Yaaassss, David bringing the truth!! PREACH PREACHA! Lol. There are people with no food!! My husband grew up in extreme poverty and has two masters and is finishing his PhD, talk to HIS ass about struggles. Lord have mercy with this crap. I can't.
lovelylouro yes, what a struggle we don't know what our 8 month year old gender baby is and we don't want him to be put in a box. Are u joking ur baby doesn't give a fuck let him choose when he's comfortable not when the parent is comfortable
The parent is being ridiculous. Just because that person says they were confused doesn't mean the child will be. This unknown nonsense is just potentially complicating stuff for the child in the future . This is pushing the parents views on the baby and the forcing the kid to listen to this as the child grows up. The baby is going to struggle and not have a choice because the parent just wants to make their childs life harder than it needs to be.
I agree with Bart when he says "I understand their battle and I support them. I just think this is the wrong way if its a health card." Couldn't have said it any better.
littlepiggydog on IG Right like just because you had issues growing up with having your sex on your ID, doesn't mean the child will have issues with being called a boy or girl. That's the same thing as a soccer mom pushing her dreams into her child & driving them insane.
Martin S still doesn’t mean i can be any sex I want. I can’t just implant a alien dick and call myself Alienistic or sum bullshit. Like science and biology and the way the Earth works doesn’t just change because people make up a gender.
There was an intersex person who made a reaction video about JK talking about a very similar issue. Theyre gonna get heat for this as well. I believe what they say in this video but again people dont wanna hear what they dont want to hear.
I am with David with this it is very logical and also Bart about medically. Isn't a regular male and female with the same body weight and medical record be given different doses of medication just on the fact if they have a penis or not in between their legs? Its kinda important.
The logic of the whole "blank slate" thing makes no sense to me. The child might not have an assigned sex on paper, but that doesn't mean that they won't see their biological sex every time they undress. I completely understand that the parent will try to give the kid freedom to identify how they chose without pressure which is great. However, the parent can't act like the kid can be shielded from and made blind about a visual and physical fact of their body.
Hermaphrodite is actually a Greek God. Son of Aphrodite and Hermes. A water nymph fell in love with Hermaphrodite and wished to be with him forever and her wish came true by becoming fused with Hermaphrodite
Hermaphroditus* Child * Them* And the nymph story is only one origin story. Not all Neo-Hellenics believe in that version. That's Ovid's version. Use Gender-Neutral terms when you speak of them.
A child should be given its biological gender so when it grows older it has a better understanding of the people around it and societal norms. And if it wishes in the it can identify as any part of the LGBT community rather than having it grow up confused about who or what it is.
Instead of deciding the babys sex as unknown, they should just stick to raising the baby with acceptance and encouragement to be whoever they want. No need for this U sex shit. Be whoever.
Zen Natalie it's like for the public to deal with. Like bathrooms or maybe all male all female schools. I bet the parents also don't care about the child being identified as male female unidentified
So if the baby is fuckin kidnapped what will he tell the police to look for ? a girl or a boy ? This shit is getting fuckin ridiculous , its the night of the mind.
You tell them to look for the gender they look like, or maybe, y'know, describe what they fucking look like, how tall they are, what they weigh, etc. rather than "MY BABY BOY HAS GONE MISSING"
Do whatever you want with gender but not the sex. Sex is what the baby is born with. This mom is doing the extra ... what if the kid just turns out straight and then has to go through all this paper work for something that should of been there already. People need to step back sometimes with all of this 🙄
It's Katrine Then the kid should appreciate the parent giving them the right to say without assumptions. What if the kid doesn't identify as a straight female? Then what. It's none of any of your business to judge in the first place.
the . what if the kid identifies as female in general, you don't have to be straight to identify as female. Gender and sex are different and it's ridiculous that the parent is trying to use gender for sex on documentation.
Outlaw Quan Exactly. The child has no choice. This is all about the parents and how they feel so this person is already pushing their opinions on the baby. The parent didn't need to remove if the baby is a boy or a girl off the card and has made the kids life harder.
I'm concerned how that babies psyche and and health will be affected by being in the womb of a biologically female human on steroids. Ironically that might actually create gender dysphoria in the future.
Everyone's fired up in the comment section meanwhile I'm struggling trying to figure out what the editor was pointing out at 0:09 in the left corner, only to discover it's just a hula hoop behind David.
KyokushinAvocado Soup. Biologically, men are born with earlier physical developments and higher physical ability (testosterone production) than women. Of course there are fantastically athletic women who are vastly more physically capable than a majority of men, but if were to judge "masculinity" based on physical ability and accurately compare subjects of each gender, men are more masculine.
Sex: Physical genitalia Gender: Identity Pronouns: Preferred identification Appearance: Presented gender For medical purposes and whatnot, yes, sex should be used. For things like "What gender are you?" that don't really need to have anything to do with your physical body, whatever makes that person comfortable should be used. Sex, Gender, Pronoun, or Appearance based, so be it.
