so auch die Landschaft.
Wenn man das jeden Tag sieht, dann stumpft man ab, aber in solchen Videos merkt man es dann schnell.
i only very recently learned the fact that our bread doesn't even exist in most parts of the world and i'm honestly shocked. my sister told me australians eat what we call "toast" (the white wobbly sandwich bread you put in the toaster) bread, and that they eat it raw. wich ist absolutely disgusting tbh. toast is literally the most shit-tier kind of bread out there.
Da hast du noch nicht amerikanisches Brot probiert, bapsüß... Ein wirklicher Kulturschock! :)
Das sieht in Japan und Korea genauso aus. Da gibts 5 verschiedene Sorten Toast, von Leicht süß bis sehr süß. xD
SidMaron Korea und Japan sind aber auch scheisse
ebin Your sister is telling fibs
"Kölsch" is not a beer thats Horse pee :o
greetings from germany ;)
Kölsch is the best beer ever so shut up ;) :P
+MrRacleto although I live in Germany and my surname is actually "Kölsch" I've never drank this kind of beer.
+Zyntia Van Goth Still better than Oettinger :P
+abtriebTV Everything is better than Oettinger!
Oh Gott nein :D Kölsch ist beste :D
You're doing a great job at pronouncing everything, wow! I'm honestly impressed
u are spelling the words really good ;)
"piss water also known as coors light and bud wiser" hahahaaha
even canadiadn beir is better than that
+KneeStrikes nothing goes over "Krombacher"
+Nieder Sachse almost everything
+Creepa even Öttinger?
What country should we look at next?
+Top Lists Colombia!
Indonesia and Malaysia
why do i always end up watching "top x" videos?... why?!!!!!
+Nordi Mejia ;)
+Top Lists I'm from Germany and I liked that video....what about facts about Angela Merkel?
She such an important peronality
+pern star Are you from Germany?
+Graf Brot von WoT no why?
+pern star because apearently you arent or else you would know better
i am, once again, impressed just how well researched, thought out, edited and presented these videos are .. exept for the :^) parts, i fell for before.
fun fact: the reinheitsgebot was put into place to prevent the adulteration of beer with "witches plants" of the night shade family, and "bierpanscherei"= adulteration/cutting of beer was punishable by death.
"Eichhörnchenschwanz" actually means "Squirrel tail" and not only "squirrel". ;)
Eichhörnchenschwanz is "Squirrel's Tail", not Squirrel itself. And not even Bavarian's like me say "Oachkatzlschwoaf" all the time(I am Bavarian), it is just a popular test to see if foreigners can pronounce it.
+Yakusoku no Ji Oops, mentioned myself being Bavarian twice.
Plattfldeutsch und Bayrisch. Welten treffen auf einander...
Mit Welten hat das nichts zu tun. Nicht jeder Bayer spricht den tiefsten Urdialekt,
+Yakusoku no Ji Nope, nicht jeder. Ich komme von der bayerischen Grenze zu Hessen und spreche eine Kombination Hochdeutsch, Fränkisch und Hessisch. Vom bayerischen Dialekt habe ich leider nichts.
Also hast du mir gerade zugestimmt. Der Anfang war ein bisschen irreführend.
I'm from Indonesia. But I Love Germany so much. Respect.
one day the germans will come to your land
great just stay where you are.
+Igor Ljepoja 😂😂😂
Witze über Nazis sind nicht mehr lustig ?
"squrrel" means "Einhörnchen" in german und "Eichhörnchnschwanz" means "squrrel tail"
8:37 The german word for squirrel is "Eichhörnchen"! and "Eichhörnchenschwanz" means squirreltail!
How long did it took you to pronounce the German Words so good?
+Jeron Pusbat Did it take* wenn du in der Vergangenheit sprichst dann steht das folgende verb im infinitiv
+YnoT ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ein Grammatik Nazi ist wider unterwegs ^^
+Sgt. Wolf *wieder *Grammatiknazi ..... :3
+Sgt. Wolf heil dem duden. Naja so gut wie er deutsch konnte müssen wir deutschen jetzt mit dem englisch nachlegen ;)
+YnoT ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ^^
Hi! I'm from Germany and I must say you have a very nice german
pronunciation :D
I don't get it. Why do you prenounce German Words so well?
