very nice song and lovely voice. I m very glad to see that the Azerbaijani people have kept their culture and languages although there are over 33 millions Azerbaijani Turks living in Iran and they have been living in Iran and they have been forbidden from their basic human rights and they were allowed to have their own school or names in their language..from bottom of my heart i wish sincere thanks and appreciate for this singing group and i wish happyness, success and prosperity to the Azerbaijani Turks nation in Iran,,,,super, wonderful, amazing, brilliant, and stunning songs and I really enjoy it very much and I love it...
Wrong statement, The Iranian living in the Azerbaijan province of Iran are ethnically Iranian and not Turk, they speak Turkish language only, Also as you can see their facial bone structure doesn't look like Asian people, they got enforced to speak Turkish language after invasion by Saljughian a Mongolian dynasty almost 1000 years ago, Since then They have kept the Turkish language until now without any restriction, otherwise how they could speak and sing in Turkish language today?
beh beh bu ne muhteşem bir guruptur.hele o ses muhteşem
Turk dunyasinisin osmanlisini anlatiyir bu osmanli divanisi!!!!!
ewq olsun
eelaa ellerinize saqlik
very nice song and lovely voice. I m very glad to see that the Azerbaijani people have kept their culture and languages although there are over 33 millions Azerbaijani Turks living in Iran and they have been living in Iran and they have been forbidden from their basic human rights and they were allowed to have their own school or names in their language..from bottom of my heart i wish sincere thanks and appreciate for this singing group and i wish happyness, success and prosperity to the Azerbaijani Turks nation in Iran,,,,super, wonderful, amazing, brilliant, and stunning songs and I really enjoy it very much and I love it...
Wrong statement, The Iranian living in the Azerbaijan province of Iran are ethnically Iranian and not Turk, they speak Turkish language only, Also as you can see their facial bone structure doesn't look like Asian people, they got enforced to speak Turkish language after invasion by Saljughian a Mongolian dynasty almost 1000 years ago, Since then They have kept the Turkish language until now without any restriction, otherwise how they could speak and sing in Turkish language today?
Əhsən, halal olsun şah İsmayılın nəvələrinə, onun yolunu gedənlərə, saza sözə dininə əqidəsinə torpağına bağlı millətimə.
جناب عاشق اگر آواز. وارم دویلتم سماوار .سحر تزدن قعینماسان حالم د یامان سماوار دارد لطفا
Bu divanda ne anlatılıyor sözleri yazabilecek biri varmı
Bu oxuduğunun sözlərini bilən varsa yazsın bura zəhmət olmasa xahiş edirəm.