It doesn't matter how anyone feels sex is science and your feelings don't change science. Stable facts do that. LMFAO David was like "the fuq are you talking about?"
Let's get this straight. You can feel like you are the opposite gender, change yourself if you feel like, I don't care. But there are females and males. Not gender unknown. You can decided what you identify as later but don't just start assuming every baby doesn't know what they are.
this is the most confusing shit i'm not even gonna try understanding anymore all i understand is that, with sex you NEED to have that bc in the end you can't really change what is being shown in your body. one may be transgender yet their sex is STILL fe/male they just identify as fe/male that's all i understood
Just to let everybody know that Romance languages dont have a neutral, everything is either femmal or male (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romenian)
It's people like this who make the LGBTQ+ community not be taken seriously. It's a real shame. People have worked so hard to help others understand what we go through and that it is based on scientific and psychological evidence. But then we have convoluted people within our community who like to throw logic out the window and draw more negativity to the community. I hope this sheds light on the fact that we are not a perfect community and that we are still human. Please keep in mind that one's actions, one's beliefs do not represent the community as whole.
Din Ohe what do you mean what we go through? You aren't special, you are as normal as the next person, why should how you feel make you more special than me, I go through lot's of problems being male.
Asuna Yuuki I wasn't talking shit, I literally said they were normal, but I wouldn't say anything I said if the original commenter rephrased what they were trying to say, I can say I was a bit harsh because they are really nice.
Hermaphrodite (Hermaphrodus) is the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. One day a nymph fell in love with him and pushed him into a magical spring. She prayed that they would never be separated and so their bodies were forever combined. That is where the term hermaphrodite comes from although intersexed is the preferred terminology.
Blake Quinn i know what it means.. damn why are you getting defensive?? When they said the comment they were saying that her skin was too pale.. meaning that she needed a tan..
TheICEgirl6100 we’re not really against two sexes (it does get complicated though because things don’t always work out perfectly) we’re against two genders
@@actingout374 theyre still the same thing tho. trans is fine, sometimes people are born with opposite gender minds, but theres no such thing as no gender or both
AlexJade13 I agree I’m FTM and I’m iffy on the nonbinary concept but genderfluid isn’t a thing in my opinion because it just doesn’t make sense scientifically.
No offence to anyone but I liked the world better when the sex was decided by X and Y chromosomes, and not your fragile little feelings. But thats just me.
Anchit Kumar Here's the strange thing: Some people who are confused about their gender actually have good reason to be. Some people are chromosomally (I know that's not a word) female XX but were born with male genitals. The amount of testosterone present during development determines the babies genitals, not necessarily the genes.
Anchit Kumar sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes.... no OFFENSE** to anyone but i feel like YOUR fragile feelings are being affected, consdering the identification of someone's gender has nothing to do with you and won't have any effect on you
Ae Bie i dont think you understand the difference between sex and gender Sex: what you are born with. Gender: what you feel like or believe you are or should be. Im saying that sex is something that should be stated along with an unknown in gender section, it doesn't matter what your gender choice will be later on but sex is a biological fact and sex should be stated until you actually decide what you choose.
dumb. the kid will still have to change all the govt docs once he/she identifies with one or the other. pick one and there's 50% chance of being right.
I read a book called "None of the Above", where a teen girl finds out that she is actually hermaphrodite.its realistic fiction and it really teaches you a lot .
Okay, I get the adult wants to be whatever the fuck they want with their life, but don't control the baby like that. they need to know the sex, not this "u" shit. let the baby live their own life as their sex, and *IF* the baby wants to change their gender from their sex as an consenting adult, sure. this is how she/he/whatever is gonna get bullied because of the controlling parent.
youre an idiot because you cant seem to understand the difference between sex and gender. the child's actual gender is INTERSEX (U) because they have two genitals. As the child grows up, they can decide whether their gender is boy or female and which biological sex they'd prefer to be. Children develope gender identities as they grow up, and they will NATURALLY incline towards a certain one without having the parent push it toward one side (only shopping in the girl's barbie section or only shopping in the boy's guns and fighting toys section)
OMG Right! its kind of like the parent wants it to be something so from day one is pushing the kid so they grow up with that idea like know. you can't influence them to think like you you have to let THEM make that decision when they grow up.
Ae Bie 1) I think you mean the child's SEX is intersex. 2) Can you please provide either a time stamp or link to an article stating the kid is intersex? So far all I've seen and heard is that the parent of the kid doesn't want it's GENDER to be assigned to it, even though the ID card and all other documentation is asking for SEX.
That's exactly what they're doing tho lol they're not controlling the baby and letting him figure it out his own gender as he lives. But the problem is people seem to forget that gender =/= sex.
