very nice song and lovely voice. I m very glad to see that the Azerbaijani people have kept their culture and languages although there are over 33 millions Azerbaijani Turks living in Iran and they have been living in Iran and they have been forbidden from their basic human rights and they were allowed to have their own school or names in their language..from bottom of my heart i wish sincere thanks and appreciate for this singing group and i wish happyness, success and prosperity to the Azerbaijani Turks nation in Iran,,,,super, wonderful, amazing, brilliant, and stunning songs and I really enjoy it very much and I love it...
Maşaallah size... Türk gelbini dinlettiniz bize..Angara'dan selam.
Eşgolsun mükemmel Köroğlu ifasıdı .Men bu ifayı ne Türkiye’de ,Şimâlî Azerbaycan’da duymamışam .Meğer Cenubî Azerbaycan Aşıghları gevher saghlayıptı.
very nice song and lovely voice. I m very glad to see that the Azerbaijani people have kept their culture and languages although there are over 33 millions Azerbaijani Turks living in Iran and they have been living in Iran and they have been forbidden from their basic human rights and they were allowed to have their own school or names in their language..from bottom of my heart i wish sincere thanks and appreciate for this singing group and i wish happyness, success and prosperity to the Azerbaijani Turks nation in Iran,,,,super, wonderful, amazing, brilliant, and stunning songs and I really enjoy it very much and I love it...
Əla ifadır.Halal olsun!
Saz bir orkestrə bərabər bir alətdir. Uşaq vaxtı dərk etməzdim. 30 yaşından sonra insan musiqini daha yaxşı dərk edir.
Fantastic and wonderful and stunning and superb
Eşq olsun var olasız, amma zəhmət olmasa burda ifa olunan havaların hamısını qeyd edib edin....
gardaşsınız !
Super and wonderful
Gesenk ifa
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