Your german pronunciation is so decent o.o Truly incredible.
Its very interresting to watche this video as an german :D
jap hab ich mir auch gedacht. und ich liebe es wenn er versucht hat Wörter auszusprechen ^.^
was er noch nicht mal so schlecht gemacht hat.
I know right? They fucking live from our economy system. x3
ja entfernen ja mein kampfen sterben zerstört
I'm impressed how well you can pronounce ö, ä and ü :D
You're so good at speaking German that I thought you'd be bilingual or something. But then you said "Eichhörnschenschwanz" (squirrel tail) means squirrel 😂
greetings from germany. :D And Brötchen are really a total german thing? No wonder I can barely find any english words for them. You really missing out guys, they are freakin delicious, specially to breakfast. Try one baked with cheese and bacon pieces on top of it. It taste just great. X3
Also the german word for squirrel is just Eichhörnchen. Eichhörnchenschwanz would be squirrel tail....
Ich liebe Kaiser Brotchen
Wie wär's mit roll oder bun als englische Übersetzung.
Brötchen gibt es überall auf der Welt. In Großbritannien nennt man sie "rolls".
Jan Richter
rolls? Klingt irgendwie falsch
+toongrowner1 ist aber richtig... Ich bin oft in Großbritannien ;-)
after months of being calles a nazi on the social media
i finally found a video that gave me hope that humanity is still out there -,-
Als ob wir die EU nur nicht verlassen würden, um nicht "Nazis" genannt zu werden -,-
Das ist zum teil wirklich die Wahrheit
habe ich mir auch so gedacht. D:
German sounds hard to learn
Depends on your mother tongue.
BewareOfTheKraut My mother tongue is Zulu lol
kwanda Ngubane
Maybe then it's not so easy to learn, but you already speak English, therefore you have a good basis to the Germanic language family.
BewareOfTheKraut how close is it to Dutch? In South Africa we have a language very close to Dutch call Afrikaans.
kwanda Ngubane
Very close. I can read Dutch newspapers and understand everything. Dutch people always understand German. It's more like two dialects than two languages. It's like comparing Spanish with Portuguese.
Is the speaker German? Sein Deutsch hört sich zu gut an um von einem Amerikaner zu kommen :D
Dacht ich auch so :D
+Roboboss14 Ich bin cool, Du bist cool?
+Luey Er hat seit seinem ersten Lebensjahr geübt nur um dieses Video machen zu können. Das steht sogar in der Bibel. Wie du weißt nichts davon? Was bist du nur für ein Christ um das nicht zu wissen?! :D
SirMalo Verdammt sei ich dies nicht zu wissen! Ich Narr!
Nein man hört immer noch am leichten akzent dass er ami ist. Aber die aussprache ist trotzdem gut gelungen
Germany the country who lost the war but won the peace.
+shellsbignumber2 I think that what many people don't realise is that Germany shouldn't have to pay for what has been done in the past. The national socialist party is finished, and the grand majority of the people associated with it are dead. The population of Germany alive today is innocent in regards to what happened during WW2. In fact, many people alive during WW2 were innocent, choosing not to speak up only to protect their families, even most of the soldiers were innocent, and didn't necesseraly agree with the decisions made. Germany was also a victim of it's own government. There are no winners in a war, only losers.
+Patrick O'Hare I stand by my comment as factually it cant be argued with.
shellsbignumber2 I never said you were wrong, in fact you are totally right :)
+shellsbignumber2 germany the country who save europe from rome
+DiePartei MitEiern about 1500 years ago...
its interresting to watch a video with facts about germany if you are german ☺
Aha sehr interessant
+firework15 I'm surprised at how good his pronunciation was. It took me 8 years to get the sof ch right. AND I AM german!
+TheoneandonlyDrops dann hast du nen sprachfehler
der dendunichtkennst Yes I did, I learned how to properly speak english before I learned fully learned german, and the "th" is pronounced similarly to the soft "ch" but with a few key differences. So long story short I had to have speaking lessions in my mother tongue
TheoneandonlyDrops bin in ohio aufgewachsen und hatte trotzdem kein problem "ch" auszusprechen. Wann hast du angefangen deutsch zu lernen? Meine eltern haben angefangen mir deutsch beizubringen als ich 4 war. Bin also quasi bilingual aufgewachsen.