Guys just use "ye". It's an old singular pronoun that has no gender. It's not used in modern speech anymore but maybe we can bring it back to solve this issue.
Sex is biological and gender is subjective. I dont give a fuck with whatever you identify with. If you are a cool person then that's all i care about. If it doesn't apply to me then I aint worried about it
The problem with this whole issue is when someone decides they want to be the opposite sex, most deny they were ever even born as whatever sex they were born as. You can't simply escape what you were born as. Everyone needs to accept how they were born, whether it be without the typical mom and dad, whatever ethnicity, male or female. Even if you change your sex, there is a difference between someone who has changed to a female and were born a female, and there is nothing wrong with that. And what makes the subject worse are people making up their own genders to fit their personality. Saying there are "infinite genders". They're basically confusing the word gender with personality. Honestly I think the word gender and sex should literally mean the exact same thing. Because why use gender to describe the difference between a boy and a man, when you can use the word maturity and or sexual development to describe the difference between a boy and a man. Especially when gender has two definitions, which are male or female and what society sees you as i.e. boy or man.
How hard is it to respect someone? Their gender doesn't even concern me, so I don't give a shit. I'll just call the person what they prefer. It doesn't change my life in any way.
I never got why people insist that changing your gender is completely normal. If someone tried bleaching their skin to become white because they want to be part of the white race, you'd say that they are mentally ill and that they need to seek mental help. But if someone tries to change their gender from male to female then you'd say it's normal and you shouldn't judge because it's their choice?
Srsly !! I'm fine with parents maybe letting their kids be more open about themselves when they are more self-aware..for example when it comes to toys or whatever..but biologically your either born a girl, boy, or with both parts...all of this "im genderless" stuff is so confusing.
JoJiJoJo gender is different to sex. Gender is culturally assigned, sex is biologically determined. Just like culture is culturally assigned and ethnicity is biologically determined.
+Jeannie It says sex on the ID though... you could argue for gender and I have no problem with what you identify as, the issue with IDs is that the purpose of having the sex on there is so that if you become a criminal law enforcement could profile/identify you. So for the purpose with IDs, keep it to 3 options max.
So tired of this. I think it's a comprehension problem. Another problem is when people make a specific comparison that's a false equivalency but claim it fits.
I love the way David So thinks. that's why I follow him, because I can follow his train of thought. even when we disagree, I see what he is saying and where he is coming from so I can never call him ignorant or stupid because he isn't. he just isn't. I especially love that he is open to being educated on something he doesn't understand if you come at him respectfully.
I think this okay as long as we no longer allow for "sex" and "gender" to be used interchangeably , or as synonyms. Let sex stand for chromosomes and gender stand for how you feel, male and female for sex, man and woman for gender I guess. **sigh**
I agree with the gender being man or women. For the sex I think they should add a "I or F/M" aside from "F" and "M" for the sex option. Intersex people are born with both the sexual anatomy of female and male parts, therefore biologically a female and male. Some might look male outside but have female organs, and vice versa. So definning them as male on their medical card doesn't really help medics. Knowing that they are intersex will help medics narrow down the problem faster and possibly help determine medication. Transgender is different. They were born the opposite gender of what they identify as. Intersex and transgender are not interchangeable.
Yes but identify as someone who doesnt care about pronouns, you can use he or she and i wouldn't care but my sex is female. I dont think theres anything wrong with identifying as something in between as long as you use your biological sex for when the situation calls for it.
The parent was wrong in this case. Sex is biological and gender is societal. I personally am nonbinary (I don't feel as if I fit in with the stereotypical boy/girl gender cliques) and I'm perfectly fine with stating my sex. One is how you feel and the other is what you are, one you can research and identify with the other you cannot. I feel like things like this make the LGBT+ community seen as a joke. This and the Tumblr pronouns (I prefer they/them and personally find the ze/zir things to be stupid...again, just me) have set out a pretty bad rap for this entire gender debacle. But in response to the "they pronouns mess up the language" I may be the only one that does this but if I don't know a persons sex, like if they have a gender neutral name (Taylor, Casey, Jamie, Alex, etc) I refer to the person as they until I personally meet them. Again, that may just be me but normally people understand what I mean.
“They” can be plural or non plural but it depends on context. Example: “Who is that person over there? [They’re] just sitting there staring at the sun...”
Maybe IDs should state gender instead of sex. Obviously medical records should state both and what gender confirmation treatments and surgeries have been done.
Ima youtuber but identify as a public figure or content creator
Joe Jo I identify as a pansexual genderfluid lesbian
I identify as an attack helicopter.
Did you just assume my gender?
This IS first world problems ..HAHAHA XD
Joe Jo funny you guys can't tell the difference between gender and sex
"Biology is not a belief it's a fact"
THIS 👆!!!!!
