I have noticed radio towers set up around the mountains the mountains but I believe that they're multi-purposed. I recently have been subjected to hearing voices. And I have a theory on what it really is. I won morning woke up with a bunch of pin holes on my body and then started to gradually hear voices they were not positive and they try to be funny. A couple of elderly men had done a newscast from Palm Springs seems like they did a lot of research to I have my theory posted on my Facebook. Unfortunately I have like 10 of them. I have put in my theory underneath a couple of hearing voices videos. My theory is that Meta and M.E.G are working together. Im sure there's more but I also noticed that there are a bunch of data collecting boxes in the middle of the desert. When you look at Desert Hot Springs through the satellite imaging it does not show all of the trailers and trash everywhere. What is going on in Southern California.
Why Rnt you not cleaning up the carbon count ,the fossil fuels ,natural L gas ,col ualt mining? We are in green house gas stage so why aren't you cleaning anything up our water and air are getting so bad we are getting si k air has so many planes and jets polluting our atmosphere. Days Re getting hotter ,storms are getting worse . We done see your work being done .please get things cleaned up so gree house gas ca be reduced. Do you job
Alex Lan is a stupendous officer of the state. He enacts his pledge for clean waters swift as our coursing rivers.
I really like the way your address is like you are speaking directly to me.
My father said to me, "AND WHAT DID YOU DO?"
I Live by that.
Do Good.
Be Good.
Get Good.
Good Job Done
He Speaks like PRESIDENT OBAMA!! I like that. Well Done!!!!
I have noticed radio towers set up around the mountains the mountains but I believe that they're multi-purposed. I recently have been subjected to hearing voices. And I have a theory on what it really is. I won morning woke up with a bunch of pin holes on my body and then started to gradually hear voices they were not positive and they try to be funny. A couple of elderly men had done a newscast from Palm Springs seems like they did a lot of research to I have my theory posted on my Facebook. Unfortunately I have like 10 of them. I have put in my theory underneath a couple of hearing voices videos. My theory is that Meta and M.E.G are working together. Im sure there's more but I also noticed that there are a bunch of data collecting boxes in the middle of the desert. When you look at Desert Hot Springs through the satellite imaging it does not show all of the trailers and trash everywhere. What is going on in Southern California.
Why Rnt you not cleaning up the carbon count ,the fossil fuels ,natural L gas ,col ualt mining? We are in green house gas stage so why aren't you cleaning anything up our water and air are getting so bad we are getting si k air has so many planes and jets polluting our atmosphere. Days Re getting hotter ,storms are getting worse . We done see your work being done .please get things cleaned up so gree house gas ca be reduced. Do you job
Why is Africa, Nigerian not part of the new world?????????????????????????.