Oh ok so Spain, Greece or Italy would be nothing without Germany. Cool to know.
I agree. The explanation in the video is very embarrassing.
You would be better of, without the € and a debt-cut, but within a federal europe. Sadly, a debt cut of yours will hurt the Germans, French and Swedes directly, since we are now the major debt owner. Mr. Schäuble must have got some nice payments from thoose private former DebtOwner...
You don't have to like it but it's true. Especially in regards to Greece and Spain.
Yes Spain was an ally of Nazi Germany. big friends.
The word for squirrel is "Eichhörnchen", while "Eichhörnchenschwanz" would be the tail of a squirrel ;) :)
funny to See That as a german
mega witzig 😂
+Moritz vom Hofe jup
+Max Mustermann Ja...dachte immer Bayern gehört nicht zu Deutschland ;) Und "squirrel" heißt doch nur Eichhörnschen und nicht Eichhörnchenschwanz...verwirrender Tag.
your pronounciation of german words are superb! I´m german and sometimes I cannot hear the difference between someone who say´s "Eichhörnchenschwanz" who is german and you! Great work, thumbsup!
i'm impressed by the level of research that has gone into this video... you've captured a lot of the essence of german culture and problems...
Beliar26 du hast recht das mit dem Stolperstein und brötchen wusste ich selber nicht
The German Word for squirrel isn't Eichhörnchenschwanz. It's only Eichhörnchen. Eichhörnchenschwanz is the German word for Squirreltail.
Eichhörnchenschwanz actually means "tail of a squirrel"
yes xD
yes xD
Germany won't be able to become as great as it was unless they stop being afraid of their past.
+Jason Frontor u know the KKK? we got the same thing here in germany, if we dont illegalize them, they take over.
Note on the video: Great pronunciation, much better than everything i would have expected from a english speaker
+Max Kruse KKK? Was fürn Schwachsinn.
+Max Kruse Do not have such high expectations on someone´s English, if you write "a english speaker".
+Max Kruse komm, laber keinen Scheiß.
+GTACinema Studios noch nie was vom KuckucksClan gehört?
I`m from germany and even i learned something from this video
The pronunciation of german words is great, good work
the world doesn't have brötchen?
the fuck do you eat in the morning?
+nero91 Yes we do you stupid fuck its called diffrent names here its called rundstykker
He called Kölsch a beer o_O
+DocRattie Ist kölsch denn keins? :D
ThePompf Kölsch fällt unter die Seifenwasser-Referenz.
+ThePompf kölsch ist eine Beleidigung für jedes Bier 😅
+Aleksandra Jenkins wie kommst du auf Düsseldorf? 😂 ich wohn in Brandenburg bhahahaha
+Sebastian Zimmermann Oettinger ist Schlimmer. Ich trinke zwar nicht oft Bier, aber meine Fresse, schmeckt des kacke!
"Brötchen"? It's called "Semmel"! :P
(At least in southern Germany)
And there are even more words for just the same. But I am too lazy to look them up :P
Nice list about Germany
Labla (Bayreuth)
Schrippe (Norddeutschland)
Schrippe ist aber auch die Bezeichnung für ein ganz bestimmtes Brötchen, ein Längliches mit Ausbund. Ich glaube Keines der gezeigten Brötchen ist eine Schrippe, jedes davon ist aber dennoch ein Brötchen :P
LoL bei uns heisst es Weckle komm aus dem schönen Schwabenländle^^
pedro caridade
pokemon auf japanisch plus sprachsteuerung: sesamweckle schlägt alles xDD
Es gibt in anderen Ländern keine Btötchen? Worauf essen die dann ihr Mett? :o
+the Klaus hab ich mich auch gerade gefragt, die armen Leute :D
+c00nStar2 einfach nur krank :(
+c00nStar2 einfach nur krank :(
sie essen das Mettbrötchen ohne Brötchen
welch ein trauriger Gedanke
now i love Germany even more
Thank's :3
Fuck off youre not welcome
+Vincent Vega You died horribly in the movie.