Sophie yo I saw this right as David said it 😂
Yeah but he still said this in regards to sex, not gender. He still said gender is a product of culture
Sophie evolution is just a theory
McSnezzly exactly. No one is disagreeing with that
Thank you david for representing the logical side of society
Yaaassss, David bringing the truth!! PREACH PREACHA! Lol. There are people with no food!! My husband grew up in extreme poverty and has two masters and is finishing his PhD, talk to HIS ass about struggles. Lord have mercy with this crap. I can't.
lovelylouro yes, what a struggle we don't know what our 8 month year old gender baby is and we don't want him to be put in a box. Are u joking ur baby doesn't give a fuck let him choose when he's comfortable not when the parent is comfortable
lovelylouro congrats to your husband!!
The parent is being ridiculous. Just because that person says they were confused doesn't mean the child will be. This unknown nonsense is just potentially complicating stuff for the child in the future . This is pushing the parents views on the baby and the forcing the kid to listen to this as the child grows up. The baby is going to struggle and not have a choice because the parent just wants to make their childs life harder than it needs to be.
imwaytoshort frs
I agree with Bart when he says "I understand their battle and I support them. I just think this is the wrong way if its a health card." Couldn't have said it any better.
so someone who doesnt want people to assume their gender just assumed that their baby identifies as unknown rather than male or female, same
littlepiggydog on IG
Right like just because you had issues growing up with having your sex on your ID, doesn't mean the child will have issues with being called a boy or girl.
That's the same thing as a soccer mom pushing her dreams into her child & driving them insane.
littlepiggydog on IG dude yes, thank you for this comment 🙌🏻
littlepiggydog on IG S M H. This shit makes me wanna jump off a bridge. Like wtf is this gender fluid bull shit
Martin S still doesn’t mean i can be any sex I want. I can’t just implant a alien dick and call myself Alienistic or sum bullshit. Like science and biology and the way the Earth works doesn’t just change because people make up a gender.
YES DAVID! finally someone talking sensibly around this issue. loved this episode, very well addressed.
Yes, I'm with David on this one
Ruby S. Yeah same I feel for the parent but I also believe that sex is biological and what you identify as is different
same here so much conflicts for nothing
There was an intersex person who made a reaction video about JK talking about a very similar issue. Theyre gonna get heat for this as well. I believe what they say in this video but again people dont wanna hear what they dont want to hear.
I am with David with this it is very logical and also Bart about medically. Isn't a regular male and female with the same body weight and medical record be given different doses of medication just on the fact if they have a penis or not in between their legs? Its kinda important.
The logic of the whole "blank slate" thing makes no sense to me. The child might not have an assigned sex on paper, but that doesn't mean that they won't see their biological sex every time they undress. I completely understand that the parent will try to give the kid freedom to identify how they chose without pressure which is great. However, the parent can't act like the kid can be shielded from and made blind about a visual and physical fact of their body.
Hermaphrodite is actually a Greek God. Son of Aphrodite and Hermes. A water nymph fell in love with Hermaphrodite and wished to be with him forever and her wish came true by becoming fused with Hermaphrodite
Yassss greek mythology come through!!!
@@C00kii0 It's Theology not mythology. It's an officially recognized religion now.
Hermaphroditus* Child * Them* And the nymph story is only one origin story. Not all Neo-Hellenics believe in that version. That's Ovid's version. Use Gender-Neutral terms when you speak of them.
@@JinsolLee shut up
A child should be given its biological gender so when it grows older it has a better understanding of the people around it and societal norms. And if it wishes in the it can identify as any part of the LGBT community rather than having it grow up confused about who or what it is.
I'm somewhat against this gender fluid bs but I completely agree with this
I'm so glad David was here for this one
This shit makes my brain hurt
My brain doesn't like to process stupid shit like this
AnEverydayThing It actually kind of is.
Jaye 鹿 fr
Jaye 鹿 I'm so confused.
Thats why you pay attention in class
Instead of deciding the babys sex as unknown, they should just stick to raising the baby with acceptance and encouragement to be whoever they want. No need for this U sex shit. Be whoever.
Zen Natalie it's like for the public to deal with. Like bathrooms or maybe all male all female schools. I bet the parents also don't care about the child being identified as male female unidentified
Then everyone lived happily ever after.
No, you moron. You can't just be "whoever". You're either male or female.
MrFredstt biologically yes, gender wise? No. Even biology-wise, intersex is just intersex.
MrFredstt no you are the moron there is trans people too so they are both you moron
So if the baby is fuckin kidnapped what will he tell the police to look for ? a girl or a boy ? This shit is getting fuckin ridiculous , its the night of the mind.
solmyr2 EXACTLY what i was thinking!
You tell them to look for the gender they look like, or maybe, y'know, describe what they fucking look like, how tall they are, what they weigh, etc. rather than "MY BABY BOY HAS GONE MISSING"
Do whatever you want with gender but not the sex. Sex is what the baby is born with. This mom is doing the extra ... what if the kid just turns out straight and then has to go through all this paper work for something that should of been there already. People need to step back sometimes with all of this 🙄
It's Katrine Then the kid should appreciate the parent giving them the right to say without assumptions. What if the kid doesn't identify as a straight female? Then what. It's none of any of your business to judge in the first place.
the . what if the kid identifies as female in general, you don't have to be straight to identify as female.
Gender and sex are different and it's ridiculous that the parent is trying to use gender for sex on documentation.
the, The kid don't got to appreciate shit, especially since the parent is giving them virtually no say as they grow up what they legally identify as.
Outlaw Quan Exactly. The child has no choice. This is all about the parents and how they feel so this person is already pushing their opinions on the baby. The parent didn't need to remove if the baby is a boy or a girl off the card and has made the kids life harder.
I'm concerned how that babies psyche and and health will be affected by being in the womb of a biologically female human on steroids.
Ironically that might actually create gender dysphoria in the future.
The baby's initials spells S.A.D
You are right. Just realized it too. Let us not hope it would not be linked to the baby's entire life.
Kevin Marcelin OML
lmao i feel sad for that baby.
Everyone's fired up in the comment section meanwhile I'm struggling trying to figure out what the editor was pointing out at 0:09 in the left corner, only to discover it's just a hula hoop behind David.
If gender is a social construct, isn't transgender a social construct too? Just a thought.
to not hurt feelings lol
Can I slide into your DMs?
Zen Natalie no
Madison Shi that's factually true... Men are masculine.. More so than some women...
KyokushinAvocado Soup. Biologically, men are born with earlier physical developments and higher physical ability (testosterone production) than women. Of course there are fantastically athletic women who are vastly more physically capable than a majority of men, but if were to judge "masculinity" based on physical ability and accurately compare subjects of each gender, men are more masculine.
Sex: Physical genitalia
Gender: Identity
Pronouns: Preferred identification
Appearance: Presented gender
For medical purposes and whatnot, yes, sex should be used.
For things like "What gender are you?" that don't really need to have anything to do with your physical body, whatever makes that person comfortable should be used. Sex, Gender, Pronoun, or Appearance based, so be it.
It doesn't matter how anyone feels sex is science and your feelings don't change science. Stable facts do that. LMFAO David was like "the fuq are you talking about?"
Johnathan Roan Umm.. Science is how white-cis-males opresses us. So FUCK YOUR FACTS YOU NAZI!
Three Equals D foh u simp
Let's get this straight. You can feel like you are the opposite gender, change yourself if you feel like, I don't care.
But there are females and males. Not gender unknown. You can decided what you identify as later but don't just start assuming every baby doesn't know what they are.
pandakitty01 when did the orginal post say anything about gender and sex being the same thing?
LuminaryPrism75 sex and gender are different
pandakitty01 Intersex is a group of medical conditions/congenital anomalies, not a third sex.
Lalaoopsy Hg thankx
me gen then maybe people shouldn't try treating gender like it's your sex, like in the video.
this is the most confusing shit i'm not even gonna try understanding anymore
all i understand is that, with sex you NEED to have that bc in the end you can't really change what is being shown in your body. one may be transgender yet their sex is STILL fe/male they just identify as fe/male
that's all i understood
phenotypes are a lie 😫😫
Just to let everybody know that Romance languages dont have a neutral, everything is either femmal or male
(French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romenian)
In the order of the languages you listed:
He: il, él, ele, lui, el
She: elle, ella, ela, lei, ea
They: ils, ellos, eles, essi, ei
English is a Germanic language.
French has a gender neutral term: On it's like in Swedish and how they have hen as then gender neutral term.
I thought "they" in Italian was "loro".
I don't know, I've only been taking Italian for 2 years so maybe what I was taught is wrong lol hahaha.
It's people like this who make the LGBTQ+ community not be taken seriously. It's a real shame. People have worked so hard to help others understand what we go through and that it is based on scientific and psychological evidence. But then we have convoluted people within our community who like to throw logic out the window and draw more negativity to the community. I hope this sheds light on the fact that we are not a perfect community and that we are still human. Please keep in mind that one's actions, one's beliefs do not represent the community as whole.
do you understand what the T and Q stand for? Not to mention the long version is LGBTQIA, I for intersex??
Din Ohe I completely agree with you. It's sad how some people ruin it for the rest of us 😞
Din Ohe what do you mean what we go through? You aren't special, you are as normal as the next person, why should how you feel make you more special than me, I go through lot's of problems being male.