+Vincent Vega Halt einfach dein Maul.
+Axel Neri cuz u watched a video .. dont lie .. i seriously mean this .. why the fuck ?
what the fuck?
This video should be called 10 random well known facts about Germany
+ofesTer KING THANK YOU! I was thinking the same! Well, I am from Germany, but I was just like: Don't tell me people actually don't know these?
+Serena Leander Vor allem die ganze DDR Geschichte sollte doch den meisten bekannt sein.
+はたけカカシ wir sprechen hier über die amis das ist dir doch klar oder?
+tagandorf de guter punkt! xD
Of course no one know these! The only time we hear about Germany is when a world war documentary show up on TV, and you are known in football and finally cars!
That is really true. When I was a kid and my Aunt was still alive (She and her husband lived in Munich) and they visited us in the Heimat I would not understand a single word what her bavarian husband was talking although it is still German. Today I speak and understand bavarian in addition to the Swiss dialects (lived some time there) which is like a ticket to the worlds leading offices or something like that xD
So I also know these struggles because i´m coming from Potsdam (near Berlin) and it´s very difficult to understand the parents of the new wife of my father wich are from vienna but it´s similar to bavarian. :)
it's not the word for squirrel, it the word for the Tail of a squirrel... Schwanz means the same as tail
+Fishmachtdas or in some cases a nickname for "penis".... not making that up.
+toongrowner1 oachkatzelschwoaf
Marius Müller
noch nie gehört...
+toongrowner1 dann nehme ich mal an dass du eher aus dem Norden von Deutschland kommst.
Yupp. Eichhörnchenschwanz means sqirrel´s tail, same as ohrkatzelschwoaf (don´t nail me on the correct spelling with this one)sqirrel means eichhörnchen or Ohrkatzel ;)
But you did a great job on that video
Wenn es irgendein Land hinbekommt Kulturen friedlich nebeneinander leben zu lassen dann doch wohl wir. Und dann gibts Leute die sich darüber aufregen dass wir so menschlich sind und Leuten helfen die größtenteils ohnehin wieder in ihr Land wollen wenn der Krieg vorbei ist...
Die wollen sicher nicht mehr aus Eigenantrieb in ihr Land, wenn doch in Deutschland wirklich alles besser ist.
Sean Krug Ein Großteil der Flüchtlinge hat Familie dort. Nach dem Krieg muss das Land wieder aufgebaut werden, aber ich habe die dunkle Vorahnung dass die USA nicht allzuviel Wohlstand nach Syrien kommen lassen...
+Koala Koala Syrien wird nie wieder so sein wie früher und das ist vielen klar. Die Familien werden auf die ein oder andere Weise nach Deutschland geholt und hoffentlich wird dann den Leuten klar das das Problem von Anfang an an der Wurzel zu lösen war.
+Sean Krug Du verstehst nicht wie komplex das alles ist ...
+Koala Koala tja Problem ist nur die finden es hier so gut das sie nie mehr zurück wollen und am besten noch die restfamilie hierher holen möchten.
As a German I have to say that it was overall a good video, but you made two mistakes:
1. It is wrong that Germany supports Greece and other states with high debts, because of the German history.
We are supporting them, because Germany's economy is profiting the more than all the other European countries of the EU and furthermore the idea of a united Europe is outranking the negative aspects economy-wise.
2. Eichhörnchenschwanz means squirrel-tail ;)
I can only approve this, in fact I also wanted to point that out.
I want to add though, that the money we send to greece doesn't really support it, and isn't really liked by most greek people. Thus, it's not the great "help" politicians try to claim it was/is. It's more complex than that, and just not as "nice" as it may seem.
8:40 Squirrel just means Eichhörnchen not Eichhörnchenschwanz xD
Eichhörnchenschwanz is the tail of a squirrel...
As a german, I am vey impressed about the pronunciation of the german words. Well done. :)
Btw: The Reinheitsgebot has its 500-years-aniversary right now.
The pronouncing is awesome! Almost perfect!
Your german pronounciation is so good! :D