Raj 1219 but being male isn't seen as weird or different
Asuna Yuuki I wasn't talking shit, I literally said they were normal, but I wouldn't say anything I said if the original commenter rephrased what they were trying to say, I can say I was a bit harsh because they are really nice.
no one realized bart called the kid "typo" @11:43 lmao
Michael Chua I did, I started dying😂
I was laughing when he said that, when no one caught on I was laughing even more XD
Hermaphrodite (Hermaphrodus) is the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. One day a nymph fell in love with him and pushed him into a magical spring. She prayed that they would never be separated and so their bodies were forever combined. That is where the term hermaphrodite comes from although intersexed is the preferred terminology.
Syreeta J unfair man. How does this kind of prayer gets answered? -_-
Kninja X she prayed to the Greek Gods. It's mythology.
Troy Goldberg it's Greek Mythology that's where the story comes from
Syreeta J cool
this gender issue is an example of a 1st world problem
3rd world countries have children with gender crises too. Some villages are known for having a higher percentage of transgender
mrgummi bear Yeah they do because a lot of young kids get raped by the same sex and it affects them psychologically
yes but hunger is a bigger issue
They're gonna get called Ctrl Alt Delete in school.
Brian lath omg
I'm so proud of Julia speaking up and she had very valid points too :3
??? what the hell is wrong with you??
KASSIE 24 That's not what snowflake means dipshit
Blake Quinn i know what it means.. damn why are you getting defensive?? When they said the comment they were saying that her skin was too pale.. meaning that she needed a tan..
Capo Anderson this is fucking dumb, I'm not gonna give satisfaction to dumb ass trolls. Duces🖕✌
But Bart said it before her
You see... in Joemalia, this wouldn't happen smh🤦🏻♀️😂
Maileen 808 I dont even think joe would give a fuck
Full Circle that's exactly why it wouldn't happen
i really don't understand why peopel are so against 2 sexes, like it's human biology
TheICEgirl6100 we’re not really against two sexes (it does get complicated though because things don’t always work out perfectly) we’re against two genders
@@actingout374 theyre still the same thing tho. trans is fine, sometimes people are born with opposite gender minds, but theres no such thing as no gender or both
AlexJade13 I agree I’m FTM and I’m iffy on the nonbinary concept but genderfluid isn’t a thing in my opinion because it just doesn’t make sense scientifically.
@@leftrighttoe How are you gonna be in the trans community and go against ppl in it? Yikes
No offence to anyone but I liked the world better when the sex was decided by X and Y chromosomes, and not your fragile little feelings.
But thats just me.
Anchit Kumar Here's the strange thing: Some people who are confused about their gender actually have good reason to be. Some people are chromosomally (I know that's not a word) female XX but were born with male genitals. The amount of testosterone present during development determines the babies genitals, not necessarily the genes.
Anchit Kumar sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes.... no OFFENSE** to anyone but i feel like YOUR fragile feelings are being affected, consdering the identification of someone's gender has nothing to do with you and won't have any effect on you
Ae Bie i dont think you understand the difference between sex and gender
Sex: what you are born with.
Gender: what you feel like or believe you are or should be.
Im saying that sex is something that should be stated along with an unknown in gender section, it doesn't matter what your gender choice will be later on but sex is a biological fact and sex should be stated until you actually decide what you choose.
Ae Bie
PS: Offence is also correct, so learn before you correct.
Anchit Kumar yes
Julie's comments were GREAT during this video! It was nice to hear her speak more. 💙💙💙
If I had a pac for every gender I would have 2pac
Tazza m8 u flipped it m8, but still left a like tho
Tazza m8 whomst'd is this man
This comment is lit
Fuck me
My brain hurts trying to understand what people say about sex or gender these days. It's too mudda confusing.
1st world problems
Daniel Dancer honestly 😒
probably because most indigenous people and 3rd world cultures actually understand non binary people and have terms for them 😫
Well they do live in the 1 st world so......
@@ironwingartist5578 what drugs have you been smoking ?
dumb. the kid will still have to change all the govt docs once he/she identifies with one or the other. pick one and there's 50% chance of being right.
This delusion at it's finest
I read a book called "None of the Above", where a teen girl finds out that she is actually hermaphrodite.its realistic fiction and it really teaches you a lot .
You can't change your chromosomes
ayee pinãta 🔥
Akul Sekhri people need to understand this
Capo Anderson or can you though?
Capo Anderson bill nye would argue
Capo Anderson I see u Gibbs
Okay, I get the adult wants to be whatever the fuck they want with their life, but don't control the baby like that. they need to know the sex, not this "u" shit. let the baby live their own life as their sex, and *IF* the baby wants to change their gender from their sex as an consenting adult, sure. this is how she/he/whatever is gonna get bullied because of the controlling parent.
youre an idiot because you cant seem to understand the difference between sex and gender. the child's actual gender is INTERSEX (U) because they have two genitals. As the child grows up, they can decide whether their gender is boy or female and which biological sex they'd prefer to be. Children develope gender identities as they grow up, and they will NATURALLY incline towards a certain one without having the parent push it toward one side (only shopping in the girl's barbie section or only shopping in the boy's guns and fighting toys section)
OMG Right! its kind of like the parent wants it to be something so from day one is pushing the kid so they grow up with that idea like know. you can't influence them to think like you you have to let THEM make that decision when they grow up.
Ae Bie 1) I think you mean the child's SEX is intersex.
2) Can you please provide either a time stamp or link to an article stating the kid is intersex? So far all I've seen and heard is that the parent of the kid doesn't want it's GENDER to be assigned to it, even though the ID card and all other documentation is asking for SEX.
Ae Bie this baby is not intersex, wtf are you talking about. If the baby was intersex this wouldn't be being news stfu
That's exactly what they're doing tho lol they're not controlling the baby and letting him figure it out his own gender as he lives. But the problem is people seem to forget that gender =/= sex.
Thank you for putting it simply Mr. Kim Jong-Un
Patrick Star Yes!! they are fucking cancer
Kim Jong-Un don't fuck with South Korea dude
Kim Jong-Un Thankyou kim jongeun
I identify as a David So
Guys just use "ye". It's an old singular pronoun that has no gender. It's not used in modern speech anymore but maybe we can bring it back to solve this issue.
Kyotsoo actually when someone asks me a yes or no question I reply with "ye" soooo ye
+Hyper Darkness ye, same
Jojo The Awkward I c what ya did there
Hyper Darkness Did ye?
I identify as a 20 ft basketball playing attack helicopter
LMAO LOOK AT JULIAS FACE!!!! she's so mad lmaoooooooo
how does tiff know more about Julia family then anyone else there
Julia has mentioned that before on JK
H B guess no one else cared to remember other then tiff
Thank you Julia. Open minded but logical
JK shitting on Liberal propaganda ... i HAD to like the video
Steve Austin not really liberal propaganda but simply common sense.
"they" comes from shakespear plays and was used when the gender of the person was unknown, that's why they're using it.
as bart said, they should make a new word. since in this modern society it is considered as multiple people.
raphael koulenovitch I don't think everyone would know that since it's the 21st century but good to know I guess
Sex is biological and gender is subjective. I dont give a fuck with whatever you identify with. If you are a cool person then that's all i care about. If it doesn't apply to me then I aint worried about it
Well whatever they were trying to do to me didn't work very well
Daily Dosage of Zach finally not a whiny "OMG SJWS RUINING EVERYTHAN PENIS VAGINA MALE FEMALE"
If I had a penny for every gender I would have two cents
I identify as president of the United States. Now it's time to give the executive order to end this shit
The problem with this whole issue is when someone decides they want to be the opposite sex, most deny they were ever even born as whatever sex they were born as. You can't simply escape what you were born as. Everyone needs to accept how they were born, whether it be without the typical mom and dad, whatever ethnicity, male or female. Even if you change your sex, there is a difference between someone who has changed to a female and were born a female, and there is nothing wrong with that. And what makes the subject worse are people making up their own genders to fit their personality. Saying there are "infinite genders". They're basically confusing the word gender with personality. Honestly I think the word gender and sex should literally mean the exact same thing. Because why use gender to describe the difference between a boy and a man, when you can use the word maturity and or sexual development to describe the difference between a boy and a man. Especially when gender has two definitions, which are male or female and what society sees you as i.e. boy or man.
first world problems fr
How hard is it to respect someone? Their gender doesn't even concern me, so I don't give a shit. I'll just call the person what they prefer. It doesn't change my life in any way.
Yea I can't finish this video
Wxlt Dxzz same it's sooo ... stupid
LMFAO BART SAID "you have a morphing time family member"😂😂
I absolutely agree with joe and bart
thank you comment section being Smart and logical!!! 🙌🙌🙌
These people who are supporting it need mental help
Blake Quinn let them do what they want
Blake Quinn Or a donkey punch.
greg wade should the same be said for ISIS or north korea?
greg wade you trolling or are you being serious?!?
I never got why people insist that changing your gender is completely normal. If someone tried bleaching their skin to become white because they want to be part of the white race, you'd say that they are mentally ill and that they need to seek mental help. But if someone tries to change their gender from male to female then you'd say it's normal and you shouldn't judge because it's their choice?
Every day we stray further from god
Mortal Raptor and closer to stupidity LETS GO. though some people with blind faith in god (like fuck up ur life crazy) are stupid.
I have never been so confused in my whole life. And I get confused a lot lol 😂
This is what happens when humans go too long without war.
Whether your a Christian, Athiest, agnostic, Muslim, etc., you should realize this is wrong
Oh great, now people can say that there are more than 2 genders.
Nobody Loves Me Because there are
Jaden Harris nope there's only two the rest is made up
Aye my birthday november 11 too, gang gang genderless baby
"You have a morphing time family member?" - Bart LMAO!
That confused look on their faces while talking about this topic is hilarious!!!
Every baby has a gender or sex, and whatever the sexes function is is its gender. This shit is getting so out of hand.
JoJiJoJo I'm a little worried that in the future we won't be able to tell who is a man or a woman
JoJiJoJo I already struggle to tell 😨
Srsly !! I'm fine with parents maybe letting their kids be more open about themselves when they are more self-aware..for example when it comes to toys or whatever..but biologically your either born a girl, boy, or with both parts...all of this "im genderless" stuff is so confusing.
JoJiJoJo gender is different to sex. Gender is culturally assigned, sex is biologically determined. Just like culture is culturally assigned and ethnicity is biologically determined.
+Jeannie It says sex on the ID though... you could argue for gender and I have no problem with what you identify as, the issue with IDs is that the purpose of having the sex on there is so that if you become a criminal law enforcement could profile/identify you. So for the purpose with IDs, keep it to 3 options max.
I relate to David so much
Notification squad were ya'll at?
Allisia Sa Here.
Allisia Sa here
No one is mentioning Geos attitude, or Tiffany's triggany moments or complaining about Julia existence.
I'm impressed RUclips. Keep up the good work.
Very good points made in this video. Nice to see different perspectives. Thumbs up 👍
Oh wow. JK actually sounded reasonable in this episode. Was gonna think they were going to go SJW.
Three Equals D jkn are often more consertive but they switch from time to time
Three Equals D They never do that
You know what shocking me the most?!.....
.....Julia speaking.
So tired of this. I think it's a comprehension problem. Another problem is when people make a specific comparison that's a false equivalency but claim it fits.
Most random video intro LMAO. we got David doing.. what I cannot describe, Joe butchering the recorder, and we got Bart biting Geo.
Afrodite loves soul music. Im fucking dead that joke is underrated
Professor Oak wouldn't like this kid
Julia talked well this episode. Hell yeah, progress!!
There is actually a god named Hermaphroditus born from Hermes and Aphrodite and they were a hermaphrodite.
I love the way David So thinks.
that's why I follow him, because I can follow his train of thought.
even when we disagree, I see what he is saying and where he is coming from so I can never call him ignorant or stupid because he isn't. he just isn't.
I especially love that he is open to being educated on something he doesn't understand if you come at him respectfully.
that awkward moment when theres a boy vs girl spelling bee in kindergarten and youre spelling in the middle xD
I think this okay as long as we no longer allow for "sex" and "gender" to be used interchangeably , or as synonyms.
Let sex stand for chromosomes and gender stand for how you feel, male and female for sex, man and woman for gender I guess.
I agree with the gender being man or women. For the sex I think they should add a "I or F/M" aside from "F" and "M" for the sex option. Intersex people are born with both the sexual anatomy of female and male parts, therefore biologically a female and male. Some might look male outside but have female organs, and vice versa. So definning them as male on their medical card doesn't really help medics. Knowing that they are intersex will help medics narrow down the problem faster and possibly help determine medication. Transgender is different. They were born the opposite gender of what they identify as. Intersex and transgender are not interchangeable.
Yes but identify as someone who doesnt care about pronouns, you can use he or she and i wouldn't care but my sex is female. I dont think theres anything wrong with identifying as something in between as long as you use your biological sex for when the situation calls for it.
Yes thank you Julia!!!!!!
"They" is also used to refer to a person of unspecified gender (in the dictionary).
I don’t think I’ve even rolled my eyes so much to the point where they literally go to the back of my head
2 genders simple no argument xx XY
3. XXY for hermaphrodites. Unlimited genders if you follow this trend of picking whatever you want regardless of evidence.
If I had a Pac for every gender then I'd have 2Pac
Sashlyn Pather lol
This is why I love jk news, you can go in the comments and see people with actual reason.
So when they go to the doctor, and the doctor asks about gender/sex specific issues, what do they do?
i used to have faith in humanity
The parent was wrong in this case. Sex is biological and gender is societal. I personally am nonbinary (I don't feel as if I fit in with the stereotypical boy/girl gender cliques) and I'm perfectly fine with stating my sex. One is how you feel and the other is what you are, one you can research and identify with the other you cannot. I feel like things like this make the LGBT+ community seen as a joke. This and the Tumblr pronouns (I prefer they/them and personally find the ze/zir things to be stupid...again, just me) have set out a pretty bad rap for this entire gender debacle. But in response to the "they pronouns mess up the language" I may be the only one that does this but if I don't know a persons sex, like if they have a gender neutral name (Taylor, Casey, Jamie, Alex, etc) I refer to the person as they until I personally meet them. Again, that may just be me but normally people understand what I mean.
“They” can be plural or non plural but it depends on context. Example: “Who is that person over there? [They’re] just sitting there staring at the sun...”
Maybe IDs should state gender instead of sex. Obviously medical records should state both and what gender confirmation treatments and surgeries have been done.
They're all confused/frustrated 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